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    Imagine this:Yu've gt all the pwer,mney,and resurces in the wrld t save the planet.What wuld yu accmplish first,and hw wuld yu d it?In hnr f Earth Day (April 22),we're lking fr creative and resurceful envirnmental slutins t save the Earth.As part f the mst envirnmentally cnscius generatin in histry,we knw yu've gt ideas,and we're lking frward t hearing them!
    Deadline:April 1st,2024
    ● Yu must be a teen (aged 13-19)with a Teen Ink accunt t enter.
    ● N inapprpriate cntent.
    ● Submissins must relate t the tpic.
    Guidelines and Details:
    ● Try t keep yur essay limited t 300-400 wrds.
    ● There is n limit t the number f slutins yu can submit.
    Hw t Submit:
    ● Submit entries thrugh ur website.All entries submitted t Teen Ink are autmatically cnsidered fr the cntest.
    ● Submit yur wrk t the "Ht Tpics-Envirnment"categry f Teen Ink.Yu can find this selectin after selecting the initial "Article / Petry" submissin type.
    ● All participants will receive a certificate.
    ● First prize winners will each have their essays published in Teen Ink magazine and get a free 6-mnth magazine subscriptin.
    ● Secnd prize winners will each get a free 3-mnth magazine subscriptin and receive a $25 Amazn gift card.
    ● Hnrable mentins will each receive a T-shirt.
    1.Which requirement shuld be met fr a qualified entry? ______
    A. It shuld be in the frm f petry.
    B. It shuld be submitted n April 1st,2024.
    C. It shuld be related t envirnmental slutins.
    D. It shuld be a descriptin f persnal experience.
    2.What is required f teens t jin the cntest? ______
    A. They shuld have experience in nature cnservatin.
    B. They shuld submit a recmmendatin letter.
    C. They shuld register n Teen Ink.
    D. They shuld write in English.
    3.What will all winners get besides certificates? ______
    A. A gift card.B. A T-shirt.
    C. Their published essays.D. Free magazines.
    ​ Chief executive fficer.Marketing directr.Lead writer.Jb titles like these have generally been standard acrss wrk fr years.They cmmunicate essential emplyee details such as jb functin and senirity.They make sense t emplyees and recruiters(招聘人员)alike,leaving little rm fr ambiguity.Hwever,labels like "chief visinary fficer", "business develpment guru(大师)"r "chief remte fficer" are emerging.In many industries,especially creative nes,emplyers feel free t create jb titles fr emplyees.They can serve as recruitment r retentin(留用) tls-and even grab attentin frm clients.
    This was the case fr Lennie Hughes,whse fficial jb title is "head f hype (炒作) and culture" at Truant,a Lndn-based advertising agency.Initially,this psitin was advertised as a mre traditinal "head f marketing and new business".But,after being recruited,Hughes wrked with Truant t craft a new title fr the rle he'd lead,centred mre n integrating traditinal external branding and cmmunicatins with a fresh take n internal wrkplace culture.He als acknwledges it's nt withut strategic benefit. "If my jb is all abut getting attentin,the title shuld d that,t."
    Experts and emplyees alike say there can be an upside t flashy jb titles.Pawel Adrjan wrks fr Indeed,a large hiring platfrm.He cites Indeed data,shwing "peple" is utding the traditinal title f "human resurces";similarly,the title f "talent acquisitin" is up 75% while "recruitment" is dwn 19% since 2019.Adrjan says, "By using 'peple' in the title,emplyers can say they invest in peple.Thrugh this language,cmpanies are trying t shw they dn't regard emplyees as resurces t tap."
    But beware,these fancy new titles aren't all gd news.Smetimes they ffer little guidance as t what their jb actually invlves.Ultimately,when a nn-descriptive,verblwn jb title is used as a cstless recruiting methd t bst wrker eg (自尊心),it can lead t a mismatch in expectatins between emplyer and emplyee.At the extreme end,this culd place wrkers in a tugh psitin where they end up in a rle that desn't match what they thught was prmised.
    4.What best explains"ambiguity"underlined in paragraph 1? ______
    A. Grwth.B. Cnfusin.C. Discussin.D. Imprvement.
    5.Which f the fllwing best describes Lennie Hughes? ______
    A. Hard-wrking.B. Hnest.C. Cnsiderate.D. Innvative.
    6.What des paragraph 3 tell us abut the new jb titles? ______
    A. They are mainly used t attract investment.
    B. They are starting t lse ppularity amng emplyers.
    C. They can make emplyees feel mre respected.
    D. They can help cmpanies tap a brader candidate pl.
    7.What des the last paragraph mainly fcus n? ______
    A. The grwing mismatch between wrkers and their jb titles.
    B. The negative impact f uncnventinal jb titles.
    C. The unrealistic expectatins f emplyers.
    D. The tugh psitin f mdern wrkers.
    "White peple fd" is trending n Chinese scial media platfrms as large numbers f users are cnfused by the typical Western packed lunch.The trend started n the scial media platfrms Weib and Xiahngshu with t many users shcked by quick and easy meals such as cld sandwiches and raw vegetables.Many psts are frm internatinal students surprised by the simple meals their peers eat.Similarly,verseas wrkers and expatriates (侨民) have psted their shck at their c-wrkers' repetitive lunches.
