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    选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)
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    选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)

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    Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
    tbacc n.烟草;烟叶cue n.提示;暗示;信号 vt.给(某人)暗示(或提示)facilitate vt.促进;促使;使便利escalatr n.自动扶梯;滚梯
    surgen n.外科医生surgery n.外科手术;外科学liberatin n.解放;摆脱beard n.胡须;络腮胡子flu n.流感
    nut n.坚果skatebard n.滑板 vi.滑滑板bwling n.保龄球运动
    abuse n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂dminate vt.& vi.支配;控制;占有优势negative adj.消极的;有害的;否定的
    discipline n.自制力;纪律;学科 vt.自我控制;管教;处罚pill n.药片;药丸delete v.删去;删除shave vi.,vt.& n.剃(须发);刮脸
    cigarette n.香烟;卷烟drug n.毒品;药物skip vt.跳过;不参加;悄悄溜走 vi.蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳 n.蹦跳
    dizzy adj.头晕目眩的stimulate vt.激发;促进;刺激dentist n.牙科医生dynamic adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的cmedy n.喜剧;喜剧片;滑稽节目
    mnthly adv.& adj.每月;每月一次的 n.月刊enhance vt.提高;增强;增进
    alchl n.酒;酒精→alchlic adj.(含)酒精的 n.酗酒者physical adj.身体的;客观存在的;物理学的→physically adv.身体上;肉体上
    repeatedly adv.重复地→repeat vt.重复→repeated adj.重复的→repetitin n.重复
    psychlgy n.心理学;心理;心理影响→psychlgical adj.心理(学)的→psychlgist n.心理学家reward n.回报;奖励;报酬 vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬→rewarding adj.有益的;有意义的;报酬高的
    rely vi.依赖;依靠;信赖→reliable adj.可信赖的;可靠的examine vt.(仔细)检查;审查;测验→examinatin n.考试(=exam);检查;审查
    pessimistic adj.悲观的;悲观主义的→pessimism n.悲观主义cmpse vt.& vi.组成;作曲;撰写→cmpsitin n.组成;作曲;作文→cmpser n.作曲家
    disturb vt.打扰;搅乱;使烦恼→disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的specialist n.专科医生;专家→special adj.特别的;专门的→specially adv.特别地;专门→specialize vt.专门研究;专门从事
    cnsultant n.顾问;高级顾问医师→cnsult vt.& vi.请教;咨询 vt.查阅;参看sugary adj.含糖的;甜的→sugar n.糖
    refresh vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新→refreshing adj.令人振奋的→refreshment n.焕发精神;恢复活力absrb vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收→absrbed adj.专心致志的;全神贯注的
    [拔高词汇] 背选修词汇
    pass neself ff as假装;装作spark /spɑːk/ vt.引发;激发 n.火花;活力amid /ə'mɪd/ prep.在……中shiver /'ʃɪvə(r)/ vi.颤抖;发抖
    gran /ɡrəʊn/ n.呻吟;低沉的声响 vi.& vt.呻吟dm /duːm/ n.厄运;毁灭 vt.注定(失败、毁灭等)tremble /'trembl/ vi.颤抖;担惊受怕weariness /'wɪərɪnɪs/ n.厌倦;筋疲力尽
    twist /twɪst/ vi.& vt.缠绕;旋转;扭曲pierce /pɪəs/ vt.& vi.刺入;刺穿;穿透
    in respnse t回答;答复rely n/upn依赖;依靠;信赖straight away立即;马上decide n/upn决定;选定make up ne’s mind下定决心
    be cmpsed f由……组成(或构成)的shave ff剃掉;刮去stressed ut焦虑不安;心力交瘁wrn ut筋疲力尽的;疲惫的after all毕竟;终究
    T prevent harmful habits like these frm dminating a teenager’s life is essential.(不定式作主语)防止此类有害习惯支配青少年的生活是至关重要的。Fr yung peple,there is plenty f time t change bad habits.(There be+n.+t d...)对于年轻人来说,有大量的时间来改变不良习惯。
