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    这是一份2022高考压轴卷(英语)(新高考全国II卷)Word版含解析,共24页。试卷主要包含了B.4 t 6, C26等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.What will the man do about his foot?
    A.Get an X-ray. B.Ice it. C.Call a doctor.
    2.Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.At home. B.In a bar. C.In a restaurant.
    3.What does the man suggest the woman do first?
    A.Study physics. B.See the movie. C.Do some sports.
    4.How will the woman probably go to New York?
    A.By car. B.By train. C.By bus.
    5.When may the man donate money?
    A.Now. B.Tonight. C.Tomorrow.
    6.When will the man leave the hospital?
    A.Tomorrow. B.A week later. C.Two days later.
    7.What does the man thank the woman for?
    A.Paying for him. B.Caring about him. C.Visting his family.
    8.What will the woman do for Thankgiving?
    A.Work at a store.
    B.Go to her grandparents’ house.
    C.Attend a festival in the evening.
    9.Why does the man refuse the woman’s offer?
    A.He doesn’t want to cook.
    B.He will be out of energy.
    C.He received an invitation elsewhere.
    10.What does the man want to do at the beginning?
    A.Know the class schedule.
    B.Have a registration form.
    C.Get a student discount.
    11.What does the man worry about the classes?
    A.The expensive cost.
    B.The inconvenient time.
    C.The crowded classroom.
    12.What will the woman talk about next?
    A.The coaches. B.The location. C.The exercise equipment.
    13.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A.A purchase. B.A person. C.A problem.
    14.What happened two weeks ago?
    A.The woman bought a dryer.
    B.The dryer started to work poorly.
    C.The company fixed the dryer.
    15.How much did people use to pay to use the dryer perfectly?
    A.$2. B.$3. C.$4.
    16.What will Joe probably do if he can’t fix the dryer?
    A.Check the dryer. B.Repay the money. C.Replace the dryer.
    17.How many kinds of items can a person remember at a time?
    A.5 to 7. B.4 to 6. C.3 to 4.
    18.How long does the working memory last?
    A.About 20 seconds. B.About 7 seconds. C.About 4 seconds.
    19.What belongs to memory aid?
    A.Moving items away.
    B.Setting down things.
    C.Remembering things once.
    20.What is the speaker mainly talking about?
    A.Learning ability. B.Human mind. C.A memory theory.

    Scholarships for the Class of 2022
    Applying for scholarships in your senior year is a number game, and the more scholarships you apply for, the better your chance of winning.
    O Wines Opportunity for Success Scholarship
    Deadline: Varied
    Award Amount: $1,000 for each winner
    O Wines Opportunity for Success Scholarship is available to female high school seniors who plan to enroll full-time in a four-year undergraduate program. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 and demonstrate your financial need.
    Paradigm Challenge
    Deadline: 5/01/22
    Award Amount: $10,000 for five winners
    Paradigm Challenge is open to students up to the age of 18. You may work in a team or alone in creating an original and creative way to help solve real-life problems in homes, schools, communities, or around the world. Entries may come in the form of posters, videos, inventions, messages, community events, websites, mobile apps, or anything else that will help save lives. Additionally, you must submit a brief statement of your idea (no more than 140 characters).
    Don’t Text Drive Scholarship
    Deadline: 3/01/22
    Award Amount: $5,000 for two winners
    Don’t Text & Drive Scholarship is available to high school, undergraduate or graduate students. You must be a U. S. citizen or a legal resident and complete a short statement about your choice in order to qualify for this award.
    “A Voice for Cats” Essay Contest Scholarship
    Deadline: 7/01/2022
    Award Amount: $1,000 for each winner
    “A Voice for Cats” Essay Contest Scholarship is open to students who are entering college or currently enrolled in college. You must have a background of volunteering or working at an animal rescue organization for at least 20 hours and submit an essay of between 300 and 500 words on feline welfare and the humane treatment of cats.
    21.Who is O Wines Opportunity for Success Scholarship intended for?
    A.Female high school seniors. B.Part-time graduate students.
    C.Poor pupils failing to afford education. D.Undergraduate exchange students.
    22.What will result in disqualification for the Paradigm Challenge?
    A.Having no teammates. B.Being inactive in community events.
    C.Showing less interest in charity activities. D.Submitting the statement on May 3rd, 2022.
    23.Which of the following offers an individual the highest scholarship?
    A.Paradigm Challenge. B.Don’t Text Drive Scholarship.
    C.O Wines Opportunity for Success Scholarship. D.“A Voice for Cats” Essay Contest Scholarship.

