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    江苏省扬州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末检测英语试题 Word版含解析
    江苏省扬州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末检测英语试题 Word版含解析01
    江苏省扬州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末检测英语试题 Word版含解析02
    江苏省扬州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末检测英语试题 Word版含解析03
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    江苏省扬州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末检测英语试题 Word版含解析

    这是一份江苏省扬州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末检测英语试题 Word版含解析,共33页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2020- 2021学年度第二学期期末检测试题
    第一节(共5小题: 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man do this weekend?
    A. Go to Canada.
    B. Have a holiday.
    C. Attend an exhibition.
    【原文】W: Tom, I have looked at your schedule. Are you going to Canada on business this weekend?
    M: No. It was delayed. I have to take part in a computer exhibition on behalf of my company. Can we arrange another time to have a holiday?
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What does the woman worry about?
    A. Their train tickets.
    B. Traffic jams.
    C. Driving speed.
    【原文】M: Do you think we can catch the train if we keep driving at this speed?
    W: Yes, but I’m afraid the road may become crowded soon.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What do we know about James?
    A. He is never late.
    B. He is often late.
    C. He is not patient.
    【原文】W: I wish James would be here on time. This is the third time we have had to wait for him.
    M: Not surprising at all. That’s James.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What's Johnson's opinion about his manager?
    A. Fair. .
    B. Rude.
    C. Honest.
    【原文】W: What do you think of your new manager, Johnson?
    M: Well, he’s full of praise when you do well. But when you make a mistake, you’d better watch out.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Who are the two speakers probably talking about?
    A. Their friend.
    B. Their student.
    C. Their daughter.
    【原文】W: You know, John, I am getting quite worried about Maria.
    M: Why? What happened?
    W: Well, I was talking to her teacher today after school. She told me that Maria often doesn’t finish her homework and even when she does, the quality is often very poor.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5 分)

    6. What do we know about the man's new neighbors?
    A. They keep dogs at home.
    B. They are noisy at night.
    C. They are unfriendly.
    7. What is the man's problem?
    A. He is afraid of the dark.
    B. He can't sleep well at night.
    C. He dislikes his new neighbors.
    【答案】6. A 7. B
    【原文】M: I just met our new neighbors.
    W: So, what’s the problem? You don’t like them?
    M: The new family is great, but they brought three dogs with them.
    W: I see. You obviously hate dogs, then.
    M: Well, big dogs are OK, but I dislike little dogs.
    W: Why? Most people love them. They’re so lovely.
    M: Well, our new neighbors’ dogs are lovely during the day, but at night they keep me awake with their barking. I can’t stand little dogs.

    8. What does the boy need help with?
    A. A selling test.
    B. A video game.
    C. His homework.
    9. What should the boy do after highlighting the numbers?
    A. Click on “add”.
    B. Hit “return".
    C. Type the answer.
    【答案】8. C 9. A
    【原文】W: Hi, Frank. What are you doing?
    M: Homework.
    W: Need any help?
    M: Uh, yeah. Can you show me how to use this math program?
    W: Sure... Just type the numbers in column 1...
    M: OK. Do I have to hit “return”?
    W: Right. You have to hit “return” after each number. OK. Be careful! Do it carefully. Good!
    M: Cool. OK, now how do I add them?
    W: Next, you need to highlight the numbers... and now you have to click on “add”.
    M: And that’s the answer?
    W: That’s it. Pretty cool, huh?
    M: Wow. That’s easy. You don’t have to think. I love it!

    10. Why does the man have no money now?
    A. He lost his job.
    B. He spent a lot in Bristol.
    C. He has to prepare for his wedding.
    11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Sister and brother.
    B. Husband and wife.
    C. Mother and son.
    12. How does the woman sound about lending money?
    A. Satisfied. B. Unwilling. C. Warmhearted.
    【答案】10. B 11. C 12. B
    【原文】M: Mom, it’s Matthew.
    W: Oh, is everything all right?
    M: Yes, yes, fine. Uh, do you think you could lend me some money till the end of month?
    W: Oh, Matthew, have you got yourself into debt again?
    M: No, no. It’s just a bit of an overdraft.
    W: Where does all your money go, Matthew? I mean, you’ve got a good job.
    M: But Mom, it’s expensive living in Bristol.
    W: Oh, well. Your sister never phones up asking for money.
    M: But you spent a fortune on her wedding.
    W: Yes, and when you get married, we’ll do the same for you.
    M: Well, I’m not going to be married, so you might as well give me the money now! Just£300! I promise I’ll pay it back soon and I’ll never borrow again.
    W: OK. This is the last time.

    13. How many people are there in the man' s family?
    A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.
    14. What do we know about the family protection plan?
    A. It covers all medical fees.
    B. It only costs 15 dollars a month.
    C. It's only for people over 50 years old.
    15. What is the man's second excuse to refuse the woman?
    A. He has already go one.
    B. He can't afford it,
    C. He is very healthy.
    16. What does the woman offer?
    A. The cost of living for a week.
    B. Free cover for three months.
    C. A 50 percent discount.
    【答案】13. C 14. A 15. B 16. B
    【原文】W: Good morning. I’m doing a survey on family life. Could you spare a few moments to answer some questions?
    M: Sure. Go ahead.
    W: Are you married?
    M: Yes, I am.
    W: And do you have any children?
    M: Yes, two.
    W: Have you ever thought about what would happen to your family if you died, or you’re taken ill? Let me tell you about our family protection plan.
