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    广东省深圳市龙岗区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)
    广东省深圳市龙岗区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)01
    广东省深圳市龙岗区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)02
    广东省深圳市龙岗区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)03
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    广东省深圳市龙岗区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)

    这是一份广东省深圳市龙岗区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案),共21页。试卷主要包含了10,99,5 分,满分 15 分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    龙岗区 2022—2023 年度第一学期高三英语调研考试
    试卷共 8 页,卷面满分 120 分,折算成 130 分计入总分。考试用时 120 分钟。
    答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在 答题卡上的指定位置。用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型 A 后的方框涂黑。
    选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    The fllwing are sme cding(编程) games, tys and apps the kids in their life will lve.
    Think & Learn Cde-a-pillar Twist
    Best fr ages: 3-6 Price: $34.99
    It’s never t early t start learning prgramming. In fact, the earlier, the better. This cde-a-pillar lets preschlers twist dials t create sequence and send caterpillar n a prgrammed path. There are mre than 1,000 pssible cding cmbinatins, s this ty will keep yur child entertained fr hurs.
    Rb Rally
    Best fr ages: 12+
    Number f players: 2-6 players Price: $39.99
    Have sme time t play with yur kids? Yu’ll all lve Rb Rally. Yu’ll use playing cards t direct rbts’ mves, avid bstacles, and make it t a checkpint. Get ready fr smefriendly cding cmpetitin.
    Rbt Turtles
    Best fr ages: 4+
    Number f players: 2-5 players Price: $24.99
    Designed by a prgramming expert, Rbt Turtles challenges even yunger kids t write prgrams using playing cards, making it a great way fr them t becme familiar with prgramming principles. It’s anther ne that yu’ll want t play with yur kids — and, we prmise, yu’ll enjy it t.
    Best fr ages: 13+
    Price: $5 per year fr students up t Grade 6, $30 per year fr students up t Grade 7 GrkLearning is a series f nline curses intrducing students t cding. Fr kids wh like
    a little cmpetitin, GrkLearning als hsts nline cding cntests that take place acrss the glbe.
    What d Rb Rally and Rbt Turtles have in cmmn?
    Bth are designed by a prgramming expert.
    Bth can get kids ready fr cding cmpetitins.
    Bth are suitable fr parents t play with their kids.
    Bth are designed fr kids t play cards t direct rbts’ mves.
    What is special abut GrkLearning?
    It keeps kids entertained fr hurs.
    It satisfies parents’ need t take nline curses.
    It sets different prices fr students f different grades.
    It ffers kids chances t experience cmpetitin in cding.
    What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T guide parents t cde.B. T teach kids cding.
    C. T prmte prgramming.D. T intrduce cding prducts.
    It was in Octber. I was aimlessly wandering dwn the street, heading int a mst glriusly beautiful sunset which captured my heart utterly. Cnsequently, I had an urge t speak t smene n the street t share that beauty, but it seemed everyne was in a hurry and keeping a fast-pacing lifestyle.
    I came acrss an adlescent with fashinable clthes in the street. The mment I extended my unusual prpsal, he just widened his shimmering eyes with pure astnishment and then he declined my request in a plite way.
    I tk the next-best actin. Quickly I ducked int a department stre and asked the lady behind the cunter if she culd cme utside fr just a minute. She lked at me in surprise but
    frtunately, after a brief hesitatin, seemingly against her better judgment, she mved tward the dr.
    When she stepped utside, I exclaimed, “Just lk at that sunset! Nbdy ut here was lking at it and I just had t share it with smene.” My wrds seemed t strike a chrd with her, and she wept buckets.
    Fr a few secnds we just lked. Then I said, “Gd is in his heaven and all is right with the wrld.” I thanked her fr cming ut t see it. It felt gd t share the beauty with smene kind and patient.
    Fur years later my situatin changed greatly. I came t the end f a twenty-year marriage.
    I was n my wn fr the first time in my life, depressed and frustrated.
    One day, I happened t pick up a magazine and read an article abut a wman wh had been in similar circumstances: the end f a marriage, and lneliness in life .
    Then smething that happened t her changed everything. She said a wman came int her department stre and asked her t step utside t lk at a sunset. The stranger had said, “Gd is in his heaven and all is right with the wrld,” and she had realized the truth in that statement, verwhelmingly mved. Frm that mment n, she turned her life arund.
    What des the underlined phrase “my unusual prpsal” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. T ask fr help.B. T stp fr a while.
