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    高中英语上外版必修第二册 Unit 3 Food 基础版 同步讲义(原卷+解析卷)
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    高中英语上外版必修第二册 Unit 3 Food 基础版 同步讲义(原卷+解析卷)01
    高中英语上外版必修第二册 Unit 3 Food 基础版 同步讲义(原卷+解析卷)02
    高中英语上外版必修第二册 Unit 3 Food 基础版 同步讲义(原卷+解析卷)03
    高中英语上外版必修第二册 Unit 3 Food 基础版 同步讲义(原卷+解析卷)01
    高中英语上外版必修第二册 Unit 3 Food 基础版 同步讲义(原卷+解析卷)02
    高中英语上外版必修第二册 Unit 3 Food 基础版 同步讲义(原卷+解析卷)03
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    高中上外版(2020)Unit 3 Food课后复习题

    这是一份高中上外版(2020)Unit 3 Food课后复习题,文件包含Unit3Food-基础版教师版docx、Unit3Food-基础版学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共57页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. He isn't such a man ______he used t be.
    A. wh B. whm C. that D. as
    2. He is gd at English, ______we all knw.
    A. that B. as C. whm D. what
    3. Li Ming, ______t the cncert enjyed it very much.
    A. I went with B. with whm I went C. with wh I went D.I went with him
    4. I can never frget the day _______ we wrked tgether and the day ______ we spent tgether.
    A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. n which; when
    5. This is the reasn ______he didn't cme t the meeting.
    A. in which B. with which C. that D. fr which
    6. The reasn ______he didn't cme was ______he was ill.
    A. why; that B. that; why C. fr that; that D. fr which; what
    7. Anyway, that evening, _____I'll tell yu mre abut later, I ended up staying at Rachel's place.
    A. when B. where C. what D. which
    8. Drthy was always speaking highly f her rle in the play_____, f curse, made the thers unhappy.
    A. wh B. which C. this D. what
    9. The wrng yu’ve dne him is terrible, fr _____I think yu shuld make an aplgy t him.
    A. this B. which C. what D. that.
    10. The film brught the hurs back t me _____I was taken gd care f in that far-away village.
    A. until B. that C. when D. where
    11.There's a feeling in me_____ we'll never knw what a UFO is--nt ever.
    A. that B. which C. f which D. what
    12.A mdern city has been set up in _____was a wasteland ten years ag.
    A. what B. which C. that D. where
    13.He is such a clever by_____ everyne likes.
    He is such a clever by _____everyne likes him.
    A. as B. that C. which D. it
    14. Was it in the village_____ we used t live in _____the accident happened?
    A. where; that B. which; that C. that; where D. where; which
    15. The gentleman _______ yu tld me yesterday prved t be a thief.
    A. wh B. abut whm C. whm D. with whm
    现在分词的基本形式:ding, being dne, having dne, having been dne
    过去分词的基本形式:dne, having been dne
    1. 分词的逻辑主语(①连词后的分词;②独立主语构成的独立主格)
    2. 分词中高频词 (难点词:remain, seat, lack, blame的用法)
    知识点一 重点词汇
    1. multiple /ˈmʌltɪpəl/
    adj. Yu use multiple t describe things that cnsist f many parts, invlve many peple, r have many uses. 数量多的;多种多样的
    He died f multiple injuries.
    2. variety /vəˈraɪɪtɪ/
    1) n. If smething has variety, it cnsists f things that are different frm each ther. 多样化
    Susan's idea f freedm was t have variety in her life style.
    2). n. A variety f things is a number f different kinds r examples f the same thing. (同一事物的) 一些不同种类
    West Hampstead has a variety f gd stres and supermarkets.
    The island ffers such a wide variety f scenery and wildlife.