    At noon, I would race breathlessly home, a ten-minute walk from my school. My mother was waiting for me with pleasure to have lunch while I shared what happened at school.
    I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had rehearsed (排练) my lines so hard with me. But no matter how easily I acted at home, hardly had I stepped on stage when every word escaped me. Finally, my teacher asked me to change to a narrator’s (解说员) part. Her word, kindly expressed, still hurt, especially when I saw my part go to another girl.
    I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day. But she sensed my pain. Instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.
    Under the rose vine, we could see yellow dandelions (蒲公英), as if a painter had touched our landscape with shades of gold. I watched my mother casually bend down by one dandelion. “I’m going to dig up all these weeds,” she said, pulling it up by its roots. “From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden.”
    “But I like dandelions,” I argued. “All flowers are beautiful — even dandelions.”
    My mother asked thoughtfully, “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” I nodded, pleased I had won her over. “And that is true of people too,” she added. I burst into tears, a mixture of relief and regret swelling up as I told her what had happened.
    “But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, encouraging me as she did. “The narrator’s part is important, too.” Composing myself gradually, I began to accept the narrator’s part. Then came the performance day. I was still nervous, but it was at that very moment that I found a dandelion in my pocket. It was obvious that my mom secretly put the flower there, which magically gave me confidence.
    24.Why did the author get changed to the narrator’s part?
    A.She was shy. B.She lacked practice.
    C.She disliked the former role. D.She totally forgot the lines.
    25.What did her mother do when the author felt upset?
    A.Her mother asked her what happened patiently.
    B.Her mother insisted on her practicing the lines.
    C.Her mother made her realize every role counted.
    D.Her mother immediately encouraged her to cheer up.
    26.Which of the following can best describe the author’s mother?
    A.Sympathetic but strict. B.Understanding and wise.
    C.Passionate but anxious. D.Curious and easy-going.
    27.What does the text mainly tell us?
    A.All that glitters is not gold.
    B.Actions speak louder than words.
    C.Constant dripping wears away a stone.
    D.Every individual can make a difference.

    A mysterious illness is turning some black bears friendly and unafraid of humans, among other strange symptoms.
    Researchers believe the illness, which young bears around a year old appear to suffer from, is a kind of encephalitis (脑炎), according to a news report by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife late last month. Since 2014, a handful of bears in Nevada and Caledonia have shown signs of the condition, and four California bears were confirmed to have it last year. One of them walked into a school and entered a classroom where she sat down among the children, behaving very much like a friendly dog.
    The encephalitis has other serious effects on the nervous system of the bears, including tremble, head tilts and seizures (癫痫). Affected bears also tend to be seriously underweight. One female bear, observed in February picking up an apple and eating it among humans in a yard, weighed only 21 pounds when she should have been around 80 pounds. She was also covered in ticks (扁虱), walked strangely and was ultimately euthanized (安乐死).
    It’s still unclear exactly what's causing the brain illness. But in the course of studying the phenomenon, scientists have identified five previously unknown viruses in the affected bears.
    Bears suffering from encephalitis typically have to be euthanized. Their symptoms make them unequipped to survive in the wild, and those placed in zoos or shelters can become a huge burden due to the lifelong medical care they need.
    Two bears exhibiting neurological (神经系统的) issues in recent years, however, were able to find new homes. One, now named Elinor, was brought to the Orange County Zoo. The other bear, who has become famous after being caught on camera sniffing a snowboarder and is now named Benji, lives at the San Diego Humane Society’s Ramona Wildlife Center. Last month, Benji celebrated his third birthday there with a cake made out of fruit and potatoes. Details are as follows.
    28.Which of the following is uninvolved in the symptoms of the bears’ disease?
    A.Serious weight loss. B.Getting close to humans.
    C.Some neurological issues. D.Desiring to learn knowledge.
    29.What might cause the encephalitis of bears?
    A.An environmental change. B.A severe shortage of food.
    C.Some unknown kinds of viruses. D.The lack of necessary medical care.
    30.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?
    A.Add some background knowledge.
    B.Provide some advice for the readers.
    C.Summarize the previous paragraphs.
    D.Introduce some further information about Benji’s birthday.
    31.What is the best title for the text?
    A.Black Bears in Nevada and California
    B.A Disease Making Bears Endangered
    C.An Unknown Bear Species
    D.Black Bears Getting Much Friendlier

    The development and testing of self-driving car technology has seen major progress but engineers are working on other kinds of autonomous vehicles too — including some built for water.
    Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are leading one such project. It aims to create boats to transport goods and people along waterways of Amsterdam and explore how autonomous boats can make life in Amsterdam more streamlined. The Dutch capital has been called the world’s “most watery city” because of its large network of canals which affects daily life and industry there; convenience of citizens’ life and levels of productivity rely on water vehicles greatly.
    The engineers centered past efforts on the first autonomous boats designed to transport small goods. But their latest creation, the Roboat II, can also carry passengers. It measures two meters by one meter and weighs about 80 kilograms. A demonstration video of the model showed it carrying two people. The boat is designed to use the sensor-collected data to create and “pilot a path between a series of good points”.
    The MIT team is currently developing its third autonomous water vehicle. That boat is expected to be four meters long and is designed to carry up to six passengers. The team says it designed its autonomous system to involve separate boats working together. For example, Roboat II vehicles can link up in larger groups guided by a leader boat. This ability can expand the possibilities of autonomous vehicles meant to transport goods. The team plans to test the vehicles in more noisy waters.
    In September, it was announced that an ocean research vehicle called the Mayflower Autonomous Ship would attempt to set sail across the Atlantic without a captain or crew on board. The 15-meter ship will take the same path across the Atlantic as the 1620 Mayflower. The builders of the new Mayflower say they hope it can be used in the future to travel and research parts of oceans that are too difficult or dangerous for people to reach.
    32.What does the underlined word “streamlined” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.secure B.popular
    C.relaxing D.efficient
    33.What is the advantage of the third autonomous boat over the first two?
    A.It is much smaller in size. B.It can connect separate boats.
    C.It has a larger load capability. D.It can sue sensor-collected data.
    34.What might be the ultimate mission of the Mayflower Autonomous Ship?
    A.Travel across the Atlantic Ocean.
    B.Improve transportation in Amsterdam.
    C.Get through more noisy conditions.
    D.Replace humans for tough exploration.
    35.What is the text mainly about?
    A.Key roles of autonomous boats in Amsterdam.
    B.The development of MIT’s autonomous boats.
    C.MIT’s contribution to Amsterdam’s progress.
    D.Status of water transportation in Amsterdam.

