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    小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 1 What's he like? Part C教学设计

    这是一份小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 1 What's he like? Part C教学设计,共10页。

    & Part C Stry time
    1学生能够读懂Read and write板块的对话,并完成相应的任务。
    2学生能够听懂Let’s check板块的录音,并完成标号任务。
    3学生能够完成Let’s wrap it up板块的内容,初步了解简单的构词法。
    1. 预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业100分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。
    2. PPT课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。
    Teaching purpse
    Read and write
    Let’s check
    ·学生能够读懂、理解阅读活动Read and circle的三个问句,能够根据自己的实际情况回答问题
    Let’s wrap it up
    Stry time
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revisin & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game: I d and yu say.
    The teacher des sme actins. Students try t say the crrespnding phrases, such as play ftball, read bks, watch TV, d hmewrk, wash my clthes and s n.
    3. Play a game: The turntable game.
    Shw a turntable n the PPT. It has the names f seven days in a week n it. Befre the teacher rtates the turntable, students guess what day it will be. Then the teacher clicks the muse t let the turntable rtate. (出示课件,注意星期五被最后转出来) When the turntable stps rtating, the teacher asks and students answer accrding t the day which the pinter pints t like this:
    T: What day is it? Ss: It is Tuesday.
    T: What d yu have n Tuesdays? /D yu play ftball n Tuesdays?
    Ss: I have…n Tuesdays./Yes, I d./N, I dn’t.
    In this way, help students review the seven wrds abut the seven days in a week and the key sentence patterns in this unit. When the pinter pints t the wrd “Friday”, the teacher asks, “What d yu have n Fridays?” Students answer the questin. Then the teacher keeps asking: What abut Wu Yifan? What des he have n Fridays?
    Teaching purpse
    Step 2: Presentatin
    “Read and write”
    1. Predict the main idea f the passage.
    Shw the tw pictures abve the passage in “Read and write” n the PPT. (出示课件) Let students bserve the pictures and guess: Hw des Wu Yifan lk? What des Wu Yifan have n Fridays? Encurage them t express their pinins.
    2. Fast reading.
    Play the recrding f “Read and write”. (出示课件) Ask students t listen and check their answers. Lead students t say the sentences: Wu Yifan has PE n Fridays. He lks tired.
    T: I like PE. Lk at me. I can run very fast. I can jump. I can play ftball.
    D the actins f running, jumping and playing ftball. Then act like feeling very tired and say, “Oh, I like playing sprts. I like running, jumping and playing ftball. We can play sprts in PE class. But nw I’m tired.” Help students understand the meanings f “play sprts” and “tired”.
    The teacher asks, “Des Wu Yifan like sprts?” Ask students t read the passage quickly and answer the questin. Then the teacher asks, “D yu like sprts?” Students may answer, “Yes, I d.” r “N, I dn’t.”
    T: I’m glad that mst f yu like sprts./I’m srry that mst f yu dn’t like sprts. Playing sprts can make us strng. Yu shuld play sprts every day.
    Explain the meanings f “shuld” and “every day” simply.
    3. Careful reading.
    (1)Ask students t read the dialgue carefully fr the secnd time and try t answer the questin: What des Wu Yifan d n the weekend? (课件出示:此问句) Ask students t underline the related sentences in their bks.
    Check several students’ wrk. Then shw the crrect answer n the PPT. (出示课件) Lead students t read the questin and the answer nce.
    (2)Shw the chart belw n the PPT.
    Ask students t cunt the number f “watch TV” and “read bks” in the chart.
    T: Hw many “watch TV”? Ss: Five.
    T: Hw many “read bks”? Ss: Tw.
    Use the mathematical frmula “five>tw” t help students understand “ften>smetimes”. Then ask students t talk abut their weekend by answering the fllwing questins: What d yu ften d? What d yu smetimes d?
    (3)Tick r crss.
    Shw the task f “Tick r crss” n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students t read the dialgue again and try t cmplete the task “Tick r crss”.
