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    Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 单元测试题 1
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    Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 单元测试题 102
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    高中外研版Module 5 The Great Sports Personality单元测试习题

    这是一份高中外研版Module 5 The Great Sports Personality单元测试习题,共24页。

    Kuringai Chase Natinal Park
    Guided Walks and Nature Activities
    Early Mrning Walk in Upper Lane Cve Valley
    Meet at 7:30 am at the end f Day Rd, Cheltenham while the bush is alive with birdsng.
    Rund trip: 4 hurs
    Pssum Prwl
    Meet at 7:30 pm in Seafrth Oval car park. Enjy the peace f the bush at night. Lvely water views. Bring a trch and wear sprts shes as sme rck climbing invlved. Cffee and biscuits supplied.
    Duratin (持续时间): 2 hurs
    Bairne / Basin Track
    Meet at 9:30 am n Track #8, West Head Rad. Impressive Pittwater views. Visit Beechwd Cttage. Bring lunch and drink. Sme steep sectins. Reasnable fitness required.
    Duratin: abut 6 hurs
    Petry Arund a Campfire
    Meet at 7:00 pm at Kalbarri Visitr Center. Share yur favurite pem r ne f yur wn with a grup arund a gently burning fire. Tea and biscuits t fllw. Dress up warmly.
    Cst: $4.00 per persn
    Duratin: 2.5 hurs
    Mrning Walk at Mitchell Park
    Meet at 8:30 am at the entrance t Mitchell Park, Mitchell Park Rd, fr a pleasant walk wandering thrugh rainfrest, river flats and dry frest t swampland. Binculars (双筒望远镜) a must t bring as many birds live here. Finish with mrning tea.
    Rund trip: 3 hurs
    EASY suitable fr all fitness levels
    MEDIUM fr thse wh peridically exercise
    HARD nly if yu regularly exercise
    21. Where are visitrs required t meet t explre the beauty f nature at night?
    A. At the end f Day Rd, Cheltenham.
    B. At the entrance t Mitchell Park.
    C. On Track #8, West Head Rad.
    D. In Seafrth Oval car park.
    22. The activity held n SUNDAY JUNE 4 is mst suitable fr thse wh _____.
    A. are animal lvers
    B. take exercise regularly
    C. prefer literature t nature
    D. are interested in mrning tea
    23. What shuld visitrs prepare if they take part in Petry Arund a Campfire?
    A. A trch.
    B. Sprts shes.
    C. Sme snacks.
    D. Warm clthes.
    24. What activity des Mrning Walk at Mitchell Park prvide?
    A. Bird watching.
    B. Animal hunting.
    C. River swimming.
    D. Muntain climbing.
    Rugby players have a reputatin f being big, strng and rude n the field. But Takamasa Hshiyama, 17, says the reality f rugby is very different frm what it lks like.
    “Whatever yur size r speed, anyne can play rugby,” says the Island Schl student, wh als plays n the U19 Hng Kng rugby team.
    Taka has been playing rugby since he was just fur years ld, fllwing in the ftsteps f his father. “My dad played rugby and he was keen (渴望的) fr me t play,” says Taka. A lt has happened t Taka since his first game with his father. In the 2014 New Year's Day game against the Overseas Barbarians, he was named Man f the Match, and has taken the rle f captain in his club team.
    And f curse, he's grwn thrughut his years f playing rugby — in mre ways than ne. “When I started playing, I was scrum-half (争球前卫), usually the smallest guy n the field,” says Taka. “But as I grew, I changed psitin. Nw I am a frnt rw prp — ne f the big guys that hlds the scrum tgether.”
    “Rugby has dne a lt fr me,” he says. “It has really made me fcused, and that is thanks t my caches as well as my teammates wh brught me t where I am nw.”
    Taka says that being part f a team and experiencing that grwth tgether is ne f the best parts f the sprt. “Rugby creates a unity within the team and helps develp a mutual (相互的) respect between ther teams and players,” he explains. “Training is hard and matches are physically demanding, but it is a team sprt and yu have t d yur jb fr the team.”
    Nw Taka wants t help thers experience the same grwth he has. In his free time, he caches yunger rugby teams. He says it is especially rewarding t find “unusual strengths and capabilities within players and encurage them t wrk n thse.”
