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      2021-2022学年山西省长治市潞州区高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版 听力.doc
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    这是一份2021-2022学年山西省长治市潞州区高一下学期期末考试英语试卷Word版含答案,文件包含2021-2022学年山西省长治市潞州区高一下学期期末考试英语试卷Word版听力doc、2021-2022学年山西省长治市潞州区高一下学期期末考试英语试卷听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共8页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    1. Where is Bb nw?
    A. In Tky. B. In Paris. C. In New Yrk.
    2. What des the man plan t d here?
    A. Tutr a student. B. Have a meeting. C. Prepare fr a lecture.
    3. What is Tm ding?
    A. Making a mdel plane. B. Playing cmputer games. C. Organizing a cmpetitin.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. When t visit the city. B. Which pstcard t pick. C. What t buy fr Jim’s sister.
    5. Why is the wman wrried?
    A. Because she missed her bus.
    B. Because she lst her cellphne.
    C. Because she can’t find her child.
    6. What makes the man excited?
    A. Pay rise. B. A vacatin. C. A prmtin.
    7. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Friends. C. A cuple.
    8. What des the man prmise the wman t d?
    A. Repair her bike. B. Take sme pictures. C. Teach her basketball.
    9. What will the wman take ?
    A. A guitar. B. An iPad. C. A cellphne.
    10. What is Jasn’s favrite subject nw?
    A. Math. B. Science. C. Histry.
    11. Wh is ging t learn Chinese?
    A. Marisa. B. Jean. C. Jasn.
    12. Hw des Tny find histry?
    A. Bring. B. Interesting. C. Difficult.
    13. What will the wman d tmrrw?
    A. Visit sick kids. B. G t see a dctr. C. Cllect hspital stries.
    14. When will the wman g t the hspital?
    A. At 7:00. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.
    15. What des the man vlunteer t d?
    A. Clean up city parks. B. Keep rder at the statin.
    C. Help plicemen with the traffic.
    16. What day is it tday?
    A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
    17. In which mnth is the Sea Wrld clsed?
    A. February. B. March C. April.
    18. Where can visitrs see the shrt film abut the sea?
    A. In the halls. B. In the dining rm. C. In the Visitr Center.
    19. What is the children’s favrite shw?
    A. The whale shw. B. The turtle shw. C. The dlphin shw.
    20. Hw much is a ticket fr a 6-year-ld kid?
    A. ¥ 60. B. ¥ 80. C. ¥ 160
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Qiba Ancient Village
    Qiba, lcated in the center f Minhang District, Shanghai, is a village with a histry f ne thusand years. In the village, wine and tea are served n ld-fashined square tables tgether with lng benches, lng-muth cpper pts and flat-end chpstick used. The mst famus snacks in ld Shanghai are square pastry, rice wine and steamed salted prk in wine.
    Telephne: 021-21087225
    Entrance Ticket: 45 yuan per all-in-ne ticket (preferable price f 30 yuan is available nw), cvering almst all turist attractins inside the village.
    Jinshan Village f Farmer Painting
    Villagers skillfully make gd use f flk arts such as printing and dyeing, embridery (刺绣), wd carving. They take the varius flk custms and the busy scenes f labr f villagers in the lwer Changjiang valley as the theme f paintings and create farmer paintings in a simple style.
    Telephne: 021-57355555
    Entrance Ticket: 30 yuan/persn
    Merry Cuntryside Tur in Zhnghua Village
    The village prvides turists with accmmdatins, turs, chess, cards, fitness and entertainment thrugh renting ut separate farmhuse and sells turist prducts and agricultural by-prducts related t the merry cuntryside tur.
    Telephne: 021-57395433
    Entrance Ticket: Free
    Pudng Lingkng Agric Gardening
    It is ne f Shanghai cuntryside tur scenic spts, which features art f teapts, crp plantatin and exprt. The Gelgical Science Ppularizatin Hall stres up tens f thusands f rare stnes cllected all ver the wrld.