    M: Sorry, I really must be...
    W: For only $50 a month, this policy covers all medical fees and provides your family with an income equal to your salary in the event of your death.
    M: I already have insurance. Thank you.
    W: The cost of living is rising all the time and no other policy is as generous as ours.
    M: I really can’t afford any more insurance.
    W: Just think about your wife and children if anything happens to you. As a special offer, for this week only, we can offer you free cover for three months. Just sign here and your policy will start today. You can call it off any time in the next three months and it won’t cost you a penny.
    M: Really? OK, let me fill out the form.

    17. What kind of paint does the company want to produce?
    A. One that will never fade.
    B. One that smells of flowers.
    C. One that dries quickly and smells pleasant.
    18. What is the working environment like?
    A. Unpleasant. B. Relaxing. C. Great.
    19. What should an applicant be good at?
    A. Using computers. B. Writing novels. C. Telling stories.
    20. How will the applicant contact the speaker?
    A. By fax. B. By telephone. C. By email.
    【答案】17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C
    【原文】Our company is looking for a new scientist to join our busy team.
    About us: Our company is an international company researching different types of paint. Our goal is to create a paint product that dries quickly and has no unpleasant smells. If we are successful, we’ll sell this paint all around the world.
    About you: You must have experience working in a lab and you must have experience working with paint.
    Due to the nature of our work, the lab often smells of paint and is generally very noisy. You must be able to work well in this kind of environment. You also need to work calmly and not get upset when there is a lot of work to do. You must have a good sense of humor also. You must have the ability to work alone but also as part of a team.
    We are looking for a very efficient person so you need to be able to work quickly and correctly. There is a lot of paperwork. You must enjoy writing reports and pay attention to accuracy — it is important that you don’t make any mistakes. You should be an expert with computers as well.
    The job requires you to travel a lot and sometimes work in the evenings and on weekends. If you think you are the right person for the job, email me today!
    These new and upcoming museums are set to feed your curiosity for the months ahead.
    Humboldt Forum
    The Humboldt Forum opens on 17 December. It is set to stage around 1,000 events and exhibitions when the full programmer is rolled out, For now, at least, the museum is opening in stages, with an exhibition on the history of the German capital, Berlin, among the first to go on show. humboldtforum.org
    National Museum of African American Music
    Opening in early 2021, the National Museum of African American Music is said to be the world's only museum devoted to the musical contributions of African Americans. From the Great Migration and jazz and blues to the present day, it's set to be a timely celebration, through we-organized exhibitions, of how African Americans have shaped the music of the United States. nmaam.org
    Munch Museum
    MUNCH is home to the largest collection of works by Edvard Munch. The museum digs into the Expressionist’s significant talents, with paintings drawings and photographs from a 4.00srorgg collection donated lo the city on his death in 1944. muchmusee.no
    Museum of the Home
    While the collection at the former Geffrye Museum is still as fascinating as ever, it's experienced changes to become the new Museum of the Home. I'll soon own new galleries, extended exhibition spaces and a reading room when it reopens before long. The petty Gardens Through Time outdoor space and new coffee shop will make it a great spot to relax. muscumofthehome.org.uk
    21. Which museum is an ideal place for visitors to kill time by drinking coffee?
    A. Humboldt Forum.
    B. National Museum of African American Music.
    C. Munch Museum.
    D. Museum of the Home.
    22. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. The history of Berlin is exhibited in the Humboldt Forum.
    B. African Americans made no contributions to the music of USA.
    C. Museum of the Home has been renamed the Geffrye Museum.
    D. Edvard Munch is believed to have a great effect on literature.
    23. In which section of a newspaper are you likely to read the passage?
    A. Geography.
    B. Architecture.
    C. Travel.
    D. History. .
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. C
    推理判断题。根据Museum of the Home中的“The pretty Gardens Through Time outdoor space and new coffee shop will make it a great spot to relax.( Gardens Through Time户外空间和新的咖啡店将使它成为一个放松的好地方)” 可知,Museum of the Home是游客喝咖啡打发时间的理想地方。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Humboldt Forum中的“the museum is opening in stages, with an exhibition on the history of the German capital, Berlin, among the first to go on show.( 该博物馆正在分阶段开放,一场关于德国首都柏林的历史展览是最早展出的展览之一)”可知,柏林的历史在这里展出。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据标题NEW MUSEUMS OPEN DOORS以及第一句“These new and upcoming museums are set to feed your curiosity for the months ahead.( 这些新的和即将到来的博物馆将满足你对未来几个月的好奇心)”可知,本文介绍了四个满足游客好奇心的博物馆,因此推断应是来自报纸的旅游部分。故选C项。
    "The queuing delays are a tiny part of your total hours of life, so don't let them be a major source of anxiety," says Richard Larson, who has studied queuing for 40 years. Larson came up with mathematical methods for predicting what he calls slips and skips, where a newcomer arrives after you but gets the service first. Such cutting doesn't need to be intentional to feel unjust. “If you are the victim, you suffer a psychological cost," Larson says. “You can get angry or even violent" Just relax instead.
    Larson has noticed more and more queues that allow people to buy their way into a faster lane. He's unsure whether that could change the culture of how Americans line up, but it might. A well- designed line makes cheating nearly impossible. If you find yourself in a long line, a queue to get hundreds of millions of people vaccinated (接种疫苗) for Covid-19, be patient. Don't try to cut ahead of others just because no one is standing behind you to see it.
