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    英语 上海市普陀区2021-2022学年高三上学期质量调研(一模)英语试题
    英语 上海市普陀区2021-2022学年高三上学期质量调研(一模)英语试题01
    英语 上海市普陀区2021-2022学年高三上学期质量调研(一模)英语试题02
    英语 上海市普陀区2021-2022学年高三上学期质量调研(一模)英语试题03
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    英语 上海市普陀区2021-2022学年高三上学期质量调研(一模)英语试题

    这是一份英语 上海市普陀区2021-2022学年高三上学期质量调研(一模)英语试题,共14页。

    考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 140 分。
    本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答题必须涂( 选择题)或写( 非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。
    Listening Cmprehensin Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. In a library.
    B. In a study hall
    C. In a restaurant.
    D. In a furniture stre.
    A. Have a meeting.
    B. Have a meal.
    C. G t wrk.
    D. D sme cking.
    A. $5.
    B. $7.5.
    C. $10.
    D. $15.
    A. Tiring.
    B. Relaxing.
    C. Dull
    D. Wrthy.
    A. The wman’s bts dn’t fit her feet.
    B. The wman’s pullver matches her bts.
    C. The wman shuldn’t have wrn the bts.
    D. The wman shuld buy the pullver instead f the bts.
    A. Wrking in a garden.B. Searching in a ship.
    C. Wandering in a street.D. Explring in a cave.
    A. Discuraged.B. AnnyedC. ImpressedD. Disturbed.
    A. The clthes are made frm plants.
    B. The mdels are wearing real leather.
    C. The mdels are dressed up with pineapple leaves.
    D. The clthes are designed by sme bilgy scientists.
    A. He will adjust his schedule.
    B. He desn't like ftball lessns.
    C. He was t busy t take the lessns.
    D. He finds the ftball field crwded.
    A. She may get a tax refund fr the skirt.
    B. She is likely t pay the bill by herself.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    C. She will lse weight t fit int the skirt.
    D. She may change the skirt fr a larger ne.
    A. Lng-distance runners shuld have light, thin bdies.
    B. Training in muntainus regins gives runners advantages.
    C. Many factrs cntribute t the success f marathn runners.
    D. Runners frm muntainus areas are gd marathners.
    A. Efficient use f xygen.B. Mtivatin t run.
    C. Slw breathing rate.D. Light and slim bdies.
    A. They give trainers psitive feedback.
    B. They seldm get financial rewards.
    C. They mstly live in pr cnditins.
    D. They gain natinwide ppularity.
    A. The first cmplete map f the wrld's cral reefs has been launched.
    B. Arizna State University has supprted the cral science activities.
    C. Paul Allen's private cmpany created super cral t help save reefs.
    D. Greg Asner will create the first wrldwide, detailed cral reef map.
    A. A researcher frm Arizna State University.
    B. The late c-funder f Micrsft Crpratin.
    C. The manager f a private financial cmpany.
    D. A prfessr frm the University f Queensland.
    A. T gain free access t reef data.
    B. T jin Asner’s team.
    C. T make their wrk mre effective.
    D. T see the develpment f the maps.
    A. The diary his grandfather kept.
    B. The stries his grandfather tld him.
    C. His imaginatin f hw his grandfather wrked.
    D. His bservatin f hw his grandfather wrked.
    Grammar and Vcabulary Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Billinaires Race t Space
    In late July 2021, Jeff Bezs achieved an ut-f-this-wrld ambitin. The billinaire
    A. Repetitin f wrds and phrases.
    B. Scenery painted in grey and brwn.
    C. Lng pauses within cnversatins.
    D. Cld atmsphere in the waiting rm.
    A. He cpes well with stress.
    B. He likes t have clear guidelines.
    C. He is patient and cperative.
    D. He thinks he is a gd leader.
    A. An actr frgetting his lines.B. An equipment failure.
    C. The wheelchair stuck n the stage.D. The injury f a character.
    funder f Amazn( 23) (fly) t the edge f space—62 mile(s
    abve Earth's surface—n a rcket designed by his cmpany Blue Origin.
