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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 RelationshisLesson 3 So CloseYet So Far示范课课件ppt

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 RelationshisLesson 3 So CloseYet So Far示范课课件ppt,共52页。PPT课件主要包含了Impacts,Dominated,Summariser,Group work,Show time等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Pre-reading: Activate and share
    Cellphnes Are Everywhere!
    We can’t live withut cellphnes!
    What is yur typical day with a cellphne?
    What rles d scial netwrking and the Internet play in yur daily life? What d yu use them fr? Scial netwrking and the Internet play an imprtant part in my daily life. I chat with friends and watch vides.2. Hw many nline friends d yu have? D scial netwrking and the Internet help imprve yur relatinships with thers? Give sme examples.
    Mark has 500 friends nline and he spends a lt f time n the Internet. Predict what Mark will say abut scial netwrking. Then read and check.
    Pre-reading: Read and explre
    Mark never stps scialising with his friends nline. But he’s als never felt mre alne.
    Read the text. Cmplete the infrmatin abut Mark. Then use examples t talk abut hw scial netwrking has a affected Mark’s life.
    check thrugh his scial netwrking apps read his emails and answer text messagesscrll thrugh his friends’ psts and phtsdwnlad sng after sng, vide after vide
    afraid t miss sme imprtant ntices, deadlines, appintments and invitatinshis classmates and teachers may need t cntact him at any time
    drive them away
    Careful reading
    What scial netwrking has dne t Mark and Mark’s friends. Read and find the impacts.
    Scial netwrking dminates my life in s many ways
    I cnstantly feel depressed, dissatisfied and alne
    whether n friends’ get-tgether r a family hliday, we are tgether physically but nt mentally
    Depressed, dissatisfied, alne
    Find evidence!
    Read again and find sme examples t prve the impacts.
    set deadlines: 8pm-10pm fr hmewrk7.50 pm: scrll thrugh psts and phts9.30 pm: dwnlad sng after sng, vide after vide
    keep delaying imprtant things in real lifehave nthing t say when we meet
    a dinner get-tgether: my best friend tk a call fr 30 minutes; Sme kept texting friends nlinea family hliday: my sister spent hurs reading abut her favurite ppstar
    lnely:n the surface, he has an active scial life but always distracted.his mind is always a millin miles awaycan’t remember the birthdays f sme f his ldest mates.
    Tgether?physically √ mentally ×
    keep delaying imprtant things in my real life: hmewrk, tasks, cnnecting with my friends and family members in a meaningful wayhave nthing t say when we meet
    set deadlines: 8 pm-10 pm fr hmewrk7.50 pm: scrll thrugh psts and phts9.30 pm: dwnlad sng after sng, vide after vide
    Find the expressins r sentences in the text that tell yu the infrmatin.
    1. Mark is always clse t his phne and laptp.
    “My phne and laptp are never ut f tuching distance.”
    2. He receives news frm his friends nline thrughut the day.
    “I have a never-ending flw f messages and updates frm all the peple I assciate with nline.”
    3. His phne is nt helping his relatinships with his friends.
    “They say that phne bring peple clser tgether but in reality, my mind is always a millin miles away.”
    4. He has friends that he has knwn fr years.
    “…but I can’t remember that birthdays f sme f my ldest mates.”
    5. He is addicted t the Internet because it makes him feel excited and active.
    “I will start ding my hmewrk at 8 pm, and aim t finish in tw hurs. At 7.50 pm, I’m still scrlling thrugh my friends’ silly psts and phts. I dwnlad sng after sng, vide after vide, but I’m nt really paying attentin. The stimulatin is in chasing after the next sng rather than truly enjying it.”
    6. His friends did nt cncentrate fully when they were having dinner tgether.
    “Sme spent the dinner bent ver their phnes, texting friends nline but ignring the nes wh sat right in frnt f them.”
