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    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Family-friendly walks
    Next t Grindlefrd Statin, eight miles nrth f Bakewell, lies Padley Grge. Trails are kept as natural as pssible---it's mre a case f finding the gaps in the wds than fllwing a path.
    The 1.7-mile walking rute arund this Natinal Trust estate skirts the upper end f Padley Grge. Peple lve the stepping stnes, but Lngshaw is mstly all abut the giant fallen trees, left in place fr little hands and feet t delightfully climb ver.
    A pile f giant rcks dminates Higger Tr, the best f several lkuts alng the Ringinglw Rad between Hathersage and Sheffield. Walk thrugh the nearby fields, then let the kids climb ver hundreds f strangely smth grey stnes. The views ut ver the Hpe Valley are great and impressive, and the rck pls in Burbage Brk are perfect fr rwing in.
    Ppular with rck climbers, this stne cliff marks the bundary f the mysterius land f the Dark Peak cliff and the grass-cvered flat land f White Peak. It's a six mile circular walk frm Hathersage. Alternatively, park at the Hllin Bank Car Park and climb half a mile t the tp, ut f breath.
    A three-mile circle frm Caltn Lees Car Park takes in a ruined factry the pretty village f Edensr and views f Chatswrth Huse. Appreciate the stretch alng the River Derwent---deer ften hang ut there.
    1. Whm is the text intended fr?
    A. Friends.B. Farmers.
    C. Families.D. Climbers.
    2. Which walks are mst suitable fr children?
    3. During which walk are yu likely t meet with big animals?
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    推理判断题。由文章标题“Family-friendly walks”结合全文介绍的几个场所可知,这篇文章主要是为家庭成员写的。故选C项。
    细节理解题。由文章“LONGSHAW ESTATE”部分中的“left in place fr little hands and feet t delightfully climb ver(放在合适的位置,让小手和小脚高兴地爬过去)”以及“HIGGER TOR”部分中的“Walk thrugh the nearby fields, then let the kids climb ver hundreds f strangely smth grey stnes.(穿过附近的田野,然后让孩子们爬过数百块光滑得奇怪的灰色石头)”可知,LONGSHAW ESTATE 和 HIGGER TOR适合孩子。故选B项。
    细节理解题。由文章“CHATSWORTH ESTATE”部分中的“Appreciate the stretch alng the River Derwent---deer ften hang ut there.(欣赏德文特河沿岸的景色——鹿经常在那里闲逛)”可知,在CHATSWORTH ESTATE有可能会能见到大的动物。故选D项。
    Turists t the Nrth Antrim Cast cme fr its breathtaking beauty On this stretch f cast, myth and histry live side by side, and running ut f things t d is near impssible. Giant’s Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede, the Irn Isles’ filming lcatins ...
    Hwever, when I make my way t the nrth f the-cuntry in Octber, nne f them are n my mind. What brings me t the castal twn f Prtrush are the waves.
    Lcated, n a peninsula, Prtrush is hme t three brilliant beaches and all the usual pints f interest f a castal twn. But what makes the Nrth Antrim Cast s special is the prmise f the cnsistent waves hitting its shres. Althugh still relatively unknwn, it’s a surfer’s dream destinatin. This is the hme f six-time Irish natinal surfing champin, Andrew Hill, after all.
    I meet Andrew at his surf shp, the mst ppular in Prtrush. After hiring a surf bard and jumping in the water at West Strand, I quickly realise that my trusted wetsuit is nt enugh. Within just 30 minutes, I’ve lst all feeling in my feet and hands, and my ears are burning. I retreat t a nearby café and gulp dwn steaming tea befre ppping by Andrew’s shp again. Surf bts are what I need, we decide. I leave with a new determinatin t master the icy Atlantic waves. I’m invited t surf a different spt with Andrew and his friend that afternn. but I decline his generus ffer. My head is set n ne thing nly: taking revenge n the same waves that almst turned me int an ice blck that very mrning.
    Even with bts, surfing the cld waters f Prtrush leaves my feet purple. I becme cvered in bruises that dn’t register until I thaw ut each night, and it takes a cuple f days t fully regain feeling in my hands. But it’s wrth it, and I wuld gladly d it all ver again.
