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    牛津译林版英语 七年级下册 Unit 2 Neighbours Integrated skills 教案
    牛津译林版英语 七年级下册 Unit 2 Neighbours  Integrated skills 教案01
    牛津译林版英语 七年级下册 Unit 2 Neighbours  Integrated skills 教案02
    牛津译林版英语 七年级下册 Unit 2 Neighbours  Integrated skills 教案03
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    初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册lntegrated skills教案

    这是一份初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册lntegrated skills教案,共15页。教案主要包含了翻译下面的句子,熟读并背会漫画部分和B部分内容等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 2 Neighbours

    Welcome to the unit


    1. What can you see in the 4 pictures?

    1. Can you tell me something about each picture?



    Step 1 Discussion

    1. What can you see in the pictures?

    2. Can you tell me something about each picture?

    Step 2 New words


    Step 3 Part A Where can you find these people?

    Match them with the places. Write the correct letters in the boxes.

    Step 4 Ask and answer

    A: What's his/her job?

    B: He/She is a/an...

    Step 5 Part B

    1. Amy is asking Simon about his neighborhood. What are these questions about?

    Please listen to the tape and write down.

    1. Where do you live?

    2. How many buildings are there in your neighborhood?

    3. What do you have around your neighborhood?

    4. Do you like living there?

    2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

      Simon lives in a (1) ___ in City Garden in Ninth Street. There are about (2) ___ buildings in his (3) ______________. Most of them have (4) ___ floors. It’s (5) _____ for Simon and his neighbors to live there, because there are some supermarkets, (6) __________, a school and a (7) _______.

      Keys: flat, 20, neighborhood, 14, good, restaurant, hospital

    3. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.

    1. Where’s Simion’s flat?

    2. How many buildings are there in his neighborhood?

      3. How many floors do the buildings have?

    4. What does Simon have around his neighborhood?

    5. What does Simon think of his neighborhood?

      Keys: It’s in City Garden in Ninth Street.

           About 20 buildings.

           Most of them have 14 floors.

           Supermarkets, restaurants, a school and a hospital.

           He thinks it’s good to live in a neighborhood like that.

    Step 6 Pair work and discussion.

    1. Work in pairs and make up your own conversation about your neighborhood.

    2. Work with your partner. Make a dialogue like this one.

    A: Where do you live?               

    B: I live in ...

    A: Are there any buildings around your neighborhood? 

    B: ...

    A: What are they?                     

    B: They are ...

    A: Do you like living there?         

    B: ...

    A: By the way, what’s your father?

    B: He is a/an ... He works in ...

    A: What about your mother?

    B: She ...

    A: Do they have any time to play with you?

    B: ...

    Step 7 Look at the flash.

    1) Answer the questions according to the video.

    2) Watch the video again and fill in the blanks.

    Step 8 Homework


    1. 我准备去拜访我的好朋友。

    2. 迈克不会喜欢像你这样的客人。

    3. 在我们这个街区有两个超市和一所学校。

    4. 住在像这样的街区非常好。

    5. 我住在城市花园的一个公寓里。



    Reading I



    1. Where do you live?

    2. How many buildings are there in your neighborhood?

    3. What do you have around your neighborhood?

    4. Do you like living there?

    5. Do you often help your neighbors?

    6. What are your neighbors like?


    Step 1 New words


    helpful   community   skill    problem   something   engineer   check broken    someone      fix      anyone     college

    Step 2 Warming up

    1) Who’s your neighbor?

    What does he/she do?

    What do you think of him/her?

    Do you welcome him/her to your home?

    Do you always help each other?

    2) Look at community centre posters, and then answer the questions.

    What happens when Simon has problem?

    Step 3 Listen to the conversation, and complete the table.




    Computer doesn’t work.


    Bicycle is broken.


    Homework is difficult.


    Old people need help.


    Step 4 Complete the Part B1 and B2.

    Step 5 Read the dialogue carefully and answer the questions.

    1. What are Simon’s neighbors like?

    2. What’s the name of the club? When do the volunteers have a meeting?

    3. Is there anything wrong with Simon’s computer?

    4. What’s wrong with Annie?

    5. How do the volunteers help the old people?

      Keys: They are kind and helpful.

           “Helping Hands”. They usually have a meeting at the weekend.

