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    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    D yu like museums? Have yu been t the Luvre in Paris, the Museum f Anthrplgy in Mexic City r any f thse ther “must see” museums? Well, nw it’s time t g ff the beaten path. There are sme museums that try t be a little different.
    The Kimchi Museum, Seul, Suth Krea
    If yu dn’t knw abut kimchi, a trip t the Kimchi Museum is an eye-pening experience. The museum was funded in 1986 t highlight Suth Krea’s rich kimchi culture. The shw includes displays f cking utensils and materials related t making, string, and eating the famus pickled vegetables. The museum als prvides details abut the histry and nutritinal (有营养的) benefits f Suth Krea’s mst belved side dish. Finally, stp by the suvenir (纪念品) shp t try varius types f kimchi. Dn’t frget t buy yur favurite kind t bring hme fr dinner!
    The Museum f Gld, Bgta, Clmbia
    If yu want t see beautiful bjects, the Museum f Gld is the place. It hlds ne f Suth America’s mst amazing cllectins. Because the exhibits (展品) shine s brightly, yu can take phtgraphs withut using a flash n yur camera! Nt everything is made f gld, thugh. Amng the exhibits are ancient pre-Clumbian items. Many f them are made frm a mixture f gld and cpper, knwn as tumbaga. The museum als features cins, jewelry, and pieces f rare art.
    The Chclate Museum, Clgne, Germany
    The Chclate Museum will teach yu everything abut chclate-frm cca bean t candy bars. Yu’ll learn abut chclate’s 3,000-year histry and discver hw it was nce used as mney in Suth America. Did yu knw that it wasn’t ppular in Eurpe until the nineteenth century? A real chclate factry shws yu hw chclate is made. After yu’ve finished the tur, yu can have a free drink f rich, sticky pure chclate-perfect fr thse with a sweet tth.
    21.What is the main characteristic f the exhibits in the Museum f Gld?
    A.They are made entirely f pure gld.
    B.They are ancient pre-Clumbian items.
    C.They shine brightly, allwing flash-free phtgraphy.
    D.They are made f tumbaga, a mixture f gld and cpper.
    22.What d the museums in Seul and Clgne in the passage have in cmmn?
    A.They display amazing cllectins f the fd.
    B.They ffer visitrs a chance t taste the fd.
    C.They sell varieties f suvenirs abut the fd.
    D.They tell visitrs the nutritinal benefits f the fd.
    23.Where can yu find this passage?
    A.In a textbk.B.In an advertisement.C.In a brchure.D.In an encyclpedia.
    Mst f us knw abut hurricanes, drughts, and flds. But frm time t time, nature delivers a weather event that is really unusual.
    One day in 2005, peple in a small twn in Serbia saw an unusual sight. It was raining frgs! Withut any warning, they fund their streets filling with the little jumping creatures. “There were thusands f them,” ne persn tld a lcal newspaper. “I thught perhaps a plane carrying frgs had explded (爆炸),” said anther. Scientists believe a trnad passed ver a lake and sucked (吸) up the frgs. It then drpped them n the twn, far away. Surprisingly, many survived the fall t the grund.
    As if trnades aren’t dangerus enugh, sme can actually be made f fire. When a wildfire reaches very high temperatures, it causes the air t heat up and then rise. Cler air mves quickly t replace the ht air. This create s strng winds, which suck up the fire. When this happens-like it did in 2014, in Denver, United States-a fire trnad is created. A trnad like this can becme 15meters wide and grw as tall as a 40-stre y building. It is ne f nature’s mst frightening creatins.
    In 1942, hundreds f thusand-year-ld skeletns (骨架) were fund under the ice f Lake Rpkund in the Himalayas. Many had hles in their skulls-but they weren’t hurt in any ther way. Fr years, the cause f their deaths was a mystery. Tday, scientists think they were killed by giant hailstnes. Hailstnes are balls f ice that frm when raindrps turn int ice. The ice pieces increase in size until the wind cannt hld them up. This results in hailstnes falling t the grund, ften at speeds f ver 160 kilmeters an hur. Fr the unlucky peple at Lake Rpkund, there was nwhere t run. Sadly, they were all killed that day.
    24.Why did the frgs appear in Serbia ne day in 2005?
    A.A large fld washed the frgs dwn.B.The frgs were brught by heavy rains.
    C.A plane carrying the frgs had explded.D.The frgs were drpped by a strng wind.
    25.What des the underlined wrd “this” refer t in paragraph 3?
    A.Ht air rises frm the fire.B.Strng winds suck up the fire.
