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    1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a cafeteria.B. At the bathrm.C. At a train statin.
    2. What made Jane unhappy?
    A. The size f the pl.B. The custmer’s cmplaint.C. The partner’s misunderstanding.
    3. Why was the man late again?
    A. He culdn’t find his car key.
    B. He left his spare key in a taxi.
    C. He was caught in a traffic jam.
    4. What will Mary d n Sunday evening?
    A. Meet a dentist.B. G t Bb’s wedding.C. Send an invitatin.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. An appintment.B. A presentatin.C. A jb interview.
    6. Wh hurt the man’s nse?
    A. The mnkey.B. His daughter.C. His client.
    7. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. T see a dctr.B. T take a rest.C. T inspect the fingernails.
    8. What’s the pssible relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Teacher and student.C. Father and daughter.
    9. What des the girl agree t d?
    A. Study hard.B. G n a diet.C. D mre exercise.
    10. What des the man prefer?
    A. Realistic paintings.B. Waterclr paintings.C. Abstract paintings.
    11. What des the wman think f abstract paintings?
    A. They are easy t draw.B. They inspire imaginatin.C. They enhance peple’s md.
    12. What can we knw abut the Sitting Wman?
    A. It’s drawn by the cuple’s sn.
    B. It attracts the man and the wman.
    C. It is cmpsed f shapes and lines.
    13. What can be learned frm the cnversatin?
    A. They gt lst n the way t the party.
    B. They frgt t print ut the map.
    C. They never trust Ggle Maps.
    14. What is the wman’s attitude twards Ggle Maps?
    A. Objective.B. Apprving.C. Negative.
    15. What cmpany des the wman wrk fr?
    A. Yah.B. Apple.C. Ggle.
    16. What are the speakers ging t d next?
    A. T criticize the Ggle.B. T find a gas statin nearby.C. T examine the Ggle Maps.
    17. When was William Wrdswrth brn?
    A. In 1770.B. In 1791.C. In 1798.
    18. What represented the starting f the Rmantic Mvement?
    A. The birth anniversary f Wrdswrth.
    B. The publicatin f Lyrical Ballads.
    C. Wrdswrth’s graduatin frm Cambridge.
    19. What did “Rmantic” mean accrding t Wrdswrth?
    A. Rural life and nature.B. Simple language f pems.C. Genuine lve between peple.
    20. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A cmment n Wrdswrth.
    B. An intrductin t Wrdswrth.
    C. A guidance abut Wrdswrth’s wrks.
    【答案】1—5CBAAC 6—7BA 8—9BC 10—12ABC 13—16ACAB 17—20ABAB
    EAST ORANGE, N.J. (CBS New Yrk) — A third grader wh knew what t d in an emergency and tk actin is being credited with saving a life at schl.
    Kri Sctt, 9, was hnred Thursday by the mayr f East Orange, New Jersey fr her quick-thinking and bravery when a friend began chking in the lunchrm abut tw weeks ag.
    “I culd just tell, because when I saw her starting t swallw, she stpped and started punding n the table,” she tld CBS2’s Clark Furaker. Sctt said her friend was eating a burrit and left the cafeteria at Bwser Elementary lking fr water. “I started fllwing her and when I came ut, she was hlding nt a rail,” she said.
    It wuld be an urgent situatin fr anyne, but Sctt remembered smething imprtant as she left the lunchrm — her friend wuld nt be able t take a drink f water, because she was chking. “I knew if she was hlding nt the railing and she went t lean her head ver, she wuld have hit her head and she wuld have passed ut,” she said. “S I pulled her ver, did the Heimlich maneuver — ne, tw, three. But I did it ne mre time t make sure that she wasn’t chking.”
    “I picked her up frm schl. The teacher came ut near-tears and she was like ‘Kri did an exceptinal jb, an amazing jb tday.’ And I was like, ‘What?’ She said, ‘she saved a life.’” Sctt’s mther, Kiana, said. Sctt learned t d the Heimlich after her father perfrmed it n her when she was three.
    “Kri’s smart instincts (直觉) and quick actin are the characteristics f a true her,” said Mayr Ted Green. Fr her bravery, the mayr is making Sctt “Mayr-Fr-The-Day” n Friday.
    Her friend may nt be alive tday if the girl hadn’t knwn exactly what t d and sprung int actin. In additin t learning the Heimlich maneuver frm her father, Kri has been training classes with her mther, a security guard with the schl district.
    1. What d we knw abut Kri Sctt?
    A. She is careful and quick-minded.
    B. She perfrmed Heimlich maneuver befre.
    C. She received first aid training frm her mther.
    D. She panicked at the sight f her friend’s chking.
    2. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Father’s previus perfrmance guaranteed Sctt’s success.