    Telephne: 021-33935557
    Entrance Ticket: 50 yuan /persn
    21. What can yu d when yu are in Qiba?
    A. Enter the village free f charge.
    B. See busy scenes f labr f villagers.
    C. Appreciate varius flk custms.
    D. Taste steamed salted prk in wine.
    22. Where shuld yu g if yu are interested in stne cllecting?
    A. Jinshan Village B. Qiba Ancient Village
    C. Zhnghua Village D. Pudng Lingkng Agric Gardening
    23. What is the theme shared by the fur turs?
    A. City develpments. B. Cuntryside life.
    C. Traditinal custms. D. Agricultural achievements.
    When Paul Greenberg’s sn turned 12, he was asking fr a smartphne f his wn. He challenged Greenberg’s reasns fr why it wasn’t a gd idea, pinting ut his dad’s wn addictin t his phne. That’s when Greenberg decided t replace his smartphne with an ld-fashined flip phne and fcus n spending time with his sn.
    Greenberg ended up writing a delightful bk abut the transitin, called “Gdbye Phne, Hell Wrld: 60 Ways t Discnnect frm Tech and Recnnect t Jy”—but it’s different frm what yu might expect. It’s nt an essay n the evils f technlgy, but a brief, and practical guide n hw t live withut a smart phne.
    The bk is divided int chapters that explre the varius sides f yur life that will imprve when yu reallcate(重新分配)yur time, such as finding a sense f purpse, strengthening mind and bdy, building better relatinships with friends, family, and lvers, and healing the envirnment. But first, it pens with a message that ur screen addictin is nt s much a result f weakness, but rather a carefully invented plan by many cmputer scientists far mre knwledgeable than we are abut ur wn brains and nature.
    “I wanted t tell my sn that peple aren’t addicted t screens because they’re lazy, but instead because billins f dllars have been invested(投入) t make this utcme unavidable. When yu lk int yur phne, yu think it’s just yur tw eyes lking at a screen. What’s really happening is that 10, 000 prgrammers’ eyes are lking back at yu, fllwing yu, tailring(定制)yur envirnment s that yu’ll keep lking.”
    “Hwever, yu can quit, refuse t play the game; and when yu d, drs f pprtunity pen all arund.”
    This bk is a pleasure t read. Its briefness is purpsely suited t peple wh have lst their attentin span(持续时间), but wish t regain it. I knw that when my kids get hme frm schl later tday, they wn’t see me n my phne. I’ll leave it inside and take them ut t play Frisbee.
    24. What des the underlined wrd “transitin” (in Paragraph 2) refer t?
    A. Say yes t flip phne, Say n t Smartphne.
    B. Less time with smartphne, Mre time with children.
    C. Stp phne addictin, Set an example t children.
    D. “Gdbye Phne, Hell Wrld”—a delightful bk.
    25. Which f the fllwing tpics is nt cvered in the bk?
    A. scial evils f technlgy B. interpersnal relatinships
    C. envirnmental prtectinD. physical and mental health
    26. Which f the fllwing statements abut screen addictin might Greenberg agree with?
    A. Screen addictin is the direct result f peple’s weakness.
    B. Screen addictin is a sign f peple’s physical laziness.
    C. Screen addictin is a trick created by cmputer scientists.
    D. Screen addictin is unavidable and a waste f mney.
    27. What’s the purpse f the passage?
    A. T persuade peple t put dwn smartphnes.
    B. T recmmend a delightful bk t readers.
    C. T explre the reasns behind screen addictin.
    D. T suggest ways t recnnected t a jyful life.
    The pening sequences(片头)f televisin series are usually significant. They need t shw great hnr t the stars and make an intrductin fr the episde(一集) t fllw. Abve all, they must persuade the viewers t be interested in the shw fr the next 30 minutes r mre. Take, fr example, Game f Thrnes, which n ne dubted was a masterpiece when watching the amazing pictures at the start f each episde in 2011. Fr lng, netwrks thught it was wrthwhile t create cmplex and cstly pening sequences.
