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    小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 2 My week Part C教案设计

    这是一份小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 2 My week Part C教案设计,共9页。

    学生能够听、说、读、写词组“wash my clthes, watch TV, d hmewrk, read bks, play ftball”。
    1. 预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业100分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。
    2. PPT课件、课文录音、视频、实物等。
    Teaching purpse
    Let’s learn
    ·学生能够听、说、读、写词组“wash my clthes, watch TV, d hmewrk, read bks, play ftball”
    Grup wrk
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revisin & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a chain game.
    Divide students int grups. Every grup has seven peple. Let them play a chain game like this:
    S1: What d yu have n Mndays, S2?
    S2: I have…n Mndays. What d yu have n Tuesdays, S3?
    S3: I have…n Tuesdays. What d yu have n Wednesdays, S4?
    S4: I have…n Wednesdays. What d yu have n Thursdays, S5?
    S5: I have…n Thursdays. What d yu have n Fridays, S6?
    S6: I have…n Fridays. What d yu have n Saturdays, S7?
    S7: I have n classes n Saturdays. What d yu have n Sundays, S1?
    S1: I have n classes n Sundays.
    3. Act ut the dialgue.
    Shw the picture f “Let’s talk” n page 17 n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask tw pairs f students t act ut the dialgue in the frnt f the classrm.
    4. Lead-in.
    Shw the pictures f the five kids in “Let’s learn” n the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: Zhang Peng ften plays ftball n the weekend. Hw abut ther kids? What d they ften d n the weekend?
    Let students think f mre activities. Encurage them t express their pinins.
    T: Let’s learn sme phrases abut activities first.
    Teaching purpse
    利用图片、视频、音频、实物以及肢体语言等多种方式来呈现新词组,充分调动学生的听、说等多重感官,整个课堂活跃充实。 利用自然拼读法和拆音拼读法,使学生在了解单词的发音规则的基础上记忆单词。将所学的新词组放到句子里,训练学生的语言综合运用能力。
    Step 2: Presentatin
    1. Learn the new phrases.
    (1)Shw the picture f Amy and Chen Jie in “Let’s learn” withut the dialgue n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students t guess Chen Jie’s weekend activity. Then play the recrding f the dialgue between Amy and Chen Jie. (出示课件) Ask students t catch the key phrase “wash clthes”. Help students speak ut the phrase ludly. Shw the crrespnding picture f this phrase in this sectin. (出示课件) Help students understand it better.
    Write dwn the phrase “wash clthes” n the blackbard. Lead students t read it three times and d the crrespnding actin at the same time. In the prcess f teaching this phrase, use the natural spelling methd t teach the sunds f “wash” and “clthes”. The teacher reads the wrd “wash”. Students try t prnunce each phneme like this: w/w/-a/ɒ/-sh/ʃ/.
    Lead students t review the wrds learned befre t sum up the sund f the letter cmbinatin “sh”. The teacher reads the wrd “clthes”. Lead students t prnunce each phneme like this: cl/kl/-/əʊ/-th/ð/-es/z/.
    (2)Shw the picture f Amy and Chen Jie in “Let’s learn” with the dialgue. (出示课件) Ask tw students t read the dialgue. Then write dwn the sentence “D yu ften wash yur clthes n the weekend?” n the blackbard and ask sme students t answer this questin accrding t their real situatins. Write dwn the tw answers n the blackbard: Yes, I d. / N, I dn’t.
    Lead students t read the sentences n the blackbard nce. Tell students t d mre husewrk at hme t help their parents.
    (3)Take ut a real TV remte cntrl. Pretend t change channels and say, “Many peple ften watch TV n the weekend.” Teach the phrase “watch TV”. Shw the crrespnding picture f this phrase in this sectin. (出示课件) Help students understand it better.
    Write dwn the phrase “watch TV” n the blackbard. Lead students t read it three times. Stress that the letter “t” in the wrd “watch” desn’t prnunce. Then students pass the TV remte cntrl ne by ne and speak ut the phrase “watch TV” at the same time.
    The teacher asks, “D yu ften watch TV n the weekend?” Students answer it accrding t their real situatins. Remind students that they shuld nt ften watch TV. They can d lts f ther things.
