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    这是一份2010年高考英语试卷(上海)(秋考)真题及答案解析(含听力mp3),文件包含2010年高考英语试卷上海秋考空白卷doc、2010年高考英语试卷上海秋考解析卷doc、2010年高考英语试卷上海秋考听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间120分钟, 试卷满分150分。
    本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第 = 1 \* ROMAN I卷(第1-12页)和第 = 2 \* ROMAN II卷(第13页),全卷共13页。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。
    Ⅰ.Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    1.A.A shp assistant.. B.A dentistC.An clarician.D.A bank clerk.
    2.A.The exam scre.. B.The wrld news.C.A sccer match.. D.A basketball team.
    3.A.At a pst ffice. B.At a flwer shp.
    C.At a department stre. D.At a bus statin.
    4.A.5 hurs. B.7 hurs. C.9 hurs. D.10 hurs.
    5.A.Tim’s nt seriusly injured.
    B.Tim will get t the hspital quickly.
    C.The wman’s heard all abut Tim’s illness.
    D.The wman desn’t knw hw Tim is nw.
    6.A.She isn’t in the md t travel. B.France is t far fr family hliday.
    C.Family hliday n lnger interests her. D.She has had t many hlidays this year.
    7.A.The cst was reasnable. B.The cst was unbelievably high.
    C.She likes the htel.D.She will stay vernight.
    9.A.The man is t frgetful. B.The man shuldn’t get annyed.
    C.The man has t many keys.D.The man shuld attend mre lessns.
    10.A.He wants t live in apartments. B.He thinks his signature is unnecessary.
    C.He has already signed a cntract. D.He desn’t always say what he means.
    Sectin B
    11.A.White masters. B.African slaves.C.Native dancers. D.Sprt trainers.
    12.A.Having kung fu experience. B.Being able t sing and play music.
    C.Wearing a green belt.D.Being strng and able t balance well.
    13.A.He uses his hands t keep the balance.B.He dses cntact with his ppnent.
    C.He is kicked by his ppnent. D.He is pushed ut f the circle.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage
    14.A.Great guests and talk t htel staff.
    B.Have breakfast and examine rm service.
    C.Prepare fr the meeting and write new reprts.
    D.Review the previus night’s reprts and check emails.
    15.A.Saying hell t every guest. B.Cnsidering different bath requirements.
    C.Dining with a different staff member. D.Hlding varius peratinal meetings.
    16.A.A day’s life f a htel manager. B.The daily rutine at a htel.
    C.Htel service and imprvement. D.Meetings attended by a htel massager.
    Sectin C
    Blanks 21 thrugh 24 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    Cmplete the frm. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fr each answer.
    П. Grammar and vcabulary.
    Sectin A
    Directins: Beneath each f the fllwing sentences there are fur chices marked A, B, C and Chse the ne answer that best cmpletes the sentence.
    25. Sean has frmed the habit f jgging the tree-lined avenue fr tw hurs every day.
    A. between B. alng C. belw D. with
    26. It tk us quite a lng time t get t the amusement park. It was jurney.
    A. three hur B. a three-hurs
    C. a three-hur D. three hurs
    27. If ur parents d everything fr us children, we wn't learn t depend n
    A. themselves B. them
    C. us D. urselves
    28. Every few years, the cal wrkers. their lungs X-rayed t ensure their health.
    A. are having B. have
    C. have had D. had had
    29. - Srry, Prfessr Smith. I didn't finish the assignment yesterday.
    - Oh, yu have dne it as yesterday was the deadline.
    A. must B. mustn't
    C. shuld D. shuldn't
    30. In ancient times, peple rarely travelled lng distances and mst farmers nly travelled the lcal market.
    A. lnger than B. mre than
    C. as much as D. as far as
    31. The church twer which will be pen t turists sn. The wrk is almst finished.
    A. has restred B. has been restred
    C. is restring D. is being restred
    32. I had great difficulty the suitable fd n the menu in that restaurant.
    A. find B. fund
    C. t find D. finding
    33. Lucy has a great sense f humur and always keeps her clleagues with her stries.
    A. amused B. amusing
    C. t amuse D. t be amused
    34. yu may have, yu shuld gather yur curage t face the challenge.
    A. Hwever a serius prblem B. What a serius prblem
    C. Hwever serius a prblem D. What serius a prblem
    35. the city centre, we saw a stne statue f abut 10 metres in height.