    Phts f the bland (淡而无味的) lunches have quickly spread thrugh glbal scial media platfrms including TikTk and Twitter.Many scial media users have prmted the health benefits f the simple "white peple lunch".In respnse t this,a cmmenter n Xiahngshu suggested, "If such a meal is t extend life,what is the meaning f life?"
    "White peple fd" made it beynd the Chinese scial media platfrms and fund itself trending n Twitter.Hundreds f users shared their wn experiences f lw-maintenance lunches in the US,Australia and acrss Eurpe. "When I first came t Australia,I saw a wman wh bught raw sliced mushrms in the supermarket and sat dwn t eat them," Marcel Wang explained in a TikTk vide. "Fascinatin with these meals has spread as many Chinese peple are used t cking with lts f different ingredients."
    A Western user said, "As a white persn,I didn't knw we were all packing lunches like this.I thught it was just me being lazy."Anther cmmented, "It's literally because we dn't get lunch breaks." Others warned internatinal TikTkers against making"white peple lunches".They said,"Dn't d it t yurself willingly!We d it because we dn't knw any better.Dn't d this t yurself."
    8.What surprised verseas wrkers and expatriates? ______
    A. The simplicity f typical Western packed lunches.
    B. The diverse dietary structures f internatinal students.
    C. The rapid develpment f Chinese scial media platfrms.
    D. The influence f Chinese cuisine n Western eating habits.
    9.What is the Xiahngshu cmmenter's attitude twards "white peple fd"? ______
    A. Dubtful.B. Wrried.C. Dismissive.D. Negative.
    10.What can we infer frm the wrds f the Westerners in the last paragraph? ______
    A. They learn hw t ck frm TikTk vides.
    B. They have a tlerant attitude twards diverse diets.
    C. They are mre than happy t share their packed lunches.
    D. They discurage peple frm adpting their dietary habits.
    11.What wuld be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. A lunchtime surprise encuntered by visitrs in China
    B. Unpacking"white peple fd":a wealth f cultural insights
    C. Surprising cking trends n Western scial media platfrms
    D. Imprving"white peple fd":a grwing emphasis n health
    Just after hatching,many birds learn t identify and fllw the first mving bject they encunter-a prcess called imprinting,which can ffer prtectin in the wild as it helps them stay near a parent.It desn't take much visual infrmatin fr a bird t learn t prefer ne bject and fllw it.Researchers wanted t knw whether AI mdels called transfrmers culd d a similar task with limited inputs.
    Transfrmers are generic learning systems that can be trained t perfrm a wide variety f tasks,making them useful in bth AI chatbts such as ChatGPT and in cmputer visin applicatins,such as autnmus car navigatin.
    "T directly cmpare learning algrithms(计算程序)t brains,we need t train them n the same experiences," says Samantha Wd at Indiana University Blmingtn.She first raised chicks in a bx where the nly visual stimulatin came frm a rtating 3 D bject presented n a screen.After the first week,she ran each chick thrugh hundreds f test trials that shwed that same bject n ne screen-presented frm bth familiar and unfamiliar perspectives-and displayed a secnd unfamiliar bject n anther screen.The chicks spent mre f their time near the first bject,suggesting they had imprinted n it.
    The researcher then created a virtual simulatin(仿造物) f the set-up and used a virtual agent t mve thrugh it while lking arund and recrding a first-persn view.That prvided tens f thusands f simulated images fr training and evaluating fur transfrmer mdels.
    The AI mdels had just 300 millisecnds t learn frm each simulated image-apprximating(接近于) hw lng bilgical neurns(神经元) fire after being presented with an image.The researcher fund that the AIs culd learn t recgnise a 3 D bject as quickly and accurately as the chicks.
    The study is "a great piece f wrk" in cmparing machine perfrmance with bilgical brains,says Antne Martinh-Truswell at the University f Sydney.But he als ntes, "We might be able t say that the chick 'saw' its imprinting bject,but that will have a cmpnent (成分) f experience t it.Particularly as imprinting is t d with identifying its mther,it wuld be unsurprising if that visual experience were cmbined with a suite f ther cmpnents f experience:fear yielding t cmfrt,fr example,as the chick cmes t regard the bject as its imprinted 'mther'."