    3). n. A variety f smething is a type f it. 品种
    I'm always pleased t try ut a new variety.
    varius /ˈvɛərɪəs/
    adj. If yu say that there are varius things, yu mean there are several different things f the type mentined. 各种不同的
    3. fcus /ˈfəʊkəs/
    1). vt. I If yu fcus n a particular tpic r if yur attentin is fcused n it, yu cncentrate n it and think abut it, discuss it, r deal with it, rather than dealing with ther tpics. 关注
    The research effrt has fcused n tracing the effects f grwing levels f five cmpunds.
    2). n. The fcus f smething is the main tpic r main thing that it is cncerned with. 焦点
    The UN's rle in prmting peace is increasingly the fcus f internatinal attentin.
    The new system is the fcus f cntrversy.
    fcus n 关注….
    fcus…n… 把…集中于…
    4. facility /fəˈsɪlɪtɪ/
    1). n. Facilities are buildings, pieces f equipment, r services that are prvided fr a particular purpse. 设施
    What recreatinal facilities are nw available?
    5. phase /feɪz/
    1). n. A phase is a particular stage in a prcess r in the gradual develpment f smething. 阶段
    This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase f the prject.
    The investigatin has entered a new phase.
    6. frustrating /ˈfrʌstreɪtɪŋ/
    adj. Smething that is frustrating annys yu r makes yu angry because yu cannt d anything abut the prblems it causes. 令人懊丧的
    The current situatin is very frustrating fr us.
    7. verwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋ/
    1). adj. If smething is verwhelming, it affects yu very strngly, and yu d nt knw hw t deal with it. 强悍而令人难以应对的
    The task wn't feel s verwhelming if yu break it dwn int small, easy-t-accmplish steps.
    2). adj Yu can use verwhelming t emphasize that an amunt r quantity is much greater than ther amunts r quantities. (数量上) 压倒性的 [强调]
    The verwhelming majrity f small businesses g brke within the first twenty-fur mnths.
    8. encunter /ɪnˈkaʊntə/
    1). vt. If yu encunter prblems r difficulties, yu experience them. 遭遇
    Every day f ur lives we encunter majr and minr stresses f ne kind r anther.
    2). vt. If yu encunter smene, yu meet them, usually unexpectedly. 邂逅 [正式]
    Did yu encunter anyne in the building?
    3). n. An encunter with smene is a meeting with them, particularly ne that is unexpected r significant. 邂逅
    The authr tells f a remarkable encunter with a grup f Suth Vietnamese sldiers.
    9. tend /tɛnd/
    1). v. If smething tends t happen, it usually happens r it ften happens. 倾向于; 往往会
    A prblem fr manufacturers is that lighter cars tend t be nisy.
    2). vi. If yu tend tward a particular characteristic, yu ften display that characteristic. 趋向…
    Artistic and intellectual peple tend tward left-wing views.
    3). vt. Yu can say that yu tend t think smething when yu want t give yur pinin, but d nt want it t seem t frceful r definite. 倾向于 (认为) [含糊]
    I tend t think that ur Representatives by and large d a gd jb.
    tend t d sth. 倾向于做某事.
    10. appetite /ˈæpɪˌtaɪt/
    1). n Yur appetite is yur desire t eat. 胃口
    He has a healthy appetite.
    2). n. Smene's appetite fr smething is their strng desire fr it. 欲望
    appetite fr success.
    11. grab /ɡræb/
    1). vt. If yu grab smething, yu take it r pick it up suddenly and rughly. 抓住
    I managed t grab her hand.
    2). V-I If yu grab at smething, yu try t grab it. (设法) 抓住
    He was clumsily trying t grab at Alfred's arms.
    1. type /taɪp/
    1). n. A type f smething is a grup f thse things that have particular features in cmmn. 类型; 种类
    types f lettuce.
    There are varius types f the disease.
    2). n. If yu refer t a particular thing r persn as a type f smething mre general, yu are cnsidering that thing r persn as an example f that mre general grup. 某类 (人或事物)
    Have yu dne this type f wrk befre?