    “Best day ever,” Bezs said ver the radi t missin cntrl after landing safely back n Earth, ( 22)thers weren't s impressed. They called the missin an
    enrmus waste f mney. Bezs, they argued,(23)be spending his billins
    t imprve things n Earth.
    Bezs wasn't the first billinaire t set his sights n space. Nr was he the first ( 24)
    __________ ( criticize ) abut wasting enrmus persnal wealth. A week ( 25 )
    __________the Amazn funder made histry, business wner Richard Bransn did, t. Bransn became the first persn t fly t space n a rcket he helped fund,(26)
    __________( develp)by his cmpany Virgin Galactic.
    Critics say that the mney( 27) __________(g) tward cmmercial space travel wuld be better spent n(28)__________they see as mre imprtant pursuits. These include wrking t cure diseases, reducing pverty, and helping t slve the climate crisis. Besides, launching spacecrafts is harmful t the planet, critics declare. ( 29 )
    __________naturalist Hlly Hawrth pinted ut in Sierra magazine, "traveling in rckets is arguably the mst carbn-emitting thing an individual can d.”
    But supprters f cmmercial space travel argue that it des benefit humanity. Persnal funds( 30)(put)tward high-paying jbs and a new industry. That's
    mney they culd have spent n new limusines r villas fr themselves, supprters say. Plus, their cmpanies are investing in new technlgies that increase access t space and drive innvatin in ther areas as well.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Rainwater puring int the New Yrk City subway. Twns and rads in Pennsylvania vertaken by fldwater. These dramatic scenes made 31 in September 2021. As many as 40.5 millin peple have already been 32 by the effects f the climate crisis. Rising sea levels, alng with extreme flding, are putting mre and mre castal residents and thers at risk. By 2050, mre than 1 billin peple will live in cuntries that lack the basic systems and services t 33 sea-level rise, accrding t the Institute fr Ecnmics and Peace. And all these climate refugees will need t seek ut new hmes n dry land.
    One slutin architects and thers have been explring with mre urgency in recent years is t build flating cities. In 2019, the United Natins brught tgether a grup f innvatrs. scientists, and marine engineers t discuss the future f 35 sea-based cmmunities. “As ur climate and water ecsystems are changing, the way ur cities retake t water needs t change, t,” said U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mhammed. “Flating cities are a means f ensuring climate adaptin, as buildings can rise alng with the sea.”
    These cities can be designed as climate 36 . They can take advantage f plentiful wind and water pwer fr electricity, and grw fd using hydrpnics(水耕法). “Frm traditinal husebat cmmunities t high-tech experiments, there are many examples t learn frm,” she added.
    Sme f these experimental flating cities are already in develpment. Anther planned cmmunity that's attracting a lt f attentin is Oceanix City, which is 37 t have ne-third f its 118 islands belw sea level within 60 years.
    Plans fr Oceanix City 38 grups f hexagn-shaped(六边形)islands pwered by
    slar and water energy. Tied t the seaflr, each human-made island wuld 39 arund 300 peple; the islands wuld be 40 tgether in cmmunities f abut 10,000residents. Oceanix citizens wuld drink prcessed cean water and extracted humidity frm the air, and dine n a ready supply f seafd.
    Reading Cmprehensin Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Imagine sitting inside a windwless train that’s shting thrugh a tube at twice the speed f an airplane. Yur train has n wheels, prduces n 41 , makes its wn electricity, and isn’t affected by bad weather. This is the hyperlp, a new visin fr the wrld's 42 , safest, and greenest frm f transprtatin. Many have 43 this new technlgy, but thers say the hyper lp visin is just a bunch f ht air.