    12.Why d newbrn birds engage in imprinting? ______
    A. T enhance their navigatin skills.
    B. T develp their scial behaviur.
    C. T imprve their cmmunicatin with ther birds.
    D. T establish a prtective cnnectin with a guardian.
    13.Hw did Samantha Wd cnduct the initial experiment with chicks? ______
    A. She raised them in an envirnment with a rtating visual element.
    B. She expsed them t varius visual stimulatins in the wild.
    C. She shwed them varius mving bjects n screens.
    D. She bserved their behaviur in a natural habitat.
    14.What rle did the virtual simulatin play in the research? ______
    A. T imitate the natural behaviur f birds.
    B. T assess the effectiveness f virtual agents.
    C. T examine the Al mdels' ability t identify a 3 D bject.
    D. T create a visually diverse envirnment fr the chicks.
    15.Accrding t Antne Martinh-Truswell,what pses a challenge in cmparing machine perfrmance with bilgical brains? ______
    A. Rapid learning pace f AI mdels.
    B. Recreating real-wrld envirnments fr experiments.
    C. The cmplexity and diversity f bilgical experiences.
    D. Cnducting additinal experiments with a range f animals.
    A Picture Paints A Thusand Wrds?
    Nwadays,everyne takes selfies(自拍照),frm famus actrs and pliticians,t everyday peple.Selfies are a great way t share yur hbbies and daily rutines,and thanks t smartphnes and their high-quality cameras,anyne can take and uplad these images n scial media.(1) ______ Accrding t research,ur selfies and hw we take them als say a lt abut ur character.
    Researchers fund that bth the pses that we chse and the way that we actually take a selfie can shw the wrld smething.(2) ______ Thse wh stick their tngues ut culd be fun-lving and silly but might actually feel uncmfrtable in frnt f the camera.
    Even hw ften we smile in ur selfies and the way we smile tell peple abut ur character.Smene wh smiles a lt is mre likely t be utging and pen t new experiences while smene with a large brad smile may be a risk-taker.It's nt just ur expressin,thugh,that gives away things abut us.(3) ______ Fr example,peple wh lk directly at the camera culd be cperative and sciable.
    ( 4) ______ Studies fund that shwing the left side f the face and cheek in a selfie cmmunicates emtins better and makes yu seem mre attractive t thers.Peple wh take a selfie frm belw ften want t appear bigger and strnger,white thse taking a picture frm abve lking dwn culd want t appear shrter and sweeter.
    Next time yu grab yur smartphne,hld n fr a mment.(5) ______
    A.Our eyes can d that t!
    B.The psitin f the camera is als imprtant.
    C.It may be better t drp it straight back int yur pcket.
    D.Think abut what yur next pst is really saying abut yu!
    E.The act f taking a selfie als puts yu in a psitin f pwer.
    F.Fr example,peple wh make the "duck face" may be in a bad md.
    G.But is there mre t selfies than just shwing yur hlidays r yur new clthes?
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    My daddy was a d-as-I-d kind f guy.In his bk,( 1) ______ training was much preferred t mere verbal explanatin.He was int (2) ______ whenever and wherever pssible.
    Take tire (轮胎) changing,fr instance.When I was a teenager,Daddy taught me hw t change a flat tire n the family car.A few years later,when I was able t drive,Daddy (3) ______ flattened a tire when he knew I was planning t (4) ______ the huse and challenged me t change it ut fr the (5) ______ did.
    A big man,Daddy had the (6) ______ f a best-selling nvelist.He put it t gd use at thse times when (7) ______ his baby girl fr life had t extend beynd demnstratin.
    In ur huse,T.F. (8) ______ a little wd nymph (仙女),wh was described t me by Daddy as wise and particularly fnd f green trees.Daddy and I (9) ______ her whenever a prblem arse that I culd nt slve.
    At the age f 13,I asked Daddy hw t (10) ______ T.F.'s "real" name.Daddy answered with a srt f riddle, "It's prnunced 'Fear-a-lie' but spelled any way yu wish." A few years later I (11) ______ a message in my father's elegant handwriting that mentined "Fear-A-Lie." Only then,with a flash f insight,did the pieces (12) ______ .
    ( 13) ______ ,I left hme t launch a career as an investigative reprter,ften speaking truth t pwer.
    Lking back,I understand that Daddy's life lessns-abut ding the (14) ______ thing even when faced with high risk一tk rt just as he (15) ______ .
