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    高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 5 First aid Period 1 Reading and Thinking教案
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    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid教学设计

    这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid教学设计,共16页。教案主要包含了热点品味,教材原句,实例品读,热点归纳,考点精练,精品译文,句式剖析,看点解读等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Perid 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计
    Unit 5 Perid 1 Reading and Thinking
    Unit 5
    Grade 2
    This is the first perid f this unit. The theme f this activity is "Learn Abut First Aid fr Burns". Burns are cmmn in daily life, but there are sme mistakes in hw t deal with them, such as applying ice, breaking blisters r casually applying antibitic intment r grease. This sectin shws students prper first aid s they dn't take things fr granted in emergencies. This sectin als guides students t analyze the causes f burning,scalding r burning t help students avid such incidents.
    Knwledge bjectives: T be able t use the fllwing vcabulary crrectly:technique, rgan, ray,
    radiatin, acid, millimetre, minr, victim, fabric, lse, urgent
    T be able t read hspital leaflets abut first aid fr burns, scalding and burns.
    Skill bjectives: Be able t understand the causes, types and emergency rescue methds f burning.
    Be able t master the writing characteristics f expsitry text.
    Emtinal bjectives: Thrugh reading t understand the causes, types, characteristics and first-aid methds f burning,scalding r burning, imprve their emergency handling ability and establish a sense f preventin.
    Thinking quality bjectives:Be able t think deeply abut the significance f learning first aid knwledge and skills.
    Hw t identify the style f an article accrding t its language and writing style .
    Hw t accurately grasp the purpse f writing.
    Hw t write the instructins abut first aid.
    Lead –in (PPT1-5)
    1.Lk at the picture and discuss sme questins
    1.What is first aid?
    2.What are sme ccasins where first aid is used?
    3.What kind f first aid shuld be given n each ccasin?
    4.Why is it imprtant t give first aid?
    Answers:Any answer is right.
    2.Lk at the picture n page 49 and describe the picture in yur wn wrds.
    Key wrds :
    first aid、emergency、victim、CPR
    Useful wrds:instructr, perfrm CPR, perfrm chest cmpressin
    Useful wrds abut CPR: The instructr places his hands, ne n tp f anther, n the centre f the mdel's chest and pushes dwn hard.
    3.Lk at the picture n page 49 and describe the picture in yur wn wrds.
    The pht is f Chinese students being taught hw t perfrm CPR, which is used when smene's heart r breathing has stpped. While in films, it is cmmn t see peple perfrm chest cmpressin (as seen in this pht) alng with muth- t-muth resuscitatin (als called rescue breaths), it is currently recmmended that unless smene has been trained in CPR, they shuld nly give chest cmpressin, as there is usually enugh air in the lungs and in the bld t keep smene alive until help arrives if nly chest cmpressin are used. The exceptin fr this is when smene was drwning, in which case their lungs may be full f water.
    Wrk in grups t discuss the questins .
    Students themselves describe the picture in their wn wrds.
    T activate the relevant backgrund knwledge.
    Develp the knwledge f f first aid.
    Pre-reading (PPT6-7)
    1.Lk and discuss
    1).What are the students learning in the pht?
    2).Have yu seen this technique used befre?D yu knw hw t d it?
    3).D yu think it’s imprtant fr the students t learn this?Why?
    Answers:1).I think the students are learning basic first aid, in particular CPR.
    2).I have never seen CPR perfrmed in real life, but I have ften seen it perfrmed in films and n TV, and I have read abut hw t d it.
    Yu press dwn n the chest f a victim every few secnds. I dn't think I'm cnfident enugh t try it myself thugh.
    3).It is imprtant because if smene's heart r breathing stps, they usually have nly three t nine minutes befre their brain suffers irreversible damage because f a lack f xygen, unless CPR is perfrmed. Hwever, it may take anywhere frm 10-20 minutes befre an ambulance cmes nce yu call an emergency service.
    Reading (PPT8-19)
    1.If smene yu knw suffered a burn, what wuld yu d?
    Answer:It depends n the kind f burn. All f the burns I've ever seen were fairly minr, s the best thing t d was t put it under cld running water t stp the burning.
    2.Discuss the treatment f burns and fill in the table.
    3.Read the tips and answer the questins .
    Understand text types
    Different kinds f texts can be f writing and language features .By understanding the text type f a piece f writing, yu can better understand its purpse. Yu can als better understand where t find the infrmatin in the text and what kind f infrmatin it is likely t cntain.
    1).Why is it imprtant t understand text types?