    C. T make friends with her.D. T admire the charming sunsets.
    Which f the fllwing best describes the wman behind the cunter?
    A. Nice t peple.B. Easy t make friends with.
    C. Patient with wrk.D. Unwilling t change.
    Hw did the lady feel when she heard the authr’s wrds in paragraph 4?
    A. Depressed.B. Hpeless.C. Tuched.D. Shcked.
    What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. The Beauty f LifeB. The Sharing f Beauty
    C. The Imprtance f SharingD. The Encunter f Kindness
    Shyness is the cause f much unhappiness fr a great many peple. Shy peple are anxius and self-cnscius; that is, they are cncerned with their wn appearance and actins t much. Negative thughts are cnstantly ccurring in their minds: What kind f impressin am I making? D they like me? D I sund stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clthes?
    It is bvius that such uncmfrtable feelings must affect peple unfavrably. A persn’s self-cncept is reflected in the way he r she behaves and the way a persn behaves affects ther peple’s reactins. In general, the way peple think abut themselves has a deep effect n all areas f their lives.
    Shy peple, wh have lw respect, are likely t be passive and easily influenced by thers. They need faith that they are ding “the right thing”. Shy peple are very sensitive t criticism.
    It makes them feel inferir(自卑). They als find it difficult t be pleased by praises because they believe they are unwrthy f praise. A shy persn may respnd t a praise with a statement like this ne: “Yu’re just saying that t make me feel gd, I knw it’s nt true.” It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, verding it is harmful.
    Can shyness be cmpletely gt rid f, r at least reduced? Frtunately, peple can vercme shyness with determinatin since shyness ges hand in hand with lack f self-respect. It is imprtant fr peple t accept their weakness as well as their strengths. Each ne f us has his r her wn characteristics. We are interested in ur wn persnal ways. The better we understand urselves, the easier it becmes t live up t ur chances fr a rich and successful life.
    What is paragraph 1 mainly abut?
    The cause f shyness.
    The questins in the minds f shy peple.
    The feelings f shy peple.
    The effect f shyness n peple.
    What is the shy peple’s reactin t praise?
    They are pleased by it.
    They are very sensitive t it.
    They feel it is nt true.
    They feel they are wrthy f it.
    What des the writer think f self-awareness?
    It is harmful t peple.
    It is a weak pint f shy peple.
    It is a gd characteristic.
    It is the cause f unhappiness.
    What can we learn abut shyness frm the passage?
    It can help us t live up t ur full develpment.
    It can blck ur chances fr a successful life.
    It enables us t understand urselves better.
    It has nthing t d with lack f self-respect.
    Prfessinal curses, such as Masters in Internatinal Business r MIB, have been taken by many students in the last tw decades. They are chsing new-age nn-cnventinal curses that guarantee a better future. MIB is a specialized curse that teaches the internatinal business. There are valid reasns fr s much ppularity f MIB curse.
    The curse cntent and teaching methds f MIB are quite different frm a nrmal MBA r Master f Business Administratin. It has been designed with the sle bjective f develping
    prfessinals with an in-depth understanding and knwledge f the internatinal trade. The curse ffers varius advantages ver the cnventinal MBA degree curse.
    The massive increase in the internatinal business and freign trade gives excellent jb prspects t the new generatin. Acquiring a degree f MIB ffers utstanding grwth f jb pprtunities. Thse wh want t pursue in the field f marketing als have a gd future after cmpleting the degree frm a MIB cllege with a gd reputatin. Big multinatinal rganizatins lk fr talented peple wh can handle the jb f Internatinal Marketing Manage, and peple with MIB degrees are preferred. The jb needs an in-depth understanding f the verseas markets, because it is the strategic pst frm the perspective f cmpany’s internatinal business grwth.
    Since business finance and ecnmics are cvered at length in the curriculum f MIB, students have great jb ffers in the field f finance as well. Typically, rganizatins ffer the psitin f internatinal finance cntrllers t thse wh cmplete MIB with the specializatin f finance. The specializatin cvers aspects f internatinal taxes, accunts, budgeting and s n. Peple in this field are well-paid, and grwth prspects are unlimited. After cmpleting degree curse frm a reputed MIB cllege, there is a gd scpe in the banking and finance sectr as well. Internatinal banks appint peple wh have an excellent grasp ver the internatinal banking plicies, currency exchange, and internatinal plicies. Thus, MIB is the glden key t success with brilliant jb pprtunities in natinal and multinatinal sectrs.