    Rates f interest fr this type f brrwing can be high.
    2. identify /aɪˈdɛntɪˌfaɪ/
    1). vt. If yu can identify smene r smething, yu are able t recgnize them r distinguish them frm thers. 识别
    There are a number f distinguishing characteristics by which yu can identify a Hllywd epic.
    2). vt. If yu identify smene r smething, yu name them r say wh r what they are. 确认
    Plice have already identified 10 murder suspects.
    3).vt. If yu identify smething, yu discver r ntice its existence. 发现; 察觉
    Scientists claim t have identified chemicals prduced by certain plants which have pwerful cancer-fighting prperties.
    4). vt. If a particular thing identifies smene r smething, it makes them easy t recgnize, by making them different in sme way. 是…的标志; 使易于辨认
    She wre a little nurse's hat n her head t identify her.
    5). v. If yu identify with smene r smething, yu feel that yu understand them r their feelings and ideas. 理解; 认同
    She wuld nly play a rle if she culd identify with the character.
    6). vt. If yu identify ne persn r thing with anther, yu think that they are clsely assciated r invlved in sme way. 认为…密切相关
    Mre really hates t play the sweet, passive wmen that audiences have identified her with.
    identify … with 认为…密切相关
    3. seek /siːk/
    1). vt. If yu seek smething such as a jb r a place t live, yu try t find ne. 寻找 [正式]
    They have had t seek wrk as laburers.
    Fur peple wh sught refuge in the Italian embassy have left vluntarily.
    2). vt. When smene seeks smething, they try t btain it. 谋求 [正式]
    The prsecutrs have warned they will seek the death penalty.
    3). vt. If yu seek smene's help r advice, yu cntact them in rder t ask fr it. 请求; 征求 [正式]
    Always seek prfessinal legal advice befre entering int any agreement.
    On imprtant issues, they seek a secnd pinin.
    4). vt. If yu seek t d smething, yu try t d it. 力图; 设法 [正式]
    He als denied that he wuld seek t annex the cuntry.
    seek t d sth. 设法做某事
    seek fr…寻求
    4. cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/
    n. The cuisine f a cuntry r district is the style f cking that is characteristic f that place. 烹调风格
    The cuisine f Japan is lw in fat.
    5. precius/ˈprɛʃəs/
    1). adj If yu say that smething such as a resurce is precius, yu mean that it is valuable and shuld nt be wasted r used badly. (资源等) 宝贵的
    After fur mnths in freign parts, every hur at hme was precius.
    A family break allws yu t spend precius time tgether.
    Her family's supprt is particularly precius t Jsie.
    6. means /miːnz/
    1). n. A means f ding smething is a methd, instrument, r prcess which can be used t d it. Means is bth the singular and the plural frm fr this use. 方法; 手段; 过程
    The mve is a means t fight crime.
    The army had perfected the use f terrr as a means f cntrlling the ppulatin.
    2). n. Yu can refer t the mney that smene has as their means. 财富 [正式]
    persn f means.
    by means f 通过 (方法、手段或过程)
    This is a tw-year curse taught by means f lectures and seminars.
    1. run int 遇上(困难)
    If yu run int prblems r difficulties, yu unexpectedly begin t experience them.
    Wang agreed t sell IBM Systems last year after it ran int financial prblems.
    2. identify with 认为…密切相关
    If yu identify ne persn r thing with anther, yu think that they are clsely assciated r invlved in sme way.
    Mre really hates t play the sweet, passive wmen that audiences have identified her with.
    3. pass dwn 传下来;遗传
    Humans pass dwn their skills and knwledge t the next generatins thrugh educatin.
    Susan's idea f freedm was t have _______ in her life style.(varius)

    1.He died f____________ injuries.
    2.The research effrt has ___________ n tracing the effects f grwing levels f five cmpunds.
    3.What recreatinal ___________ are nw available?
