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      安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考(期中)英语答案 Word版含解析.docx
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      安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考(期中)英语答案 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考(期中)英语答案试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考期中英语答案Word版含解析docx、安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考期中英语答案Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. What will the wman d first?
    A. Finish a reprt. B. Discuss a prject. C. Attend a meeting.
    2. What des Tm have t d by himself?
    A. Pick up the clients. B. Give a presentatin. C. G n a business trip.
    3. Hw many peple will g t the pera?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    4. What is the man’s attitude twards the plant?
    A. Supprtive. B. In different. C. Disapprving.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. The theater is t far away frm where they live.
    B. The theater is t dark fr them t find their seats.
    C. They nearly missed the beginning f the shw.
    6. Why des the wman have n plan fr Christmas?
    A. She has never celebrated it. B. She hates t celebrate it alne. C. She is t busy t d it.
    7. Where will the speakers spend their Christmas?
    A. At the wman’s hme. B. At the man’s hme. C. At their friend’s hme.
    8. Why isn’t the man watching the Wrld Cup matches?
    A. His favrite team didn’t advance t the secnd rund.
    B. His favrite ftball star missed the matches.
    C. The player he likes wasn’t in the starting line-up.
    9. What caused the team’s lss?
    A. Red cards. B. Judges. C. Injuries.
    10. Where will the man watch the final match?
    A. At hme. B. In the bar. C. In the Stadium.
    11. Hw des the wman feel at first?
    A. Amused. B. Curius. C. Excited.
    12. What in the frest made the man think abut rtting?
    A. Flwers. B. Trees. C. Mushrms.
    13. What des the wman think f yellw mushrms?
    A. Cmmn. B. Special. C. Interesting.
    14. When will the speakers return t the frest?
    A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.
    15. What is the first thing fr the speakers t d if they decide t g n a bat trip?
    A. Make a bking. B. Pay the full charge. C. Pay a depsit.
    16. Hw much d the speakers need t pay fr the bat trip tgether?
    A. 32 punds. B. 40 punds. C. 64 punds.
    17. Hw can the fees be paid?
    A. Only by cash. B. Only by credit card. C. Either.
    18. What des the speaker say abut herself?
    A. She is very patient. B. She is in pr health. C. She is a bit independent.
    19. Why did the speaker setup the rganizatin?
    A. T prduce masks. B. T make mre prfits. C. T ffer peple jbs.
    20. What des the speaker mean at the end f the talk?
    A. She is ready t help thers. B. She wants mre vlunteers. C. She has enugh masks nw.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    With all the dietary infrmatin nline, it can be hard t knw what tips t fllw. Watch ut fr these wrds and expressins.
    Fat Is Gd
    It desn’t matter if yu are part f the fat is GOOD fr yu r BAD fr yu grup, the imprtant questin t ask is the surce f the fat. If it cmes frm a land-based animal, and is likely t be slid at rm temperature, then it is saturated (饱和的) fat whereas if it cmes frm fish r plants, and it is likely t be liquid at rm temperature, then it is unsaturated fat. All the evidence indicates that eating mre unsaturated fat than saturated fat lwers yur risk f dying early.
    Natural Sugar Is Better
    The vast majrity f sugar we cnsume is sucrse (蔗糖). It is the white pwdered stuff we ck with and is made up f glucse and fructse. Hw abut sugar frm hney? It is ften marketed as natural and better fr yu. Actually, it just has its wn distinct flavur, but is as sweet because f glucse and fructse.
    High-pH Water
    Sme peple think we need t eat alkali (碱) fd t maintain ur bld at a pH f 7.4. But everything we eat r drink passes thrugh the stmach, which, at a pH f 1.5, is the mst acidic part f the bdy. It is then neutralised t a pH f 7. S, nthing we eat will change the pH f ur bld.
    Dn’t Eat Anything That Yu Can’t Prnunce
    Whether fds are natural r highly prcessed, they are all full f chemicals. Are yu suppsed t fear “phenylthicarbamide”, because yu can’t prnunce it? This is simply the chemical respnsible fr the bitter taste fund in brassicas, the plants in the cabbage and mustard family.