    Hyperlp develpers plan t use the prperties f magnets t flat, stabilize, and drive the capsules r pds fr hundreds f mites thrugh 44 tubes. Withut air r
    A. displacedB. feature
    C. gruped
    D. headlines
    E. huse
    F. inevitableG. neutral
    K. withstand
    H. prjected
    I. slutin
    J. sustainable
    grund t slw dwn the vehicles, what was nce a five-hur jurney wuld becme a half-hur excursin, engineers prmise.
    Supprters f the technlgy prmte additinal 45 f transprting passengers and carg by hyperlp. Fr example, they firmly state that unlike ther city-t-city transprt that's 46 , such as planes r trains, hyperlp vehicles wuld leave as needed, like Ubers and taxis. While the 47 wuld hld nly 28 t 50 passengers each, develpers plan fr them t depart statins in grups every minute r s which they say culd amunt t shuttling 50,000 peple an hur. That’s mre than twice the passenger 48 f the wrld's fastest trains.
    Develpers als say that hyperlp tubes wuld be 49 s they wuldn't interfere with ther traffic r threaten wildlife. And tubes wuld be cvered with slar panels t pwer the hyperlp's systems. 50 , advcates regard the hyperlp as the transprtatin chice fr the future.
    But nt everyne is n bard. Engineers have calculated that the high-speed vehicles will need t make much wider turns than currently envisined, and therwise they wn’t be 51 fr passengers. This wuld add several miles t the prpsed tube tracks, Engineers als say planners haven't included enugh time fr vehicles t safely brake and take ff at statins. Sme engineers believe it will take much lnger than claimed t pump the 52 ut f the tubes befre each vehicle’s departure. Critics thus say hyperlps can't g as fast r serve as many passengers per hur as advertised, making them 53 existing high-speed transprtatin ptins.
    Hyperlp cmpanies say they're 54 these cncerns. They claim that they can safely maintain high speeds by having the vehicles bank arund the turns as a plane des. And their hyperlps will rely n the split-secnd reactin times f a cmputer t 55 vehicles quickly, frequently, and safely.
    41.A. pllutin
    B. sund
    C. energy
    D. wind
    42.A. cleanest
    B. lightest
    C. latest
    D. fastest
    43. adapted
    B. explred
    C. embraced
    D. develped
    44. ttally hllw
    B. nearly airless
    C. steadily narrw
    D. highly flexible
    45. advantages
    B. csts
    C. qualities
    D. situatins
    46.A. in cnstant demands
    B. n strict timetables
    C. in changeable
    D. n essential services
    47.A. cabins
    B. lrries
    C. tubes
    D. vehicles
    48.A. fare
    B. capacity
    C. speed
    D. cmfrt
    49.A. undergrund
    B. parallel
    C. elevated
    D. shared
    50.A. Hwever
    B. Therefre
    C. Beside
    D. Otherwise
    51. A. available
    B. ecnmic
    C. easy
    D. safe
    52. A. frce
    B. air
    C. heat
    D. water
    53. mst ppular f
    B. superir t
    C. n better than
    D. least prfitable
    54. addressing
    B. causing
    C. vicing
    D. releasing
    55. ride
    B. pilt
    C. park
    D. alert
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Frida Kahl was ne f the mst influential Latin American figures f the 20th century. As the daughter f a German father and a Mexican mther, she was brn n July 6, 1907. She grew up in Cyacan, n the utskirts f Mexic City.
    When she was seven, a viral disease called pli made her very sick, weakening the muscles in her right leg. While in schl. Kahl witnessed a number f bldy struggles between armed grups in Mexic City during the Mexican Revlutin. It was essentially a fight fr better living cnditins fr the disadvantaged. Because f her experiences in Mexic City, Kahl became a strng supprter f peasants' rights. Later, in 1925, she was in a bus accident that brke her backbne, dislcated her shulder, and caused ther terrible injuries.