    A. Appraching B. Apprached C. T apprach D. T be apprached
    36. One reasn fr her preference fr city life is she can have easy access t places like shps and restaurants.
    A. that B. hw C. what D. why
    37. When changing lanes, a driver shuld use his turning signal t let ther drivers knw
    A. he is entering which lane B. which lane he is entering
    C. is he entering which lane D. which lane is he entering
    38. Wind pwer is an ancient surce f energy we may return in the near future.
    A. n which B. by which
    C. t which D. frm which

    39. ur manage bjects t Tm's jining the club, we shall accept him as a member.
    A. Until B. Unless C If D. After

    40. Thai is the nly way we can imagine the veruse f water in students' bathrms.
    A. reducing B. t reduce C. reduced D. reduce
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Frests in the nrthern half f the glbe culd be grwing faster nw than they were 200 years ag as a result f climate change, accrding t a study f trees in eastern America. The trees appear t have faster grwth rates due t lnger grwing seasns and higher cncentratins (浓度) f carbn dixide in the ___41 .
    Geffrey Parker, a scientist at the Smithsnian Envirnmental Research Centre in Edgewater. Maryland, said that the increase ha the rate f grwth was unexpected and might be 42 t the higher temperatures and lnger grwing seasns dcumented in the regin. The grwth may als be influenced by the significant 43 in atmspheric CO2,he said.
    "We made a list f reasns these frests culd be grwing faster and then excluded half f them," Dr Parker said. Their study suggests that nrthern frests may becme increasingly imprtant in
    44 the influence f man-made CO2 n the climate.
    Dr Parker and his clleagues have 45 ut a detailed recrd f the trees n a(n) 46 basis since 1987. They calculated that due t the glbal warming the frest is prducing 47 tns f wd each year.
    The scientists _ 48 _ the land with trees at different stages f grwth and fund that bth yung and ld trees were shwing increased grwth rate. Mre than 90 per cent f the tree grups had grwn by between tw and fur times faster than the scientists had 49 frm estimates f the lng-term rates f grwth.
    Ⅲ. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    The first attempt f even the mst talented artists, musicians, and writers is seldm a masterpiece, If yu cnsider yur drafts as dress rehearsals (彩排), r tryuts, revising will seem a natural part f the writing 50 .[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K]
    What is the purpse f the dress rehearsals and the ut-f-twn previews that many Bradway shws g thrugh? The answer is adding, deleting, replacing, rerdering, 51 revising. Andrew Llyd Webber's musical Phantm f the Opera underwent such a prcess.
    When Llyd Webber began writing in 1984, he had in mind a funny, exciting prductin. Hwever, when Phantm pened in Lndn in 1986, the audience saw a mving psychlgical lve stry set t music. The musical had. 52 several revisins due, in part, t prblems with cstuming and makeup (戏服和化妆). Fr instance, Llyd Webber 53 sme f the music because the Phantm's makeup prevented the actr frm singing certain sunds.
    When yu revise, yu change aspects f yur wrk in 54 t yur evlving purpse, r t include 55 ideas r newly discvered infrmatin.
    Revisin is nt just an afterthught that gets nly as much time as yu have at the end f an assignment. 56 , it is a majr stage f the writing prcess, and writers revise every step f the way. Even yur decisin t 57 . tpics while prewriting is a type f revising. Hwever. dn't make the mistake f skipping the revisin stage that fllws 58 . Always make time t becme yur wn 59 and view yur dress rehearsal, s t speak. Reviewing yur wrk in this way can give yu 60 new ideas.
    Revising invlves 61 the effectiveness and apprpriateness f all aspects f yur writing, making yur purpse mre clearly, and refcusing r develping the facts and ideas yu present. When yu revise, ask yurself the fllwing questins, keeping in mind the audience fr whm yu are writing: Is my main idea r purpse 62 thrughut my draft? D I ever lse sight f my purpse? Have I given my readers all f the 63 that is, facts, pinins,
    inferences -- that they need in rder t understand my main idea? Finally, have I included t many 64 details that may cnfuse readers?
