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    人教版英语选择性必修四 Unit4Sharing 《Using Language》学案
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 4 Sharing导学案

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 4 Sharing导学案,共25页。学案主要包含了词汇积淀·素养初探,阅读精研·素养构建,要点精研·素养奠基,导图理词,名师点津,即学活用,语块积累,句式解构等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 4 Sharing
    Using Language
    Ⅰ. 根据语境写出正确的单词
    1. to plug holes in her roof 堵塞天花板上的洞
    2. the disabled 残疾人
    3. resign from my job 从我的工作中退休
    4. everyone deserves the right 每个人应得这个权利
    5. asking for my input 请求我的投入
    6. a different tune 不同的音调
    7. a circuit of the rural villages 巡视乡下村子
    8. help those with disabilities 帮助有残疾的人
    9. provide consultation 提供咨询
    10. by any criteria 按照任何标准
    11. world stability 世界稳定
    Ⅱ. 选词填空
    to be honest, work on, prior to, relay to, pray that, make a big difference to, take for granted, in need of
    1. In the future, I pray that you will do the same.  
    2. Many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted.  
    3. I have made a big difference to their lives.  
    4. To be honest, when my mother first left for Africa, I was upset.  
    5. Why help people overseas when China has many areas that are still in need of development?  
    6. I want to relay to you that I’m proud of the work my mother has done.  
    7. One project that my mother worked on was helping to build a cardiac hospital.  
    8. Prior to this, if a Tanzanian had a heart condition and needed surgery, they would have to go abroad.  
    Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构
    1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks.

    2. Read the text quickly and find out the main idea of the passage.
    This is a (1)speech made by Zhan Bingbing. He tells us what he has learned from his mom’s volunteer work. He believes it worthwhile to (2)help others and he himself has decided to be (3)a volunteer.  
    Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息
    1. How does the writer introduce the topic?
    A. By showing examples.     B. By making comparison.
    C. By asking questions. D. By giving data.
    2. Which word can best describe how the author felt when his mom left for Africa?
    A. Excited.   B. Sad.    C. Calm.    D. Supportive.
    3. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
    A. Many dangerous diseases are still common in Africa.
    B. Many of the people in Africa are very poor.
    C. The hospital built by China helps the people there a lot.
    D. People in Africa have easy access to good transport systems.
    4. What can we infer from the passage?
    A. The author isn’t proud of his mother’s work.
    B. We have built a community with a shared future.
    C. The author might volunteer to help those abroad.
    D. The author doesn’t like being a volunteer.
    答案: 1~4. CBDC
    Ⅲ. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用
    1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句
    (1)But then I began to hear about the work she was doing  
           分句一         定语从句
    in Tanzania, a country that has many health problems, and  
          同位语   定语从句
    now I am singing a different tune.  
    译文: 但是之后我开始听到她在坦桑尼亚的工作, 那里有很多健康问题, (所以)现在我有了不同的想法。
    (2)But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well,  
    because it shows that we are global citizens interested in  
    原因状语从句         宾语从句一
    world stability, and that we feel responsible for others and  
    are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.  
    译文: 但是不管什么标准, 这个工作对我们也很值得, 因为这表明我们是关注世界稳定的地球公民, 我们对他人负责, 并准备好了为人类建设一个未来命运共同体。
    2. 根据课文内容填空
      My mother has been working as a volunteer (1)consultant in Tanzania. At first, I felt (2)upset when my mom left for Africa. However, as I know more about what my mom have done in (3)Tanzania and how much Tanzanians benefit from the help from China, I am (4)supportive of it now. I myself have decided to become a (5)volunteer.
    3. 阅读主题活动
    (1)Why does China do so much to help the other countries?
    Because we are responsible for the development of the world as a family. As we have made great achievements, we have the ability to help other countries.  
    (2)If you have a chance to be a volunteer abroad, where will you go and why?
    I want to go to Africa as well, because I have learned from the media that many Africans still suffer from terrible living conditions, such as poverty, diseases and natural disasters. They need help urgently.  