    Hwever, it was Girls, which had its first shw in April 2012, that tk an abslutely different pening apprach. With a sequence f a single title card n screen lasting nly seven secnds, Lena Dunham’s (the directr and leading actress) cmedy thumbed its nse at the industry’s usual luxurius (奢华的) pening.
    With the rise f screaming (流媒体) services, viewers started watching several episdes withut a break, and the brief pening gained additinal praise. In 2017 Netflix stared its “jump intrductin” functin, enabling viewers t cut ut pening parts and get straight t the drama. Mst viewers were happy that they n lnger had t press fast-frward, but thers saw it as a disrespect t the art f televisin.
    Indeed, maybe pening sequences are n lnger necessary. But if they becme a histry, the desire fr smething mre creative and mysterius may reappear ne day. When they are dne well, they can be as attractive as shrt films.
    28. What's the main functin f pening sequences?
    A. Shwing great hnr t the audience
    B. Interesting viewers t watch each episde
    C. Making the episdes cmplex and cstly.
    D. Giving a summary f the previus episde.
    29. Which can replace the underlined phrase “thumbed its nse at” in paragraph 2?
    A. Respected. B. Smelt C. Praised.D. Challenged
    30. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Opening sequences will never disappear.
    B. Peple have a desire fr histrical things.
    C. Opening sequences will be cntinuusly imprved.
    D. Opening sequences can be made int shrt films.
    31. What is the writer’s attitude twards the pening sequences?
    A. bjective B. uninterested C. cncerned . D. psitive
    As climate change affects the planet, the wrld is turning t seaweed (海草) as a pssible settlement and play a huge rle in fighting climate change. It is used t create natural fuel and renewable(可再生的) plastics. It helps imprve ceanic ecsystems.
    Peple think f frests as the best defense(防御) against climate change. But sme researchers say seaweed is a better settlement. Unlike trees, seaweed desn't need fertilizers r fresh water. It grws faster than trees d. And it desn't require any land. Mst imprtantly, it absrbs carbn frm the envirnment.
    Seaweed culd als becme a key glbal fd surce. Many wrry abut the envirnmental influence f eating meat. Culd seaweed farms prvide enugh prtein fr the wrld? Carls Duarte, a prfessr f ceanic eclgy thinks s. When yu lk at hw we are ging t feed the wrld ppulatin by 2050, in a way that desn't harm the envirnment, there is nly ne pathway," he says. "Seaweed farming."
    In the past decade r s, glbal seaweed prductin has dubled. In British Clumbia, seaweed farming becming ppular. Fr thusands f years, First Natins peple, the native peple f Canada, have farmed n land and in the cean. Seaweed farming helps them create ecnmies f their wn that agree with their traditins. Their rle has always been t cnnect with the land and repair it.
    Seaweed might fight climate change, but it isn’t withut risks. If it isn’t harvested, it can g bad and give ff carbn back int the air r water. Grwing t much f it culd als affect the amunt f light that reaches species living deeper in the water. That wuld be dangerus fr underwater ecsystems. S sme scientists think seaweed can be a part f the settlement t climate change, but it's nt a perfect ne n its wn.
    32. What is an advantage f seaweed in fighting climate change cmpared with trees?
    A. Living lnger B. Absrbing mre carbn
    C. Using fewer resurces D. Grwing taller
    33. What des Carls Duarte think f grwing seaweed t feed the wrld?
    A. It’s unclear.
    B. He supprts it.
    C. He desn’t care abut it.
    D. There is still sme dubt abut it.
    34. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. First Natins peple have changed their traditins.
    B. Seaweed farming isn’t risk-free fr the envirnment.
    C. Seaweed farming has its rigin in British Clumbia.
    D. Glbal seaweed prductin has been less in recent years.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Seaweed Farming fr Fd B. Seaweed Creating Natural Fuel
    C. Seaweed Prductin in the WrldD. Seaweed in Envirnmental Prtectin
    The next time yu g int a bank, a stre, r a supermarket, stp and listen. What d yu hear? 36 It's similar t the music yu listen t, but it's nt exactly the same. That’s because this music is especially designed t relax yu, r t give yu extra energy. Smetimes yu dn’t even realize the music is playing, but yu react t the music anyway.