    25. What des Taka think f rugby?
    A. It requires fast speed.
    B. It has a rle fr everyne.
    C. It's a game full f vilence.
    D. It's t cmpetitive fr kids.
    26. What has happened t Taka since he started playing rugby?
    A. He has realized what his father never culd.
    B. He has built up bth his physical and mental strength.
    C. He has played fr the Overseas Barbarians fr three years.
    D. He has taken the rle f captain in the Hng Kng rugby team.
    27. Accrding t Taka, what serves the mst imprtant rle in playing rugby?
    A. Having a high level f physical fitness.
    B. Owning sme unusual strengths.
    C. Building a strng team spirit.
    D. Having a fun-lving attitude.
    28. What's Taka hping t d nw?
    A. T cach natinal rugby teams.
    B. T becme a prfessinal rugby player.
    C. T get the leading rle in his club team.
    D. T encurage mre peple t enjy rugby.
    Recent studies have shwn that challenging yur brain, by spurring (刺激) the brain t create new patterns, is very imprtant t keep yur brain active and healthy as yu age. Lifelng learning is a health club fr ur minds, bdies and spirits. This is why we parents shuld als teach ur children t be lifelng learners. Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell, an American psychlgist, and yuth develpment expert, shares sme ways fr us t d this.
    1. Ask questins.
    When yur child asks yu a questin, dn't answer it straight away. Instead, help him r her bring up “questins that pique their curisity.” This way, we help children make cnnectins between what they're learning at schl and the wrld beynd their classrm. We als shw them that learning des nt, and shuld nt, end when ne is “dne with schl” — it's actually a lifelng prcess!
    2. Let them fail.
    Our kids lve learning abut different scientific cncepts (概念) via The Magic Schl Bus vides n YuTube. And ne f the characters, Miss Frizzle (the science teacher) always says this phrase: “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy.” I always qute (引述) her when the kids say they're afraid t d r learn smething because they might d it wrng r make a mistake. If we dn't allw ur kids t fail, they wn't be able t learn t“use mistakes and failures t make lifelng learning easier,” as Dr. Price-Mitchell says.
    3. Learn thrugh experience.
    This is very true fr all f us, especially children. In the wrds f Dr. Price-Mitchell, “Learning thrugh experience, nt just frm bks, is ne f the best ways t give the yuth the skills they need fr lifelng learning, living, and wrking in the 21st century.”
    Of curse, we shuld als set an example fr ur children — by learning cntinuusly, and expanding ur knwledge and experiences.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “pique” in the text prbably mean?
    A. Change.
    B. Awaken.
    C. Balance.
    D. Prevent.
    30. What's the authr's attitude t what Miss Frizzle always says?
    A. Wrried.
    B. Dubtful.
    C. Uncaring.
    D. Supprtive.
    31. Which f the fllwing shws the imprtance f learning thrugh experience?
    A. Learning is nt child's play; we cannt learn withut pain.
    B. It is nt that I'm s smart. But I stay with the questins much lnger.
    C. If yu dn't learn t think when yu are yung, yu may never learn.
    D. Tell me and I frget, teach me and I may remember, invlve me and I learn.
    32. In which part f a newspaper will the text mst prbably appear?
    A. Health.
    B. Culture.
    C. Educatin.
    D. Ppular science.
    Dressing against the cld is hard when yu're a 6,000-pund elephant. But thanks t sme generus knitters (编织者) in Mathura, India, a grup f elephants have giant handmade sweaters t help them stay warm during the cld winter. When wrn with their bright red leg cverings, their new utfits lk like cmfrtable nightclthes fr them!
    The huge sweaters were made fr elephants at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Cnservatin and Care Center. It takes care f 20 blind, lame, r injured elephants. They were saved frm abuse (虐待). Sme lived in circuses, sme were bught and sld illegally, and sme were nt receiving enugh care. In India, elephants are smetimes kept in crwded inner cities and used in street perfrmances r fr begging. This causes physical and emtinal harm t the wild animals. Wildlife SOS prvides fd, care, and medical attentin t thse animals.