    B. First-aid techniques enabled Sctt t escape frm danger.
    C. The teacher was satisfied with Sctt’s heric deeds.
    D. Sctt was hnred fr saving her chking friend.
    3. What is the text?
    A. A shrt stry.B. A research paper.
    C. A news reprt.D. A curse advertisement.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C
    本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲的是一名三年级学生Kri Sctt因用海姆利克氏急救法在学校挽救了一条生命而受到表扬。
    1. 推理判断题。根据第三段的“I culd just tell, because when I saw her starting t swallw, she stpped and started punding n the table(我能看出来,因为当我看到她开始吞咽的时候,她停了下来,开始拍桌子)”可知,她很细心;根据第四段的“S I pulled her ver, did the Heimlich maneuver — ne, tw, three. But I did it ne mre time t make sure that she wasn’t chking.(所以我把她拉到路边,做了海姆利克急救法——一、二、三。但我又做了一次,以确保她没有窒息。)”以及第二段的“her quick-thinking(她的机智)”可知,她反应很迅速,因此她是细心而机敏的。故选A。
    2. 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的“Kri Sctt, 9, was hnred Thursday by the mayr f East Orange, New Jersey fr her quick-thinking and bravery when a friend began chking in the lunchrm abut tw weeks ag.(大约两周前,9岁的科里·斯科特的一位朋友在餐厅里噎住了,她的机智和勇敢被新泽西州东奥兰奇市市长授予了荣誉。)”可知,本文主要讲的是一名三年级学生Kri Sctt因用海姆利克氏急救法在学校挽救了一条生命而受到表扬,故选D。
    3. 推理判断题。根据第一段的“EAST ORANGE, N.J. (CBS New Yrk) — A third grader wh knew what t d in an emergency and tk actin is being credited with saving a life at schl.(东奥兰治,新泽西州(CBS纽约)——一名知道在紧急情况下该做什么并采取行动的三年级学生因在学校挽救了一条生命而受到表扬。)”和第二段“Kri Sctt, 9, was hnred Thursday by the mayr f East Orange, New Jersey fr her quick-thinking and bravery when a friend began chking in the lunchrm abut tw weeks ag.(大约两周前,9岁的科里·斯科特的一位朋友在餐厅里噎住了,她的机智和勇敢被新泽西州东奥兰奇市市长授予了荣誉。)”推知,本文是一篇新闻报道,故选C。
    We live in a time when rbts entertain, teach and surprise us. Just as smartphnes and scial media ffer a cnnectivity beynd anything we imagined, rbts are beginning t ffer physical capabilities and artificial intelligence (AI) beynd ur expectatins. Tgether, these technlgies culd be used t help slve imprtant challenges like ageing scieties, envirnmental threats and glbal cnflicts.
    But many f us wnder whether AI will becme s intelligent in human cmmunicatin that the bundaries between human and artificial beings will blur. If it is pssible t build a meaningful interactin with an artificial agent, will there still be a divisin in the relatinships we have with peple and technlgy? Als, nce ur human bdies and minds are enhanced with AI and rbtics, what will it mean t be “human”?
    Frm an engineering perspective, these advanced capabilities are still very far away. A number f hurdles need t be vercme. Fr nw, rbts and cmputers are cmpletely dependent n a pwer surce — they require a lt f electricity, and this cmplicates integrating rbtic elements with human rganic tissue. Anther hurdle is the cmplexity f human cmmunicatin. While a ne-ff natural language cnversatin in a specific cntext with a rbt can feel realistic, engaging peple verbally and nn-verbally ver many cntexts is quite anther matter.
    Fr example, when yu call an artificial lst-and-fund agent at an airprt, a pleasant cnversatin is pssible because there are nly a limited number f gals the caller has. Hwever, in creating a mre extended relatinship, fr example, with a rbtic pet, the rbt needs t have internal gals, an extensive memry that relates experiences t varius cntexts, and it needs t develp these capabilities ver time.
    Thrugh smart “tricks”, a rbt can seem mre intelligent and capable than it is. Humans have the tendency t “make sense” f the rbt’s behavirs in a human way. Hwever, in rder t sustain a meaningful relatinship which deepens and evlves ver time, an extensive artificial inner life will need t be created.