    C.Cler air remves the ht air.D.Wildfires reach high temperatures.
    26.What can we knw abut the skeletns at Lake Rpkund?
    A.They were turned int ice balls.B.They had n signs f injury.
    C.They shwed the frce f nature.D.They were hundreds f years ld.
    27.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.When Strange Weather StrikesB.Prtect Ourselves In Disasters
    C.The Great Pwer f NatureD.What Causes Extreme Weather
    Guangzhu has lng been famus fr varius kinds f flwers and lcal peple have develped their enthusiasm fr flwers since the time f Nanyue King in the Western Han Dynasty, which was funded ver 2,000 years ag.
    Accrding t histrical recrds, in the Western Han Dynasty, blming flwers were seen everywhere in ancient Guangzhu, als knwn as Cantn. Many peple, whether men r wmen, wre flwers as decratins (装饰). There were even mre varieties f flwers and plants grw n in the ryal garden wned by Zha Tu, the funder f Nanyue Kingdm.
    During the Tang and Sng dynasties, Huadi, the land f flwers in Chinese, lcated in present-day Fangcun area f Guangzhu, was where Datng Prt (港口), a majr harbr fr freign trade, lay. Many businessmen frm different places brught varius flwer seeds t the prt by sea, turning a large wetland int flwer fields. Besides, Cantnese farmers als grew flwers n the farmlands f thirty-three villages lcated suth f the Pearl River.
    The flwer trade als cntributed t the bm (繁荣) f Cantn, which was the starting pint f the ancient Maritime Silk Rad (海上丝绸之路). As early as the Western Han Dynasty, peple f Lingnan regin had sailed t Sri Lanka. In the Tang and Sng dynasties, a shipping rute f ver 14,000 kilmeters was established, allwing peple t travel t as far as the Persian Gulf. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, several cean-crssing rutes had cnnected Cantn with many ther parts f the wrld. In the perid f Emperr Qianlng in the Qing Dynasty, Cantn was served as the nly prt pen fr freign trade.
    Starting ff frm the Lingnan regin, all kinds f flwers fund their way t the West, including camellia and Chinese rse, which were develped int mre varieties in nly 300 years.
    The ancient Maritime Silk Rad played a key rle in supprting the selling f lcally-grwn flwers f the Lingnan regin t ther cuntries. It als brught special freign flwers frm cuntries and regins alng the rute t Cantn, which prmted the city’s fame fr giving peple excellent views f blssms f flwers in all seasns.
    28.What’s the functin f paragraph 2?
    A.T intrduce the tpic.B.T make a cmparisn.
    C.T raise readers’ interest.D.T supprt the cntent abve.
    29.What was Huadi knwn fr during the Tang and Sng dynasties?
    A.Being a majr harbr fr freign trade within China.
    B.Develping new varieties f flwers in nly 300 years.
    C.Grwing varius flwer seeds brught by businessmen.
    D.Serving as the starting pint f the Maritime Silk Rad.
    30.What can be inferred frm paragraph 4 ?
    A.The ancient Maritime Silk Rad led t the flwer trade in Cantn.
    B.Emperr Qianlng paid special attentin t Cantn’s develpment.
    C.Cantn develped int the starting pint f the lng wrld trade rute.
    D.Trade with freigners decreased t a large degree in the Qing Dynasty.
    31.What’s the main idea f the text?
    A.Huadi had an imprtant effect n the develpment f Cantn.
    B.Cantn’s ecnmic success rts back t the Western Han Dynasty.
    C.The lng-standing traditin f flwer cntributed t Cantn’s histry.
    D.The Maritime Silk Rad was frmed due t the flwer trade in Cantn.
    One year after WildAid started its new prgram t prtect cean wildlife in China, Chinese wrld-famus pianist Lang Lang has jined the latest public campaign (运动), “Play Yur Part in the Oceans Symphny” n Friday.
    The campaign vide public service annuncement (PSA) impressed the public with Lang Lang playing his sng “Stay”, greatly calling attentin t the beauty and imprtance f prtecting the marine life in China’s waters such as whale sharks, sea turtles, dlphins and sptted seals.
    A new series f messages calls n the public t help prtect marine bidiversity (生物多样性) by supprting marine prtected areas (MPAs) and the prtectin f cean wildlife. The campaign vide PSA and billbards, which will be displayed acrss China, were released (发布) at a Beijing press event hsted by WildAid, with China Green Carbn Fundatin and the First Institute f Oceangraphy f the Ministry f Natural Resurces (FIO) as key partners.