    Because mst f the elephants hused at the center are recvering frm injuries r are elderly, “it is imprtant t keep ur elephants prtected frm the bitter cld during this extreme winter,” explains Kartick Satyanarayan, the c-funder and CEO f Wildlife SOS. “They are weak and vulnerable (脆弱的), having suffered s much abuse, making it easy fr them t catch diseases such as pneumnia (lung infectin). The cld als wrsens their arthritis (关节炎), which is a cmmn issue that ur saved elephants have t deal with.”
    At first, Wildlife SOS made giant jackets ut f tarp (防水帆布) fr the elephants t wear. Then they asked peple in nearby villages t help ut by making clrful knitted sweaters. Knitting the sweaters is a big undertaking. Each ne takes abut fur weeks t create, with vlunteers wrking tgether n the very large sweaters. Wildlife SOS hpes t save 50 mre elephants this year — which means there culd be a lt mre knitting t d!
    33. What can we learn abut the knitted sweaters fr elephants?
    A. They are made f tarp.
    B. They are all in bright red.
    C. They are made entirely by hand.
    D. They are designed fr the elderly.
    34. What d the 20 elephants wh dress in huge sweaters have in cmmn?
    A. They are all gd at street perfrmances.
    B. They all weigh ver 6,000 punds.
    C. They were all fund in the wild.
    D. They were all badly treated.
    35. What des Kartick Satyanarayan mainly explain?
    A. The current situatin f elephants in India.
    B. The pssibility f better prtecting elephants.
    C. The necessity f making sweaters fr elephants.
    D. The reasn why Wildlife SOS rescues elephants.
    Tips t stay safe and make smart chices
    Even if yu're a genius at schl, yu still might be lst when it cmes t getting frm pint A t pint B. Dn't get caught in a strange place withut these basic safety tips.
    ★Knw where yu’re ging.
    Befre yu set ut in an unfamiliar area, g t Ggle Maps t plan yur jurney and print it ut. 36 Make sure that the lcatin services are turned n n yur phne, just in case yu get lst.
    ★Knw where yur stuff is.
    Never leave yur backpack r shpping bags ut f yur sight. Carry yur wallet in yur frnt pcket r keep it clse t yur bdy. 37 A fun day ut can turn int the wrst headache ever if yu realize yu've left smething behind.
    ★ 38
    If yu have the chice between a busy street and a deserted ne, always pick the busy ne. Yu are mre likely t be attacked n dark, empty sidewalks than n nes with a crwd.
    ★Travel in packs.
    Dn't g anywhere — especially an unfamiliar place — withut a friend r tw. 39
    ★Dn’t let yur music drwn yu ut.
    There's nthing wrng with listening t yur iPd as yu walk arund twn, but keep it at a lw enugh vlume (音量) s yu can still hear passing cars. Lsing cncentratin puts yu at risk frm accidents, attacks and getting lst. 40 Dn't d it. Keep yur head up and pay attentin t the peple and things ging n arund yu.
    A. Pick yur streets smart.
    B. Always chse yur wn ways.
    C. Be sure yu've gt everything at all times.
    D. Take ut yur phne and call the plice.
    E. This als ges fr texting while walking.
    F. Yu can als use yur phne's GPS t map the rute.
    G. If yu must g ut alne, be sure t tell smene where yu're ging.

    The Mutianyu sectin f the Great Wall was the part f the Great Wall I liked t visit. 41 , ne day in May 2000, I chse smething wilder, mre 42 : Simatai. This sectin f the Great Wall has far fewer visitrs than mst ther sectins f the wall.
    At the entrance t Simatai was a grup f vendrs (小贩) trying t 43 pstcards. One tiny ld lady seemed t 44 me wherever I went, and I was becming increasingly 45 . “Hw many times des it take fr ‘N!' t sink in?” I thught. I finally ended up running away just t 46 this tiny wman.
    Once I caught sight f the Great Wall, 47 vertk me, and the tiny ld lady with the pstcards 48 frm my thughts. I raced up the Great Wall 49 . Then, halfway up, I stpped and suddenly realised I was rushing alng a 50 “path” n wider than a meter. There were 51 “walls” — nly steep drps n either side. I remembered then that 52 had fallen t their deaths in this sectin. I was s fearful that I 53 there cmpletely stck-still.