    While you wait, let yourself be distracted (分心) by a book, music or whatever occupies your mind. Sometimes, distraction is built in by designers. If you find yourself growing disappointed in a line, look behind you. The more people you see, the more likely you are to stay in line and maybe even be pleased with your position.
    Sometimes great human experiences are shared while waiting in line. Larson recently got his Covid-19 vaccination. Normally, he tends to avoid queues, but he relished this one. Many around him were elderly, some in wheelchairs, some with helpers. There was excitement on their faces as they waited together, a lightness that only comes when fear begins to lift.
    24. According to Richard Larson, if faced with slips and skips, you should,
    A. be overcome with unfairness.
    B. solve the problem with violence.
    C. cut in line without being noticed.
    D. have a calm and peaceful mind.
    25. We can conclude from the passage that
    A. the way that Americans queue up will be changed.
    B. people never jump the queue in a well- designed line.
    C. it is unnecessary to stay in line when you get vaccinated.
    D. distraction can relieve anxiety of people in a long line.
    26. The underlined word "relished" in the last paragraph probably means
    A. teased.
    B. enjoyed.
    C. reserved.
    D. opposed.
    27. The passage is intended to answer the question
    A. Why should you queue up in public places?
    B. What are the reasons for jumping the queue?
    C. What can you do while waiting in line?
    D. How can queuing up be avoided?
    【答案】24. D 25. D 26. B 27. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Such cutting doesn't need to be intentional to feel unjust. “If you are the victim, you suffer a psychological cost," Larson says. “You can get angry or even violent" Just relax instead. (这样的插队并不一定是有意让人感到不公平。Larson说 :“如果你是受害者,你就会承受心理代价。你可能会生气,甚至有暴力倾向”。只是放松就好了)”可知,当面对插队时,你应该不要生气,要放松,也就是要有一颗平静平和的心。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“"The queuing delays are a tiny part of your total hours of life, so don't let them be a major source of anxiety," says Richard Larson, who has studied queuing for 40 years. (对排队问题研究了40年的Richard Larson 说:“排队延误只是你生活中总时间的一小部分,所以不要让它们成为焦虑的主要来源”)”以及第三段中的“While you wait, let yourself be distracted (分心) by a book, music or whatever occupies your mind. (当你等待的时候,让自己被一本书、音乐或任何占据你思想的东西分散注意力) ”可知,排队等待会让人焦虑,而等待的时候,用其他的东西分散自己的注意力,可以缓解排队时人们的焦虑。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据最后一段中的“Normally, he tends to avoid queues, but he relished this one. (通常,他会避免排队,但他很relished这次排队)”以及本段中“Many around him were elderly, some in wheelchairs, some with helpers. There was excitement on their faces as they waited together, a lightness that only comes when fear begins to lift. (他身边很多人都是老人,有的坐轮椅,有的带着帮手。当他们一起等待时,脸上充满了兴奋,这是一种只有当恐惧开始消除时才会出现的轻松) ” 可知, Larson避免排队,也就是不喜欢排队,但这次排队时,身边的人都带着兴奋和轻松,所以这让排在队伍中的他也感觉轻松愉悦,他是喜欢、享受这次排队的,所以relished的意思是“享受”,故选B。
    推理判断题。文章第一段开头“"The queuing delays are a tiny part of your total hours of life, so don't let them be a major source of anxiety," says Richard Larson, who has studied queuing for 40 years. (对排队问题研究了40年的Richard Larson 说:“排队延误只是你生活中总时间的一小部分,所以不要让它们成为焦虑的主要来源”)”提出了排队会让人焦虑的现象。由文章第三段中的“While you wait, let yourself be distracted (分心) by a book, music or whatever occupies your mind. (当你等待的时候,让自己被一本书、音乐或任何占据你思想的东西分散注意力)”以及第四段中的“Sometimes great human experiences are shared while waiting in line. (有时在排队的时候,人们会分享一些伟大的人生经历)”可知,这些段落告知人们在排队时可以做的一些事,帮助缓解排队时的焦虑。所以这篇文章的目的是回答排队时可以做什么这个问题,故选C。
    Outside an art museum in Topeka, Kansas, some kids are playing happily in what looks like a large Hobbit House while others are walking through the house's woven (编织) archway into a twisted twig (嫩枝) tower. The tower, made entirely of sticks, is a sculpture built by Dougherty.
    Dougherty has created more than 200 stick sculptures all over the world. “I design my sculptures to look like they've always been there,” he says. And he likes people to get involved in his work. If they arrive during the three weeks he takes to build a sculpture, he lets them build, too. “ I want my work to help people enjoy nature.”
    As a child, Dougherty learned to love nature while traveling through the woods. He would spend hours bending sticks into shelters for his brothers and sisters. When he grew up, he majored in art and learnt to make sculptures with clay. But it was too heavy to make the lines and shapes he imagined.
    One day, he watched thin, young trees waving in the wind. They reminded him of the sticks he built shelters with as a boy. Soon after, he began his first creation made out of sticks.
    To begin a sculpture, Dougherty digs holes and buries tall young trees in the ground for support. Then he weaves (编织) smaller sticks around them. He uses strings to hold and bend the twigs while he's weaving. When he removes the string, the sticks stay in place. It usually takes four tons of sticks to build a sculpture, and Dougherty chooses materials that would otherwise be wasted.
