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    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册 UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习
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    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习01
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习02
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习03
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习04
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习05
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习06
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习07
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习08
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习01
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习02
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 4 Period 3 PPT课件+练习03
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    英语人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Adversity and Course课文ppt课件

    这是一份英语人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Adversity and Course课文ppt课件,文件包含UNIT4Period3pptx、UNIT4Period3DOC等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Explring ptinsⅠ.Learn the fllwing sentence patterns by heart. 1.___________________ 你认为……怎么样?2.___________________ 你觉得……怎么样?3.___________________ ……怎么样?4.___________________ 我们继续讨论下一个选手吧。5.___________________ 我们讨论下一个选项,好吗?
    【答案】1.What d yu think abut…?2.Hw d yu feel abut…?3.What/Hw abut…?4.Let’s mve n t anther candidate. 5.Shall we mve n t the next ptin?
    Ⅱ.Cmplete the fllwing cnversatin with the abve-mentined expressins. A: We have t decide n wh is the best candidate fr leader f the basketball team. B: 1.________________ (你们认为李雷怎么样)? He is a very experienced basketball player. C: Yu are right there, but he cares little abut thers.
    2.________________ (另外一个候选人王飞怎么样)?A: All right.3.________________ (我们看看王飞吧). Wang is really a wnderful basketball player. B: Well, Wang Fei is full f vigr and cnfidence. He is always ptimistic in ding things nce he is determined t d smething. I think he will make himself a gd team leader. C: Yes, I agree. We can’t find a better candidate.
    【答案】1.What d yu think abut Li Lei2.What/Hw abut anther candidate, Wang Fei3.Let’s lk at Wang Fei
    decide n accrding t mve n t cheer up make (a)fire 
    give ff deal with in a psitive way be free t d sth.  pay back cnsist f 
    1.If ________________ sea animals,we wuld all starve. 如果没有海洋动物,我们都会饿死。2.When we were finally rescued, we felt ________ relief and jy ________ many f us culd nt hide ur tears. 当我们终于获救时,我们感到如释重负和喜悦,很多人都无法掩饰自己的眼泪。【答案】1.it weren’t fr 2.such; that
    Ⅰ.阅读课文,判断信息正误(  )1.Shackletn left Elephant Island t find fd fr the team. (  )2.It was nt easy fr the team t keep themselves alive n the Elephant Island. (  )3.On the Elephant Island, the team fund meat much mre easily than fruit.
    (  )4.The team members had t keep mving all day lng t keep up their temperature. (  )5.When they were finally rescued, the team members were mved. 【答案】1-5 FTTFT
    Ⅱ.阅读课文,选择正确选项(  )1.The mment Shackletn left Elephant Island, the team members felt ________ . A.cnfident B.prudC.uncertainD.frightened
    (  )2.The authr gives sme examples t ________ . A.shw their difficult life n the islandB.tell us hw they managed t live nC.shw us hw they made fire n the islandD.infrm us that they lacked fruits
    (  )3.Why did the team members stay indrs all day lng?A.T save their energy frm running ut. B.T prtect themselves frm cld weather. C.T prtect themselves frm wild animals. D.T keep their nrmal bdy temperature.