    1. disabled adj. 有残疾的; 丧失能力的
    *One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I resign from my job.
    我的梦想之一就是在非洲工作, 在我退休后继续帮助残疾人。
    *(2020· 天津高考) It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a person.
    *(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability.
    一些职务需要15到24岁的学生, 或达到29岁的残疾人。

    【名师点津】“the + 形容词”表一类人
    “the + 形容词”表示性质或特征相同的一类人, 如: the disabled残疾人, the deaf 聋人, the dead 死者, 和the blind 盲人……此时, 谓语动词通常用复数形式。如:
    The rich are not always happier than the poor.
    (1)We didn’t abandon the baby with disability and decided to bring her up.
    (2)I strongly advise that a special elevator be provided for the disabled.
    (3)This kind of disease disables thousands of people every year.
    (4)The disabled are (be) well taken care of by the government.
    2. resign vt. &vi. 辞职; 辞去
    *(2020· 天津高考)Dr. Rowan, whose secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.
    Dr. Rowan的秘书两周前辞职了, 所以他不得不自己打字。
    *He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.
    *He has, by submitting his resignation, expressed his unhappiness with the government’s decision.
    resign from 辞职; 辞去; 退出; 从……辞职
    resignation n. 辞职; 放弃; 辞职书; 顺从
    submit one’s resignation 提出辞职
    ①The Council will meet to decide if it should accept his resignation(resign).
    ②He will resign from the post as a sales manager in two weeks.
    (2)He had submitted his resignation after the severe fire accident.  
    大火事故过后, 他递交了辞呈。
    3. deserve vt. 值得; 应得; 应受
    *(2020·全国Ⅰ卷) There are many selfless people like Uncle Li around us, and they well deserve our respect.
    我们身边有很多像李叔叔这样无私的人, 他们非常值得我们尊重。
    *(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?
    乞力马扎罗山是一座拥挤的山, 挤满了成群的游客, 破坏了它宁静的气氛, 它应得这样的声誉吗?
    *You deserve to pay attention to this kind of syndromes.
    *What deserves to be mentioned most is the theme of the Reading day—Reading Chinese Classics and Inheriting Chinese Culture.
    最值得提到的就是阅读日的主题——阅读中国经典, 继承中国文化。
    deserve consideration/attention/praise 值得考虑/注意/赞扬
    deserve to do sth. 应该做某事
    deserve doing=deserve to be done 应该/值得被……
    (1)表示“很值得”, 用well修饰deserve。
    (2)后接动名词时, 动名词用主动形式表示被动意义, 相当于接不定式的被动形式。有此类用法的词还有: need, want, require等。
    ①Maria is constantly making efforts; she deserves to achieve (achieve) the goal of entering the key university.  
    ②All teachers deserve recognizing/to be recognized(recognize)for the contributions they make in our classrooms and in our country.  
    ③Your suggestion deserves consideration/ considering /to be considered.  
    You deserve to make full use of your free time to improve your English.
    →Your free time deserves to be made use of to improve your English.  
    4. tune n. 曲调; 曲子 vt. 调音; 调节; 调频道
    *It is a hit program on CCTV 3, where a lot of classic Chinese poems are chanted in beautiful tunes.
    它是CCTV 3的一档成功节目, 在节目中, 很多古典汉语诗歌用优美的曲调来吟诵。
    *After a short time, a violin goes out of tune, and sounds awful.
    过了一会儿, 小提琴就会走调儿, 而且声音难听。
    *It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune.
    他只是嗓音一般, 但唱得很合调。
    *Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.
    今天, 他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。
    out of tune 走调; 不协调; (对某事)没有兴趣
    in tune 一致; 合调子
    in tune with (与……)一致; (与……)协调
    out of tune with (与……)不一致; (与……)不协调
    (1)He sings terribly, out of tune now and then, but I still have to applaud.  
    他唱得真不怎么样, 经常走调, 不过我还得鼓掌叫好。
    (2)The government seemed to be in tune with the public.  
    (3)The melody of the song is amazing, with many moving tunes.  
