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    高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 3 Food教案

    这是一份高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 3 Food教案,共11页。

    Perid 5 Mving Frward 教学设计
    Dining in China: My Advice t Freign Students
    Unit 3
    Senir Grade 1
    Perid 5 is made up f tw parts – speaking and writing. In this perid, we are ging t practise speaking and writing n the tpic f “Dining in China: My Advice t Freign Students”.
    Knwledge bjectives: strategies f speaking n dining custms in China;
    Strategi strategies f writing n “advice t freign students n dining in China”
    Skill bjectives: using gestures effectively in presentatin;
    writing in tpical rder;
    3. Emtinal bjectives: lve f traditinal fds and respect fr traditinal custms;
    4. Thinking quality bjectives: writing in tpical rder;
    writing in tpical rder
    using examples t supprt yur pint in writing;
    1. asking students t recgnize the traditinal Chinese hme-made fds;
    2. intrducing the cncept f “fds f cmfrt zne”;
    3. presenting fds that sund strange t freigners;
    4. sme cmmn hand gestures and their meanings;
    1. recgnizing the hme-made fds;
    2. learning abut “fds f cmfrt zne”;
    3. think ver why sme fds sund strange t freigners?
    4. learning abut hand gestures
    1. intrducing traditinal Chinese fds;
    2. intrducing the cncept f “fds f cmfrt zne”
    3. encuraging students t debate n why sme fds sund strange t freigners;
    4. encuraging
    using hand
    gestures in
    In PPT 6, “Speaking”
    I. Discuss in grups: what cultural differences might freign students ntice abut eating and drinking in China? Then present yur ideas t the class.
    Tpic: Fds and Dining Custms
    in China
    Traditinal Chinese Fd
    Table Manners in China
    Traditinal Chinese Eating Utensils

    PPT 7, “Speaking Strategy”
    Hand Gestures Help Cmmunicatin.
    Hand gestures can act as a secnd language.Use hand gestures effectively in yur presentatin.
    PPT 8, “Grup Discussin”
    What are the traditinal Chinese meals like?
    1.1 What d we usually have fr breakfast?
    1.2 What d we usually have fr lunch?
    1.3 What d we usually have fr dinner?
    1.4 What d we usually have fr hlidays and festivals?
    PPT 9-13, “Dialgue Time”:
    PPT 9,
    1.1 breakfast at hme fr a nn-resident student;
    1.2 breakfast at schl fr resident student;
    PPT 10,
    1.3 Lunch fr students at schl canteen;
    1.4 Five t eight yuan wuld buy yu a delicius meal with meat and vegetables.
    PPT 11,
    1.5 Hw d yu get the fd at schl canteen?
    1.6 In the schl dining halls, there are a line f windws, each f which is a fd stand with its specialty n the screen bard abve. Students rder fd, put their ID cards n the scanning devices and the buy is finished. N cash in the whle prcess.
    PPT 12-13,
    1.7 What is a traditinal Chinese family gather-tgether dinner like?
    A festival feast r a family gather-tgether has :
    1.7.1 multiple curses:
    cld dishes like meat, peanuts, ...;
    ht dishes like kinds f meat and vegetables;
    varieties f snacks like spring rlls, radish cakes, sesame balls, ...;
    1.7.2 main curse: fish (usually)
    1.7.3 bttles f wines and drinks
    1.7.4 sup and staple fd
    1.7.5 fruits

