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    07 Unit 2 Art and artists 单元测试-高中英(上外版2020必修第三册)
    07 Unit 2  Art and artists 单元测试-高中英(上外版2020必修第三册)01
    07 Unit 2  Art and artists 单元测试-高中英(上外版2020必修第三册)02
    07 Unit 2  Art and artists 单元测试-高中英(上外版2020必修第三册)03
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    上外版 (2020)必修 第三册Unit 2 Art and Artists精品单元测试达标测试

    这是一份上外版 (2020)必修 第三册Unit 2 Art and Artists精品单元测试达标测试,共25页。试卷主要包含了用单词的适当形式完成短文,选用适当的单词或短语补全短文,完形填空,阅读理解,六选四,概要写作,汉译英,开放性作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect.
    Kazu Ishigur wins Nbel Prize in literature
    Kazu Ishigur has wn the Nbel Prize in literature, the Swedish Academy annunced n Octber 5, 2017. Awarded ____1____ 1901, the Nbel Prize in literature has becme the highest hnr f literature. ____2____ the terms set dwn by funder Alfred Nbel, the prize recgnizes a writer wh has prduced in the field f literature the mst utstanding wrk in an ideal directin.
    The British nvelist, brn in Japan, is best knwn fr his nvel “The Remains f the Day”(1989). Permanent secretary f the academy Sara Danius said immediately after the annuncement, “He’s develped an aesthetic universe all his wn. He is explring what yu have t frget ____3____ (survive) in the first place as an individual r as a sciety.”
    Ishigur’s win marks the Nbel’s return t a ____4____ (traditinal) literary authr. Last year, the prize was awarded t American musician Bb Dylan, ____5____ surprising decisin that sparked criticism frm sme quarters. In 2015, the Belarusian investigative jurnalist Svetlana Alexievich wn the prize. Ishigur, n the ther hand, is a much ____6____ (admire) fictin writer wh sits cmfrtably alngside such previus winners as Tni Mrrisn and Alice Munr.
    His wrk is marked by a sense f painful lneliness. Jyce Carl Oates has called Ishigur “ne f ur mst elquent pets f lss.” ____7____ (review) his mst recent nvel, “The Buried Giant,” frmer Washingtn Pst Bk Wrld editr Marie Arana wrte, “His sensibility is neither Japanese nr English; it stands apart frm any ne culture. If these bks have ____8____ in cmmn, it is that an unspken secret is entmbed(埋葬)at each cre ‒ an elusive(难以捉摸的) truth that is inferred, but that n ne quite understands r can fully articulate.”
    Ishigur ____9____ (remain) very much a citizen f the wrld, cnscius f the way peple suffer alienatin (疏远)everywhere. “I lve living in Lndn,”he recently tld the Guardian, “but ____10____ I had t write a ‘Lndn nvel’, I’d prtray the capital as a vampire sucking the bld ut f the rest f the cuntry. I’m amazed peple in Britain accept s quietly this lack f reginal balance.”
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passages by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Fr centuries, tw f the mst intriguing questin abut Lenard da Vinci’s “Mna Lisa” were “Wh?” and “When?” A discvery made at Heidelberg University in 2005 pretty much answered bth. A nte written in a manuscript in the library cnfirmed the ___11___ f da Vinci’s first bigrapher, Girgi Vasari: that the sitter was a merchant’s wife, Lisa Gherardini. The nte als helped ___12___ the masterpiece t between 1503 and 1506.A third mystery—“Where?”—is still in dispute, But n June 3rd a French engineer, Pascal Ctte, declared that he and a cllabratr had identified the landscape in the backgrund f the painting. Arguments had nce been made fr ___13___ f cuntryside in the Marche regin and between Milan and Gena. During a presentatin in Vinci, near Flrence, Mr. Ctte argued that the artist was mre ___14___ depicting a part f his native Tuscany-ne that much interested him at the time. Accrding t this thery, da Vinci ___15___ the area nt as it was, but as, in an unrealized scheme, he intended it t be.
    Mr. Ctte, wh was asked by the Luvre (where the “Mna Lisa” hangs) t create a digital image f the painting, is the inventr f the multispectral (多光谱的) camera: a device that can detect nt nly the drawing belw the surface f an il painting, but als, where they exist, intermediate layers f wrk. It was amng these, under what appears t be a ___16___ rck, that he fund a preparatry sketch shwing that da Vinci intended it t represent a castellated(城堡形的) twer.
    The landscape f the “Mna Lisa” als includes a huge steep cliff. That is similar t ne that da Vinci included in a sketch f a frtress(堡垒) ___17___ by Pisa and Flrence in the war that brke ut between them in 1503 (arund the time he was painting Gherardini). The frtress with the nearby cliff—and a twer, knwn as the Caprna twer—all verlk the river Arn as it snakes frm Flrence t Pisa. All three als ___18___ in drawings made by da Vinci t illustrate a plan abut which, says Mr. Ctte, he became “bsessive”.
    Mr. Ctte argues that a channel that ___19___ thrugh deslate cuntryside at the right f the “Mna Lisa” is t wide t be a rad, as sme have speculated, and is instead the dried-up bed f the Arm as da Vinci pictured it nce his plan had been adpted.
    It never was. But if Mr. Ctte’s thery is right, it might just explain why Gherardini, a Flrentine, wears such a ____20____, if mysterius, smile.
    Tricky Pictures
    With bld, swirling brushstrkes and vivid clrs, Vincent van Ggh’s stirring Starry Night brings t life a unique sky. It’s ne f the mst famus paintings in the wrld. And ____21____ the scenic canvas(画布) can make museum visitrs feel starstruck.
    But seeing the masterpiece ____22____ n a gallery wall isn’t the nly way that art fans can experience its emtinal impact. In fact, sme exhibits give peple a chance t be ____23____ by van Ggh’s celebrated scene. They find themselves surrunded by clrs that dance befre their eyes and ripple at their feet. These exhibitins, in which mving images are ____24____ prjected nt walls, clumns, flrs, and smetimes nt viewers themselves, are examples f immersive art.