    这首歌的旋律令人惊叹, 有很多动人的曲调。
    5. contract vt. 感染(疾病); 与……订立合同(或契约)n. 合同; 契约
    *Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania.
    *Under the contract, he will have to resign if the sales go down. 词汇复现
    依据本合同, 如果销售下滑他将不得不辞职。
    *The director wanted the girl, however, she was under contract to Warner Brothers.
    导演想要这个女孩, 但是那时她已经签约华纳兄弟公司。
    contract with 承包; 与……订有合约
    under the contract 依据本合同
    (be) under contract to 已经与……签订合同
    (1)Under the contract, all goods should be finished in two days.  
    根据本合同, 所有货物应该在两天内完成。
    (2)You can contract with us to deliver your cargo.  
    你们可以和我们签订合同, 由我们负责运输你们的货物。
    (3)I am glad to know that you are under contract to a big company.  
    6. grant vt. 同意; 准许 n. 拨款
    *It will be my pleasure to be their guide and grant them an unforgettable and worthwhile trip.
    我很高兴担任他们的向导, 并给予他们一次难忘而又值得的旅行。
    *Another contributing factor is that Chinese students take parents’ financial support for granted.
    *(2019·江苏高考)Human beings took it for granted that their brains held all the solutions.
    (1) grant sb. sth.        准予/给予某人某物
    (2)take sth. for granted 视某事为理所当然
    take it for granted that 理所当然地认为
    (1)I took it for granted that he would help us.  
    (2) Nowadays kids always wanted expensive gifts and took it for granted.  
    现在, 孩子们总是想要获得贵重的礼物, 并认为这是理所当然的。
    (3)He promised to grant us a new chance to apply for the post.  
    7. pray vi&vt. 企盼; 祈祷
    *All I could do was to pray every night for spring and for happier times to come as soon as possible.
    我能做的只有夜夜祈祷, 希望春天和更幸福的时光早日降临。
    *It is customary to paste spring couplets on the door and cut-papers on the windows to pray for good luck.
    在门上贴春联, 在窗户上贴剪纸以祈祷好运, 这是一种传统。
    *I’m praying that the epidemic will disappear soon and everything will return to normal.
    但愿疫情很快就会消失, 一切恢复正常。
    pray for 恳求, 请求
    pray that 但愿
    (1)That’s why I pray for the end of the epidemic every day, and I believe it’ll soon come.  
    这就是为什么我每天都祈祷疫情结束的原因, 我相信它很快就会来临。
    (2)I pray that you can adjust your state and succeed in the final exam.  
    但愿你可以调整状态, 在期末考试中获得胜利。
    8. Not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital, but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well.  
    不仅坦桑尼亚人被这所医院帮助, 邻近国家的人也得到了帮助。
    本句是一个部分倒装句。not only位于第一个分句句首, 则该分句部分倒装; 后一个分句, 即but后面不用倒装。
    *Not only should we keep a healthy diet, but we should also balance our studies and relaxation.
    我们不仅要健康饮食, 我们也应该平衡我们的学习和放松。
    *Not only will we enjoy a large meal, but we will also set fireworks, having fun with each other.
    我们不仅可以享用一大顿美餐, 也可以放烟花, 玩得不亦乐乎。
    *Not only can music make you happy, excited, but it also can make you upset or calm.
    音乐不仅让你高兴、激动, 也会让你难过或冷静。
    除了not only之外, never, seldom, rarely, little,
    hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首, 则其后要用部分倒装, 把助动词置于主语之前。
    Little does he realize how important this meeting is.
    (1)Never will we worry about getting fake notes or having no change.  
    (2)Not only did I learn to communicate with strangers, I also picked up some extracurricular knowledge.  
    我不仅学会了与陌生人交流, 我也学了一些课外知识。
    (3)(2020·全国Ⅰ卷) She teaches us not only how to gain knowledge but also how to be a good person.  
