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    Unit 6 Survival 达标检测-2022版英语选择性必修第二册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)
    Unit 6 Survival 达标检测-2022版英语选择性必修第二册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)01
    Unit 6 Survival 达标检测-2022版英语选择性必修第二册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)02
    Unit 6 Survival 达标检测-2022版英语选择性必修第二册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)03
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    外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Survival习题

    这是一份外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Survival习题,共32页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Elephant Cnservatin
    This is a wrking vacatin at a wildlife centre. Anyne can becme a vlunteer if he/she agrees t help the elephant keepers with tasks.
    Daily tasks
    Cllect the elephants at 6:30 a.m. Take them t lk fr fd in the frest. Clean the enclsure. Swim with the elephants in the lake in the afternn. If vlunteers want t relax after wrk, they can watch satellite televisin.
    Hw this vacatin helps
    If these elephants hadn't been rescued, they wuld still be living n the streets f Bangkk. A rural envirnment is much better fr them than an urban envirnment where there is lts f pllutin.
    Grilla Safari
    Cuntries:Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda
    Departures:Aug.—Dec., 2—3 departures per mnth
    Extras:grilla permit £220
    If yu're lucky, yu'll see lins, elephants and rhins n safari. The highlight f the trip is the pprtunity t see grillas in the muntain frests. Hwever, yu must be in gd health—if a grilla caught a cld, it wuld be extremely harmful t its whle family.
    Hw this vacatin helps
    There are nly abut 600 muntain grillas left in the wrld as human activity has reduced the area where they can live. When yu buy a permit, this will pay fr the prtectin f the natinal park.
    Plar Bear Watching
    Departures:sixty trips between Oct. 1—Nv. 19
    Every Octber and Nvember, grups f plar bears gather in Hudsn Bay. As they are nrmally lnely creatures, this is unusual. The bears wait fr the cean t freeze s they can hunt seals, s this is the perfect pprtunity t see them.
    Hw this vacatin helps
    If the Arctic ice cap melts due t glbal warming, plar bears will be in danger. We give a share f ur prfits t the Plar Bears Alive Charity.
    Yur cmment
    These awesme bears get all the liquid they need frm their fd.
    1.What will an elephant vlunteer d?
    A.Take fd fr elephants at 6:30 a.m.
    B.Sweep the huses f elephants.
    C.Wash elephants in the lake in the afternn.
    D.Watch satellite televisin n elephants.
    2.What d we knw abut Grilla Safari?
    A.Yu can find grillas in Kenya and Canada.
    B.Yu might get a cld in the muntain frests.
    C.Visitrs need t pay $220 t see 600 grillas.
    D.There are abut 10 trips t visit grillas.
    3.What can we knw frm the last paragraph?
    A.Plar bears dn't need t drink water.
    B.Plar bears stre the liquid in their fd.
    C.Plar bears drink all kinds f liquid.
    D.Plar bears eat mainly liquid fd.
    Having attended a first-aid-at-wrk curse, Brian Cracknell sn fund himself respnding t tw emergencies in a week.
    Brian was at wrk in his bus cmpany ffice in Westn-super-Mare n May 18 when a clleague called t say there had been an accident at a bus stp nearby. He ran t the scene with his first-aid kit and fund an ld lady sitting at the bus stp. When barding (上车) the bus, the ld lady painfully hurt her left leg, which was bleeding.
    He intrduced himself, and asked sme basic first-aid questins t get a general picture f her health. Then he put his jacket n the flr, using the lady's cat as a pillw, and gently laid her dwn s he culd raise her legs and apply sme bandages. Brian said, “At first I was a bit wrried abut remembering t d all the right things. I made sure she was as cmfrtable as pssible.” When he had nearly finished, he tld the lady that she was his first ne. The lady said he was ding a great jb.
    Just a week later, Brian gt a secnd call-ut t help anther lady at a bus stp.
    Having used his new skills twice within a shrt time, Brian has decided t sign up as a Red Crss first-aid vlunteer. He said, “I just thught: what's the pint f having this knwledge if I'm nt ging t use it? It felt really gd t help thse peple. I was s prud f myself afterwards, s I'm ging t jin the Red Crss.”
    4.Befre helping the ld lady, Brian .
    A.had given first aid t many peple
    B.was thught t be a skilled first-aid vlunteer
    C.knew nthing abut hw t handle an emergency
    D.had learnt first-aid skills but hadn't put them int practice
    5.What was wrng with the ld lady when Brian arrived?