    Immersive art desn’t rest n a pedestal(基座) r hang n a wall next t a plaque(匾) printed with facts. And dn’t expect it t fit in a frame r ____25____ familiar expectatins. While immersive art can be hard t characterize, it is generally a multisensry, ____26____ experience that engages viewers and makes them feel like part f the artwrk. One thing is certain—immersive art is ____27____ ppular, selling ut tickets in cities arund the wrld.
    Van Ggh sld just ne painting during his lifetime and nly gained ____28____ after his death, but nw he is immersive art’s biggest superstar. The 19th-century painter’s wrk has been ____29____ in a lt f exhibitins featuring immense images furnished with animatin and accmpanied by music, vices, and backgrund sund.
    Anther interactive ht spt with a DIY vibe is The Huse f Eternal Return in Santa Fe,
    New Mexic. The venue is ____30____ t ver 70 rms f surreal art. It’s run by the artistic cperative Mew Wlf, which describes the prject as a “multidimensinal mystery huse with secret passages and ____31____ t magical wrlds.” ____32____, what lks like a perfectly nrmal refrigeratr dr is the gateway t a hidden tunnel…and an unusual artistic adventure.
    The grwing ____33____ f immersive art is partly pwered by scial media. As visitrs pst selfies filled with van Ggh’s intense palette r vides f friends stepping int a fantastical fridge, these experiences draw bigger and bigger crwds. Meanwhile, traditinal museums are fllwing the trend, ____34____ immersive techniques and technlgies in their galleries. That’s because many curatrs and creatrs share a cmmn gal—t help mre peple ____35____ art!
    21.A.listening tB.gazing atC.scanning thrughD.hearing abut
    25.A.stand utB.figure utC.stick tD.distinguish with
    32.A.In factB.TherefreC.FurthermreD.Fr instance
    35.A.expert inB.set asideC.reflect nD.get int
    Zhang Daqian was brn in 1899 in Sichuan prvince. Brught up in an artistic family, Zhang was first taught t paint by his mther and lder siblings. He went n t cpy as many masterpieces as he culd set his eyes n, and was especially influenced by the individualistic masters Shita (石涛) and Bada Shanren (八大山人). In the early 1940s, Zhang spent tw years studying the Buddhist mural paintings at Dunhuang, which prved t be a crucial experience in his artistic develpment.
    In particular, Zhang’s wrks are ntewrthy fr the many painting styles that he mastered, frm highly meticulus (注意细节的) and detailed prtraits t bld and expressive splashed-ink landscapes (泼墨风景画). While he was highly innvative as he develped his wn unique style, he always ensured that his art was firmly rted in Chinese traditin. As is usually the case with ink artists, his later wrks, especially his vibrant splashed-ink landscapes, are the mst sught after.
    Zhang mastered the art f painting “frm heart t hand” late in his life. In 1971, he selected this particular phrase t carve int a seal (印章). The phrase prbably cnveyed a twfld message. First, it was Zhang’s prud claim that he had develped a stylistic versatility (多才多艺) fr depicting the endless variatins f the natural wrld. He acquired this ability by imitating the wrks f previus masters, which led t a grand cmbinatin f histrical styles in his art. He als enriched his persnal experience with his extensive travel and enhanced his artistic vcabulary in rder t capture the beauty f the wrld. Secnd, the phrase cmmunicates Zhang’s belief that an artist shuld fllw his heart t cnvey their “spirit resnance (气韵生动),” a histrical principle in judging the beauty f Chinese painting. Befre applying his brush t paper, Zhang had already cnceived (构思) the frms he wanted t depict and the inspiratin he wished t cnvey thrugh the painting. He wuld be fully aware f the mst effective means by which t inspire awe and wnder in his audience.
    Blessed with a lng life—he was 83 when he died in 1983—and filled with an enrmus amunt f passin and energy fr life, the artist prduced a huge number f paintings ver his lifetime. He is estimated t have cmpleted an average f abut 500 per year.
    In 2011, Zhang became nt nly the mst ppular Chinese artist at auctin but the best-selling artist in the wrld as well, surpassing Pabl Picass. And demand fr his wrks has remained high since then.
    36.What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut?
    A.The characteristics f Zhang Daqian’s art.
    B.The mst sught-after wrks by Zhang Daqian.
    C.Where Zhang Daqian gt inspiratin fr his paintings.
    D.The reasn why Zhang Daqian’s artwrks are s ppular.
    37.Based n infrmatin frm Paragraph 3, what des the phrase “frm heart t hand” refer t?
    ①Hw Zhang Daqian became aware f the mst effective means t inspire his audience.
    ②Hw Zhang Daqian was able t put what he wanted n the canvas withut thinking abut it.
    ③Hw Zhang Daqian learned t freely cnvey the principle f “spirit resnance” thrugh his apprach t painting.
    ④Hw Zhang Daqian was able t depict the endless variatins f the natural wrld using a cmbinatin f different styles.
    38.Accrding t the article, Zhang Daqian’s artistic style was mainly influenced by ____________.
    ①the beauty f the natural wrld
    ②the Buddhist mural paintings at Dunhuang
    ③masters in the likes f Shita and Bada Shanren
    ④the rich nature f his travels and persnal experiences
    “The arrw sht is s straight that it hits the bull’s eye, the yung peple will have gd luck…” Dargye sang as he wrked n his handmade bag.
    Dargye, 56, an artist wh excels at traditinal craftsmanship and Tibetan flk music in Drinba village in Dragyib district, Nyingchi, Tibet autnmus regin, remembers many flk sngs he learned frm his father and uncle. Nw, it’s his turn t pass them n.
    “I have liked traditinal sngs and dances since I was a child,” said Dargye, wh has fur apprentices (学徒).“The sngs tell the histries f ur ancestrs and carry ur unique culture, and-it’s always a lt f fun t perfrm these traditinal sngs and dances at varius gatherings.” The sng tpics vary frm archery, lve, t labr and praise fr the land. In additin t teaching these sngs t/his family members and apprentices, he als uses scial media platfrms such as WeChat t teach sngs.
