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    必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考) 学案
    必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考) 学案01
    必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考) 学案02
    必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考) 学案03
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    必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考)

    这是一份必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考),共15页。

    habitat n

    wildlife n

    poacher n

    antelope n

    battle n

    plateau n

    ideal adj.

    shawl n

    herd n

    skin vt.

    raid n. & vt.

    confiscate vt.

    dealer n

    reptile n

    live adj.

    insect n

    mammal n

    bald adj.

    whale n

    ibis n

    brink n

    initial n

    continent n

    monitor vt.

    1(2020·全国卷)Nicolo and another bidder battled until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32. 竞争

    2(2019·全国卷)It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working, and that's plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day's worth of Vitamin D用量

    3(2019·全国卷)They bring with them lots of waste.The crowds might damage the beauty of the place.废弃物;垃圾

    4(2019·浙江卷)The concert was broadcast live and attracted the largest one night audience in the history of television up to that time.在现场直播

    5(2018·全国卷)Reserve your spot before availability—and the cherry blossoms—disappear! 预定

    6(2018·江苏卷)Moth, meanwhile, after an initial struggle, found his symptoms were strangely reduced by their daily tiring journey.最初的

    [单词 拼写·运用]



    1reserve n.保护区;保护圈

    2struggle n.挣扎;斗争;努力

    3battle n.战斗

    4spot n(某事发生的)准确地点;现场

    5condition n. (­s)环境;情况

    6meanwhile adv.同时

    7lay vt.产卵;下蛋

    8branch n.分支机构;办事处;树枝

    9focus n.焦点;集中点

    10waste vt.浪费


    1(2020·全国卷)The beautiful long branches(branch) covered with pink­colored buds(蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations.

    2(2020·新高考全国卷)Many of their families were struggling(struggle) to make ends meet.

    3(2020·新高考全国卷)Take the fear out of public speaking by focusing(focus) on your listeners.

    4The turtle laid(lay) lots of eggs, buried them in the sand and returned to the sea slowly.

    5Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted(waste).




    1danger n.危险endanger vt.使……处于险境;危及endangered adj.濒危的dangerous adj.危险的

    2extinct adj.灭绝的;绝种的extinction n.灭绝;绝种

    3protect vt. 保护protection n.保护

    4worth adj.……钱;值得worthy adj.值得……worthwhile adj. 值得花时间/金钱/精力的

    5aim n.目标;目的aimless adj.没有目标的

    6involve vt.涉及;包括involved adj.有关的involvement n.包含;涉及

    7wonder n.奇迹wonderful adj.精彩的

    8energy n.能量;精力;能源energetic adj.精力充沛的


    1We should have a specific aim in life.Living an aimless life means wasting time.(aim)

    2Many animals are already extinctor are close to extinction(extinct)

    3The murder involved many people but only a few proved to be involved in it.(involve)

    4The old man is still full of energy and his wife is even more energetic(energy)

    5This tent offers little protection against the severe storm, so we should find a house to protect ourselves.(protect)

    6This article is well worth reading, but it is not worthy of being translated.So I feel that all your effort isn't worthwhile(worth)

    7The tiger endangered the safety of the deer, but the endangered deer dealt with the dangerous situation smartly.Now it is out of danger(danger)

     [短语 理解·运用]



    1be concerned about sth. 关心某事;担心某事

    2keep an eye on 照看;留神

    3go for 攻击(某人);对……也适用

    4feed on (动物)……为食

    5stand for 代表

    6set up 建立;设立


    Traditionally in China, a cat and a butterfly can stand for old age, which is an issue more and more people are concerned aboutWhen we become too old, do we only depend on our sons and daughters to keep an eye on us? So it's urged that the government should set up more and more nursing homes for the old.

    7put down 放下;写下

    8give one's life to ……献身

    9at a time 一次

    10on the spot 当场;在现场

    11come into fashion 成为时尚;开始流行

    12get tough with ……采取强硬措施


    The government has been getting tough with the poachers.In a recent fight against them, several criminals were arrested on the spot.But the struggle with them is very serious, and some police have given their lives to the cause.If only the poachers put down their hunting guns and protected the wild animals

    [句式 辨识·运用]




    Although surprised, the poachers had an advantage there were more of them.


    Although important, intelligence is not necessarily the key to success.


    But today the government seems to be winning the battle.


    With the development of society, we seem to be losing a lot of tradition.

    3.only if 只要……”引导条件状语从句。

    The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy.


    His father often tells him that he will succeed only if he works hard.

    1reserve n保护区;保护圈;预备品贮存;保留;候补队员vt.储备保存;保留;预约预订


    (2017·江苏卷)Climate change is a continuing process, so Norhel's ice reserves will not last forever.贮存

    We were told that our rooms hadn't been reserved for that week, but for the week after.预定

    Changbaishan is China's largest nature reserve and is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals.保护区

    If you order after that, we reserve the right to either accept or reject order requests at the discounted price.保留

    (1)without reserve 毫无保留地;直言不

    in reserve 贮存;备用

    reserve sth.for sb.为某人保留某物

    (2)reservation n.保留;预订(房间、座位等)

    make a reservation 预订(座位、房间等)

    be reserved for special guests 留给贵宾的

    accept my advice without reserve 毫无保留地接受我的建议

    keep some money in reserve, just in case 存些钱备用以防万一


    When talking to a friend, we should be frank and without reserve.