    A.Her legs were bleeding after being injured.
    B.Her left leg was injured and was bleeding.
    C.She fell nt the grund and hurt her head.
    D.She was kncked dwn by a bus and lst her legs.
    6.What des Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
    A.The reasn why Brian was asked t help.
    B.Brian handled tw emergencies in a week.
    C.Hw Brian gave first aid t the ld lady.
    D.Hw the ld lady reacted t Brian's perfrmance.
    7.After using his first-aid skills twice, Brian .
    A.was discuraged and decided t give up
    B.realized he still had a lt f things t learn
    C.decided t give up his jb fr the Red Crss
    D.decided t help mre peple with his first-aid skills
    Scientists investigated why the Ebla virus is s deadly when it spreads frm animals t humans and then by human-t-human cntact. The research team lked at the Zaire Ebla virus in an animal system t understand hw it gained strength. This virus is respnsible fr the current utbreak in West Africa. They fund that initially (最初) the animal systems were nt affected by the virus, but succeeding transmissin (传播) int ther animals caused the virus t “ht up” and becme mre severe.
    The team analyzed the viruses at different stages and were able t identify several changes in its genetic material that were assciated with increased disease.
    Prfessr Julian Hiscx, wh led the study frm Liverpl University's Institute f Infectin and Glbal Health, explained, “The wrk tells us that the evlutinary gal f the Ebla virus is t becme mre fatal.”
    “We were able t shw thrugh genetic analysis which parts f the virus are invlved in this prcess. The infrmatin we have gathered will allw us t mnitr such changes in an utbreak as well as develp future treatment strategies.”
    Prfessr Rger Hewsn, leading the study frm Public Health England, Prtn Dwn, said,“The Ebla virus is such a destructive infectin t the peple affected by the disease and the ecnmy f West Africa.”
    “Our understanding f the Ebla virus bilgy is way behind that f ther viruses and ur cperatin shws hw we can get ur specialists' skills tgether t clse this knwledge gap.”
    Prfessr Miles Carrll, a c-authr f the wrk, said, “This study has allwed the team t be at the frefrnt f develping methdlgies t analyze patient samples recently taken by the Eurpean Mbile Labratry frm West Africa t understand disease evlutin during the current utbreak.”
    8.What des the first paragraph mainly tell us?
    A.Hw severe the Ebla virus is.
    B.Hw the Ebla virus spreads.
    C.Hw the Ebla virus gradually becmes deadly.
    D.What cntributins scientists have made n the Ebla virus.
    9.Which f the fllwing statements is mentined in the passage?
    A.In the first stage, the virus hurts its victims much.
    B.As the virus spreads, it'll change and becme mre and mre deadly.
    C.The research n the Ebla virus is mre advanced than that n ther viruses.
    D.The scientists have a negative attitude t the research n the Ebla virus.
    10.The underlined wrd “fatal” has the clsest meaning t .

    A.ptimistic B.deadly
    C.cmmn D.fantastic
    11.Where can we prbably read this passage?
    A.In a science reprt. B.In a strybk.
    C.In an advertisement. D.In a textbk.
    Scientists have been studying Antarctica fr ver a century, but details as basic as what it lks like beneath all that ice have largely remained a mystery. Nw,Earther reprts that a team f scientists frm Denmark, Nrway, the Netherlands, and the UK has published the mst detailed data yet n the cntinent's subglacial tpgraphy(冰川下的地形)near the Suth Ple.
    As they reprt in the jurnal Gephysical Research Letters, central Antarctica is hme t three large canyns(峡谷), ne f which is deeper than the Grand Canyn and nearly as wide at sme pints. The researchers made the discvery by flying a plane with radar ver the Suth Ple, a spt that isn't cvered by satellites. They expected t find muntains beneath the ice sheet, but the wide canyns they fund between the muntains came as a surprise.
    Of the three canyns, tw hadn't been dcumented previusly. The largest, the Fundatin Trugh(基础槽), measures 218 miles lng, up t 22 miles wide, and 6,260 feet deep, putting it up there with the planet's mst impressive canyns.
    The discveries are significant n their wn, but the real purpse behind the research is t better understand hw the West and East Antarctic ice sheets will react t rising temperatures. Human-caused climate change has made sme f the cntinent's ice nt firm, and the West Antarctic ice sheet especially has been slwly melting t the sea. If patterns cntinue, the castal glaciers supprting the large ice sheets culd fall dwn, causing sea levels t rise a minimum f 10 feet. If this happens, the canyns culd be a majr factr in the speed and directin f ice flw frm central Antarctica t the cast.