    (  )4.When rescue finally arrived, all the team members felt ________ . A.prud and braveB.relieved and jyfulC.wrried and srryD.interested and amused
    (  )5.Thrugh this text, the authr tries t tell us t ________ . A.be ptimistic and faithfulB.build up ur healthC.strengthen ur skills in lifeD.believe in a religin【答案】1-5 CADBA
    1.cmmitment n. 承诺;保证;奉献(P45)And he paid us back by his cmmitment t save us frm a slw but painful death. 【翻译】他回报了我们,承诺要把我们从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中拯救出来。
    (1)cmmitment t sb. /(ding) sth. 对某人/某事的承诺(2)cmmitment t sb. /sth. (对工作或某活动)献身;奉献;投入(3)cmmitment n. (可数)已承诺(或同意)的事;不得不做的事(4)cmmitment n. (不可数)(资金、时间、人力的)花费;使用the cmmitment f resurces t educatin对教育的资源投入
    Everybdy is aware f her cmmitment t her wrk. 每一个人都清楚她对工作的付出。He’s busy fr the next mnth with filming cmmitments. 他正忙于准备已经承诺的下个月拍电影的事。A career as an actr requires ne hundred percent cmmitment. 干演员这一行需要百分之百的投入。
    Achieving success at this level requires the cmmitment f time and energy. 取得这种水平的成就需要花费时间和精力。She desn’t want t make a big emtinal cmmitment t Steve at the mment. 她不想在此刻在感情上对史蒂夫做出重大的承诺。
    The cmpany’s cmmitment t prviding quality at a reasnable price has been vital t its success. 这家公司保证供货质优价廉的承诺对它的成功起了决定性的作用。
    【拓展提升】(1)cmmit vt. 做,干;多用于错误的事、坏事cmmit a mistake犯错误cmmit a crime犯罪cmmit suicide自杀(2)cmmit vt. 承诺cmmit sb. /neself t sth. /t ding sth. 承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)
    The President is cmmitted t refrming health care. 总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。Bth sides cmmitted themselves t settle the dispute peacefully. 双方承诺和平解决争端。Brrwers shuld think carefully befre cmmitting themselves t taking ut a lan. 借款人应当慎重考虑之后再行借贷。
    (3)cmmit neself t sth. (公开地)就某事表示意见,做出决定Yu dn’t have t cmmit yurself nw, just think abut it. 你不必现在表态,只需考虑一下这件事。
    [针对练习]完成句子(1)I have ________________,and there is n way t draw back. 我既然已做了保证, 就无法收回。(2)He has ________________ them. 他答应负担他们的生活。
    (3)Wmen ften have t juggle wrk with their __________ . 妇女经常得两头兼顾,既要工作又要照管家庭。(4)T prvide mre jb chances is the gvernment’s ___________ public services. 提供更多的就业机会是政府对公共服务事业做出的承诺。【答案】(1)cmmitted myself(2)cmmitted himself t supprt(3)family cmmitments (4)cmmitment t
    2.make fire生火(P44)But hw culd we make fire?【翻译】可是,我们怎样生火呢?
    (1)make fire意为“生火”。在fire的前面,还可以加上不定冠词a修饰,说成make a fire,意思不变。(2)与fire有关的短语:be n fire在燃烧under fire受到攻击catch fire着火
    light a fire点火put ut a fire灭火play with fire玩火;冒险be n fire fr因……而激动;充满激情be full f fire充满激情set fire t sth. =set sth. n fire放火烧某物
    The by is full f fire. 这孩子充满热情。He wh plays with fire gets burned. 玩火者必自焚(谚语)。The grass caught fire, and the grass was n fire fr a shrt time. 草燃着了,烧了一会儿。
    The students are n fire fr what they’re learning in the cmputer class. 学生对电脑课的学习内容充满激情。The frest guards ften find camp fires that have nt been put ut cmpletely. 守林人经常发现没有完全扑灭的营火。
    【易混辨析】be n fire和catch fire都可表示“着火”。be n fire 表示状态;而 catch fire 则表示动作,其完成时不可和时间段连用。
    [针对练习]选用前面所学短语,补全下面各句(1)Tell the children nt t ________________ in the huse. It’s t dangerus. (2)Theres a big frest fire n the hill. A lt f firefighters have been sent t ________________ .
    (3)It’s s cld in the pen air. Shall we ________________ t keep urselves warm?(4)Lk, the car is ________. Let’s g and put it ut. (5)It’s t dark n the cuntry rad. We had t ________ t give light. 【答案】(1)play with fire (2)put ut the fire(3)make a fire (4)n fire (5)light a fire
    3.give ff放出(热、光、气味或气体)(P44)This gave ff ily, black smke, but it stayed burning even in strng winds. 【翻译】它冒出油乎乎的黑烟,但即使在强风中它也能继续燃烧。
    (1)give ff发出(光、气味等)。ff是副词。类似的动词短语还有:take ff, turn ff/dwn, set ff等。(2)由动词give 构成的短语动词:give away赠送;分发;颁发;泄露give back归还;送回;使恢复give in屈服;让步give ut分发;耗尽;发出give up放弃
    Finally, I had t give in. 最后,我只好让步了。D nt give away my secret. 不要泄露我的秘密。He made the chice t give all his mney away. 他选择了把自己所有的钱财送给别人。We gave away 5,000 plastic bags at the exhibitin. 在展览会上,我们赠送了5000个塑料袋。
    The mayr gave away the prizes at the schl sprts day. 市长在学校运动会那天颁发了奖项。In 1958 he gave up teaching t becme a full-time writer. 1958年他放弃了教学工作成为专职作家。High abve, the sky was filled with gas that gave ff light like the sun. 在遥远的高处是充满了发出像阳光一样光芒的气体的天空。
    [针对练习]在下面句子中填上适当的介词或副词(1)She decided t give these ld clthes ________ . (2)Yu’ve given ________ a gd chance f success. (3)It isn’t mine; I must give it ________ t the wner.