    We had made our reservation(reserve) six months earlier, but the girl at the front desk said there had been a mistake.

    He went directly to the reserving seat, only to find a lady was there. reservingreserved



    Firstly, an effective way, I think, is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use.

    2struggle n& v挣扎;斗争;奋斗

    (1)struggle for ……而斗争

    struggle against ……作斗争

    struggle with ……斗争;与……并肩奋斗

    (2)struggle to do sth.努力做某事

    struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来

    struggle all the way up to get more sunshine 努力一直向上以获取更多的阳光

    struggle against the bad weather for a better harvest 与恶劣的天气作斗争来争取好收成

    struggle to bring up a family on a very low income 靠非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人


    (2019·天津卷)Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune.

    (2019·江苏卷)He struggled to explain(explain) what he heard in his head.

    The seriously injured man struggled to his foot eventually.footfeet


    普通表达:Mary had struggled for months to find a job, and finally took a position at a local advertising agency.

    高级表达:Having struggled for months to find a job, Mary finally took a position at a local advertising agency.(分词短语作状语)

    3protect vt.保护

    [高考原句·2019·全国卷]To make sure you get enough Vitamin D—but still protect your skin—put on sunscreen right as you head outside.

    (1)protect ...from 保护……免于……

    protect ...against 防止……遭受……

    (2)protection n.保护;防卫

    under the protection of ……的保护下

    protect our surroundings from being polluted 保护我们的环境免遭污染

    live happily under the protection of their parents 在家长的呵护下快乐地成长

    want to do something for environmental protection 想为环保做些事情


    (2020·新高考全国卷)He realized that it was because there weren't enough trees to protect them from the heat.

    In the last few years, China has made great achievements in environmental protection(protect)

    As is known to us all, shoes play an important role in our life, for it can protect our feet from hurt. hurt前加being


    普通表达:Legal business should be protected by the law.

    高级表达:Legal business should be under the protection of the law.(protection n)

    4worth adj.……钱;值得…… n价值;作用

    [高考原句·2020·全国卷]The good news is that it's simple to learn and can be worth the effort.

    (1)be worthmoney/price ……/价格

    be (well) worth doing ...(非常)值得被做(主动形式表示被动意义)

    (2)worthy adj.值得的

    be worthy

    (3)worthwhile adj.值得花时间/金钱/精力的

    It's worthwhile……是值得的

    be well worth reading a second time 非常值得再读一遍

    be worth time and energy 值得花时间和精力

    be sold at prices far below their true worth 以远低于实际价值的价格出售


    (2019·北京卷)Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile(worth) at the same time?

    (2018·全国卷)It is worth mentioning(mention) that our volleyball team won the championship twice in national middle school volleyball matches.

    His first book is of great use for our course. But his latest one is very worth reading. verywell



    The reference book is worth buying, because it is a great help for your study.(worth)

    The reference book is worthy to be bought/of being bought, because it is a great help for your study.(worthy)

    It is worthwhile buying/to buy the reference book, because it is a great help for your study.(worthwhile)

    5wonder n奇迹奇观惊奇 v想知道……感到惊奇……感到疑惑

    [高考原句·2020·全国卷]She wondered if centuries of diving could have led to the evolution of physical characteristics that made the task easier for them.

    (1)It's no wonder that ...……不足为奇难怪

    It's a wonder (that) ...令人惊奇的是……

    in wonder 惊奇地

    work/do wonders 创造奇迹

    (2)wonder at ……感到惊奇

    wonder if/whether/how/wh­从句 想知道……

    (3)wonderful adj. 奇妙的

    the wonders of modern technology 现代技术的奇迹

    wonder about the best place for a holiday 考虑最佳的度假地

    have a wonderful and unforgettable trip 有一次奇妙、难忘的旅行


    (2020·全国卷)I wonder if/whether parents should always tell the truth no matter the consequences.

    (2020·江苏卷)I am not good at soccer, but that evening it was wonderful(wonder)

    He hasn't slept at all for three days. There is no wonder that he is tired out. ThereIt


    普通表达:I want to know if you could tell me more about this activity.

    高级表达:I am wondering if you could tell me more about this activity.

    6focus n焦点;集中点;焦距;中心 v(使)集中聚焦

    [高考原句·2019·全国卷]The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season.

    (1)the focus of ……的焦点

    come into focus 成为焦点

    bring/throw ...into focus 使……成为关注的焦点

    (2)focus one's attention/eyes/energy/mind on ...集中某人的注意力/目光/精力/思想于……

    focus on/upon 集中于

    focus your attention on your study 把你的精力放在学习上

    bring the problem of child abuse sharply into focus 引起人们对虐待儿童问题的高度重视

    become the focus of the public 成为公众关注的焦点


    (2020·山东卷)Too often when you stand up to give a speech, you focus on the public at the expense of the speaking

    (2018·天津卷)There's a new frontier in 3D printing that's beginning to come into focus: food.