    (4)Shw the crrespnding pictures f “d hmewrk” and “read bks”. (出示课件) And say “We can d hmewrk and read bks n the weekend, t.” Write dwn the phrases “d hmewrk (hme + wrk=hmewrk)” and “read bks” n the blackbard. Lead students t read them three times and d the crrespnding actins at the same time.
    Ask students t ask and answer by using these tw phrases and the sentence patterns in pairs. Invite tw pairs t shw their dialgues.
    (5)Play a shrt vide abut a ftball game. (出示课件) Ask students t say the name f this physical activity. Lead students t speak ut the phrase “play ftball”. Shw the crrespnding picture f this phrase in this sectin n the PPT. (出示课件) Help students understand it better.
    Write dwn the phrase “play ftball” n the blackbard. Lead students t read it three times and d the crrespnding actin at the same time.
    The teacher asks, “D yu ften play ftball n the weekend?” Students answer it accrding t their real situatins. Remind students that they can als d sme physical activities n the weekend.
    2. Read and act.
    (1)Shw all the five pictures f the new phrases in “Let’s learn” n the PPT. (出示课件) Play the recrding. (出示课件) Let students read after the recrding.
    Teaching purpse
    (2)Act ut. Ask students t clse their bks. Each time the teacher reads a phrase, students d the crrespnding actin. Then ask ne student t d actins, and the thers try t guess the crrespnding phrases.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play a game: Minesweepers. (出示课件).
    2. Play a game: Whispers.
    3. Play a game: The turntable game.
    (游戏说明:学生两人一组。课件出示一个单层转盘,转盘分为五个部分,每个部分包含一个本课的新词组。老师点击鼠标,指针指向哪一格,同组学生使用句型“—D yu ften…n the weekend? —Yes, I d./N, I dn’t.”来相互问答。)
    Step 4: Cnslidatin & Extensin
    “Grup wrk”
    1. Read and answer.
    Shw the pictures f Wu Yifan, Chen Jie and Oliver n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask a questin “What d they ften d n the weekend?” Let students read “Grup wrk” and find ut the answers. Shw the crrespnding answers belw the pictures f the three characters. (出示课件)
    2. Practice the dialgues.
    Stress the sentence patterns “—What d yu ften d n the weekend? —I ften…n the weekend.” Let students wrk in pairs. One student asks the questin “What d yu ften d n the weekend?” The ther student chses a rle and answers the questin with the crrespnding sentence. Ask several pairs t stand up and shw their dialgues.
    Teaching purpse
    3. Wrk in grups t drive a train.
    Divide students int several grups. The first student in the grup asks, “What d yu ften d n the weekend?” The secnd student answers accrding t his/her real situatins. Then he/she asks the next ne the same questin. Play the game until all the students in the grup say the sentences. They can ask and answer like this:
    S1: What d yu ften d n the weekend, S2?
    S2: I ften read bks and watch TV. What d yu ften d n the weekend, S3?
    S3: I ften play ftball and clean my rm. What d yu ften d n the weekend, S4?
    S4: …

    Ask several grups t stand up and shw their dialgues. Chse the best grup. Each student in this grup can get tw stickers as awards.
    4. Emtinal educatin.
    Let students try t arrange their weekend reasnably.
    1. Cpy the key phrases in this lessn.
    2. D the exercises. (见“”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1. 本课使用了大量的游戏活动,课堂气氛活跃,学生的学习积极性也很高,避免了机械性学习词组的枯燥,让学生爱上英语课堂。
    2. 充分调动学生的各种感官,使用大量的肢体语言,从多方面训练了学生的综合能力。
    3. 本课将词组学习与句型学习有机地结合在了一起,多采取小组、结对活动,培养学生们的合作能力,提高他们的团队意识。
    4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。
    ▶Teaching Cntents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    ·Be able t listen, speak, read and write the phrases“wash my clthes, watch TV, d hmewrk, read bks, play ftball”.
    ·Be able t use the five phrases abve t describe weekend activities.
    Grup wrk
    ·Be able t read and understand the three sentences abut the main characters’ weekend activities and describe their wn weekend activities.
    ▶Teaching Pririties
    ·Be able t listen, speak, read and write the phrases “wash my clthes, watch TV, d hmewrk, read bks, play ftball”.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    ·Be able t use the sentence patterns t talk abut their weekend activities.
    ▶Teaching Prcedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purpses
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a chain game.
    Divide students int grups.
    3. Act ut the dialgue.
    Shw the picture. Ask students t act.
