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    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第1课时 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit(精品讲义)
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第1课时 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit(精品讲义)01
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第1课时 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit(精品讲义)02
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第1课时 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit(精品讲义)03
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    牛津译林版九年级上册Welcome to the unit第1课时课后作业题

    这是一份牛津译林版九年级上册Welcome to the unit第1课时课后作业题,共20页。

    第1 课时 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit


    1. n.侦探,警探
    2. n.线索
    3. adj.缺少的;丢失的
    4.* vt.谋杀,杀害
    5.* n.犯罪嫌疑人
    6.* adj.中等的
    7. adj.不整洁的
    8. adj.有罪的
    9. n.事实,真相
    10. vt.猜,猜测
    11. vi.说谎

    1.miss- (adj), (三单), (过去式)
    2. tidy- (反义词), (比较级), (最高级)
    3. true- (名词) truly (副词)
    4. lie( 说谎) - (过去式), (过去分词), (ving), (三单)
    5. lie(躺)- (过去式), (过去分词), (ving), (三单)
    6.serious- (比较级)- (最高级)
    1. 打扮成向那样
    2. 更严肃
    3. 丢了,不见了/出错/变质
    4. 对...做笔录
    5. 说实话
    6. 一个中等身材的办公人员
    7. 看上去不干净、紧张
    8. 坐牢(无冠词)
    9. 富人
    10. 在他姐姐的婚礼上
    11. 在回家的路上
    12. 最好做(不做)
    13. 在12月28日晚上7点与8点之间
    14. 在12月28日的上午
    15. 防范我们周围任何可能的危险
    16. 四个嫌疑犯
    17. 重要事情的线索

    1.A detective is someone who .
    2The murder happened in SunTown= in Sun Town 谋杀案发生在阳光镇
    3. .我认为不是这样。
    4.We have on all of them.我们已经对所有人做了笔录。
    5.Who do you think is not ? 你认为谁没有说真话?
    6.Can you to protect yourselves against crime?
    7.We should remember to lock the door when .
    8.We'd better not at night either.我们也最好晚上不要独自一人出去。
    9.He for six months.他曾经做了六个月牢。
    10. and about 1.1 metres tall.
    11. . She is a family doctor and has known Guan Dawei for almost two years. Shknows the boy who was kidnapped.


    一.They have to find out who the murderer is. 他们得搞清楚凶手是谁。
    【精讲】murder v.&n. 谋杀 murderer n. 杀人犯,杀人凶手

    1.It is said that more than one person on the Orient Express(东方快车).
    A.murdered B.was murdered C.were murdered D.murders
    二. My food has gone missing.
    【精讲】① missing adj. 缺少的, 丢失的
    Eg. The last page of the diary was missing. 日记的最后一页不见了。
    find their missing son 找到他们丢失的儿子
    【精讲】② go missing失踪,不见(表动作) be missing (表状态)
    Eg. My gloves have been missing for ages. 我的手套已经丢了很久了。
    【精讲】③ go用作连系动词的词组 Eg. go bad变质 go blind失明 go mad发疯 go wrong出错

    1.My pet, little Puppy, has ________ for a week. I miss it very much.
    A.gone missing B.got lost C.been missing D.lost
    2.I think the book is well worth _________. You’d better _________ the chance.
    A.to read;not to miss B.reading;not miss
    C.reading;not to miss D.read;not miss
    3..If Nick home too late,he his favourite cartoon.
    A.gets;misses B.gets;will miss C.will get;misses D.will get;will miss
    三. Who do you think is not telling the truth?
    【精讲】① truth n. 事实, 真相
    Eg. How do we know you' re telling us the truth? 我们怎么知道你告诉我们的是真话?
    ★tell the truth 不说say the truth
    【精讲】② true adj. 真的, 真实的, 确实, 的确 (强调符合客观事实, 不是编造的)
    Eg. come true变为现实 a true story 一个真实的故事
    ★ real adj. 真实的, 真的 (强调物品是真的,不是伪造的; 或事物真实存在,不是虚构或想象的)
    Eg. skate on real ice 在真的冰上溜冰
    truly adv. 真实地, 真诚地 Eg. I' m truly sorry. 我真地很抱歉。

