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    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版)
    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版)01
    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版)02
    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版)03
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    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版)

    这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版),共24页。

    2.答题前,请将姓名、文化考试证号用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹签字笔填写在本试卷和答题卡的 指定位置。
    从下列各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1.Lk at the picture n the right. What is the wman prbably saying?
    A. Cme in please.B. Turn rund please.C. Stand up please.D. Hld n please.
    本题考查动词短语。Cme in please.请进;Turn rund please.请转身; Stand up please. 请起立;Hld n please请稍等。根据图画,这位妇女开门,看见一个小女孩,因此欢迎她进来,故选A。
    2.I met Nancy ________my way hme yesterday.
    A. inB. atC. byD. n
    考查介词。in在……里面;at在某个具体的点;by通过,靠;n在……上面。此处用n ne’s way hme表示“在某人回家的路上”,用介词n。in ne’s way表示阻碍某人的道;by the way表示顺便说一下。故选D。
    3.Give me a chance, ________I will give yu a wnderful surprise.
    A. rB. andC. butD. s
    4.We can________the TV. Nbdy is watching it.
    A. turn ffB. turn nC. turn upD. turn dwn
    考查动词短语。turn ff关掉;turn n打开;turn up调高音量;turn dwn调低音量。根据“Nbdy is watching it”可知,现在没有人看电视,所以可以把它关掉。故选A。
    5.Culd yu please pass me a________ t write with?
    A. rulerB. tapeC. penD. knife
    本题考查名词。ruler尺子,tape磁带,pen钢笔,knife刀。根据t wrtie with可知,用于写字的文具应是钢笔,故选C。
    6.— Alice has gne ut.
    — Oh, has she? What time ________she________?
    A. has; gneB. is; gingC. will; gD. did; g
    考查动词时态。has; gne现在完成时;is; ging现在进行时;will; g一般将来时;did; g一般过去时。根据语境可知,爱丽丝已经出去了,所以问句询问的“爱丽丝具体的外出时间”对于说话者来讲发生在过去,故此处应为一般过去时。故选D。
    7.My grandma is a really nice persn — ne f________ peple I knw.
    A. niceB. nicerC. nicestD. the nicest
    本题考查形容词。nice好的,是形容词的原级;nicer更好的,是形容词的比较级;nicest最好的,是形容词的最高级;the nicest最好的,是定冠词the加形容词nice的最高级,ne f the+形容词的最高级+复数名词,表示“最的之一”,故选D。
    8.We’re nt very clse friends________ we’ve knwn each ther fr a lng time.
    A. untilB. althughC. asD. if
    9.It’s lucky we bked a rm; therwise we’ll have ________t stay nw.
    A. smewhereB. anywhereC. nwhereD. everywhere
    10.Mther had a hard time getting Helen up in the mrning. She called and called, but Helen ________wake up.
    A. wuldn’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. shuldn’t
    本题考查情态动词。wuldn't不愿意,mustn't禁止,needn't不必,shuldn't不应该。根据Mther had a hard time getting Helen up in the mrning.可知,妈妈很费劲才把海伦叫醒,因此海伦不愿意醒来,故选A。
    11.Yu lk the same nw as yu lked ten years ag. Yu’ve ________ changed.
    A. cmpletelyB. hardlyC. greatlyD. already
    考查副词辨析。cmpletely完全地;hardly几乎不;greatly非常;already已经。根据“Yu lk the same nw as yu lked ten years ag”可知,你看起来和十年前一样,所以你几乎没变,故应用副词hardly。故选B。
    12.If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able t ________ n the sea?
    A. flatB. flyC. fallD. flw
    13.It’s an either-r situatin — we can buy a camera this year r we can g n hliday but we can’t d________.
    A. therB. eitherC. allD. bth
    考查不定代词。ther其他的;either二者之一;all三者或以上都;bth二者都。根据“an either-r situatin — we can buy a camera this year r we can g n hliday”可知是二选一,不能二者都做,此处用bth。故选D。
    14.―Are yu sure yu wn't cme fr a drink with us?