    Dougherty's sculptures last two to four years. But even after that, they serve a purpose. The wood is cut up into tiny pieces called mulch (覆盖料), which makes soil rich and helps new plants grow after it breaks down.
    28. The description of kids playing in Paragraph 1 functions as ________
    A. a brief introduction to the museum.
    B. a vivid lead into the sculptor.
    C. a lively advertisement of artistic work.
    D. a clear display of the architecture.
    29. What can we infer about Dougherty from the passage?
    A. He would like to invite visitors to build sculptures with him.
    B. He likes using twigs to change the sticks before weaving them.
    C. He is likely to waste tons of sticks and other materials.
    D. He is devoted to the construction of all kinds of sculptures.
    30. What does the underlined pronoun “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
    A. Sculpture
    B. Wood.
    C. Soil.
    D. Mulch.
    31. What can be the suitable title for the passage?
    A. Bending sticks into sculptures.
    B. A friendly companion.
    C. Protecting the environment.
    D. A natural art museum.
    【答案】28. B 29. A 30. D 31. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句话“The tower, made entirely of sticks, is a sculpture built by Dougherty.(这座塔完全由木棍制成,是多尔蒂建造的一座雕塑)”结合下文对Dougherty的介绍可推知,作者通过孩子们玩耍的场景描写是为了引出文章主题,即雕塑家Dougherty擅长用树枝进行大型雕塑。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“And he likes people to get involved in his work. If they arrive during the three weeks he takes to build a sculpture, he lets them build, too.(他喜欢人们参与到他的工作中来。如果他们在他建造雕塑的三周内到达,他也会让他们建造)”由此推断,他想邀请游客和他一起建造雕塑。故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据最后一段“The wood is cut up into tiny pieces called mulch (覆盖料), which makes soil rich and helps new plants grow after it breaks down.”可知,木头被切碎成木屑,被称为覆盖料,在它分解之后,可以使土壤肥沃,从而帮助植物生长。结合语境可知,it指代的是上文提到的“覆盖料”。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第一段的“The tower, made entirely of sticks, is a sculpture built by Dougherty.(这座塔完全由树枝制成,是多尔蒂建造的一座雕塑)”和第二段的“Dougherty has created more than 200 stick sculptures all over the world.(多尔蒂在世界各地创作了200多个树枝雕塑。)”可知,全文讲述重点是雕塑家Dougherty擅长弯曲树枝进行大型雕塑”,所以A选项“把棍子弯曲成雕塑。”符合文章大意,适合做标题,故选A。
    Nowadays, we needn't look far to find something new to watch. So why do so many of us choose to watch films we’ve already seen, even knowing every line of the script?
    A survey revealed rewatching films we've already seen countless times is common. Some titles were mentioned repeatedly—Back To The Future, Top Gun, and musicals like The Rain. In 2016,a website surveyed 1,169 people to list the 25 most rewatched films—with Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz and The sound of Music taking the top spots.
    Finding which movies we watch again and again is easy. Exactly why we do it is less clear. Obviously we love them and think they deserve our attention. One said,“Some films are what I Think ‘complete’ and are so familiar that you can stop and start at any point. They are deeply satisfying and you can lose yourself in them.”
    While that might explain the second, third, or fourth viewing, what keeps us coming back to a movie when we already know every detail, and there are so many other new films to choose from?
    One explanation is that watching something familiar takes up less mental energy. We don't have to concentrate to work out what's going on. Instead, we just sit back and relax. When faced with diverse choices, it's easier to return to an old film that we believe won t disappoint us.
    A psychological phenomenon, “the mere exposure effect”— in which we develop a preference for something familiar—could also be a good explanation. So the more we watch, the more we want to watch.
    A 2012 study on cultural “re-consumption found that rewatching movies can also make us reflect on how we've grown—a measuring stick for how much our lives have changed. Perhaps that's one of the biggest reasons why we return to films, to recall not only for a time in history but for a time in our lives.