    4. What des the underlined wrd “them” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. The ppular attractins.B. Castal twns.
    C. The filming lcatins.D. Passinate turists.
    5. Why is the authr attracted t the Nrth Antrim Cast?
    A. It has internatinally famus beaches.
    B. It’s hme t the usual seaside interests.
    C. It prduces excellent waves fr surfing.
    D. It’s the hmetwn f a surfing champin.
    6. The authr ges back t the surf shp t ________.
    A. better equip himself fr the challenge
    B. cnsult with sme experienced surfers
    C. accmpany the wner n a later surf trip
    D. quickly warm himself up with sme ht tea
    7. What is the tne f the passage?
    A. Narrative and serius.B. Persuasive and critical.
    C. Descriptive and psitive.D. Infrmative and bjective.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C
    词句猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“Giant’s Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede, the Irn Isles’ filming lcatins ... (巨人之路,卡里克-a-雷德,铁群岛的拍摄地点……)”和第二段第一句“Hwever, when I make my way t the nrth f the-cuntry in Octber(然而,当我在10月份去这个国家的北部时)”可知,them是指这些受欢迎的景点。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第二句和第三句“But what makes the Nrth Antrim Cast s special is the prmise f the cnsistent waves hitting its shres. Althugh still relatively unknwn, it’s a surfer’s dream destinatin. (但北安特里姆海岸的特别之处在于海浪会持续不断地冲击海岸。虽然还不太为人所知,但它是冲浪者的梦想之地)”可知,作者被北安特里姆海岸地吸引是因为它能产生非常适合冲浪的波浪。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段第五句和第六句“Surf bts are what I need, we decide. I leave with a new determinatin t master the icy Atlantic waves. (我需要冲浪靴,我们决定。我带着新的决心离开,要征服大西洋冰冷的海浪)”可知,为了更好地装备自己迎接挑战,作者回到了冲浪商店。故选A。
    推理判断题。文章讲述了作者的冲浪经历,所以语气是叙述性的。根据最后一段最后一句“But it’s wrth it, and I wuld gladly d it all ver again. (但这是值得的,我很乐意再来一次)”可知,作者非常积极乐观。故选C。
    The fertile land f the Nile delta is being erded (侵蚀) alng Egypt’s Mediterranean cast at an astnishing rate, in sme parts estimated at 100 metres per year. In the past, land washed away frm the castline by the currents f the Mediterranean Sea used t be replaced by sediment (沉淀物) brught dwn t the delta by the River Nile, but this is n lnger happening.
    Up t nw, peple have blamed this lss f delta land n the tw large Aswan dams in the suth f Egypt, which hld back almst all f the sediment that used t flw dwn the river. Befre the dams were built, the Nile flwed freely carrying huge quantities f sediment. But when the Aswan dams were cnstructed t prvide electricity and irrigatin, and t prtect the huge ppulatin centre f Cair frm annual flding and drught, mst f the sediment with its natural fertilizer accumulated up abve the dam in the suthern upstream half f Lake Nasser, instead f passing dwn t the della.
    Nw, hwever, there turns ut t be mre t the stry. It appears that the sediment-free water picks up sand as it erdes the river bed and banks n the 800-kilmetre trip t Cair. Daniel Jean Stanley f the Smithsnian Institute nticed that water samples taken in Cair indicated that the river smetimes carries mre than 850 grams f sediment per cubic metre f water — almst half f what it carried befre the dams were built.
    Internatinal envirnmental rganizatins are beginning t pay clser attentin t the regin, partly because f the prblems f ersin and pllutin f the Nile delta, but mainly because they fear the impact this situatin culd have n the whle Mediterranean castal ecsystem.
    But there are n easy slutins. In the immediate future, Stanley believes that ne slutin wuld be t make artificial flds t flush ut the delta waterways, in the same way that natural flds did befre the cnstructin f the dams. He says, hwever, that in the lng term an alternative prcess such as desalinatin (脱盐) may have t be used t increase the amunt f water available.