    7. He and his friends can’t give up scial netwrking.
    “I need it fr my studies because my teachers and classmates need t cntact me at any time.
    Suppse yu are Mark. Talk abut yur life with yur partner.
    Hw des the cellphne impact Mark’s life? Why can’t he drp his cellphne?
    Read the text again. Chse the crrect meaning f the cllquial phrases.
    Guessing the Meaning f Unfamiliar Wrds frm the CntextWhen yu cme acrss a difficult wrd / phrase in a text, try t guess what it means first befre lking it up.decide what type f wrd it is, e.g. nun, verb.try t wrk ut the meaning frm the cntext.use a dictinary t check the exact meaning f the wrd.
    Skill Builder
    1 way beynd (line 13) = a shrt way past / a lng way past2 g cld turkey (lines 43 -44) = d smething less frequently / stp ding smething cmpletely3 bze (line 47) = alchlic drinks / sft drinks4 be hard-wired in (line 49) = be brn with the character / wrk like a cmputer
    1. Why des Mark say “They say that phnes bring peple clser tgether but in reality, my mind is always a millin miles away.”? Find examples frm the text t illustrate hw phnes drive peple further away.
    Because he des nt talk t his friends face-t-face when he attends parties r plays sprts. Examples: I bsess ver exactly hw many fllwers I have n my accunt, but I can'tremember the birthdays f sme f my ldest mates. /His friends spent the dinner bent ver their phnes, texting friends nline but ignring the nes wh sat right in frnt f them.
    2. Hw d yu understand “We are hard-wired in, but we’re mre discnnected than ever.”? Why des Mark say we are mre discnnected than ever?
    Mark suggests that yung peple tday have been brught up with scial netwrks and that they are an imprtant part f ur lives which we can't live withut. Hwever, ur addictin t scial netwrks can lead t a lss f friendships r meaningful relatinships due t less face-t-face cntact in real life.
    Decide what text type this piece f writing is. What is its cmmunicative purpse?What impresses yu the mst abut Mark’s use f language? Find examples frm the text t supprt yur idea.
    The text type f this piece f writing is a web blg, which uses a mixture f expsitin and descriptin. Its purpse is t tell yung readers that scial netwrking n the Internet is causing distance and discnnectin in real life relatinships thrugh the detailed descriptin f Mark's experience and feelings.
    Mark's use f language culd be: 1) asking rhetrical questins, e. g. “Where am I? What am I ding?” 2) irny, e.g. mst f the wrds in the secnd paragraph describe hw busy he is but then he ends the paragraph with the truth f being lnely, which is a sharp cntrast. 3) using examples t supprt his ideas, like the dinner get-tgether t shw that friends say nthing in real life. 4) the use f “I” t start a sentence, which is typical f persnal blgs.
    What have yu learned frm the stry?
    In reading circles, each student has his r her wn rle. Discussin leader, Summariser, and Wrd Master are sme f the mre cmmn rles.
    Reading circles
    “The Discussin Leader” – prmtes the discussin, preparing sme general questins and ensuring that everyne is invlved and engaged.
    “The Wrd Master” – selects vcabulary that may be new, unusual, r used in an interesting way.
    Anther cmmn rle in reading circle is Student Advisr. In this rle, students give their advice n hw t vercme the prblems.
    “The Summariser” – gives a summary f the passage, shwing the prblems and their effects.
    Wrk in grups f fur. Chse a rle and cmplete the task independently. Then share yur wrk with the ther members f yur grup befre sharing in class.
    Engage and expand
    Think f tw pen-ended questins and write dwn yur answers t them.
    Discussin Leader
    Individual wrk
    Find three expressins in the text t describe Mark’s prblems (such as actins, situatins r feelings). Explain each expressin in English.Tell why yu have chsen them.Use each expressin in a new sentence t describe a situatin, an actin r feeling that yu r yur friends may have.