    Quiet backgrund music used t be called “elevatr music” because we ften heard it in elevatrs. But lately we hear it in mre and mre places, and it has a new name “Muzak”. Abut ne-third f the peple in America listen t "Muzak" every day. The music plays fr 15 minutes at a time, with shrt pauses in between. It is always mre lively between ten and eleven in the mrning, and between three and fur in the afternn, when peple are mre tired. 37
    If yu listen t Muzak carefully, yu will prbably recgnize the names f many f the sngs. Sme musicians r sngwriters dn’t want their sngs t be used as Muzak, but thers are happy when their sngs are chsen. Why? 38
    Music is ften played in public places because it is designed t make peple feel less lnely when they are in an airprt r a htel. It has been prven that Muzak des what it is designed t d. Tired ffice wrkers suddenly have mre energy when they hear the pleasant sund f Muzak in the backgrund. 39 Supermarket shppers buy 38 percent mre grceries.
    40 They say it's bring t hear the same sngs all the time. But ther peple enjy hearing Muzak in public places. They say it helps them relax and feel calm. One way r anther, Muzak affects everyne. Sme farmers even say their cws give mre milk when they hear Muzak!
    A. Sme peple dn’t like Muzak.
    B. The music gives them extra energy.
    C. Music is playing in the backgrund.
    D. Factry wrkers prduce 13 percent mre.
    E. Muzak tends t help peple understand music better.
    F. They will get as much as $4 millin a year if their sngs are used.
    G. Muzak is played in mst f the big supermarkets in the wrld.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    A call came int Gilleece’s bar. A newly married wman, wh had spent the afternn at the beach bar, culdn't find her wallet. She didn't 41 abut her ID r credit cards, but her 42 was inside it.
    Gilleece, 42, didn't like 43 ccurred at his place, s he set ut t 44 the wallet. He spent hurs 45 surveillance cameras (监控摄像机), seeing the wman staying in the bar until she went t sit n a bench utside. Within minutes, a yung man 46 the bench after the wman left, put smething in his pcket, and walked ff. Gilleece 47 a clip (片段) n the bar's Facebk page t find the by.
    Within hurs, Gilleece gt a text frm 17­year­ld Rivers Prather. Prather 48 having taken the wallet and tld Gilleece he’d dne it because he hadn’t 49 fr tw days. He said he saw the ring but thught it was a(n) 50 ne, s he tk the mney and 51 the wallet. Then he bught a sandwich.
    Gilleece wasn't sure if he culd 52 the by, s he tld the teen t meet him at the bar. There, they gt t talking, and Gilleece, a father f tw, saw Prather was mre f a kid than a(n) 53 .
    “He wuld be ging t big by jail (监狱),” Gilleece says. “I had t 54 him smehw.” Gilleece hired tw lcal divers t __55__ the waters. Mre than ne hur passed, with n __56__ f the ring. Gilleece grew 57 , especially when the detective tried t get the by t jail. A diver ppped up 58 . In his hand was the wallet, and inside was the ring.
    “Mst peple wuld have given the vide t the 59 , but he chse t help me and ffered me a jb,” Prather tld CBS News. “I'm 60 f all the supprt he has given me.”