    8. What stpped the sediment cming dwn t the delta?
    A. The Mediterranean Sea.B. The River Nile.
    C. The Aswan dams.D. Lake Nasser.
    9. Why were the Aswan dams built?
    A. T flush ut the river beds.
    B. T ffer electricity and prtectin.
    C. T make the water in the River Nile clean.
    D. T keep the sil in the regin nearby nutrient-rich.
    10. What can we infer frm the third paragraph?
    A. There is n need t wrry abut the delta.
    B. The methds f measurement need imprving.
    C. Whether the situatin is gd r nt remains t be seen.
    D. The dams’ cnsequences are beynd peple’s expectatin.
    11. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Difficulties t be settled.
    B. Rewards fr the challenge.
    C. Severe influence f the situatin.
    D. Pssible slutins t the prblem.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. D
    细节理解题。通过文章第二段“Up t nw, peple have blamed this lss f delta land n the tw large Aswan dams in the suth f Egypt, which hld back almst all f the sediment that used t flw dwn the river. (到目前为止,人们把三角洲土地的流失归咎于埃及南部的两座大型的阿斯旺大坝,它们阻挡了几乎所有过去流向河流的沉积物)”可知,阿斯旺大坝阻止了沉积物流入三角洲。故选C项。
    细节理解题。通过文章第二段“the Aswan dams were cnstructed t prvide electricity and irrigatin, and t prtect the huge ppulatin centre f Cair frm annual flding and drught (建造阿斯旺大坝是为了提供电力和灌溉,并保护Cair庞大的人口中心免受每年的洪水和干旱)”可知,建造阿斯旺大坝是为了提供电力和保护。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Nw, hwever, there turns ut t be mre t the stry. It appears that the sediment-free water picks up sand as it erdes the river bed and banks n the 800-kilmetre trip t Cair. (然而,现在的情况并非如此。看起来,在前往Cair的800公里行程中,没有沉积物的水在侵蚀河床和河岸的过程中带走了沙子)”可推知,大坝造成的后果超出了人们的预期。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“In the immediate future, Stanley believes that ne slutin wuld be t make artificial flds t flush ut the delta waterways, in the same way that natural flds did befre the cnstructin f the dams. (Stanley认为,在不久的将来,一种解决方案是用人工洪水冲洗三角洲水道,就像在建造水坝之前,自然洪水所做的那样)”可推知,最后一段主要介绍了三角洲问题的可能解决方案。故选D项。
    When yu think f Chinese fd in the US, fried rice, r General Ts’s chicken may first cme t mind. But a new museum exhibitin in New Yrk City is trying t expand visitrs’ palates (味蕾). It features stries f famus cks like Martin Yan and hme cks whse fd represents 18 different reginal cking styles f China.
    “I think it’s unfair t just classify Chinese cking as ne,” says Kian Lam Kh, an rganizer f “Sur, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy: Stries f Chinese Fd and Identity in America” at the Museum f Chinese in America. “Even with the same dish r same cuisine, every family has a different variatin.” That’s why the rganizers say if yu want t taste the full range f Chinese cuisine in the US, yu’ll need t g beynd restaurants and int hme kitchens, which can play a central rle in many immigrants’ lives.
    “The kitchen itself is kind f a cmfrt when yu cme t a new cuntry. That’s the ne place where yu set up as yur hme base, and yu ck things that yu remember frm yur past,” explains Audra Ang, anther rganizer.
    One f the hme cks shwcased in the exhibitin is Ni Biying, 80, f Manhattan. She wrked as a live-in babysitter fr years befre she culd finally affrd t rent a hme with her wn kitchen. These days, yu can usually find her mving arund her ne-bedrm apartment as a sweet smell f vinegar and rice wine flats frm her stve. Fr Ni, a small dinner fr friends and family means preparing almst a dzen different dishes. She learned sme f her techniques frm her father, wh made mst f her family’s meals when she was a child. “I still miss the beef with stir-fried celery my father used t ck,” she says. And it’s the kind f cmfrt fd that defines Chinese fd fr Ni.