    T relieve the bredm f recvery and t help deal with the pain and sadness f the accident, he began t paint. In her paintings, Kahl really explred her identity. Her Wrk deals wither status as a wman, her mixed ancestry, her turbulent marriage t Mexican cmmunist painter Dieg Rivera, the pain f her injuries, and her cmmitment t revlutinary plitics. Many peple cnsider her paintings examples f surrealism, since much f what she painted was fantastical, but Kahl never cnsidered herself a surrealist. Kahl's wrk is unique because she tk the bright clrs and dramatic symblism f Mexican culture and cmbined them with traditins frm Eurpean art.
    In the mst famus painting called "Tw Fridas," she paints tw versins f herself, ne in traditinal Mexican clthes and anther in Eurpean clthes f an earlier century. A vein(静脉)cnnects the hearts f the tw wmen, and bld is dripping ut frm ne end. This was painted just after she and Rivera gt divrced. If yu lk clsely. yu can see that the Mexican Kahl hlds a prtrait f Rivera. Symbls such as the expsed hearts and strmy sky suggest the pain that Kahl felt. Check ut hw ne f the hearts is brken. and the ther ne's whle. She seems t be suggesting that Rivera nly lved the Mexican part f hers.
    In a lt f ways, Kahl had an unhappy life. She died when she was nly 47 years ld. Her art is filled with sadness, but it als expresses pride in her Mexican heritage and the jy f being a wman.
    What led Kahl t supprt the rights f pr labrers?
    The fact that her father was a German migrant labrer.
    The time she spent wrking as a labrer during the 1920s.
    Her marriage t the Mexican natinalist painter Dieg Rivera.
    Her experiences in Mexic City during the Mexican Revlutin.
    Placethefllwingeventsintimerder: ①Kahlwashurtinabus accident; ②Kahlwitnessed the Mexican Revlutin; ③Kahlbegan painting.
    A.①②③ B. ②①③ C. ②③① D. ③①②
    The underlined wrd "turbulent" in Paragraph 3 mst prbably means_.
    artistically well-matched
    fantastic and extremely lving
    filled with dramatic ups and dwns
    very plitically cnscius
    Hw were Frida Kahl's paintings similar t thse f the surrealists?
    They bth fcused n gender identity.
    They bth prmted scialist plitics.
    They bth cntained dreamlike imagery
    They bth cmbined Mexican and Eurpean art.
    ( B)
    Aussie Walkabut Experience
    G behind the scenes at Auckland Z and cme eye t eye with sme f ur Australian neighbrs. Cme t the z befre pening hurs and experience the mrning sights and sunds. Help the keepers feed the kangars and kala in the Aussie
    Walkabut and take breakfast t a wide variety f birds.
    Tur features
    A small grup fully accmpanied by an experienced guide.
    Yur guide will phtgraph yu immersed in yur tur. The phts will b e recrded nt a cmplimentary CD, which yu will receive at the tur cnclu sin. A fantastic visual recrd f yur unfrgettable experience.
    Family: $220(2 adults, 2 minrs) Adult: $80
    Minr(6-15years): $40
    Tur dates and times
    The Aussie Walkabut tur runs n Thursday, Friday and Saturday—departing frm the Infrmatin Centre at 8:00 am. This tur is apprximately an hur and a half in duratin—finishing at 9:30.
    Imprtant things t knw:
    Grup sizes vary frm tw t fur peple.
    The minimum age fr this tur is six years ld and if yu are under fifteen years f age yu must be accmpanied by a paying adult.
    Yu may leave yur kids under six with the babysitters at Aussie Fun Nurs ery next t the Infrmatin Center. There is a $10 charge fr the service*(. Parent al Cnsent Frm required)
    Wear flat, enclsed shes and apprpriate clthing fr the weather cnditin
    Please d nt wear any lse jewellery r red clthing.
    *This service is nly fr thse guests the have bked the Aussie Walkab ut tur.