    We all know trees play a very important role for human’s life. They are important because they provide food and oxygen. The importance of trees continues to increase. The forests and trees that are planted by humans work together with us to make the world look better and more beautiful. ____36____ Some of them are as follows:
    Trees can clean soil and control soil erosion (侵蚀). Poisonous chemicals and pollutants (污染物) from various factories enter the soil, thus causing soil pollution. ____37____ Soil erosion is a serious problem that causes degradation (退化) of soil and leads to floods. Trees and plant roots bind the soil and thus reduce soil erosion.
    Trees produce oxygen. Trees play an important role in reducing the greenhouse gases. They consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. ____38____ A fully grown tree produces oxygen which is enough for 10 people for a complete year. Also, they act as filters of the air that we breathe.
    Trees are of commercial importance. Trees meet the need of fuel for cooking in many areas around the world. Trees also provide wood for furniture and hundreds of household items. Wood pulp (浆) is used for making paper in industries. ____39____ Some trees are even used to make medicines.
    ____40____ They provide shelter and food for a number of animal species across the globe. Trees are especially important as they form green corridors connecting habitats with each other and with the countryside beyond.
    A.This lowers global warming.
    B.Trees have beautified our planet.
    C.Trees act as the habitat for wild animals.
    D.In fact, trees play different roles in our environment.
    E.Without trees our planet cannot be considered a place for living.
    F.Also, trees produce a number of fruits and nuts which are sold at market.
    G.Trees have the ability to store them or change them into less harmful forms.
    I was bound to travel ten miles to pick up a family from a specific location. At the moment they were in my ___41___ , I was aware that the couple had ___42___ the seat belts, but not the kids they were traveling with.
    Then I stepped out of the car and opened the ___43___ to hand the seat belts to the kids. The parents refused my ___44___ , in that they were in a rush. I ___45___ them if I was declined, then what kind of ___46___ was that for the children.
    They were only at less than two kilometers distance from their home, but the cab company’s policies and the state ___47___ laws about seat belts are my main ___48___ because I know I can save myself and others from accidents.
    I assumed that the kids appeared   ___49___   of their parents, for they didn’t protest a bit. But they eventually struggled to use the belts. On that account, I did not ____50____ this incident to the cab company, given those kids behaved so ____51____ that they didn’t necessarily pay for their parents’____52____ . I took great pride in those kids, as they were not that sort of people their parents were.
    The company has been ____53____ its security policies which require the driver to watch out for the passengers’____54____ as well as providing excellent services. I congratulated the kids on their presence at all school classes they had been attending, and I notice that the school system works a lot better day by day for those who ____55____ the classes.
    41.A.sight B.position C.vehicle D.charge
    42.A.loosened B.ignored C.discovered D.secured
    43.A.trunk B.window C.engine D.door
    44.A.signal B.offer C.response D.instruction
    45.A.reminded B.guaranteed C.comforted D.forgave
    46.A.victim B.witness C.phenomenon D.model
    47.A.civil B.education C.traffic D.1abour
    48.A.task B.concern C.target D.barrier
    49.A.aware B.fearful C.proud D.doubtful
    50.A.recommend B.connect C.refer D.owe
    51.A.perfectly B.differently C.badly D.strangely
    52.A.disrespect B.misunderstanding C.unconcern D.humbleness
    53.A.adapting B.surveying C.making D.conducting
    54.A.manners B.discipline C.safety D.mood
    55.A.value B.provide C.reform D.improve
    The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games opening ceremony ____56____ (begin) at the National Stadium in Beijing on the evening of February 4, 2022. ____57____ duration of the ceremony was reduced to about 100 minutes because of the cold weather and the COVID-19.
    The use of ____58____ (advance) technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine vision, 5G and cloud broadcasting added to the novelty of the opening ceremony. The performances, ____59____ (carry) forward the theme of global peace and a shared future for humankind, focused on environmental protection, and human health and physical ____60____ (fit).
    ____61____ (reduce) the carbon footprint of the Winter Games, all the Olympic venues were run on clean energy. Also, during the preparations for the Games, all the work was done ____62____ an environmentally friendly manner. For example, about 70 percent of the materials used in the Games ____63____ (obtain) through lease(租用), including new sporting equipment, furniture in the Olympic village.
    In line with Beijing 2022’s concept of hosting a green Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, the medal platforms were made of recyclable materials, ____64____ can help build a healthy social environment for China to realize ____65____ (it) targets of an eco-friendly society.
    66.假定你是高中生李华,你的英国朋友John对你校的茶艺选修课(optional course)很感兴趣,来信向你了解这门课程的情况,请根据以下要点给他回一封邮件。
    1.课程目的; 2.课程内容; 3.个人学习感受。
    Dear John,
    Li Hua
    Alvin Bamburg, 66, was deep in the woods in Grand Cane, Louisiana, last December when something caught his eye. Twisted in a fallen tree, it looked like litter. As Alvin approached, he saw that the object was a broken balloon. Attached was a piece of paper decorated with sparkly star stickers. It was a child’s Christmas wish list.
    “Dear Santa,” the handwritten note read. “My name is Luna. I am four years old. I live in Liberal, Kansas. This year I have been nice. I would like candy, Spider-Man ball, Frozen doll, puppy. With love, Luna.”
    Alvin’s heart hammered in his chest. Ever since he was a child, he had dreamed of this very scenario. He believed this was his childhood wish coming true. And he decided to make Luna’s wish come true too. Given the distance of more than 650 miles from Grand Cane to Liberal, Alvin followed the advice from his wife, Lee Ann Bamburg, and posted a photo of the balloon and the Christmas list on his Facebook page, asking for help locating the sender.
    Meanwhile, Leticia Flores-Gonzalez, the mother of four-year-old Luna and her twin sister, Gianella, had no idea that such an effort was underway. It had been a hard year for Leticia and her girls. As COVID-19 spread, the family felt lonely, scared, and isolated, with no relatives living nearby.
    On a particularly tough day last December, Leticia had come up with the idea of having the girls send letters to Santa by balloon. She told them that Santa would grab the balloons while he flew through the air on his sled. The twins were excited. Leticia helped them write down all the things that they dreamed Santa might bring them, and put the notes into Christmas red balloons. Then she took them outside to release their wishes to the universe on the chilly windy morning.
    One day in January, a friend called Leticia and said, “Someone found Luna’s balloon.”
    In April, Alvin and his wife made a trip to meet the girls.