           Yes, there is.

           Annie’s bike is broken.

           They often visit the old people and do some shopping for them.

    Step 6 Role-play

    Work in a group of four. Suppose one of student is Simon and the others are volunteers at Simon’s community centre.

    Tell us your skills and introduce what you can do to help your neighbor.

    Simon: I live a big community. There are some volunteers in it. They have different skills and they’re very helpful.

    S1: Hi, I’m a college student. I can …I’m good at…I can help you with…

    S2: Hi, I’m a doctor. I can…

    Simon: I’m very lucky to have a community centre like that.

    Step 7 Homework


    1. 在社区中心见面     
    2. 开会

    3. ……有问题           
    4. 一位电脑工程师

    5. 叫某人修某物        
    6. 在学习方面帮助你

    7. 乐于(愿意)做某事    
    8. 为某人购物

    9. 帮助老人打扫他们的公寓

    10. 住在这个社区你很幸运。  


    Reading II



    Complete the passage.

    Amy: Hi, Simon. (1) ______ are your neighbors like?

    Simon: They’re kind and (2) _______. Some of them are (3) __________.

          They often meet at the (4) __________ center and share their different (5) _____. They help us with all kinds of (6) _________.

    Amy:    (7) ______ do they meet?

    Simon: Usually they have a “helping hands” meeting at the weekend.

    Amy:  Are they going to have a meeting this weekend?

    Simon: Yes. There’s something wrong with my (8) __________. I’m going to ask a computer (9) ________ to check it. My cousin Annie’s (10) _______ is broken, so she’s going to ask someone to (11) ____ it.

    Amy: Can you find (12) _______ to help you with your homework?

    Simon: Yes. Some (13) _______ students are ready to help.

    Amy: That’s really nice. Do the (14) __________ help the old people too?

    Simon: Yes. Some of them often visit the old people and do some (15) __________ for them. This weekend, they will help the old people clean their (16) _____.

    Amy: That’s great! You’re (17) ______ to live in a neighborhood like that, Simon.


    Step 1 Complete the Part B3.

    Simon is writing about his neighbors for the school newsletter. Help him complete his article with the words in the box.

    all kinds of           at the weekend          broken       check        different skills     fix      homework       lucky           problems   ready to help

    My neighbors are kind and helpful. Some of them are volunteers. They have _____________ and often help us with ___________ problems.

    Usually there is a “helping hands” meeting _____________. People go there when they need help with their ________. Computer engineers are popular. They help people _______ their computers. You can also find someone to _____ things like _______ bicycles.

    Students can get help with their __________. There are some college students among the volunteers, and they are always ____________, Volunteers also help the old people.

    We are _____ to live in a neighborhood like that. People here are like a big family.

       Keys: different skills, all kinds of, at the weekend, problems, check, fix, broken, homework, ready to help, lucky

    Step 2 Language points

    1. They are kind and helpful.


    1. They help us with all kinds of problems.


    3. There’s something wrong with my computer.

    1)重点讲解there be something wrong with ...句型结构


    4. …she's going to ask someone to fix it.


    5. Some college students are ready to help.

    重点讲解be ready to do用法。

    Step 3 Exercises

    I. 用括号内所给单词适当形式填空。

    1. She is _______ (help). She often ______ (help) us with difficult problems.

    2. Can you help me ___ (fix) the car?

    3. There __ (be) something wrong with my walkman. Can you check it?

    4. Don’t ask Tom _____ (go) shopping with you. He is doing his homework.

    5. The volunteers are always ready ______ (do) something for people in need.

      Keys: helpful, helps, fix, is, to go, to do

    II. 单项选择。

    1. — _______ Jim like?

        — He is kind and friendly.

        A. How is             B. What does   

        C. What is            D. How does

    2. Mr. Lee is a good teacher. He always helps us ______ English.

        A. in                   B. with           
        C. at                   D. for

    3. — Is ________ anything wrong    _____ your mobile phone?

      — Yes. It can’t send text message.

        A. there; in              B. this; on

        C. there; with            D. this; about

    4.  Helen is good ______ computers. She is always _______ to help others with computers.

      A. at; ready               B. for; kind    
    C. at; kind                D. for; ready

    5. — How ______ you are! You passed (测试) the game and got the big prize ().