    Arrival details
    Participants must arrive at the z by 8:00 am. If yu arrive after this time there will be n pprtunity t jin the grup, s please ensure yu allw enugh time fr travelling and parking in the car park near the entrance. Yur guide will give the grup an initial persnal safety briefing befre the tur starts. Participants shuld nte this is
    All the participants are required t_.
    pay fr the phts recrded nt a CD
    attend a talk n security befre the tur
    pick up the guide in the car park near the entrance
    assist in the feeding f different species during the tur
    If a cuple with their children, aged 5. 8. and 10 want t take part in this activity, hw much will they pay?
    A.$220.B. $230.C.$260.D. $270.
    Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the brchure?
    There is a free car park fr visitrs t the z.
    Latecmers will be granted entry t the next tur.
    A minimum f fur peple are permitted n each tur.
    The tur takes place when the z is clsed t the public
    ( C)
    A few years ag, Charles Barkley gt int a lt f truble fr making the bservatin that sprts figures didn't need t be rle mdels. Thusands f fans and prfessinal jurnalists were crss at this attack n the fundamental principle that the persn wh jumps. highest must aim highest. and the persn wh handles the running back must als be able t deal with life's prblems with grace as well.
    The prblem is nt that we lk t these peple fr perfectin when they take ff their unifrms. It's that we expect anyne t be ur representatives fr perfectin. That's stupid and it makes the rest f us dwn here lazy.
    I get the imprtance f having heres, the peple wh inspire us t cultivate the best ptential within us and nurture ur better angels. I persnally have many heres, frm my mther, Lucy, t my favrite law prfessr, Hward. But these are persnal cntacts, peple wh have-actually tuched my hand and my heart, and wh ccupy a pedestal(基座) built f my wn experiences and aspiratins. T lk at an athlete r an actress with high salary and demand that he r she match ur dreams is nt nly a waste f time, but it's dangerus. The danger cmes in hw this type f her wrship dehumanizes bth the bject f affectin and the persn wh blindly adres. That was Barkley's pint, nt that we shuld give public figures a pass fr being faulty but that we shuldn't abandn ur
    wn mral cmpasses and lk t them fr true nrth.
    Recently n a televisin prgram I participated in, the discussin turned t Kathleen
    Kane. Smene suggested that the fact that the first female attrney genera(l
    in Pennsylvania was really messing things up culd have unfrtunate cnsequences fr wmen seeking elected ffice. I ffered the pinin that Kane was unquestinably criticized and that it was nt hatred twards wman but incmpetence at the rt f the
    attacks. After the shw aired, I had peple emailing t tell me that I was either a traitr( 叛
    徒)fr publicly attacking a fellw female when we need t stand tgether behind this "rle mdel", r a fl fr nt ging a step further t say that this incmpetent lawyer had made it harder fr all wmen t mve t the next level.
    Hw depressing! Why shuld the inferir perfrmance f ne wman lead t such diverse but passinate views in peple? The answer is bvius: Kane has stpped being an
    attrney general but has instead becme The First Female Attrney General. She can't just make a mistake and pay the nrmal cnsequences.
    If we stpped trying t live ur lives thrugh the accmplishments f public figures, many f whm lk and sund like us, we'd learn hw t recgnize the heric character f thse we might actually knw, and the heric ptential within urselves. Or, perhaps, the hnesty t accept ur rdinary humanity.
    Many peple were angry with Charles Barkley mainly because_.
    he brke fundamental principles in life
    he was nt gd enugh t be a rle mdel
    he dubted the perfectin f sme sprts figures
    he thught sprts figures culd have weaknesses
    Accrding t Barkley, why is it dangerus t take public figures as heres?
    Because we may let g f ur wn mral standards.
    Because an athlete r actress cannt match ur dreams.
    Because we blindly admire public figures fr their faults.