    The event isn't likely t happen in the near future, but further study f Antarctica's tpgraphy will allw scientists t better predict when it might.
    12.Which f the fllwing have scientists knwn little?
    A.The shape f Antarctica ice.
    B.The cnditin f Antarctica ice.
    C.The Grand Canyn.
    D.The beneath f Antarctica ice.
    13.Which f the fllwing was fund by a plane with radar?
    A.The Grand Canyn.
    B.The muntains.
    C.Three large canyns.
    D.Ice sheets.
    14.Hw d the scientists feel abut finding the wide canyns?
    A.Unexpected. B.Interesting.
    C.Ridiculus. D.Cmmn.
    15.What's the aim f the study?
    A.T dcument the three canyns.
    B.T find ut hw large the three canyns are.
    C.T knw hw ice sheets react t rising temperatures.
    D.T shw the imprtance f the three canyns.
    Wh wuld win in a fight, a lin r a tiger? Well, if size has anything t d with the matter, the tiger wuld win. That's because tigers are the largest f all cat species. Tigers are nt nly large, they are als fast. They can dash as fast as 40 miles per hur fr shrt distances and leap as far as 30 feet. 16
    At the start f the 20th century, there were ver 100,000 tigers living in the wild. By the turn f the century, the number f tigers utside f catch had decreased t just ver 3,000. Interestingly, the mst serius threats that tigers face cme frm a much smaller species, ne with an average weight f arund 140 lbs. That species is Hm sapiens, better knwn as humans. 17
    Tigers are hunted fr many reasns. 18 Thugh trading tiger skins is nw illegal in mst parts f the wrld, ne tiger fur is wrth arund $10,000 n the black market. Thugh the fur wuld be an incentive(刺激) fr mst hunters, ther parts f the tiger can als fetch a pretty penny. Sme peple in China and ther Asian cultures believe that varius tiger parts have cure functins. Traditinal Chinese medicine calls fr the use f tiger bnes, amng ther parts, t cure sme disease.
    Tigers have als been hunted as a game. 19 Such killings tk place in a large scale during the 19th and early 20th centuries, when an English hunter might demand t kill ver a hundred tigers in their hunting careers. Thugh this practice is much less ppular tday than it was in the past, it has nt stpped entirely.
    Humans have dne great damage t the wrld's tiger ppulatin thrugh hunting, but perhaps mre damage has been caused thrugh the destructin f habitat. Tigers nce ranged widely acrss Asia, all the way frm Turkey t the eastern cast f Russia. 20 The tiger ppulatin is nw islated in small pckets in suthern and sutheastern Asia. This is because humans have heavily changed the envirnment. Humans built twns and cities. Rad and transprt systems were created t cnnect these twns and cities. T feed the peple living in these areas, frests and fields have been cleared t create farmland. A majr difficulty f preserving tigers is the large amunt f territry(领土,领域)that each tiger requires. Each wild tiger demands between 200 and 300 square miles. Because tigers need s much territry, it is really difficult t acquire enugh land t supprt a large ppulatin f tigers.
    A.Humans have dne great harm t tigers.
    B.A lin is nt as large as a tiger but runs faster than it.
    C.Peple have lng valued the famus striped(有条纹的)skins.
    D.But ver the past 100 years, tigers have lst 93% f their histric range.
    E.Humans threaten tigers in primarily tw ways:hunting and destrying their habitat.
    F.In ther wrds, peple hunt tigers nly fr the thrill and achievement f killing them.
    G.Yu may nt think that such large, fast, and fierce tigers need help t survive, but they d.
    16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The last cmplete ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic has cllapsed (倒塌). The Milne Ice Shelf is 21 Ellesmere Island, Canada. The shelf lst 22 40 percent f its area in just tw days at the end f July, 2020.
    Abve nrmal air temperatures, ffshre winds and pen water in frnt f the shelf are all parts f the 23 fr its break-up.The shelf area shrank (缩小) by abut 80 square kilmeters. By cmparisn, the island f Manhattan in New Yrk 24 abut 60 square kilmeters.Temperatures in the plar area have been 25 intense (强烈的). Summer in the Canadian Arctic in 2020 has been 5 degrees Celsius 26 the 30-year average. That has 27 smaller ice caps, 28 can melt quickly. As a glacier disappears, mre bedrck is left 29 . This then speeds up the melting 30 . A research camp, including instruments fr measuring water flw thrugh the ice shelf, was lst when the shelf at Ellesmere Island cllapsed.