    1~5 BAABC 6~10 CBBBA 11~15 CCCBA 16~20 CCABC
    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    21.. A 22. D 23. B
    24. D 25. C 26. B 27.D
    28. D 29. C 30. D 31. D
    32. D 33. C 34. D 35. B
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    36. D 37.G 38.A 39.F 40.E
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    41.C 42.D 43.D 44.B 45.A
    46.D 47.D 48.B 49.B 50.C
    51.A 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.A
    第三节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    61.To reduce
    63.were obtained
    第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    Dear John,
    I am awfully delighted to learn that you are keen on Chinese Tea Art and in your last letter. You asked me to inform you of some details about my favorite optional course, Chinese Tea Art. Now I am writing to tell you something.
    As you know, Chinese Tea Art is my favorite optional course, which I think represents the outstanding traditional Chinese culture. The class consists of one lecture given by a local tea specialist and one activity concerning the skills of making wonderful tea and then serving it. It provides us with a good opportunity to have a better command of traditional Chinese culture.
    Chinese Tea Art benefits me a lot, deepening my understanding of traditional Chinese culture and making my school life more colorful.
    Li Hua
    One day in January, a friend called Leticia and said, “Someone found Luna’s balloon.” Her jaw dropped. At her friends urging, Leticia logged on to Facebook and saw Alvin’s post. Then she saw that people from all over were asking if they, too, could be part of fulfilling the wish list. Leticia was deeply touched and gave Alvin a call. When Alvin told her how much it would mean to him to grant the girls’ wishes, she agreed to let him bring them some gifts. Back in Louisiana, Alvin got busy collecting toys from his newfound Facebook community.
    In April, Alvin and his wife made a trip to meet the girls. That morning, just as chilly and windy as the day Luna and Gianella waved goodbye to their balloons, Alvin got out of the car in front of their house. He presented all the gifts to the twins, including a puppy. The girls cried with delight. Later, both families sat down together to share homemade breakfast. They all felt as if they had known each other forever. Having received so much generosity, Leticia and her girls expressed their gratitude and intended to pay it forward.