    Because we shuldn't waste time imitating public figures. 65.Frm the passage we can infer that Kathleen Kane was_.
    unfairly criticized due t being female
    the first female attrney general in the US
    less qualified than the public had expected
    a rle mdel fr wmen seeking elected ffice
    Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    Be Our Representatives fr Perfectin
    Explratin f Our Own Heric Ptential
    Our Unrealistic Expectatin f Public Figures
    Our Cnventinal Views f Female Plitician
    Sectin C
    There is enugh evidence t supprt the mtivatinal benefits that result frm carefully matching peple t jbs.
    Fr thse whse jbs are secure, pay increases are rarely pssible.
    High achievers are mtivated by jbs that are high in independence and respnsibility.
    Unfrtunately, they are the nes the rganizatin can least affrd t lse—thse with th e highest skills and experience.
    The answer t that depends n perceptins f gal acceptance and the rganizatin's cu lture.
    Managers must be sure, therefre, that emplyees feel cnfident that their effrts can lead t
    perfrmance gals.
    Directins: Read the fllwing passages. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Mtivating Emplyees under Unfavurable Cnditins
    It is a great deal easier t mtivate emplyees in a grwing rganizatin than a declining ne. When rganizatins are expanding, prmtinal pprtunities, pay rises, and the excitement f being assciated with a dynamic rganizatin create feelings f ptimism. When an rganizatin is shrinking, the best a nd mbile wrkers are likely t leave vluntarily. 67 The minr emplyees remain because their jb ptins are limited. Mrale(士气)als suffers during decline. Peple fear they may be the next t be made unnecessary. Prductivity ften Suffers, as emplyees spend their time sharing rumrs and prviding ne anther with mral supprt rather than fcusing n their jbs. 68 Pay cuts, unheard f during times f grwth, may even be impsed. The
    challenge t management is hw t mtivate emplyees under such special cnditins.
    69 Fr example, if the jb is running a small business r an autnmus unit within a larger business, high achievers shuld be sught. High achievers will d best when the jb prvides mderately challenging gats and where there is independence and feedback.
    The literature n gal-setting thery suggests that managers shuld ensure that all emplyees have specific gals and receive cmments n hw well they are ding in thse gals. Regardless f whether gals are achievable r well within management's perceptins f the emplyee's ability, if emplyees see them as unachievable they will reduce their effrt. 70
    Since emplyees have different needs, managers shuld use their knwledge f each emplyee t persnalize the rewards ver which they have cntrl. Sme f the mre bvius rewards that managers allcate include pay, prmtins and the pprtunity t participate in gal-setting and decisin-making.
    Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Can Birdsng Make Yu Happier?
    If yu are able t step utside and hear many types f birds, yu might als have a greater feeling f well-being. Tw studies shw that hearing diverse birdsngs may help increase ur happiness.
    One study was dne by the researchers at Califrnia Plytechnic State University. The team studied the effects f birdsng n peple walking thrugh a park in the U.S. state f Clrad. Danielle Ferrar, wh led the Cal Ply study, says that there culd be an evlutinary reasn why we like birdsng. The idea is that when we hear birdsng it culd signal safety t us. There culd be many ther reasns t Ferrar states that in sme areas arund the wrld birdsng can als signal the arrival f spring and nice weather. Bird diversity, she adds, can als mean a healthy envirnment.
    Similarly, scientists in Germany examined fr the first time whether a diverse nature als increases human well-being acrss Eurpe. The researchers lked at the Eurpean Quality f Life Survey t study the cnnectin between the different kinds f birds in their surrundings and life satisfactin. They lked at mre than 26,000 adults frm 26 Eurpean cuntries. "Eurpeans are particularly satisfied with their lives if their surrundings have a high species diversity," explains the study's lead authr, Jel Methrst, a researcher at the Gethe University in Frankfurt. He and his team fund that the happiest Eurpeans are thse wh can experience many different kinds f birds in their daily life, r wh live in near-natural surrundings that are hme t many species.