    Check the answers tgether. Lead students t find ut the mistakes in the wrng sentences and crrect them. (出示课件)
    Ask students t say smething abut Wu Yifan’s activities in his daily life freely and try t give sme advice t him. The teacher can make a mdel like this: I dn’t ften watch TV n the weekend. I smetimes watch TV. I ften read bks and play sprts. I think he shuld read mre bks.
    Ask several students t stand up and express their pinins.
    T: Yu have different pinins. And sme f yu give gd advice t Wu Yifan. Rbin gives advice t Wu Yifan, t. Let’s g and have a lk.
    (4)Read the schedule.
    ①Shw the “new schedule” n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students t read Rbin’s wrds tgether and bserve the new schedule carefully. The teacher asks and students answer like this: —What des Wu Yifan d n Mndays/Tuesdays/…? —He…n Mndays/Tuesdays/…
    ②Let students bserve the new schedule, cmplete the dialgue between Wu Yifan and Sarah and write the answers in their bks. Ask several pairs f students t stand up and read ut the dialgue accrding t their answers. The thers shuld listen carefully and try t find ut the mistakes.
    Shw the answers. (出示课件) Ask students t check their answers. Pay attentin t their spellings and crrect the mistakes.
    4. Rle-play.
    (1)Ask students t read the dialgue between Wu Yifan and Rbin in pairs.
    (2)Ask sme pairs t stand up and rle-play the dialgue.
    (3)Chse the best pair. Give each f them a blank class schedule as awards.
    Teaching purpse
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Let’s check.
    (1)Shw the cntent f “Listen and number” n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students t bserve the pictures and try t describe them like these:
    S1: I have English n Mndays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
    S2: I have art n Mndays and Thursdays.
    S3: I have maths n Wednesdays.
    S4: I ften play ftball n the weekend.
    (2)Play the recrding. (出示课件) Students listen carefully and number the pictures. Ask students t stand up and say their answers.
    (3)Play the recrding again. Check the answers.
    (4)Shw the listening material and the answers n the PPT. (出示课件) Students try t read.
    (5)The teacher asks and students answer by using the sentence patterns “—D yu ften…n the weekend? —Yes, I d./N, I dn’t.” Then Let students wrk in pairs and ask and answer with each ther.
    Shw the three questins in “Read and circle” n the PPT.(出示课件)Ask students t read these sentences and circle “Yes.” r “N.” accrding t their real situatins.
    2. Let’s wrap it up.
    (1)Shw the structures “Mn + day=Mnday; bed + rm= bedrm” n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students t bserve them carefully. Then shw the seven wrds f a week n the PPT. (出示课件) Write them dwn n the blackbard. Clur the “day” red.
    Lead students t realize the frmatin rule f these wrds. These wrds are syntheses f tw wrds. Mnday is a cmpund wrd cmpsed f “Mn” and “day”. Bedrm is a cmpund wrd cmpsed f “bed” and “rm”.
    (2)Take ut sme wrd cards, such as bath, bed, rm, class. Let students make the right cmbinatins, such as bathrm, bedrm, classrm.
    (3)Let students cmplete the task in “Let’s wrap it up”. Shw the answers n the PPT. Check the answers tgether. (出示课件)
    (4)Present mre wrds n the PPT, such as nte, black, plice, bard, bk, ft, man, ball and s n. Let students make the right cmbinatins, such as ntebk, blackbard, pliceman, ftball. (出示课件)
    Step 4: Cnslidatin & Extensin
    Teaching purpse
    “Stry time”
    1. Ask questins.
    Shw the pictures f “Stry time” n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask three questins: ①What des Zm need t d? ②What des Zm need? ③Why d Zm and Zip need these things?
    2. Observe and discuss the questins.
    3. Predict the main idea.
    Play the cartn. (出示课件) Let students watch the cartn and predict the main idea f the stry.