    Hw is the secnd paragraph mainly develped?
    By analyzing causes.
    By listing figures.
    By prving definitin.
    By making cmparisns.
    Why d mre and mre peple intend t acquire a degree f MIB?
    It is a cmpulsry curse in the clleges.
    It helps them get gd jbs in sme rganizatins.
    It ffers them pprtunities t d small businesses.
    It ffers them cnventinal ecnmic knwledge.
    What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    MIB hlders are mre prmising in all careers than thers.
    Peple get higher salary in business field than in finance field.
    The internatinal finance cntrller is a high-quality jb.
    Internatinal banks nly accept emplyees frm MIB clleges.
    What’s the writer's purpse f writing this article?
    T explain why the MIB curse is getting ppular.
    T analyze the disadvantages f the MIB curse.
    T sell prfessinal MIB curse wrldwide.
    T predict the develpment trend f the MIB curse.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。
    Hw Can I Fight Laziness?
    Lazy peple will never amunt t anything in life. Hwever, laziness can be defeated nce a few changes have been made in yur mind.
    16 Many peple lack sleep cnstantly, since they stay up t late and get up t early t prepare fr wrk. These peple have little mtivatin nce they arrive hme. By adjusting yur sleep schedule t prvide a few mre hurs f meaningful sleep, yu can fight laziness thrughut the day.
    Anther way t fight laziness is t change yur mind frm passive t active. Sme peple treat their lives as if they were pushed frm task t task. Others take a mre practive apprach, viewing each task as a challenge they must vercme alne. 17
    Sme peple fight laziness by remving the temptatins that surrund them. A televisin in the living rm may prvide entertainment, but watching t much TV ften cntributes t laziness. 18 Cmplete a few tasks and entertain yurself with what yu enjy, such as a gd dinner r a film.
    Laziness can als be a lasting prblem at hme. Cuples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if nt dealt with immediately. 19 Be the first t cllect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the hme may eventually fllw yur example and perfrm their wn task. It is difficult t practice laziness when yu are surrunded by mtivated peple.
    20 Enugh exercise and a balanced diet can help yu t develp a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling yu t have mre energy and help lift yur spirits.
    Laziness sets in befre trubles.
    T fight family laziness, set an example.
    Knwing hw t fight laziness is imprtant.
    Ding sprts regularly can help yu fight laziness.
    One way t fight laziness is t get a gd night’s rest.
    With a psitive attitude, yu will be able t achieve yur gal.
    Create a reward system fr yurself, just as parents d fr the children.
    第二部分语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Kang Yu, a 24-year-ld vlunteer teacher in the muntains f Yunnan prvince, was
    teaching calligraphy t the eighth graders. Suddenly, the cluds seemed t 21 and her students had a new fcus f attentin.
    The electricity als 22 , s she culdn’t cntinue the calligraphic class. Seeing that the students were staring at the rain 23 , Kang suddenly gt a burst f 24 .
    She tld them t g utside, under a shelter, t enjy the rain and cme back t write smething, shrt r lng, r just several 25 like a pem.
    Nticing a girl 26 , Kang apprached her and 27 her lines f petry that impressed her deeply, “I am a selfish child/Expecting that when I am sad/There can be a crner f cmfrt emptying fr me/I am a selfish child/Hping that mm’s lve nly belngs t me.” Other students’ wrks were als really 28 .
    Inspired by that class, Kang later 29 Enlighten Our Future, a nnprfit rganizatin t help yungsters imprve their mental well-being thrugh petry 30 and appreciatin.
    Like many children frm remte areas, her students were 31 t express their feelings and pinins. “I realized that they can better their expressins by cmpsing petry,” she says. The 32 f feelings and pinins via petry 33 Kang clser t her students.
    What’s great abut petry is that it can help ne t find a way t 34 with neself and thers, she says. “What they need is nt sympathy, but recgnitin, which I think will 35 their whle life.”
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s lngest-serving mnarch, has died at Balmral aged 96, after reigning fr 70 years. She died peacefully n Thursday afternn at her Scttish estate, 36. she had spent much f the summer. The Queen came t the thrne in 1952 and 37. (witness) enrmus scial changes ever since.