    她不仅教我们如何获得知识, 也教我们如何成为一个好人。
    1. consultation n. 咨询; 咨询会
    *A national network of medical treatment coordination has also been formed to provide technical support through online consultation. 建立全国医疗救治协作网络, 通过远程会诊方式提供技术支持。
    *As I am planning to have further education in Britain soon, I want to consult you about IELTS. 由于我正计划到英国深造, 因此我向你咨询一下关于雅思的情况。
    *I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.
    (1)in consultation with 经与……磋商
    (2)consult vt. &vi. 协商; 咨询; 请教
    consult with sb. 与……商量、协商
    (3)consultant n. 顾问, 咨询师
    ①A personal diet plan is devised after a consultation with a nutritionist.
    ②His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories.
    (2)In case of any difficulty, you must consult with the masses.  
    如果碰到困难, 你应当和群众商量。
    2. relay vt. 转发; 转播 n. 接力赛; 接班的人
    *What I want to tell you is this: you have won the relay race.
    我想告诉你们的是这么一件事: 你们接力赛赢了。
    *China has successfully launched a satellite which is used mainly to relay television programmes.
    中国成功发射一颗卫星, 这颗卫星将主要用来转播电视节目。
    *Do remember to relay to him that he has passed the interview. 一定记着转达他: 他已经通过了面试。
    relay race 接力赛
    relay something 转告某事; 转播某事
    relay to 转达给……; 转发给……
    (1)The broadcasting station will relay the news of the President’s death.  
    (2)Our class won the girls’ relay race in our school’s sports meeting.  
    (3)I forgot to relay to him that the meeting had been put off.  
    3. Now that I understand how important my mother’s work is, I’ve decided to become a volunteer myself to help people in other lands. 既然我了解我母亲的工作多么的重要, 我已经决定我自己也成为一名志愿者帮助其他地方的人。  
    本句是一个复合句。how important my mother’s work is为宾语从句; 句中Now that引导原因状语从句, 意为“既然”。
    *(2020·全国Ⅰ卷) Now that you’ve listed your strengths, list your imperfections.
    既然你已经列完你的强项, 那么就列出你的不足之处。
    *Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents’ help.
    既然你已是个大学生了, 就应当学着独立, 不靠父母的帮助。
    *I have already realised how important environmental protection is.
    (1)既然你已经毕业了, 你应该知道找一份工作的重要性。
    Now that you have graduated, you should know how important to find a job is.  
    (2)既然我已经明白持之以恒的重要性, 我已经决定无论遇到什么困难我都会继续努力。
    Now that I understand how important persistence is, I have decided to carry on whatever difficulty I meet.  
      一般的发言稿在格式上和书信有点类似, 格式一般由称呼语、正文、结束语三部分构成。
      1. 称呼语。称呼顶格书写。常用的称呼语有Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss. . . , Dear Sir/Madam, Ladies and gentlemen等。也可以不用称呼, 直接写正文。
      2. 正文。写作应该开门见山提出问题及对问题的看法, 然后说明理由, 最后照应开头对全文作简明扼要的总结, 总结一定要简练有力, 切中要点。在汇报经验、情况等的发言中, 要注意对情况的叙述、介绍、自己的体会或者收获等手法总结, 内容完整, 不遗漏要点。
      3. 结束语。发言结束时, 一般常用“Thank you for listening. ”“That’s all. Thank you. ”“Thanks a lot. ”等表示感谢, 不过有的发言者还在结尾时直接向听众提出希望, 发出号召。
      假定你是李华, 你们班将举办一场英语演讲比赛, 演讲内容是关于中国对其他国家的援助。内容包括: 1. 援助内容; 2. 援助意义; 3. 你的看法。
    注意: 1. 词数80左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

    1. 我们国家的经济快速发展。
    Our country’s economy develops quickly.  
    2. 我们有能力帮助其他国家。
    We are capable of helping other countries.  
    3. 巴基斯坦也是一个发展中国家, 相当贫穷。(用非限制性定语从句)
    Pakistan is also a developing country, which is rather poor.  
    4. 建了很多高速路, 它们连接了城市与农村, 促进了经济的发展。
    Many highways have been built, they link the cities and rural areas, and they promote the development of economy.  