    12. What is the new museum exhibitin mainly abut?
    A. Cuisine f different cuntries.B. Explratin f famus restaurants.
    C. Histry f Chinese immigratin.D. Stries f Chinese fd and cks.
    13. Why des the kitchen play a key rle in many immigrants’ lives?
    A. It prvides a wealthy life.B. It brings a sense f belnging.
    C. It helps them t accept new cultures.D. It enables them t frget the past.
    14. What can we learn abut Ni Biying frm Paragraph 4?
    A. She wrked in a Chinese restaurant.
    B. She made mst meals as a child.
    C. She learned cking frm her father.
    D. She lives with a big family.
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A Cuisine Gains New Variatins
    B. Hme Cking Brings Mre t the Table
    C. Immigrants Seek Their Frtune in the US
    D. Chinese Restaurant Tells Immigrant Tales
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. B
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了纽约市一个新的博物馆展览。该展览讲述了中国食物和厨师的故事,介绍了厨房及家常菜在移民生活中起的关键作用,结合厨师Ni Biying的故事指出,家常菜为餐桌带来了更多乐趣。
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“But a new museum exhibitin in New Yrk City is trying t expand visitrs’ palates (味蕾). It features stries f famus cks like Martin Yan and hme cks whse fd represents 18 different reginal cking styles f China.(但在纽约市举行的一个新的博物馆展览正试图扩大游客的味蕾。它的特点是拥有马丁·燕等著名厨师和家庭厨师的故事,他们的食物代表了中国18不同的地区烹饪风格)”可知,新的博物馆展览主要与中国食物和厨师的故事有关。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段内容““The kitchen itself is kind f a cmfrt when yu cme t a new cuntry. That’s the ne place where yu set up as yur hme base, and yu ck things that yu remember frm yur past,” explains Audra Ang, anther rganizer.(“当你来到一个新的国家时,厨房本身是一种安慰。那是你可以作为大本营的地方,你可以烹饪你记忆中的东西,” 另一个组织者奥郎解释说)”可知,厨房可以给许多移民带来归属感,这正是厨房在许多移民的生活中起着关键作用的原因所在。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段的“She learned sme f her techniques frm her father, wh made mst f her family’s meals when she was a child.(她从父亲那里学到了一些技巧,在她还是个孩子的时候,家里大部分的饭菜都是父亲做的)”可知,Ni Biying从她父亲那里学到了一些烹饪技巧。故选C
    主旨大意题。文章第一、二段介绍了纽约市一个新的博物馆展览活动的内容,该展览讲述了中食物和厨师的故事。第三段介绍了厨房在许多移民的生活中起关键作用的原因所在。最后一段结合厨师 NiBiying 的故事指出, 家常菜为餐桌带来了更多乐趣。由此可知,选项 B“家庭烹饪给餐桌带来更多”适合作本文标题。故选B。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    A year ag, I had ne f the mst imprtant interviews f my life. ____16____ I culd say what I thught the members f the interview wanted t hear. I'm s-gd at multitasking that I wuld be able t shulder the varius respnsibilities. That might be true, yet it seemed t be unreal. The mre hnest answer was that I knew it wuld be difficult, but I wanted t try anyway.
    This tugh situatin led me t hesitate during the interviews. It als recalled my past experience f being interviewed when an interviewer asked me t give an example f a time when I had been caring. The answer that came t mind was that I vlunteered at a nursing hme and felt hnred t sit with the patients and listen t their stries. But I didn't think that was dramatic enugh t impress the interviewers. S, instead I tld them abut when ne f the residents threw up, I cleaned it up. ____18____ That wasn't caring and it suggested that my best quality was skillful at using mp(拖把)
    Back t my mst recent interview and the questin abut hw t shulder the multiple respnsibilities f the rle. ____19____ I had learned the significance f being true t myself. S I answered simply, "With difficulty". T my relief, the review members ndded knwingly and smiled. This exam can test my hnesty and I can cme up with apprpriate answers.