    4. What is the message cnveyed in paragraph 2?
    A. AI technlgy is underging unexpected refrms.
    B. Humans can’t build a meaningful interactin with rbts.
    C. Peple dubt whether artificial beings can replace humans.
    D. Scial prblems may be slved with the develpment f AI.
    5. What can be inferred abut AI frm paragraphs 3 — 4?
    A. Gaps exist between technlgy and advanced AI capabilities.
    B. It is impssible t make a realistic cnversatin with a rbt.
    C. Rbt pets have a memry linked t previus experiences.
    D. Future rbts can perate withut electricity.
    6. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Rbt’s Behavirs Are Wrthy f Being Understd
    B. Varius Factrs Restrict Expansin f AI Capabilities
    C. High Technlgies Facilitate the Man-machine Interactin
    D. Artificial Inner Life Needs Extending fr Sustainable Human-Rbt Relatins
    【答案】4. C 5. A 6. D
    4. 主旨大意题。根据第二段“But many f us wnder whether AI will becme s intelligent in human cmmunicatin that the bundaries between human and artificial beings will blur. If it is pssible t build a meaningful interactin with an artificial agent, will there still be a divisin in the relatinships we have with peple and technlgy? Als, nce ur human bdies and minds are enhanced with AI and rbtics, what will it mean t be “human”?(但我们很多人都想知道,人工智能是否会在与人交流时变得如此智能,以至于人与人工之间的界限变得模糊。如果有可能与人工代理建立有意义的互动,那么我们与人与技术的关系还会有分歧吗?此外,一旦我们的身体和大脑被人工智能和机器人技术增强,“人类”将意味着什么?)”可知,第2段所传达的信息是人们怀疑人工生命是否能取代人类。故选C。
    5. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“A number f hurdles need t be vercme. Fr nw, rbts and cmputers are cmpletely dependent n a pwer surce — they require a lt f electricity, and this cmplicates integrating rbtic elements with human rganic tissue. Anther hurdle is the cmplexity f human cmmunicatin. While a ne-ff natural language cnversatin in a specific cntext with a rbt can feel realistic, engaging peple verbally and nn-verbally ver many cntexts is quite anther matter.(还有许多障碍需要克服。目前,机器人和计算机完全依赖于电源——它们需要大量的电力,这使得机器人与人体有机组织的集成变得复杂。另一个障碍是人类交流的复杂性。与机器人在特定环境下进行一次性的自然语言对话可能会让人感到真实,但让人们在多种环境下进行口头或非口头交流则是另一回事)”以及第四段中“Hwever, in creating a mre extended relatinship, fr example, with a rbtic pet, the rbt needs t have internal gals, an extensive memry that relates experiences t varius cntexts, and it needs t develp these capabilities ver time.(然而,在创造一个更广泛的关系时,例如,与一个机器人宠物,机器人需要有内部目标,一个广泛的记忆,将经验联系到各种环境,它需要随着时间的推移发展这些能力)”可推知,技术和先进的人工智能能力之间存在差距。故选A。
    6. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“Hwever, in rder t sustain a meaningful relatinship which deepens and evlves ver time, an extensive artificial inner life will need t be created.(然而,为了维持一段随着时间推移而加深和发展的有意义的关系,需要创造一个广泛的人工内在生命)”结合文章主要说明了机器人开始提供超出我们预期的物理能力和人工智能,但是人工智能能否取代人类仍然存在疑问。文章说明了其中存在的障碍,指出人为的内在生命需要扩展以维持人机关系。可知,D选项“人为的内在生命需要扩展以维持人机关系”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    The majrity f peple are unable t cmmit t a healthy lng-term lifestyle — althugh they are smehw willing t! There seems t be a paradx here.
    We becme mre aware f the imprtance f leading a healthy lifestyle n a regular basis. Yet, we just dn’t manage t. We may engage in a variety f shrt-term prjects: 1-week detx retreats r 1-mnth severe diets. But the benefits these shrt-term activities prduce are quickly lst as we are dragged back t ur “bad” habits in the lnger-term. The inability t stick t a healthy lifestyle makes us feel frustrated and unhealthy. What is the way ut then?
    The first step is t understand the prblem mre deeply: What are the main bstacles f pursuing a healthy lifestyle? Which are the fundamental aspects t a healthy lifestyle? Hw are they intercnnected? If we understand the prblem and its cmpnents mre deeply, we are ne step clser t cming up with a slutin.
    Surveys shw hw in 85% f cases in the US and Eurpe, the main bstacles t pursuing a healthy lifestyle are t be fund amng lack f awareness, time, self-cntrl and guidelines.
    “Humans tend t heavily discunt the future, meaning things that we have nw are mre valuable t us than things we’ll have in a few years.” said A. Braun in 2019. Fr this reasn, we cannt crrectly weigh the csts and cnsequences f chsing unhealthy habits tday, and we tend t give in t shrt-term pleasures, althugh this means reducing lnger-term benefits.
    We deliberately chse t experience and enjy shrt-term pleasure, mainly because f a stress cnditin we may have, r because f persnality. The underlying reasn fr these behavirs is primarily stress, as neurscience discveries in fact suggest, “In general, stress results in habit behavir in humans, s dealing first and fremst with stress is prbably advisable when yu are lking t make lasting changes. Luckily, yur brain can change thrughut life. Decreasing stress culd finally help yur brain becme less easily influenced by habit.”