    S, if birdsng is gd fr ur mental health, hw can we increase the different types f birdsngs we hear? Scientists als mentined, "We wuld recmmend planting native trees and flwers because we have a lt f pretty decrative plants in ur cities. And they might lk nice t us, but birds can't necessarily use them. S, we think it imprtant t have species that are native t the area t increase bird diversity."
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    李华习惯每周日早上帮妈妈拖地板.( rule)
    回忆起那段收获满满的志愿者经历, 他依旧对当时给予他帮助的当地居民心怀感激。( grateful)
    回到祖国母亲怀抱,她抑制不住内心的激动,说道, “有五星红旗的地方,就有信念的灯塔,如果信念有颜色,那一定是中国红!”(where)
    Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    近一年来, 为了促进学生身心健康和全面发展,学校进一步加强了对学生作业、
    睡眠、手机、读物、体质五个方面的管理。每一位在校学生都能感受到这项举措带来的变化。《The Teens》杂志社向青少年读者征稿,希望大家能分享这一举措在各校的具体落实情况。假设你是明启中学高三学生李华,请就其中一个方面的管理描述自己的经历并发表对此的看法。
    1-5 CBBAC 6-10 DBACD 11-13 CAD 14-16 ABC 17-20 CABB
    21. flew 22, but (while/althugh/ thugh) 23. shuld/ culd 24. t be criticized
    25. befre 26. develped 27. ging 28. what (thse/ whatever/smething/ anything)29. As
    30 are being put/ have been put/ are put
    31-40 DAKIJGHBEC
    56-59 DBCC 60-62 BBD 63-66
    67-70 DBAF
    71. IV. Summary Writing (6.91)
    Hearing different bird sngs makes peple happier, as tw researches shw. American scientists wh studied the impacts f birdsng n hikers explain birdsng signals security, pleasant weather and healthy surrundings. German researchers als fund the envirnment with varius species f birds led t peple's well-being. Therefre, peple are recmmended t plant native plants t increase the variety f birds. (57 wrds)
    V. Translatin
    72.李华习惯周早上帮妈妈拖地板。(rule) (1.60)
    Li Hua makes a rule that he helps his mther mp the flr every Sunday mrning. (1.6)
    Or Li Hua makes it a rule t help his mther (t) mp the flr every Sunday mrning
    1. mp the flr 大多数同学写成了 sweep the flr;
    2. that helps/helping his mther mp 后面的结构不正确;3,很多同学写成 be used t ding/be accustmed t ding 的结构
    4. every Sunday mrning 很多同学写成 every mrning 或 in /at every Sunday mrning
    5.有不少同学将 flr 写成 rf/grund
    73.在任何情况下,我们都不能自行修理这电烤炉,以免发生危险。(circumstance) (2.06)
    Under/In n circumstances shuld we repair/fix the electric ven urselves/n ur wn in case f danger/ fr safety reasn.
    Under/In n circumstances shuld we repair/fix the electric ven in case the accident happens
    74. 回忆起那段收获满满的志愿者经历,他依旧对当时给予他帮助的当地居民心怀感激。 (grateful) (2.63)
    Recalling the rewarding/fruitful experience f being a vlunteer, he is still/remains grateful t the lcal residents wh helped him at that time.
    75. 回到祖国母亲怀抱,她抑制不住内心的激动,说道,“有五星红旗的地方,就有信念的灯塔,如果信念有颜色,那一定是中国红!”"(where) (2.59)
    Back in the arms f the mtherland, she culd nt cntain/restrain her excitement and said, “Where there is a five-star red flag, there is a lighthuse/ beacn f faith. If faith has clr, it must be Chinese red!”
    “Where there is a five-star red flag, there is a lighthuse/ beacn f faith, and if there is any clr fr faith/cnvictin/ firm belief, it must be undubtedly red- the clr f China.
    VI. Guided Writing

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