    Suddenly, I felt a small hand n my back and a 54 vice telling me, in Chinese, nt t be 55 , that she wuld slwly lead me t the tp. Half an hur later, we 56 a sectin that had a few remnants (剩余的小部分) f the wall. I was able t turn arund t see wh had given such 57 t me in my hur f greatest 58 . It was the tiny ld lady I'd tld a dzen times — eventually shuting at her — that I didn't want any 59 . I felt really 60 f myself. I gave her a big hug, and then later bught every ne f her pstcards.
    41. A. Instead B. Hwever C. Therefre D. Besides
    42. A. pleasant B. imprtant C. ppular D. challenging
    43. A. sell B. cunt C. write D. cllect
    44. A. supprt B. fllw C. need D. prtect
    45. A. puzzled B. upset C. lnely D. active
    46. A. meet B. help C. escape D. greet
    47. A. dubt B. surprise C. nervusness D. excitement
    48. A. learned B. benefited C. disappeared D. suffered
    49. A. recently B. impatiently C. secretly D. immediately
    50. A. familiar B. dangerus C. crrect D. crwded
    51. A. n B. sme C. enugh D. many
    52. A. shppers B. wners C. vendrs D. turists
    53. A. hid B. sat C. lay D. std
    54. A. silly B. female C. sleepy D. childish
    55. A. afraid B. srry C. lazy D. shy
    56. A. left B. crssed C. avided D. reached
    57. A. friendship B. experience C. kindness D. imaginatin
    58. A. pain B. fear C. anger D. regret
    59. A. guides B. rutes C. pstcards D. fds
    60. A. prud B. certain C. careful D. ashamed

    Pedestrianism, an early frm f racewalking, was a(n) 61. ________ (extreme) ppular sprt in 18th- and 19th-century Britain, 62. ________ (attract) huge crwds f spectatrs (观众). Individuals wuld either aim t walk a certain distance within a(n) 63. ________ (limit) perid f time r cmpete against ther pedestrians.
    Perhaps the mst famus 64. ________ (walk) was Captain Rbert Barclay Allardice, whse extrardinary (非凡的) achievements earned 65. ________ (he) the title f the “Celebrated Pedestrian”. The Sctsman's mst memrable perfrmance 66. ________ (take) place in 1809, when he walked 1,000 miles in 1,000 hurs fr a bet f 1,000 guineas (an ld British unit f mney). Many cnsidered 67. ________ unlikely that he wuld cmplete the challenge, 68. ________ required him t walk a mile an hur, fr frty-tw days and nights. He prved them wrng, thugh the task was s physically demanding that by the end f the walk he had lst nearly fifteen kils 69. ________ weight.
    Since the 20th century, interest in walking as a sprt has drpped. Racewalking is still an Olympic sprt, but fails 70. ________ (catch) the public attentin as it did.

    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Every time my mther and I started t have a cnversatin, it turns int an argument. We talk abut smething s simple as dinner plans. Sudden, my mther will push the cnversatin int the tpic f her best friend's sn, that graduated frm Tsinghua University last year. He is nw earning 100,000 yuan a year as the engineer. In fact, I dn't want t d any jb related science like him. I dn't knw what t explain my plan t my mther. I'm the type f persn wh lve t help ut in the cmmunity. I even want t make a career f it because f I lve it s much. I'd rather fllwing my dreams and create my wn future.
    1. 报名截止日期:9月13日;
    2. 比赛时间:9月15日上午8:00;
    3. 地点:四号教学楼501室;
    4. 比赛内容:抄写一篇文章,文章届时发放(纸张及笔由学校统一提供)。
    注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Student Cuncil

    Slw and steady wins the race — at least fr a species f giant trtise (巨型陆龟) in the Galápags Islands. Decades f majr cnservatin effrts in this island chain ff the western cast f Suth America have bsted the numbers f a giant trtise species that was in danger f extinctin.
    Befre the arrival f humans t the Galápags in the 1500s, thusands f giant trtises lived n the island f Españla. These trtises can grw up t 3 feet lng and survive by feeding n grass, leaves, and cactuses (仙人掌). Like ther trtises, these animals can live fr mre than 100 years.
    But humans quickly came t value the animals fr their meat and shells. Centuries later, Españla trtises fund themselves struggling t survive. By the 1960s, nly 15 f the trtises were left in the wrld.