    第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    【答案】21.A 22.D 23.B
    21.细节理解题。根据O Wines Opportunity for Success Scholarship部分中“O Wines Opportunity for Success Scholarship is available to female high school seniors who plan to enroll full-time in a four-year undergraduate program.(O Wines for Success奖学金提供给计划全日制读四年制本科的高中三年级女生)”可知,O Wines for Success奖学金的对象是女高中生。故选A。
    22.细节理解题。根据Paradigm Challenge部分中“Deadline: 5/01/22(截止日期:2022年5月1日)”可知,在2022年5月3日提交声明会导致Paradigm Challenge被取消资格。故选D。
    23.细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,O Wines Opportunity for Success Scholarship每位获奖者1000美元;Paradigm Challenge每位获奖者2000美元;Don’t Text Drive Scholarship每位获奖者2500美元;“A Voice for Cats” Essay Contest Scholarship每位获奖者1000美元。故Don’t Text Drive Scholarship提供个人最高奖学金。故选B。
    【答案】24.D 25.C 26.B 27.D
    24.细节理解题。根据第二段的“But no matter how easily I acted at home, hardly had I stepped on stage when every word escaped me.(但是,无论作者在家里排练时多轻松,只要她一上台就会忘词。)”可知,作者被换成了解说员的角色是因为她完全忘了台词。故选D。
    25.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“My mother asked thoughtfully, “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” (母亲若有所思地问道:“是啊,每一种花都以其独特的方式给人带来快乐,不是吗?)”和““And that is true of people too,” she added.(“人也是如此,”她补充道。)”以及最后一段的““But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, encouraging me as she did. “The narrator’s part is important, too.”(“但你会成为一名出色的解说员,”她边说边鼓励我。“叙述者的角色也很重要。”)”可知,当作者感到不高兴时,她的母亲让她意识到每一个角色都很重要。故选C。
    26.推理判断题。根据第三段内容尤其是最后一句“Instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.(她没有建议我们练习台词,而是问我愿不愿意去院子里走走。)”可知,作者没有告诉母亲那天发生了什么,但母亲却感受到了作者的难过,母亲并没有建议作者练习台词,而是询问作者是否想去院子里走走,所以母亲是善解人意的,即understanding;根据倒数第二段的“My mother asked thoughtfully, “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” (母亲若有所思地问道:“是啊,每一种花都以其独特的方式给人带来快乐,不是吗?)”和““And that is true of people too,” she added.(“人也是如此,”她补充道。)”以及最后一段的““But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, encouraging me as she did. “The narrator’s part is important, too.”(“但你会成为一名出色的解说员,”她边说边鼓励我。“叙述者的角色也很重要。”)”可知,母亲通过自己的做法让作者意识到每个角色都很重要,所以母亲是充满智慧的,即wise。故选B。
    27.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是倒数第二段的“Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way(是的,每一朵花都以其独特的方式给人带来快乐)”和最后一段的““But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, encouraging me as she did. “The narrator’s part is important, too.”(“但你会成为一名出色的解说员,”她边说边鼓励我。“叙述者的角色也很重要。”)”可知,在作者遇到不顺心的事情时,作者的母亲通过自己的做法让作者明白了每个角色都很重要。由此可推知,文章主要想告诉我们:每个人都能有所作为,即Every individual can make a difference,故选D。
    【答案】28.D 29.C 30.D 31.D
    28.推理判断题。根据第一段“A mysterious illness is turning some black bears friendly and unafraid of humans, among other strange symptoms. (一种神秘的疾病正在使一些黑熊变得友好、不怕人类,以及其他奇怪奇怪的症状。)” 以及第三段“The encephalitis has other serious effects on the nervous system of the bears, including tremble, head tilts and seizures (癫痫). Affected bears also tend to be seriously underweight. (脑炎对熊的神经系统有其他严重影响,包括颤抖、头部倾斜和癫痫发作。受影响的熊也往往体重严重不足。)”可知与熊疾病的症状无关的是渴望学习知识。A.Serious weight loss. 严重的体重下降;B. Getting close to humans. 接近人类;C.Some neurological issues.一些神经疾病;D.Desiring to learn knowled渴望学习知识。故选D项。
    29.推理判断题。根据第四段“It's still unclear exactly what’s causing the brain illness. But in the course of studying the phenomenon, scientists have identified five previously unknown viruses in the affected bears. (目前尚不清楚究竟是什么导致了这种脑部疾病。但在研究这一现象的过程中,科学家在受感染的熊体内发现了五种以前未知的病毒。)”可知,可能导致熊的脑炎的是一些未知种类的病毒。故选C项。
    30.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Last month, Benji celebrated his third birthday there with a cake made out of fruit and potatoes. Details are as follows.(上个月,本吉在那里用水果和土豆做的蛋糕庆祝了他的三岁生日。详情如下。)”可知,在接下来的一段中,作者可能会介绍一些关于本吉生日的进一步信息。故选D项。
    31.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了黑熊患上一种奇怪的脑炎,使它们异常的亲近人类,变得更友好了。所以“D. Black Bears Getting Much Friendlier(黑熊变得友好多了)”为最佳标题。故选D项。
    【答案】32.D 33.C 34.D 35.B
    32.词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句The Dutch capital has been called the world’s “most watery city” because of its large network of canals which affects daily life and industry there; convenience of citizens’ life and levels of productivity rely on water vehicles greatly.(荷兰的首都被称为世界上“最水的城市”,因为它庞大的运河网络影响着当地的日常生活和工业;市民生活的便利和生产力的水平很大程度上依赖于水上交通。)可知,自动化的船可以使阿姆斯特丹的生活更加有效率。streamlined意为“有效率的”。故选D。
    33.细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“That boat is expected to be four meters long and is designed to carry up to six passengers.”(这艘船预计有4米长,可搭载6名乘客。)可知,和前两艘船相比,第三艘船的优势是它具有较大的负载能力。故选C。
    34.细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The builders of the new Mayflower say they hope it can be used in the future to travel and research parts of oceans that are too difficult or dangerous for people to reach.”(新“五月花号”的建造者表示,他们希望未来可以使用“五月花号”来旅行和研究对人们来说太困难或危险的海洋区域。)可知,“五月花号”自动飞船的最终任务是取代人类进行艰难的探索。故选D。
    35.主旨大意题。根据第一段“The development and testing of self-driving car technology has seen major progress but engineers are working on other kinds of autonomous vehicles too — including some built for water.”(自动驾驶汽车技术的开发和测试已经取得了重大进展,但工程师们也在研究其他类型的自动驾驶汽车,包括一些为水而造的汽车。)和第二段第一句“Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are leading one such project.”(麻省理工学院的研究人员正在领导一个这样的项目。)可知,文章主要是讲麻省理工学院自动船的发展。故选B。
    第四节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    【答案】36.D 37.G 38.A 39.F 40.E
    36.根据前文“The forests and trees that are planted by humans work together with us to make the world look better and more beautiful.(人类种植的森林和树木与我们共同努力,让世界变得更加美好。)”及下文可知,这里是起引出下文的作用,讲述了树木的作用。D选项“In fact, trees play different roles in our environment.(事实上,树木在我们的环境中扮演着不同的角色。)”符合题意。故选D。
    37.根据前文“Trees can clean soil and control soil erosion (侵蚀). Poisonous chemicals and pollutants (污染物) from various factories enter the soil, thus causing soil pollution.(树木可以清洁土壤和控制土壤侵蚀。各种工厂的有毒化学物质和污染物进入土壤,从而造成土壤污染。)”可知,本段讲述的是树木可以降低有害物资的污染。G选项“Trees have the ability to store them or change them into less harmful forms.(树木有储存它们的能力,或者把它们变成危害较小的形式。)”符合题意。故选G。