    41. A. think B. care C. frget D. argue
    42. A. ring B. pht C. mney D. watch
    43. A. cmplaint B. stealing C. quarrel D. vilence
    44. A. buy B. pen C. find D. check
    45. A. staring at B. dealing with C. repairing D. analyzing
    46. A. wiped B. passed C. nticed D. apprached
    47. A. received B. saw C. psted D. answered
    48. A. regretted B. remembered C. cnsidered D. admitted
    49. A. slept B. eaten C. washed D. wrked
    50. A. ld B. strange C. fake D. large
    51. A. hid B. buried C. changed D. threw
    52. A. believe B. educate C. save D. cntrl
    53. A. adult B. thief C. student D. beggar
    54. A. persuade B. punish C. help D. frgive
    55. A. search B. measure C. mark D. cver
    56. A. way B. sign C. need D. picture
    57. A. wrried B. annyed C. impatient D. tired
    58. A. gradually B. carefully C. secretly D. finally
    59. A. gvernment B. public C. plice D. wner
    60. A. prud B. aware C. fnd D. appreciative
    第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Wang Yaping has becme the first Chinese wman 61.________(perfrm) a spacewalk. Wang's dream f becming an astrnaut was inspired by Yang Liwei's 2003 space flight. “Nw China has its first man in space. When will ur cuntry have its first wman?” thught Wang, 62.________ (wrk) then as a fighter pilt. 63.______ (bear) in a small village in Yantai, Shandng Prvince in 1980, Wang has been 64.______ (active) participating in lng-distance running since primary schl. In 1997, Wang, a high schl student, 65.______ (encurage) t apply fr the pilt recruitment (征募)prgram by her classmates. Given her strng build and ability t stay calm under pressure, Wang passed all tests.
    In 2010, Wang became an astrnaut. Hwever, the jy f 66.______ (select) did nt last lng as the cruel training began. In the first year, Wang culd nt get the tp level in the high-G training, during 67._______ she had t stand eight times the frce f gravity. Wang imprved her perfrmance by ding extra 68.______ (strng) exercises every day. At last, Wang realized her space dream in 2013 as part f the Shenzhu-10 missin. During her missin, Wang taught China's first live physics lessn frm space. In 2020, 69.________ team f Chinese university students majring 70._______ aerspace, art, architecture and music translated csmic (宇宙的)rays int music. They said they had watched Wang's live space lecture when they were teenagers.
    During the next few mnths, Wang and her teammates will carry ut scientific experiments and d spacewalks. Wang is cnfident that they will cmplete this missin successfully.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    The day befre yesterday, I went t the bkstre where is near ur schl t buy the reference bk. It was Saturday, s there were many peple. Under the help f the shp assistant, I quickly gt the bk I needed t. I was abut t leave when I fund smene try t steal a man's mney. Althugh I was nervus, I tried t think f a way t help him. Suddenly, a gd idea ccurred me.I stepped n the man's ft n purpses. As expected, the man's scream gives the thief a fright, wh quickly walked ut f the shp. After hear my explanatin, the man smiled and shwed great gratitude fr me.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    整个高一的学习生活已接近尾声,暑假即将来临。现在学校校园网英文页面 “Student Vice”(学生心声)栏目向全校学生征文,让大家畅所欲言这一年来的感受。
    1. 表达对老师的感谢;
    2. 说出自己一年的收获和遗憾;
    3. 自己假期的合理规划。
    1-5 BCACB 6-10 ACACB 11-15 ABACC 16-20 BBCCB
    21-23 DDB 24-27 BACB 28-31 BDCA 32-35 CBBD
    36-40 CBFDA
    41-45 BABCA 46-50 DCDBC 51-55 DABCA 56-60 BADCD
    61. t perfrm 62. wrking 63. Brn 64. actively 65. was encuraged
    66. being selected 67. which 68. strength 69. a 70. in
    71. where---- which 72. the reference bk---- a reference bk
    73. Under----With 74. needed t 去掉t
    75. try----trying 76. ccurred 后加t
    77. purpses----purpse 78. gives----gave
    79. hear----hearing 80. fr----t

    山西省长治市上党好教育联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末考试英语试卷(PDF版附解析): 这是一份山西省长治市上党好教育联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末考试英语试卷(PDF版附解析),共16页。

    2022-2023学年山西省长治市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山西省长治市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山西省长治市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期4月期中试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份山西省长治市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期4月期中试题(Word版附解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回,15, What is Jane?等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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