    I've cme t realize that interviews dn't have "right" r "wrng" answers. I still see them as exams, but they're nt testing my ability t cpy smebdy else's answers. Actually, the exam is abut smething I am well familiar with: me. ____20____
    A. I hesitated but nt fr lng.
    B. I immediately felt embarrassed.
    C. I wasn't sure which answer t give.
    D. Never give the interviewers wrng answers.
    E. It seemed the interviewers were quite satisfied.
    F. It's nt abut "right" answers but abut being yurself.
    G. At the end, I was asked hw t balance the different parts f the rle.
    【答案】16. G 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. F
    空格后说“I culd say what I thught the members f the interview wanted t hear”(我可以说出我认为面试人员想听的话),因此空格处会说我被问了一个问题,后文又说“I'm s-gd at multitasking that I wuld be able t shulder the varius respnsibilities”(我很擅长同时处理多项任务,能够承担各种责任),G选项At the end, I was asked hw t balance the different parts f the rle中的the different parts f the rle和shulder the varius respnsibilities相互呼应,因此G选项切合题意,故选G。
    空格后说“This tugh situatin led me t hesitate during the interviews”(这种艰难的局面让我在面试中犹豫不决),因此作者不确定给什么答案,C选项I wasn't sure which answer t give(我不确定该给出哪个答案)中的wasn't sure和hesitate相一致,因此C选项切合题意,故选C。
    空格前说“S, instead I tld them abut when ne f the residents threw up, I cleaned it up”(我告诉他们,有个住院医生吐了,我就清理了),空格后说“That wasn't caring and it suggested that my best quality was skillful at using mp”(这不是关心,这表明我最好的品质是熟练地使用拖把),因此B选项I immediately felt embarrassed(我立刻感到很尴尬)说明了作者清理呕吐物是让人尴尬的,因此B选项位于空格处起着承上启下的作用,因此B选项切合题意,故选B。
    空格后说“I had learned the significance f being true t myself. S I answered simply, "With difficulty"”(我明白了做真实的自己的意义。所以我简单地回答:“很难”),及第二段的“This tugh situatin led me t hesitate during the interviews”( 这种艰难的局面让我在面试中犹豫不决),因此作者在回答这个问题的时候是虽然犹豫了但是最后还是回答了,因此A选项I hesitated but nt fr lng(我犹豫了,但没多久)切合题意,故选A。
    空格前说“Actually, the exam is abut smething I am well familiar with: me”(其实,考试是关于我很熟悉的东西:我),F选项It's nt abut "right" answers but abut being yurself(重要的不是“正确”的答案,而是做你自己)中的being yurself与上文的me相一致,因此F选项切合题意,故选F。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    It was a small graduatin party. Only Ed, Max, Raul and I were there. All three men, each ver the age f fifty, had achieved a___21___in their lives. They culd___22___.
    Overcming decades f___23___and a lifetime f cvering up their illiteracy, these three men had signed up fr a free three-mnth curse, taught by me.
    "I take the bus every day t wrk," said Ed. "Have dne fr ver thirty years. Just yesterday I ___24___what the wrds' Emergency Exit' mean." Max reprted that he was___25___t understand much f Mnday's newspaper sprts article n his belved Dallas Cwbys.
    ___26___, his break time was spent ___27___t read in the hpe his c-wrkers wuld never discver his shameful secret. As ur final night came t a clse, Raul tk my hand between his rugh nes: " Yu gave me a___28___. Yu gave me a new life."
    Being s yung, I did nt grasp the full ___29___f his simple statement until my wn gray hairs appeared, a(an)____30____dwnturn rbbed me f my wrk and incme security. Nw I'm the____31____ f my frmer pupils and my future needs a ____32____ buttn. I realize that limiting my destiny (命运) because f my age r my lack f skills is ____33____A future with many wnderful pprtunities culd belng t me as lng as I have the curage t ____34____ it ut and wrk fr it.
    Like Ed, Max and Raul, I am determined t make a new life fr myself. They____35____me well.