    PPT 14,
    2. What are the basic table manners?
    2.1 Where shall I seat myself?
    2.2 When shall we begin t eat?
    2.3 What if I my favrite dish is beynd my reach?
    2.4 What if I want sme mre fd?
    2.5 Hw t express I am full? Hw d I excuse myself while thers are still eating?
    2.6 Is it kay t have sme fd left in the plate after we finish ur meal?
    PPT 15-21, “Dialgue Time”
    PPT 15,
    When shall I seat myself?
    Seat yurself after the senir guest r VIP is seated.
    Where shall I seat myself?
    Usually the senir r VIP sits n the centre seat, and the rest sit arund the C seat ne by ne.
    PPT 16,
    Can we eat after everybdy takes seat?
    N. Usually the senir r VIP wuld give a speech like a New Year greetings, after which the speaker wuld take the first muthful.
    PPT 17,
    2.3 What if my favrite dish is beynd my reach?
    If it is in a restaurant, the table is usually mvable, and yu just turn arund the table and the dish will cme t yu. If it is at hme, it's kay t ask fr help and fetch yur favrite fd.
    PPT 18,
    If yu want t fetch fd fr thers, use the public chpsticks and spns, which is mre hygienic.
    PPT 19,
    2.4 What if I want sme mre fd?
    Just speak ut if yu want sme mre fd. The end f a family gather-tgether feast is: have a gd meal and enjy yurself.
    PPT 20,
    2.5 Hw d I express I am full? Hw can I excuse myself while thers are still eating?
    If yu are full, just stp eating. But if yu want t leave the table while thers are still eating, yu d have t find yurself an excuse like “I will g t the washrm”, r “I will pick up a phne call”.
    PPT 21,
    2.6 Is it kay t have sme fd left in the bwl after we finish ur meal?
    It's a shame t waste a bit f fd. S fetch as much as yu culd eat up, and clear yur plate.
    PPT 22-23, “Grup Discussin”
    PPT 22,
    3. What utensils d we use t eat and drink?
    3.1 What d we usually use t fetch fd?
    3.2 Can I use my fingers t eat?
    PPT 23,
    By 1: In China, we use chpsticks t eat and cups r glasses t drink. We use spns t take sup r pick up sme rund fd like meat balls.
    Girl 1: Smetimes I find it hard t pick up meat balls by chpsticks. It's really a challenge fr freigners.
    By 2: I have an idea. We can use a spn fr help. Take a spn by yur left hand, use chpsticks t mve the fd int the spn by yur right hand. Then put the spn f fd n yur plate, safe and nice.
    PPT 24-26, “Dialgue Time”
    PPT 24,
    What if the fd is a whle chicken, like rast chicken withut being sliced?
    In this case, we wear the dispsable glves and tear the chicken apart, and eat.
    PPT 25,
    D Chinese smetimes use fingers t eat?
    Mstly, we use chpsticks and spns t eat. But smetimes peple use bth hands t eat, like the BBQ muttn ribs r biled muttn, esp. in nrthwestern prvinces in China.
    PPT 26,
    In Xinjiang prvince, the lcal peple use hands t eat rice which is called Xinjiang rice, r hand and rice.

    Can I use spn t eat Xinjiang rice?
    Sure yu can.
    PPT 27, “Writing”
    II. Writing: Giving advice abut dining in China t freign students.
    Writing Tpic:
    Seating Manners at Traditinal Chinese Festival Feasts
    1. Where t seat myself at a traditinal Chinese feast?
    2. A crss-culture cmparisn n table seating manners at festival feasts between westerners and Chinese.
    PPT 28,
    Seating Manners at Traditinal
    Chinese Gather-Tgether Feasts
    Seating manners are very imprtant at a traditinal Chinese gather-tgether feast.
    Usually Chinese dinner table is rund, and the questin is wh shall sit where. The centre seat is always the ne n the far side f the table facing the dr fr senir guests r VIP. The rest sit arund C-seat accrding t the rank, with the place nearest t the dr left fr waiters t serve dishes.
    On the cntrary, the western dinner table is usually rectangular, and the chairman seat is at the head f the table. (90 wrds)
    PPT 29, Writing in Tpical Order
    Step 1: tpic-Seating manners are very imprtant..
    Step 2: sub-tpic (1) - Chinese dinner table is rund, and ...
    The centre seat is the ne ... fr
    The rest sit..., with the place nearest t the dr
    Step 3: sub-tpic (2) - the western dinner table is ..., and it's easier t ... chairman seat.
    “n the cntrary” as chesive device t make a cmparisn
    PPT 30, “Summary”
    √ Speaking: Fds and Dining
    Custms in China
    √√ speaking strategy: using gestures effectively in presentatin
    √√ Traditinal Chinese fds
    √√ Table Manners at a Chinese
    Gather-Tgether Feast
    √√ Traditinal Chinese Eating