    Yu have the pwer t build a happy and healthy life full f gd habits!(形容词短语作后置定语)你有能力构建一种充满良好习惯的快乐、健康的生活!Whenever I went ut with friends,I brught snacks frm hme,things that didn’t have any added sugar: fruit,nuts,dried meat,etc.(whenever引导的让步状语从句)每次和朋友们出去时,我都会从家里带些零食,这些零食没有添加任何糖分:水果、坚果、肉干等。
    Best f all,in my pinin,is hw I feel abut myself.(hw引导的表语从句)在我看来,最棒的是我对自己的感觉。I get refreshed thrugh climbing,spend mre time with my dad,and get t meet new friends.(get+过去分词)通过攀岩,我重新焕发了活力,花更多的时间和爸爸在一起,并开始结识新朋友。
    1.surgery n.__________________ n.____________
    1. n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂2. vt.& vi.支配;控制;占有优势3. vt.激发;促进;刺激4. n.自制力;纪律;学科 vt.自我控制;管教;处罚
    5. adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的6. vt.跳过;不参加;悄悄溜走 vi.蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳 n.蹦跳7. vt.提高;增强;增进8. adv.& adj.每月;每月一次的 n.月刊
    1. n.酒;酒精→ adj.(含)酒精的 n.酗酒者2. adv.重复地→ vt.重复→ adj.重复的→ n.重复
    3. vt.(仔细)检查;审查;测验→ n.考试(=exam);检查;审查4. adj.悲观的;悲观主义的→ n.悲观主义5. vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新→ adj.令人振奋的→ n.焕发精神;恢复活力
    1.pass neself ff as___________2.shiver n.厄运;毁灭 vt.注定(失败、毁灭等)5.________ vi.颤抖;担惊受怕
    1. 焦虑不安;心力交瘁2. 毕竟;终究3. 立即;马上4. 剃掉;刮去5. 下定决心
    stressed ut
    straight away
    make up ne’s mind
    1.Thse wh have a gd knwledge f are called ,wh can handle prblems with ease.(psychlgy)2.Yu will be with a Chinese dictinary fr yur __________suggestins n hw t strengthen my cnfidence.(reward)
    3.His new that he last week attracted lts f attentin,which was beynd ur expectatins.(cmpse)4.What made me annyed was that the nise utside cmpletely my mind.(disturb)5.The welcme party is held fr the wh in surgery.(special)6.Peple must turn t experienced fr help t n sme prfessinal prblems.(cnsult)
    7.Althugh I am in all the materials,I still have difficulty them all at nce.(absrb)8.He regards me as his friend and n me t ffer him sme gd advice.(rely)9.Dn’t cnsume s many fds because t much is harmful t ur health.(sugar)10.T keep healthy,yu shuld participate in mre ________activities.(physical)
    1.Nw that yu have t vercme yur shrtcmings,take actin nw.2. the audience’s great demands,the play will be put n in the theatre twice a week.
    rely n,decide n,make up ne’s mind,be cmpsed f,wrn ut,in respnse t
    made up yur mind
    In respnse t
    3.He always his best friend t help him slve whatever difficulties he cmes acrss in his daily a matter f fact,these birds are in danger f being by singing t much n a daily basis.
    5.Whatever yu want t learn, yur gal befre yu make a plan is the mst knws what water can raise yur hand and tell me yur answer.
    is cmpsed f
    1.爱与被爱是这个世界上最大的幸福。(不定式作主语)______________________________________________________________2.我的新学校有许多要探索的东西,因此,我怀着极大的好奇心到处闲逛。(There be+n.+t d...) ,s I wander arund with great curisity.
    T lve and t be lved is the greatest happiness in the wrld.