    A. disappear
    B. brighten
    C. spread
    D. gather
    A. went ut
    B. died ut
    C. brke ut
    D. cut ut
    A. in surprise
    B. with interest
    C. in cnfusin
    D. with fear
    A. passin
    B. light
    C. inspiratin
    D. curisity
    A. wrds
    B. lines
    C. paragraphs
    D. essays
    A. laughing
    B. smiling
    C. crying
    D. reading
    A. sptted
    B. recgnized
    C. wrte
    D. understd
    A. imaginative
    C. impressive
    D. psitive
    A. left
    B. visited
    C. changed
    D. funded
    B. cmpsitin
    C. cmmunicatin
    D. admiratin
    A. happy
    B. shy
    C. excited
    D. guilty
    A. exchanges
    B. experiences
    C. instructins
    D. speeches
    A. pulled
    B. dragged
    C. prevented
    D. frced
    A. cpe
    B. wrk
    C. discuss
    D. cmmunicate
    B. save
    C. influence
    D. frm
    Her sn King Charles III said the death f his belved mther was a “mment f great sadness” fr him. “We murn 38. (prfund) the passing f a cherished svereign and a much-lved mther. I knw her lss will be deeply felt thrughut the cuntry, the realms and the Cmmnwealth( 英联邦国家), and by cuntless peple arund the wrld.” The UK began 39. 10-day murning perid n Sept 9th.
    Brn in 1926, Elizabeth has experienced the rise f fascism and the fall f the Berlin Wall, Wrld War II, the cnquest f space, the glbal 40. (finance) crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russia-Ukraine cnflict. She devted her life t 41. (serve) her cuntry and the Cmmnwealth and saw 15 British prime ministers cme and g.
    She was a ppular queen wh was als respected 42. her knwledge f and 43. (participate) in state affairs. The prime ministers wh served under her 44. (impress) by her knwledge f state affairs and her passin fr wrk.
    She is nw the past, and her successr, King Charles III, is the future. Where Britain ges frm here remains 45. (see).
    第三部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(满分 15 分)
    今年,重庆山火和泸定地震中涌现出了很多青年榜样:00 后消防员,00 后志愿者等。你校正在组织 “We Shuld Shulder the Respnsibility” 英语征文活动,请你投稿。
    词数 80 左右;
    We Shuld Shulder the Respnsibility
    第二节(满分25 分)
    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 One day, while Sutter surfed the Internet watching sme vides f cute animals with his mm, he came acrss a stry psted by the lcal animal shelter (收容所). It explained that there
    was a cat, which was named Hazel by the wrkers, living in the shelter and needing help.
    The wrkers fund the cat at a transfer statin where garbage and ther waste are srted. At first, the wrkers thught Hazel was just lking fr fd. But they later discvered that the back legs f the cat were injured. What was wrse, after a physical examinatin, they fund the bnes f the cat were brken and that necrsis — meaning the death f cells in sme part f the bdy
    — had set in. The wrkers thught Hazel wuld need surgery (手术) t get better. S they called n the cmmunity t raise mney fr the cat.
    That was when Sutter gt t wrk. After he knew the stry abut the pr cat in his cmmunity, the nine-year-ld cat lver said t his mm,“I just can’t stp thinking abut the cat. It is in urgent need f surgery. I want t raise mney t help the cat.”Hearing thse wrds, Sutter’ s mther was happy that her sn was a kind-hearted by and decided t help him.
    Then Sutter came up with a gd idea: making use f the pwer f cinnamn buns ( 肉 桂卷 ). He knew if there was anything that culd get the cmmunity members t empty their pckets, it wuld be this sweet treat: cinnamn buns. Then he and his mm started baking cinnamn buns, and his mm psted Sutter’ s effrts n a scial media page. Knwing Sutter’ s gd intentin, the whle cmmunity reached ut and dnated mney t Sutter. Finally, Sutter was able t raise $850 in ttal. Then Sutter and his mm gladly went t the animal shelter and drpped the mney there.
    续写词数应为 150 左右;
    With the mney, Hazel was able t receive the surgery.
    Since adpting Hazel, Sutter has dne a lt t help it recver.