    “It was nly a 31 f time,” said Mark Serreze, directr f the Natinal Snw and Ice Data Center. His study shwed the ice caps were 32 t disappear within five years. Their disappearance was 33 last year, when NASA satellite images f the area shwed a cmplete lack f snw and ice. Serreze's 34 trip t the Arctic was many years ag. “When I was there in the 1980s, I knew every square inch f thse ice caps,” Serreze said. “Yu have the gd 35 . It's like yur first girlfriend. I want her back.”
    the edge f B.in frnt f
    C.at the back f D.at the end f
    than B.less than
    C.ther than D.mre than
    C.elements D.prblems
    C.evaluates D.btains
    C.naturally D.nearly
    C.up D.abve
    C.threatened D.brught
    C.where D.whse
    C.brken D.sptted
    C.prject D.prcess
    C.matter D.cncept
    C.prbably D.surely
    C.cnfirmed D.accmpanied
    C.culture D.business
    C.attitudes D.memries
    As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stpped, cnfused by the fact 36 these huge creatures were being held by nly a thin rpe tied t their frnt leg. N chains, n 37 (cage). It was bvius that the elephants culd, at any time, break away frm their bnds. But fr sme reasn, they did nt.
    He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these elephants just std there and made n attempt 38 (get) away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they were very yung and much 39 (small), we used the same size rpe t tie them, and at that age, it was enugh t hld them. As they grw up, they 40 (cnditin) t believe they cannt break away. They believe the rpe can still hld them, 41 they never try t break free.”
    The man was amazed. These elephants culd at any time break free frm their bnds but because they 42 (believe) they culdn't, they were stuck right where they were.
    Like the elephants, hw many f us g thrugh life 43 (hang)nt the belief that we cannt d smething, 44 (simple) because we failed in it nce befre?
    45 (fail) is part f learning. We shuld never give up the struggle in life.
    36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
    41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    注意: 1.词数80左右;

    “If Mum finds ut that I'm ging t the beach, I'll be in big truble,” I said t myself sftly in a lw vice.
    I went dwnstairs slwly and tried t walk casually int the kitchen. As I was walking twards the back dr, Mum asked withut lking up frm her“dish-washing”,“Where are yu ging?” I answered back withut hesitatin, “ I am ging t the garden t play.” After I gt ut f the kitchen, I breathed a sign f relief. My plan had wrked ut fine s far. I climbed the fence, jumped nt the muddy field next t my huse and started running twards the bus stp at tp speed.
    After half an hur I was at the beach scanning the crwd fr my friends, Jimmy and Bbby. After a while, I saw them near a ccnut tree. I ran twards them and gt int my swimming trunk (游泳裤). Fr abut an hur, we played vlleyball happily.
    Suddenly, Bbby hit the ball t hard and the ball fell int the sea. Just as Bbby was ging t pick up the ball, the tide came in and carried the ball further and further away frm the shre. I wanted t shw ff my swimming skills s I declared that I wuld help get the ball fr them.
    I dived int the water and started swimming at a steady pace. After swimming fr abut ten minutes, I became tired but when I saw that the ball was nly a few feet away frm me, I put in an extra burst f speed. Hwever, just as I was ging t get the ball, a very strng current swept the ball further away frm me. At that mment, a string f weed (水草)tangled (缠绕) up with my feet and I culd nt swim prperly.
    I struggled t keep aflat but it was n use. “If I had listened t my parents, this wuld never have happened,” I thught silently.
    Paragraph 1:
    Finally, after struggling fr a minute r tw, I still gt pulled underwater.

    Paragraph 2:
    When I wke up, I was in an empty rm lying n a bed.