    50. A. technique B. style C. prcess D. career
    51. A. in particular B. as a result C. fr example D. in ther wrds
    52. A. undergne B. skipped C. rejected D. replaced
    53. A. rewrte B. released C. recrded D. reserved
    54. A. additin B. respnse C. ppsitin D. cntrast
    55. A. fixed B. ambitius C. familiar D. fresh
    56. A. Hwever B. Mrever C. Instead D. Therefre
    57. A. discuss B. switch C. exhaust D. cver
    58. A. drafting B. rearranging C. perfrming D. training
    59. A. directr B. master C. audience D. visitr
    60. A. persnal B. valuable C. basic D. delicate
    61. A. mixing B. weakening C. maintaining D. assessing
    62. A. amazing B. bright C. unique D. clear
    63. A. angles B. evidence C. infrmatin D. hints
    64. A. unnecessary B. uninteresting C. cncrete D. final
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    The elephant was lying heavily n its side, fast asleep. A few dgs started barking at it. The elephant wke up in a terrible anger: it chased the dgs int the village where they ran fr safety. That didn't stp the elephant. It destryed a dzen huses and injured several peple. The villagers were scared and angry. Then smene suggested calling Parbati, the elephant princess.
    Parbati Barua's father was a hunter f tigers and an elephant tamer. He taught Parbati t ride an elephant befre she culd even walk. He als taught her the dangerus art f the elephant rund-up -- hw t catch wild elephants.
    Parbati hasn't always lived in the jungle. After a happy childhd hunting with her father, she was sent t barding schl in the city. But Parbati never gt used t being there and many years later she went back t her ld fife. "Life in the city is t dull. Catching elephants is an adventure and the excitement lasts fr days after the chase," she says.
    But Parbati desn't catch elephants just fr fun. "My wrk," she says, "is t rescue man frm the elephants, and t keep the elephants safe frm man." And this is exactly what Parbati has been ding fr many years. Increasingly, the Indian elephant is angry: fr many years, illegal hunters have attacked it and its hme in the jungle has been reduced t small pieces f land. It is nw fighting back. Whenever wild elephants enter a tea garden r a village, Parbati is called t
    guide the animals back t the jungle befre they can kill.
    The wrk f an elephant tamer als invlves lve and devtin. A gd elephant tamer will spend hurs a day singing lve sngs t a newly captured elephant. "Eventually they grw t lve their tamers and never frget them. They are als mre lyal than humans," she said, as she climbed up ne f her elephants and sat n the giant, happy animal. An elephant princess indeed!
    65. Fr Parbati, catching elephants is mainly t .
    A. get lng lasting excitement B. keep bth man and elephants safe
    C. send them back t the jungle D. make the angry elephants tame
    66. Befre Parbati studied in a barding schl, .
    A. she spent her time hunting with her father
    B. she learned hw t sing lve sngs
    C. she had already been called an elephant princess
    D. she was taught hw t hunt tigers
    67. Indian elephants are getting increasingly angry and they revenge because __________.
    A. they are caught and sent fr heavy wrk
    B. illegal hunters capture them and kill them
    C. they are attacked and their land gets limited
    D. dgs ften bark at them and chase them
    68. The passage starts with an elephant stry in rder t explain that in India _________.
    A. peple easily fall victim t elephants' attacks
    B. the man-elephant relatinship is getting wrse
    C. elephant tamers are in shrt supply
    D. dgs are as pwerful as elephants
    Trevr, C. O., Lansfrd, B. and Black, J. W., 2004, "Emplyee turnver (人事变更) and jb perfrmance: mnitring the influences f salary grwth and prmtin", Jurnal f Armchair Psychlgy, vl. 113, n.1, pp. 56-64.
    In this article Trevr et al. review the influences f pay and jb pprtunities in respect f jb perfrmance, turnver rates and emplyees' jb attitude. The authrs use data gained thrugh rganizatinal surveys f blue-chip cmpanies in Vancuver, Canada t try t identify the main cause f emplyee turnver and whether it is linked t salary grwth. Their research fcuses n assessing a range f pay structures such as pay fr perfrmance and rganizatinal reward plans. The article is useful as Trevr et al. suggest that there are numerus reasns fr emplyee turnver and a variety f differences in emplyees' jb attitude and perfrmance. The main limitatin f the article is that the survey sample was restricted t mid-level management, thus the authrs indicate that further, mre extensive research needs t be undertaken t develp a mre in-depth understanding f emplyee turnver and jb perfrmance. As this article was published in a prfessinal jurnal, the findings can be cnsidered reliable. It will be useful additinal infrmatin fr the research n pay structures.
    The fllwing card includes a brief summary and a shrt assessment f a research paper. It can prvide a guide fr further reading n the tpic.