    Ranked amng “the wrld’s 100 mst influential peple” by Time magazine, Lang Lang has served as WildAid ambassadr fr mre than 12 years, cntributed t prtecting endangered wildlife and nature. Speaking at the event he said, “we can all play ur part in prtecting ur ceans by taking simple steps, such as refusing t eat endangered wildlife such as sea turtles, reprting illegal wildlife trade, and reducing the use f single-use plastics.”
    WildAid als designed nline activities fr this campaign in which Lang Lang invites users t re-create his sng “Stay” thrugh the tw mst ppular scial platfrms in China: Weib and Tik Tk.
    Lang Lang jined this campaign fllwing a survey reprt cnducted by WildAid and FIO that discusses public awareness f MPAs and marine bidiversity in China.
    The reprt finds that mre than 80% f the survey takers believe that MPAs are very imprtant, but their understanding f the functins f MPAs is lw. Mre than half d nt knw the term “marine bidiversity” and have nt received enugh infrmatin abut marine prtectin.
    “Play Yur Part in the Oceans Symphny” campaign PSA and billbards will be given ut at utdr places acrss China, reaching millins f viewers.
    32.What is the purpse f the latest PSA f WrldAid?
    A.T shw the special beauty f marine life in China’s waters.
    B.T stress the imprtance f prtecting China’s cean wildlife.
    C.T call n the public t supprt marine prtected areas (MPAs).
    D.T invite wrld-famus pianist Lang Lang t jin the campaign.
    33.What des Lang Lang ask peple t d t prtect the cean life?
    A.Reprt illegal wildlife hunting t FIO.B.Stp eating endangered wildlife.
    C.Re-create his sng “Stay” n line.D.Call n friends t jin the campaign.
    34.What is ne f the findings f the survey reprt?
    A.Lts f Chinese d nt clearly knw hw t prtect the cean life.
    B.The Chinese public wuld like t help prtect marine bidiversity.
    C.The Chinese public awareness f marine bidiversity shuld be raised.
    D.Weib and Tik Tk are the tw mst ppular scial platfrms in China.
    35.Which f the fllwing best describe the campaign PSA?
    There’s a part f yur brain that prcesses faces. It’s lcated, accrding t scientist Nancy Austen, in the area “just behind and underneath, and a bit frm yur right ear.” It’s called the fusifrm gyrus (花状回). 36 . Yu’ll tell yurself, “That’s Bb ” It als sends ut messages t ther parts f the bdy that add emtins t the infrmatin, such as “I like him. He’s my friend.” 37 when an accident, illness, r hereditary gene (遗传基因) breaks the cnnectins between the fusifrm gyrus and ther parts f the brain?
    There are peple wh may see a particular persn’s face every day f their lives and still nt recgnize it. They see a nse, teeth, and cheeks, but when these are put tgether, they cannt keep a memry f it 38 . Researchers say that as many as 1 in 50 peple suffer frm sme frm f the cnditin.
    39 Anther best knwn sufferer f prspagnsia is the neurlgist and psychiatrist Dr Sacks, a famus authr f the best-selling bks, ne f which was made int an Oscar-nminated film. As a lifelng sufferer f extreme face blindness, Sacks has said that his cnditin is s severe that he ften desn’t recgnize his wn face.
    Sufferers f face blindness must develp ther ways f recgnizing cwrkers, friends, and family. 40 Jane Gdall says, “I usually make up fr it by pretending t recgnize everybdy. And then, if they say, ‘But we haven’t met befre,’ I say, ‘Well, yu lk just like smebdy I knw.’ ”
    A.But what happens
    B.S what can peple d
    C.Whenever yu see smene yu knw, it tells yu wh he is
    D.Jane Gdall has spent all her time in studying chimps in the wild
    E.Jane Gdall, the wrld’s leading expert n chimps (黑猩猩), has it
    F.The medical term fr this cnditin is prspagnsia, mre cmmnly called face blindness
    G.They remember single feature s instead, such as a specific style f clthing, r an extra tthy smile
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Mia, Clin and Laurent will becme blind, prbably in adulthd. They have a disease that has n 41 treatments (治疗) and the cells in the middle f the eyes, used fr seeing in clr and fr everyday activities like reading, will die finally. As a result, it gradually takes away their 42 .
    When the mther, Edith knew this, she hugged her husband, Sebastien in 43 , saying, “Everything we hpe fr ur children, fr their future, fr what they culd becme, has t 44 ” S the idea f a year-lng trip was 45 , ne that wuld shw the kids the wrld, nt thrugh 2D picture bks and lecture s in a classrm, but 46 and clse-up, frm muntains t valleys and waterfalls.