    2).Hw can yu identify a text type?
    3).What are sme cmmn text types yu knw abut?
    Answers:1).By understanding text types, we can discver the purpse f a text thus predict its cntents.
    2).By paying attentin t the style f writing and language features.
    3).Letter, diary, news, fable, etc.
    4.Text types
    5.Intrduce sme text types
    advertisement -----full f persuasive language and clurful descriptins, talks abut the benefits f a prduct, uses the imperative t tell smene t buy smething
    blg pst ----blg stands fr web lg, s it is a kind f jurnal r diary, usually tpical in nature, talking abut smething that is current r new in the life f the authr r regarding the authr ,s interests email—a kind f letter, it shuld have an pening and a clsing like a letter, be addressed t an individual, and be abut a matter which directly cncerns bth the authr and recipient
    hspital leaflet -----factual, infrmatinal, bjective, gives a descriptin f a medical prblem, and tells hw t deal with it, uses the imperative t give advice newspaper article—factual, infrmatinal, bjective, answers the wh, what, when, why, and hw questins abut a recent event
    shrt stry ----usually a narrative written in the past tense, it cntains vivid language and clurful descriptins t tell a stry which has a beginning, a middle, and an end
    6. Listen t the text and identify its style and language features. Then tick its text type frm the list belw.
    ________ advertisement
    ________ blg pst
    ___√___ hspital leaflet
    ________ email
    ________ newspaper article
    ________ shrt stry
    The text type is a hspital leaflet.
    We knw this because the passage is written in an bjective infrmatinal style, and deals with a health issue, giving a detailed descriptin f hw t handle this prblem.
    7. Read the text and decide if the fllwing statements are true(T) r false(F).
    1.Yur skin gives yu prtectin frm many dangerus things.
    2.A first-degree burn has this name because it is the mst serius.
    3.Secnd-degree burns can be the mst painful kind f burn.
    4.It is imprtant t use cl water t stp the heat frm remaining in the wrld regardless f the degree f the burn.
    5.Putting better r il n burns helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discmfrt.
    Answers:T F T T F
    8. Read the text again and srt ut the details.
    9. Read the text and answer detailed questins.
    1.What is the genre f this text? Is it a narratin, a descriptin, an argumentatin, r an expsitry writing?
    2.What kinds f things are mentined in the text?
    3.Is this text mainly written in first, secnd r third persn?
    4.What tense is used?
    5.Are there any passive vices? Hw d they make yu feel?
    6.What ther language features did yu find?
    7.What adjectives can yu think f t describe this text?
    Answers:1.An expsitry writing.
    2.Functins, causes, different types, characteristics, and prcedures.)
    3.In secnd and third persns.
    4.The simple present tense.
    5.Yes. They make the text sund bjective.
    6.Fr example, the -ing frm.
    7.Objective, scientific, prfessinal, specific, clear, cncise, etc.
    Pst-reading (PPT19-25)
    1. In grups,discuss the fllwing questins.
    1).Hw are peple mst likely t get burnt?
    2).What steps can be taken t help prevent these burns?
    Answers:1).Mst peple are likely t get burnt in the kitchen, by picking up a ht pan, r by getting cking il split n themselves.
    2).Being aware f the danger is a gd first step. Fr example, yu shuld check t see if the burner is n befre tuching a pan n the stve. Yu shuld als use ven mitts when tuching a ht pan. If yu are using cking il, yu shuld make sure that the pt is set firmly n the stve s that it cannt spill, and that it is nt t full f il.
    2. Have a Brainstrming
    •What are the pssible ccasins when students are likely t get burnt at schl?
    •What can yu d t help prevent getting burnt?
    •What are the pssible ccasins when peple are likely t get burnt at hme?
    •What can we d t help prevent getting burnt?
    Answers:•When getting ht water after class, we are likely t get burnt.
    •We shuld be careful when getting ht water.
    •When peple ck in the kitchen, they are likely t get burnt.
    •We shuld be careful when using fire. We shuld wear ven glves when necessary.
    3.Chse the prper wrds abut first aid t fill in the frm.
    knife , swllen , slip ver smething ,bandage ,acid,
    plaster and a sling,bleeding,painful, special cream,
    blister,brken arm,bruise,ice pack,X-ray
    Write a first-aid instructin
     Remember t use sequence wrds such as first,
    next,then,after that,and finally.
     Use simple wrds t describe the actins.When giving first-aid advice,it is imprtant t make things clear and easy t understand.