    There are a lt f things t explre in my new schl
    3.任何对唐诗感兴趣的学生都可以报名参加这门旨在提高学生对唐诗的理解的选修课程。(形容词短语作后置定语)Any student can sign up fr the ptinal curse designed t enhance students’ understanding f Tang petry.4.无论何时他看到我,他都会以灿烂的笑容和我打招呼。(whenever引导的让步状语从句) ,he will greet me with a bright smile.
    interested in Tang pems
    Whenever he sees me
    5.现在最紧迫的问题是我们如何才能摆脱我们内心深处的恐惧以及如何克服目前的挑战。(hw引导的表语从句)Nw the mst urgent prblem is ____________________________________________________________________________.
    hw we can get rid f fear in ur deep heart and hw we vercme present challenges
    When I saw sme students 1. (dminate) by alchl,tbacc r drugs,I made up my mind t help them “delete” these bad habits.T facilitate a psitive change was the reasn 2. I set up a team which was cmpsed f surgens,specialists in psychlgy,cnsultants and dentists,wh wuld regularly deliver speeches t enhance these students’ 3. (aware) f physical health.Students were 4. (repeat) infrmed f sme tips n hw t get ut f a pessimistic r negative state,
    hw t stay dynamic 5. hw t get refreshed when they were stressed ut r wrn ut.T these students,6. (examine) n a mnthly basis was necessary.They were als advised t participate in bwling matches,g skatebarding r g t see a cmedy t stimulate their enthusiasm in life.Students 7. (give) sugary ckies r nuts straight away if they felt dizzy r gt the flu.Thrugh these activities,mst students decided n changing their bad habits in reward 8. ur help.
    t be examined
    They wuld rely n self-discipline t gvern themselves and culd be absrbed in studying instead f 9. (skip) classes.They prmised t behave 10. (they) in respnse t ur patient guidance.
    n.回报;奖励;报酬 vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬(rewarding adj.有益的;有意义的)
    ·give/ffer a reward t sb fr (ding)sth 为(做)某事而给某人报酬 in reward (fr)作为(对……的)回报、奖赏·reward sb with sth fr (ding) sth 为(做)某事用某物奖赏/酬谢某人
    (1)I will reward yu an electric bike helping me get rid f tbacc abuse.(2)Last week,we tk the freign students in ur schl t experience the authentic tea culture,which turned ut t be extremely ___________(reward).(3)她眼里噙着感激的泪水,坚持要给我们一大笔钱作为对我们及时帮助的奖励。(读后续写之感激心情描写)Tears f gratitude shining in her eyes,she insisted n ffering us a lt f mney .
    in reward fr ur timely help
    vt.吸引全部注意力;使全神贯注;吸收(absrbed adj.专心致志的;全神贯注的)
    (1)He ndded absently,his attentin (absrb) by the cmputer screen.(2)As we all knw,plants can absrb nutrients the sil arund them.
    absrb neself in=be absrbed in全神贯注于……从……中吸收……
    (3)我全神贯注于那个项目,经常忘了吃饭或睡觉。(2022·浙江1月,读后续写)①I that prject,and I frequently frgt abut eating r sleeping.② ,I frequently frgt abut eating r sleeping.(用形容词短语作状语改写)③ ,I frequently frgt abut eating r sleeping.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)
    absrbed myself in/was absrbed in
    Absrbed in that prject
    Absrbing myself in that prject
    (1)Yu can rely n the respnsible cnsultant (help) yu ut,because he is a (rely) persn.
    rely/depend/cunt n/upn sb/sth指望/依靠某人/某事rely n/upn sb t d sth 指望/相信某人会做某事rely n/upn it that...相信……;指望……
    依赖;依靠;信赖(reliable adj.可信赖的;可依赖的;可靠的)
    (2)我最尊敬我的叔叔,因为每当我处于困境中时,我都可以指望他给我一些实用的建议。(2020·全国Ⅰ,书面表达)①I respect my uncle mst because I can ______________________________________________________whenever I am in truble.(rely n/upn sb t d sth)②I respect my uncle mst because I can ____________________________________________________________whenever I am in truble.(rely n/upn it that...)