    Fr the next tw years, Edith and Sebatien saved mney, 47 places t visit and asked their children what they wanted t d n their big trip. In early 2022, they started. Edith and Sebatien 48 their jbs, rented ut their hme fr the next year and gathered textbks s the kids culd study French and mathematics a few times a week. The rest f the time, they wuld be 49 frm the wrld arund them-the 50 teacher f all.
    Each day, Edith and Sebatien watched their kids change, 51 and emtinally. The family itself grew much clser and prtective f each ther, which helped when they 52 difficult situatins. After travelling 83,700 kilmeters and visiting 13 cuntries, the kids thught abut what they have learned abut the wrld and themselves. They said, “There’s a lt f 53 and pverty (贫穷), but lts f gd and interesting things, t. Kids are kids everywhere, just like us, but with their wn 54 and traditins ” Fr the parents, they knw there is still sme hpe but they think little f it, because they want their kids t live 55 lives, whether they are blind r nt.
    46.A.fr allB.n timeC.with respectD.in persn
    52.A.thught abutB.benefited frmC.came acrssD.referred t
    Minr Cld, als called Xiahan, is the 23rd slar term f the 24 traditinal Chinese slar terms, which marks 56 start f the cldest days f the year. Thugh it’s called “Minr Cld”, there have nly been a few years 57 the temperature during this perid was higher than the fllwing “Majr Cld”. Many Chinese 58 (say) use the weather and climate situatin during Minr Cld 59 (predict) the weather in the fllwing spring. Still, bitter cld can’t prevent peple frm enjying their lives. During Minr Cld, peple always start string New Year gds, 60 (include) New Year pictures, paper cuts fr windws and lanterns.
    As fr seasnal fd, muttn ht pt, chestnuts and baked sweet ptates are three 61 (recmmend), fds fr Minr Cld. Accrding t traditinal Chinese medicine theries, peple need t eat fd with mre yang energy t prevent cld frm harming 62 (they) health The yang energy in the three types f fd 63 (imprve) thrugh their methds f cking: biling, stir frying and baking. Anther imprtant traditinal fd fr Minr Cld is Laba prridge. Lcal peple in Beijing ften ck Lab a prridge 64 the night f the seventh day f the twelfth lunar mnth. Minr Cld is als the 65 (bus) time fr dctrs f traditinal Chinese medicine. Many peple need them t prepare new medicines befre the Lunar New Year.
    第四部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)
    66.The bus stp arund the crner is prbably the mst ______ (方便的).
    67.The president made an ______ (官方的) visit t the neighbur cuntry in March.
    68.The diary prvides a clear ______ (描述) f farming life in the 1850s.
    69.At the end f the game, players traditinally ______ (交换) shirts with each ther.
    70.When Mike saw Granny Wang fell t the grund, he ______ (立刻) stpped what he was ding t help her.
    71.She was s angry that she ______ (威胁) t cancel the whle prject at nce.
    72.Mst peple were fast asleep when the hurricane ______ (侵袭) the village at 4:05 am.
    73.He is famus fr ______ (更喜欢) t let his music d the talking rather than give interviews.
    74.The exercise bviusly will imprve ______ (力气).
    75.Jacksn made great ______ (贡献) t children’s medicine.
    One f his finest wrks ______ ______ t 1880s.
    A sudden feeling f grief ______ all my anger ______.
    Rita’s parents were away last week, s I went ver and ______ ______ ______ .
    Wrld gvernments are becming increasingly ______ ______ rising glbal temperature levels.
    Learning t be ______ ______ ne’s actin and make decisins is an imprtant part f the jurney twards yung adulthd.
    If they ______ ______ ther things, they might nt be able t achieve prestige in sprts.
    If yu rely n yurself and trust yur wn talents, yur effrts will ______ ______ in the end.
    Dear Tm,
    I am glad t hear frm yu____________________________________________________________________
    Li Hua
    21-23 CBC24-27 DBCA28-31 DCCC32-35 BBAC
    七选五 36-40 CAFEG
    41-45 BCACB46-50 DACBD51-55 ACDBA
    56.the57.when58.sayings 59.t predict 60.including 61.recmmended
    62.their 63.is imprved 64.n 65.busiest 66.cnvenient 67.fficial
    68.descriptin 69.exchange 70.immediately
    71.threatened72.hit/struck73.preferring 74.strength 75.cntributin
    76.dates back77.swept away78.kept her cmpany79.anxius abut80.respnsible fr
    81.fcus n 82.make sense

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