    32. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
    A. There are few good movies people can choose from.
    B. People often watch movies many times to memorize lines.
    C. People like to enjoy some movies once and again.
    D. Star Wars, Top Gun and The sound of Music are top hits.
    33. The reasons why people rewatch films are as follows except that___.
    A. it makes viewers much more comfortable to rewatch the films.
    B. familiar movies can remind people of impressive experiences.
    C. viewers find it hard to select a better film than familiar ones.
    D. it is those well-produced movies that always appeal to viewers.
    34. What will be discussed in the flowing paragraph?
    A. The connection between rewatched films and personal experiences.
    B. The special emotional stales when people rewatch movies.
    C. The recently-released films that have been revisited several times.
    D. The high quality the most popular movies usually offer.
    35. What's the author's attitude to the phenomenon of people's rewatching films?
    A. Negative. B. Objective. C. Disapproving. D. Cautious.
    【答案】32. C 33. C 34. A 35. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Nowadays, we needn't look far to find something new to watch. So why do so many of us choose to watch films we’ve already seen, even knowing every line of the script?(如今,我们很容易找到新东西看。那么,为什么我们中有那么多人选择看我们已经看过、甚至知道剧本的每一句台词的电影呢?)”以及第二段中“A survey revealed rewatching films we've already seen countless times is common. (一项调查显示,重温我们已经看过无数遍的电影是很常见的)”可知,人们喜欢反复欣赏一些电影。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Finding which movies we watch again and again is easy. Exactly why we do it is less clear. Obviously we love them and think they deserve our attention. (找到我们反复看的电影很容易。我们这么做的确切原因还不太清楚。显然,我们爱他们,认为他们值得我们的关注)”;倒数第三段中“One explanation is that watching something familiar takes up less mental energy. We don't have to concentrate to work out what's going on. Instead, we just sit back and relax.(一种解释是,看熟悉的东西消耗的精力更少。我们不需要集中精力来搞清楚发生了什么。相反,我们只是坐下来放松)”以及最后一段中“A 2012 study on cultural “re-consumption' found that rewatching movies can also make us reflect on how we've grown—a measuring stick for how much our lives have changed.(2012年的一项关于文化“再消费”的研究发现,重温电影也能让我们反思自己是如何成长的,这是衡量我们的生活发生了多大变化的标尺)”可知,C选项“观众发现很难选择一个比熟悉的电影更好的电影”不是人们重看电影的原因。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“A 2012 study on cultural “re-consumption' found that rewatching movies can also make us reflect on how we've grown—a measuring stick for how much our lives have changed. Perhaps that's one of the biggest reasons why we return to films, to recall not only for a time in history but for a time in our lives.( 2012年的一项关于文化“再消费”的研究发现,重温电影也能让我们反思自己是如何成长的,这是衡量我们的生活发生了多大变化的标尺。也许这是我们回归电影的最大原因之一,不仅是为了回忆历史上的一个时期,也是为了回忆我们生活中的一个时期)”可推知,接下来作者会进一步阐述重温老电影与个人经历之间的关系。故选A。
    With roads, hotels and popular scenic spots packed with millions of people, the five-day Labor Day holiday is evidence of China's success in COVID 19 control and economic recovery.
    Citizens across China expected this year's holiday to be an occasion for leisure not seen since the pandemic. ____36____
    Official data showed 230 million domestic tourist trips were made during the holiday, up 119.7 percent from last year. In Jinan, the provincial capital of east China's Shandong, over 60,000 passengers took fights from the Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport on April 30, a record high for that date since it opened to air traffic in 1992 and surpassing (超过) the highest daily volume in 2019. Hotel booking rates shot up in tourist destinations. ____37____ Sanya in the southern Hainan Province saw the prices increase by as much as 400 percent.
    None of the above would be possible without China's success in pandemic control. ____38____ For example, a well-functioning contact tracing system widely used for travel, accommodation and catering services, has held up well for a long period of time, building up people's confidence.
    ____39____Mass vaccination campaigns in major cities, often tourist destinations, provide further security for travelers to make fearless plans and feel free to travel around the country.
    Famous cities like Changsha and Chengdu are jammed with tourists, with short videos and pictures flying up on social media. The lively tourism market is part of economic recovery.
    Other data showed that higher-end hotels and higher-quality services have been more welcome this year. ____40____
    A. Chinese economy remains unchanged.
    B. All of these suggest a trend in consumption.
    C. After all, everyone had stayed inside long enough.
    D. The country' s prevention and control measures take effect.
    E. The rise in tourism services prevents people from travelling.
    F. Vaccinations in China are going on in an orderly and steady manner.
    G. Tickets reserved online for many popular attractions sold out days in advance.
    【答案】36. C 37. G 38. D 39. F 40. B
    前文“Citizens across China expected this year's holiday to be an occasion for leisure not seen since the pandemic.(中国各地的市民都期望今年的节日是自疫情以来从未有过的休闲时刻)”说明中国市民对这次节日的急切期盼,而C项“毕竟,每个人都在家里呆得够久了。”则是对出现这种情况的解释说明,前后逻辑合理,叙述一致。故选C项。
    前文“Official data showed 230 million domestic tourist trips were made during the holiday, up 119.7 percent from last year. In Jinan, the provincial capital of east China's Shandong, over 60,000 passengers took fights from the Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport on April 30, a record high for that date since it opened to air traffic in 1992 and surpassing (超过) the highest daily volume in 2019. Hotel booking rates shot up in tourist destinations.(官方数据显示,春节期间国内游客达2.3亿人次,比去年增长119.7% 。在中国东部山东省省会济南,4月30日超过60,000名乘客搭乘济南遥墙国际机场,这是该航空公司自1992年开通航空以来的最高纪录,也超过了2019年的最高日成交量。旅游目的地的酒店预订率急剧上升)”可知本段讲国内旅游业的复苏,作者列举各类数据来说明。G项“在网上预订的许多热门景点的门票提前天售罄。”也是作为一个例子来说明这一现象。故选G项。
    前文“None of the above would be possible without China's success in pandemic control.(如果没有中国在控制疫情方面的成功,以上这些都是不可能的)”中的success in pandemic control,与D项“国家的防治措施已经生效。”中的prevention and control measures take effect,语义相关,叙述一致。故选D项。
    根据后文“Mass vaccination campaigns in major cities, often tourist destinations, provide further security for travelers to make fearless plans and feel free to travel around the country.(在主要城市,通常是旅游目的地,大规模的疫苗接种运动为旅行者提供了进一步的安全保障,使他们可以制定无畏的计划,并且可以自由地在全国各地旅行)”可知,本段重点介绍中国国内疫苗稳定有序进展,保证了旅行的安全。F项“中国的疫苗接种工作正在有序、稳定地进行。”符合题意,适合做本段中心句。故选F项。
    分析全文,并根据前句“Other data showed that higher-end hotels and higher-quality services have been more welcome this year.(其他数据显示,高端酒店和高质量的服务今年更受欢迎)”可知,各类高端旅游服务大受欢迎,这说明中国的消费形势大好,B项“所有这些都表明了消费的趋势。”符合题意。故选B项。
    41. Judging from the look and voice Hyde is considered all of the following except . ________
    A. unfriendly B. unpleasant C. mischievous D. mysterious
    42. Dr. Lanyon died from________
    A. his bad life habit and poor health
    B. the confusion and fear he suffered
    C. the poisonous potion he took before
    D. the strong desire 1o assist his friend
    43. lake tums t0 the police office for help. but the policeman seems________ .