    Scientists used these 15 trtises t rebuild the ppulatin thrugh a prgram in the 1960s and 1970s. They finally sent mre than 1,500 f the animals back nt the island in 1975. A generatin later, mre than 1,000 trtises live n the island. The animals' success in the wild makes scientists cnfident that the species' survival n lnger requires assistance frm peple.
    The Galápags Islands are lcated abut 600 miles west f Ecuadr in the Pacific Ocean, hme t a lt f unique animals, including many species f trtises and finches (雀鸟).
    Hwever, many f these animals weren't as lucky as the Españla trtise. A number f ther subspecies f trtise were hunted t extinctin, including the Pinta Island trtise. Laws passed in the 1970s nw prtect the different animals in the Galápags against many human threats.
    Españla trtises still face sme challenges. Nn-native gats, which were first brught t the island in the late 1800s, had previusly destryed many f the cactuses that the trtises eat. Althugh the gats were remved frm the island in the 1970s, scientists say it culd take hundreds f years fr the cactuses t return t their previus levels.
    But there is hpe that the current trtise ppulatin n Españla will cntinue t grw. “The rebund (反弹) f the Españla trtises frm near extinctin is undubtedly ne f cnservatin's greatest success stries,”says Dennis Hansen, a giant trtise expert at the University f Zurich, Switzerland.
    1. What des the underlined wrd “bsted” in the first paragraph mean?
    A. Divided.
    B. Cunted.
    C. Increased.
    D. Cntrlled.
    2. What was the main reasn that led t Españla trtises' struggling t survive?
    A. T many enemies.
    B. Wrsening habitat.
    C. A lack f fd.
    D. Over hunting.
    3. What can we learn abut the creatures in the Galápags Islands nw?
    A. The Pinta Island trtise is nearly extinct.
    B. There are n nn-native gats n Españla.
    C. Cactuses have returned t their previus levels.
    D. Only 1,500 Españla trtises live n the island.
    4. What des Dennis Hansen think f the prgram in the 1960s and 1970s?
    A. Wrried.
    B. Satisfied.
    C. Shcked.
    D. Cnfused.

    Retail (零售的) stres are having an identity crisis. With ft traffic falling and custmers ging t nline stres like Amazn, many stres are lking fr new ways t keep the physical shpping experience valuable. “Physical stres find themselves at a crssrads,” says Dug Stephens, retail industry futurist and authr f The Retail Revival.
    If strefrnts want t cmpete with their mre cnvenient (and usually cheaper) nline alternatives, they will have t ffer unique experiences wrth getting ff the cuch fr. “My expectatin will be t g t the stre t learn abut things, t be a participant in things, t c-create, t custmize the things I'm buying, and t satisfy my wn needs,” Stephens says. Here are tw predictins f hw the retailers f tmrrw will keep us shpping.
    Stephens predicts that we'll be transprted by virtual reality (虚拟现实). The stres f the future will “be much mre visual (看得见的),” he says. “Technlgies like virtual reality, which a lt f cmpanies right nw are srt f experimenting with, can be used t create immersive (沉浸虚拟现实式的) shpping experiences.” Outdr clthing and equipment maker The Nrth Face recently wrked with VR cmpany Jaunt t let shppers at its flagship stres put n VR headsets and take a virtual tur f Ysemite Natinal Park, r virtually rck climb alngside star athletes. After they've climbed dwn the muntains, perhaps custmers will be mre willing t buy sme climbing equipment.
    Stres will als track and identify us, says Stephens. Remember that scene frm Minrity Reprt when Tm Cruise walks int a shpping mall and all the advertisements speak directly t him and knw his shpping histry by scanning (扫描) his eyeballs? That's nt s far ff. A cmpany called Hxtn Analytics ffers a system that can determine a shpper's data. Instead f scanning yur eyeballs, this technlgy wrks by scanning and identifying yur shes. The gal is t help cmpanies better understand custmers and traffic patterns. The cmpany makes sure that the system “des nt cllect persnal infrmatin, and it des nt stre individual phtgraphs, nr can it recgnize individuals.”