    Dn’t Eat Fd With Mre Than Five Ingredients(佐料)
    Simple fds are nt necessarily healthier fr yu. If I, fr instance, use Chinese five spice pwder in a recipe, that wuld cunt as ne f the five ingredients. Hwever, what if I added the typical cmpnents f five spice pwder separately int a dish? Des that mean my recipe suddenly becmes bad because it has mre than five ingredients?
    1. Accrding t the passage, healthier fat ______.
    A. can be fund in fish and plantsB. cmes frm land-based animals
    C. remains slid at rm temperatureD. can lwer the death rate f elders
    2. The passage suggests that ______.
    A diets can help adjust the pH f ur bldB. hney sugar can d mre gd than sucrse
    C fds with mre ingredients may be as healthyD. chemicals we can recgnize are safer t take in
    3. What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A. T cmpare tips n fd chices.B. T intrduce different health cncepts.
    C. T recmmend fitness recipes t readers.D. T warn us f sme dietary misunderstandings.
    Grwing up in Ukraine, Vadim didn’t knw what it was like t live in a safe, stable hme. His parents were alchlics wh wuld ften beat him. They’d even put him int a wine cntainer, breaking his little bdy and leaving nly a small pening at the tp s he culd breathe and see—but nly just a little.
    By the time Vadim turned 9, he was living in an rphanage (孤儿院). Unfrtunately, as is the case with far t many little nes, his life nly gt wrse there. Nt nly was he hurt, but he was placed in a rm n the third flr, making it impssible t get dwnstairs in a wheelchair.
    This left Vadim crawling up and dwn the stairs, an activity that was bth physically and mentally tiring. He’d ften be late fr meals. If the fd wasn’t already gne by the time he arrived, ther kids wuld steal frm him.
    Then, a chain effect began when sme special flks visited the rphanage. They tld him a stry abut a spiritual figure wh advcated lve and frgiveness. This cnversatin helped the 14-year-ld find his faith and, in turn, he had mre hpe than he ever had befre.
    Tday, Vadim is n lnger the by subject t fate. He is a father t his wn kids, and his life culdn’t be mre different r better. Over the years, he’s discvered a gift fr expressing himself thrugh art. This inspired Tim Tebw Fundatin, an rganizatin fighting fr the mst vulnerable (脆弱的) peple arund the wrld, t ask if he’d like t create a piece that represented what it lked and felt like fr him t have gne frm “darkness t light.”
    The result? A truly remarkable painting that features Vadim, in his wheelchair, leaving behind his ld hme, including the wine cntainer his parents put him int. His new directin includes a beautiful frest full f fall leaves and bright light, shwing the hpe he is said t have fund in the inspiring stry.
    4. Accrding t the passage, Vadim’s parents treated him ________.
    A. terriblyB. frgivinglyC. thughtfullyD. strictly
    5. Why did Vadim crawl up and dwn the stairs when living in the rphanage?
    A Because his little rmmates ften did damage t his wheelchair.
    B. Because ther children wuld take his meal withut permissin.
    C. Because he culdn’t use the wheelchair t g dwnstairs frm a high flr.
    D. Because getting dwnstairs was demanding fr him physically and mentally.
    6. The phrase “a chain effect ” in paragraph 4 refers t _________.
    A. an effective treatment fr Vadim’s disability
    B. a series f psitive changes ccurring in Vadim’s life
    C. a sense f hpe frm the stry f a spiritual figure
    D. a helping hand frm Tim Tebw Fundatin
    7. What is the message that Vadim wants t cnvey in his remarkable painting?
    A. He says gdbye t the past and harvests happiness.B. He admires the beauty and harmny f nature.
    C. He excels in delicate painting techniques.D. He leads a miserable life with his wn kids.
    Nearly every week, we hear news abut the latest successes and failures in driverless vehicles. But we hear little abut hw ther industries are develping this same kind f technlgy. One industry heavily invlved in researching and develping artificial intelligence, r AI, is agriculture. Cmpanies are experimenting with high-tech tls that can help farmers save time and mney, while reducing envirnment-harming chemicals.
    One f the cmpanies is ecRbtix f SwitzerLand. It created a rbt equipped with AI and cameras t identify all plants n a farm. The rbt has fur wheels t carry it thrugh the fields in search f weeds. Cmputer-cntrlled arms then lwer and spray the weeds with small amunts f herbicide(除草剂). Cmpany fficials say the rbt can fully perate n its wn fr up t 12 hurs a day while being pwered by the sun. It uses the same kind f sensr and psitining technlgy used t guide driverless vehicles. A farmer can als cntrl the equipment thrugh a smart-phne.