    A. helpful .
    B. impatient
    C. reliable
    D. mean
    44. Which of the following about Alexander Wyatt, Jake's father, is WRONG?
    A. He left home when Jake was ten years old.
    B. He had an affair with a young archaeologist
    C. He used to be married to Nat's mum.
    D. He has got a girlfriend called Melissa.
    45. What can we lean from THE STRANGE CASE OF DOCTOR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE?
    A. Everyone should find a true friend to depend on in his life.
    B. When meting a strong opponent, we should defat him without mercy.
    C. Good and evil coexist in one's subconscious mind and unexplored inner comer.
    D People should get along well and grow together with others.
    When I tell people my sister is 11 months older than me, some are quite surprised at how close we must be. But we couldn't be more ____41____ or distant. I am louder and taller while she is quieter and shorter. When young, I rode____42____ Michigan forests on my bike while she buried her head in books.
    ____43____ my sister and I have grown up, our relationship bears the tension of that childhood state. Especially after my mother developed a cancer, my relationship with my sister ____44____. She always threw suggestions that felt____45____ about my daily caretaking. It was hard to imagine that our relationship could ever improve after my mother ____46____.
    ____47____ COVID-19 spreading fast, I turned to Chinese dramas to ease my____48____, which were my mother's favorite. I started with the hit “Go Ahead”(以家人之名),a____49____ story about three children from broken families who come together and form a new harmonious one. I found myself missing my____50____ more than ever. Therefore, I texted my sister what I might have told my mother—that she had to watch the show.____51____ , she decided to watch with me. As we watched more dramas, our conversations became ____52____
    Over the past year, my sister and I have watched so many Chinese dramas together that I've lost ____53____. I could never have imagined how Chinese dramas could help me build a new harmonious relationship with my sister—a(n)____54____ to make up for lost time. As I search for something new to watch with my sister, it____55____ me: Our mum would have loved watching these shows with us too.
    41. A. alike . B. different C. suitable D. concerned
    42. A. over B. across C. down D. through
    43. A. Although . B. Because . C. If D. Since
    44. A. improved B. remained C. worsened D. interrupted
    45. A. blame B. pride C. praise D. trick
    46. A. gave away B. gave out C. passed away D. passed by
    47. A. For B. With C. Among D. By
    48. A. happiness B. disappointment C. enjoyment D. anxiety
    49. A. heart-warming B. heart-breaking C. life-saving D. life-threatening
    50. A. classmate B. mother C. father D. relatives
    51. A. Unexpectedly B. Disappointedly C. Deliberately D. Unluckily
    52. A. acuter B. deeper C. wiser . D. shorter
    53. A. control B. way C. direction D. count
    54. A. access B. route C. key . D. chance
    55. A. counts on B. hits on C. dawns on D. lives on
    【答案】41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. A 52. B 53. D 54. D 55. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我们之间的差异和距离再远不过了。A. alike相似的;B. different不同的;C. suitable合适的;D. concerned担心的。根据下文可知,我长得高,声音大,喜欢运动,而姐姐个子矮,安静,喜欢读书,我们两个完全不一样。故选B项。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:年轻的时候,我骑着自行车穿过密歇根的森林,而她却埋头读书。A. over越过;B. across (从平面)穿过;C. down向下;D. through (从内部)穿过。根据句意可知,“骑自行车穿过森林”是从空间内部穿过,through表示“从内部穿过”。故选D项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然我和姐姐都长大了,但我们的关系仍然承受着童年时期的紧张。A. Although虽然;B. Because因为;C. If如果;D. Since自从。根据句意“我们长大了,关系仍然紧张”可知,两句有转折关系。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:特别是在我母亲患了癌症之后,我和姐姐的关系恶化了。A. improved提升;B. remained依然,剩下;C. worsened变糟,恶化;D. interrupted打断。根据句中Especially( 特别是,尤其)可知下文是对上文情况进一步补充和强调,说明我们的关系变得更糟。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她总是不时表明对我的日常照顾的责备。A. blame责备;B. pride自豪;C. praise赞扬;D. trick把戏。根据上文“Especially after my mother developed a cancer, my relationship with my sister 4 .”可知,我们的关系在母亲患了癌症后变得更糟,句中姐姐对我的blame(责备)是导致变更糟的原因,是对上文是解释。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:很难想象在我母亲去世后,我们的关系会有任何改善。A. gave away赠送,泄露;B. gave out发出,分发;C. passed away去世;D. passed by通过。根据上文母亲患癌症,可知此处是指下在母亲去世后,我与姐姐渐渐疏远。故选C项。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:随着COVID-19的快速传播,我转向中国电视剧来缓解我的焦虑,这是我母亲最喜欢的。A. For为了;B. With随着,因为;C. Among在……中间;D. By通过。结合句意可知,COVID-19的快速传播是我转向中国电视剧介词with(随着)构成复合结构,作状语。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着COVID-19的快速传播,我转向中国电视剧来缓解我的焦虑,这是我母亲最喜欢的。A. happiness快乐;B. disappointment失望;C. enjoyment愉快;D. anxiety焦虑。结合常识和句中动词ease(减轻,缓解)可知,在COVID-19大流行期间我用中国电视剧来缓解焦虑。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从热门电视剧《以家人之名》开始,这是一个感人的故事,讲的是三个来自破碎家庭的孩子走到一起,组成一个新的和谐家庭。A. heart-warming感人的;B. heart-breaking令人心碎的;C. life-saving救命的;D. life-threatening威胁生命的。根据下文“about three children from broken families who come together and form a new harmonious one”可知这是一个关于亲情的感人的故事。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我发现自己比从前任何时候都想念母亲。A. classmate同学;B. mother妈妈;C. father父亲;D. relatives亲戚。根据下文“Therefore, I texted my sister what I might have told my mother”可知,我把我想告诉母亲的话告诉姐姐,说明我是想母亲了。