    第一部分 阅读
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章针对几个保护野生动物的活动做了简单的介绍。
    1.B 细节理解题。根据文章Daily tasks中的“Clean the enclsure.”可知,志愿者要负责清理大象的住所,故选B。该部分中的“Cllect the elephants at 6:30 a.m. Take them t lk fr fd in the frest. (上午6点半把大象集中在一起,带它们去森林里觅食)”与A项“早晨6点半给大象拿食物”不符; “Swim with the elephants in the lake in the afternn. (下午和大象一起在湖里游泳)”和C项“下午在湖里洗大象”不符;“If vlunteers want t relax after wrk, they can watch satellite televisin. (如果志愿者下班之后想放松,可以看卫星电视)”与D项“在大象上看卫星电视”不符。所以选B。
    2.D 细节理解题。从文章Grilla Safari中的“Aug.—Dec., 2—3 departures per mnth”可知大约有10次去观赏大猩猩的行程。由该部分中的“Cuntries: Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda”可知,A项“你可以在肯尼亚和加拿大发现大猩猩”中的“加拿大”不正确;“Hwever, yu must be in gd health—if a grilla caught a cld, it wuld be extremely harmful t its whle family. (然而,你一定要身体健康——如果一只大猩猩得了感冒,这对它的全家是极为有害的)”与B项“你可以在山林中得感冒”不符;根据“grilla permit £220”可知看大猩猩的门票费用是220英镑,而不是C项中的“220美元”。因此选D。
    3.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,北极熊不需要喝水,它所需要的液体都是从食物中获得的。B项“北极熊把液体储存在食物中”,C项“北极熊喝各种液体”和D项“北极熊主要吃液体食物”都与最后一段的描述不符。故选A。
    【高频词汇】 1.permit n.许可证 2.highlight n.最精彩的部分
    3.creature n.动物 4.prfit n.收益,利润 5.awesme adj.很困难的;令人敬畏的
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了布赖恩在学习了急救知识之后,很快就将其应用到实践中,救治他人,并且决定加入红十字会,利用自己的知识救治更多的人。
    4.D 推理判断题。根据第一段Having attended a first-aid-at-wrk curse, Brian Cracknell sn fund himself respnding t tw emergencies in a week.和第三段的倒数第二句When he had nearly finished, he tld the lady that she was his first ne.等内容可知,在帮助这位老妇人之前,布赖恩学习了急救技能,但是没有把它们付诸实践。故选D。A项“已经对很多人实施过急救”;B项“被认为是一个熟练的急救志愿者”;C项“不知道如何处理紧急事件”。
    5.B 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二、三句He ran t the scene with his first aid kit and fund an ld lady sitting at the bus stp. When barding the bus, the ld lady painfully hurt her left leg, which was bleeding.可知,当布赖恩到达的时候,老妇人左腿受伤,正在流血。故选B。A项“她的双腿受伤后流血不止”;C项“她倒在地上,摔伤了头”;D项“她被一辆公共汽车撞倒,失去了双腿”。
    6.C 主旨大意题。根据第三段的第一、二句He intrduced himself, and asked sme basic first-aid questins t get a general picture f her health. Then he put his jacket n the flr, using the lady's cat as a pillw, and gently laid her dwn s he culd raise her legs and apply sme bandages.等内容可知,本段主要介绍了布赖恩是如何对这位老妇人进行急救的。故选C。A项“请布赖恩帮忙的原因”;B项“布赖恩一周内处理了两次紧急情况”;D项“这位老妇人对布赖恩的表现有何反应”。
    7.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的I just thught: what's the pint f having this knwledge if I'm nt ging t use it? It felt really gd t help thse peple. I was s prud f myself afterwards, s I'm ging t jin the Red Crss.可知,此处是布赖恩的打算和想法,他决定用他的急救技能帮助更多的人。故选D。A项“很气馁并决定放弃”;B项“意识到他仍然有很多东西需要学习”;C项“决定为红十字会放弃他的工作”。
    【高频词汇】 1.respnd t回应;对……作出反应 2.scene n.地点;现场;景色 3.picture n.状况;描绘;相片;图画 4.sign up报名(参加课程);签约受雇 5.pint n.意义;意图
    6.discuraged adj.气馁的
    原句 Then he put his jacket n the flr, using the lady's cat as a pillw, and gently laid her dwn s he culd raise her legs and apply sme bandages.