    38.根据前文“Trees play an important role in reducing the greenhouse gases.(树木在减少温室气体方面起着重要的作用。)”可知,本句讲述的是树木在对抗全球变暖方面的作用。A选项“This lowers global warming.(这会降低全球变暖。)”符合题意。故选A。
    39.根据前文“Trees are of commercial importance.(树木具有重要的商业价值。)”可知,本段讲述的是树木的商业价值。F选项“Also, trees produce a number of fruits and nuts which are sold at market.(此外,树木还生产许多水果和坚果,这些水果和坚果在市场上出售。)”符合题意。故选F。
    40.根据后文“Trees are especially important as they form green corridors connecting habitats with each other and with the countryside beyond.(树木尤其重要,因为它们形成绿色走廊,将栖息地相互连接,并与远处的乡村连接起来。)”可知,最后一段是起重申本文主旨的作用,强调树木的重要性。E选项“Without trees our planet cannot be considered a place for living.(没有树木,我们的星球就不能被认为是一个居住的地方。)”符合题意。故选E。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    41.C 42.D 43.D 44.B 45.A
    46.D 47.D 48.B 49.B 50.C
    51.A 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.A
    41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他们上了我的车时,我意识到这对夫妇系好了安全带,但他们的孩子没有。A. sight景象;B. position职位,位置;C. vehicle机动车辆;D. charge收费,起诉。根据上文“pick up”及“seatbelt”及第二段首“Then I stepped out of the car”可知,作者是开车接人,乘客上了他的车(vehicle)。故选C项。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们上了我的车时,我意识到这对夫妇系好了安全带,但他们的孩子没有。 A. loosened松开;B. ignored忽略,不理睬;C. discovered发现;D. secured绑好,确保安全。根据下文第三段首“Then I stepped out of the car and opened the ___43___ to hand the seat belts to the kids.(然后我下了车,打开车门,把安全带递给孩子们。)”可知,一开始家长是系好了(secured)安全带了,而孩子没有。故选D。
    43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我下了车,打开车门,把安全带递给孩子们。 A. trunk 树干,后备箱;B. window窗户;C. engine 发动机;D. door门。我应该是坐驾驶座,孩子坐后面乘客座。所以我下了车,打开后面乘客座的门,递给孩子安全带。故选D项。
    44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:父母拒绝了我的提议,因为他们很着急。A. signal信号;B. offer提议;C. response回应,回复;D. instruction指令。根据上文“… hand the seat belts to the kids.”我主动递给孩子安全带,提出要求他们系好,及下文“in a rush”可知,父母急着赶路,拒绝了我提出让孩子系安全带的要求,认为浪费时间。故选B项。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我提醒他们,如果我被拒绝了,那对孩子们来说是个什么样的榜样。A. reminded提醒;B. guaranteed保证;C. comforted安慰;D. forgave宽恕。为人父母,应以身作则,遵守交通法规家长应该都知道的,我提醒他们,注意一下自己应该为孩子做个好的榜样。故选A项。
    46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我提醒他们,如果我被拒绝了,那对孩子们来说是个什么样的榜样。A. victim受害者;B. witness目击证人;C. phenomenon现象;D. model榜样。家长的行为就是孩子的榜样。故选D项。
    47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们离他们家只有不到两公里的距离,但是出租车公司的政策和州关于安全带的交通法律是我主要关心的,因为我知道我可以从事故中拯救自己和其他人。A. civil平民,公民的;B. education教育;C. traffic交通;D. 1abour劳动。由空后“about the seat belt”可知,关于座位安全带的法规应该是交通法规。故选C项。
    48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们离他们家只有不到两公里的距离,但是出租车公司的政策和州关于安全带的交通法律是我主要关心的,因为我知道我可以从事故中拯救自己和其他人。A. task任务;B. concern关心;C. target目标靶子;D. barrier障碍。我作为出租车司机,公司制度和交通法规是我关心的事儿(concern)。故选B项。
    49.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我猜想孩子们似乎害怕他们的父母,因为他们一点也没有抗议。A. aware意识到的;B. fearful害怕的;C. proud骄傲的;D. doubtful怀疑的。根据下文“for they didn’t protest a bit(他们一点也没抗议)”可以推知孩子害怕父母,很听话的样子。故选B项。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:出于这个原因,我没有把这件事告诉出租车公司,因为这些孩子表现得如此完美,他们不必为父母的不尊重付出代价。A. recommend推荐,建议;B. connect联系,连接;C. refer提交......处理,提及;D. owe欠,归功。乘客不系安全带,属于违规行为,我应该告知公司,可是鉴于孩子很配合,表现很好,所以我没有向公司报告此事儿。故选C项。
    51.考查副词词义辨析。句意:出于这个原因,我没有把这件事告诉出租车公司,因为这些孩子表现得如此完美,他们不必为父母的不尊重付出代价。A. perfectly完美地;B. differently不同地;C. badly很差地,严重地;D. strangely奇怪地。根据上文“for they didn’t protest a bit. But they eventually struggled to use the belts.”孩子们没有抗议,费半天劲儿用了安全带,及下文“I   took great pride in those kids”可知,我认为孩子们的表现很棒。故选A。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:出于这个原因,我没有把这件事告诉出租车公司,因为这些孩子表现得如此完美,他们不必为父母的不尊重付出代价。A. disrespect不尊重; B. misunderstanding误解;C. unconcern不关心;D. humbleness卑微,谦逊。根据上文“The parents refused my offer__”可知我主动递给孩子安全带,让孩子系好,父母拒绝了我的主动提出,应该是认为孩子不用绑安全带了,怪麻烦的。这是对法律和司机及生命安全的不尊重。故选A项。
    53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:公司一直在执行其安全政策,要求司机关注乘客的安全,并提供优质的服务。A.   adapting适应,改编;B. surveying调查;C. making制造,使;D. conducting执行,主持。主语是company公司,宾语是its security policies安全政策,应使用动词conduct(执行)。故选D项。
    54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:该公司一直在执行其安全政策,要求司机关注乘客的安全,并提供优质的服务。A. manners礼仪;B. discipline纪律;C. safety安全;D. mood情绪。出租车公司会要求司机关注乘客的安全。故选C项。
    55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我祝贺孩子们在他们上过的所有学校班级里的表现,我注意到对于那些重视课堂的人来说,学校的教育体系一天比一天好。A. value重视;B. provide提供;C. reform 改革;D. improve改进,提高。此处表示孩子们表现很好,应该是在学校好好学习了,应该是很重视课堂,认真学习的。故选A项。
    第五节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    61.To reduce
    63.were obtained
    56.考查时态。句意:2022年2月4日晚,北京2022年冬奥会开幕式在北京国家体育场拉开帷幕。由时间状语“on the evening of February 4, 2022”是过去的时间可知,句子时态用一般过去时,空格处用过去式began,故填began。
    61.考查不定式。句意:为了减少冬奥会的碳足迹,所有的奥运场馆都使用清洁能源。根据语境可知,空格处所在句子表示“为了减少冬奥会的碳足迹”,因此空格处用不定式表目的,位于句首,首字母大写,故填To reduce。
    62.考查固定短语和介词。句意:此外,在奥运会的筹备工作中,所有的工作都以环保的方式进行。in a...manner是固定短语,意为“以……的方式”,因此空格处是介词in,句子表示“所有的工作都以环保的方式进行”,因此空格处是介词in,故填in。
    63.考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:例如,大约70%的奥运会材料是通过租赁获得的,包括新的体育器材和奥运村的家具。材料是被获得,句子描述过去的事情,因此空格处用一般过去时的被动语态,即was/were done,主语“70 percent of the materials”是复数,因此空格处是were obtained,故填were obtained。
    第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    【答案】 Dear John,
    I am awfully delighted to learn that you are keen on Chinese Tea Art and in your last letter. You asked me to inform you of some details about my favorite optional course, Chinese Tea Art. Now I am writing to tell you something.
    As you know, Chinese Tea Art is my favorite optional course, which I think represents the outstanding traditional Chinese culture. The class consists of one lecture given by a local tea specialist and one activity concerning the skills of making wonderful tea and then serving it. It provides us with a good opportunity to have a better command of traditional Chinese culture.
    Chinese Tea Art benefits me a lot, deepening my understanding of traditional Chinese culture and making my school life more colorful.
    Li Hua