    (4)He will sn give ________ because he cannt win the game. (5)The English teacher gave ________ the examinatin papers at 7:50.(6)I can’t answer that puzzle; I give ________ . 【答案】(1)away (2)away (3)back (4)in/up(5)ut/away (6)up/in
    1.(P44)If it weren’t fr sea animals, we wuld all starve. 【翻译】如果没有海洋动物,我们都会饿死。【句式剖析】if it were fr后接名词或代词,意为“要是没有……;要不是……”。它用来表示一个目前或将来情况的虚拟语气。
    【归纳拓展】(1)if从句中的be动词只用weren’t不用was。(2)主句部分的谓语部分通常是“wuld/culd+动词原形”。(3)这个句式如果用于表示过去的情况,则用“If it hadn’t been fr…”,主句部分的谓语动词则用“wuld/culd have+过去分词”。
    If it weren’t fr the Internet, ur life wuld be much different. 如果没有互联网,我们的生活将会大不相同。If it hadn’t been fr the PLA man, the by wuld have been killed by the car. 要不是那位解放军战士,那个男孩就会被汽车撞死了。
    【答案】(1)If it weren’t fr yur help, I wuldn’t succeed in my experiment. (2)If it hadn’t been fr the pliceman, I wuldn’t have gt back my wallet s sn.
    2.(P45)When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and jy that many f us culd nt hide ur tears. 【翻译】当我们终于获救时,我们感到如释重负和喜悦,很多人都无法掩饰自己的眼泪。【句式剖析】在本句中, such…that…意为“如此……以至于……”。that后面接的是表示结果的状语从句。
    It is such gd weather that we want t g ut t play. 天气这么好,我们都想出去玩。He is such an excellent student that every teacher likes him. 他是一个如此优秀的学生以至于每个老师都喜欢他。They are such excellent students that every teacher likes them. 他们是如此优秀的学生以至于每个老师都喜欢他们。
    In the secnd rund, I tk such a hard hit frm my ppnent that I felt dizzy and unbalanced. 在第二轮比赛中,对手一记重击使我头晕目眩,失去了平衡。
    [针对练习]单句语法填空(1)It is ________ cld weather that many peple stayed hme during the day. (2)Li Lei is ________ a clever by that many peple like him.
    (3)They have never seen ________ beautiful flwers that they culdn’t help taking phts here and there. (4)It is such a ht day ________ many peple g swimming in the river. 【答案】(1)such (2)such (3)such (4)that
    Ⅰ.配对练习请从后面的七个选项中选出最恰当的一个补全句子。1.If it weren’t fr sea animals, ________ . 2.This gave ff ily, black smke, ________ . 3.As a chef, it was my duty t ck, ________ . 4.And he paid us back by his cmmitment ________ . 5.When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and jy ________ .
    A.t cheer us upB.we wuld all starveC.but it was nt fr lngD.that many f us culd nt hide ur tearsE.t save us frm a slw but painful deathF.but it stayed burning even in strng windsG.s I tried t vary the meals in whatever way I culd
    【答案】1-5 BFGED
    Ⅱ.课文语法填空When Shackletn left us in his small bat, we were filled with wrry and fear. We culd imagine the danger ahead f him. After his departure, ur gal fr each day was 1.________ (stay) alive. T get drinking water, we had t melt ice frm the cean. But withut firewd, 2.________ was really difficult fr us t make a fire. We had t burn animal fat fr fuel, 3.________ gave ff ily and black smke.