    分析 句中s连接前后两个具有因果关系的并列分句。第一个分句中并列连词and连接两个并列的谓语部分,现在分词短语using...作伴随状语。
    句意 然后,他把他的夹克放在地板上,用这位女士的外套当枕头,并轻轻地把她放下,这样他就可以抬起她的腿,缠上绷带。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了埃博拉病毒暴发于西非,该病毒传播的范围广、传播的速度快、危害性极强。
    8.C 主旨大意题。由文章第一段内容可知,科学家通过调查,解释了为什么埃博拉病毒是致命的,且在动物与人群中、人群和人群间传播得如此之快,说明了病毒传播的范围逐渐扩大,危害性逐步加强,故选C。
    9.B 细节理解题。由文章第二段“The team analyzed the viruses at different ”可知,研究小组得出埃博拉病毒的发展存在不同阶段。由文章第五段中的“The Ebla virus is such a destructive infectin t the peple affected by the disease and the ecnmy f West Africa.”可知,埃博拉病毒对人破坏性的感染,严重影响了西非的经济。故可得知,随着病毒的传播,埃博拉病毒会逐渐变化,而且致死性越来越强,故选B。
    10.B 词义猜测题。由上下文可知,埃博拉病毒具有致命性的危害,由此结合选项的词义可知,只有deadly具有此意。ptimistic意为“乐观的”;deadly意为“致命的,致死的”;cmmn意为“普通的;共有的”;fantastic意为“异想天开的”。故选B。
    11.A 推理判断题。文章主要围绕埃博拉病毒进行说明,故可得知本文是一篇科普类说明文。因此,本文可能摘自科学报告。science reprt意为“科学报告”;strybk意为“儿童故事书”;advertisement意为“广告”;textbk意为“教科书,课本”。故选A。
    【高频词汇】 1.deadly adj.致命的 2.current adj.现在的;流行的 3.evlutinary adj.进化的;演变的 4.analysis n.分析
    5.treatment n.治疗;待遇 6.strategy n.策略;战略
    7.cperatin n.合作;协助 8.sample n.样品,样本 9.evlutin n.演变,进化
    ◎语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。在一项基于了解南极冰盖会对上升的气温作出怎样的反应的研究中,科学家们意外地发现在南极的中心有三个大峡谷。文章简单介绍了大峡谷,以及它们在冰盖融化后可能起到的作用。
    12.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Scientists have mystery.”(科学家已经研究南极一个多世纪了,但是关于所有冰下是什么样的这些基本的细节,在很大程度上还是一个谜)可知,科学家对于南极冰下的情况知之甚少。故选D项。
    13.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“As they reprt in the the Suth Ple”(正如他们在杂志《地球物理研究快报》上报道的那样,南极的中部是三个大峡谷的所在地……研究人员在南极上空驾驶一架带雷达的飞机发现的)可知,带雷达的飞机发现了位于南极中部的三个大峡谷。A项“科罗拉多大峡谷”不是飞机雷达在南极发现的;由第二段最后一句“They expected a surprise.”(他们原以为在冰盖下能发现山脉,但他们在山脉间发现了宽广的峡谷,这使他们大吃一惊)可知,B项“山脉”是科学家们预计会发现的,文中未提飞机雷达发现了山脉;D项“冰盖”是有目共睹的事实,文中未提冰盖是飞机雷达发现的。故选C项。
    14.A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They expected a surprise.”(他们原以为在冰盖下能发现山脉,但他们在山脉间发现了宽广的峡谷,这使他们大吃一惊)可推知,发现大峡谷让科学家感到意外。unexpected出乎意料的;interesting感兴趣的;ridiculus荒谬的;cmmn常见的。故选A项。
    15.C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The discveries are t rising temperatures.”(这些发现本身具有重大意义,但这项研究背后的真正目的是更好地了解南极洲的东西方的冰盖对上升的气温的反应)可知,这项研究的真正目的是了解南极洲冰盖会对上升的气温作出怎样的反应。由第三段第一句“Of the three canyns, tw hadn't been dcumented previusly.”(三个峡谷中,有两个之前没有被记录)可知,A项“记录这三个大峡谷”不符合文意;B项“研究这三个大峡谷有多大”和D项“表明这三个峡谷的重要性”都不是这项研究的目的。故选C项。
    【高频词汇】 1.mystery n.迷 2.be hme t是……的所在地 3.impressive adj.给人印象深刻的 4.react t 对……作出反应
    5.predict v.预言;预测
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。作者通过对一些数据和事实的分析告知读者世界上的老虎濒临灭绝主要是由于人类对老虎的猎杀以及对其生存环境的破坏。
    16.G 由篇章结构可知,设空处是一个过渡句;根据前文描述“老虎不仅体型庞大,而且速度也很快。它们在短距离内的冲刺速度可达每小时40英里,跳跃可达30英尺远。”和下一段前两句“在20世纪初,有超过10万只老虎生活在野外。到世纪之交时,未被捕获的老虎数量减少到了3,000多只。”可知,设空处表示的是老虎的生存受到的威胁。G项“你可能认为如此庞大、快速、凶猛的老虎不需要帮助来生存,但它们确实需要(帮助)。”承上启下,过渡自然。故选G。
    17.E 上文“有趣的是,老虎面临的最严重的威胁来自一个(比它们)小得多的物种,一个平均体重约140磅的物种。那个物种就是智人,也就是我们更熟知的人类。”与E项“人类主要从两个方面威胁老虎:狩猎和破坏它们的栖息地”承接自然,上下文话题一致,都讲述人类对老虎的威胁,故选E。