    1.He is a ________ child. I’m sure he will tell us the ________.
    A.true; truthful B.truth; true C.truthful; truth D.true; true
    2.—Is it _______________ that he missed the bus?
    —No, he didn’t tell the _______________. He was late because he got up late.
    A.true;truth B.real;truth
    C.true;reality D.real;reality
    四. I guess Jimmy White is lying.
    【精讲】① guess vt.&n. 猜,猜测 Eg. You can guess what happened next. 你可以猜猜接下来发生了什么。have a guess猜一猜 a guessing game猜谜游戏
    【精讲】② lie vi. 撒谎 (lie-lied-lied / lying) lie to sb. 向某人说谎
    lie n. 谎言 Eg. tell a lie 撒谎 make up a lie编造谎言
    lie vi. 位于; 躺,平放 (lie-lay-lain / lying)
    Eg. The supermarket lay in the south of the town in the past. 这个超市过去位于镇南部。
    The man has lain in bed for days. 这男人在床上躺了几天了。

    What a terrible thing! There is a ________ dog ________ on the ground.
    A.die, lie B.dead, lying C.death, lay D.dying, lie
    五. He is an office worker of medium height. He looks untidy and nervous.
    【精讲】① height n. 高, 高度 Eg. Jim is 1.75 metes in height. = Jim is 1. 75 metres tall.
    be of medium height 中等身材
    high adj. & adv. 高的; 高地 (指高度) a high mountain / fly high
    highly adv. 高度地 (指程度) Eg. think highly of 高度评价 speak highly of 高度赞扬
    Eg. It's highly possible that Jim will win the tennis competition.很有可能吉姆会赢得这场网球赛。(修饰形容词时理解为 “很, 十分, 非常”)
    【精讲】② untidy adj. 不整洁的 (untidy-untidier-untidiest) 反义词tidy
    Eg. an untidy bedroom / look even untidier / a tidy street
    tidy vi.&vt. 收拾, 整理 (tidy-tidied tidied / tidying) tidy up收拾妥,整理好
    Eg. While you’re there, please help wash a few dishes or tidy up the room.

    2.Please __________ your bedroom. It’s __________.
    A.tidy up; tidy B.tidy up; untidy
    C.tidy; untidy D.tidying up; untidy