    inform sb of   sth. ; consists of ; provides sb. with
    1.You asked me to inform you of some details about my favorite optional course, Chinese Tea Art.
    2.The class consists of one lecture given by a local tea specialist and one activity concerning the skills of making wonderful tea and then serving it.
    3.It provides us with a good opportunity to have a better command of traditional Chinese culture.
    2.表示并列补充关系:As you know;and
    第五步:润色修改,如非谓语动词:The class consists of one lecture given by a local tea specialist and one activity concerning the skills of making wonderful tea and then serving it.;定语从句:As you know, Chinese Tea Art is my favorite optional course, which I think represents the outstanding traditional Chinese culture.…等
    【答案】One possible version:
    One day in January, a friend called Leticia and said, “Someone found Luna’s balloon.” Her jaw dropped. At her friends urging, Leticia logged on to Facebook and saw Alvin’s post. Then she saw that people from all over were asking if they, too, could be part of fulfilling the wish list. Leticia was deeply touched and gave Alvin a call. When Alvin told her how much it would mean to him to grant the girls’ wishes, she agreed to let him bring them some gifts. Back in Louisiana, Alvin got busy collecting toys from his newfound Facebook community.
    In April, Alvin and his wife made a trip to meet the girls. That morning, just as chilly and windy as the day Luna and Gianella waved goodbye to their balloons, Alvin got out of the car in front of their house. He presented all the gifts to the twins, including a puppy. The girls cried with delight. Later, both families sat down together to share homemade breakfast. They all felt as if they had known each other forever. Having received so much generosity, Leticia and her girls expressed their gratitude and intended to pay it forward.
    实现梦想:fulfill the wish /realize the wish /make the wish come true
    赠送礼物:bring gifts/send gifts/present gifts
    参与做某事:be part of /participate in /take part in
    被深深感动:be deeply touched/ be deeply moved/ be deeply affected
    表达感谢:express gratitude/ express thanks/ express appreciation

