高中英语上教版必修第一册 Unit 1 词汇整理(一)
1. assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/
adj.分配(某物);分派,布置(工作、任务等) assign
a tough assignment
Teachers could make students aware that their ability to comprehend the assignment may be influenced by the medium they choose. <2021年金山区一模概要写作>
2. comment /ˈkɒment/
n. 议论;评论
a fair comment
From cyber-bullying to cruel comments, social media can be a land mine for kids.<2020年青浦区一模概要写作>
3 concentrate /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/
v. 集中(注意力);聚精会神
concentrate the mind
Too much of the stress hormone cortisol can make it harder to concentrate, causing memory problems as well as anxiety or depression, says Dr. Levine.<2018年宝山区二模阅读理解B篇>
4. concern /kənˈsɜː(r)n/
none of your concern
The concern is really that we will build machines that are much more competent than we are. <2018年普陀区二模阅读理解C篇>
5 distant /ˈdɪstənt/
adj 遥远的,久远的
a distant country
The buildings they wanted to save were centuries old, located in distant parts of the country.<2020年黄浦区一模阅读理解A篇>
6. expectation /ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/
n 希望、盼望
lived up to parents’ expectations
Portrait art is an art category providing various engagement with social, psychological, and artistic practices and expectations.<2021年松江区一模阅读理解C篇>
7. facility /fəˈsɪləti/
n 设施;设备
a military facility
These leisure facilities are closed Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and July 4th–if it falls on a weekend.<2019年杨浦区二模阅读理解C篇>
8. glance /ɡlɑːns/
n. 匆匆一看;一瞥
v. 匆匆一看;一瞥;扫视glance
cast a quick short glance
At first glance, the fat tax issue sounds discriminatory, but some argue that this is purely down to numbers.<2017年静安区一模概要写作>
9. ignore /ɪɡˈnɔːr/
v. 忽视;对...不予理会
ignore rules
According to a new study published in the journal Nature in September, this phenomenon arises from a function in our brain to ignore the noise we make ourselves.<2019年杨浦区一模阅读理解C篇>
10. pressure /ˈpreʃə(r)/
n. 压力;紧张
n.报章杂志;报刊;印刷媒体 press
gas pressure
Extremely heavy people are more likely to suffer from this disease because their extra weight puts much pressure on their joints. <2019年宝山区一模阅读理解A篇>
11. reflect /rɪˈflekt/
v. 认真思考;沉思
reflect on the achievements
Gratitude challenges you to reflect in the moment instead of always thinking about the future.<2020年崇明区一模概要写作>
12. related /rɪˈleɪtɪd/
adj. 相关的;有联系的
related issuess
We like to stereotype people by the color of their skin, the year of their birth or any other related factors. <2019年浦东新区一模A篇>
13. sort /sɔːt/
n. 种类、类别
v. sort 整理;把…分类
different sort
If you maintain an active lifestyle or participate in some sort of exercise from youth to middle age, you can reduce your risk for dying.<2020年嘉定区二模阅读理解C篇>
14. stare /steə(r)/
v. 盯着看;凝视
stare blankly
The more we stare at our screens,the less we talk to others people directly.<2020年闵行区一模概要写作>
15.tip /tɪp/
n. 指点;实用的提示
sewing tips
If you’re considering taking online college courses, the tips and advice below can help you address their unique challenges to get the most value out of your online program. <2020年虹口区二模阅读理解C篇>