    The c-funder f ecRbtix, Aurelien Demaurex, says the farm rbt can kill weeds with 20 times 1ess herbicide than traditinal methds. This is because the system uses exactly the right amunt f chemical in the exact place required t kill the weeds. Currently, farmers spread weed killers ver massive areas t destry unwanted plants.
    Anther cmpany develping farm rbtics is Califrnia-based Blue River Technlgy. The cmpany has a system called "See & Spray", which it claims was the wrld's first smart sprayer. The system-which cnnects t the back f a tractr-is als equipped with AI t identify and chemically kill nly the weeds. It can als spray chemicals n wanted plants t help them grw. Ben Chstner, vice-president f business develpment fr Blue River Technlgy, explains in a cmpany vide that See & Spray technlgy uses the same deep learning methds used in facial recgnitin. "The first time the machine saw a pigweed, it didn't knw what kind f plant it was. But we taught it-by giving it tens f thusands f examples f that pigweed-and nw it's an expert in pigweed. "
    8. Hw will AI benefit agriculture?
    A. It will fund agriculture research.
    B. It cntributes t lw-cst farming.
    C. It can avid harmful chemicals.
    D. It frees all farmers frm field wrk.
    9. What d the prducts f the tw cmpanies have in cmmn?
    A. They use recgnitin technlgy.
    B. They are pwered by slar energy.
    C. They are cnnected with smart phnes.
    D. They can help wanted plants grw rapidly.
    10. What d Ben Chstner's wrds suggest abut the rbt?
    A. It is envirnmentally-friendly.
    B. It is gd at self-imprving.
    C. It has the learning ability.
    D. It can track varius plants.
    11. What is mainly talked abut in the text?
    A. The experiment in farming rbts.
    B. New trend in artificial intelligence.
    C. Mdern See & Spray technlgy.
    D. Artificial intelligence in agriculture.
    A lt f manufactured glass tday made frm sand and sdium carbnate (碳酸钠) can be reused r melted dwn and recycled int new items, but it desn’t break dwn in the envirnment and will sit in landfills fr thusands f years. A team f Chinese scientists aimed t deal with this envirnmental cncern by develping an ec-cnscius alternative.
    In a study published recently in the jurnal Science Advances, a team at the Chinese Academy f Sciences’ Institute f Prcess Engineering describe hw they engineered bidegradable glass made frm amin acids (氨基酸). That glass wuld have a smaller impact n the envirnment and can break dwn in a few weeks r in several mnths.
    In a test, glass beads (珠) made ut f amin acids were placed under the skin f mice, and the breakdwn f the beads and the skin healing prcess were bserved fr 30 days. A diagram frm the study shws hw the mice’s bdies brke dwn the beads. In that mnth, the glass implant degraded beneath the skin, the wund site healed, and fur grew back. “Thrughut the experimental perid, n mice exhibited any pain-related behavir that may have been caused by the glass implantatin, and nne f them experienced bvius weight lss,” the researchers wrte in their paper.
    Althugh amin acids d degrade ver time in the envirnment, this bidegradable glass is nt as durable as traditinal glass, because amin acids can break dwn quickly in heat. In rder t vercme this hurdle, the researchers chemically mdified the amin acids using the heating-cling prcedure applied in glass manufacturing. This is when materials fr the glass are heated t becme sft and then rapidly cled s as t make the glass tugher.
    “It’s imprtant t pint ut that this bidegradable glass is currently in the lab stage, and far frm large-scale cmmercializatin,” emphasized Yan Xuehai, a prfessr invlved in the study, in a press release.
    12. What is an advantage f the new glass?
    A. It can be recycled at a lw cst.B. It is prduced withut pllutin.
    C. It takes less time t. break dwn.D. It has a wide range f applicatins.
    13. Why did researchers implant glass beads inside mice?
    A. T assess whether the glass is bilgically harmless.
    B. T investigate why amin acids are medically useful.
    C. T explre hw lng it takes fr the glass t degrade.
    D. T bserve if the glass can be melt dwn in mice’s stmach.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “hurdle” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. The instability f amin acids.