    1 .Do you like _________ (侦探) films or action films?
    2. My math teacher is a man of _________ (中等) height.
    3. When the police caught the _________ (嫌疑犯), they were having dinner.
    4. Do you have any _________ (线索) now?
    5. Your room is so _________ (不整洁的). Clean it at once.
    1. The _________ (murder) was caught by the policeman.
    2. To tell you the _________ (true), I haven’t got enough money for the mobile phone.
    3. Don’t believe what he is saying. He’s _________ (lie).
    4. Mr Green’s mobile phone has gone _________ (miss), so he is looking for it everywhere.
    5. He never forgets to make _________ (note) of his speech.
    1. I want to be a ____ to look for clues and evidence to solve crimes when I grow up.
    A. salesman B. businessman C. shopkeeper D. detective
    2. Usually, Betty ____ in colourful skirts in summer.
    A. wears B. is dressed C.is wearing D. dresses
    3. —What are you doing, Cathy?
    —I’m ____my cat. I can’t find it.
    A. looking for B. looking at C. looking up D. looking after
    4. To us students, I think study is ____ more important than anything else.
    A. very B. much C. quite D. many
    5. —What’s your ____?
    —I’m a teacher. I teach English.
    A. hobby B. appearance C. job D. address
    1. 那起谋杀案发生在上周六。
    The ________________ last Saturday.
    2. 那个嫌疑犯中等个头。
    The ________ is of ________________.
    3. 我猜他没有说实话。
    ________ that he didn’t ________________.
    4. 他的书包不见了,他看起来很着急。
    His schoolbag has ________ and he looks very worried.
    5. 汤姆说奥运会要比其他的比赛重要得多。
    Tom said that the Olympic Games were ________________ other games.
    6. 他正在网上寻找有关侦探故事的信息。
    He is ________________ some information about ________ on the Internet.
    This is a true story.
    On a January morning ,Joel with the other three fishermen got on a fishing boat .The first few hours on the sea were not 1 .Then there was a terrible storm .
    The storm lasted for 22 days. When it stopped ,they found their fishing nets (网)were 2 The engine(发动机)and the radio didn’t work .There was no food ,and there was no drinking water.
    The men talked to each other ,“How can we live on the sea?” Without their nets ,the men couldn’t fish .But they could 3 out of the boat and catch big turtles (海龟)They needed protection(遮挡)from the sun and rain,so they built a simple roof (顶蓬).The roof 4 rainwater too. The men could drink rainwater 5 the roof .For the next five 6 the men ate turtles —when they caught them They drank rainwater—when it rained . 7 there was no food and no water ,and sometimes they 8 they were going to die soon.
    Joel wrote a letter to his wife,“My dear Edith ,”Joel wrote .“ 9 I die ,I hope someone will send you this letter. Then you will know 10 I died .I had the best in life —a great woman and beautiful children. I love you really.”
    Ten days 11 ,on June 15, a Japanese fishing boat found them 12 sent Joel’s letter to his wife .He showed it to her himself .Joel will always 13 the letter .The letter ,he says , 14 him remember.“ On the sea I found that I love my wife and children very, very much. My family is everything to me .I don’t want to forge 15 .”
    1.A.unusual B.unlucky C.quiet D.safe
    2.A.broken B.missed C.gone D.left
    3.A.leave B.work C.come D.reach
    4.A.saved B.held C.got D.carried
    5.A.in B.from C.under D.below
    6.A.hours B.days C.weeks D.months
    7.A.Often B.Only C.Once D.Suddenly
    8.A.said B.found C.knew D.thought
    9.A.While B.Before C.If D.Since
    10.A.why B.how C.where D.when
    11.A.later B.a go C.before D.past
    12.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody
    13.A.bring B.keep C.take D.remember
    14.A.lets B.had C.helps D.hopes
    15.A.that B.it C.them D.this
    Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning. When they arrived, they found two burglars(破门偷盗者) were kept in a lift w 1 a heavy box of money. The two men were in their twenties. They b 2 into an office in the shop and t 3 the money box and ran into the lift. They were in such a h 4 that they did not see the s 5 on the door saying that it carried no more than two people.
    “They were trapped b 6 the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said. “They w 7 there for six hours, sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas p 8 . They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families. It was a very special m 9 when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding their arms. They said they had never been so p 10 to see policemen.” The policemen said they were glad to see them too.

    第1 课时 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit


    2. n.侦探,警探
    2. n.线索
    3. adj.缺少的;丢失的
    4.* vt.谋杀,杀害
    5.* n.犯罪嫌疑人
    6.* adj.中等的
    7. adj.不整洁的
    8. adj.有罪的
    9. n.事实,真相
    10. vt.猜,猜测
    11. vi.说谎

    1.miss- (adj), (三单), (过去式)
    2. tidy- (反义词), (比较级), (最高级)
    3. true- (名词) truly (副词)
    4. lie( 说谎) - (过去式), (过去分词), (ving), (三单)
    5. lie(躺)- (过去式), (过去分词), (ving), (三单)
    6.serious- (比较级)- (最高级)
    1. 打扮成向那样
    2. 更严肃
    3. 丢了,不见了/出错/变质
    4. 对...做笔录
    5. 说实话
    6. 一个中等身材的办公人员
    7. 看上去不干净、紧张
    8. 坐牢(无冠词)
    9. 富人
    10. 在他姐姐的婚礼上
    11. 在回家的路上
    12. 最好做(不做)
    13. 在12月28日晚上7点与8点之间
    14. 在12月28日的上午
    15. 防范我们周围任何可能的危险
    16. 四个嫌疑犯
    17. 重要事情的线索

    1.A detective is someone who .
    2The murder happened in SunTown= in Sun Town 谋杀案发生在阳光镇
    3. .我认为不是这样。
    4.We have on all of them.我们已经对所有人做了笔录。
    5.Who do you think is not ? 你认为谁没有说真话?
    6.Can you to protect yourselves against crime?
    7.We should remember to lock the door when .
    8.We'd better not at night either.我们也最好晚上不要独自一人出去。
    9.He for six months.他曾经做了六个月牢。
    10. and about 1.1 metres tall.
    11. . She is a family doctor and has known Guan Dawei for almost two years. Shknows the boy who was kidnapped.