    ― if yu insist.
    A. Nt at allB. All right then
    C. It dependsD. I dn't care
    句意:——你确信你不来和我们喝一杯?——那好吧,如果你坚持的话。A. Nt at all 不客气; B. All right then那好吧;C. It depends 看情况; D. I dn't care我不在乎;根据情景交际;故选B
    15.Tm became interested in bks at a very yung age. He read every bk he culd find and bught bks f all kinds. Tday Tm has a big cllectin f bks. His favurite bks are mystery nvels and bks abut detective stries.
    The stry mainly tells us ________.
    A. why Tm des the readingB. hw Tm learned t read
    C. hw much Tm likes t readD. what Tm’s favurite bks are
    本题考查宾语从句及段落大意。why Tm des the reading 汤姆为什么读书;hw Tm learned t read汤姆如何学会读书;hw much Tm likes t read汤姆有多么喜欢阅读;what Tm’s favurite bks are汤姆最喜欢的书是什么。根据宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,可排除A;根据“He read every bk he culd find and bught bks f all kinds. Tday Tm has a big cllectin f bks.”可知,他读了他能找到的每一本书,买了各种各样的书。今天汤姆收集了很多书。因此判断这个故事主要介绍汤姆有多么喜欢读书。故选C。
    阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    Lng lng ag, a man had a cat which he lved very, very much. He thught it was such an unusual animal that he decided t name it Sky.
    One day, a friend said t him, “Allw me t ______16______ t yu that there is smething strnger than sky. I mean the cluds, fr they ______17______ the sky.” “Yu are right,” ______18______ the man. “Frm nw n, I’m ging t give my mst unusual cat the name Clud.”
    Smetime later, ne f his neighburs was drinking tea at his huse. “_______19_______ d yu call this unusual animal Clud? Fr there is ______20______ much strnger than the cluds. I mean the wind that blws away the cluds _______21_______ it.” S frm then n the man called the cat f which he was s _______22_______ by the name f Wind.
    But a week had nt passed when the leader f the twn nticed this quite unusual cat. “Wind,” he said, “seems t me a ______23______ that is nt wrth the quality f this animal. The wind meets his master every day. I mean the wall that it cannt ______24______thrugh.” “Ah, s,” said the ________25________ f the cat, “my mst belved pet will be called Wall.”
    A little later, a yung man frm a nearby schl respectfully said t the man that there was smething which culd beat even a wall — the _________26_________ that bit a hle thrugh it. “That is _______27_______,” said the man. “I will name my mst unusual cat Muse.”
    Just then the gardener’s little sn happened by. “Muse!” ________28________ cried ut. “Aha, I knw smething much strnger than a muse. I mean the cat that _______29_______ the muse and eats him up.” At this the man realized his _______30_______ . And frm then n he called the animal by the mst beautiful name that anyne had been able t give it — the name f Cat.