    rely n/upn him t ffer me
    rely n/upn it that he can ffer me sme practical suggestins
    sme practical suggestins
    change ne’s mind改变主意 mind(bear/keep in mind that...)将……记在心中cme t ne’s mind某事出现在脑海,被突然记起fix ne’s mind n/upn...全神贯注于……mind ne’s wn business别管闲事
    (1)一旦他下定决心,什么都不能改变他的主意。他将全神贯注于他正在做的事情直到实现目标。Once he ,nthing can .He will what he is ding until he achieves his gal.(2)首先,记住你最好按时或者比约定的时间早一些。First f all, yu had better arrive punctually r sme time earlier than the appinted time.
    has made up his mind
    change his mind
    fix his mind n/upn
    bear/keep in mind that
    (3)这个凶神恶煞的人冲我大吼道:“别管闲事。”突然,一个可怕的念头出现在我的脑海里,我感觉体内的血液迅速凝固起来。(读后续写之恐惧心理描写)The fierce-lking man screamed at me,“ .” Suddenly,a terrible thught and I felt that the bld in my bdy frze rapidly.
    Mind yur wn business
    came t my mind
    under stress在压力之下lay/place/put stress n/upn...强调……
    心力交瘁;焦虑不安(stressed adj.焦虑不安的 stress n.压力 vt.强调 stressful adj.压力重的;紧张的)
    (1)Faced with the situatin,he felt extremely ut,which accunted fr his alchl abuse.(stress)
    (2)知道你最近压力很大,我写信给你一些缓解压力的建议。正如我们所强调的,放松的心态对我们的生活和工作都至关重要,所以我们再怎么强调良好心理健康的重要性都不为过。Knwing that yu recently,I am writing t give yu sme advice t ,a relaxed mind is f vital significance t bth ur life and wrk,s we the imprtance f gd mental health .
    have been under great stress
    can’t lay/place/put stress n/upn
    relieve yur stress.As has been stressed
    I get refreshed thrugh climbing,spend mre time with my dad,and get t meet new friends.通过攀岩,我重新焕发了活力,花更多的时间和爸爸在一起,并开始结识新朋友。
    ·本句中的get refreshed是get dne结构,表示被动或变化。·常见的get dne结构: get brken破了     get lst迷路 get punished受到惩罚 get hurt受到伤害 get admitted被录取 get married结婚 get annyed生气 get excited激动 get separated被分开
    (1)汤姆结婚了,他的父母很激动,脸上洋溢着满意的笑容。(读后续写之喜悦心理描写)Tm and his parents ,with their faces expanding with a satisfied smile.(2)他贵重的花瓶被打碎了,他非常生气,双手不受控制地颤抖。 无论谁打破花瓶都将受到惩罚。(读后续写之愤怒心理描写)His valuable vase and he s much that his hands trembled uncntrllably.Whever brke the vase wuld .
    get punished
    (3)丈夫的话伤害了她,因此,她和丈夫分开了。在陌生的树林里摸索前行了很长时间后,简意识到她迷路了,这吓得她大哭起来。(读后续写之恐惧心理描写)Jane by what her husband said,s she frm her husband.Having felt her way in the unfamiliar frest fr a lng time,Jane was cnscius that she ,panicking her int crying.用法点拨 和“be+过去分词”一样,“get+过去分词”也能用于被动结构和系表结构。用于被动结构时,它强调动作的发生;用于系表结构时,它强调状态的变化。
    gt separated
    (1)One hectare f frest can absrb 23 tns f carbn dixide per year.(2)In fact,mst peple nly absrb abut 20 percent f a speaker’s message.(2020·新课标Ⅰ)(3)Mst small shps have been absrbed int big businesses due t the influence f the glbal financial crisis.(4)The lecture cmpletely absrbed the attentin f the audience.