    7. Why d peple engage in varius shrt-term prjects?
    A. T delete a bad habit.B. T keep healthy in lifestyle.
    C. T g n a severe diet.D. T slve the paradx.
    8. What is the bstacle f pursuing a healthy lifestyle?
    A. Lacking enugh self-discipline.B. Gaining n reward frm wrking ut.
    C. Having n mtive when making schedules.D. Relying n t much guidance frm thers.
    9. By quting A. Braun’s wrds in paragraph 5, the authr wants t ________.
    A. highlight the assciatin between habits and lifestyle
    B. stress the lng-term value f adpting healthy habits
    C. shw a trend f pursuing lng-term pleasures
    D. cnvey peple’s cmmitment t a healthy lifestyle
    10. What can we learn abut neurscience discveries?
    A. Changing brain activities helps decrease stress.
    B. Persnality cntributes t ne’s shrt-term pleasure.
    C. Peple’s habit behavir tends t dminate their emtins.
    D. Reducing stress is the key t sticking t a healthy lifestyle.
    【答案】7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D
    7. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“We becme mre aware f the imprtance f leading a healthy lifestyle n a regular basis. Yet, we just dn’t manage t. We may engage in a variety f shrt-term prjects: 1-week detx retreats r 1-mnth severe diets.(我们越来越意识到定期保持健康生活方式的重要性。然而,我们就是无法做到这一点。我们可能会参与各种各样的短期项目:1周的排毒休养或1个月的严格饮食)”可知,人们从事各种短期项目是为了保持健康的生活方式。故选B。
    8. 细节理解题。根据第四段“Surveys shw hw in 85% f cases in the US and Eurpe, the main bstacles t pursuing a healthy lifestyle are t be fund amng lack f awareness, time, self-cntrl and guidelines.(调查显示,在美国和欧洲,85%的情况下,追求健康生活方式的主要障碍是缺乏意识、时间、自制力和指导方针)”可知,追求健康生活方式的障碍是缺乏自律。故选A。
    9. 推理判断题。根据第五段““Humans tend t heavily discunt the future, meaning things that we have nw are mre valuable t us than things we’ll have in a few years.” said A. Braun in 2019. Fr this reasn, we cannt crrectly weigh the csts and cnsequences f chsing unhealthy habits tday, and we tend t give in t shrt-term pleasures, althugh this means reducing lnger-term benefits.(“人类倾向于严重低估未来,这意味着我们现在拥有的东西比几年后我们将拥有的东西更有价值,A. Braun在2019年说。出于这个原因,我们不能正确地衡量今天选择不健康习惯的代价和后果,我们倾向于屈服于短期的快乐,尽管这意味着减少长期的好处)”推知,通过在第5段引用A. Braun的话,作者想强调养成健康习惯的长期价值。故选B。
    10. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“The underlying reasn fr these behavirs is primarily stress, as neurscience discveries in fact suggest, “In general, stress results in habit behavir in humans, s dealing first and fremst with stress is prbably advisable when yu are lking t make lasting changes.”(这些行为的潜在原因主要是压力,正如神经科学的发现实际上表明的那样,“一般来说,压力会导致人类的习惯行为,所以当你想要做出持久的改变时,首先处理压力可能是可取的。”)”可知,我们能从神经科学的发现中学到减少压力是坚持健康生活方式的关键。故选D。
    Relatins between Architecture and Culture
    A cuntry is nt nly identified by its peple and gvernment, but als by its architecture. _____11_____ Fr example, when ne thinks f India, we think f the Tahj Mahal. The Egyptians are anther amazing example. Their envirnment and culture prduced the great pyramids. Hw d mdern cultures prduce and maintain such beautiful architecture?
    Slvenians gained independence in 1991. The cuntry is nw ecnmically the mst prgressive ne. It is nw helping t mdernize the factries and by ding s has actually helped lwer pverty rates. Generally, their wrld arund them is mdernizing. _____12_____ Everyday life fcuses in the squares, churches and the marketplace. These Slvenian twns have many well-preserved buildings with styles f architecture dating back frm the 1100’s. Many churches such as Sticna Abbey and Pdsreda Castle are magnificent examples f the Rman architecture.
    _____13_____ Fr centuries, hmes have been made ut f mud huses built alng the main dirt rad. The rf culd be used fr an ven, t hld chickens, r just as strage. Cair, ne f the larger cities, the lder parts f it are still the heart f Egypt althugh built with Islamic and Cptic mnuments.
    Chinese architecture prbably has the mst cultural influence. Traditinally buildings were designed fr its width, nt its height. Every imprtant building is guarded arund a large wall t prtect their assets. While rdinary dwellings are grey and dull, palaces and places f imprtance are quite clrful. _____14_____ Each Chinese hme has their entrance at the frnt and facing the east with a screen because it is believed that spirits travel straight and cannt g thrugh screen.
    Every culture can inspire a type f architecture that can range frm landmarks t everyday hmes. Religin and family seem t be the mst cmmn influences verall. _____15_____