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,她决定和我一起看。A. Unexpectedly出乎意料地;B. Disappointedly失望地;C. Deliberately故意地;D. Unluckily不幸地。根据上文可知,我和姐姐一直关系紧张,但现在她居然决定和我一起看电视剧,这种情况出乎我的意料。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着我们看更多的电视剧,我们的对话变得更深入。A. acuter更严重的;B. deeper更深的;C. wiser更明智的;D. shorter更短的。通过看更多的电视剧我和姐姐有了更多的交流,常识可知,我们的交流越来越深入。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在过去的一年里,我和姐姐一起看了太多的中国电视剧,我都记不清楚了。A. control控制;B. way方式;C. direction方向;D. count总数,计数。根据句中“I have watched so many Chinese dramas”可知我在强调我们一起看的中国电视剧数量之多,lost count“不计其数”,符合语境。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有想过中国电视剧可以帮助我和我的姐姐建立一个新的、和谐的关系——一个弥补失去的时间的机会。A. access通道,方法;B. route路线;C. key关键;D. chance机会。根据语境可知,看中国电视剧是修复和弥补我和姐姐关系的一次机会。故选D项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当我在寻找和姐姐一起看的新节目时,我突然意识到:我们的妈妈也会喜欢和我们一起看这些节目的。A. counts on指望,依靠;B. hits on想出;C. dawns on渐渐明白;D. lives on靠……生活。下文“Our mum would have loved watching these shows with us too.”是我的感悟,是我在搜寻电视剧时明白的道理。故选C项。
    Coffee is probably the world's least expensive success power tool. Coffee builds better teams and improves leadership ability. Coffee also____56____ (strength) the immune system. Besides, it may even increase ____57____ (you) lifespan.
    ____58____ (fortunate) we may not be enjoying the benefits or pleasures of coffee too much longer. According to ecologists, there's____59____ good chance that in 20 or 30 years, the varieties of coffee we drink today will be extinct. And we'll be drinking either a coffee replacement, ____60____ some almost-coffee drinks that resemble the coffee we enjoy today.
    The problem, of course, is the pace____61____ climate change. In the past twenty years, due to climate change, environmental stress ____62____ (create). It gives rise to the spread of pests and plant diseases, ____63____ cause damage to the coffee crop and create the possibility of a species-destroying rot.
    What can you do? Well, take the time____64____ (enjoy) each cup of coffee you drink. Beyond that, stop electing the____65____ (politician) who deny climate change.
    【答案】56. strengthens
    57. your 58. Unfortunately
    59. a 60. or
    61. of 62. has been created
    63. which 64. to enjoy
    65. politicians
    考查副词。句意:不幸的是,我们可能不会享受咖啡带来的好处或乐趣太久。根据we may not be enjoying the benefits or pleasures of coffee too much longer可知这是一件不幸的事情,因此用副词“unfortunately”,作状语,位于句首首字母大写。故填Unfortunately。
    考查冠词。句意:根据生态学家的说法,很有可能在二三十年后,我们今天喝的咖啡品种将会灭绝。a good chance好机会,chance是可数名词,以辅音音素开头,前用不定冠词a表泛指。故填a。
    考查介词。句意:当然,问题在于气候变化的速度。the pace of...(……的步伐),是固定短语。故填of。
    考查时态和语态。句意:在过去的二十年里,由于气候变化,环境压力已经产生。此处缺乏谓语,根据时间状语in the past twenty years可知应该使用现在完成时,此外,主语environmental stress与谓语动词create为动宾关系,所以此处应该使用现在完成时的被动语态。主语environmental stress是不可数,谓语用单数形式。故填has been created。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:好吧,花点时间享受你喝的每一杯咖啡。take the time to do sth.(花时间做某事),用动词不定式(to do)形式。故填to enjoy。
    66. C________ how much time people spend in offices, it is important that work spaces should be well designed. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    67. Nowadays, not every student b________ to read through their own compositions and make corrections where necessary. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:现在,并不是每个学生都费心通读自己的作文,在必要的地方进行修改。分析句子结构可知,此空是句子谓语动词。根据单词首字母以及bother to do sth.“费心做某事”,符合句意,可知此空用动词bother的适当形式。根据时间状语nowadays以及句意可知,此句描述的是现在的客观情况,应用一般现在时态,主语是not every student,谓语用单数。故填bothers。
    68. His fluent English gave him an e________ over other candidates in applying for the job. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    69. Much to the surprise of everyone, that skilled athlete w________ from the championship at the last moment. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:使每个人都大吃一惊的是,那个有经验的运动员在最后一刻退出了冠军赛。分析句子并根据首字母提示可知,空处应填谓语动词withdraw,表达“退出”之意。根据at the last moment可知,句子应使用一般过去时。故填withdrew。
    70. The sports meet, o________to be held last week, was cancelled because of the weather. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查副词。句意:原定于上周举行的运动会由于天气原因取消了。结合首字母提示,分析句子可知,空格处应填入副词originally修饰动词不定式to be held。故填originally。
    71. Teachers as well as parents are supposed to help the children realize their________(潜力). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    72. Cycling is highly b________ (有好处) to our health and the environment as well. (根据中英文提示填空)
    73. As far as possible, teachers should________ (使接触) their students to real life situations. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    74. The minister of that country was found guilty of________ (密谋) the downfall of the current government. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    75. There are________ (可替代的) ways for you to express the same idea when you are faced with problems with your composition. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    第四部分书面表达 (满分35分)
    76. 现在网络上有许多关于英语学习的app,对于平时的英语学习中是否应该使用这些app,最近你在学校高二年级进行了一次调查,发现同学们的看法各不相同。请你为校报英语板块写一篇新闻报道,内容包括:
    1. 70%的学生支持,30%的学生反对,并简述原因;
    1. 写作词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Recently, I've made a survey in Senior Two on whether students should make use of various English learning apps on the Internet. Opinions vary.