    【答案】一.1.detective 2.clue 3.missing 4.*murder 5.*suspect 6.*medium7.untidy 8.guilty 9.truth 10.guess 11.lie
    二词形变化1. miss- missing(adj), misses, missed 2. tidy- untidy, untidier, untidiest
    3. true- truth, truly 4. lie( 说谎) - lied,lied, lying, lies
    5. lie(躺)-lay, lain,lying, lies 6.serious- more serious- most serious
    1. be dressed like that打扮成向那样2. much more serious更严肃3. go missing/ go wrong/ go bad丢了,不见了/出错/变质4. make notes on sb.对...做笔录5. tell the truth说实话6. an office worker of medium height一个中等身材的办公人员7.look untidy and nervous看上去不干净、紧张8.(be) in prison坐牢(无冠词)9.a man of great wealth 富人10.at his sister's wedding 在他姐姐的婚礼上11.on the way home 在回家的路上12.had better(not)do sth.最好做(不做)13. between 7 p.m and 8 p.m. on 28 December在12月28日晚上7点与8点之间14. on the morning of 28 December在12月28日的上午15. guard against any possible danger around us防范我们周围任何可能的危险16. four suspects四个嫌疑犯17.clues to something important重要事情的线索
    1.A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important. 侦探就是寻找重要线索的人。
    2The murder happened in SunTown=The murder took place in Sun Town 谋杀案发生在阳光镇
    3.I don't think so.我认为不是这样。
    4.We have made notes on all of them.我们已经对所有人做了笔录。
    5.Who do you think is not telling the truth? 你认为谁没有说真话?
    6.Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against crime? 你们能想出一些安全策略来保护自己防范犯罪吗?
    7.We should remember to lock the door when we leave home.我们高开家的时候,应该记得把门锁上.
    8.We'd better not go out alone at night either.我们也最好晚上不要独自一人出去。
    9.He was once in prison for six months.他曾经做了六个月牢。
    10.The victim is four years old and about 1.1 metres tall.那个受害者4岁,身高大约1.1米。
    11. The other suspect has no criminal record. She is a family doctor and has known Guan Dawei for almost two years. Shknows the boy who was kidnapped.

    一.They have to find out who the murderer is. 他们得搞清楚凶手是谁。
    【精讲】murder v.&n. 谋杀 murderer n. 杀人犯,杀人凶手

    1.It is said that more than one person on the Orient Express(东方快车).
    A.murdered B.was murdered C.were murdered D.murders
    句意:据说在东方快车上有不止一个人被谋杀。考查主谓一致和一般过去时的被动语态。根据题干可知这是一个由that引导的宾语从句,根据句意,从句中缺少谓语成分,而且从句主语more than one person和谓语动词murder之间存在被动关系,故用被动语态;主句的时态为过去时,所以从句要与主句的时态保持一致,由句意可知从句用一般过去时,其被动语态的结构为:was/were+动词过去分词,从句主语为单数,所以用was,故答案选B。
    二. My food has gone missing.
    【精讲】① missing adj. 缺少的, 丢失的
    Eg. The last page of the diary was missing. 日记的最后一页不见了。
    find their missing son 找到他们丢失的儿子
    【精讲】② go missing失踪,不见(表动作) be missing (表状态)
    Eg. My gloves have been missing for ages. 我的手套已经丢了很久了。
    【精讲】③ go用作连系动词的词组 Eg. go bad变质 go blind失明 go mad发疯 go wrong出错