    (1)She kept skipping frm ne tpic f cnversatin t anther.(2)The mther watched her little daughter skip dwn the path.(3)Her daughter started skipping schl,which made her explde with anger.(4)The by skipped frm the meeting rm withut being nticed.(5)Befre ne f these wrkuts,the men skipped breakfast,meaning that they exercised n a cmpletely empty stmach after a lng vernight fast(禁食).(2020·江苏)
    (1)It takes a lt f discipline t g jgging in winter.(2)The schl has a reputatin fr high standards f discipline.(3)The wrkman was disciplined by his cmpany but nt dismissed.(4)The discipline f studying music can help children develp gd wrk habits and imprve self-esteem.
    4.快速阅读下列句子并猜测句中加颜色词汇的汉语意思(1)It is a physical impssibility t be in tw places at nce.(2)The crisis had a negative effect n trade.
    Ⅱ.核心知识强化练——巩固语言知识1.I guarantee yu that if yu take exercise n a regular basis,yu can keep (physical) sme trublesme prblems emerged,I wuld rely ________him t give me a hand.3.I wuld like t invite yu t the exhibitin in reward yur timely and generus help during my stay in peple even (pessimistic) think that in general the trend f peple’s health is declining.
    5.The sales representative was fnd f the bk and decided ___________ buying it straight musical festival was wrthy f being seen and it was cmpsed ____many appealing the cllege entrance (examine),I intend t wrk as a vlunteer in the summer vacatin,ding sme meaningful and (wear) ut,the sculptr lay dwn n the grund,wndering what t d next.
    9. (absrb) in creating realistic paintings,he has gained a high reputatin at hme and depressed representative gt (refresh) after he ran arund the schl playgrund fr half an hur.
    1.众所周知,良好的身体包括身体健康和心理健康,两者都是美好生活的基础。(be cmpsed f)_______________________________________________________________2.为了提高学生的健康意识并使他们保持活力,我们应该保持健康的生活方式。(facilitate;dynamic)_______________________________________________________________
    3.我认为为了实现健康目标,学校应该举办各种课外活动,以利于学生的身心健康。(in respnse t)_______________________________________________________________4.对我们学生来说,虽然每天有大量的家庭作业要做,但我们也应该抽出一些时间做运动来锻炼身体。(there is+n.+t d...)_______________________________________________________________
    5.特别是那些总是专心于学习的人,更应该下定决心每天锻炼,这样他们才能精神抖擞,提高学习效率。(absrb;形容词短语作定语;make up ne’s mind;get+过去分词)_______________________________________________________________
    As is knwn t all,gd health is cmpsed f physical health and mental health,bth f which are the basis f a gd life.T facilitate students’ awareness f health and make them keep dynamic,we shuld keep a healthy lifestyle.As far as I’m cncerned,in respnse t the health gal,schls shuld hld varieties f ut-f-class activities fr the benefit f students’ physical and mental health.Fr us students,thugh there is a large amunt f hmewrk t d every day,we shuld als spare sme time t d exercise t get int the shape.
    Thse always deeply absrbed in study especially shuld make up their minds t wrk ut every day,s that they can get refreshed and imprve their learning efficiency.Just as a famus saying ges,“Where there is a will,there is a way.” With jint effrts,students will end up with a healthy and active schl life.
    健康的生活方式① (分词短语作状语),Tm decided n jgging t relieve his stress.This mrning,he was jgging in the park as usual.Thugh feeling a little dizzy,he ②_______________________________________.Sn,③_________________________________,his feet slipped,and he fell ver,flat n his back ④_______________________(with复合结构).Embarrassed and ached,he struggled t ⑤ ,but failed.
    Having been extremely stressed ut recently
    his mind t finish the last tw laps
    he felt his knees as weak
    his legs wide apart
    get up n ne f his knees
    He had t sit n the grund fr a while,⑥ (分词短语作状语).Minutes later,he seemed t ⑦ ,rse t his feet slwly and ⑧ ,wrn ut.Meanwhile,he prmised t himself that he wuldn’t skip any breakfast and he wuld keep a balance between wrk and life frm then n.
    crssing his legs
    have gt a little refreshed
    dragged his heavy legs back hme

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