    4. Learn Picture 1.
    Play the recrding. First, play the recrding f the first picture. (出示课件) Students listen and read the dialgue. Lead students t understand the meanings f the wrds and the phrases “new schl year” “need” “d sme shpping” “help” with the help f pictures.
    5. Learn Pictures 2~5.
    Shw an unfinished mind map n the PPT.
    Play the recrding f pictures 2~5. (出示课件) Ask students t listen and circle each day’s class and the things Zm wants t buy. Then ask students t finish the mind map. Check the answers tgether.
    6. Ask and answer.
    After listening, the teacher asks and students answer by using the sentence patterns: —What d they have n Mndays /Tuesdays /… / Fridays? —They have…n Mndays/Tuesdays/…/Fridays.
    7. Learn Picture 6.
    The teacher asks: Can they buy all the things they need? Ask students t bserve the last picture and read the dialgue in it. Lead students t understand the meaning f the sentences “We dn’t have enugh mney.” and “I’ll put back the ftball.” Find ut the answer: N, they can’t.
    8. Read and rle-play.
    Let students read the stry after the recrding. Then ask students t rle-play the stry.
    1. Review the key wrds, phrases and sentence patterns in this unit.
    2. D the exercises. (见“”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1. 本节课的重点是阅读和练习,很好地抓住并落实了课堂重点,围绕阅读和练习来展开教学。
    2. 本节课环节较多,但是多而不乱,各环节紧密相扣,帮助学生从听、说、读、写等多种形式的操练中复习知识,取得了很好的教学效果。
    3. 构词法的讲解不多,旨在引导学生自己发现、总结规律。让学生在大量的实践中感悟、掌握构词要领,并利用规律记忆单词。
    4. 板书设计清晰明了,一目了然,起到了很好的辅助作用。
    ▶Teaching Cntents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    ·Be able t understand the dialgue with the help f the pictures, and cmplete the activity f judging whether the infrmatin is right r wrng.
    ·Be able t imitate the dialgue and cmplete the new dialgue accrding t the infrmatin prvided.
    Let’s check
    ·Be able t bserve the pictures and read the questins befre listening t get familiar with the tasks f listening, pay attentin t the key wrds while listening, and frm gd listening habits.
    ·Be able t read and understand the three questins in“Read and circle”and answer the questins accrding t actual situatins.
    Let’s wrap it up
    ·Be able t understand that the frmatin f sme wrds cnfrms t certain rules. And be able t find and summarize the rules and use the rules t remember wrds.
    Stry time
    ·Be able t understand the stry with the help f the pictures, review and cnslidate the wrds and the sentence patterns related t the seven days in a week, and increase the input f language.
    ▶Teaching Pririties
    ·Be able t understand the dialgue f “Read and write” and cmplete the exercises.
    ·Be able t understand the recrding f “Let’s check” and cmplete the numbering task.
    ·Be able t finish the exercise f“Let’s wrap it up”and have a preliminary understanding f simple wrd frmatin.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    ·Be able t give helpful advice t thers abut their daily activities.
    ▶Teaching Prcedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purpses
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game: I d yu say. D sme actins.
    3. Play a game: The turntable game.
    Help students review the seven wrds abut the seven days in a week and the key sentence patterns in this unit. Shw the picture f “Let’s talk” n page 48 n the PPT.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play the game: I d and yu say. Guess the phrases.
    3. Play the game: The turntable game.
    Answer the teacher’s questins t review the knwledge.
    Lead students t review the wrds, the phrases and the sentence patterns learned befre by several games. Enliven class atmsphere and build a certain fundatin fr the next study.
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purpses
    “Read and write”
    1. Predict the main idea f the passage.
    Give questins and encurage students t guess and express pinins.
    Predict the main idea f the passage.
    Lead students t cmplete the exercises and give suggestins abut Wu Yifan’s daily activities thrugh the infrmatin btained frm the passage. Cultivate students’ abilities t btain infrmatin frm reading. Cnslidate and strengthen the knwledge they have learned. Rle-playing satisfies students’ desire t express themselves and als trains their ral English.