    A. Architecture is a prduct f cultural diversity.
    B. The purpse f a suth-facing entrance is t avid nrth winds.
    C. Thrugh architecture it’s pssible t judge many things abut a culture.
    D. Hwever, the center f their twn is irnically the lder parts f the city.
    E. Architecture is nt always defined as large but simply a hme smetimes.
    F. Traditin and religin are the largest pieces t the Chinese culture and architecture.
    G. Each culture is unique and the mre we learn abut them, the mre we appreciate ur surrundings.
    【答案】11. C 12. D 13. E 14. F 15. G
    11. 根据后文“Fr example, when ne thinks f India, we think f the Tahj Mahal. The Egyptians are anther amazing example. Their envirnment and culture prduced the great pyramids. Hw d mdern cultures prduce and maintain such beautiful architecture?(例如,当人们想到印度时,我们会想到泰姬陵。埃及人是另一个惊人的例子。他们的环境和文化造就了伟大的金字塔。现代文化是如何产生并保持如此美丽的建筑的?)”可知,后文的例子表明,通过建筑就可以想起某个国家,说明通过建筑可以判断文化。故C选项“通过建筑可以判断一个文化的很多方面”符合语境,故选C。
    12. 根据上文“Slvenians gained independence in 1991. The cuntry is nw ecnmically the mst prgressive ne. It is nw helping t mdernize the factries and by ding s has actually helped lwer pverty rates. Generally, their wrld arund them is mdernizing.(斯洛文尼亚在1991年获得独立。这个国家现在是经济最进步的国家。现在,中国正在帮助工厂实现现代化,这样做实际上有助于降低贫困率。总的来说,他们周围的世界正在现代化)”以及后文“Everyday life fcuses in the squares, churches and the marketplace.(人们的日常生活集中在广场、教堂和市场上)”可知,后文提到人们的日常生活集中在广场、教堂和市场上,说明本句与上文构成转折,指出城镇的中心是城市的老城区。故D选项“然而,讽刺的是,他们城镇的中心是城市的老城区”符合语境,故选D。
    13. 根据后文“Fr centuries, hmes have been made ut f mud huses built alng the main dirt rad. The rf culd be used fr an ven, t hld chickens, r just as strage. Cair, ne f the larger cities, the lder parts f it are still the heart f Egypt althugh built with Islamic and Cptic mnuments.(几个世纪以来,房屋都是由沿着主要土路建造的泥屋建造而成的。屋顶可以用来做烤炉、养鸡,或者只是作为储藏。开罗是较大的城市之一,它的古老部分仍然是埃及的中心,尽管有伊斯兰和科普特人的纪念碑)”可知,后文主要说明了房屋这种小的建筑,E选项中hme对应后文中huses。故E选项“建筑并不总是被定义为大,有时只是一个家”符合语境,故选E。
    14. 根据后文“Each Chinese hme has their entrance at the frnt and facing the east with a screen because it is believed that spirits travel straight and cannt g thrugh screen.(每个中国家庭的入口都在前面,面向东方,有一个屏风,因为人们相信灵魂是直线旅行的,不能穿过屏风)”可知,后文提到了每个中国家庭都有面向东方的屏风,这是一种中国文化传统或宗教信念,故F选项“传统和宗教是中国文化和建筑的最大组成部分”符合语境,故选F。
    15. 根据上文“Every culture can inspire a type f architecture that can range frm landmarks t everyday hmes. Religin and family seem t be the mst cmmn influences verall.(每一种文化都能激发建筑的灵感,从地标建筑到日常住宅。宗教和家庭似乎是最普遍的影响因素)”可知,本段总结全文,指出每一种文化都能激发建筑的灵感,宗教和家庭似乎是最普遍的影响因素,可推知人们对文化越是了解,越是能欣赏我们所处的环境,故G选项“每一种文化都是独一无二的,我们对它们了解得越多,就越能欣赏我们所处的环境”符合语境,故选G。
    My jurnal pages are filled with interesting shrt travel stries. One f my mst _____16_____ funny stries happened while I was backpacking Suth America — specifically during a 4-day tur frm Atacama in Chile t Uyuni, Blivia.
    The trip tk us _____17_____ the desert fr three days t see spectacular _____18_____ like ht pink lagns (洪泄湖) where wild creatures search fr fd, a(n) _____19_____ train graveyard, the wrld-famus Uyuni Salt Flatsand, the _____20_____ f the whle tur.
    During the trip, we shared a car with fur r five ther peple. At ne pint, I was sitting in the frnt seat, _____21_____ t cme acrss the mst awesme landscape. The car was getting really ht under a(n) _____22_____ sun. Our driver didn’t speak English, but I spke _____23_____ Spanish — r at least I thught I did.
    “Esty caliente!” I said, lking right at the driver. T my cnfusin, instead f _____24_____ a windw, he lked puzzled, r maybe _____25_____.
    I decided it was prbably my New Yrk accent _____26_____ him. “Esty caliente!” I said again, this time in _____27_____ I thught was a mre lcal-sunding _____28_____. He lked even mre hrrified-slashed-cnfused.
    Suddenly, the ne native Spanish speaker in the car spke up frm the back: “Umm, I’m _____29_____ yu’re nt meaning t tell the driver yu’re t excited, right?”
    Apparently, the way I was saying “I’m ht” _____30_____ translated t, well, anther meaning f the phrase. As I turned bright red, I decided I didn’t really need the windw pen and wuld just sit _____31_____ and try t disappear by _____32_____ in the car seat.
    But when it cmes t learning a language while traveling, mistakes causing _____33_____ can certainly be a great teacher. Plus, I can _____34_____ this t my list f extremely exciting _____35_____ t share at parties.