    16. A. carry utB. pint utC. put utD. find ut
    17. A. hideB. fillC. cleanD. decrate
    18. A. askedB. addedC. repliedD. dubted
    19. A. WhenB. WhereC. HwD. Why
    20. A. smethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nthing
    21. A. as a result fB. instead fC. in frnt fD. because f
    22. A. scaredB. prudC. tiredD. sure
    23. A. sprtB. subjectC. weatherD. name
    24. A. lkB. blwC. walkD. wash
    25. A. wnerB. sellerC. buyerD. hunter
    26. A. fishB. dgC. museD. bird
    27. A. trueB. wrngC. necessaryD. interesting
    28. A. IB. yuC. heD. she
    29. A. tuchesB. findsC. hitsD. catches
    30. A. kindnessB. flishnessC. clevernessD. sadness
    【答案】16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. B
    carry ut执行;pint ut指出;put ut熄灭;find ut发现。根据语境可知,朋友向他指出有比天空更强大的东西。故选B。
    When什么时候;Where哪里;Hw如何,怎样;Why为什么。根据下文“Fr there is ________ much strnger than the cluds”可知,邻居询问这人为什么称这种不寻常的动物为云,应用why提问。故选D。
    smething一些,一般用于肯定句中;anything一些,一般用于疑问句或否定句中; everything任何,一切;nthing什么也没有。根据语境可知,有比云更强大的东西,本句为肯定句,故应用代词smething。故选A。
    as a result f由于……的结果;instead f而不是;in frnt f在……前面;because f由于。根据语境可知,风能吹散挡在前面的云。故选C。
    scared害怕的;prud骄傲的;tired劳累的;sure肯定的。根据上文“He thught it was such an unusual animal”及关系代词前的介词f可知,构成搭配be prud f,这只猫让他非常骄傲。故选B。
    sprt运动;subject科目;weather天气;name名字。根据上文“‘Wind,’ he said”可知,在镇长看来,“风”这个名字配不上这只猫的品质。故选D。
    fish鱼;dg狗;muse老鼠;bird鸟。根据下文“I will name my mst unusual cat Muse”可知,老鼠可以在墙上咬个洞。故选C。
    true正确的;wrng错误的;necessary必要的;interesting有趣的。根据下文“I will name my mst unusual cat Muse”可知,这个男人认为年轻人说得“老鼠比墙强大”是正确的。故选A。
    I我;yu你;he他;she她。根据上文“Just then the gardener’s little sn happened by”可知,园丁的儿子喊猫的名字,故此处应用人称代词he指代园丁的儿子。故选C。
    阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    31. A Trip t the Mn, The Great Train Rbbery and The Birth f a Natin were ________.
    A. silent filmsB. science fictin films
    C. made in the same yearD. made by a French directr
    32. What did Auguste Lumire believe?
    A. Hrrr films wuld becme ppular.
    B. Film-makers wuld be rich in the future.
    C. Peple wuld eat ppcrn when seeing films.
    D. Nt many peple wuld be interested in films.
    33. What percentage f the mney by a film cmes frm ticket sales?
    A. Abut a quarter.B. Abut ne-third.
    C. Abut a half.D. Abut three-furths.
    【答案】31. A 32. D 33. A
    细节理解题。根据“Tw f the mst famus silent filmsever made were the French sciencefictin film A Trip t the Mn (1902) and the American film The Great Train Rbbery (1903).”可知,电影《月球之旅》和《火车大劫案》是无声电影,根据“The silent film that made the mst mney ever was The Birth f a Natin (1915)”,可知《一个国家的诞生》这部电影也是一部无声电影,故三者的共同点在于都是无声电影。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据“Hwever, they didn't believe that films wuld becme very ppular. ”可知,Auguste Lumire 认为不是许多人都对电影感兴趣,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“25% f the mney by a film cmes frm ticket sales,”可知,一部电影25%的收入来自票房收入,大约是四分之一的收入,故选A。
    At the dctr’s ffice
    Wilsn is a freign student in Britain. He is learning English there. He still has sme truble using the language.
    Dctr: Gd mrning. Yu’re a new patient, I think. What’s the truble?
    Wilsn: Smetimes I feel cld and smetimes ht. I have a headache and a stmachache.
    Dctr: Yes, yu lk a bit ff-clur.
    Wilsn: What clur, please?
    Dctr: Srry, what I said was “ff-clur”. We use it t describe hw peple lk r feel when they are unwell. Let me take yur temperature. When did this start?
    Wilsn: I felt very tired last night when I went t bed. Then I felt really bad this mrning when I wke up.
    Dctr: I see. Nw, let’s lk at yur temperature. Ah, just as I thught, a hundred and ne.
    Wilsn: Oh, a hundred and ne? S high?
    Dctr: Ah, yes, that must sund strange t yu. We measure peple’s temperature n the Fahrenheit scale(华氏). In centigrade, yur temperature is 39℃, which is a bit high, but nt exactly biling pint(沸点).