    21. A. firstB. medalC. careerD. prize
    22. A. wrkB. surviveC. readD. drive
    23. A. srrwB. depressinC. threatD. embarrassment
    24. A. heard abutB. lked thrughC. put frwardD. figured ut
    25. A. likelyB. ableC. cautiusD. eager
    26. A. UltimatelyB. LatelyC. PreviuslyD. Gradually
    27. A. learningB. cntinuingC. managingD. pretending
    28. A. futureB. chiceC. breakD. lessn
    29. A. purpseB. wisdmC. cmmentD. backgrund
    30. A. educatinalB. scientificC. physicalD. ecnmic
    31. A. ageB. exampleC. imageD. guide
    32. A. newB. restartC. specialD. play
    33. A. crucialB. reasnableC. flishD. annying
    34. A. seekB. letC. bringD. carry
    35. A. trainedB. taughtC. clnedD. cntrlled
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这三个都年过五十的人都取得了人生中的空前成就。A.first空前的成就;B.medal勋章,奖章;C.career生涯;D.prize奖品。根据“Overcming decades f embarrassment and a lifetime f cvering up their illiteracy, these three men had signed up fr a free three-mnth curse, taught by me. (这三个人克服了几十年的尴尬和掩盖自己的文盲的一生,报名参加了一个由我教授的为期三个月的免费课程)”可知,此处是指这三个都年过五十的人都取得了人生中的空前成就。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们可以阅读了。A.wrk工作;B.survive生存;C.read阅读;D.drive驾驶。根据“Overcming decades f embarrassment and a lifetime f cvering up their illiteracy, these three men had signed up fr a free three-mnth curse, taught by me. (这三个人克服了几十年的尴尬和掩盖自己的文盲的一生,报名参加了一个由我教授的为期三个月的免费课程)”可知,此处是指他们可以阅读了。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这三个人克服了几十年的尴尬和掩盖自己的文盲的一生,报名参加了一个由我教授的为期三个月的免费课程。A.srrw悲伤;B.depressin压抑;C.threat威胁;D.embarrassment尴尬。根据“a lifetime f cvering up their illiteracy”可知,此处是指几十年不识字的尴尬。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:昨天我才明白“紧急出口”是什么意思。A.heard abut听说;B.lked thrugh浏览,温习;C.put frward提出;D.figured ut理解。根据“understand much f Mnday's newspaper sprts article(能理解周一报纸上的体育文章的大部分内容)”可知,此处是指Ed理解了“紧急出口”是什么意思。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:马克斯说,他能够理解周一报纸上关于他心爱的达拉斯牛仔队的体育文章的大部分内容。A.likely可能的;B.able能够的;C.cautius谨慎的;D.eager渴望的。根据“They culd read.”可知,此处是指他能够理解周一报纸上关于他心爱的达拉斯牛仔队的体育文章的大部分内容。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:此前,他的休息时间都用来假装阅读,希望同事们永远不会发现他那可耻的秘密。A.Ultimately基本上;B.Lately近来,不久前;C.Previusly此前;D.Gradually逐渐地。根据“Max reprted that he was able t understand much f Mnday's newspaper sprts article n his belved Dallas Cwbys.”可知,他假装阅读是之前的事。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:此前,他的休息时间都用来假装阅读,希望同事们永远不会发现他那可耻的秘密。A.learning学习;B.cntinuing继续;C.managing管理;D.pretending假装。根据“in the hpe his c-wrkers wuld never discver his shameful secret”可知,此处是指他的休息时间都用来假装阅读。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:你给了我一个未来。A.future未来;B.chice选择;C.break休息;D.lessn教训。根据“Yu gave me a new life(你给了我新的生命)”可知,此处是指你给了我一个未来。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当时我还很年轻,直到我头发花白,我才明白他这句简单的话的全部智慧。经济衰退剥夺了我的工作和收入保障。A.purpse目的;B.wisdm智慧;C.cmment评论;D.backgrund背景。根据“A future with many wnderful pprtunities culd belng t me(一个有很多美好机会的未来可能属于我)”可知,此处是指“我”才明白他这句简单的话的全部智慧。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当时我还很年轻,直到我头发花白,我才明白他这句简单的话的全部智慧。经济衰退剥夺了我的工作和收入保障。A.educatinal教育的;B.scientific科学的;C.physical身体的;D.ecnmic经济的。根据“rbbed me f my wrk and incme security”可知,此处是指经济衰退。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在我的年龄和我以前的学生差不多了,我的未来需要一个重新开始的按钮。A.age年龄;B.example例子;C.image图像;D.guide指导。根据“my wn gray hairs appeared”可知,此处是指现在“我”的年龄和“我”以前的学生差不多了。故选A。
    考查形容词和名词词义辨析。句意:现在我的年龄和我以前的学生差不多了,我的未来需要一个重新开始的按钮。A.new新的;B.restart重新开始;C.special特殊的;D.play剧本。根据“I am determined t make a new life fr myself(我决心为自己开创新的生活)”可知,此处是指“我”的未来需要一个重新开始的按钮。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到,因为我的年龄或技能的缺乏而限制我的命运是愚蠢的。A.crucial重要的;B.reasnable合理的;C.flish愚蠢的;D.annying恼人的。根据“limiting my destiny (命运)because f my age r my lack f skills”可知,此处是指因为年龄或技能的缺乏而限制自己的命运是愚蠢的。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个充满机遇的未来是属于我的,只要我勇于去寻找,去努力。A.seek寻找;B.let让;C.bring带来;D.carry携带。根据“wrk fr it”可知,此处是指勇于去寻找。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们把我教得很好。A.trained训练;B.taught教导;C.clned克隆;D.cntrlled控制。根据“Like Ed, Max and Raul, I am determined t make a new life fr myself. (就像艾德、马克斯和劳尔一样,我决心为自己开创新的生活)”可知,此处是指他们把“我”教得很好。故选B。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Sweet Art—Sugar Painting
    In and arund China’s suthwestern Sichuan Prvince, ne can ften find flk artists prducing sugar paintings with liquid sugar alng the streets and in the parks.