    16. A. awkwardB. miserableC. sensitiveD. cmplicated
    17. A. underneathB. thrughC. beyndD. within
    18. A. suburbsB. memrialsC. sitesD. harbrs
    19. A. abusedB. delayedC. restredD. abandned
    20. A. breakthrughB. highlightC. duratinD. agenda
    21. A. prceedingB. reslvingC. anticipatingD. pretending
    22. A. blisteringB. refreshingC. suspendingD. emerging
    23. A. cntempraryB. cmprehensiveC. superirD. decent
    24. A. taking verB. rlling dwnC. giving ffD. testing ut
    25. A. hrrifiedB. astnishedC. desperateD. inncent
    26. A. interruptingB. releasingC. cnfusingD. absrbing
    27. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. hw
    28. A. versinB. dimensinC. accentD. dignity
    29. A. urgingB. declaringC. justifyingD. presuming
    30. A. literallyB. randmlyC. lselyD. precisely
    31. A. in panicB. in silenceC. in particularD. in return
    32. A. cllapsingB. expldingC. meltingD. dismissing
    33. A. sympathyB. recgnitinC. prejudiceD. embarrassment
    34. A. addB. submitC. weD. assign
    35. A. belngingsB. experiencesC. viewsD. reputatins
    【答案】16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
    16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我最尴尬的一个有趣的故事发生在我在南美洲背包旅行的时候,特别是在从智利的阿塔卡马到玻利维亚的乌尤尼的四天旅行中。A. awkward尴尬的;B. miserable痛苦的;C. sensitive敏感的;D. cmplicated复杂的。结合后文可知,作者因为口音问题引发了一个尴尬的故事,故选A。
    17. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比如野生动物觅食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A. underneath在下面;B. thrugh通过;C. beynd越过;D. within在里面。根据后文“the desert”指穿过沙漠,应用thrugh。故选B。
    18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比如野生动物觅食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A. suburbs郊外;B. memrials记录;C. sites地点;D. harbrs海港。根据后文“like ht pink lagns where wild creatures search fr fd”可知是列举了一些旅游的地点。故选C。
    19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比如野生动物觅食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A. abused滥用的;B. delayed延迟的;C. restred精力充沛的;D. abandned废弃的。根据后文“train graveyard”指废弃的火车墓地。故选D。
    20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比如野生动物觅食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A. breakthrugh突破;B. highlight亮点;C. duratin持续;D. agenda日程表。根据上文“the wrld-famus Uyuni Salt Flatsand”可知,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼是整个旅行的亮点。故选B。
    21. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一次,我坐在前排座位上,期待着遇到最令人惊叹的风景。A. prceeding开始行动;B. reslving分解;C. anticipating预期;D. pretending假装。根据后文“t cme acrss the mst awesme landscape”指作者期待着看风景。故选C。
    22. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:汽车在烈日下越来越热了。A. blistering极热的;B. refreshing使人精神振作的;C. suspending悬浮;D. emerging新兴的。根据上文“The car was getting really ht”可知当时很热,汽车在烈日下越来越热了。故选A。
    23. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们的司机不会说英语,但我能说一口流利的西班牙语——至少我认为我能。A. cntemprary当代的;B. cmprehensive综合性的;C. superir更强的;D. decent流利的。根据上文“Our driver didn’t speak English, but I spke”可知but表示转折,说明作者觉得自己的西班牙语挺流利。故选D。
    24. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:令我困惑的是,他没有摇下车窗,而是一脸困惑,或许是惊恐。A. taking ver接管;B. rlling dwn滚下,摇下;C. giving ff发出;D. testing ut测试。当时天气热,所以是摇下车窗,他没有摇下车窗。故选B。
    25. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:令我困惑的是,他没有摇下车窗,而是一脸困惑,或许是惊恐。A. hrrified惊恐的;B. astnished吃惊的;C. desperate绝望的;D. inncent无辜的。结合后文可知司机误会了作者的意思,一脸困惑甚至是惊恐。故选A。
    26. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想可能是我的纽约口音把他弄糊涂了。A. interrupting打断;B. releasing释放;C. cnfusing使困惑;D. absrbing吸收。呼应上文“lked puzzled”指把司机弄糊涂了。故选C。
    27. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:“我热!”我又说了一遍,这次我觉得口音听起来更像地方口音。引导宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,指事情应用what。故选B。
    28. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我热!”我又说了一遍,这次我觉得口音听起来更像地方口音。A. versin版本;B. dimensin维度;C. accent口音;D. dignity自尊。根据上文“a mre lcal-sunding”可知作者用当地口音又说了一遍。故选C。
    29. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,车里一个母语是西班牙语的人从车后开口了:“嗯,我想你不会是想告诉司机你太兴奋了吧?”A. urging督促;B. declaring说明;C. justifying证明;D. presuming推测。根据后文“yu’re nt meaning t tell the driver yu’re t excited, right?”可知这人推测作者不是想告诉司机自己太兴奋了。故选D。
    30. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:显然,我说“我很热”的方式被直译为,嗯,这个短语的另一种意思。A. literally逐字地;B. randmly随机地;C. lsely松散地;D. precisely精确地。根据后文“translated t, well, anther meaning f the phrase”可知,说“我很热”的方式被直译为了另一种意思是,故选A。
    31. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:当我满脸通红的时候,我决定我不需要打开车窗,我只需要安静地坐着,尴尬得恨不得融化在座位上。A. in panic恐慌地;B. in silence沉默地;C. in particular特别;D. in return作为报答。根据后文“and try t disappear”可知作者为自己的尴尬行为沉默了。故选B。
    32. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我满脸通红的时候,我决定我不需要打开车窗,我只需要安静地坐着,试着坐在汽车安全座椅里默不作声。A. cllapsing崩溃;B. explding爆炸;C. melting融化;D. dismissing解散。根据上文的天气很热以及后文“in the car seat”可知作者尴尬得恨不得融化在座位上。故选C。
    33. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是当谈到在旅行中学习一门语言时,引起尴尬的错误无疑是一个很好的老师。A. sympathy同情;B. recgnitin承认;C. prejudice偏见;D. embarrassment尴尬。结合上文可知作者经历了一次尴尬的语言故事。故选D。
    34. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,我还可以将此添加到我在聚会上分享的极其激动人心的经历列表中。A. add增加;B. submit提交;C. we欠钱;D. assign分派。根据后文“this t my list f extremely exciting”指作者把这次经历增加到了列表中。故选A。
    35. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:另外,我还可以在派对上分享这些令人兴奋的经历。A. belngings所有物;B. experiences经历;C. views观点;D. reputatins名誉。根据上文者经历了一次尴尬的语言故事以及“extremely exciting”可知作者分享的都是自己兴奋的经历。故选B。
    A penguin clny in Antarctica that’s hme t ver 18,000 pairs f Adélie penguins suffered a massive breeding failure, with all but tw f the babies starving t death when their parents _____36_____ (frce) t travel further in search f fd during this breeding seasn.