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据这两部分 Have sme time t play with yur kids?Yu'll all lve Rb Rally.(有时间和你的孩子玩吗?你们都会喜欢机器人拉力赛的);It's anther ne that yu'll want t play with yur kids — and,we prmise,yu'll enjy it t.(这是另一个你想和你的孩子一起玩的游戏,我们保证,你也会喜欢的。)可知机器人拉力赛和机器人海龟的共同点是两者都适合父母和孩子玩耍。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据部分Price: $5 per year fr students up t Grade 6, $30 per year fr students up t Grade 7.(价格:6年级以下学生每年5美元,7年级以下学生每天30美元。)可知GrkLearning的特别之处是它为不同年级的学生制定了不同的价格。故选C。
    (3)目的意图题。阅读全文以及根据第一段The fllwing are sme cding(编程) games,tys and apps the kids in their life will lve.(以下是孩子们生活中会喜欢的一些编码游戏、玩具和应用程序。)本文的目的是介绍编码产品。故选D。
    【解析】(1)猜测词义题。根据第三段提到When she gt utside I said t her, "Just lk at that sunset!Nbdy ut here was lking at it and I just had t share it with smene.(她对我说,看落日,没有人在这看它,我想与人分享。)可知,my unusual prpsal的意思应该是欣赏迷人的日落,A.T ask fr help寻求帮助;B.T stp fr a while停一会儿;C.T make friends with her和她交朋友;D.T admire the charming sunsets欣赏落日。故选D。
    (2)观点态度题。根据文章第三段 I tk the next-best actin.Quickly I ducked int a department stre and asked the lady behind the cunter if she culd cme utside fr just a minute.She lked at me in surprise but frtunately,after a brief hesitatin,seemingly against her better judgment,she mved tward the dr.(我采取了退而求其次的行动。我迅速躲进一家百货商店,问柜台后面的女士是否能出来一会儿。她惊讶地看着我,但幸运的是,在短暂的犹豫之后,似乎违背了她的更好的判断,她向门口走去。)可知柜台后面的女士非常善良。A.Nice t peple.对人好;B.Easy t make friends with.容易交朋友;C.Patient with wrk.对工作有耐心;D.Unwilling t change.不愿意改变。故选A。
    (3)观点态度题。根据文章第四段My wrds seemed t strike a chrd with her,and she wept buckets.(我的话似乎引起了她的共鸣,她痛哭流涕。)可知当这位女士听到作者的话时,她被感动了。A.Depressed.压抑的;B.Hpeless.无望的;C.Tuched.感动的;D.Shcked.惊讶的。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据文章最后一段Then smething that happened t her changed everything.She said a wman came int her department stre and asked her t step utside t lk at a sunset.The stranger had said, "Gd is in his heaven and all is right with the wrld," and she had realized the truth in that statement,verwhelmingly mved.Frm that mment n,she turned her life arund.(后来发生在她身上的一件事改变了一切。她说一个女人走进她的百货商店,请她出去看日落。陌生人说,"上帝在他的天堂里,这个世界一切都好,"她意识到了这句话的真实性,被深深地感动了。从那一刻起,她改变了自己的生活。)可知作者无疑的话语帮助了一位伤心欲绝的柜台女士恢复了生活的自信。因此D.The Encunter f Kindness(善良的遭遇)是本文的最佳标题。故选D。
    【解析】(1)段落大意题。根据第一段Shyness is the cause f much unhappiness fr a great many peple.Shy peple are anxius and self-cnscius;that is,they are excessively cncerned with their wn appearance and actins.(害羞对大多数人来说是很多不幸的源头,害羞的人通常很紧张而且很敏感,他们十分关注自己的外貌和行为。)可知,第一段讲的是害羞给人们带来的影响,故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Yu're just saying that t make me feel gd.I knw it's nt true.(你这样说只是为了让我觉得好受点,我知道这不是真的。)可知,害羞的人对于接受的表扬会觉得那不真实,故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段It is clear that while self-awareness is a healthy quality,verding it is harmful.(很清楚的是自我意识是一种健康的品质。)可知,作者认为自我认识是一种好的品质,故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Frtunately,peple can vercme shyness with determined and patient effrts in building self-cnfidence.The better we understand urselves,the easier it becmes t live up t ur chances fr a rich and successful life.(幸运地是,人们可以通过坚决耐心地努力建立自信心来克服害羞。我们越是了解自己,越可能获得丰富和成功的生活)可知,害羞会阻碍我们成功生活的机会,故选B。