    Read the text carefully and summarise it including each f the fllwing aspects:a) What is the situatin / prblem?b) What effects has the prblem had?c) What is the writer’s attitude and cnclusin?
    Suppse yu wrk at a Student Advice Centre. Mark and his friends cme t yu fr help regarding their prblems.Think the cnsequences f their prblems and explain why these prblems arise.Give at least three pieces f advice n hw t vercme their prblems.
    Student Advisr
    Ask yur grup members the same tw questins and invite them t answer befre giving them yur answers.Ask yur grup if they have any ther questins t add.Allw each member t share their wn wrk with the grup.Make sure that each persn is well-prepared fr a class presentatin.
    Discussin leader
    Invite yur grup members t cmment n yur new sentences.
    Share yur summary, and then ask yur grup t cmment n it.
    Discuss the cnsequences f their prblems and explain why these prblems arise.Give at least three pieces f advice n hw t vercme their prblems.
    Yur reprt:Questin 1________________________________My answer:_______________________________Questin 2________________________________My answer:_______________________________
    Yur reprt may g like this:I have chsen three expressins frm the text. The first ne is _____________ n page ____ line ____. It means ______________. I chse it because it ______________. Here is my sentence: ___________________________________. What d yu think f it?
    Yur reprt may g like this:Here is my summary f the passage. Mark is a university student. His prblem is: ___________. As a result __________. Althugh Mark desn’t like the way he lives and wants t give up the habit, but _______________.
    Yur reprt may g like this:Thank yu fr sharing with me yur prblems. In fact, yu are nt the nly ne with these prblems. The prblems may hwever lead t sme serius cnsequences. Fr example, _____________________. Fr these reasns, I wuld suggest that first, yu _____________, secndly, …
    Language and Grammar
    Chse the crrect meaning f the fllwing wrds and expressins.
    1. I’m way beynd a shy r reserved persn, but I’m wired up every day.2. What is really wrrying is that n ne I knw, including myself, culd g cld turkey.
    (a shrt way past / a lng way past)
    (d sth less frequently / stp ding sth cmpletely)
    Fcus n language: Imprtant wrds
    3. Alchlics wh want t quit drinking can avid bze, but hw d we give up ur phnes?4. We’re hard-wired in, but we’re mre distracted than ever.
    (alchlic drinks / sft drinks)
    (be brn with the character / wrk like a cmputer)
    Cmplete the paragraph with the crrect frm f the expressins.
    be wired up g cld turkey scial netwrking sitecnstant flw drp scial netwrking in spirit
    At the mment I am trying t 1. _______________ n using my mbile phne and cmputer but it is s difficult. I 2. ___________ mst f the day. I can hear the 3. ____________ f alerts frm my 4. ___________________ if I can see pictures f friends at parties
    g cld turkey
    scial netwrking site
    cnstant flw
    am wired up
    and n scial ccasins. I feel like I’m at least there 5. ________. I think yung peple’s brains are hard-wired nw t expect t be cnnected t the Internet. Wish me luck as I try t 6. __________ ___________ fr ne week.
    Fucs n language: Imprtant wrds
    1. As sn as I pen my eyes in the mrning, I check thrugh all my scial netwrking apps, read my emails and answer text messages.
    解析:as sn as “一……就……”,引导时间状语从句主句为一般将来时,则从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。当指紧接着发生的两个短动作,主从句都用一般过去时。eg. 1) I will tell him the news as sn as he _______ (cme) back. 2) He ______ (take) ut his English bks as sn as he sat dwn.
    Fucs n language: Imprtant sentences
    延伸拓展:“一……就……”的表达还有以下:immediately; directly; instantly; the mment; the minute; the instant; n / upn + (ding) sth; hardly ... when ...; n sner ... than ...
    1) I sent yu the news the instant I heard it. (翻译)______________________________________________2) Hardly had the ftball game begun _____ it started raining.3) N sner had he arrived _______ he went away again.

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