    4.This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first ___________ f the prject.
    5.The current situatin is very___________ fr us.
    6.Did yu ___________ anyne in the building?
    7.A prblem fr manufacturers is that lighter cars ___________t be nisy.
    8.I managed t ___________ her hand.
    9.He has a healthy ___________.
    10.There are varius___________ f the disease.
    知识点二 语法
    2. 分词做定语;
    3. 分词语法拓展
    We will g n with ur experiment as sn as we get the added fund.
    This is really an exhausting day t all f us!
    We can see the part f the mn lighted by sunlight.
    After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I frced myself t take a lng walk alng the beach the next day.
    Mre and mre develping cuntries established strategic partnership with develped cuntries.
    上面所出现的现在分词都可以用作定语, 修饰一个名词:
    That must have been a terrifying experience.
    I fund him a charming persn.
    现在分词短语还可以放在名词的后面修饰名词, 相当于一个定语从句:
    There are a few bys swimming in the river.
    There is a car waiting utside.
    She has a pleased lk n her face.
    The teacher gave us a satisfied smile.
    cked fd
    a written reprt
    fried eggs
    biled water
    frzen fd
    armed frces
    required curses
    fallen leaves
    finished prducts
    a frced smile
    the risen sun
    new arrived visitrs
    What’s the language spken in that cuntry?
    They're prblems left by the histry
    The play put n by the teachers was a big success.
    Is there anybdy injured?
    D yu knw the number f bks rdered?
    ( ) 1. __________ with the best students, I still have a lng way t g.
    A. Having cmpared B. T cmpare C. Cmpared D. Cmpare
    ( ) 2. The music f the film _________ by him sunds s ___________ .
    A. playing, exciting B. played, excited C. playing, excited D. played, exciting
    ( ) 3. __________ against the cming hurricane, they didn't dare leave hme.
    A. Warned B. Having warned C. T warn D. Warn
    ( ) 4. In __________ cuntries, yu can’t always make yurself _______ by speaking English.
    A. English-speaking, understand B. English-spken, understand
    C. English-speaking, understd D. English-spken, understd
    ( )5. After _____________ the ld man, the dctr suggested that he ___________ a bad cld.
    A. examining, shuld catch B. examined, had caught
    C. examining, had caught D. examined, catch
    ( ) 6. _____________ , Tm jumped int the river and had a gd time in it.
    A. Be a gd swimmer B. Being a gd swimmer
    C. Having been gd swimmer D. T be a gd swimmer
    ( ) 7. ________ hw t read the new wrds, I ften lk them up in the dictinary.
    A. Having nt knwn B. Nt t knw C. Dn’t knw D. Nt knwing
    ( ) 8. As his parent, yu shuldn’t have yur child ___________ such a bk.
    A. read B. t read C. reading D. be reading
    ( ) 9. He returned frm abrad ______________ that his mther had been badly ill.
    A. heard B. having been heard C. having phned D. having been phned
    ( )10. With the gvernment’s aid, thse ______ by the earthquake have mved t the new settlements.
    A. affect B. affecting C. affected D. were affected
    He sent me an e-mail, ______ t get further infrmatin.
    A. hped B. hping C. t hpe D. hpe
    2.________ in 1636, Harvard is ne f the mst famus universities in the United States.
    A. Being funded B. It was funded C. Funded D. Funding
    3. The ______ by was last seen _______ near the East Lake.
    A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed; t play
    4. Finding her car stlen, ________.
    A. a pliceman was asked t help B. the area was searched thrughly
    C. it was lked fr everywhere D. she hurried t a pliceman fr help
    5. The bell ____ the end f the perid rang, _____ ur heated discussin.
    A. indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interrupting
    C. indicating; interrupted D. indicated; interrupted
    6. Thugh ________ mney, his parents managed t send him t university.
    A. lacked B. lacking f C. lacking D. lacking in
    7. It is believed that if a bk is ______, it will surely _______ the reader.
    A. interested; interest B. interesting; be interested
    C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest
    8. ________ t the sun fr t much time will d harm t ne’s skin.