    1.My pet, little Puppy, has ________ for a week. I miss it very much.
    A.gone missing B.got lost C.been missing D.lost
    【解析】句意:我的宠物小狗已经失踪一个星期了。我非常想念它。考查现在完成时。根据语境可知,小狗从一周前到现在一直是失踪状态,并且这个失踪状态可能还要持续下去应用现在完成时;本句时间状语为“for+一段时间”,且是肯定句,所以谓语动词应用延续性动词,而“lost”为非延续性动词,故排除B和D; “missing(失踪的) ”为形容词,其前应用be动词组成系表结构表状态。故选C。
    2.I think the book is well worth _________. You’d better _________ the chance.
    A.to read;not to miss B.reading;not miss
    C.reading;not to miss D.read;not miss
    【解析】句意:我觉得这本书很值得读。你最好不要错过机会。Be worth doing值得做;had better(not)do sth最好(不要)做某事,所以选B。
    3..If Nick home too late,he his favourite cartoon.
    A.gets;misses B.gets;will miss C.will get;misses D.will get;will miss
    三. Who do you think is not telling the truth?
    【精讲】① truth n. 事实, 真相
    Eg. How do we know you' re telling us the truth? 我们怎么知道你告诉我们的是真话?
    ★tell the truth 不说say the truth
    【精讲】② true adj. 真的, 真实的, 确实, 的确 (强调符合客观事实, 不是编造的)
    Eg. come true变为现实 a true story 一个真实的故事
    ★ real adj. 真实的, 真的 (强调物品是真的,不是伪造的; 或事物真实存在,不是虚构或想象的)
    Eg. skate on real ice 在真的冰上溜冰
    truly adv. 真实地, 真诚地 Eg. I' m truly sorry. 我真地很抱歉。

    1.He is a ________ child. I’m sure he will tell us the ________.
    A.true; truthful B.truth; true C.truthful; truth D.true; true
    2.—Is it _______________ that he missed the bus?
    —No, he didn’t tell the _______________. He was late because he got up late.
    A.true;truth B.real;truth
    C.true;reality D.real;reality
    【解析】句意“-他错过了公交车,这个是真的吗?-不,他没有说实话,因为他起床晚了所以迟到了”。real形容词,"真的",指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与"假冒,无"相对而言的,名词为reality;true指故事、说法、答案等与标准事实、实际情况相符合,意为"真的,真实的"。true与"编造的,虚假的"相对,在句中作定语或表语,名词为truth。根据句意可知,表示的是“他迟到的说法与实际情况不符合”。第一空前有is,用形容词,第二空前有the,用名词,且tell the truth说实话,故选A。
    四. I guess Jimmy White is lying.
    【精讲】① guess vt.&n. 猜,猜测 Eg. You can guess what happened next. 你可以猜猜接下来发生了什么。have a guess猜一猜 a guessing game猜谜游戏
    【精讲】② lie vi. 撒谎 (lie-lied-lied / lying) lie to sb. 向某人说谎
    lie n. 谎言 Eg. tell a lie 撒谎 make up a lie编造谎言
    lie vi. 位于; 躺,平放 (lie-lay-lain / lying)
    Eg. The supermarket lay in the south of the town in the past. 这个超市过去位于镇南部。
    The man has lain in bed for days. 这男人在床上躺了几天了。

    What a terrible thing! There is a ________ dog ________ on the ground.
    A.die, lie B.dead, lying C.death, lay D.dying, lie
    【解析】句意:多么糟糕的事!一只死狗躺在地上。考查形容词和非谓语动词。die动词,死;dead形容词,死的;death名词,死亡;dying快要死的;lie动词,躺;lay动词,放置;lying躺着,现在分词。名词“dog”前用形容词修饰,第一空用形容词“dead”表示“死的”。第二空表示“正躺在地上”, 用现在分词“lying”。故选B。
    五. He is an office worker of medium height. He looks untidy and nervous.
    【精讲】① height n. 高, 高度 Eg. Jim is 1.75 metes in height. = Jim is 1. 75 metres tall.
    be of medium height 中等身材
    high adj. & adv. 高的; 高地 (指高度) a high mountain / fly high
    highly adv. 高度地 (指程度) Eg. think highly of 高度评价 speak highly of 高度赞扬
    Eg. It's highly possible that Jim will win the tennis competition.很有可能吉姆会赢得这场网球赛。(修饰形容词时理解为 “很, 十分, 非常”)
    【精讲】② untidy adj. 不整洁的 (untidy-untidier-untidiest) 反义词tidy
    Eg. an untidy bedroom / look even untidier / a tidy street
    tidy vi.&vt. 收拾, 整理 (tidy-tidied tidied / tidying) tidy up收拾妥,整理好
    Eg. While you’re there, please help wash a few dishes or tidy up the room.