    Accrding t sme academic studies, sugar painting riginated frm the Ming Dynasty when sugar animals and figures ____36____ (make) in mulds (模具) as part f a sacrifice in religius ceremnies. In the Qing Dynasty, sugar painting gained mre ____37____ (ppular). The prductin techniques were upgraded and the patterns became mre varius, mst f ____38____ std fr gd luck such as the fish, dragn and mnkey. Afterward, the flk artists in Sichuan ____39____ (develp) this art by adding techniques f the Chinese shadw puppet and Chinese paper cutting. The mulds were als replaced ____40____ a small brnze spn. As time passed by, the cntemprary frm f sugar painting has ____41____ (gradual) evlved.
    Althugh the number f sugar painters has decreased, due t its unique charm, a certain number f artists are making effrts ____42____ (preserve) it by ffering classes, hlding relevant ____43____ (activity) such as sugar painting cntests and applying fr the Natinal Nn­material Cultural Heritage.
    Nwadays, this art is getting supprt again frm the general public ____44____ it has already been listed as Prvincial Nn­Material Culture Heritage by the Sichuan Prvincial Gvernment. Mrever, the sugar painting artists have gained____45____ (increase) recgnitin.
    【答案】36. were made
    37. ppularity
    38. which 39. develped
    40. with##by
    41. gradually
    42. t preserve
    43. activities
    44. and 45. increasing
    考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:根据一些学术研究,糖画起源于明代,当时糖动物和人物被制成模具,作为宗教仪式祭祀的一部分。分析句子结构可知,when引导定语从句,关系副词when指代先行词the Ming Dynasty,在从句中作时间状语,从句应用一般过去时,且主语sugar animals and figures和动词make之间为被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态;主语animals and figures为复数,所以be动词用were。故填were made。
    考查定语从句。句意:制作工艺不断升级,图案也更加丰富多彩,多代表吉祥,如鱼、龙、猴等。分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为表示物的名词patterns,关系词在从句中作mst f的宾语,应用关系代词which。故填which。
    考查介词。句意:模具也被一个小青铜勺子取代。固定搭配be replaced with/by sth.“被某物替代”。故填with/by。
    考查动词不定式。句意:虽然由于其独特的魅力,糖画画家的数量有所减少,但也有不少画家通过开设课程、举办糖画大赛、申请国家非物质文化遗产等活动,努力保护糖画。固定搭配make effrts t d sth.“努力做某事”。故填t preserve。
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,上周日你校组织学生进行了“垃圾分类”宣讲活动,请给学校英文网站写一篇报道,内容包括:
    Garbage classificatin starts frm urselves
    【答案】 Garbage classificatin starts frm urselves
    In rder t imprve students’ garbage classificatin awareness, a prpaganda activity was held in ur schl last Sunday.
    As is required, each student and teacher has attended this activity. Firstly, the headmaster delivered a speech abut the imprtance f garbage classificatin, which encuraged us greatly. Besides, hearing the varius pinins expressed by student, students realized that garbage classificatin shuld start frm urselves.