    A. Expsed B. Having expsed
    C. Being expsed D. After being expsed
    9. Generally speaking,_______ accrding t the directins , the drug has n side effect.
    A. when taking B. when taken
    C. when t take D. when t be taken
    10. The flwers ______ sweet in the btanic garden attract the visitrs t the beauty f nature.
    A. t smell B. smelling C. smelt D. t be smelt
    11. The disc, digitally _______ in the studi, sunded fantastic at the party that night.
    A. dctrs came t their rescue B. the tall building cllapsed
    C. an emergency measures was taken D. warnings were given t turist.
    12. _____ put int use in April 2000, the htline was meant fr the residents reprting water and heating supply breakdwns.
    A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put
    13. Mre and mre peple are signing up fr Yga classes nwadays, ______ advantage f the health and relaxatin benefits.
    A. taking B. taken C. having taken D. having been taken
    14. The Twn Hall _____ in the 1800’s was the mst distinguished building at that time.
    A. t be cmpleted B. having been cmpleted C. cmpleted D. being cmpleted
    15. Ideally ______ fr Bradway theaters and Fifth Avenue, the New Yrk Park htel is a favrite with many guests.
    A. lcating B. being lcated C. having been lcated D. lcated
    Ladies and gentlemen, please remain (seat) until the plane has cme t a cmplete stp.
    ---Wh shuld be respnsible fr the accident?
    ---The bss, nt the wrkers. They just carried ut the rder as (tell).
    With Internet use (explde) in the wrld, cmpanies like Yah and Ggle are hunting harder fr deals.
    Hurs f playing vilent vide games can affect the way the brain wrks, ( cause) damage t certain cells f brain and slwing brain activity.
    The married cuple regularly discussed the life habits they find (anny) in each ther.
    Ideally (lcate) in Bradway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New Yrk Park Htel is a favrite with many guests.
    (attack) by the terrrists, the tall building cllapsed.
    Such an educatinal prgram can teach us hw t make psitive chices when (face) with persnal cnflicts.
    In the near future, China will increase supply f smaller huses, (aim) t help lw-incme families t buy huses f their wn.
    After the party, mst guests left with nly tw f them (remain) in the hst family, (help) him cleaning up.
    11. Unfrtunately, sme (license) dctrs are indifferent t patients, which causes many cnflicts.
    12. (tempt) by the array f gds that were n sale, my friend Felicia ended up spending her whle mnth's allwance.
    13. Their lan applicatin (refuse), they weren't able t buy the huse.
    14. Suth Krea is a wrld leader in the telecmmunicatins industry and Samsung is already a name (recgnize) thrughut the wrld.
    15. (face) with high demand and serius shrtage f preschls, the lcal gvernment is undertaking a majr expansin.
    16. Educatrs claim that children (expse) t English-speaking envirnment will learn the language mre quickly.
    17. What a beautiful sight! Wild flwers f different clrs spread all ver the hills and arund the lake, (add) t the beauty f the valley.
    18. We had an anxius cuple f weeks (wait) fr the result f the experiment.
    19. (escape) frm being killed, the deer lked fr a place where he culd get fd.
    20. Frd is currently the furth largest autmaker in the wrld based n the number f vehicles (sell) annually, directly behind Vlkswagen in 2008.
    Every bject tells a stry. Even the mst rdinary bjects can present t us pwerful images. Smetimes it is the rdinary nature f these bjects that actually ____25____ (make) them s extrardinary. Such is the case with an ld leather she in a museum in Alaska. At first glance it des nt lk like much. It is a wman’s she f a style ppular in the 1890s. But what is unique abut this she is ____26___ it was fund. It was discvered n the Checkut Pass, the famus trail used by the peple seeking gld in Alaska. Wh it belnged t r why it was left there ____27___ (be) nt knwn. Was it perhaps drpped by accident as the wman climbed up the 1500 stairs carved ut f ice? Or did she thrw away gds that she didn't need in rder t travel____28____(light)?