    21.A. scialB. scientificC. thereticalD. participatry
    22.A. explainingB. debatingC. demnstratingD. assisting
    23.A. patientlyB. painfullyC. unwillinglyD. purpsely
    24.A. cleanB. buyC. leaveD. rent
    25.A. ldB. spareC. cheapD. empty
    26.A. memryB. pininC. imaginatinD. wealth
    27.A. leadingB. invitingC. cntrllingD. preparing
    28.A. std frB. called frC. waited frD. lked fr
    29.A. ignredB. cnsultedC. aidedD. accmpanied
    30.A. spellB. viceC. discverD. prve
    31.A. searched frB. came acrssC. respnded tD. held up
    32.A. fall int placeB. mix up
    C. cme int effectD. settle dwn
    33.A. SuddenlyB. SecretlyC. NrmallyD. Eventually
    34.A. rdinaryB. creativeC. rightD. basic
    35.A. fearedB. intendedC. claimedD. prmised
    36.Li Hngb is a Chinese artist wh makes (1) ______ ( incredible) cmplicated and stretchable paper sculptures,drawing n a rich histry f traditinal Chinese flk art.Fr thusands f years,paper (2) ______ ( use) t create lanterns,festive decratins and children's tys.
    "There is a Chinese saying, 'Life is as fragile as paper,' " says Li. "It has had a huge impact (3) ______ me." Painstakingly cnstructed,each artwrk pens ut like the bellws (风箱) f an accrdin(手风琴),( 4) ______ ( reveal) a beautiful hneycmb pattern hidden between each layer.His wrks might be read as a visual challenge t (5) ______ abve-mentined saying,arguing instead that,while life may indeed be as fragile as paper,there's (6) ______ ( strng) in numbers.
    Sme f his larger artwrks are made frm 7,000 t 8,000 pieces f paper,all carefully (7) ______ ( glue) tgether at specific pints by hand,resulting in a blck (8) ______ can mve,bend and expand.Then this blck (9) ______ ( carve) int shape with varius tls.
    These exceptinal 3 D paper sculptures are vivid and (10) ______ ( fascinate),shwcasing Chinese craftsmanship,creativity and innvatin.
    37.最近,"搭子文化(the cmpanin culture)"受到了越来越多的人的关注,人们为了寻找陪伴而选择"暂时性搭子"。你校英文报就"青少年是否应该寻找学习搭子"向全校学生征稿,请你写一篇短文投稿。
    Shuld teens pursue study partners?______
    38.Eight-year-ld Evan std by the sidewalk watching as Mrs.Carter pened her flwer shp.He felt relieved that the shp hadn't clsed frever.Tw days ag,when he passed by,there was a clsed sign n the dr and a nte saying Mrs.Carter was sick.Evan was wrried that he wuld never be able t get his "dream jb" if the shp remained clsed fr t lng.
    Mrs.Carter,an 85-year-ld wman,sptted Evan lking in her shp's directin and waved hell t him.Excitedly,Evan ran up t her and expressed his desire t wrk at the laughed quietly,finding it amusing that an eight-year-ld wanted a jb.Evan cnfidently explained that since his dad passed away,he had learned hw t d varius tasks,like taking ut the rubbish,making sandwiches,and assisting his mm,Stacey,with grceries.He didn't want any payment fr his wrk;instead,he simply wanted a buquet (花束) fr his mm' s upcming birthday.He believed in wrking hard fr what he wanted,just as his mm had taught him.
    Impressed by Evan's determinatin,Mrs.Carter agreed t hire him.She asked if he knew hw t tie ribbns arund flwers,and when she heard Evan's affirmative(肯定的) respnse,they gt dwn t making buquets.Evan was excited t assist Mrs.Carter every evening fr a whle week,and his presence brught jy t her bring wrk.Custmers fund Evan adrable and entertaining,which resulted in increased flwer purchases and bming business fr Mrs.Carter.
    On Evan's last day,Mrs.Carter felt emtinal.Their bnd had grwn strng,and she saw him as a grandchild.As she prepared a splendid buquet fr Evan's mther,tears welled up in her eyes.She invited him t visit her shp in the future,and Evan prmised t tell his mm abut her.