    With his mind focusing on the things not related to his studies, his marks have fallen rapidly. focusingfocused



    Because all her energy is focused on her children, she seems to have little time for anything else.(状语从句)

    With all her energy focused on her children, she seems to have little time for anything else.(with复合结构)

    [联想发散] 表示注意集中精力于……”的短语还有:concentrate one's attention on, fix one's attention on, pay attention to等。

    7stand for代表;主张;支持;容忍

    [一词多义]——写出下列句中stand for的含义

    Each star on the flag of the United States stands for a state of the nation.代表

    He has been acting very strangely these days.I can't stand for his actions at all.容忍

    We Chinese stand for peace and wish to settle all disputes by peaceful means.主张

    stand out 突出显眼杰出

    stand by 袖手旁观无动于衷;支持

    stand aside 站到一边;让开;袖手旁观不参与

    stand up for 支持;维护

    can't stand for such bad working conditions 不能忍受这样的工作环境

    stand for beauty, life and happiness 代表美丽、活力和幸福

    stand out above the rest 从其他人中脱颖而出


    (2019·天津卷)One card from a student stood out to him. It read: “Mr. Haze, you are my sunshine.

    How could you stand by/aside and allow such a thing to happen!

    Some girl students just stand up when it comes to competitive sports games. upby



    People usually eat moon cakes which stand for a happy reunion on Mid­Autumn Festival(定语从句)

    People usually eat moon cakes standing for a happy reunion on Mid­Autumn Festival(分词短语作定语)



    1(2019·全国卷)We are so proud of her. It's wonderful(wonder)

    2Something must be done to protect the environment from being polluted(pollute)

    3Good opinions are worth sticking(stick) to because they can benefit us all.

    4The children talked so loudly at dining table that I had to struggle to be heard(hear)

    5You'd better make a reservation(reserve) for a train ticket in case no ticket is available when you arrive.


    1Health and environmental problems have become increasingly the focus of attention.

    2In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck.

    3We should spare no effort in our struggle for a better future.

    4We all wondered at the great progress he has made in his study.

    5My mother had reserved something for me to eat before she left for work.


    1I assure you that this medicine will work wonder for your cold. wonderwonders

    2The meeting has brought the future development of the company to focus.tointo

    3They had to struggle with their lives against weather and wild animals. withfor

    4It is advisable to keep some food in the reserve in case of emergency. 去掉the

    5You have to wear a life jacket for protection yourself in case you fall into the river. 去掉yourselfprotectionprotecting



    1He often wastes a lot of money buying(buy) something he really doesn't need.

    2Although shining(shine)the sun wasn't very warm.

    3It's high time that we took measures to protect endangered(endanger) animals.

    4The boy sitting by the window seems to be reading(read) something interesting.

    5The project has been a great success and I would like to thank all the people involved(involve)


    1We have asked the neighbors to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.

    2On the mountain there are large quantities of grass for the cattle to feed on

    3His company is developing so rapidly that he has set up several branches in other big cities.

    4Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can put down almost every word her teacher says.

    5As the number of drunk driving traffic accidents is increasing, it's time to get tough with drunk drivers.



    Now it can't be denied that the number of our friends—animals—1is(be) reducing, which has become a great concern of us. There is no doubt that our real action is the most effective way 2.to protect(protect) them. The government has set up many nature 3.reserves(reserve) to protect their real and good habitats. We are aiming 4.to focus(focus) on the key to 5.solving(solve) the serious problem. We don't think it is 6a waste of time or money. Our efforts stand for our 7determination(determine), for we don't want to see animals struggle 8.against human beings in the world again. Only 9.if we do many meaningful things will their 10.extinction(extinct) no longer be a problem that we'll have to face.


    Step 1要点提示(黑体字部分要使用本单元所学词汇)


    Many wild animals are seriously affected by human activities, so they are in danger of extinction


    We are so concerned about the situation that we put forward the following suggestions.


    More nature reserves are well worth setting up, where wild animals can be well protected


    It's also a good thing to take measures to monitor the living conditions of wild animals, and we can take better care of them only in that way.


    We should struggle to raise people's awareness of protecting wild animals.


    We sincerely hope that everyone can get actively involved in protecting endangered species from extinction.

    Step 2.表达升级(改变所给句子的结构以使表达升级)


    Seriously affected by human activities, many wild animals are in danger of extinction.


    It's also a good thing to take measures to monitor the living conditions of wild animals, and only in that way can we take better care of them.

    Step 3.衔接成文(利用恰当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇)

    Seriously affected by human activities, many wild animals are in danger of extinction. We are so concerned about the situation that we put forward the following suggestions. To begin with, more nature reserves are well worth setting up, where wild animals can be well protected. Meanwhile it's also a good thing to take measures to monitor the living conditions of wild animals, and only in that way can we take better care of them. More importantly, we should struggle to raise people's awareness of protecting wild animals.We sincerely hope that everyone can get actively involved in protecting endangered species from extinction.



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