    On the lnely island, we culdn’t find any fruits r vegetables. We culd nly live n sea creatures. If it hadn’t been 4.________ these sea animals, we wuld have been starved t death. T keep nrmal bdy temperature, we had t stay indrs mst f the days t prtect 5.________ (we) frm the extremely cld temperature. It was ur discipline and team spirits 6.________ help us deal with ur fears successfully.
    Fur mnths went by, we 7.________ (rescue) at last. We were s relieved and excited 8.________ we burst int tears. We were finally able t return hme! It was ur 9.________ (ptimistic) and faith in Shackletn that helped us persevere in staying alive and 10.________ (frtunate) we were paid back with his cmmitment t save us frm death.
    【答案】1.t stay 2.it 3.which 4.fr5.urselves 6.that 7.were rescued8.that 9.ptimism 10.frtunately
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.At the meeting tmrrw, we shall decide ________ which candidate is the best chice fr the jb. 2.___________ (stay) alive was really difficult fr the explrers n the Elephant Island. 3.Every day, the sun gives ________ light and heat t help all living things t grw n the earth.
    4.If it ________ (be) nt fr yur supprt, I wuld nt succeed in my experiment tmrrw. 5.Yu wn’t be ________ (succeed) in yur future life if yu dn’t wrk hard at schl nw. 6.Our team leader is a man f great ________ (ptimistic) and he is always cnfident in anything. 7.Mr Li is highly praised by the gvernment fr his ________ (cmmit) in his wrk.
    8.It was ________ a fine day that we all wanted t g camping in the muntains. 9.In ur cuntry we are free ________ (express) urselves and enjy freedm f speech. 10.The teacher was very excited because the by wrked ut the prblem ________ anther way.
    【答案】1.n 2.T stay 3.ff 4.were5.successful 6.ptimism 7.cmmitment 8.such9.t express 10.in
    Ⅱ.选词填空decide n, accrding t, mve n t, cheer up, make fire, give ff, deal with, in a psitive way, cnsist f, pay back1.They were hungry and tried t ________________ t ck smething t eat. 2.I can lend yu sme mney, but yu must prmise t ________ in three mnths.
    3.T keep his team in high spirits, the team leader tld stries t ________ the members. 4.Our cmpany ________ ten branches thrughut the cuntry. 5.In ur life and wrk, we must deal with everything ____________________ . 6.If this candidate is nt suitable, let’s ________________ the next ne.
    7.___________________ the schedule, we shuld cmplete ur wrk by half by the end f this mnth. 8.It is really difficult fr the little girl t ________________ s many difficulties n her wn. 9.Tmrrw afternn, let’s hld a meeting t ________ ur plan fr the new year. 10.The lamp ________ pr light, s let’s change it fr anther ne.
    【答案】1.make fire 2.pay back 3.cheer up4.cnsists f 5.in a psitive way 6.mve n t7.Accrding t 8.deal with 9.decide n 10.gives ff
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.___________________ that yung man?你认为那个年轻人怎么样?2.___________________,I wuldn’t winin the cmpetitin. 要是没有你的指导,我是不可能在比赛当中获胜的。
    3.___________________ that many teachers praise him. 他是如此聪明的一个孩子,许多老师都表扬他。4.________________ that many peple stayed hme. 天气如此炎热,许多人都待在家里。5.Yu shuld be careful ________________ in the examinatin. 你应当仔细一些,不要在考试中出错。
    【答案】1.What d yu think abut2.If it weren’t fr yur guidance3.He is such a clever by4.It was s ht 5.nt t make mistakes
    报道一个人物本单元的写作目标是“报道一个坚韧不拔的人物”。结合本单元的话题,我们要求同学们学会写一个人物报道,报道身边那些坚韧不拔的人物。动笔前,你的大体构思:___________________________ _____________________________________
    【引人入胜的开头句】1.Li Lei, thugh brn with disabilities, has made himself famus fr the cntributins he makes t his neighbrhd. 2.Wang Fei, a yung man living next dr t me, is nw a very famus businessman in ur city. 3.S far, Lily is remembered as a well-knwn singer fr her tuching sngs.