    5. What des Stephens want t shw by saying the underlined wrds?
    A. Many custmers still prefer visiting physical stres.
    B. Physical stres wrk with nline stres like Amazn.
    C. Physical stres are facing challenges frm nline stres.
    D. Mre and mre physical stres are being built at a crssrads.
    6. What des Stephens expect physical stres t d?
    A. Sell much cheaper prducts.
    B. Prvide persnalized services.
    C. Offer better after-sales service.
    D. Create nice shpping envirnments.
    7. What can we learn frm the example f The Nrth Face?
    A. Hw physical stres supprt VR.
    B. Hw VR will help physical stres.
    C. Why peple are shwing mre interest in VR.
    D. Why immersive shpping experiences are exciting.
    8. What is an advantage f Hxtn Analytics's system?
    A. It makes fitted shes.
    B. It respects persnal privacy.
    C. It prduces better advertisements.
    D. It ffers custmers new infrmatin.
    21-25 DBDAB 26-30 BCDBD
    31-35 DCCDC 36-40 FCAGE 41-45 BDABB
    46-50 CDCDB 51-55 ADDBA 56-60 DCBCD
    61. extremely62. attracting63. limited64. walker65. him
    66. tk 67. it68. which 69. in 70. t catch
    71. ... I started t ... started → start
    72. ... s simple as ... s → as
    73. Sudden, my mther ... Sudden → Suddenly
    74. ... that graduated ... that → wh
    75. ... as the engineer. the → an
    76. ... related science ... related后加t
    77. ... what t explain ... what → hw
    78. ... persn wh lve ... lve → lves
    79. ... because f ... 去掉f
    80. ... rather fllwing ... fllwing → fllw
    One pssible versin:
    If yu are expert in English handwriting, yu are expected t participate in the English Handwriting Cmpetitin, which aims t imprve students' English handwriting skills.
    It will be held in Rm 501 in the Furth Teaching Building at 8:00 'clck n the mrning f 15th f September. Whever wuld like t take part in this cntest is required t sign up befre September 13th. Since paper and pens will be prvided by ur schl free f charge, what yu need t d is be present n time. The cmpsitin yu're ging t cpy will be handed ut n the spt.
    Lking frward t yur cming!
    Student Cuncil

    A篇 (节假日活动)
    本文是应用文。文章介绍了在Kuringai Chase Natinal Park由导游带领的五项游览活动。
    21. D。细节理解题。由FRIDAY MAY 12举行的活动Meet at 7:30 pm in Seafrth Oval car park. Enjy the peace f the bush at night可知,在此处集合的游客可探索夜晚大自然的美景。
    22. B。细节理解题。SUNDAY JUNE 4举行的活动难度级别是HARD,且由对该活动的描述Sme steep sectins. Reasnable fitness required和文末对难度级别的解释HARD nly if yu regularly exercise可知,该活动最适合那些经常锻炼的游客。
    23. D。细节理解题。由对Petry Arund a Campfire活动的描述Meet at 7:00 pm ... Dress up warmly可知,该活动在晚上举行,要求游客自带保暖衣物。
    24. A。细节理解题。由对Mrning Walk at Mitchell Park活动的描述Binculars a must t bring as many birds live here可知,参加该活动的游客可以观赏鸟类。
    B篇 (体育)
    本文是记叙文。十七岁的橄榄球少年Takamasa Hshiyama讲述了他对橄榄球运动的认识。
    25. B。推理判断题。由第二段Taka说的Whatever yur size r speed, anyne can play rugby可知,他认为橄榄球运动适合任何人。