    【解析】(1)写作手法题。根据第二段The curse cntent and teaching methds f MIB are quite different frm a nrmal MBA r Master f Business Administratin.(MIB的课程内容和教学方法与普通MBA或工商管理硕士有很大的不同。)和最后一句The curse ffers varius advantages ver the cnventinal MBA degree curse.(与传统的MBA学位课程相比,该课程提供了各种优势。)可知,本段主要通过对比MIB和MBA课程之间的区别来组织的。A.By analyzing causes通过分析原因;B.By listing figures通过例举数字;C.By prving definitin通过证明定义;D.By making cmparisns通过作比较。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段Big multinatinal rganizatins lk fr talented peple wh can handle the jb prfile f Internatinal Marketing Manage,and peple with MIB degrees are preferred.(大型跨国公司寻找能胜任国际营销管理工作的人才,具有MIB学位者优先。)可知,很多大型国际组织更喜欢聘用有MIB学位的人才,这才是越来越多的人学习MIB课程的主要原因。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一段Since business finance and ecnmics are cvered at length in the curriculum f MIB,students have great jb ffers in the field f finance as well.Typically,rganizatins ffer the prfile f internatinal finance cntrllers t thse wh cmplete MIB with the specializatin f finance.(由于MIB课程中详细介绍了商业金融和经济,因此学生在金融领域也有很好的工作机会。通常,组织会向那些完成MIB的金融专业人士提供国际财务总监的简介。)可知,MIB课程中含有商业金融方面的课程,而很多机构会把国际金融控制师的工作给这些完成MIB学位的人,说明这是一份非常好的工作。故选C。
    (4)写作意图题。根据第一段Prfessinal curses ,such as Masters in Internatinal Business r MIB ,have been taken by many students in the last tw decades.They are chsing new-age nn - cnventinal curses that guarantee a better future.MIB is a specialised curse that teaches the internatinal business.There are valid reasns fr s much ppularity f MIB curse. (在过去的二十年里,许多学生都选修了国际商务硕士或MIB等专业课程。他们正在选择新时代的非传统课程,以保证更好的未来。MIB是一门教授国际商务的专业课程。MIB课程如此受欢迎是有正当理由的。)可知现在MIB课程越来越受欢迎。本段最后一句There are valid reasns fr s much ppularity f MIB curse.(MIB课程如此受欢迎是有充分理由的。)提出了这一课程受欢迎有很多原因,文章接下来三段就对具体的原因进行了说明。故选A。
    【解析】(1)段落大意题。根据后文Many peple lack sleep cnstantly,since they stay up t late and get up t early t prepare fr wrk.These peple have little mtivatin nce they arrive hme.Laziness wrks hand in hand with a lack f mtivatin and a tendency (趋势) t put ff things.By adjusting yur sleep schedule t prvide a few mre hurs f meaningful rest,yu can fight laziness thrughut the day.(许多人经常缺乏睡眠,因为他们熬夜过晚,无法早起准备工作。这些人一旦回到家就没有什么动力了。懒惰与缺乏动力和爱拖延密切相关。通过调整你的睡眠时间表,提供几个小时重要的休息,你可以战胜一整天的懒惰。)可知,本段关于克服懒惰的方法是要获得充足的睡眠,E选项中sleep与后文中sleep相对应。故E选项"克服懒惰的一个方法是获得充足的睡眠。"符合语境,故选E。
    (2)推理判断题。根据本段第一句话Anther way t fight laziness is t change yur mind frm passive t active.(另一种对抗懒惰的方法是将你的思维从被动转变为主动。)可知,思维应从被动转变为主动。A项:Laziness sets in befre trubles.(懒惰在烦恼之前就开始了。)符合语境,故选A。
    (3)段落大意题。根据后文Cmplete a few tasks and reward yurself with what yu enjy,such as a gd dinner r a film.(完成一些任务,用自己喜欢的东西奖励自己,比如一顿美餐或一场电影。)可知,后文提到了用自己喜欢的东西奖励自己,可知本段说明的克服懒惰的方法是:给予自己奖励,G选项中a reward system fr yurself对应后文中reward yurself。故G选项"为自己建立一个奖励系统,就像父母为自己的孩子做的那样。"符合语境,故选G。
    (4)段落大意题。根据上文Laziness can als be a lasting prblem at hme.Cuples and children may all have different energy levels,but laziness can be spread if nt dealt with immediately.(懒惰在家里也是一个长期存在的问题。夫妻和孩子的精力可能各不相同,但如果不立即处理,懒惰会蔓延开来。)以及后文Be the first t cllect and wash dishes after a meal.Others in the hme may eventually fllw yur example and perfrm their wn task.It is difficult t practice laziness when yu are surrunded by mtivated peple.(饭后要第一个收拾碗碟。家里的其他人最终可能会以你为榜样,完成他们自己的任务。当你周围都是干劲十足的人时,很难养成懒惰的习惯。)可知,本段主要是关于如何克服家庭懒惰,上文提到懒惰蔓延,后文则提到了要树立榜样,故本句是在说明对抗家庭懒惰的方法是树立榜样。且B选项中family对应上文中at hme。故B选项"要对抗家庭懒惰,树立榜样。"符合语境,故选B。