      — Thank you.

      A. sad                    B. helpful            
    C. difficult                D. lucky

      Keys: C, B, C, A, D

    Step 4 Homework


    1. 汤姆既懂礼貌,又乐于助人。

    2. 我的表哥经常帮助我解决电脑方面的问题。

    3. 我很愿意成为一名志愿者。

    4. 我能叫大卫和我一起去购物吗?

    5. 我的笔坏了。你能借我一支吗?




    Revision Reading

             Where does Simon live?

             What do you think of the community centre in his neighbourhood?

             Do you think Simon is lucky to live in such a neighbourhood? Why?


    Step 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

    What are they doing?

    What will they do?

    What’s the family doing?

    What will they do?

    What is the old woman doing?

    What will she do?

    Step 2 A. Simple future tense with will and shall


    Step 3 Asking for help

    1. Simon’s computer is broken. He is asking someone at the community centre for help. Complete their conversation with the simple future tense of the verbs in brackets.

      Mr Lin: Hello, Simon. Do you need any help?

    Simon: Yes, Mr Lin. There’s something wrong with my computer.

    Mr Lin: OK. We ____________ (ask) an engineer to check it for you.

    Simon: When ____ the engineer ___ (be) free?

      Mr Lin: Well, we _______ (call) him first. _____ you _____ (wait) for us to call back?

    Simon: All right. I _____________ (wait) for your call, Thanks.

    Mr Lin: You’re welcome.

      Keys: shall/ will ask, will, be, will call, Will, wait, will/ shall wait

    2. Practice

    Step 4 B. Simple future tense with be going to

    介绍“be going to do”的将来时的各种句式

    Step 5 Planning a day out

    1. Simon is telling Amy about his plan for a day out with his uncle’s family. Help him use the correct forms of be going to to talk about his plan.

    Simon: Hi, Amy. My parents and I are planning a day out with my uncle’s family the day after tomorrow.

    Amy: Great! What ____ you ___________ (do)?

    Simon: I ______________ (buy) some food, and my cousin Annie _______________ some plates and forks.

    Amy: What ____ your parents __________ (do)?

    Simon: They _________________ (bring) some water.

    Amy: How about your uncle?

    Simon: He ______________ (make) a fire.

    Amy: And your aunt? What ____ she ________ do?

    Simon: She ______________ (cook) some food.

        Keys: are, going to do, am going to buy, is going to buy, are, going to do, are going to bring, is going to make, is, going to, is going to cook

    2. Exercise

    Step 6 Pay attention to these.

    有些动词,如:come, go, leave 等,其现在进行时可表示将来时。

    eg. We are leaving on Sunday.

    Lisa is coming back from New York tomorrow.

    Is your father going to the USA soon?

    Step 7 Homework


    1. 一直往前走,你会发现你的左边有一个饭店。

    2. 我明天到上海。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)

    3. 明天我将去公园。(否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)

    4. 今天晚上我去购物。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)

    5. 下个月他就16岁。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)

    6. 明天有雨。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)

    7. 我打算买一辆小汽车。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)

    8. 这个星期天你去游泳吗?

    9. 你长大以后打算干什么?


    Integrated skills


    Guessing Game



    Step 1 Ask and answer

    Millie wants to know more about different jobs. Look at the following pictures. Help her write the correct names under the pictures.

    Step 2 Listening

    1)     Listen to tape and complete the table below Complete the Part A2.

    Wendy, Millies penfriend, is talking about her family members jobs. Listen to her and complete the table below.




    Wendy’s dad



    Wendy’s mum



    Wendy’s elder brother



    Wendy’s elder sister



    2)     Listen to the tape again and answer the questions about Wendy.

    1. Where’s her father’s police station?

    2. Where’s her mother’s restaurant?

    3. Is her mother very busy?

    4. How does her elder brother go to work?

    5. How does her elder sister go to work?

    Keys: It’s near her school.

         It’s in the town centre.

         Yes, she is.

         He often goes to work by bike.

    She goes to work by train.

    3)     Listen to Wendy again and help Millie complete her notes below. Complete the Part A3.

       Millie is making notes about Wendys family. Listen to Wendy again and help Millie complete her notes below.

       Wendy’s family

    There are five people in Wendy’s family.