    2.Please __________ your bedroom. It’s __________.
    A.tidy up; tidy B.tidy up; untidy
    C.tidy; untidy D.tidying up; untidy
    【解析】tidy整理,收拾;tidy up收拾,整理;untidy形容词,不整洁的; 句意:请收拾一下你的房间,因为它太脏了. 英语祈使句中动词一般用原形,结合语境可知选B。

    1 .Do you like _________ (侦探) films or action films?
    2. My math teacher is a man of _________ (中等) height.
    3. When the police caught the _________ (嫌疑犯), they were having dinner.
    4. Do you have any _________ (线索) now?
    5. Your room is so _________ (不整洁的). Clean it at once.
    【答案】1. detective 2.medium 3.suspects 4.clues 5.untidy
    1. The _________ (murder) was caught by the policeman.
    2. To tell you the _________ (true), I haven’t got enough money for the mobile phone.
    3. Don’t believe what he is saying. He’s _________ (lie).
    4. Mr Green’s mobile phone has gone _________ (miss), so he is looking for it everywhere.
    5. He never forgets to make _________ (note) of his speech.
    【答案】1. murderer 2. truth 3. lying 4. missing 5. notes
    1. I want to be a ____ to look for clues and evidence to solve crimes when I grow up.
    A. salesman B. businessman C. shopkeeper D. detective
    2. Usually, Betty ____ in colourful skirts in summer.
    A. wears B. is dressed C.is wearing D. dresses
    3. —What are you doing, Cathy?
    —I’m ____my cat. I can’t find it.
    A. looking for B. looking at C. looking up D. looking after
    4. To us students, I think study is ____ more important than anything else.
    A. very B. much C. quite D. many
    5. —What’s your ____?
    —I’m a teacher. I teach English.
    A. hobby B. appearance C. job D. address
    1. 【答案】D 和to look for clues and evidence to solve crimes“寻找线索、证据以破案”相符合的选项是detective(侦探)。
    2. 【答案】 B 句意:Betty通常在夏天穿颜色鲜艳的裙子。短语be dressed in...后接衣服名称,意为“穿着……”。
    3. 【答案】A 短语look for意为“寻找”,符合句意。
    4. 【答案】B 句意:对于我们学生而言,我认为学习比其他任何事都重要得多。much修饰比较级,意为“……得多”,其他三个选项不可以修饰比较级。
    5. 【答案】C 由“I’m a teacher(我是个教师)”可推出问句询问职业,job意为“工作”,符合知意;hobby(爱好),appearance (相貌)、address (地址)都不符合题意。
    1. 那起谋杀案发生在上周六。
    The ________________ last Saturday.
    2. 那个嫌疑犯中等个头。
    The ________ is of ________________.
    3. 我猜他没有说实话。
    ________ that he didn’t ________________.
    4. 他的书包不见了,他看起来很着急。
    His schoolbag has ________ and he looks very worried.
    5. 汤姆说奥运会要比其他的比赛重要得多。
    Tom said that the Olympic Games were ________________ other games.
    6. 他正在网上寻找有关侦探故事的信息。
    He is ________________ some information about ________ on the Internet.
    【答案】1. murder happened/took place 2. suspect; medium height
    3. I guess; tell the truth 4. gone missing
    5. much more important 6. looking for; detective stories