    B. The difficulty f selecting materials fr the glass.
    C. Envirnmental prblems caused by traditinal glass.
    D. The challenge f imprving the heating-cling prcedure.
    15. What is the attitude f Yan Xuehai twards the new glass’s launch n the market?
    A. Optimistic.B. Critical.C. Indifferent.D. Uncertain.
    Discvering Yur True Self Is Vital t Happiness!
    Have yu fund fcusing n yurself is at the bttm f the t-d list, because yu feel everyne else in yur life cmes first?____16____ Nw is exactly the perfect time t get t knw yurself in rder t understand yurself.
    This isn’t just abut identifying yur favrite utfit, haircut r flavr f ice cream.____17____ It’s an pprtunity fr persnal grwth that can help yu make better chices fr yur wellbeing and lifelng happiness.
    There are many tls t help yu develp a deeper sense f yurself, including jurnaling and ther frms f creative expressin. Yu can use a guided jurnal t explre yur thughts and feelings r just free write whatever cmes t mind. It’s up t yu what yu want t d.____18____.
    ____19____ Take nte f hw yu respnd t peple, what makes yu happy, and what makes yu unhappy. This can help yu identify patterns that are hlding yu back, such as feeling insecure r being easily angered. Once yu’ve identified these patterns, yu can wrk t change them.
    An ften verlked yet very imprtant factr in self-discvery is having healthy bundaries in yur persnal life.____20____ Clearly cmmunicating yur bundaries is als a way t shw thers that yu are in cntrl f yur wn behavir and can expect the same frm them. This is a sign f maturity and respect, tw characteristics that are key t having healthy relatinships.
    A. It’s ne thing t knw yur persnality type.
    B. It’s a great way t shw that yu care abut thers.
    C. Taking time fr urselves has been lked dwn upn.
    D. Anther way is t bserve yur behavir in different situatins.
    E. It allws yu t fcus n the needs f yurself withut ignring thers.
    F. But try nt t get caught up in the criticism r judgment f yur writing.
    G. It’s abut understanding yur inner wrld and hw yu fit int the uter wrld.
    Adam Wlfers believes that his sn’s autism (自闭症) has a psitive impact n his hbby f phtgraphy. 10-­year­-ld Mrgan has always pssessed a ____21____ eye fr capturing the wrld arund him thrugh his camera. Diagnsed (被诊断) with autism at the age f 3, Mrgan has had a hard time ____22____ with thers.
    ____23____ these difficulties, he has shwn an exceptinal talent fr nticing details that ____24____ thers. Mrgan has fund clarity and fcus in nature, particularly in the vivid clrs and shapes f plants, leading him t ____25____ the art f nature phtgraphy.
    Nt ____26____ with merely capturing pictures, Mrgan has even established his wn phtgraphy business, becming ne f the tp sellers in a lcal shp. ____27____, he dnates ten percent f his ____28____ t supprt autistic artists thrugh the Blue Ribbn Arts Initiative.
    Hwever, his mtivatin fr phtgraphy ____29____ financial gain, as he simply wants t share the beauty he ____30____ with thers. His wrk has gained ____31____, with ne f his phts picked by Natinal Gegraphic fr ____32____ in the Cmmnwealth f Pennsylvania.
    His parents teared up as they tld what his phtgraphy means. Mrgan’s phtgraphy has becme his saving grace (体面) because it gets peple t lk ____33____ his issues. “He’s ging t make his ____34____,” his mther said.
    Mrgan advises all f us t try new things and explre ur ____35____ and what we want t d. In ther wrds, dn’t be afraid t see things differently.
    21. A. typicalB. uniqueC. nrmalD. strange
    22. A. interactingB. agreeingC. cmpetingD. fighting
    23 A. DespiteB. FrmC. FrD. Withut
    24. A. tuchB. pleaseC. escapeD. hit
    25. A. prmteB. changeC. explreD. admire
    26. A. cntentB. amusedC. bredD. familiar
    27. A. AccidentallyB. RemarkablyC. UndubtedlyD. Frtunately
    28. A. expenseB. budgetsC. salariesD. prfits
    29 A. cnsists fB. ges beyndC. results inD. arises frm
    30. A. encuntersB. expectsC. recallsD. imagines
    31. A. pwerB. strengthC. recgnitinD. advantage
    32. A. examinatinB. displayC. investigatinD. trade
    33. A. pastB. frC. upD. int
    34. A. frtuneB. wayC. decisinD. living
    35. A. intelligenceB. emtinsC. limitsD. knwledge
    In May, 2023, the Natinal Museum f China (NMC) launched ____36____ (it) first riginal stage play, Jyful Sngs In A Flurishing Age, as part f a prject seeking t make cultural heritage active again.