    26. B。细节理解题。由第四段可知,Taka开始打球时因身材最小所以充当争球前卫的角色,而如今因身材变魁梧成为前排支柱球员,由此可知,橄榄球运动增强了Taka的身体素质。再由第五段的It has really made me fcused可知,橄榄球运动还让Taka的注意力更加集中。
    27. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段Taka说的Rugby creates a unity within the team ... it is a team sprt and yu have t d yur jb fr the team可知,他认为在玩橄榄球运动时,拥有团队精神最重要。
    28. D。推理判断题。由最后一段的Taka wants t help thers experience the same grwth he has ... it is especially rewarding t find “unusual strengths and capabilities within players and encurage them t wrk n thse可知,从橄榄球运动中受益的Taka想让更多的人喜欢这项体育运动。
    C篇 (计划与愿望)
    29. B。词义猜测题。由划线词前一句中的dn't answer it straight away可知,Marilyn Price-Mitchell认为帮助孩子成为终身学习者的第一个方法是让他们问问题,但家长不要直接回答,而是要帮助他们提出能够激发他们好奇心的问题。
    30. D。推理判断题。结合第三段小标题Let them fail和Miss Frizzle经常说的Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy可知,本段旨在鼓励孩子“敢做、敢错、不怕麻烦”。再由本段的I always qute her when the kids say they're afraid t d r learn smething ...可知,作者对Miss Frizzle说的话表示赞同。
    31. D。推理判断题。Marilyn Price-Mitchell认为帮助孩子成为终身学习者的第三个方法是让他们从经验中学习。D项表达中的invlve me and I learn则是对经验中学习重要性的解释。
    32. C。文章出处题。本文是关于如何让孩子成长为终身学习者的三条建议,故本文最可能出现在报纸的教育版块。
    D篇 (自然)
    33. C。细节理解题。由第一段的elephants have giant handmade sweaters和最后一段的asked peple in nearby villages t help ut by making clrful knitted sweaters可知,为大象专门编织的毛衣是纯手工制作的。
    34. D。细节理解题。由第二段的The huge sweaters were made fr elephants ... were saved frm abuse可知,这二十头穿上毛衣的大象都遭受过虐待。
    35. C。段落大意题。第三段Kartick解释穿上毛衣的这二十头大象大多是年老或者受过伤的,它们身体虚弱,对寒冷和疾病的抵抗力也都非常低,因此本段是Kartick对有必要为这些大象制作毛衣的解释。
    36. F。F项中的use yur phne's GPS t map the rute与下文的the lcatin services are turned n n yur phne相呼应。
    37. C。由本段小标题Knw where yur stuff is可知,不要让背包离开你的视线和把钱包放在前面的口袋或贴身的地方是为了确保你的物品时刻都在。
    38. A。由下文作者指出在漆黑、空旷、无人的街道上行走更易受到坏人的袭击可知,A项Pick yur streets smart与作者的建议always pick the busy ne相呼应。
    39. G。 由上文的Dn't g anywhere ...
    withut a friend r tw可知,作者建议大家不要单独外出去陌生的地方,最好是结伴而行。但如果非要独自出行,确保告诉他人你的目的地。
    40. E。E项中texting while walking与上文列举的listening t yur iPd as yu walk一样都会让你失去注意力,从而陷入到交通意外或迷路的危险之中。

    41. B。“我以前喜欢攀爬慕田峪长城”和“2000年我选择攀爬更荒凉的司马台长城”之间是转折关系,故选用Hwever。
    42. D。由wilder和far fewer visitrs than mst ther sectins f the wall可知,相较于慕田峪长城,司马台长城更荒凉、更“具有挑战性(challenging)”。
    43. A。由最后一段的later bught every ne f her pstcards可知,作者在司马台长城入口见到的是“卖(sell)”明信片的小商贩。
    44. B。45. B。由下文的I finally ended up running away可知,一个瘦小的老妇人似乎一直“跟着(fllw)”作者,这让他逐渐变得“心烦(upset)”了。
    46. C。心烦的作者最终跑远以“逃离(escape)”那个不厌其烦推销明信片的老妇人。
    47. D。48. C。作者喜欢攀爬长城,因此当他看到司马台长城时,“兴奋(excitement)”来袭,那个卖明信片的老妇人也就从他脑中“消失不见(disappeared)”了。
    49. D。作者想要挑战更加荒凉的司马台长城,因此当他看到司马台长城时,“立即(immediately)”奔向长城。
    50. B。由n wider than a meter可知,突然停下来的作者发现他正奔跑在一条“危险的(dangerus)”小道上。
    51. A。由nly steep drps n either side可知,作者现在所处的长城上“没有(n)”城墙,只有两边陡峭的悬崖。
    52. D。攀爬长城的一般是“游客(turists)”,故面对两边没有城墙的长城小道时,作者想起曾有游客在这里跌落死亡。
    53. D。由上文的halfway up, I stpped和下文的cmpletely stck-still可知,两边没有城墙的长城小道让作者如此害怕,因此他“站(std)”那儿一动不动。