    With the buquet in hand,Evan rushed hme t celebrate Mm's birthday.______
    As Evan handed his mm the buquet,they were surprised t discver an envelpe with several hundred-dllar bills inside.______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段In hnr f Earth Day (April 22),we're lking fr creative and resurceful envirnmental slutins t save the Earth.(为了纪念地球日(4月22日),我们正在寻找富有创意和资源的环保解决方案来拯救地球)以及Rules部分● Submissins must relate t the tpic.(提交的材料必须与主题相关)可知,与环境解决方案有关才可入选。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Rules部分中Yu must be a teen (aged 13-19)with a Teen Ink accunt t enter.(你必须是拥有Teen Ink帐户的青少年(13-19岁)才能进参加)可知,青少年参加比赛需要在Teen Ink上注册。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第三段●First prize winners will each have their essays published in Teen Ink magazine and get a free 6-mnth magazine subscriptin.(一等奖获得者的文章将在Teen Ink杂志上发表,并免费订阅6个月的杂志)以及●Secnd prize winners will each get a free 3-mnth magazine subscriptin and receive a $25 Amazn gift card.(二等奖获得者每人将获得为期3个月的免费杂志订阅,并获得一张价值25美元的亚马逊礼品卡)可知,所有获奖者还能得到免费杂志。故选D。
    这是一篇应用文。本文介绍了Teen Ink杂志的"讲故事比赛"的相关内容,包括评选标准、参赛规则、作品提交方式、以及获奖奖励等信息。
    【解析】(1)词句猜测题。根据文章第一段They cmmunicate essential emplyee details such as jb functin and senirity.They make sense t emplyees and recruiters (招聘人员) alike,leaving little rm fr ambiguity.(它们传达了员工的基本信息,如工作职能和资历。这对员工和招聘人员都很有意义,几乎没有ambiguity的空间。)可推知,这几乎没有模糊的空间。这里的ambiguity指的是混淆或不明确,与cnfusin(迷惑,困惑)意思相近。A.Grwth增长;B.Cnfusin困惑;C.Discussin讨论;D.Imprvement提高。故选B项。
    (2)细节理解题。根据文章第二段This was the case fr Lennie Hughes,whse fficial jb title is "head f hype (炒作) and culture" at Truant,a Lndn-based advertising agency.Initially,this psitin was advertised as a mre traditinal "head f marketing and new business".But,after being recruited,Hughes wrked with Truant t craft a new title fr the rle he'd lead,centred mre n integrating traditinal external branding and cmmunicatins with a fresh take n internal wrkplace culture.(伦尼•休斯(Lennie Hughes)就是这样,他的官方头衔是伦敦广告公司Truant的"宣传与文化主管"。最初,这个职位被广告宣传为更传统的"市场和新业务负责人"。但是,被招聘后,Hughes与Truant合作为他将要领导的角色制定了一个新的标题,更多地集中在将传统的外部品牌和通信与对内部工作场所文化的新颖理解相结合。)可推知,Lennie Hughes是创新的。故选D项。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章第三段By using 'peple' in the title,emplyers can say they invest in peple.Thrugh this language,cmpanies are trying t shw they dn't regard emplyees as resurces t tap.(通过在标题中使用"人",雇主可以说他们投资于人。通过这种语言,公司试图表明他们不把员工视为可以利用的资源。)可推知,新的职位名称可以让员工感到更受尊重。故选C项。
    (4)段落大意题。根据文章最后一段Ultimately,when a nn-descriptive,verblwn jb title is used as a cstless recruiting methd t bst wrker eg (自尊心),it can lead t a mismatch in expectatins between emplyer and emplyee.At the extreme end,this culd place wrkers in a tugh psitin where they end up in a rle that desn't match what they thught was prmised.(最终,当一个非描述性的、夸大其词的职位头衔被用作一种没有成本的招聘方法来提升员工的自我意识时,它可能会导致雇主和员工之间的期望不匹配。在极端的情况下,这可能会让员工处于一个艰难的境地,他们最终得到的职位与他们所认为的承诺不符)可知,最后一段主要关于非常规职位头衔的负面影响。故选B项。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第一段Many psts are frm internatinal students surprised by the simple meals their peers eat.Similarly,verseas wrkers and expatriates (侨民) have psted their shck at their c-wrkers' repetitive lunches.(许多帖子来自对同伴吃的简单餐食感到惊讶的国际学生。同样,海外工人和侨民也对同事重复的午餐表示震惊。)可知,海外工人和侨民对典型的西方便当的简单性感到惊讶。故选A。