    His daughter, Chk Butri, als admires the flk culture. After psting a vide f her daughter, Tsering Kyi, dancing n Duyin, she gained a lt f new fans n the ppular shrt-vide platfrm. “We are mdern peple living in a mdern era, s it’s imprtant and ur respnsibility that we use mdern tls t pass n ur traditinal culture t make it last frever.” said Chk Butri, adding that she ften psts sngs and dances n WeChat and Duyin.
    Dargye and his fellw villagers als recreate sngs, adding mdern elements such as aircraft and trains t the lyrics. Besides singing and dancing, Dargye makes handicrafts decrated with Tibetan cultural elements, including varius hide and hair rpes, bags made f leather and clth, and knife sheaths.
    The lcal gvernment encurages villagers t inherit (继承) and develp flk sngs and ther frms f traditinal culture. Dargye’s effrts t preserve flk culture have been acknwledged by the gvernment. In 2014, he was chsen as a cunty-level intangible (无形的) cultural inheritr and receives funds every year.
    39.Why des Dargye want t pass the culture n?
    A.He wants t satisfy his interest.B.He wants t learn frm the senirs.
    C.He wants t bring peple fun.D.He wants t inherit and develp it.
    40.What is the authr’s purpse in mentining Dargye’s daughter?
    A.T shw flk music’s effect n her.B.T stress Dargye’s influence n her.
    C.T emphasize her lve fr flk culture.D.T reveal the ppularity f flk culture nline.
    41.Which f the fllwing best describes Dargye?
    A.Ambitius and hnest.B.Talented and curius.
    C.Devted and creative.D.Generus and determined.
    42.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.All effrts t preserve culture pay ff
    B.Craftsman carries tunes t preserve culture
    C.An artist prefers traditinal sngs and dances
    D.Tibetan culture is being prtected and passed n
    Fr centuries, tw f the mst interesting questins abut Lenard da Vinci’s “Mna Lisa” were “Wh?” and “When?” A discvery made at Heidelberg University in 2005 answered bth. A nte cnfirmed the accunt f da Vinci’s first bigrapher, Girgi Vasari: that the sitter was a merchant’s wife, Lisa Gherardini. The nte als helped date the masterpicce t between 1503 and 1506.
    A third cnundrum— “Where?”— is still in dispute. But n June 3rd a French engineer, Pascal Ctte, declared that he and a cllabratr had identified the landscape in the backgrund f the painting. During a presentatin, Mr Ctte cntended that the artist was mre plausibly depicting a part f his native Tuscany. Da Vinci represented the area nt as it was, but as, in an unrealized scheme, he intended it t be.
    Mr Ctte, wh was asked by the Luvre t create a digital image f the painting, is the inventr f the multispectral camera: a device that can detect nt nly the drawing belw the surface f an il painting but als intermediate layers f wrk. It was amng these, under what appears t be a pinted rck, that he fund a preparatry sketch (草图) shwing that da Vinci intended it t represent a castellated twer.
    The landscape f the “Mna Lisa” als includes a huge verhanging precipice (悬崖). That is similar t ne that da Vinci included in a sketch f a frtress cntested (争夺) by Pisa and Flrence in a war. The frtress with the nearby precipice—and a twer—all verlk the river Arn as it snakes frm Flrence t Pisa. All three als feature in drawings made by da Vinci t illustrate a plan abut which, says Mr Ctte, he became “bsessive”.
    This invlved diverting (改道) the Arn t cut ff Pisa’s water supply and give Flrence an utlet t the Mediterranean. In the early 1500s, with the tw city-states at war, the idea was under active cnsideratin. Mr Ctte argues that a channel at the right f the “Mna Lisa” is t wide t be a rad, and is instead the dried-up bed f the Am as da Vinci imagined it nce his plan had been adpted.
    It never was. But if Mr Ctte’s thery is right, it might just explain why Gherardini, a Flrentine, wears such a cntented, if inscrutable, smile.
    43.What was painted in the “Mna Lisa” accrding t Mr Ctte?
    A.A part f da Vinci’s hmetwn as it was.
    B.An verhanging precipice and a frtress.
    C.A pinted rck and a castellated twer.
    D.The dried-up bed f a river.
    44.Wh des “he” refer t in paragraph 4?
    A.Pascal CtteB.Lenard da Vinci
    C.Girgi VasariD.Lisa Gherardini
    45.Why did Mna Lisa smile based n Ctte’s thery?
    A.Because da Vinci’s idea was taken seriusly.
    B.Because da Vinci’s plan was adpted.
    C.Because Pisa’s water supply was cut ff.
    D.Because Flrence had a gd chance t win the war.
    46.What’s the best title f the text?
    A.Where did Mna Lisa smile?
    B.When was the “Mna Lisa” painted?
    C.Wh was the sitter f the “Mna Lisa”?
    D.Why did Mna Lisa put n a smile?
    The Tragic Stry Behind Pabl Picass’s Masterpiece
    What wuld be the best way tday t prtest against a war? Hw culd yu influence the largest number f peple? In 1937, the Spanish artist Pabl Picass expressed his anger at war with Guernica, his muralsized painting displayed t millins f visitrs at the Paris Wrld’s Fair. It has since becme the 20th century’s mst pwerful indictment(控诉)against war, a painting that still feels intensely relevant tday.
    Much f the painting’s emtinal pwer cmes frm its verwhelming size, abut 3. 49 meters tall and 7.76 meters wide. Guernica is nt a painting yu bserve with 6; spatial detachment(空间上的超然).____47____. And althugh the size and multiple figures reference the lng traditin f Eurpean histry paintings, this painting is different because it challenges rather than accepts the idea f war as heric.
    Guernica is based n the events f April 27, 1937, when Adlf Hilter’s pwerful German air frce bmbed the village f Guernica in nrthern Spain, a city f n strategic military value. Fr ver three hurs, 25 bmbers drpped 100,000 punds f explsives and bmbs n the village. Twenty mre fighter planes strafed (低空扫射)and killed defenseless civilians trying t escape. The destructin was hrrifying: Fires burned fr three days, and 70 percent f the city was destryed. A third f the ppulatin, 1,600 civilians, were wunded r killed.