    Tday, we are ging t talk abut ... if smene has been ... First, yu need t make sure that ..., ...
    If the victim has been ..., the easiest and safest thing t d may be ... Then yu shuld ... If he is ... First ... Next, ... after that...,and finally...
    Shw time
    Write a first-aid instructin
    Tday, we are ging t talk abut what t d if smene has been electrcuted. First, yu need t make sure that the victim is nt still in cntact with the electrical surce, but yu need t be careful. And if the surce f the electricity is smething like a high-vltage pwer line, yu shuld stay at least six metres away and wait fr help.
    If the victim has been electrcuted by an appliance r a lse wire inside a building, the easiest and safest thing t d may be simply t turn ff the pwer r pull a plug. T d this, yu must use smething which des nt cnduct electricity. If it is wet, yu culd be electrcuted.
    After remving the surce f the electricity, yu shuld call fr help. Then yu shuld check the victim fr injuries. If he is nt breathing and has n pulse, yu shuld perfrm CPR. First lay the victim flat n his back. Next, put ne hand n tp f the ther and press quickly and firmly dwn n the chest. If the victim is breathing and has a pulse, yu shuld treat any burns by washing them in cl running water, patting them dry, and then cvering the burn with a dry clth.
    Task 5 Shw time
    Language pints— wrds(PPT 26-29)
    1.1. technique 考查热度★★★
    【热点品味】technique n.技能;技术;技艺
    【教材原句】What first-aid techniques d yu knw f?你知道哪些急救技术?
    The artist cmbines different techniques in the same painting.这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。
    Her technique has imprved a lt ver the past seasn.
    technical adj.技术的;应用科学的
    technician n.技术员;技师
    【考点精练】 单句语法填空
    (1)There are varius_____________(technique) fr dealing with industrial pllutin.
    (2)We ffer free ____________ (technique)supprt fr thse buying ur sftware.
    2. urgent 考查热度★★
    【热点品味】urgent adj.紧急的;急迫的;急切的
    【教材原句】If the victim is suffering frm secnd r third-degree burns,there is an urgent need t take him/her t the hspital at nce.
    After the earthquake happened,they made an urgent request fr internatinal aid.地震发生后,他们紧急请求国际援助。
    This is a questin that requires urgent attentin.
    (1)urge vt.催促;极力主张 n.强烈的欲望;冲动
    urge sb t d sth 催促某人做某事
    It is urged that...(shuld)d sth 极力主张……
    have an urge t d sth 渴望做某事
    (2)urgently adv.紧急地
    urgency n.紧急情况
    Parents shuld actively urge their children_____
    (take)advantage f the pprtunity t jin sprts teams.
    (2)I never felt ________urge t learn any sign language befre.
    Answers:t take,an
    Language pints— phrases(PPT 30-31)
    1.sense f tuch 考查热度★★★
    【热点品味】sense f tuch 触觉
    【教材原句】It als helps cntrl yur bdy temperature,prevents yur bdy frm lsing t much water,warns yu when things are t ht r cld,and gives yu yur sense f tuch.它还有助于控制体温,防止你的身体失去太多的水分,当东西太热或太冷时警告你,并给你触觉。
    The evidence suggests that ur sense f tuch is prgrammed t decrease with age.有证据表明,我们的触觉会随着年龄的增长而减损。
    sense f hearing 听觉
    sense f smell 嗅觉
    sense f sight 视觉
    sense f taste 味觉
    a sense f humur 幽默感
    (1)Sullivan was able t make cntact with the girl's mind thrugh the ___________________(触觉).
    (2)I use the sense f hearing much mre than the______________(视觉).
    (3)T d this,yu'll need___________________(幽默感),plus tlerance and patience.
    Answers:sense f tuch;sense f sight;a sense f humur
    Language pints— sentences(PPT 32-35)
    1.Yu can get burnt by a variety f things: ht liquids,steam,fire,radiatin,the sun,electricity,acids,r ther chemicals. 考查热度★★★
    【句式剖析】本句是一个简单句,其中get burnt是“get+过去分词”构成的被动语态,常用在口语中。
    She nearly gt hit by a car.她差点被汽车撞了。
    I tried t find my way rund Lndn withut a map but gt lst.我试图不带地图在伦敦寻路,结果迷路了。
    能够用于get后构成被动语态的过去分词不多,常见的有arrested, brken, caught, cheated, cnfused, delayed, divrced, dressed,drwned, drunk, elected, engaged, hit, killed, lst,married, stuck等。
    Dn't play with knives. Yu might_________.