    Wilsn: Oh, it isn’t very bad, then.
    Dctr: N, it isn’t serius. Yu’ve gt a cld. I’ll give yu sme medicine. Yu’d better stay at hme in the warm fr a day r tw and drink plenty f water.
    Wilsn: Thank yu very much, dctr. I’m feeling better already. It wasn’t s difficult telling yu abut my illness.
    Dctr: N, language desn’t matter t much t a dctr. After all, vets manage withut language at all.
    Wilsn: Please, what is a “vets”?
    Dctr: Animal dctrs. Nw I must end this English lessn and see my next patient.
    34. Which wrd has the same meaning as the underlined wrd “ff-clur”?
    A. tiredB. lazyC. sickD. stressed
    35. What d we knw abut Wilsn?
    A. He is gd at English.B. He has had a cld.
    C. He is frm the UK.D. He knws the dctr well.
    36. What is the dctr like?
    A. Impatient.B. Strict.C. Humrus.D. Curius.
    【答案】34. C 35. B 36. C
    细节理解题。根据第五段“Srry, what I said was 'ff-clur'. We use it t describe hw peple lk r feel when they are unwell”可知,医生通常用“精神不好”来形容人们不舒服时候的样子或感觉,故C选项“生病的”与划线部分是同一个意思。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第五段“Yu’ve gt a cld”可知,威尔逊已经得了感冒。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后三段“After all, vets manage withut language at all. Wilsn: Please, what is a 'vets'? Dctr: Animal dctrs. Nw I must end this English lessn and see my next patient.”可知,医生对言语不通的威尔逊开了个玩笑,把威尔逊看病的过程表示为“上英语课”,由此可见,这个医生是一个幽默的人。故选C。
    “I want a mbile phne!” said Lisa. “I’m sure yu d,” said her dad.
    “N, Dad. Yu dn’t understand. I really, really, really want a mbile phne.” “And I really, really, really want a bat. It’s nt ging t happen.”
    Lisa and her dad were stuck in traffic. It seemed that it’s always the case. When he tk her t schl in the mrning — traffic. When he picked her up in the afternn — traffic. G t the supermarket, a birthday party, and what felt like ten hurs f traffic was what they gt.
    Lisa was bred. When she was bred, she wanted things. Right nw, she wanted a mbile phne. She wasn’t sure if her dad understd that. She wuld have t tell him again.
    “What if I gt stuck in a cave?”
    “What?” asked her dad, trying nt t laugh.
    “What if I had a dg and the dg ran away, and I had t run after it. What if the dg ran int a cave, and I ran after the dg. In the cave there was a bear, and the bear trapped me, and …”
    “And then yu were stuck in the cave.”
    “Yes. It’s a mther bear. She will eat me unless I have a mbile phne t call fr help.”
    “If it’s a mther bear, yu can use her phne. Everyne knws mums always carry phnes.” Dad was laughing as he said this. Lisa didn’t think it was very funny. Nw she was angry. “If I had a mbile phne, I culd play games n it!”
    “If I had a bat, I culd eat beef n it. That desn’t mean I’m getting ne.”
    “N, but I mean if I culd play games, I wuldn’t be s bred when we were in traffic. I wuldn’t truble yu!”
    “I dn’t mind being trubled. I like talking t yu.” “Then I wn’t say anything at all!”
    Dad smiled quietly t himself. “I’m ging t call Mum t let her knw we’ll be late.” He reached int his pcket. “Oh! My battery’s dead.”
    “Yu knw…if I had a mbile phne, I culd call Mum,” said Lisa. “Nice try.”
    Lisa smiled. She wasn’t getting a phne, but she knew she was right, and that was almst as gd.