    18.C 根据空前“老虎被猎杀的原因有很多。”和空后“虽然现在在世界大部分地区,买卖虎皮是非法的,但在黑市上,一张虎皮的价值约为1万美元。”可知,设空处谈论的是老虎被猎杀的一个原因是人们为了获得虎皮。C项“人们长期以来都很珍视这种著名的条纹皮。”符合题意。故选C。
    19.F 根据空前“猎杀老虎也被当作一种游戏。”可知,设空处是对这种行为的进一步解释。F项“换言之,人们猎杀老虎只是为了获得杀死它们的刺激和成就。”承接上一句,对上一句进行解释说明,符合题意。故选F。
    20.D 根据空前“老虎曾经遍布亚洲各地,从土耳其到俄罗斯东海岸的所有地方。”和空后“老虎现在被孤立在南亚和东南亚的小地方。”可知,设空处谈论的是老虎的生存范围缩小了。D项“但是在过去的100年里,老虎已经失去了它们的历史(分布)范围的93%。”承上启下,符合题意。故选D。
    【高频词汇】 1.species n.物种 2.decrease v.减少 3.threat n.威胁 4.illegal adj.非法的 5.destructin n.摧毁;毁灭
    6.range v.(在一定范围内)变化,变动 n.范围,界限
    原句 Thugh this practice is much less ppular tday than it was in the past, it has nt stpped entirely.
    分析 本句是主从复合句。Thugh this the past是Thugh引导的让步状语从句,该从句也是主从复合句,其中than it was in the past是than引导的比较状语从句。
    句意 虽然现在这种做法远不如它在过去时那么流行了,但它并没有完全停止。
    第二部分 语言运用
    ◎语篇解读 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了加拿大北极地区最后一个完整的冰架崩塌了。
    21.A 考查介词短语辨析。句意:米尔恩冰架位于加拿大埃尔斯米尔岛的边缘。at the edge f在……的边缘;in frnt f在……的前面;at the back f在……的后部;at the end f在……的结尾。故选A。
    22.D 考查固定短语辨析。句意:在2020年7月底,仅仅两天时间,该冰架面积就减少了超过40%。rather than而不是;less than远不是;ther than除……以外;mre than超过。根据上文“The last cmplete ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic has cllapsed(倒塌).”(加拿大北极地区最后一个完整的冰架崩塌了。)可知,此处指2020年7月底冰架面积减少了40%以上。故选D。
    23.C 考查名词辨析。句意:高于正常气温、离岸风和大陆架前的开放水域都是导致其断裂的部分要素。situatin情况;cnditin条件;element要素;prblem问题。故选C。
    24.B 考查动词辨析。句意:相比之下,纽约的曼哈顿岛占地大约60平方公里。cmbine组合,结合;cver占(一片面积);evaluate评价;btain获得。根据“60 square kilmeters”可知,此处表示岛屿覆盖的范围。故选B。
    25.B 考查副词辨析。句意:极地地区的温度尤其高。seriusly严重地;especially尤其;naturally自然地;nearly几乎。故选B。
    26.D 考查介词辨析。句意:2020年加拿大北极地区的夏季比30年来的平均气温高出5摄氏度。dwn向下;belw在……下面;up向,在(较高位置);abve在……之上。根据上文“The shelf lst mre than 40 percent f its area in just tw days at the end f July,2020.”可知,冰架的融化是由于2020年的气温比往年更高。故选D。
    27.C 考查动词辨析。句意:那已经威胁到可以迅速融化的较小的冰盖。reduce减少;break破坏;threaten威胁;bring带来。故选C。
    28.A 考查关系词辨析。分析句子结构,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词ice caps,关系词在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故选A。
    29.A 考查形容词辨析。句意:随着冰川的消失,更多的基岩裸露在外。uncvered裸露的;暴露的;cvered有顶的;brken破损的;sptted有斑点的。故选A。
    30.D 考查名词辨析。句意:然后这就加速了融化过程。prgram项目;prgress进步;prject方案,工程;prcess过程,进程。根据“As a glacier disappears, mre bedrck is left uncvered.”可知,冰川融化导致的基岩裸露加速了融化的过程。故选D。
    31.C 考查名词辨析。此处表示“这只是时间问题”。questin疑问;thing事件;matter问题;cncept概念,观念。a matter f...为常用搭配,意为“……的问题”。故选C。
    32.B 考查形容词和副词辨析。句意:他的研究表明,冰盖有可能在五年内消失。pssibly有可能地;likely可能的,或许的;prbably很可能,大概;surely必定,当然。sb./sth. be likely t d sth.为固定短语,意为“某人/某物有可能做某事”。故选B。
    33.C 考查动词辨析。句意:去年,(美国)国家航空和航天局的卫星图像显示,该地区完全没有冰雪,这证实了冰盖的消失。simplify使简化;launch发起,发动;cnfirm证实;accmpany陪伴。故选C。
    34.A 考查名词辨析。句意:Serreze的北极考察之旅是许多年前的事了。research调查,研究;search搜寻,搜索;culture文化;business生意。故选A。
    35.D 考查名词辨析。此处表示“你有美好的回忆”。dream梦想;idea想法,主意;attitude态度;memry回忆。根据上文“When I was there in the 1980s,I knew every square inch f thse ice caps”可知,根据Serreze的描述,当年的极地考察之旅是美好的回忆。故选D。
    【高频词汇】 1.nrmal adj.正常的 2.by cmparisn相比之下