    On May 1, 1937, news f the bmbing reached Paris.____48____. After hundreds f sketches, the painting was dne in less than a mnth and then delivered t the Fair’s Spanish Pavilin. The entire pavilin shcked the wrld int cnfrnting the suffering f the Spanish peple.
    On first glance, Guernica’s cmpsitin appears cnfused, thrwing the viewer int the midst f intensely vilent actin. The space is ambiguus (不明确的)with the shifting perspectives and multiple viewpints characteristic f Picass’s earlier Cubist style.____49____. Hwever, there is in fact a visual rder. Picass balances the cmpsitin by rganizing the figures int three vertical (垂直的) grupings mving left t right, while the center figures are stabilized within a large triangle f light.
    There has been almst endless debate abut the meaning f the images in Guernica. When questined abut its pssible symblism, Picass said, “It isn’t up t the painter t define the symbls. Otherwise, it wuld be better if he wrte them ut in wrds. The public wh lk at the picture must interpret the symbls as they understand them.”____50____. Perhaps it is that very ambiguity, r the fact that cruel wars cntinue t be fught, that keeps Guernica as timeless and universally relatable tday as it was in 1937.
    A.In the end, the painting des nt appear t have ne exclusive meaning.
    B.This technique further demnstrates the bundaries f fragmented figures, explicating what is reality and what is illusin.
    C.It feels like it wraps arund yu, immersing yu in its larger-than-life figures and actin.
    D.Images verlap and intersect, making it hard t distinguish their bundaries.
    E.As cmpensatin, Picass was prvided with a studi in Paris large enugh t accmmdate the enrmus canvas n which t create the wrk.
    F.Picass, sympathetic t the gvernment f his hmeland, was hrrified by the reprts f devastatin and death.
    51.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pints f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Animated mvies use drawings instead f real peple. Artists must draw thusands f pictures and each picture must be a little different. Fr example, if the mvie-maker wants t shw a girl running, the artist must draw her feet in different places in each picture. When the pictures are shwn very quickly, ne after the ther, it lks like the girl is running. Walt Disney was nt the first r nly persn t use animatin in mvies, but he is the mst renwned. His first Mickey Muse cartn, prduced in 1927, was called Plane Crazy. This was a shrt, silent mvie abut the adventures f a little muse.
    Many peple in the mvie business thught that animatin was nly apprpriate fr shrt cartns. Disney did nt agree with them. He believed that he culd tell any kind f stry using animatin. His first lng mvie was Snw White and the Seven Dwarfs. Disney spent all his mney making this mvie. Frtunately, it was a great success. He made Pincchi next and then Dumb (abut a baby elephant), and he didn’t lk back after this.
    When we think f Disney, hwever, we dn’t nly think f mvies, we als think f Disneyland. There are Disneylands in Japan, the United States f America and France. They are large parks where peple can meet Disney’s characters and visit scenes frm his mvies.
    Althugh Walt Disney made many f the famus mvies many years ag, they are as ppular nw as they were when he made them. Tday we can buy them n vide and see them in mvie theatres frm time t time. When Walt Disney began making his animated cartns all thse years ag, peple drew all the pictures by hand. Nwadays cmputers d much f his wrk.
    54.这是他第一次赢得这个头衔。(It is/was the first time that +从句)
    56.Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    A.accunt B.cntented C.cntested D.date E. feature F. previusly
    G. believably H. pinted I. represented J. stretches K. winds
    1.since 2.After 3.t survive 4.traditinally
    5.a 6.admired 7.Reviewing 8.smething 9.remains 10.if
    2.考查状语从句连接词。句意:该奖项由创始人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nbel)设立,旨在表彰在文学领域朝着理想方向创作出最杰出作品的作家。分析可知,此处包含三个句子,是复合句,其中wh引导的是定语从句,空处引导的是状语从句,根据句意可知此处表达“在……之后”之意,谓语句首,首字母大写。故填After。
    3.考查非谓语动词。句意:他探索的是,作为一个个人或一个社会,为了生存,你首先必须忘记什么。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词is,所以此处survive需用非谓语动词,分析可知此处表目的,应用不定式。故填t survive。
    6.考查过去分词。句意:另一方面,石黑一雄是一位备受尊敬的小说作家,与托尼·莫里森(Tni Mrrisn)和爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Munr)等之前的获奖者齐名。分析句子结构可知,admire和主语Ishigur之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作定语。故填admired。