    4. Lead-in.
    Let students think f ther kids’ weekend activities.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Ask and answer abut the schedule and the activities in a chain.
    3. Act ut the dialgue f “Let’s talk”.
    4. Express their pinins.
    Help students review the knwledge f the previus part f this unit and naturally intrduce the theme f this lessn by letting them play the chain game and act ut the dialgue. Aruse students’ curisity and thirst fr knwledge by asking students t guess the weekend activities f the characters.
    1. Learn the new phrases.
    (1)Use a shrt sund, a picture, and bdy language t teach the phrase “wash clthes”.
    (2)Lead students t practice the phrase in the sentence patterns in this part.
    (3)Use a real item and bdy language t teach the phrase “watch TV”. Remind students that they shuld nt ften watch TV.
    (1)Learn the phrase “wash clthes”.
    (2)Practice the phrase in the sentence patterns in this part.
    (3)Learn the phrase “watch TV”.
    Use pictures, a vide, audi, a real bject and bdy language t present the new phrases. Fully mbilize students’ multiple senses, such as listening, speaking and s n. The whle class is active and substantial.
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purpses
    (4)Use pictures and bdy language t teach the phrases “d hmewrk” and “read bks”.
    (5)Use a shrt vide and bdy language t teach the phrase “play ftball”. Remind students t d sme physical activities n the weekend.
    (4)Learn the phrases “d hmewrk” and “read bks”.
    (5)Learn the phrase “play ftball”. Get t knw it’s gd t d sme physical activities n the weekend.
    Thrugh the natural spelling and syllable splitting spelling methds, students can memrize the wrds n the basis f knwing the prnunciatin rules f the wrds. Train students’ cmprehensive language using abilities by putting the new phrases int sentences.
    2. Read and act.
    (1)Play the recrding f the five phrases.
    (2)Read the phrases and ask students t d the crrespnding actins.
    (1)Try t read after the recrding.
    (2)D the crrespnding actins. Then ne student des actins, and the thers guess the crrespnding phrases.
    1. Play a game: Minesweepers.
    2. Play a game: Whispers.
    3. Play a game: The turntable game.
    1. Play the game: Minesweepers.
    2. Play the game: Whispers.
    3. Play the game: The turntable game.
    Practicing activities fcus n training the new phrases f this lessn. Activities are mstly games, which are full f fun. Let students practice the key phrases and sentence patterns f the lessn easily and happily in the prcess f the games.
    “Grup wrk”
    1. Read and answer.
    Ask a questin “What d they ften d n the weekend?”
    2. Practice the dialgues.
    Let students wrk in pairs t practice the dialgues.
    3. Wrk in grups t drive a train. Let students wrk in grups t drive a train t practice the dialgues.
    4. Emtinal educatin.
    Let students try t arrange their weekend reasnably.
    1. Read the text and find ut the answer.
    2. Wrk in pairs.
    One student asks the questin “What d yu ften d n the weekend?” The ther student chses a rle t act and answers the questin.
    3. Drive a train t say in grups. Ask and answer the questin accrding t their real situatins.
    4. Emtinal educatin.
    Grup cperatin cultivates students’ sense f teamwrk and strengthens the cmmunicatin and understanding amng students. Cultivate students’ cmprehensive language using abilities.
    1. Cpy the key phrases in this lessn.
    2. D the exercises.
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purpses
    1. Can yu fill in the blanks?
    Shw sme sentences with blanks and pictures n the PPT. Check the answers with students.
    Fill in the blanks accrding
    t the pictures. Check the
    answers with the teacher.
    Lead students t cnslidate the key sentence patterns by varius practice. Imprve students’ abilities f independent explratin.
    2. Find and say.
    Play a game with students. Prepare sme stickers fr the winners. Shw the picture n the PPT. Chse sme grups t reprt the answers.
    (1)Discuss and answer in grups with the sentence patterns “There is/are…”
    (2)Ask and answer in grups with the sentence patterns “—Where is/are…? —It’s/They’re behind/…”
    Practice the key wrds frm listening, speaking, reading t writing.
    Cnslidate the key cntents f the unit with the help f the game. Stimulate students’ interest. Cultivate students’ team spirit.
    1. Listen t the recrding f “Let’s learn” and read after it.
    2. Talk abut yur classrm r rm with yur partner.
    3. D the exercises.

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