    Accrding t CNN, the Wrld Wildlife Fund said unseasnably extensive amunts f sea ice arund the clny frced the adult penguins t travel further _____37_____ (hunt) fr fd. The babies did nt survive the parents’ jurneys. “This disastrus event cntrasts with _____38_____ image that many peple might have f penguins,” _____39_____ (say) Rd Dwnie, Head f Plar Prgrams at WWF.
    Dwnie cntinued: “The impact f this event is restricted t this specific clny f Adélie penguins, and predictins are that the Antarctic will get _____40_____ (warm) and this may pse different _____41_____ (challenge) in the lnger term.”
    Adélie penguins are _____42_____ (general) ding well in East Antarctica and there they mstly eat krill, a small shrimp like crustacean. _____43_____ they are declining in the peninsula, _____44_____ the effects f climate change are already being felt. In additin ______45______ the climate change, the lcal penguin ppulatin is further threatened because f prpsals t pen the area t the krill fishing industry.
    【答案】36. were frced
    37. t hunt
    38. the 39. said
    40. warmer 41. challenges
    42. generally
    43. But 44. where
    45. t
    36. 考查时态语态。句意:南极洲的一个拥有18,000多对阿德利企鹅的企鹅群遭遇了大规模的繁殖失败,在这个繁殖季节,它们的父母被迫到更远的地方去寻找食物,除了两只幼企鹅外,其他的都饿死了。主语与谓语构成被动关系,结合上文suffered可知为一般过去时的被动语态,主语为parents,谓语用复数。故填were frced。
    37. 考查非谓语动词。句意:据美国有线电视新闻网报道,世界自然基金会表示,企鹅群周围异常大量的海冰迫使成年企鹅走得更远去觅食。分析句子结构可知hunt在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处作目的状语应用不定式。故填t hunt。
    38. 考查冠词。句意:世界自然基金会极地项目负责人罗德·唐尼说:“这次灾难性的事件与许多人对企鹅的印象形成了鲜明对比。”根据后文image that many peple might have f penguins可知为特指应用定冠词。故填the。
    39. 考查时态。句意:世界自然基金会极地项目负责人罗德·唐尼说:“这次灾难性的事件与许多人对企鹅的印象形成了鲜明对比。”结合语境可知描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时。故填said。
    40. 考查比较级。句意:唐尼继续说:“这次事件的影响仅限于Adélie企鹅这一特定群体,据预测,南极将会变暖,从长远来看,这可能会带来不同的挑战。”结合句意表示“更暖的”应用比较级warmer。故填warmer。
    41. 考查名词的数。句意:唐尼继续说:“这次事件的影响仅限于Adélie企鹅这一特定群体,据预测,南极将会变暖,从长远来看,这可能会带来不同的挑战。”challenge为可数名词,由different修饰应用复数形式。故填challenges。
    42. 考查副词。句意:Adélie企鹅通常在南极洲东部生活得很好,在那里它们主要吃磷虾,一种像甲壳类动物的小虾。修饰动词d应用副词generally,作状语。故填generally。
    43. 考查连词。句意:但在已经感受到气候变化影响的半岛,它们的数量正在下降。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用连词but,句首单词首字母要大写。故填But。
    44. 考查定语从句。句意:但在已经感受到气候变化影响的半岛,它们的数量正在下降。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词peninsula,先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用where。故填where。
    45. 考查介词。句意:除了气候变化,当地企鹅的数量也受到了进一步的威胁,因为有人提议将该地区开放给磷虾捕鱼业。结合句意表示“除了……还”可知短语为in additin t。故填t。
    46. 假定你是李华。请以学生会名义为即将到来的线上诗歌沙龙活动 (Virtual Petry Saln)写一则通知,邀请全校英语诗歌爱好者参加。内容包括:
    1. 活动主题;
    2. 活动安排;
    3. 申请方式。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    【答案】One Pssible Versin:
    Aiming t stimulate students’ interest in literature, the Student Unin is t hld a Virtual Petry Saln themed “Explring Beauty in English Petry”.