    7.考查非谓语动词。句意:《华盛顿邮报》前图书世界编辑玛丽·阿拉娜在评论他最新的小说《被埋葬的巨人》时写道,“他的敏感性既不是日本的,也不是英国的;它有别于任何一种文化。”分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语wrte,所以review应用非谓语形式,它和逻辑主语Marie Arana之间是主动关系,应用现在分词,且位于句首。故填Reviewing。
    8.考查代词。句意:如果说这些书有什么共同之处,那就是深藏在每一本书的核心深处的一个未说出口的秘密——一个难以捉摸的、被推断出来的真理,但没有人能完全理解或完全表达出来。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配have smething in cmmn意为“有共同之处”。故填smething。
    11.A 12.D 13.J 14.G 15.I 16.H 17.C 18.E 19.K 20.B
    13.考查名词。句意:曾经有人就马尔奇地区以及米兰和热那亚之间的乡村地带展开争论。分析句子可知,空格处为介词fr的宾语,stretches “一片土地、水域”,此处文意也是描述画中背景是否为某乡村地段,符合句意。故选J项。
    14.考查副词。句意:在佛罗伦萨附近的芬奇举行的一次展示会上,科特先生认为说这位艺术家当时正描绘自己家乡托斯卡纳的一部分更为可信,他当时对此非常感兴趣。分析句子可知,空格处为宾语从句中修饰过去进行时was depicting “正描绘”的状语,故副词believably “可信地”为动词,符合句意。故选G项。
    15.考查动词。句意:根据这一理论,达芬奇所描绘的地区并不是原本的样子,而是他在一个未实现的方案中所设想的那样。分析句子可知,空格处为主句中的谓语动词,represented “描绘” 为动词,与后文the area“地区” 能构成动宾关系,符合句意。故选I项。
    16.考查形容词。句意:正是在一块看似尖尖的岩石下的这些中间层,他发现了一幅预备草图,表明达芬奇打算描绘一座城堡式的塔。分析句子可知,空格处为名词rck “石头”的定语,pinted “尖的”为形容词,符合句意。故选H项。
    17.考查动词。句意:这悬崖与1503年比萨和佛罗伦萨爆发的战争时争夺的达芬奇《堡垒》草图中所画的悬崖相似。分析句子可知,空格处为后置定语,由后面的介词by可知此处使用过去分词表示被动,cntested “竞争”为动词cntest(争夺)的过去分词,符合句意。故选C项。
    19.考查动词。句意:科特先生辩称,正如一些人猜测的那样,蜿蜒穿过“蒙娜丽莎”右侧荒凉乡村的一条沟渠太宽,不可能成为一条道路,而是达芬奇在其计划通过后立刻描绘出的阿诺河干涸的河床。分析句子可知,空格处为定语从句中的谓语动词,主语channel “沟渠” 穿过荒凉乡村应用动词wind “蜿蜒穿过”与thrugh构成短语。故选K项。
    21.B 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.D 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.C 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.D
    21.考查短语辨析。句意:凝视风景如画的画布会让博物馆的游客感到被明星所吸引。 A. listening t倾听;B. gazing at凝视;C. scanning thrugh扫描;D. hearing abut听说。根据下文的“ make museum visitrs feel starstruck”可知,此处用短语gazing at表示“凝视”画布,也就是观看画作,符合语境,又因为在句中作主语,所以此处用动名词形式。故选B项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但观看挂在画廊墙上的杰作,并不是艺术迷们体验其情感影响的唯一方式。A. prjected规划;B. reflected反射;C. framed装裱;D. rested休息。根据下文的“n a gallery wall(在画廊的墙上)”可知,此处用framed作后置定语表示“被装裱”在画廊墙上的作品,符合语境。故选C项。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,一些展览让人们有机会被梵高的著名场景包围。A. envelped包围;B. marveled赞叹;C. absrbed吸收;D. pursued追求。根据下文“ They find themselves surrunded by clrs that dance befre their eyes and ripple at their feet.”可知,此处用envelped与by搭配表示被场景“包围”,符合语境。故选A项。
    24.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在这些展览中,移动的图像被数字投影到墙壁、柱子、地板上,有时还投射到观众自己身上,这是沉浸式艺术的例子。 A. electrically电力地;B. digitally数字地;C. practically实际地;D. cmpletely完全地。根据下文“prjected nt walls, clumns, flrs, and smetimes nt viewers themselves(投射到墙上,柱子,地板上,有时也投射到观众身上)”可知,此处用副词digitally修饰动词prjected表示“数字化地投射”,符合语境。故选B项。
    25.考查短语辨析。句意:沉浸式艺术不会停留在基座上,也不会挂在印有事实的匾额旁边的墙上。不要期望它适合一个框架或遵循熟悉的期望。A. stand ut突出、显眼;B. figure ut解决、算出;C. stick t遵守、坚持;D. distinguish with区分。根据上文“Immersive art desn’t rest n a pedestal(基座) r hang n a wall next t a plaque(匾) printed with facts.”可知,此处表示不要期待它会遵循熟悉的期待,与上文呼应,符合语境。故选C项。
    26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然沉浸式艺术很难描述,但它通常是一种多感官的互动体验,吸引观众,让他们感觉自己是艺术作品的一部分。A. energetic精力充沛的;B. prsperus繁荣的;C. harmnius和谐的;D. interactive互动的。根据下文“that engages viewers and makes them feel like part f the artwrk.(这吸引了观众,让他们觉得自己是艺术品的一部分。)”可知,此处是有互动体验的,所以用形容词interactive修饰experience表示“互动的”体验,符合语境。故选D项。
    27.考查副词词义辨析。句意:有一点是肯定的——身临其境的艺术无疑很受欢迎,在世界各地的城市都卖光了门票。A. unusually通常;B. suspiciusly怀疑地;C. partially部分地;D. undubtedly无疑地。根据下文“selling ut tickets in cities arund the wrld.(全球各大城市的门票都已售罄。)”可知,身临其境的艺术是很受欢迎的,所以此处用undubtedly表示是“毫无疑问地”受欢迎的,符合语境。故选D项。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:梵高生前只卖出了一幅画,死后才得到认可,但现在他是沉浸式艺术的最大巨星。A. recgnitin认可;B. wnder奇迹;C. wealth财富;D. definitin定义。根据下文“but nw he is immersive art’s biggest superstar.(但现在他是沉浸式艺术的最大巨星。)”可知,他是被认可的,所以此处用recgnitin表示梵高在死后得到“认可”,符合语境。故选A项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位19世纪画家的作品在许多展览中展出,以带有动画的巨大图像为特色,并配有音乐、声音和背景声音。 A. spread传播;B. displayed展示、陈列;C. bught购买;D. advcated提倡。根据上文“but nw he is immersive art’s biggest superstar”可知,此处指是指这位画家的作品在许多展览中被展览,所以用displayed表示“被展览”,符合语境。故选B项。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这里有70多个超现实艺术房间。A. hme家、所在地;B. branch树枝、分支;C. lcatin位置;D. trend趋势。根据下文“t ver 70 rms f surreal art(70多个超现实艺术房间)”可知,此处用hme与t构成短语be hme t表示“是……所在地”,符合语境。故选A项。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:该项目由艺术合作机构“喵狼”运营,该机构将该项目描述为“拥有秘密通道和通往魔法世界的多维神秘之家”。A. limits极限、限制;B. slutins解决方案;C. links联系;D. talents人才、天赋。根据下文的“what lks like a perfectly nrmal refrigeratr dr is the gateway t a hidden tunnel…and an unusual artistic adventure.”可知,此处用links与t搭配表示“连接”魔法世界,符合语境。故选C项。