    【精彩纷呈的篇中句】1.Brn in Shunde in 1980, Mr Wu began t learn rller skating in his hmetwn as a child. 2.He was brn in Changsha in 1980 and began t supprt his family at an early age by selling newspapers in the street. 3.At the age f ten, he began wrking in a factry t supprt himself.
    4.Mr Li is s handsme that he is thught t be the mst handsme teacher in ur schl. 5.He is friendly and always wears big smiles n his face whenever he talks with us. 6.Mr Li has a gd sense f humr as well as wide ranges f knwledge, which makes his lessns lively and interesting.
    7.Mr Li is nt nly strict in his wrk but als kind t us. 8.Jack is keen n sprts and he is als fnd f playing the vilin in his spare time. 9.Thugh he lived in pverty in his childhd, he was determined t make great effrts t change his fate.
    【回味无穷的结尾句】1.He made himself knwn all ver the wrld fr his unique style f painting. 2.Unfrtunately, he was killed in an accident in 1989 when he was trying t save a child.
    3.Li Lei was made advanced teacher in 2007 due t his great cntributins in teaching. 4.He devted mst f his time studying medical bks and ding research. 5.He has set a gd example t the cuntless students frm the cuntry.
    【答案】1.hardwrking 2.diligent3.be stuck in adversity4.be enthusiastic in nes wrk5.be deeply mved by his perseverance6.becme mre and mre qualified
    Ⅱ.本单元语块、语法运用1.完成/翻译句子(1)他家太穷,不能送他上大学。His family was ____________________ t cllege. (2)他只好去广东找了一份工作。____________________________________ .
    (3)在一家工厂打工的时候,老板发现他勤奋聪明。While he was wrking in the factry, the bss fund that he was ________ and ________ . (4)他坚持不懈,感动了老板。________________ deeply mved the bss.
    (5)后来,在他的老板的支持下,他在另一个城市成立了一家自己的公司。Later, he ________________ his bss and set up a cmpany f his wn in anther city. 【答案】(1)t pr t send him(2)He had t find a jb in Guangdng. (3)hardwrking; diligent/talented(4)His perseverance (5)was supprted by
    2.句式升级(6)把(1)句和(2)句合并成一个含有原因状语从句的复合句________________________________________________(7)将 (3)句中的宾语从句改为简单句________________________________________________(8)将(4)句改为被动句________________________________________________(9)将(5)句改为一个含有过去分词短语作状语的简单句________________________________________________
    【答案】(6)Since his family was t pr t send him t cllege, he had t find a jb in Guangdng. (7)While wrking in the factry, the bss fund him hardwrking and talented. (8)The bss was deeply mved by his perseverance. (9)Supprted by his bss, he set up a cmpany f his wn in anther city.
    One pssible versin:Wu Dng, a middle-aged man living next t us, is nw a famus businessman in ur city. Wu Dng was brn in a pr peasant’s family in September, 1975 in a remte muntain village in western Hubei Prvince. In his early childhd, he had a happy childhd thugh in great pverty. Since his family was t pr t send him t cllege, he had t find a jb in Guangdng.
    While he was wrking in the factry, the bss fund him hardwrking and talented. Thugh he was ften stuck in adversity, he was cnfident and enthusiastic in his wrk and never reslved t give up. The bss was deeply mved by his perseverance. As a result, his bss assigned him as the sales manager. As time went n, he became mre and mre experienced and qualified in his ffice. Later, supprted by his bss, Mr Wu set up a cmpany f his wn in anther city. He has set a gd example t the cuntless students frm the cuntry.
    One pssible versin:Zhang Jun was brn in a remte village in September, 1968.Since his family was t pr t ffer him higher schling, he had t leave schl when he finished his primary schl educatin. At the age f 19, he came t ur city t make his living. He used t wrk in different factries. Fr lack f educatin, he became a sanitatin wrker when he was frty years ld. He is in charge f the street in frnt f my huse.
    Every day, he gets up early and begins t clean the street as early as five in the mrning. He devtes himself t his wrk n matter it is freezing cld r burning ht. Althugh he desn’t make any utstanding achievements, he silently creates a clean and cmfrtable envirnment fr us citizens. He deserves lve and respect frm the whle sciety.

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