    (2)观点态度题。根据文章第二段In respnse t this,a cmmenter n Xiahngshu suggested, "If such a meal is t extend life,what is the meaning f life?"(对此,小红书上的一位评论者建议,"如果这样的餐食是为了延长生命,那生命的意义是什么?")可推知,小红书评论者对"白人食物"的态度是消极的。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段They said,"Dn't d it t yurself willingly!We d it because we dn't knw any better.Dn't d this t yurself."(他们说,"不要自愿这样做!我们这样做是因为我们不知道有更好的。不要这样对待自己。")可推知,西方人劝阻人们采取他们的饮食习惯。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据全文内容,文章主要介绍了中国社交媒体上"白人食物"成为热门话题,许多用户对典型的西方便当的简单性感到困惑,这一现象引发了对文化差异的深入思考。因此,B选项"Unpacking"white peple fd":a wealth f cultural insights"(解读"白人食物":丰富的文化洞察)最能概括全文内容。故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Just after hatching,many birds learn t identify and fllw the first mving bject they encunter—a prcess called imprinting,which can ffer prtectin in the wild as it helps them stay near a parent.(刚孵化出来,许多鸟就学会了识别和跟踪它们遇到的第一个移动物体——这一过程被称为"印记",在野外可以提供保护,因为它可以帮助它们留在父母身边)可知,新生的鸟类有印记是为了与监护人建立保护性联系。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段She first raised chicks in a bx where the nly visual stimulatin came frm a rtating 3 D bject presented n a screen.(她首先在一个盒子里饲养小鸡,唯一的视觉刺激来自屏幕上呈现的旋转3 D物体)可知,萨曼莎•伍德在一个有旋转视觉元素的环境中抚养小鸡,来进行最初的实验。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The AI mdels had just 300 millisecnds t learn frm each simulated image-apprximating (接近于) hw lng bilgical neurns (神经元) fire after being presented with an image.The researcher fund that the AIs culd learn t recgnise a 3 D bject as quickly and accurately as the chicks.(人工智能模型从每张模拟图像中学习的时间只有300毫秒,这接近于生物神经元在看到图像后的激活时间。研究人员发现,人工智能可以像小鸡一样快速准确地学会识别3 D物体)可知,虚拟仿真在研究中检查人工智能模型识别3 D物体的能力。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段The study is "a great piece f wrk" in cmparing machine perfrmance with bilgical brains,says Antne Martinh-Truswell at the University f Sydney.But he als ntes, "We might be able t say that the chick 'saw' its imprinting bject,but that will have a cmpnent (成分) f experience t it.Particularly as imprinting is t d with identifying its mther,it wuld be unsurprising if that visual experience were cmbined with a suite f ther cmpnents f experience:fear yielding t cmfrt,fr example,as the chick cmes t regard the bject as its imprinted 'mther'."(悉尼大学的Antne Martinh-Truswell说,这项研究在比较机器与生物大脑的性能方面是"一项伟大的工作"。但他也指出,"我们可能会说小鸡'看到'了它的印记物体,但这将有一个经验的组成部分。"特别是因为印记与识别母亲有关,如果这种视觉体验与一系列其他体验的组成部分结合在一起,那就不足为奇了:例如,当小鸡把这个物体视为它印记的'母亲'时,恐惧被安慰所取代。")可知,根据Antne Martinh-Truswell的说法,将机器性能与生物大脑进行比较的挑战是生物经验的复杂性和多样性。故选C。
    【解析】(1)联系下文题。由下文Accrding t research,ur selfies and hw we take them als say a lt abut ur character.(根据研究,我们的自拍以及我们如何拍摄也反映了我们的性格。)可知,我们的自拍能说明了我们的性格,而G项"但是,自拍不仅仅是展示你的假期或新衣服吗?"符合语境,其中is there mre和下文say a lt abut ur character对应,有启下作用。故选G项。
    (2)联系上文题。由上文Researchers fund that bth the pses that we chse and the way that we actually take a selfie can shw the wrld smething.(研究人员发现,我们选择的姿势和实际自拍的方式都可以向世界展示一些东西。)可知,我们拍照的姿势可以让外在的世界发现一些东西。而F项"例如,做"鸭子脸"的人可能心情不好。"符合语境,其中make the "duck face" 与上文pses对应,有承上作用。故选F项。
    (3)联系下文题。由下文Fr example,peple wh lk directly at the camera culd be cperative and sciable.(例如,直视镜头的人可能会合作和善于交际。)可知,我们的眼睛也会显示我们的性格。而A项"我们的眼睛也能做到这一点!"符合语境,其中Our eyes和下文lk directly对应,有启下作用。故选A项。
    (4)段落大意题。由下文Studies fund that shwing the left side f the face and cheek in a selfie cmmunicates emtins better and makes yu seem mre attractive t thers.Peple wh take a selfie frm belw ften want t appear bigger and strnger,white thse taking a picture frm abve lking dwn culd want t appear shrter and sweeter.(研究发现,在自拍中露出脸和脸颊的左侧可以更好地传达情绪,让你看起来对他人更有吸引力。从下面自拍的人通常希望看起来更大、更强壮,而从上面往下看的白人则希望看起来更短、更甜美。)可知,本段主要讲拍摄的位置也会显示出我们的性格。而B项"相机的位置也很重要。"符合语境,对下文有总括作用。故选B项。