    (5)段落大意题。根据后文Enugh exercise and a balanced diet can enable yu t have mre energy and help lift yur spirits.(足够的锻炼和均衡的饮食可以让你有更多的精力,帮助你提升精神。)可知,本段主要说明的是通过锻炼和均衡饮食来克服懒惰,后文中的exercise and a balanced diet 都属于健康的生活方式( healthy lifestyle ),与选项D提到的策略相对应。故D选项"经常锻炼可以帮助你战胜懒惰。"符合语境,故选D。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.disappear消失;B.brighten使变亮;C.spread传播;D.gather聚集。根据后文Seeing that the students were staring at the rain (3),Kang suddenly gt a burst f (4)可知看到学生们兴致勃勃地盯着雨,康突然有了灵感。说明乌云开始聚集。故答案为D。
    (2)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.went ut出去,熄灭;B.died ut灭绝;C.brke ut爆发;D.cut ut删除。根据下句s she culdn't cntinue the calligraphic class.可知所以她不能继续书法课。因为停电了,故答案为A。
    (3)考查固定短语及语境理解。A.in surprise惊讶地;B.with interest有兴趣地;C.in cnfusin 困惑地;D.with fear害怕。根据下句 She tld them t g utside,under a shelter,t enjy the rain and cme back t write smething,shrt r lng,r just several (5)like a pem.可知她告诉他们去外面,在一个遮蔽物下,享受雨水,然后回来写点东西,或长或短,或者就像一首诗一样的几行。说明学生们对雨非常感兴趣。故答案为B。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.passin热情;B.light灯;C.inspiratin灵感;D.curisity好奇。根据下句 She tld them t g utside,under a shelter,t enjy the rain and cme back t write smething,shrt r lng,r just several (5)like a pem.可知她告诉他们去外面,在一个遮蔽物下,享受雨水,然后回来写点东西,或长或短,或者就像一首诗一样的几行。说明她突然有了灵感。故答案为C。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.wrds话语;B.lines行;C.paragraphs段落;D.essays散文。根据下句Nticing a girl (6),Kang apprached her and(7)her lines f petry that impressed her deeply可知康注意到一个女孩在哭,便走近她,发现了她留下深刻印象的诗句。说明是几行诗。故答案为B。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.laughing笑;B.smiling微笑;C.crying哭;D.reading读书。根据后文 Inspired by that class,Kang later(9)Enlighten Our Future,a nnprfit rganizatin t help yungsters imprve their mental well-being thrugh petry (10)and appreciatin.可知受那堂课的启发,康后来成立了"启迪我们的未来"非营利组织,帮助青少年通过诗歌创作和欣赏提高他们的心理健康。说明当时这位女孩哭了。故答案为C。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.imaginative想象的;B.creative创新的;C.impressive印象深刻的;D.psitive积极的。根据上句"I am a selfish child/Expecting that when I am sad/There can be a crner f cmfrt emptying fr me/I am a selfish child/Hping that mm's lve nly belngs t me." 可知"我是一个自私的孩子/期望在我难过的时候/能有一个角落的安慰为我放空/我是一个自私的孩子/希望妈妈的爱只属于我。"说明这位女孩写的诗非常有想象力。故答案为 A。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.left离开;B.visited参观;C.changed改变;D.funded建立。根据空后Enlighten Our Future,a nnprfit rganizatin t help yungsters imprve their mental well-being可知那堂课的启发,康后来成立了"启迪我们的未来"非营利组织,帮助青少年通过诗歌创作和欣赏提高他们的心理健康。故答案为D。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.cllectin收集;B.cmpsitin作文,作品;C.cmmunicatin交流;D.admiratin崇拜。根据前文She tld them t g utside,under a shelter,t enjy the rain and cme back t write smething,shrt r lng,r just several (5)like a pem.可知她告诉他们去外面,在一个遮蔽物下,享受雨水,然后回来写点东西,或长或短,或者就像一首诗一样的几行。说明是诗歌的创作。故答案为B。