    Inspired by The Pttery Stryteller Beating A Drum, a piece in the NMC’s cllectin frm the Eastern Han Dynasty, ____37____ play presented a fantasy “dialgue” between the ancient ceramic (陶瓷的) figures and the audience while ____38____ (integrate) art frms such as drama, musical and pera.
    Dialgues acrss time and space are happening in new ways at the NMC. The brnze (青铜) exhibits frm the Xia, Shang and Zhu dynasties____39____ (display) inside the NMC’s Ancient China exhibitin hall ften lead visitrs ____40____ (impress) by ancient Chinese civilizatin. Cllectible (值得收藏的)cards featuring ____41____ (image) f the museum’s cllectins have als prven quite ppular with visitrs.
    Since 2018, the NMC ____42____ (develp) virtual exhibitin halls and published shrt vides n its scial media platfrms. Therefre, visitrs can enjy exhibitins nline, getting a taste f Chinese culture____43____even leaving their hmes. Nt nly can cultural and creative prducts bridge gaps, ____44____ they can als help visitrs better relate t _____45_____ (hide) cultural meanings.
    46. 你校上周举行了青春之星足球比赛 (the Yuth Star Ftball Match) 。假定你是校英文报专栏“Be sprty, be healthy”的主编李华。请你写一封征稿启事,向全校学生征集此次足球比赛相关的稿件。内容包括:
    Cntributins Wanted
    Schl English Newspaper
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Alice sat in the car while palm trees seemed t speed by the car windw. Eight-year-ld Alice began t get nervus, the way she always did in new surrundings. She felt a thin shine f sweat abve her lip in spite f the car’s cl air. “The aquarium (水族馆) wn’t be crwded, I bet, and peple are ging t ntice me. I hate wearing this prsthesis leg (假肢).” She felt tears cming frm behind her eyes. “Nt being nrmal is the wrst,” she thught t herself.
    Entering the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, arund a crner f a tank, she nticed an animal that lked unusual. “Is that a dlphin with a a prsthetic tail instead f a real tail?” she asked an aquarium staff member. He ndded and replied, “Yes, that’s Betty. She’s a very special dlphin.” “What happened t her?” “This girl dlphin was fund ff the cast f Flrida, caught in a crab trap. The rpes frm the trap cut ff the bld circulatin t her tail. S she lst her tail,” Alice caught her breath. “She’s just like me.” “But she struggled t survive. Nw she wears a prsthetic tail t help her swim like a dlphin’s suppsed t swim,” the staff member cntinued. “Every day, Betty shws us anything is pssible if we believe.”
    Alice felt her heart was tuched. She waved at Betty. Lking at Alice, Betty raised her flippers(鰭), came t her and lifted her head. “She’s swimming right int my arms,” Alice said tearfully. They made eye cntact. She seemed t be speaking t Alice: We’re the same.
    Back hme, all Alice talked abut was Betty. Fr tw weeks, she cried and begged her mther t take her back t Clearwater.
    Unfrtunately, anther blw hit Alice. She fell n the hardwd flr at hme and brke her ther leg. Alice suffered the pain in her leg. After a thrugh examinatin, the dctr explained bad news t them that she wuld need sme surgery n her leg. Years f a living hell (地狱) came back t her.
    She started fearing surgery again and refused t g t hspital fr treatment.
    “Hw can I persuade Alice t underg the surgery?” Alice’s mm said t herself.
    Encuraged by Betty, Alice changed her mind and did what her mther and dctr had tld her t.
    听力答案:1-5 ABBCC 6-7 AB 8-10 ACB 11-14 BCBC 16-17 ACC 18-20 BAB

    安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考(期中)英语答案(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考(期中)英语答案(原卷版+解析版),文件包含安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考期中英语答案原卷版docx、安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次段考期中英语答案解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

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