    32.考查短语辨析。句意:例如,看似完全正常的冰箱门其实是通往一条隐藏隧道的大门,以及一场不寻常的艺术冒险。A. In fact事实上;B. Therefre因此;C. Furthermre此外;D. Fr instance例如。根据下文“what lks like a perfectly nrmal refrigeratr dr is the gateway t a hidden tunnel and an unusual artistic adventure.(看似完全正常的冰箱门,其实是通往隐藏隧道的大门,是一场不寻常的艺术冒险。)”这是举例说明,所以此处用Fr instance表示举例子。故选D项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:沉浸式艺术越来越受欢迎,部分原因是社交媒体。 A. awareness意识;B. ppularity流行、普及;C. prejudice偏见;D. ppulatin人口;根据下文“As visitrs pst selfies filled with van Ggh’s intense palette r vides f friends stepping int a fantastical fridge, these experiences draw bigger and bigger crwds.(随着游客们上传充满梵高浓重色彩的自拍照,或者朋友们走进神奇冰箱的视频,这些体验吸引了越来越多的人 )”可知,沉浸式艺术很受欢迎的,故选B项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,传统博物馆也在追随这一趋势,在画廊中运用沉浸式技术。A. emplying运用;B. recgnizing辨认;C. ccupying占用;D. cntributing贡献。根据下文“and technlgies in their galleries.(他们画廊里的沉浸式科技。)”可知,此处用emplying表示“运用”沉浸式技术,符合语境。故选A项。
    35.考查短语辨析。句意:这是因为许多策展人和创作者都有一个共同的目标——帮助更多人进入艺术领域! A. expert in在……方面是行家;B. set aside留出;C. reflect n仔细考虑;D. get int进入。根据空格前的“help mre peple(帮助更多人)”和空格后的“art(艺术)”可知,此处用短语get int表示帮助人们“进入”艺术的世界,符合语境。故选D项。
    36.A 37.D 38.C
    36.主旨大意题。根据第二段“In particular, Zhang’s wrks are ntewrthy fr the many painting styles that he mastered, frm highly meticulus (注意细节的) and detailed prtraits t bld and expressive splashed-ink landscapes (泼墨风景画). While he was highly innvative as he develped his wn unique style, he always ensured that his art was firmly rted in Chinese traditin. As is usually the case with ink artists, his later wrks, especially his vibrant splashed-ink landscapes, are the mst sught after.(尤其值得注意的是,张艺谋的作品以其掌握的多种绘画风格而闻名,从高度注意细节和细致的肖像画到大胆而富有表现力的泼墨山水画。虽然他在发展自己独特的风格时极具创新性,但他始终确保自己的艺术深深植根于中国传统。与水墨画家通常的情况一样,他的后期作品,尤其是他充满活力的泼墨山水画,是最受欢迎的。)”,可知第二段主要天伦的是张大千艺术的特点。故选A。
    37.词句猜测题。根据第三段“First, it was Zhang’s prud claim that he had develped a stylistic versatility (多才多艺) fr depicting the endless variatins f the natural wrld.(首先,张大千自豪地宣称,他已经开发出了一种风格多样性来描绘自然世界的无尽变化。)”和“Secnd, the phrase cmmunicates Zhang’s belief that an artist shuld fllw his heart t cnvey their “spirit resnance (气韵生动),” a histrical principle in judging the beauty f Chinese painting.(第二,这句话表达了张艺谋的信念,即艺术家应该遵从内心来传达他们的“气韵生动”,这是判断中国画美的历史原则。)”可知根据第3段的信息,“frm heart t hand(从心到手)”这句话指的是③张大千是如何通过他的绘画方法学会自由传达“气韵生动”原则的。④张大千是如何运用不同风格的组合来描绘自然世界的无尽变化的。故选D。
    38.细节理解题。根据第一段“ He went n t cpy as many masterpieces as he culd set his eyes n, and was especially influenced by the individualistic masters Shita (石涛) and Bada Shanren (八大山人). In the early 1940s, Zhang spent tw years studying the Buddhist mural paintings at Dunhuang, which prved t be a crucial experience in his artistic develpment.(他继续复制尽可能多的杰作,尤其受到个人主义大师石涛和八大山人的影响。20世纪40年代初,张花了两年时间在敦煌研究佛教壁画,这被证明是他艺术发展中的一次重要经历。)”和第三段“He als enriched his persnal experience with his extensive travel and enhanced his artistic vcabulary in rder t capture the beauty f the wrld. (他还通过广泛的旅行丰富了个人经验,并增强了艺术词汇,以捕捉世界之美。)”,可知文章称,张大千的艺术风格主要受到“②敦煌的佛教壁画③石涛、八大山人等大师④他的旅行和个人经历丰富多彩”的影响。故选C。
    39.D 40.B 41.C 42.B
    39.细节理解题。结合第二段的最后一句话“Nw, it’s his turn t pass them n(现在,轮到他把它们传递下去了)”以及最后一段“The lcal gvernment encurages villagers t inherit and develp flk sngs and ther frms f traditinal culture. Dargye’s effrts t preserve flk culture have been acknwledged by the gvernment.(当地政府鼓励村民继承和发展民歌和其他形式的传统文化。Dargye为保护民间文化所做的努力得到了政府的肯定)”可知,达吉斯想要把文化传承下去,因为他想要继承和发展它。故选D。
    40.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“His daughter, Chk Butri, als admires the flk culture. After psting a vide f her daughter, Tsering Kyi, dancing n Duyin, she gained a lt f new fans n the ppular shrt-vide platfrm.“We are mdern peple living in a mdern era, s it’s imprtant and ur respnsibility that we use mdern tls t pass n ur traditinal culture t make it last frever.” said Chk Butri, adding that she ften psts sngs and dances n WeChat and Duyin.(他的女儿Chk Butri也很欣赏当地的民俗文化。在抖音上发布了女儿次仁季跳舞的视频后,她在这个流行的短视频平台上获得了很多新粉丝。“我们是生活在现代时代的现代人,所以使用现代工具来传承我们的传统文化是很重要的,也是我们的责任。”Chk Butri说,她经常在微信和抖音上发布歌舞)”可知,文章围绕Dargye 对传统文化的传承和发扬为核心,因此提及他女儿的事迹是为了强调他对他女儿的影响。故选B。
    41.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Dargye, 56, an artist wh excels at traditinal craftsmanship and Tibetan flk music in Drinba village in Dragyib district, Nyingchi, Tibet autnmus regin, remembers many flk sngs he learned frm his father and uncle. Nw, it’s his turn t pass them n.( Dargye, 56岁,西藏自治区林芝德拉吉布区德林巴村的一名擅长传统工艺和藏族民间音乐的艺术家,还记得他从父亲和叔叔那里学来的许多民歌。现在,轮到他把它们传递下去了)”可知,他致力于藏族文化的传承;根据文章倒数第二段“Dargye and his fellw villagers als recreate sngs, adding mdern elements such as aircraft and trains t the lyrics. Besides singing and dancing, Dargye makes handicrafts decrated with Tibetan cultural elements, including varius hide and hair rpes, bags made f leather and clth, and knife sheaths.( Dargye和他的村民们还重新创作了歌曲,在歌词中加入了飞机和火车等现代元素。除了唱歌和跳舞,达格耶还制作带有西藏文化元素的手工艺品,包括各种皮绳和毛绳,皮革和布制成的包,以及刀鞘)”可知,他擅长唱歌,跳舞,手工艺,并且会采用一些创新的方式来进行传播。由此可知,Dargye是一个热衷和有创造力的人。故选C。