    (11)考查形容词及语境理解。A.happy高兴的;B.shy害羞的;C.excited兴奋的;D.guilty有罪的。根据下句I realized that they can better their expressins by cmpsing petry可知我意识到他们可以通过写诗来提高他们的表达能力。说明他们是非常高兴用这种方式表达自己的。故答案为A。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.exchanges交换;B.experiences经历;C.instructins指导;D.speeches演讲。根据上句I realized that they can better their expressins by cmpsing petry可知我意识到他们可以通过写诗来提高他们的表达能力。说明通过诗歌表达情感和观点的经历拉近了康与学生的距离。故答案为B。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.pulled拉;B.dragged拖拽;C.prevented阻止;D.frced强迫。根据空后Kang clser t her students可知通过诗歌表达情感和观点的经历拉近了康与学生的距离。故答案为A。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.cpe处理;B.wrk工作;C.discuss讨论;D.cmmunicate交流。根据上句The (12)f feelings and pinins via petry (13)Kang clser t her students.可知通过诗歌表达情感和观点的经历拉近了康与学生的距离。说明通过诗歌增强了他们之间的交流。故答案为D。
    【解析】(1)考查定语从句。句意:周四下午,她在苏格兰的庄园平静地去世,夏天的大部分时间她都在这里度过。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Scttish estate,在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
    (2)考查动词时态。句意:女王于1952年即位以来见证了巨大的社会变革。时间状语为ever since,句子用现在完成时,主语为The Queen,谓语动词用三单形式,故填has witnessed。
    (6)考查动名词。句意:她毕生致力于为国家和英联邦服务,目睹了15位英国首相的来来往往。devte neself t ding表示"致力于做某事",故用动名词形式,故填serving。
    (9)考查动词时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:她对国家事务的了解和对工作的热情给她手下的首相们留下了深刻印象。结合句意可知,此处在讲述过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时,主语为The prime ministers,谓语动词用复数形式,且与impress之间是被动关系,故填were impressed。
    (10)考查动词不定式及语态。句意:英国的未来还有待观察。remain t d表示"有待做某事",且Where Britain ges frm here与see之间是被动关系,故用不定式的被动语态,故填t be seen。

    37.【答案】We Shuld Shulder the RespnsibilityThis year,many yung rle mdels emerged in the muntain fire in Chngqing and the Luding earthquake:pst - 00s firefighters,pst 00s vlunteers,etc.They shwed their bravery and ambitin,especially,their sense f resnsibility.(青年榜样的突出品质)
    What they did made me think abut ur respnsibility.【高分句型一】The yung peple are carrying t much respnsibility.The cntemprary yung peple are stressed ut,and we have t wrk hard t serve the cuntry.As a student f us,s lng as we chse study,we have a respnsibility t cmplete ur studies seriusly and steadfastly.【高分句型二】We have grwn up with physical and mental health,and that is inseparable frm all kinds f hardship parents endured.S we shuld nt shirk any respnsibility f lve and care.(他们对你的影响)
    In a wrd,all the yung peple shuld learn frm them and shulder ur respnsibility.(呼吁年轻人向他们学习)
    【解析】高分句型一:What they did made me think abut ur respnsibility.
    高分句型二:As a student f us,s lng as we chse study,we have a respnsibility t cmplete ur studies seriusly and steadfastly.
    分析:这句话使用了as lng as引导条件状语从句。

    38.【答案】With the mney,Hazel was able t receive the surgery.Sutter and her mther als went t the hspital.After arriving there,the vet perated an injectin n Hazel.Sutter culd tell by the expressin n Hazel 's face that she felt aching badly.T Sutter's surprise,she didn't cry ut and just keep still t accept it.Tuched by her curage,Stutter said t her mm that she wanted t adpt her.【高分句型一】Luckily,her mm agreed immediately because she als lved this pr cat.(Hazel接受了手术,Stutter决定收养Hazel)
    Since adpting Hazel,Sutter has dne a lt t help it recver.Every mrning,Sutter sent fd t feed her and didn't dare t let her lift anything.She knew it was gd fr her t keep still n her bed and nt t mve s much.Sutter knew that eating fish can help her recver mre quickly.S she went t buy fresh fish fr her every mrning.Having cked them,Sutter tk t her.【高分句型二】Luckily,Hazel recvered sn and was able t run.(Sutter帮助Hazel恢复)

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