    37. What happened t Lisa and her dad?
    A. They lst their way.B. Their car brke dwn.
    C. They were stuck in traffic.D. They culdn’t find their dg.
    38. Why did Lisa talk abut being stuck in a cave?
    A. She wanted t play there.B. Her dad didn’t pay attentin t her.C. She had a gd imaginatin.D. She needed a mbile phne.
    39 What des the underlined wrd “ne” refer t?
    A. a mbile phneB. a batC. a piece f beefD. a game
    40. Which f the fllwing is NOT the reasn why Lisa was angry?
    A. Dad was making fun f her.
    B. She wuld get hme late tday.
    C. Dad didn’t want t buy her a mbile phne.
    D. She failed in making Dad buy her a mbile phne.
    41. Hw did Lisa feel at the end f the stry?
    A. Calm.B. Wrried.C. Excited.D. Bred.
    【答案】37. C 38. D 39. B 40. B 41. A
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Lisa and her dad were stuck in traffic”可知,丽莎和爸爸遇上了交通堵塞。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第六至十段“What if I gt stuck in a cave…Yes. It’s a mther bear. She will eat me unless I have a mbile phne t call fr help”可知,丽莎和爸爸说如果自己被困在洞穴里,除非她能有一部手机求救,否则母熊会吃掉她,故她和爸爸谈论自己被困在洞穴,是在论述拥有一部手机的必要性。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据前文“If I had a bat, I culd eat beef n it. That desn’t mean I’m getting ne”可知,丽莎对爸爸说,如果我有船,我可以在船上吃牛肉,这并不意味着我会得到一条船,故划线部分的ne指代的是前文中提到的“一条船”。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第十一段“Dad was laughing as he said this. Lisa didn’t think it was very funny. Nw she was angry”及全文内容可知,丽莎因为爸爸总是打趣她,并且不想给她买一部手机而生气,“回家晚”并不是她生气的原因,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Lisa smiled. She wasn’t getting a phne, but she knew she was right, and that was almst as gd”可知,丽莎笑了,虽然她没有得到一部手机,但她知道她是对的,这几乎是一样好的,由此可知丽莎由之前堵车时向爸爸索要手机的无聊、生气,到最后变得平静。故选A。
    Elsie Eiler is the head f Mnwi, a tiny twn in nrthern Nebraska, , and that isn’t her nly jb. She is als the twn secretary, the twn treasurer, the librarian, and she wrks in the café. Why has she gt a lt f different jbs? Because there’s nbdy else t d them. Mnwi has gt a ppulatin f ne — Elsie.
    Mnwi is an unusual sight. There are abut twelve ld wden huses there. They are all empty and are surrunded by a few trees, several ld cars and lts f rubbish. The twn is silent. An ld yellw schl bus, with n wheels r seats, stands next t the small schl. The schl clsed 40 years ag. Oppsite Elsie’s café is an ld building, filled with rubbish. It was a shp but it clsed in the 1950s.
    The busiest time fr Mnwi was in the 1930s. Then, the ppulatin was 150, and was made up f mstly farmers and their families. There was a railway t. Hwever, the farmers culdn’t cmpete(竞争)with the large industrialized(工业化的)farms, and left the twn t lk fr ther wrk. In 1971, the railway clsed and the twn began t die. Three years ag, the last peple that lived there, except Elsie’s family, mved away. Then, Elsie’s husband died, and then her sn and daughter left t find wrk in bigger twns, leaving Elsie the nly persn in the twn.
    ____________Her fd is gd, her beer is cld, and farmers and truck drivers travel a lng way t eat at her café. “One day Mnwi will just be memries, and it will prbably turn t dust,” she says. “But I like it, and as lng as I can take care f myself, I will stay here.”