    5. 用as引导的时间状语从句提升句1和句2:
    As our country’s economy develops quickly, we are capable of helping other countries.  
    6. 用现在分词作结果状语, 非限制性定语从句改写句4:
    Many highways have been built, linking the cities and rural areas, which promote the development of economy.  
    My name is Li Hua. As our country’s economy develops quickly, we are capable of helping other countries. As we all know, Pakistan is still a developing country, which is rather poor. And people there are still suffering from terrible living conditions. Lately, I have learned that our country helps Pakistan build many schools, hospitals and roads.
      Our country’s help has played an active part in the development of Pakistan. More and more students can study in newly built schools with modern teaching buildings. Patients now can get timely and proper treatment. They even can consult some Chinese experts in these hospitals. More importantly, many highways have been built, linking the cities and rural areas, which promote the development of economy.
      I am really proud of what our country has done in Pakistan, and I also like those Chinese volunteers working there. I have decided to be a volunteer after graduating from university and do something for the people in Pakistan.
      Thank you!
    1. 话题词汇
    (1)volunteer    志愿者
    (2)non-profit 非营利性
    (3)kindness 善意
    (4)charity 慈善, 福利
    (5)organization 组织
    (6)government 政府
    (7)responsibility 责任
    (8)benefit 受益
    (9)reputation 名声
    (10)call on 呼吁
    2. 话题句式
    ①My name is. . . Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation. I shall be speaking about. . .
    ②Good morning, everyone! It is my great honor to share with you my opinions on. . .
    大家上午好! 很荣幸能和你们分享一下我关于……的看法。
    ③It’s my great honor to be here/to have the opportunity to say something about. . .
    ④ I would like to concentrate on the problem of. . .
    ①I hope I have made myself understood.
    ②That’s all I want to say about this point.
    关于这一点, 我就讲这些。
    ③Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today.
    Ⅰ. 语段填词
    1. Although he has resigned(辞职) from his job, he has been devoted to serving the disabled(残疾的). He always thinks that those with disability(残疾) deserve (值得)our help and respect.
    2. It is reported that some people have been contracted(感染) by the new virus, which is said to be related to input(输入) cases, but in general, it can’t influence the social stability(稳定).
    3. It is said that the criterion(标准) of the relay(接力) race has been changed. As for the details, you can have a consultation(咨询) with the organizers.
    Ⅱ. 完成句子
    1. No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and deserves our respect.  
    无论一个工作多么普通, 它在社会中起着作用, 值得我们尊重。
    2. Some young people are self-centered and take it for granted that others serve them.  
    一些年轻人以自我为中心, 认为别人为他们服务理所当然。
    3. He was so careless that he forgot to relay to us the arrangements of the activity.  
    4. I pray that we can have a better job and get a better salary.  
    但愿我们可以有个更好的工作, 有份更好的薪水。
    5. Now that it is so important to me, I have to make an effort to prepare for IELTS.  
    既然它对我这么重要, 我不得不努力准备雅思考试。
    Ⅲ. 书面表达
      2020年10月1日, 高一(1)班的学生志愿者Li Mei 和 Zhang Dong 去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home) 开展志愿者活动(送花、送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者, 请按下列要点用英语写一则80词左右的新闻报道。
    1. 时间、地点、任务、活动;
    2. 老人们的反应;
    3. 简短评论。
    1. 报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计入总词数)。
    2. 词数: 80词左右;
    3. 可以适当增加细节, 使内容充实、行文连贯;
    Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly
    Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly
      On National Day, Li Mei and Zhang Dong, students from Class One, Senior One, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Mei and Zhang Dong were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruit.
      Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. When everything was done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.
      Li Mei and Zhang Dong were very happy. What they did brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.
    Ⅰ. 语用功能表达
    1. We might try. . .
    2. Couldn’t you/we. . . ?
    3. Perhaps we could. . .
    4. May I suggest that. . . ?
    5. Would you consider. . . ?
    6. My advice would be to. . . .
    7. Wouldn’t it be better if. . . ?
    8. If I may suggest an idea, . . .
    9. It might be a good idea to. . .
    10. I’d like to suggest/recommend that. . .
    11. How does the idea of. . . appeal to you?
    Ⅱ. 话题情景交流
    A: I want to be a volunteer abroad, but I don’t know where I should go.
