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中职Unit 3 I've Got a Headache获奖表格教案设计
展开单元名称Unit 3 I’ve Got a Headache课型Reading and Writing教学目标1. 能够正确理解与意外受伤处理相关的急救指南,掌握有关急救用品的词汇,并口头分享急救常识。2. 能够分析与介绍急救步骤相关说明文的逻辑结构和语言特点,能够联系自身实际,分享个人经历与体会,实现知识和思维能力的迁移。3. 体会学习急救常识蕴含的自救与互助的社会意义。4. 能够运用略读、扫读、找读、推断等阅读策略,获取急救指南的主旨大意,完成阅读任务;采用恰当的学习方法,如使用图表和思维导图梳理思路、拓展思维、呈现信息。教学重点1. 能运用略读、扫读等阅读策略获取说明文的主旨大意和细节信息。2. 能通过关注关联词,分析句式,掌握句子逻辑,了解并掌握祈使句以及分词修饰名词的用法。教学难点1. 能观察和总结步骤类说明文的文体特征、构成要素和基本结构。2. 能运用思维导图,整合、归纳文章的基本信息,并联系自身实际,谈论所了解的急救常识。教学方法小组讨论法、任务教学法教学手段PPT课件、多媒体设备、音视频素材等教学过程教学环节与时间分配教学活动与步骤设计意图评价要点Warm-up3’T shows a video of a student in the class sharing a story of visiting the doctor. Ss repeat words about symptoms and treatments.对接上一节课的视频作业,激活和检验已学知识,为阅读邮件作铺垫。根据视频内容,复述症状与治疗的描述。Pre-reading7’T shows pictures of persons with different kinds of injuries and Ss talk about the following questions:What happened to those persons?What do you advise them to do?通过图片让学生了解文章的主题,初步认识意外受伤的概念与种类,为进一步阅读做好铺垫。识别各种意外受伤的正确表达,简单表达处理的建议。2. T shows the guideline in Activity One and asks Ss to think about the questions:Where can you see these guidelines?How can these guidelines help people?通过读前预测,培养预测策略,调动学生的主观积极性,激发进一步阅读的兴趣。能通过短文大小标题,正确预测正文可能会涉及的内容。While-reading17’1. Ss skim the guidelines and answer the first question in Activity One: What do the guidelines tell us?通过略读全文,提取关键词,验证读前预测,了解指南的大致内容,培养略读、分析和判断的能力。在读前预测的基础上,略读指南正文,总结关键词并做出正确选择。2. Ss listen to the recording and try to underline the items used in these first-aid instances. Pick the items in Activity Two.熟悉单词发音、语调和节奏等语音知识,培养运用下画线提取细节信息的找读技巧和判断辨识的能力。聆听录音,熟悉语音语调,并准确划出相关单词。3. T shows a mind map example of dealing with an accident, and Ss read the third guideline and try to make a mind map.通过思维导图范例帮助学生提取文中的处理步骤,理清说明顺序。用清晰的步骤图说明“虫咬伤”的处理流程。Post-reading15’1. Ss think about the question: how to make suggestions in guidelines. T introduces examples of imperative sentences used in the suggestions.通过学习祈使句在建议中的用法和结构,帮助学生掌握基本的语法知识,为后续句子分析做好铺垫。熟悉祈使句的基本结构和在建议中的用法。2. Ss work in groups to find out the sentences in the guidelines using imperative sentences.即时检验学生对于语法知识的深入理解,培养分析和判断能力。准确理解指南中的祈使句。3. T show some participles such as burnt, running and broken, Ss try to find how these words are used to describe things in the guidelines.通过观察现在分词和过去分词的异同,帮助学生更好地使用分词描述名词,培养学生观察、比较、分析、总结的综合能力。观察句子中的现在分词和过去分词,明确两类分词在修饰名词时在意义和结构上的区别。4. T shows a picture of a student with a sprained ankle. Ss work in groups to discuss what is the occasion and what kind of first-aid supplies can be used in this situation.利用图片信息,帮助学生运用所学词汇结构与表达方式进行情境迁移,为下一步解决实际问题做准备。确定此类意外受伤发生的场合,并针对处理扭伤所需物品提出合理的建议。5. Ss work in groups, draw a flow-chart about handling a sprained ankle, then share their ideas according to the chart.6. T leads Ss discuss the meaning of “helping oneself” and “helping others”训练学生的团队协作意识和自主反思、泛化内容的能力。鼓励学生运用所学词汇句型表达真实意义,引导学生在具体语境中总结建议类祈使句和分词作定语的用法。教师引导学生认识到自救的重要性以及培养学生互助的意识。根据自身实际,完成流程图,并进行简单介绍。在文本学习的基础上,根据自身实际和常识,结合思维导图,谈论校园常见意外受伤的简单处理流程。明白自救与互助的社会意义。Summary&Homework2’Summary: With T’s help, Ss try to sort out the knowledge points.Homework: Ss improve their guidelines about handling a sprained ankle and make a leaflet with texts and pictures.梳理所学内容,反思阅读策略,回顾语言知识中的重难点,总结急救处理指南的词汇结构特点,以读促写,培养学生综合语言实践的能力。回顾本课所学,并运用语言知识,形成语篇表达。板书设计Unit 3 I’ve Got a HeadacheSubject:
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