    42. What des Paragraph 1 mainly tell us abut Elsie Eiler?
    A. She is the nly persn living in Mnwi.B. She has a gd time living in Mnwi.
    C. She can d different kinds f jbs.D. She will leave Mnwi sn.
    43. Mstly and their families lived in Mnwi in the 1930s.
    A. railway wrkersB. shpkeepers
    C. truck driversD. farmers
    44. The article tells us abut Mnwi EXCEPT .
    A what it lks likeB. whether there is train there
    C. when peple first lived thereD. why peple started t leave it
    45. Which f the fllwing can be filled in the blank in the last paragraph?
    A. Elsie believes Mnwi will have a bright future.
    B. Nw Elsie wishes her kids t return t Mnwi.
    C. Elsie will leave Mnwi in a cuple f years.
    D. Nw Elsie lives alne but she isn’t lnely.
    【答案】42. A 43. D 44. C 45. D
    本文讲述了Elsie Eiler是唯一住在莫诺威的人。农民无法与大型工业化的农场竞争,离开了小镇寻找其他工作。现在这个小镇房子空了,有很多垃圾,非常寂静。但是Elsie Eiler虽然独自一人,但是没有感到孤独。因为农民和卡车司机会长途跋涉到她的咖啡馆吃饭。
    主旨大意题。根据“ Because there’s nbdy else t d them. Mnwi has gt a ppulatin f ne — Elsie.”可知,第一段主要介绍了Elsie Eiler是唯一住在莫诺威的人。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“The busiest time fr Mnwi was in the 1930s. Then, the ppulatin was 150, and was made up f mstly farmers and their families.”可知,在20世纪30年代,大部分农民和他们的家人住在莫诺威。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“Mnwi is an unusual sight. There are abut twelve ld wden huses there. They are all empty and are surrunded by a few trees, several ld cars and lts f rubbish. ”可知,文中介绍了莫诺威的样子,根据“There was a railway t. ”可知,这个小镇以前也有火车,根据“Hwever, the farmers culdn’t cmpete(竞争)with the large industrialized(工业化的)farms, and left the twn t lk fr ther wrk.”可知,文中介绍了为什么人们离开这里。因此文中没有提到人们何时第一次住在那里的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“Her fd is gd, her beer is cld, and farmers and truck drivers travel a lng way t eat at her café.”可知,农民和卡车司机长途跋涉会到她的咖啡馆吃饭,因此她虽然独自生活在这个小镇上,但是不孤独。故选D。
    46. I like being ____________, near beautiful lakes and hills.
    47. — What time is it?
    — I have n idea. But just a minute, I will ____________ it fr yu.
    48. This is my father’s wn ____________ chair. N ne else is allwed t use it.
    49. There are lts f ___________ in the Palace Museum. Dn’t miss them!
    50. A serius study f physics is impssible ____________ sme knwledge f maths.
    【答案】46. utside
    47. check 48. private
    49. wrks f art
    50. withut
    根据“near beautiful lakes and hills”可知,我喜欢在外面,故此处应为utside外面。故答案为utside。
    根据“N ne else is allwed t use it”可知,这是我父亲的私人椅子。private私人的,形容词,作定语修饰名词chair。故答案为private。
    根据“There are lts f _____ in the Palace Museum”可知,故宫里有许多艺术品。wrk f art艺术品,可数名词,根据空格前lts f可知,此处应用其复数形式。故答案为wrks f art。
    When I lk at this picture f myself, I realize hw fast time flies. Abut ne mnth after this picture _____51_____(take), I became a primary schl student. Arund me in this picture are the things that _____52_____(be) very imprtant in my life at that time: ty cars and planes. I enjyed _____53_____ (study) different kinds f cars and planes. This picture brings back t _____54_____ (I) many happy memries f my childhd.
    Since I was a kid, I _____55_____(cnsider) different jbs I wuld like t d. First, I wanted t be a fireman, because the unifrm lked s cl. Then, when I was in the _____56_____(six) grade, I wanted t be a teacher because I liked my English teacher s much. When I entered middle schl, my dream was t pen a restaurant. I wished t have a chain f restaurants in many different _____57_____(city). If I succeeded in managing ne, I wuld pen _____58_____(many). Nw I hpe t be a surgen. “That’s a gd _____59_____(decide)”, my parents say t me. I knw I must try hard _____60_____ (make) my dream cme true.