    【答案】One possible version:
    Recently, I’ve made a survey in Senior One on whether students should make use of various English learning apps on the Internet. Opinions vary.
    70% of the respondents are in favor of using these learning apps, convinced that the apps help improve their listening as well as expand vocabulary. Besides, they can refer to these apps whenever and wherever possible, thus broadening their horizons.
    However, the rest 30% hold the opposite view. They argue that students tend to rely on these apps, which in turn make them unable to think independently. Worse still, some apps may even contain wrong and harmful information.
    From where I stand, I contend that we students should take good advantage of these apps and meanwhile develop our own thinking.
    支持:in favor of→support
    此外:besides→what’s more
    依靠:rely on→depend on
    原句:70% of the respondents are in favor of using these learning apps, convinced that the apps help improve their listening as well as expand vocabulary.
    拓展句:70% of the respondents who are in favor of using these learning apps convince that the apps help improve their listening as well as expand vocabulary.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Besides, they can refer to these apps whenever and wherever possible, thus broadening their horizons.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] They argue that students tend to rely on these apps, which in turn make them unable to think independently.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    77. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150 左右。
    Four men once came to a wet place in the roadless forest to fish. They cast their tent upon pine-clothed rocks. On sweet-smelling branches they slept the sleep of unsuccessful fishermen, for the sun made them lazy and the rain made them wet in turn. Finally they ate the last bit of bacon and the last wonderful cake.
    Immediately a little man volunteered to stay and hold the camp while the remaining three should go miles to a farmhouse for supplies. They looked at him dismally (沮丧地). “There's only one of you — the devil is your brother,” they said and disappeared down the hill. Then night came and the three had not returned. The little man sat close to the campfire and added branches. Suddenly he heard the coming rustle (沙沙声) of the dead leaves. The little man arose slowly to his feet, his clothes refused to fit his back, his pipe dropped from his mouth, and his knees struck each other. “Hah!” he cried. A low voice replied and a bear paced into the light of the fire. The little man supported himself upon a tree and recognized his visitor — a bear.
    The bear was obviously an experienced fighter, for its fur had become deep yellow with age. There was confidence in his small pace and in his shining eyes. It rolled back its lips and exposed its white teeth. The fire enlarged the red of its mouth. The little man had never come across the terrible animal before and was too scared to breathe. “Ah!” The bear interpreted this silence as a gladiator (角斗士). It approached cautiously and slowly. As it came near, the boots of fear were suddenly upon the little man's feet. He cried out and then ran around the campfire. “Ho!” said the bear to himself, “this thing won't fight — he runs. Well, let me catch him.” It started strongly around the campfire. The little man screamed and ran violently. Twice around they went.
    In desperation the little man flew into the tent.
    The little man went into giggling (咯咯笑).
    【答案】One possible version:
    In desperation the little man flew into the tent. The bear stopped, sniffed at the entrance and advanced silently, blood burning, hair erect, face dropping. The little man trembled awkwardly under the coat at the end of the tent. Abruptly, the bear made a jump with his paw grabbing his coat tails. The bear drew the coat into the tent and took two bites, a punch and a hug before he discovered his man was not in it. After a short break, a roar came from the tent. The bear had disturbed the center pole and brought a chaos of canvas upon his head. With a crash fell the tent.
    The little man went into giggling. The trapped monster failed to rid himself of the tent. Then came the three men. They saw their tent approaching. The three men dropped their supplies and hurried to one side, their eyes filled with fear. Rolling around in the place for a while, the bear was too tired to move. Immediately, the three fear-stricken individuals ran to catch it. At this point, the little man sprang at them. “My brother come to see you,” he shouted.
    ①停止:stop / pause
    ②前进:advance /step forward
    ③发现:discover / find
    ①恐惧:fear / dread
    ②胆战心惊:fear-stricken / very frightening
    【点睛】[高分句型1] The bear drew the coat into the tent and took two bites, a punch and a hug before he discovered his man was not in it.(由连接词before引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] The three men dropped their supplies and hurried to one side, their eyes filled with fear. (独立主格结构)

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