    (2)我给你一张地图 这样你就不会迷路了。
    I give yu a map s yu wn't____________.
    The fd will _______________if yu dn't take it away frm the fire.
    Answers:get hurt;get lst;get burnt
    2.Remve any clthes using scissrs if necessary,
    unless yu see the fabric sticking t the burnt skin. 考查热度★★★
    【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句,主句Remve any clthes是祈使句,unless引导的是条件状语从句。
    【实例品读】If necessary,the patient can then visit his dctr fr further advice.如有必要,病人可以上门咨询自己的医生以得到更多的建议。
    If I can find the bk here,it will be great;but if nt,I will buy a new ne.
    if 构成的其他省略形式:
    if any 如果有的话
    if pssible 如果有可能的话
    if s 如果是这样的话
    if ever 如果曾经有的话
    if nt 如果不这样的话
    The garbage is then taken away and,______,recycled.
    Pint ut the mistakes in the sentences, ____________.
    Answers:if s;if any
    As the__________(large)rgan f yur bdy,yur skin can nt nly prtect yu against diseases,txins and the sun’s rays,but als prevent yur bdy frm_______(lse)water.Als,it tells yu_______ things are t ht r t cld,and gives yu yur sense f tuch.S if yur skin gets burnt,it can be very serius.First aid is a very imprtant step in the_______ (treat)f burns.
    Peple can get burned by many things,such
    _____ht liquids,steam,fire,radiatin,the sun,electricity r chemicals.There are three _______(type)f burns,
    ________ (depend)n which layers f the skin are burnt.
    If yu see smene get burnt,first take clthing ff the burnt areas unless it _______(stick)t the burnt skin and cl the burnt area with cl running water.
    Then dry the area ____(gentle)and cver the area with a dry,clean bandage in rder nt t get it infected.If the burn is serius,the victim shuld be sent t a dctr r hspital _______ nce.
    Answers:largest;lsing;whether;treatment;as;types;depending;is stuck;gently;at
    D the exercises n Page 89 f Wrkbk.
    Students discuss in grups.
    The teacher chses several students t answer them and give necessary additin.
    Ask the students t give it a try.
    Ask students t name the types f BUMS (burns, scalds, burns, etc.) and then discuss the treatment f burns.
    Read the text quickly, judge and describe the types f discurse and language features.
    Teachers explain sme difficult wrds t help students understand each
    The teacher plays the tape and students listen t it.
    Students read the passage and cmplete the activity.
    Students give the items ne by ne.
    Ask the students t lk int further details .
    Guide students t have a deep thinking f the text.
    Ask the students t cnduct a "brainstrming", say the life scenari f burn prne, discuss hw t avid the ccurrence f burn accident.
    Let the students srt ut the infrmatin and deepen the understanding f what they have learned in class.
    Have a discussin and write it by themselves .
    Let the students pay attentin t the gd sentences.
    Learn language pints under the teachers’ guidance
    ne by ne.
    Let students practise mre language pints.
    Use the prper frms t cmplete the passage by themselves.
    T prepare fr later study .
    Guide the famus wrds f this unit naturally.
    T guide the cntent f the text.
    T have a main idea f the passage.
    T learn hw t understand text types.
    T let them knw mre abut each injury.
    T judge the type f the article.
    T analyse mre details f the text.
    T find ut the key wrds and phrases.
    T knw the type and the main idea f the text.
    Fcus n hw t deal with the burns.
    T develp their expressin skills.
    T strengthen students' safety awareness and remind them f the pssible safety risks in their life.
    Learn the details f vcabulary .
    T train students’ ability t make up lgical sentences .
    T grasp the usage f imprtant wrds,phrases and sentences.
    T pay mre attentin t gd expressins.
    T test their grammar knwledge.
    1.T train students' reading ability by a series f activities.
    2.Learn hw t judge the type f the text.
    3.Learn imprtant wrds , phrases and sentences f the text.

    Guide students t judge the type f the text.
    Ask and answer sme questins related t the text.
    1. T find ut sme infrmatin by discussing sme knwledge abut the burns.
    2. T learn sme useful expressins.
    1.Key wrds :
    first aid、emergency、victim、CPR
    2.It’s a great hnur t save a life.
    --Leigh Bardug
    Language pints:
    sense f tuch
    Yu can get burnt by a variety f things: ht liquids,steam,fire,radiatin,the sun,electricity,acids,r ther chemicals.
    Remve any clthes using scissrs if necessary,unless yu see the fabric sticking t the burnt skin.

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