    2. Fast reading.
    Play the recrding. Explain the new wrds and phrases simply.
    Listen and check the answers. Read quickly and answer the questin. Learn the wrds and the phrases.
    3. Careful reading.
    (1)Ask students t read the dialgue and answer a questin.
    (2)Teach the wrds “ften” and “smetimes”.
    (3)Lead students t cmplete the exercise f “Tick r crss”. Ask students t say smething abut Wu Yifan’s activities in his daily life.
    (4)Read the schedule.
    Ask sme questins abut the new schedule.
    Lead students t lk at the schedule and cmplete the dialgue.
    (1)Read and answer.
    (2)Learn the wrds “ften” and “smetimes”.
    (3)Cmplete the exercise f “Tick r crss”. Say smething abut Wu Yifan’s activities in his daily life.
    (4)Answer the questins abut the new schedule. Cmplete the dialgue between Wu Yifan and Sarah.
    4. Rle-play.
    (1)Ask students t read the dialgue between Wu Yifan and Rbin in pairs.
    (2)Ask sme pairs t rle-play the dialgue.
    (3)Chse the best pair.
    (1)Read the dialgue between Wu Yifan and Rbin in pairs.
    (2)Rle-play the dialgue.
    (3)Chse the best pair.
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purpses
    1. Let’s check.
    (1)Shw the cntent f “Listen and number”.
    (2)Play the recrding.
    (3)Play the recrding again and check the answers.
    (4)Shw the listening material.
    (5)Ask questins by using the key sentence pattern.
    (1)Describe the pictures.
    (2)Listen and number the pictures.
    (3)Listen again and check the answers.
    (4)Read the listening material.
    (5)Answer the questins. Read the questins and circle “Yes.” r “N.”
    Train students’ listening abilities and cnslidate the key sentence patterns f this unit thrugh the listening exercise. On the basis f intrducing example wrds, let students find and summarize the rule in time, and use the rule t remember the wrds.
    2. Let’s wrap it up.
    (1)Shw the structures and the wrds.
    (2)Take ut sme wrd cards. Let students make the right cmbinatins.
    (3)Check the answers.
    (4)Present mre wrds.
    (1)Realize the frmatin rules f these wrds.
    (2)Make the right cmbinatins.
    (3)Cmplete the task in “Let’s wrap it up” and check the answers.
    (4)Make the right cmbinatins.
    “Stry time”
    1. Ask questins.
    2. Observe and discuss the questins.
    Let students bserve and discuss.
    3. Predict the main idea. Play the cartn.
    4. Learn Picture 1.
    Lead students t understand the meanings f sme wrds and phrases.
    5. Learn Pictures 2~5.
    6. Ask and answer.
    Ask by using the sentence pattern.
    7. Learn Picture 6.
    Teach the last picture.
    8. Read and rle-play.
    Play the recrding.
    1. Read the three questins.
    2. Observe and discuss the questins.
    3. Watch the cartn and predict the main idea f the stry.
    4. Learn Picture 1. And learn sme wrds and phrases.
    5. Learn Pictures 2~5. Finish the mind map.
    6. Answer the teacher’s questins.
    7. Learn Picture 6 and read the dialgue.
    8. Read and rle-play the stry.
    Help students review and cnslidate the wrds and the sentence patterns related t the seven days in a week with the help f pictures. Increase the input f students’ language.
    1. Review the key wrds, phrases and sentence patterns in this unit.
    2. D the exercises.

    小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 5 There is a big bed Part C教案: 这是一份小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 5 There is a big bed Part C教案,共9页。

    人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 2 My week综合与测试教案设计: 这是一份人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 2 My week综合与测试教案设计,共4页。

    小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 2 My week Part C教案设计: 这是一份小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 2 My week Part C教案设计,共9页。

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