    B: It will be a meaningful experience. 1. I’d like to recommend that(我想推荐) you go to work in Africa as a volunteer.  
    A: Can you tell me why?
    B: Because most of the countries in Africa are rather poor and lack of knowledge and technology.
    A: I also have known something about that on the media.
    B: 2. Wouldn’t it be better(不是更好吗) if you go there with your friends or classmates?  
    A: Good. But what kind of volunteer work can we do there?
    B: 3. If I may suggest an idea(如果我要提个看法的话), I hope that you make full use of your major.  
    A: My major? Being a nurse?
    B: Yes, because Africans are 4. extremely lacking in medical resources(极度缺乏医疗资源).  
    A: Absolutely. I will 5. take your advice into consideration(把你的建议考虑在内). Thank you.  
    十二 Unit 4 Using Language

    Ⅰ. 单词拼写
    1. The earth takes a year to make a circuit(环绕) of the sun.
    2. Imagine you are burying a time capsule(胶囊) for the people who will open it 1000 years from now.
    3. Universities choose students based on not only the results of the entrance exam, but also other criteria(标准).
    4. Crews are working to plug(封堵) a major oil leak.
    5. It is important for us to maintain the social stability(稳定).
    6. Lately(近来), my grandson and I had a conversation about my job.
    7. China has dramatically increased its input(投入) into cultural heritage protection.
    Ⅱ. 单句语法填空
    1. It is intended to spread Minnan culture, which deserves passing/to be passed(pass) down from generation to generation.  
    2. I’m sure more people will go to the supermarket if good access for the disabled(disable) is designed.
    3. There were calls for her resignation(resign) from the board of directors.
    4. It is obvious that living with disability (disable) is frustrating and challenging.
    5. I hope we can find a solution to this issue through the consulation(consult) process.
    6. Peace and stability(stable) in the world need the active involvement of China.
    Ⅲ. 完成句子
    1. Some students take everything in their life for granted.  
    2. Not only did it free us from the heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us!  
    它不仅使我们摆脱沉重的课业负担, 也提升了我们之间的友谊。
    3. Now that you always have a great passion for Chinese culture, I am sure you don’t want to miss the chance.  
    既然你总是很热爱中国文化, 我确信你不想错过这个机会。
    4. Our policies are in tune with the needs and the aspirations of the people.  
    5. I pray that our country can defeat the epidemic and come to life again.  
    但愿我们国家能够战胜疫情, 重获生机。

    Ⅰ. 阅读理解

    Kenya Community Development Project
      Greenheart Travel’s volunteer program in Kenya allows you the special chance to work alongside the Maasai community helping them to receive a good education, income activities, food safety and basic resources such as water. As a volunteer in Kenya you will have the chance to learn about the interesting Maasai way of life in order to work within their special cultural and social environment.
      How You Will Make a Difference
      *Help schools get necessary supplies
      *Help with building houses
      *Volunteer in the hospitals
      *Help with watering crops
      *Help women’s groups with finding new markets to sell their crafts
      *Organize youth sports
      *Help with chicken farming
      Cost Details
      Prices: 2 weeks: $142  4 weeks: $218  5 weeks: $249
      6 weeks: $286  8 weeks: $357 9 weeks: $392
      10 weeks: $416  11 weeks: $464  12 weeks: $500
      A Great Opportunity For:
      Seniors/ Retirees/ Groups /Professionals
      Language Needed
      English (fluent)
      Skills Needed, Experience
      No experience required.
      Detailed Location Information
      Volunteer must be 23 years of age or older.