    This is a true story.
    On a January morning ,Joel with the other three fishermen got on a fishing boat .The first few hours on the sea were not 1 .Then there was a terrible storm .
    The storm lasted for 22 days. When it stopped ,they found their fishing nets (网)were 2 The engine(发动机)and the radio didn’t work .There was no food ,and there was no drinking water.
    The men talked to each other ,“How can we live on the sea?” Without their nets ,the men couldn’t fish .But they could 3 out of the boat and catch big turtles (海龟)They needed protection(遮挡)from the sun and rain,so they built a simple roof (顶蓬).The roof 4 rainwater too. The men could drink rainwater 5 the roof .For the next five 6 the men ate turtles —when they caught them They drank rainwater—when it rained . 7 there was no food and no water ,and sometimes they 8 they were going to die soon.
    Joel wrote a letter to his wife,“My dear Edith ,”Joel wrote .“ 9 I die ,I hope someone will send you this letter. Then you will know 10 I died .I had the best in life —a great woman and beautiful children. I love you really.”
    Ten days 11 ,on June 15, a Japanese fishing boat found them 12 sent Joel’s letter to his wife .He showed it to her himself .Joel will always 13 the letter .The letter ,he says , 14 him remember.“ On the sea I found that I love my wife and children very, very much. My family is everything to me .I don’t want to forge 15 .”
    1.A.unusual B.unlucky C.quiet D.safe
    2.A.broken B.missed C.gone D.left
    3.A.leave B.work C.come D.reach
    4.A.saved B.held C.got D.carried
    5.A.in B.from C.under D.below
    6.A.hours B.days C.weeks D.months
    7.A.Often B.Only C.Once D.Suddenly
    8.A.said B.found C.knew D.thought
    9.A.While B.Before C.If D.Since
    10.A.why B.how C.where D.when
    11.A.later B.a go C.before D.past
    12.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody
    13.A.bring B.keep C.take D.remember
    14.A.lets B.had C.helps D.hopes
    15.A.that B.it C.them D.this
    【答案】1-5 ACDBB 6-10 DADCB 11-15 ADBCA
    1.句意:海上最初的几个小时并不安静。考查形容词辨析题。根据下文Then there was a terrible storm .,可知起初海面还算正常,not unusual正常的,故选A。
    2.句意:当它停下来时,他们发现他们的渔网不见了。考查动词辨析题。根据第二段Without their nets,,可知渔网已经丢失了,miss没有被动语态,gone符合句意,故选C。
    3.句意:但是他们可以伸出船去抓大海龟。考查动词辨析题。reach out of伸出;根据句意语境,可知是把船开出去抓海龟,故选D。
    4.句意:屋顶也容纳雨水。考查动词辨析题。A. saved储存;B. held容纳;C. got得到;D. carried携带。根据下文The men could drink rainwater under the roof .,可知hold符合句意,故选B。
    6.句意:在接下来的五个月里,这些人吃海龟。考查名词辨析题。根据开头On a January morning和后文Ten days later, on June 15, a Japanese fishing boat found them,可知前后有五个月的时间,故选D。
    7.句意:经常没有食物和水,有时他们认为他们很快就要死了。考查副词辨析题。A. Often经常;B. Only仅仅/只是;C. Once一旦/曾经;D. Suddenly忽然地。根据句意语境,可知often符合句意,故选A。
    10.句意:那么你就会知道我为什么死了。考查宾语从句引导词。why为什么,问原因;how问方式;where问地点;when问时间。then然后,表顺承;根据上文if I die ,I hope someone will send you this letter.,可知信中记录了遭遇暴风雨的经过,ACD三项意思都与语境不合,故选B。
    11.句意:10天后,6月15日,一艘日本渔船发现了他们。考查副词辨析题。A. later以后的;B. ago以前;C. before在…之前;D. past过去的,结束的。ten days later十天后,根据句意语境,可知later符合句意,故选A。
    12.句意:没有人把乔尔的信寄给他的妻子。考查不定代词辨析题。A. Somebody有人/某人,表不确定;B. Anybody任何人;C. Everybody每一个人;D. Nobody没有人,表否定。根据下文He showed it to her himself他亲自给她看,可知没有帮他寄信,故选D。
    14.句意:他说,这封信有助于他记忆。考查动词辨析题。A. lets让/使,使役动词;B. had有;C. helps帮助;D. hopes希望。help sb. do帮助某人做某事;根据句意语境,可知ABD不合句意,故选C。
    15.句意:我不想忘记这一点。考查代词辨析题。根据上文On the sea I found that I love my wife and children very, very much. My family is everything to me .,结合文意,可知“我”忘不了My family is everything to me.这一点,that用于指代上文提到的事,故选A。
    Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning. When they arrived, they found two burglars(破门偷盗者) were kept in a lift w 1 a heavy box of money. The two men were in their twenties. They b 2 into an office in the shop and t 3 the money box and ran into the lift. They were in such a h 4 that they did not see the s 5 on the door saying that it carried no more than two people.
    “They were trapped b 6 the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said. “They w 7 there for six hours, sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas p 8 . They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families. It was a very special m 9 when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding their arms. They said they had never been so p 10 to see policemen.” The policemen said they were glad to see them too.
    【答案】1. with 2. broke 3. took 4. hurry 5. sign
    6. between 7. waited 8. presents 9. moment 10. pleased


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