    3.disappear vi.消失→disappearance n.消失,不见 4.speed up(使)加速
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。一个人因为大象的事情而感到困惑,他去请教驯兽师,被告知大象因为自己认为自己不能逃脱而习惯于被束缚。
    36.that 考查同位语从句。设空处引导同位语从句,解释说明fact的具体内容,that不作句子成分,不可以省略。
    37.cages 考查名词复数。句意:没有链子,(也)没有笼子。根据前面的chains和设空处前无冠词可知此处用复数。
    38.t get 考查非谓语动词。句意:他看到附近的一位驯兽师,就问为什么这些大象只是站在那里,不试着逃脱。make n attempt t d sth.不尝试做某事。
    39.smaller 考查形容词的比较级。此处表示与现在相比“更小”的时候,且前有much修饰,故用形容词的比较级。
    40.are cnditined 考查固定用法。句意:随着它们长大,它们已经习惯了相信它们不能逃脱。be cnditined t d sth.习惯于做某事。
    41.s 考查连词。设空处前后为因果关系,所以用s。
    42.believed 考查动词的时态。根据前边的culd和空后宾语从句的时态可知用一般过去时。
    43.hanging 考查非谓语动词。hang和其逻辑主语之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词短语作状语。
    44.simply 考查副词。此处应用副词作状语。
    45.Failure 考查名词。句意:失败是学习的一部分。此处为名词作主语。
    【高频词汇】 1.trainer n.驯兽师;教练员 2.make n attempt不做出尝试 3.stuck adj.动不了的;被困住的 4.g thrugh经历 5.struggle n.努力,奋斗
    第三部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    Recently, students in ur class have had a discussin n whether space is wrth explring. 30% f us think space explratin is nt wrthwhile. They think space is t far away frm us and ur daily life. And the mney spent n space explratin can be used t slve the earth's prblems such as starvatin and pllutin. On the ther hand, 70% think space is wrth explring because we have benefited a lt frm it, such as using satellites fr cmmunicatin and the weather frecast. What's mre, with further space research, we may slve the ppulatin prblem by mving t ther planets ne day. Als, space research will enable us t find new surces t slve the prblem f energy shrtages n earth.
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    Finally, after struggling fr a minute r tw, I still gt pulled underwater. I tld myself I shuld never give up. Then I pulled the weed again with great effrts. The weed finally brke. I swam back t the surface t take a deep breath. I saw tw yung men in canes, racing each ther. I was exhausted and shuted fr help. The tw men saw me and raced twards me. By the time they reached me, I had already been uncnscius.
    Paragraph 2:
    When I wke up, I was in an empty rm lying n a bed. It was nt until a dctr came int the rm that I realized that I was in a hspital. Jimmy and Bbby tld me the tw yung men brught me t the shre and sent me t the hspital. After a few minutes, my parents with half angry and half wrried faces walked in. My parents sclded me fr running ut f the huse secretly but were als glad that I was nt seriusly injured. I will never frget that terrifying experience. Neither will I ever want t shw ff again.
    ne day
    my hme, the beach, in the sea
    Jimmy and Bbby, my mum and I
    I wanted t shw ff my swimming skills.
    Para. 1
    Finally, after struggling fr a minute r tw, I still gt pulled underwater.
    Para. 2
    When I wke up, I was in an empty rm lying n a bed.

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