    69. The research paper published is primarily cncerned with
    A. the way f preventing emplyee turnver
    B. methds f imprving emplyee perfrmance
    C. factrs affecting emplyee turnver and perfrmance
    D. pay structures based n emplyee perfrmance
    70. As is mentined in the card, the limitatin f the research paper mainly lies in that .
    A. the data analysis is hardly reliable B. the research sample is nt wide enugh
    C. the findings are f n practical value
    D. the research methd is ut-f-date
    71. Wh might be mst interested in this piece f infrmatin?
    A. Jb hunters.
    B. Emplyees in blue-chip cmpanies.
    C. Mid-level managers.
    D. Researchers n emplyee turnver.
    The 2012 Lndn Olympics had enugh prblems t wrry abut. But ne mre has just been added - a cmmunicatins blackut caused by slar strms.
    After a perid f calm within the Sun, scientists have detected the signs f a flesh cycle f sunspts that culd peak in 2012, just in time fr the arrival f the Olympic trch in Lndn.
    Nw scientists believe that this peak culd result in vast slar explsins that culd thrw billins f tns f charged matter twards the Earth, causing strng slar strms that culd jam the telecmmunicatins satellites and interact links sending five Olympic bradcast frm Lndn.
    "The Sun's activity has a strng influence n the Earth. The Olympics culd be in the middle f the next slar maximum which culd affect the functins f cmmunicatins satellites," said Prfessr Richard Harrisn, head f space physics at the Rutherfrd Appletn Labratry in Oxfrdshire.
    At the peak f the cycle, vilent utbursts called crnal mass ejectins (日冕物质抛射) ccur in the Sun's atmsphere, thrwing ut great quantities f electrically-charged matter. " A crnal mass ejectin can carry a billin tns f slar material int space at ver a millin kilmetres per hur. Such events can expse astrnauts t a deadly amunt, can disable satellites, cause pwer failures n Earth and disturb cmmunicatins," Prfessr Harrisn added. The risk is greatest during a slar maximum when there is the greatest number f sunspts.
    Next week in America, NASA is scheduled t launch a satellite fr mnitring slar activity called the Slar Dynamics Observatry (SDO), which will take images f the Sun that are 10 times clearer than the mst advanced televisins available.
    The Rutherfrd Appletn Labratry helped t make the high-tech cameras that will capture images f the slar flares (太阳耀斑) and explsins as they ccur.
    Prfessr Richard Hld away, the lab's directr, said that the SDO shuld be able t prvide early warning f a slar flare r explsin big enugh t affect satellite cmmunicatins n Earth "If we have advance warning, we'll be able t reduce the damage. What yu dn't want is things switching ff fr a week with n idea f what's caused the prblem," he said.
    72. The phrase "cmmunicatins blackut" in paragraph 1 mst prbably refers t during the 2012 Olympics.
    A. the extinguishing f the Olympic trch
    B. the cllapse f bradcasting systems
    C. the transprtatin breakdwn in Lndn
    D. the destructin f weather satellites
    73. What can be inferred abut the slar activity described in the passage?
    A. The mst fatal matter frm the crna falls nt Earth.
    B. The slar strm peak ccurs in the middle f each cycle.
    C. It takes several secnds fr the charged matter t reach Earth.
    D. The number f sunspts declines after crnal mass ejectins.
    74. Accrding t the passage, NASA will launch a satellite t _ _
    A. take images f the slar system B. prvide early warning f thunderstrms
    C. keep track f slar activities D. imprve the cmmunicatins n Earth
    75. Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A. Slar Strms: An Invisible Killer
    B. Slar Strms: Earth Envirnment in Danger
    C. Slar Strms: Threatening the Human Race
    D. Slar Strms: Human Activities t Be Trubled
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing text and chse the mst suitable heading frm A-F fr each
    paragraph. There is ne extra heading which yu d nt need.
    76 .
    Nwadays. millins f peple misuse and even veruse pain medicatins and ther drugs. Research by the American Natinal Institute n Drug Abuse (NIDA, 1999) shws that arund 2% f the ppulatin ver age 12 were using drugs nn-medically.
    NIDA views medicatins as a pwerful frce fr gd in the cntemprary wrld. They reduce and remve pain fr millins f peple suffering frm illness and disease. They make it pssible fr dctrs t perfrm cmplicated surgery t save lives. Many peple afflicted by serius medical cnditins are able t cntrl their symptms and becme active, cntributing citizens. NIDA pints ut that mst individuals wh take these drags use them in a respnsible.