    √ Writing: Seating Manners at
    Traditinal Chinese Feasts
    √√ Writing Strategy: Writing in
    Tpical Order
    √√chesive devices;
    PPT 30, Hmewrk:
    Research n the fllwing tpic
    Are there any special fd that sunds strange t freigners? Find ut the pssible reasns why freigners wuldn't eat such fds like prk bld.
    (1) speaking
    (2) speaking strategy
    (3) Grup Discussin
    (4) Dialgue Time
    (5) writing
    (6) writing strategy
    All these activities can be carried ut individually, in pair wrk r grup wrk.
    Students shall first have a skim ver the tpic f discussin and make sme preparatins befre speaking.
    Students shall chse their wn sub-tpic while speaking.
    Students may learn abut hand gestures and use them effectively in presentatin.
    Students may prepare their speaking accrding t the utline n PPT 8.
    Students may answer the questin true t their wn cnditins in terms f breakfast, lunch and dinner at schl r at hme.
    Resident students may be familiar with the way fd is fetched at schl canteen.
    And different schl dining halls may have different ways f rdering fds.
    Different answers are welcmed here.
    Here student shall be given enugh time t think ver the specialties f their family gather-tgether feasts.
    Students are encuraged t have discussins n table manners f different places in China.
    With the task f “Dialgue Time”, Students are ging t make an explratin int the basic table manners in China.
    Students are encuraged t speak ut their minds and t have a debate n any pssible differences between themselves f answers t these questins.
    Students may have their wn answers fr which they shall give supprting details.
    Students shall raise their wn questins cncerning eating at the table.
    Different pinins are welcmed here.
    Debates are encuraged fr the purpse f practising spken English and cllecting infrmatin f fds and dining custms that may be imprtant t infrm freign students.
    Students may have sme ther specific questins in terms f eating at the table.
    All kinds f questins are welcmed here.
    Again, the purpse f “Dialgue Time”
    is practising spken English and cllecting infrmatin f fds and dining custms that may be imprtant t infrm freign students.
    Students shall grasp the message f the writing tpic and write accrding t the utline listed n PPT 27.
    Students shall refer t bks r nline surces t search fr western table seating manners and supprt yur pints with details r examples.
    Students may have their wn versin f writing.
    Remember t keep within 90 wrds r less.
    And dn’t frget the cmparisn between western and Chinese
    table seating manners.
    Students shuld understand the cncept f “writing in tpical rder”, which is a writing strategy t avid deviatin frm the theme.

    In “ summary f speaking ”, students shall learn t use gestures effectively in presentatin; and they shall becme mre infrmed f traditinal Chinese fds and table manners as well as Chinese eating utensil.
    In “writing”, students shall learn t write in tpical rder, which is very imprtant t stp a deviatin frm the theme.
    The tpic is divided int three sub-tpics fr students t prepare their materials.
    Speaking strategy is designed fr students t have mre effective cmmunicatin with the help f hand gestures.
    The table f cntents include all the traditinal Chinese meals and serves as a speaking utline.
    “Dialgue Time” f PPT 9-13 is designed fr students t practise speaking.
    Questin 1.7 f PPT 12 is pen t different answers due t a diversity f dining custms in different regins f China.
    Basic table manners are very imprtant infrmatin fr freign students wh first cme t China.
    “Dialgue Time ” f
    PPT 15-21 is designed fr students t practise their speaking skills as well as their knwledge f table manners in terms f traditinal Chinese feasts.
    “Grup Discussin” is designed fr students t elabrate as much as pssible n fds and dining custms in China, which is t be listed n the brchure fr freign students wh first cme t China.
    “Dialgue Time” is designed with the same purpse f “Grup Discussin” f PPT 23-24.
    A summary is particularly designed fr students t have a pause while the lecture prceeds.
    Questins are encuraged and interactins between teacher and students may increase here.
    “Speaking strategy” serves as the cncluding part f “Speaking”.
    Teachers shall exemplify hw t apply these tips.
    “Writing strategy” is designed t get students prepared fr tpical writing.
    asking students t recgnize the traditinal Chinese fds;
    Intrducing the cncept f “fds f cmfrt zne”;
    Intrducing fds that sund strange t freigners;
    Intrducing the general hand gestures and their meanings;
    Grup Discussin 1 n “What are traditinal fds like in China?”;
    6. using dialgues t intrduce the traditinal Chinese fds;
    7. Grup Discussin 2 n table manners at Chinese festival feasts;
    8. using dialgues t intrduce table manners at traditinal Chinese feasts;
    9. Grup Discussin 3 n eating utensils in China;
    10. writing a mdel tpical essay, illustrating the table seating manners at traditinal Chinese gather-tgether feasts;
    1. learning abut traditinal Chinese fds ;
    2. get t knw what is “fds f cmfrt zne”;
    3. learning abut fds that may seem strange t freigners;
    4. having a deeper discussin n the tpic f traditinal fds in China;
    5. learning abut table manners at traditinal festival feasts;
    6. learning abut eating utensils in China;
    7. thinking ver speaking and writing strategies;
    8. thinking ver the writing tpic -
    “Seating Manners at Traditinal Chinese
    Gather-Tgether Feasts”
    Perid 5 fcuses n speaking and writing n
    the tpic f “Dining in China: My Advice t Freign Students”.
    1. Discussin brings students a deeper understanding f the traditinal Chinese fds;
    2. Dialgue
    Time prmtes
    speaking skills
    n the tpic f
    fds and
    dining custms
    in China;
    3. prmting students’ writing skills by writing in a tpical rder;
    4. reminding students f using chesive devices in writing;

    2020-2021学年Unit 3 Food教学设计: 这是一份2020-2021学年Unit 3 Food教学设计,共10页。

    高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 3 Food教案: 这是一份高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 3 Food教案,共14页。

    2020-2021学年Unit 3 Food教学设计: 这是一份2020-2021学年Unit 3 Food教学设计,共10页。

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