    42.主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“The lcal gvernment encurages villagers t inherit(继承) and develp flk sngs and ther frms f traditinal culture. Dargye’s effrts t preserve flk culture have been acknwledged by the gvernment. In 2014, he was chsen as a cunty-level intangible (无形的) cultural inheritr and receives funds every year. (当地政府鼓励村民继承和发展民歌和其他形式的传统文化。Dargye为保护民间文化所做的努力得到了政府的肯定。2014年,他被选为县级非物质文化传承人,每年都得到资助)”可知, Dargye 作为一个艺术家,通过音乐舞蹈以及其他方式来传播藏族文化。由此可知,B选项:Craftsman carries tunes t preserve culture(手艺人通过传播歌曲来保护文化)适合作本文标题。故选B。
    43.D 44.B 45.D 46.A
    43.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“Mr Ctte argues that a channel at the right f the “Mna Lisa” is t wide t be a rad, and is instead the dried-up bed f the Am as da Vinci imagined it nce his plan had been adpted(柯特先生认为,《蒙娜丽莎》右边的通道太宽了,不可能是路,而是达芬奇在他的计划被采纳后想象的阿莫干枯的河床)”可知柯特先生说,干涸的河床在《蒙娜丽莎》的画中。故选D。
    44.词义猜测题。根据上句“All three als feature in drawings made by da Vinci t illustrate a plan (这三样东西也出现在达·芬奇用来说明计划的图纸中)”可知“he”指代的是上句中的da Vinci(达·芬奇)。故选B。
    45.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“This invlved diverting (改道) the Arn t cut ff Pisa’s water supply and give Flrence an utlet t the Mediterranean. In the early 1500s, with the tw city-states at war, the idea was under active cnsideratin.(这包括将亚诺河改道,切断比萨的供水,给佛罗伦萨一个通往地中海的出口。在16世纪早期,由于两个城邦处于战争状态,这个想法受到了积极的考虑)”可知,文章的Cte先生推测的是Flrence会赢得这场战争,从而实现计划。故选D。
    46.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Fr centuries, tw f the mst interesting questins abut Lenard da Vinci’s “Mna Lisa” were “Wh?” and “When?” A discvery made at Heidelberg University in 2005 answered bth. (几个世纪以来,关于列奥纳多·达·芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》最有趣的两个问题是:“谁?”和“什么时候?”2005年海德堡大学的一项发现回答了这两个问题)”以及第二段“A third cnundrum— “Where?”— is still in dispute(第三个难题——“在哪里?”——仍在争论中)”可知,wh和when的问题都被解决,而唯独where的问题没有被解决。故选A。
    47.C 48.F 49.D 50.A
    47.上文“Much f the painting’s emtinal pwer cmes frm its verwhelming size, abut 3.49 meters tall and 7.76 meters wide. Guernica is nt a painting yu bserve with spatial detachment (这幅画的情感力量很大程度上来自于它压倒性的大小,大约高3.49米,宽7.76米。《格尔尼卡》不是一幅你以空间分离的方式观察的画 )”,C项“It feels like it wraps arund yu, immersing yu in its larger-than-life figures and actin. (感觉就像它包裹着你,让你沉浸在它的传奇人物和行动中。)”,上文用具体的数字描述这张画的的宏大,C项则是从欣赏者的角度来进一步阐述,仰望这个巨幅作品,会给人身历其境的感觉。语意连贯顺畅。故选C项。
    48.上文“On May 1, 1937, news f the bmbing reached Paris.(1937年5月1日,爆炸的消息传到了巴黎。)”,F项“Picass, sympathetic t the gvernment f his hmeland, was hrrified by the reprts f devastatin and death.(毕加索,同情他的祖国的政府,对破坏和死亡的报道感到震惊。)”,F项中的the reprts即上文的news f the bmbing,语意连贯一直。故选F项。
    49.上文“The space is ambiguus (不明确的) with the shifting perspectives and multiple viewpints characteristic f Picass’s earlier Cubist style. (空间是模糊的,具有毕加索早期立体主义风格的转换视角和多视角特征。)”,D项“Images verlap and intersect, making it hard t distinguish their bundaries. (图像的重叠和交叉,很难区分它们的边界。)”,下文“Hwever, there is in fact a visual rder. Picass balances the cmpsitin by rganizing the figures int three vertical (垂直的) grupings mving left t right, while the center figures are stabilized within a large triangle f light. (然而,实际上有一个视觉上的顺序。 毕加索通过将人物组织成从左到右的三个垂直组来平衡构图,而中间的人物则固定在一个大三角形的光线中。)”,上文和D项表述人们初看这幅作品时,觉得此画空间模糊,图像重叠交叉,下文则为转折,解读了这幅作品中的人物分布的规律性,语意连贯。故选D项。
    50.上文“There has been almst endless debate abut the meaning f the images in Guernica.When questined abut its pssible symblism, Picass said, ‘It isn’t up t the painter t define the symbls. Otherwise, it wuld be better if he wrte them ut in wrds. The public wh lk at the picture must interpret the symbls as they understand them.’ (关于《格尔尼卡》中人物形象的意义,人们争论不休。当被问及它可能的象征意义时,毕加索说:‘定义象征意义不是画家的事。否则,用文字写出来会更好。看到这幅画的民众必须用他们理解的方式解释这些象征意义。’)”,A项“In the end, the painting des nt appear t have ne exclusive meaning. (最后,这幅画似乎并没有唯一的意义。)”,上文表明“不同的人对这幅画有不同的解读”,与A项意思相同。故选A项。
    51.Walk Disney made sme famus animated mvies. Many f his mvies are still ppular. Disney is als famus fr Disneyland, where peple can meet characters frm his mvies, like Mickey Muse. At ne time all animated mvies were drawn by hand, but nw cmputers d much f the wrk. Disney mvies are still shwn in mvie theaters in many cuntries.