      ***Meals are not included, but volunteers can buy food at the market and cook at the volunteer house.
    1. We can know that the Maasai    .  
    A. may not have enough drinking water
    B. are good at making money
    C. are usually well educated
    D. pay more attention to their world
    【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据 “. . . helping them to receive a good education, income activities, food safety and basic resources such as water”可知这个地方的水资源比较匮乏, 故选A。
    2. What will a volunteer do for the Maasai?
    A. Buy necessary things for schools.
    B. Help build houses for the local people.
    C. Help women sell their crafts at the market.
    D. Train the young people to become players.
    【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文中“Help with building houses”可知, 志愿者们可以帮助当地人建造房子等。故选B。
    3. According to the text, volunteers    .  
    A. have to speak the local language
    B. must be teenagers or older
    C. must have the rich experience in volunteering
    D. have to pay for meals themselves
    【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段“Meals are not included, but volunteers can buy food at the market and cook at the volunteer house”可知, 不给志愿者提供饭食, 故选 D。

    Organizers of Paris 2024 have suggested that breakdancing(霹雳舞) should be included as a new sport in the Olympic sports. The committee is pleased with the suggestion as it is in line with its aim of rejuvenating the Olympics. But, what is breakdancing on earth?
      Breakdancing is not simply a style of dance. It’s a unique culture with its own history. Popularized by African Americans and US Latinos, breakdancing is an energetic form of dance including stylized footwork and moves such as spinning on the head, hands or knees. It arose in New York City during the late 1960s and early 1970s from martial arts moves. The moves, originally learned as a form of self-defence eventually developed into the complex and athletic moves of today’s breakdancing.
      Breakdancing is largely improvisational(即兴的) without standard moves or steps. The key is on energy, movement, creativity and certain danger. The people who perform this style of dance are known as b-boys or b-girls. They are also called breakers.
      From those early roots, breakdancing began to add different moves to their routines, such as “pops” and “locks”, which brought a robotic quality to the dance. That style was popularized in the early 1970s by artists of the time. In the 1980s breakdancing reached a greater audience when it was adopted by mainstream artists like Michael Jackson. Jackson’s moonwalk, a step that involved sliding backward and lifting the soles of the feet so that he appeared to be sliding or floating, caused huge excitement among teens of all races.
      With the growing popularity over the years, breakdancing has gone from a street phenomenon to one that is accepted by the wider culture.
      Breakdancing is universal and it is popular with more than one million b-boys and b-girls in France. We hope the energetic dance is to be in the Olympic Games.
    【文章大意】文章主要介绍了霹雳舞, 并呼吁将其纳入奥运会运动项目。
    4. Which of the following best describes breakdancing?
    A. Unique and defensive.
    B. Standard but dangerous.
    C. Energetic and creative.
    D. Improvisational but simple.
    【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段中“breakdancing is an energetic form of dance(霹雳舞是一种充满活力的舞蹈)”及第三段“The key is on energy, movement, creativity and certain danger. (关键是在于活力、动作、创造性和一定的危险)”可知, 霹雳舞是充满活力和有创造性的。故选C。
    5. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about breakdancing?
    A. Its features and history.
    B. Its birthplace and audience.
    C. Its changes and culture.
    D. Its moves and complexity.
    【解析】选A。段落大意题。根据第二段内容, 可知霹雳舞是一种有活力的舞蹈形式, 包括程式化步法和诸如头、手和膝盖的转动动作。根据“during the late 1960s and early 1970s”及“eventually”等关键词汇可知, 第二段主要告诉我们霹雳舞的特点和历史。故选A。
    6. Why did breakdancing attract more people in the 1980s?
    A. It took on a robotic look.
    B. It caused excitement among teens.
    C. It involved pops and locks.
    D. It was adopted by mainstream artists.
    【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四段中“In the 1980s breakdancing reached a greater audience when it was adopted by mainstream artists like Michael Jackson. ”可知, 在20世纪80年代, 由于霹雳舞被像迈克尔·杰克逊这样的主流艺术家采用, 所以吸引了更多的观众。故选D。