    Over 100, 000 peple with “gld fever” made this trip hping t becme millinaires. Few f them understd that n their way they wuld have t crss a harsh wildness. Unprepared fr such a dangerus jurney, many died f starvatin and expsure ____29____ the cld weather.
    The Canadian gvernment finally started requiring the gld seekers t bring ne tn f supplies with them. This was thught t be enugh fr a persn t survive fr ne year. They wuld carry their supplies in backpacks each ____30____ (weigh) up t fifty punds; it usually tk at least 40 trips t get everything t the tp and ver the pass. Whever drpped the she must____31____ (be) a brave and determined wman. Perhaps she was successful and made____32____ t Alaska. Perhaps she had t turn back in defeat. N ne will ever knw fr sure, but what we d knw is that she tk part in ne f the greatest adventures in the 19th century.
    2. An ld friendship had grwn cld. Where nce there had been clseness, there was nly strain. Nw pride kept me frm picking up the phne.
    Then ne day I drpped in n anther ld friend, wh’s had a lng career as a minister and cunselr. We were seated in his study----surrunded by maybe a thusand bks and fell int deep cnversatin abut everything frm small cmputers t the trmented life f Beethven.
    The subject finally turned t friendship and ____33____ perishable it seems t be these days. I mentined my wn experience as an example. “Relatinships are mysteries,” my friend said. “Sme endure. ____34____ fall apart.”
    Gazing ut his windw t the wded Vermnt hills, he pinted tward a neighbring farm, “Used t be a large barn ver there.” Next t a red-frame huse were the ftings f ____35____ had been a sizable structure.
    “It was slidly built, prbably in the 1870s. But like s many f the places arund here, it went dwn because peple left fr richer lands in the Midwest. N ne tk care f the barn. Its rf needed ____36____(patch); rainwater gt under the eaves and dripped dwn inside the psts and beams.”
    One day a high wind came alng, and the whle barn began t tremble. “Yu culd hear this creaking, first, like ld sailing-ship timbers, and then a sharp series f cracks and a tremendus raring sund. Suddenly it was a heap f scrap lumber.”
    “After the strm blew ver, I went dwn and saw these beautiful, ld ak timbers, slid as culd be. I asked the fellw wh wns the place what had happened. He said he figured the rainwater ____37____(settle) in the pinhles, where wden dwels held the jints tgether. Once thse pins were rtted, there was nthing t link the giant beams tgether.”
    We bth gazed dwn the hill. Nw all that was left f the barn was its cellar and its brder f lilac shrubs.
    My friend said he had turned the incident ver and ver in his mind, and finally came t recgnize sme parallels between building a friendship: _______ ___38___ _______ strng yu are, hw ntable yur attainments, yu have enduring significance nly in yur relatinship t thers.
    “T make yur life a sund structure that will serve thers and fulfill yur wn ptential,” he said, “yu have t remember that strength, hwever massive, can’t endure ___39___ it has the interlcking supprt f thers. G it alne and yu’ll inevitably tumble.”
    “Relatinships have t be cared fr,” he added, “like the rf f a barn. Letters unwritten, thanks unsaid, cnfidences vilated, quarrels unsettled-----all this acts like rainwater seeping int the pegs, weakening the link between the beams.”
    My friend shk his head. “It was _____40____ gd barn. And it wuld have taken little t keep it in gd repair. Nw it will prbably never be rebuilt.”
    Later that afternn I gt ready t leave. “Yu wuldn’t like t brrw my phne t make a call, I dn’t suppse?” he asked.
    “Yes.” I said, “I think I wuld. Very much.”
    multiple tend fcus frustrating facility types
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