    In a wrd, the activity is s successful that we students realize garbage classificatin is an issue that must be paid attentin t tday.
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    in rder t; imprve; garbage classificatin awareness; prpaganda activity; attend; deliver a speech; the imprtance f; encurage; start frm; successful; be paid attentin t
    1. In rder t imprve students’ garbage classificatin awareness, a prpaganda activity was held in ur schl last Sunday.
    2. As is required, each student and teacher has attended this activity.
    3. Firstly, the headmaster delivered a speech abut the imprtance f garbage classificatin, which encuraged us greatly.
    4. Besides, hearing the varius pinins expressed by student, students realized that garbage classificatin shuld start frm urselves.
    5. In a wrd, the activity is s successful that we students realize garbage classificatin is an issue that must be paid attentin t tday.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Firstly, the headmaster delivered a speech abut the imprtance f garbage classificatin, which encuraged us greatly. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Besides, hearing the varius pinins expressed by student, students realized that garbage classificatin shuld start frm urselves. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    One mrning n my way t schl, nticed an elderly wman dressed in a yellw vest (马 甲)carrying a garbage bag and ne f thse rubbish claws (爪形器具)."What's that lady ding?" I asked mum. "Vest Lady. She just picks up rubbish arund here fr fun," mum said. "Why wuld smene think picking up rubbish lking like a cnstructin wrker is fun?" I puzzled.
    Fr several years I'd witness this mysterius Vest Lady—rain r shine — n my way t schl. I had thught she was crazy fr picking up rubbish. Eventually I smiled and waved at her each time I saw her. Later I mved t high schl. The time I saw rubbish here and there I felt really annyed. Then I'd think, "Why isn't anyne picking up this rubbish? Peple are s incnsiderate I" Hwever, shrtly after, I realized picking up the rubbish was nt smene ease's prblem.
    Nw I culdn't walk past litter withut feeling guilty. I vlunteered t clean up rubbish arund ur schl. Strange as it might sund, picking up litter was kind f a thrill fr me! In fact, I was s determined that fr my 17th birthday I bught myself a rubbish claw, reusable glves and a reflective safety yellw vest with my wn name n it.
    During my first attempt in my stylish equipment, met with unfriendly lks frm thers as if I were a criminal ding cmmunity service. One day,I had an epiphany(顿悟):"I'm acting just like Vest Lady!"
    But there was t much rubbish arund, cigarette ends littered abut, cans rlling n the street,pieces f paper hidden in the grass and plastic. alne was t weak J Hw wuld I get mre vlunteers invlved in rubbish remval? A smart idea flashed int my mind.
    Sn I created my website g picking up cm.
    Mre and mre peple n vests with their wn names.
    【答案】Sn I created my website g. picking up. cm. On the website I launched a rubbish remval campaign. I described my purpse-calling n vlunteers t pick up rubbish. I psted pictures f rubbish littered abut n the website,which culd nt nly illustrate the severe situatin but als shw that a large number f vlunteers were in great need. Besides, I shared the stry f Vest Lady wh influenced me s much. Surprisingly, my website gradually became a big hit n the internet.
    Mre and mre peple put n vests with their wn names. Vlunteers culd be seen picking up rubbish in their spare time. The yellw vests made beautiful scenery in the park r n the street. With ur jint effrts, the envirnment became better and better. What delighted me mst was that peple's awareness f envirnmental prtectin was imprved. The rubbish remval campaign was a big success. Thanks t Vest Lady wh rted the sense f envirnmental prtectin in my mind, mre peple became Vest Lady.
    ①由第一段首句内容“很快我就创建了自己的网站g. picking up. cm。”可知,第一段可描写作者如何通过网站来号召更多的志愿者加入到清除垃圾的行动中来。
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I psted pictures f rubbish littered abut n the website, which culd nt nly illustrate the severe situatin but als shw that a large number f vlunteers were in great need. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句和“nt als...”固定句式)
    [高分句型2] What delighted me mst was that peple's awareness f envirnmental prtectin was imprved. (运用了that引导的表语从句和what引导的主语从句)

    广西柳州市高中2023-2024学年高一上学期12月联考英语试题: 这是一份广西柳州市高中2023-2024学年高一上学期12月联考英语试题,共19页。

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