    Her dad is a _________. He works in a ____________ near her school. Sometimes he works _______.

       Her mum works in a _________ in the town centre. She is a ________, so she is always busy.

    Her elder brother works in a _________. He is a _______. He often goes to work _______. He loves his job.

    Her elder sister is an ____________. She works for a ________ far away from her home, so she goes to work by train.

       Keys: policeman, police station, at night, restaurant, manager, post office, postman, by bike, office worker, company

    Step 3 Pair work

    Ask your partner about his/ her family members jobs.

    1. What does your father/ mother/ elder brother/ elder sister/ uncle /aunt do?
    2. Where does he/ she work?
    3. Where’s his /her…?
    4. How does he/ she go to work?

    Step 4 Speak up

    讨论长大后的职业梦想,以此导入speak up部分教学。

    Step 5 Listen to their conversation and do the “True or False” exercises.

    1. Daniel likes computers.
    2. Millie is going to be a computer engineer.
    3. Sandy is going to be an art teacher.
    4. Amy is going to be a doctor.
    5. Simon is going to be a basketball star.

       Keys: T, F, F, T, F

    Step 6 Read the conversation and complete the form.

    Step 7 Homework.


    1. 将来,我想做一名工程师。

    2. Millie在电脑方面很擅长。

    3. 他的妈妈在镇中心的邮局工作。

    4. 她的爸爸为一个离家很远的公司工作。

    5. 我年长的哥哥想要帮助体弱的人。

    二、背诵 Speak up 部分。


    Study skills


    Step 1 Linking sounds

    We often link sounds together when we speak English. There are four different ways of linking sounds together.

    1. We usually link a consonant sound with a vowel sound.

    2. When the first word ends in -r or -re and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we join them together with a /r/ sound between them.

    3. When there are two vowel sounds, we join them as if there were a /j/ or /w/ sound between them.

    4. When two consonant sounds of two words meet, we sometimes do not need to pronounce the first consonant sound.

    Step 2 Listen and read.

    A Listen carefully. See how you can link the following words together. Then practise saying them.

    B Listen carefully to these words. Then practise saying them.

    C Listen carefully to these words. Then practise saying them.

    D Listen carefully to these words. Then pratise saying them.

    Step 3 Homework.




    Step 1 Warming up

             Is there a community centre in your neighborhood?

             What do your neighbors do?

             Do you think it’s helpful to have a community centre?

             What kind of help you want to get from the community centre?

    Step 2 Read the task and answer the questions.

    (1) When and where do they have a "helping hands" meeting?

    (2) If you don't feel well these days, what will you do?

    (3) What will the engineers do for the people in the City Garden Community Center?

    (4) If you don't know what to wear, who can give you some idea?

    (5) Are there any volunteers to help people fix the computers that day?

    Step 3 Practice

    Read the notices again and tell us where they can get help.

    Step 4 Complete the Part B.

    Simon is writing about the meeting on his blog. Help him complete his article with the information in Part A.

    We are going to have a “helping hands” meeting at the ________________ on the afternoon of ________. Some neighbors are there ready to help.

    Sometimes people do not feel well. The _________________ at the Health Centre will __________________. There are also some _________ at the Fix-It Club. People will get help if there is ________________ with their washing machine or fridge.

    The members at the Art and Design Group know a lot about
    ________________. When people do not know _____________________ or ______________________, the artists will give them __________.

      Keys: community center, 5 March, doctors and nurses, make you feel better, engineers, something wrong, styles and colors, what to wear to a party, how to design the home, some ideas

    Read Simons article together. Whats each paragraph about?

    Paragraph 1 Time and place of the “helping hands” meeting

    Paragraph 2 Different activities of the “helping hands” meeting

    Step 5 Language points

    Step 6 Discussion

    (1) How to be a good neighbor?

    (2) What’s your neighbor like?

    (3) What’s your neighbor’s job? What can he/she do?

    Step 6 Writing

    Time: this Sunday morning

    Place: in the hall of Sunshine Community Centre

    Activities: Beautiful Hair Club cutting hair & designing hairstyle

    Activities: Computer Group checking computer

    Delicious Kitchen teaching people how to cook delicious food

    Step 7 Homework

    How do your neighbors help each other? Prepare notes about it. Then write your article. Use Simon’s article as a model.




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