    (5)联系上文题。由上文Next time yu grab yur smartphne,hld n fr a mment. (下次拿起智能手机时,请稍等。)可知,这里主要建议下次拍照时需要先思考下,而D项"想想你的下一篇帖子到底在说什么!"符合语境,有承上作用。故选D项。
    【解析】(1)考查形容词及语境理解。A.scial社会的;B.scientific科学的;C.theretical理论的;D.participatry参与式的。句意:在他的书中,参与式培训比口头解释更受欢迎。根据前文的"My daddy was a d-as-I-d kind f guy"可知,父亲强调实际行动,因此参与式的训练更符合他的教育理念。故选D项。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.explaining解释;B.debating辩论;C.demnstrating演示;D.assisting协助。句意:无论何时何地,他都热衷于演示。根据前文的"training was much preferred t mere verbal explanatin"可知,与上题呼应,父亲偏好实际操作而非口头解释,因此此
    (3)考查副词及语境理解。A.patiently耐心地;B.painfully痛苦地;C.unwillingly不情愿地;D.purpsely故意地。句意:几年后,当我能开车的时候,爸爸知道我打算离开家,就故意打瘪了一个轮胎,并挑战我换上备胎。根据后文的"challenged me t change it"可知,这里父亲是为了给女儿一个实践机会,故意弄瘪轮胎。故选D项。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.clean清洁;B.buy购买;C.leave离开;D.rent租赁。句意:几年后,当我能开车的时候,爸爸知道我打算离开家,就故意打瘪了一个轮胎,并挑战我换上备胎。根据前文的"when I was able t drive"可知,此处指作者学会开车后,准备离家出门时的情景。故选C项。
    (5)考查形容词及语境理解。A.ld旧的;B.spare备用的;C.cheap便宜的;D.empty空的。根据前文的"flattened a tire"和"challenged me t change it ut"可知,轮胎瘪了自然是要更换备胎。句意:几年后,当我能开车的时候,爸爸知道我打算离开家,就故意打瘪了一个轮胎,并挑战我换上备胎。故选B项。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.memry记忆;B.pinin观点;C.imaginatin想象力;D.wealth财富。句意:父亲是个大个子,有着畅销小说家般的想象力。根据后文的"f a best-selling nvelist"和"He put it t gd use at thse times when7 his baby girl fr life had t extend beynd demnstratin."可知,下文提到父亲用一种谜一样的方式解释问题,显示了他丰富的想象力。故选C项。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.leading引导;B.inviting邀请;C.cntrlling控制;D.preparing准备。句意:在他必须为他的宝贝女儿准备面对生活而不仅仅是示范的时候,他就充分利用了这一点。根据后文的"his baby girl fr life"可知在他必须为他的宝贝女儿准备面对生活而不仅仅是示范的时候,他就充分利用了这一点。故选D项。
    (8)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.std fr代表;B.called fr需要;C.waited fr等待;D.lked fr寻找。句意:在我们家里,TF代表了一个被父亲描述为智慧且特别喜欢绿树的小仙女。根据后文的"a little wd nymph(仙女)wh was described t me by Daddy as wise and particularly fnd f green trees"可知,这里是指TF这个缩写代表着一个小仙女的形象。故选A项。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.ignred忽视;B.cnsulted咨询;C.aided帮助;D.accmpanied陪伴。句意:每当出现问题我无法解决时,爸爸和我就会咨询她。根据后文的"whenever a prblem arse that I culd nt slve"可知,遇到问题时,他们会向这个虚构的角色求助,即咨询她的意见。故选B项。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.spell拼写;B.vice表达;C.discver发现;D.prve证明。句意:13岁时,我问爸爸如何拼写TF.的"真实"名字。根据后文的"It's prnunced 'Fear-a-lie' but spelled any way yu wish." 可知,这里女儿询问的是如何正确拼写出TF.代表的名字。故选A项。
    (11)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.searched fr寻找;B.came acrss偶遇,偶然发现;C.respnded t回应;D.held up举起。句意:几年后,我偶然发现了父亲优雅笔迹中提到的"Fear-A-Lie"。根据后文的"in my father's elegant handwriting"可知,这里指作者无意中发现了父亲写的留言。故选B项。
    (12)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.fall int place逐渐明朗;B.mix up混淆;C.cme int effect开始生效;D.settle dwn安定下来。句意:只有那时,我才恍然大悟,所有的线索都逐渐明朗。根据前文的"with a flash f insight,did the pieces"可知,表示作者一切突然明白了,线索逐渐明朗,形成了完整的理解。故选A项。
    (13)考查副词及语境理解。A.Suddenly突然;B.Secretly秘密地;C.Nrmally正常地;D.Eventually最终。句意:最终,我离开家,开始从事调查记者的职业,经常对权势说真话。根据后文的"left hme t launch a career"可知,此处是讲述故事的进展,最终作者离开了家。故选D项。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.rdinary普通的;B.creative创造性的;C.right正确的;D.basic基础的。句意:回想起来,我明白,爸爸的人生课程——即使面临高风险也要做正确的事——正如他所计划的那样生根发芽。根据后文的"even when faced with high risk"可知,此处强调的是在困难面前也要坚持做正确的事情。故选C项。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.feared害怕;B.intended打算,计划;C.claimed声称;D.prmised承诺。句意:回想起来,我明白,爸爸的人生课程——即使面临高风险也要做正确的事——正如他所计划的那样生根发芽。根据前文的"tk rt just as he"可知如他所计划的那样生根发芽。故选B项。
    【小题2】has been used
    【小题9】is carved