    As planned, we’ll meet in a Tecent meeting-rm named “Petry Saln” at 7pm this Friday. Petry lvers are welcme t engage in the activity. We’ll appreciate sme classic pems, f which all participants may chse ne and illustrate it in an individual way. Yu may read the pem alud expressively, draw the image it cnveys, r pair it with its Chinese versin.
    If yu’d like t find ut mre, cntact Li Hua at Li@schls.rg fr applicatin.
    The Student Unin
    本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以学生会名义为即将到来的线上诗歌沙龙活动 (Virtual Petry Saln)写一则通知,邀请全校英语诗歌爱好者参加。
    1. 词汇积累
    激发:stimulate →mtivate
    被称为:named → called
    参与:engage in →take part in
    表达:cnvey → express
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Petry lvers are welcme t engage in the activity.
    拓展句:Anyne wh lves petry is welcme t engage in the activity.
    【高分句型1】We’ll appreciate sme classic pems, f which all participants may chse ne and illustrate it in an individual way.(运用了介词f +which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Aiming t stimulate students’ interest in literature, the Student Unin is t hld a Virtual Petry Saln themed “Explring Beauty in English Petry”.(运用了现在分词作状语,不定式作表语)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    It was during the summer f 2010 when I finally gt ver my fear f waterslides (水滑道).
    As we std in line t get ur bags checked, I lked at the rides and started t get nervus. I walked up t the lng white table and handed my bag t the lady n the ther side. She lked at me suspiciusly in the eye, pened up my bag, peeked inside, and then handed it back aggressively. As I walked thrugh the big metal gates, I lked up at all f the rides. My heart skipped a beat when I saw all f the twists and turns f each ride.
    I gt with my grup and we jumped int the Lazy River. As I gt myself caught up with my friends, Cunselr Thmas called ur grup ut. We all discussed abut which ride we wuld like t g n first. I nervusly sat dwn and listened, nt quite ready t g nt any f the rides just yet. They finally decided t g n the Strm Rider.
    Nia, wearing her green T-shirt, skipped up t me. “Hey! Want t g n the ride with me?” she asked excitedly. “Umm”, I hesitated and thught, “What if they make fun f me fr being scared f rides?” “Sure, why nt!” I blurted ut. “OK!” Nia exclaimed, “Charlie and Kevin! Grab a flat please!” The tw bys fished ut a big rubber flat (橡皮浮圈) and started pulling it up the stairs frcibly. Nia and I fllwed alng. As we waited in line, I listened t the peple n all f the ther rides scream.
    We climbed all the way t the tp f the steps. I lked dwn at the yellw and blue frightening ride and panicked a little when I saw the steepness f the drp. Then we listened t the lifeguard fr the safety rules. The mre he talked, the mre nervus I gt. I gripped nt the rubber handles n the seat. All f a sudden I heard the lifeguard ask, “Are yu all ready?” Charlie, Nia, and Kevin all exclaimed, “Yeah!” I held n tight and braced myself fr what’s abut t happen.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1:
    Right as the lifeguard was abut t push us dwn the ride, I clsed my eyes.
    Paragraph 2:
    We finally gt flushed ut f the tube and int the circular bwl.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Right as the lifeguard was abut t push us dwn the ride, I clsed my eyes. After a sudden mment f weightlessness, I pened my eyes and dwn we went. “AHHH!”, I yelled, frightened abut hw fast we were ging dwn the huge drp. Nia, nt having a tendency f screaming, laughed the whle way dwn. “Eep! Eep!” Charlie exclaimed, screaming his head ff like a little girl. Kevin als screamed “Ahhh!” all the way. The green shirts n us were wet thrugh frm the water, peeling ff ur skin and filling up with air like green ballns. S funny did we all lk that I culdn’t help laughing.
    We finally gt flushed ut f the tube and int the circular bwl. We all ended up laughing as we spun arund the bwl, salty tasting water splashing in ur faces. We went arund the bwl a few mre times befre we drpped dwn a little dip and gt thrwn int the Lazy River. That was the day I gt ver my fear f water rides. I had thught the ride was ging t be scary, but it ended up being great fun and we all went n again. I gt t enjy the rest f my day because I wasn’t scared anymre. I felt prud f myself that day. I am nw really happy that I went n the ride.
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:被往下推——我很害怕———朋友们很享受—— 进入圆形的碗里——变得轻松,开始享受——从此克服恐惧
    3. 词汇激活
    ①尖叫:scream /shut/yell
    ②大笑:laugh/ burst ut laughing/burst int laughter
    ③克服:get ver /vercme/ cnquer
    ②.自豪:feel prud f / take pride in
    [高分句型1]. Nia, nt having a tendency f screaming, laughed the whle way dwn. (运用现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. S funny did we all lk that I culdn’t help laughing. (运用了s+adj提前引导的部分倒装结构)
    [高分句型3]. I had thught the ride was ging t be scary, but it ended up being great fun and we all went n again. (运用了省略that的宾语从句)

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