    Text 1
    Your foot doesn’t look good, Scott. Did you call the doctor? Something could be broken.
    M: I’ve already had an X-ray. The doctor said I should put something cold on it.

    Text 2.
    M: Honey, the beef tastes so different today. How did you cook it?
    W: Well, I cooked it with some beer. I learned it from a cookery book.

    Text 3.
    W: David, what should I do first today, study physics, go to the movies or do some sports?
    M: Err, if I were you, I’d definitely study physics first and then improve my health.
    W: Why?
    M: Because you are poor in physics and your grades need improving.

    Text 4.
    W: What do you think is the best way to get to New York?
    M: Well, as it has been raining heavily these days, taking a bus or driving your own car can be dangerous. So, taking the train may be your best choice.

    Text 5.
    W: The snow hitting our country was severe and many places suffered. A lot of companies donated to help the disaster areas. Why not donate some money too?
    M: OK, I’ll go to an ATM tomorrow.

    Text 6.
    W: Steven, are you better now?
    M: Yeah, the doctor said that I can leave soon. I’m really missing home.
    W: I guess you miss your wife and children very much.
    M: Yeah, you are right. But I have to stay two more days for observation.
    W: If necessary, I can stay here to accompany you until you are discharged.
    M: No, thanks. I am very grateful that you can come to the hospital to visit me.
    W: You are my best friend. That’s what I should do.

    Text 7.
    W: What are your plans for the holiday? Would you like to join me at my grandparents’ house? There will be a festival in the morning and then we’ll have a big dinner.
    M: Unfortunately, I have to work. Thanks for the invitation, anyway.
    W: The store is open on Thanksgiving? I thought it was a national holiday and most places had to close.
    M: Well, we prepare meals for people who don’t want to cook. There is a big list of orders.
    W: Will you be working all day? You could come afterwards.
    M: No. I work from 4:00 a.m. to 3:00 p. m. , but I will be exhausted afterwards.

    Text 8.
    M: Hello, I understand there are fitness classes for students, and I’m a little curious about the schedule.
    W: Sure. The school provides fitness classes weekdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p. m. Free of charge, of course.
    M: Good. Do I have to register?
    W: No, but a student ID card is a must.
    M: Okay. Will there be enough room for students to move around freely? I mean, I wouldn’t want to work out in a jammed place.
    W: Don’t worry. The classes take place at the Elizabeth Hall. It can accommodate up to 500 students. But the average attendance is only around 100. Oh, the Student Union has invited some professional coaches to provide guidance this month. You wouldn’t want to miss it.
    M: Alright. And what about the exercise equipment there?
    W: Well, you can use...
    Text 9.
    M: Good afternoon, this is Mike with Wash-N-Dry. How can I help you?
    W: Hello, I’m the manager at 909 Chestnut Street. The dryer in our apartment building isn’t working well.
    M: I’m sorry about that. We’ll fix the problem right away. Before I send someone out there, though, I’d like to ask you a few questions.
    W: Go ahead.
    M: OK. How long has the dryer been going wrong?
    W: For two weeks now.
    M: Can you describe what’s wrong with it?
    W: Yes. The clothes used to dry perfectly with $2. Last week, we had to use $3 for the same amount of clothes. This week, we have to use $4.
    M: Oh, that’s bad! Do you know which dryer it is?
    W: Just a second... I’m almost at the laundry room. Let me see… I have to remember which one is broken… Yes, here it is. It’s the fourth dryer in the row. Here’s the number. J-4-8-9-L-W.
    M: Thank you. I’ll send Joe to check it this afternoon. He’ll take a spare dryer in his truck, in case he can’t fix yours. I suspect that something is blocking the air flow. Anything else, madam?
    W: No, that’s it. Thank you.

    Text 10.
    How many things can you keep in your memory at a time? In the past, some people believed that the average human mind could remember about five to seven things at a time. However, according to the recent studies, scientists discover that the human mind has a memory limit of about 3 to 4 items. This means that without doing any memory tricks, the average human can only remember 3 to 4 things at a time. These things may include numbers, names, or tasks. This short-term memory is also called the working memory. Without some form of memory aid, these 3 to 4 things will only remain in a person’s memory for about twenty seconds. After that period of time, most of the things will be forgotten. Memory aids include repeating something over and over, placing items into groups or chunks, or writing things down. This is a revised theory about memory. Of course, scientists believe that some individuals have a stronger working memory than others. A stronger working memory is often related to a stronger ability to learn. They are strong learners and problem solvers.

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    2023年高考压轴卷——英语(新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Word版含解析: 这是一份2023年高考压轴卷——英语(新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Word版含解析,共18页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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