    7. What might be the purpose of writing the text?
    A. To popularize breakdancing worldwide.
    B. To explain what breakdancing is on earth.
    C. To promote breakdancing to an Olympic sport.
    D. To introduce the development of breakdancing.
    【解析】选C。目的意图题。通读全文, 结合第一段第一句巴黎2024年奥运会的组织者建议霹雳舞作为奥运会一种新的运动被包含在内。可知文章先是提出“巴黎奥运会组织者建议霹雳舞纳入奥运会项目”, 接下来具体介绍了这种舞蹈形式, 最后一段再次呼吁“We hope the energetic dance is to be in the Olympic Games. (我们希望这个充满活力的舞蹈会在奥运会中)”, 由此可知, 本文的目的是促进霹雳舞被纳入奥运会运动项目。故选C。
    Ⅱ. 阅读填句
      根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
      Whether you volunteer at an animal shelter or in a hospital, volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to bring good into the world and support your community. There are a lot of different volunteer opportunities.  1  Here are some tips on how to be an even better volunteer.  
      Volunteer for something you love.  2  If your passion is helping those with cancer, volunteer to raise money for research. If you’re passionate about improving the environment, volunteer to pick up trash in public places. Your passion will keep you motivated, so put your effort into something you treasure.  
       3  You are probably not best suited for directing traffic if you are shy. Be respectful to those organizers, but let them know your strengths and show them how your strengths can be beneficial in your volunteer work. Find the balance that brings your talents to the table and really helps the organization.  
      Be on time. This is a simple but important idea. Think about being late for your work; your boss, coworkers and customers would be upset. The same applies to volunteering.  4  
      Mix your volunteer jobs. If you become bored, it may be time for a schedule change in your life.  5  It is volunteering, so you aren’t stuck in one place.  
    A. Offer what you can do best.
    B. Ask what’s expected of volunteers.
    C. So if such a thing does happen, just call and let them know.
    D. It doesn’t matter what it is, but it does matter what you like.
    E. Therefore, everyone can find a volunteering opportunity that suits their skills and interests.
    F. However, you will volunteer longer in an organization that supports a cause you care about.
    G. Volunteer on different days or ask for different tasks to see what other opportunities are out there.
    1. 【解析】选E。根据上文提示“有很多不同的志愿者机会。”再根据下文提示“这里有一些如何成为更好的志愿者的建议。”承接上下文, E项Therefore, everyone can find a volunteering opportunity that suits their skills and interests. (因此, 每个人都可以找到一个适合自己技能和兴趣的志愿者机会。)切题。故选E。
    2. 【解析】选D。根据上文提示“自愿做你喜欢的事情。”承接上文, D项It doesn’t matter what it is, but it does matter what you like. (是什么并不重要, 重要的是你喜欢什么。)切题。故选D。
    3. 【解析】选A。根据下文提示“如果你害羞, 你可能不太适合指挥交通。要尊重这些组织者, 但也要让他们知道你的长处, 并向他们展示你的长处在志愿者工作中的益处。找到一种平衡, 既能发挥你的才能, 又能真正帮助组织。”承接下文, A项 Offer what you can do best. (提供你能做到最好的。)切题, 故选A。
    4. 【解析】选C。根据上文提示“想想看, 你上班迟到了; 你的老板、同事和客户会不高兴。这同样适用于志愿活动。”承接上文, C项So if such a thing does happen, just call and let them know. (所以如果真的发生了这样的事情, 打电话让他们知道就好了。)切题。故选C。
    5. 【解析】选G。根据上文提示“如果你觉得无聊了, 可能是时候改变一下你的生活了。”再根据下文提示“这是志愿者活动, 所以你不会被困在一个地方。”承接上下文, G项Volunteer on different days or ask for different tasks to see what other opportunities are out there. (在不同的日子做志愿者, 或者要求完成不同的任务, 看看还有什么其他的机会。)切题。故选G。


    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 4 Sharing学案: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 4 Sharing学案,共12页。学案主要包含了语法精讲·素养提升,情境探究,要义详析,名师点津,即学活用,课时检测·素养达标,语法主题应用,文章大意等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 4 Sharing学案设计: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 4 Sharing学案设计,共19页。学案主要包含了词汇积淀·素养初探,阅读精研·素养构建,要点精研·素养奠基,语块积累,即学活用,熟词生义,句式解构,名师点津等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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