    54. B。由下文的It was the tiny ld lady可知,作者听到的是“女性的(female)”声音。
    55. A。由上文的I was s fearful可知,说中国话的那个声音告诉作者不要“怕(afraid)”。
    56. D。由下文的I was able t turn arund t see可知,作者和那个引领他脱离困境的人从危险的小道“到达(reached)”了有一些残余城墙的地方。
    57. C。58. B。引领作者脱离困境的人在他最“害怕(fear)”的时候给予了他“友好帮助(kindness)”。
    59. C。由下文的later bught every ne f her pstcards可知,一开始作者是告诉那个老妇人他不需要“明信片(pstcards)”。
    60. D。得到老妇人帮助的作者对他一开始厌烦老妇人的行为感到“羞愧(ashamed)”。
    61. extremely。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词ppular,表示“极其地”,故填extremely。
    62. attracting。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。设空处在句中作状语,它所表示的动作与主句动作同时发生,且Pedestrianism和attract之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填attracting。
    63. limited。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处在句中作定语修饰perid,意为“有限的”,故填limited。
    64. walker。考查名词。设空处前面有形容词最高级限定,且表语是一个人,故填walker。
    65. him。考查代词。earn sb. sth.意为“使某人博得某物”。
    66. tk。考查一般过去时。由in 1809可知,设空处描述的是过去发生的事情,故填tk。
    67. it。考查it的用法。设空处在句中作谓语动词cnsidered的形式宾语,真正的宾语是that he wuld cmplete the challenge,故填it。
    68. which。考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明challenge,且在从句中作主语,故填which。
    69. in。考查介词。in weight意为“在体重方面”。
    70. t catch。考查不定式作宾语的用法。fail t d sth.意为“没能做某事”。
    1-4 CDBB 5-8 CBBB
    A篇 (自然)
    1. C。词义猜测题。由第一段的Slw and steady wins the race、第三段的nly 15 f the trtises were left in the wrld和第四段的A generatin later, mre than 1,000 trtises live n the island可知,通过科学家几十年的努力,加拉帕戈斯群岛濒临灭绝的象龟的数量已经大幅度增长。故此处的bsted有“促进,增加”之意。
    2. D。推理判断题。由第二段可知,在十六世纪人类到达加拉帕戈斯群岛之前,有数千只象龟生活在Españla岛上;由第三段可知,人类为了获取象龟的肉和龟壳对它们大肆捕杀,到了二十世纪六十年代,全世界就只剩下了15只象龟。由此可知,正是人类的过度捕杀使得象龟数量骤减。
    3. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的Nn-native gats, which were first brught t the island in the late 1800s ... the gats were remved frm the island in the 1970s可知,外来的山羊是十九世纪末被带到加拉帕戈斯群岛,由于他们破坏了乌龟赖以生存的仙人掌,于二十世纪七十年代被从该岛上迁移走了。故该岛上现在没有外来的山羊。
    4. B。推理判断题。由最后一段的The rebund f the Españla trtises frm near extinctin is undubtedly ne f cnservatin's greatest success stries可知,研究象龟的专家Dennis Hansen对上世纪六、七十年代恢复象龟数量的项目非常满意。
    B篇 (购物)
    本文是议论文。未来学家Dug Stephens对实体店的未来发展方向做出了预测。
    5. C。句意理解题。由第一段的With ft traffic falling and custmers ging t nline stres like Amazn, many stres are lking fr new ways t keep the physical shpping experience valuable可知,Stephens这句话的言外之意是,实体店正面临来自网店的巨大挑战,处于转型的十字路口。
    6. B。细节理解题。由第二段的My expectatin will be t g t the stre t learn abut things, t be a participant in things, t c-create, t custmize the things I'm buying, and t satisfy my wn needs可知,Stephens期待实体店提供个性化的服务,以应对挑战。
    7. B。推理判断题。第三段的主旨句是Stephens predicts that we'll be transprted by virtual reality,由此可知本段举The Nrth Face公司的例子是为了说明了虚拟现实技术将如何帮助实体店。
    8. B。细节理解题。由文章末句的The cmpany makes sure that the system “des nt cllect persnal infrmatin ... recgnize individuals”可知,该公司的系统尊重客户的个人隐私。

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