    ①Animated mvies use drawings instead f real peple. Walk Disney was nt the first r nly persn t use animatin in mvies, but he is the mst renwned. His first Mickey Muse cartn, prduced in 1927, was called Plane Crazy.
    ②Many peple in the mvie business thught that animatin was nly apprpriate fr shrt cartns. Disney did nt agree with them. He believed that he culd tell any kind f stry using animatin. His first lng mvie was Snw White and the Seven Dwarfs. He made Pincchi next and then Dumb (abut a baby elephant), and he didn’t lk back after this.
    ③When we think f Disney, hwever, we dn’t nly think f mvies, we als think f Disneyland. They are large parks where peple can meet Disney’s characters and visit scenes frm his mvies.
    ④Althugh Walt Disney made many f the famus mvies many years ag, they are as ppular nw as they were when he made them. Tday we can buy them n vide and see them in mvie theatres frm time t time. Whe n Walt Disney began making his animated cartns all thse years ag, peple drew all the pictures by hand. Nwadays cmputers d much f his wrk.
    Walk Disney made sme famus animated mvies.
    Many f his mvies are still ppular.
    Disney is als famus fr Disneyland, where peple can meet characters frm his mvies, like Mickey Muse.
    At ne time all animated mvies were drawn by hand, but nw cmputers d much f the wrk.
    Disney mvies are still shwn in mvie theaters in many cuntries.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]: Disney is als famus fr Disneyland, where peple can meet characters frm his mvies, like Mickey Muse. (运用where引导的非限制性定语从句对原文第三段进行了概括)
    [高分句型2]: At ne time all animated mvies were drawn by hand, but nw cmputers d much f the wrk. (运用并列连词but连接两个分句)
    52.The by insisted that the equipment shuld be turned ff t save energy.
    【详解】考查虚拟语气、宾语从句、非谓语动词和时态语态。表示“坚持”用insist后面加宾语从句,表示过去的事情用一般过去时。insist翻译为坚持主张时,从句用shuld加动词原形,主语“设备”是equipment和“关掉”turn ff是被动关系,用shuld加be dne,“为了节约能源”,用动词不定式表示目的,t save energy,结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为The by insisted that the equipment shuld be turned ff t save energy.
    53.The campaign t raise funds is nt the nly way t raise public awareness f wildlife cnservatin.
    【详解】考查固定短语和动词不定式。本句的主干部分为:活动不是唯一方法,可译为:The campaign is nt the nly way。募捐:raise funds,动词不定式作后置定语修饰campaign,故“募捐活动”译为:The campaign t raise funds。提高公众野生动物的保护意识:raise public awareness f wildlife cnservatin。the way t d sth 是固定短语,意为:做某事的方法。故“提升公众野生动物保护意识的唯一方法”可译为:the nly way t raise public awareness f wildlife cnservatin。故答案为:The campaign t raise funds is nt the nly way t raise public awareness f wildlife cnservatin.
    54.It is the first time that he has wn the title.
    【详解】考查固定句型。It is/was the first time that +从句“这是某人第一次做某事”,从句谓语动词要用完成时。根据句意可知,此处主句应使用一般现在时,从句使用现在完成时。关键词title“头衔”。故译为It is the first time that he has wn the title.
    55.We hurried t the ffice, nly t be tld that the meeting had been put ff/delayed because f the bad weather.
    【详解】考查动词、动词短语、名词和动词不定式的用法。表示“匆忙”应用动词hurry;表示“不料被告知”应用nly t be tld表示意料之外的结果;表示“恶劣的天气”应用名词短语bad weather;表示“推迟”应用put ff /delay。结合句意,应用一般过去时,故翻译为We hurried t the ffice, nly t be tld that the meeting had been put ff/delayed because f the bad weather.
    56.I think it is wrng t say that the cntributins f scientists and engineers are mre imprtant in human sciety than thse f artists and writers. I my pinin, their cntributin t sciety is f equal imprtance.
    The effrts f scientists and engineers make sciety develp faster, enhance natinal strength and prvide cnvenience fr peple. Because f their inventins, ur cuntry is grwing strnger and strnger. Artists and writers, n the ther hand, reflect these nticed as well as unnticed develpments in their wrks and recrd them n paper, thrugh which we can see the changes and beauty brught abut by sci-technlgy.
    Let's think abut that: many scientists in histry were als artists, such as Lenard Da Vinci and Albert Einstein, wh invited many useful things cmbining their scientific knwledge with their artistic sense.
    1. 发表自己对观点的看法
    2. 用具体事实说明自己的观点
    【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了一些主从复合句和分词结构,例如:I think it is wrng t say that the cntributins f scientists and engineers are mre imprtant in human sciety than thse f artists and writers.中that引导宾语从句;Artists and writers, n the ther hand, reflect these nticed as well as unnticed develpments in their wrks and recrd them n paper, thrugh which we can see the changes and beauty brught abut by sci-technlgy.中which引导非限制性定语从句。这些从句和长句的使用,为文章增色添彩。

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