    Nevertheless. veruse f drugs such as piids, central nervus system (CNS) depressants and stimulants des lead t harmful reliance in sme peple and is therefre becming a serius public health cncern. Althugh this abuse affects many peple wrldwide, particular trends f cncern t the medical prfessin in the US appear amng lder adults, teenagers arid wmen.
    Thugh it may be a surprise t many, the misuse f medicatins may be the mst cmmn frm f drug abuse amng the elderly. Dr Kenneth Schrader f Duke University, Nrth Carlina states that althugh the elderly represent abut 13% f the US ppulatin, thse aged 65 and ver accunt fr the cnsumptin f ne third f all drugs. Peple in this age grup use medicatins rughly three times mre than the general ppulatin and have prer cmpliance with instructin fr use. In anther study f elderly patients admitted t treatment prgrams, 70% were wmen wh had verused medicines.
    Unfrtunately, this trend amng wmen des nt nly affect thse aged ver
    In general, amng wmen and men wh are using either an anti-anxiety drug r a sedative, wmen are twice as likely t becme addicted. In additin, statistics cmpiled fr 12-17 year lds shw that teenage girls are mre likely than teenage bys t begin verusing psychtherapeutic medicatin such as painkillers, tranquillisers, stimulants and sedatives.
    Sectin D
    Directins: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questins r cmplete the statements in the fewest pssible wrds.
    Phys ed (physical educatin) is making a cmeback as a part f the schl cre curriculum(核心课程), but with a difference. While grup sprts are still part f the curriculum, the new way is t teach skills that are useful beynd gym class. Instead f learning hw t climb a rpe, children are taught t lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance. In this way,kids are given the tls and skills and experiences s they can lead a physically active life the rest f their life.
    Cnsidering that 15 percent f American children 6 t 18 are verweight, supprters say mre mney and thught must be put int phys ed curriculum. In many cases, that may mean nt just replacing the ld gym-class mdel with fitness prgrams but als starting up phys ed prgrams because schl bards ften "put P.E. n the chpping blck, cutting it entirely r decreasing its teachers r the days it is ffered," says Alicia Mag-Stahlberg, the executive directr f Actin fr Health Kids. The difference in phys ed prgrams is partly due t the lack f a natinal standard. "Physical educatin needs t be part f the cre curriculum," she added.
    The wisdm f the new apprach has sme scientific supprt. Researchers at the University f Wiscnsin have demnstrated hw effective the fit-fr-life mdel f gym class can be. They bserved hw 50 verweight children lst mre weight when they cycled and skied crss-cuntry than when they played sprts. The researchers als fund that teaching sprts like ftball resulted in less verall mvement, partly because reluctant students were able t sit n the bench.
    Anther prblem with simply teaching grup sprts in gym class is that nly a tiny percentage f students cntinue playing them after graduating frm high schl. The new methd teaches sells that translate t adulthd.
    (Nte: Answer the questins r cmplete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
    81. In the new P.E. prgram, children learn t lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance rather than __
    82. As fr P.E., sme schl bards either
    83. What are the tw prblems with simply teaching grup sprts?
    84. What is the lng-term benefit f the new P.E prgram?
    I. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    4、乍一看,这块手表没有什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机。(there be)
    Ⅱ Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120 – 150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    Dctr’s Ntes
    Patient’s name: Mr. _____17_____
    Symptms: Awful 18 and a terrible cugh
    Temperature: 19
    Dctr’s suggestin: One spnful f cugh 20 every 4 hurs fr the next five days.
    What des the man ask the wman t d?
    T 21 .
    What des Iaml Wyndham write?
    22 .
    Why d the main characters in the stry jin a grup f peple?
    Because they hpe t start 23 .
    Between whm will there be sme cnflict in the stry?
    Between peple and 24 .
    A. additinal B. prducing C. regular D. predicted E. identified
    E atmsphere G. matched H. reducing I. carried J. increase
    A. Drug veruse and its cnsequence
    B. The prblem f drug veruse in America
    C. Benefits f medicine and its wise use
    D Female drug veruse with reference t that f males
    E Misuse f medicine amng the yung generatin
    F. Imprper use f medicine amng senir citizens

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    2014年高考英语试卷(上海)(秋考)真题及答案解析(含听力mp3): 这是一份2014年高考英语试卷(上海)(秋考)真题及答案解析(含听力mp3),文件包含2014年高考英语试卷上海秋考解析卷doc、2014年高考英语试卷上海秋考空白卷doc、2014年高考英语试卷上海秋考听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共43页, 欢迎下载使用。






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