    【答案】51. was taken
    52. were 53. studying
    54. me 55. have cnsidered/have been cnsidering
    56. sixth 57. cities
    58. mre 59. decisin
    60. t make
    根据became可知,此处用一般过去时,主语this picture与谓语take之间是被动关系,谓语用一般过去时的被动语态,主语this picture是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填was taken。
    enjy ding sth喜欢做某事,故填studying。
    此处作为动词短语bring back t的宾语,用I的宾格形式,故填me。
    根据since I was a kid可知,主句用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,主语I是第一人称,谓语用非第三人称单数形式,故填have cnsidered/have been cnsidering。
    根据前文的“I wished t have a chain f restaurants in many different cities.”可知,我要开更多的餐厅,因此用many的比较级,故填mre。
    try t d sth努力做某事,故填t make。
    It was Mnday mrning, and the writing class had just begun. Everyne was silent, waiting t see w_____61_____ wuld be called t read his r her article alud. Sme f us were cnfident and culdn’t wait t take p_____62_____ in the class activity; thers were nervus. I had dne my hmewrk, but I was shy — I was a_____63_____ t speak in frnt f a large grup f peple. At that mment, I remembered that my father _____64_____ said, “The classrm is a place fr learning and that i_____65_____ learning frm textbks, and mistakes as well.” Immediately, I raised my hand.
    【答案】61. wh
    62. part 63. afraid/ashamed
    64. nce/ften
    65. includes
    根据语境可知,我们中有些人迫不及待地想参加班级活动,take part in参加,固定短语。故答案为part。
    根据前文“but I was shy”可知,我做了家庭作业,但是我很害羞,羞于/害怕在很多人前讲话。be afraid/ashamed t d sth害怕/羞于做某事,固定短语。故答案为afraid/ashamed。
    根据语境可知,教室是学习的地方,它包括从课本中学习,也包括从错误中学习。includ包括,动词,根据句中is可知,本句为一般现在时,主语The classrm为第三人称单数,故此处应用其单三形式。故答案为includes。
    回答下面 5 个问题,每题答案不超过7个词。
    66. Hw lng is the Victria Amaznica in flwer?
    67. There are anther tw names fr the Calcelaria Uniflra. What are they?
    68. Hw fast des the Azrella Cmpacta grw?
    69. Are the Victria Amaznica and the Azrella Cmpacta weak r strng?
    70. Please give a suitable title fr the article.
    【答案】66. Fr nly 48 hurs/48 h/tw days/2 days (r s).
    67. Darwin’s Slipper Flwer. (The/the) Happy Alien Plant.
    68. (Nearly) 15 mm per/every year.
    69. Strng.

    70. (Three) Fantastic plants in (Suth) America.
    根据表格第一栏“Hwever, yu can nly enjy the sight f the flwers fr a shrt time, because they last fr nly 48 hurs r s.”可知,亚马逊王莲只有48小时的花期。故答案为Fr nly 48 hurs/48 h/tw days/2 days (r s).
    根据表格第二栏“It is als knwn as Darwin’s Slipper Flwer…s smetimes they are nicknamed the Happy Alien Plant”可知,达尔文蒲包花又叫做:达尔文的拖鞋、欢乐的外星人。故答案为Darwin’s Slipper Flwer. (The/the) Happy Alien Plant.
    根据表格第三栏“It grws very slwly, nearly 15mm per year.”可知,紧密小鹰芹的生长速度为几乎每年15毫米。故答案为(Nearly) 15 mm per/every year.
    根据表格第一栏“It is famus fr itssize and strength”和第三栏“It can supprt the weightf a human”可知,亚马逊王莲和紧密小鹰芹都非常强壮。故答案为Strng.