    (2)考查现在完成时。句意:几千年来,纸一直被用来制作灯笼、节日装饰品和儿童玩具。主语paper与谓语构成被动关系,根据上文Fr thusands f years可知为现在完成时的被动语态,助动词用has。故填has been used。
    (3)考查介词。句意:李说:"中国有句谚语,'命比纸薄,'它对我产生了巨大的影响。"短语have a huge impact n/upn表示"对……产生了巨大的影响"。故填n/upn。
    (5)考查冠词。句意:他的作品可能会被解读为对上述说法的视觉挑战,相反,他认为,虽然生命可能确实像纸一样脆弱,但数量有力量。此处特指上文Life is as fragile as paper的说法,应用定冠词。故填the。
    (6)考查名词。句意:他的作品可能会被解读为对上述说法的视觉挑战,相反,他认为,虽然生命可能确实像纸一样脆弱,但数量有力量。作there be句型的主语,应用名词strength,故填strength。
    (9)考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:然后用各种工具把这块石头雕刻成形状。主语blck与谓语构成被动关系,陈述事实用一般现在时的被动语态,谓语用单数。故填is carved。
    (10)考查形容词。句意:这些独特的3 D纸雕塑生动迷人,展示了中国的工艺、创造力和创新精神。作表语,主语为sculptures,应用形容词fascinating。故填fascinating。
    37.【答案】Shuld teens pursue study partners? The cmpanin culture trend is gaining ntice as peple pt fr shrt-term partnerships t fulfill immediate needs fr cperatin,knwledge exchange,and shared experiences.(介绍话题)
    I am in favr f teens' pursuing study partners,because these partnerships can help develp essential skills like resilience and teamwrk,which are nt nly crucial fr study but als fr life in general.【高分句型一】(表明观点)
    Althugh having study partners can encurage lively idea exchange and cllabrative learning,it's crucial t be careful and avid distractins.It's imprtant fr teens t find study partners that match their learning style,creating a relatinship that benefits bth.【高分句型二】(说明理由)
    【解析】高分句型一:I am in favr f teens' pursuing study partners,because these partnerships can help develp essential skills like resilience and teamwrk,which are nt nly crucial fr study but als fr life in general.
    高分句型二:It's imprtant fr teens t find study partners that match their learning style,creating a relatinship that benefits bth.
    分析:这句话使用了that引导的限制性定语从句,现在分词短语creating a relatinship that benefits bth作状语。
    38.【答案】 With the buquet in hand,Evan rushed hme t celebrate Mm's birthday.On seeing the gift,his mm was astnished.The buquet was huge and lked expensive.Rather than being happy abut it,she wndered where Evan had gtten it.【高分句型一】 "Evan?Where did yu get the mney fr this?" she asked,wrried.With a big smile n his face,Evan tld her the whle stry and explained that he had nce verheard Stacey's cnversatins,learning she didn't buy herself things t save mney fr him,s he made up his mind t give Mm a special gift fr her birthday.Hearing the heartfelt wrds,mm was mved.She embraced him tightly,expressing her lve and gratitude.【高分句型二】(妈妈看到花的反应以及埃文解释花的来历)
    As Evan handed his mm the buquet,they were surprised t discver an envelpe with several hundred-dllar bills inside.Wrried that Mrs.Carter had made a mistake,Evan suggested returning the mney.They went t the flwer shp immediately and handed the envelpe back t warmly,Mrs.Carter explained that it wasn't a mistake but a birthday gift fr Evan's mther.She insisted they keep it,saying it was Evan's affectin fr his mm that tuched her and that she decided t lend a hand.Mved by Mrs.Carter's kindness,mm invited her fr dinner that night and they celebrated Stacey's birthday tgether.(他们归还钱,卡特夫人表示是给他母亲的生日礼物)
    高分句型一:Rather than being happy abut it,she wndered where Evan had gtten it.
    高分句型二:Hearing the heartfelt wrds,mm was mved.She embraced him tightly,expressing her lve and gratitude.
    分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语Hearing the heartfelt wrds作状语,现在分词短语expressing her lve and gratitude作状语。

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