    根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了三种生长在南美洲的奇异的植物,分别是亚马逊王莲、达尔文蒲包花以及紧密小鹰芹,故“南美洲的三种奇异的植物”可作为本文标题。故答案为(Three) Fantastic plants in (Suth) America.(本题答案不唯一,合理即可)
    71.2020 年 6 月 16 日,我市某中学发生了一件感人的事情。请以 What a mving stry!为题,写一篇英语短文,简要叙述事情经过并谈谈感想。要点如下:
    (1)词数 90 左右。短文需包含表格中的要点,但不要逐字翻译。
    参考词汇:空调:air-cnditiner 瓷砖:ceramic tile
    What a mving stry!
    A mving stry happened in a schl f ur city n 16 June, 2020.
    In rder nt t disturb the students wh were studying at schl, tw wrkers decided t put in air-cnditiners at night. It was rainy and wet. When they were carrying ne air-cnditiner, they brke ne ceramic tile. Feeling srry fr what they had dne, they left a nte and 50 yuan t pay fr the tile. The schl, hwever, didn’t accept the mney. The students gave the tw wrkers thumbs up and sent a water-meln t shw their gratitude.
    I think bth the wrkers and the schl have dne smething right. If we d smething wrng, we shuld be hnest and face it bravely. Meanwhile, frgiving thers is always appreciated. Just as the saying ges, “ne gd turn deserves anther”.
    短语:in rder nt t; decide t; at night; feel srry fr; pay fr; give…thumbs up。

    钱老师 QQ:537008204 曹老师 QQ:713000635
    Fun film facts
    Tw f the mst famus silent films ever made were the French sciencefictin film A Trip t the Mn (1902) and the American film The Great Train Rbbery (1903).
    The silent film that made the mst mney ever was The Birth f a Natin (1915), which was prduced and directed by D. W. A Griffith. It made $10,000,000.
    Auguste Lumiere and his brther made the first film shwn in public. Hwever, they didn't believe that films wuld becme very ppular. Auguste said, ' ncmmercial (商业) future!'
    25% f the mney by a film cmes frm ticket sales, 46% frm DVD sales, and 29% frm televisin. We dn't knw hw much mney peple get frm ppcrn sales, but film fans usually eat a lt f this salty fd, especially when watching a hrrr film.
    check withut private indrs utside wrks f art
    The Victria Amaznica is native t(原产于)Suth America. It is famus fr itssize and strength. Its huge leaves grw t 2.5m in diameter(直径), and a fully-grwn leaf can supprt a little kid sitting in the center. Its flwers are als big— up t 40cm in diameter. Hwever, yu can nly enjy the sight f the flwers fr a shrt time, because they last fr nly 48 hurs r s.
    The Calcelaria Uniflra is a plant frm the suthern area f Suth America. It lks like a slipper(拖鞋). It is als knwn as Darwin’s Slipper Flwer, because itwas first discvered by Charles Darwin in his trip arund Suth America. These amusing flwers als lk like little range aliens walking tgether ver the rcks, s smetimes they are nicknamed the Happy Alien Plant.
    The Azrella Cmpacta lks like a beanbag sfa, but actually it is made up f thusands f flwering buds(花蕾)n lng stems(茎). It can supprt the weightf a human. The plant is native t the high Andes in Suth America. It grws very slwly, nearly 15mm per year. It is als ne f the ldest living things in the wrld.
    Many f the Azrella Cmpactas we see are thught t be ver 3,000 years ld.
    1.两工人为学校装空调,怕影响学生学习,夜晚工作;雨天路滑, 不小心碰掉一块瓷砖;留下纸条和 50 元钱,愿赔偿。

    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省镇江市2020年中考英语试题(解析版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省镇江市2020年中考英语试题(解析版),共25页。试卷主要包含了 答卷前,考生务必用0, 非选择题必须用0,—Hi, Daniel等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省扬州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省扬州市2020年中考英语试题(解析版),共28页。试卷主要包含了—I hate rain等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(原卷版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:江苏省徐州市2020年中考英语试题(原卷版),共12页。







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