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    ( ),I didn't. B.Yes,I have C.Yes,I'd like t.
    ( ) is very friendly. B.She likes tennis. C.She is tall with glasses.
    ( )3.A. Last Friday. B. It's interesting. C.In a bkshp.
    ( )4.A. Me,t. B.Why nt? C.What a pity!
    ( )5.A. Kevin. B. It's wnderful. C.In Beijing.
    (二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子 内容相对应的图片。(3分)
    6.___________ 7.__________ 8.___________

    A B C
    ( )9.Hw des Mark feel nw?
    Happy. B.Bred. C.Tired.
    ( )10.When will Sarah be free?
    This Friday. B.This Saturday. C.This Sunday.
    ( )11.What des the man advise the wman t take?
    A.An umbrella. B.A thick cat. C.A pair f glves.
    ( )12.Whse mdel spaceship is it?
    A.It's Jane's.. B. It's Frank's. C.It's Jack's
    ( )13.Why did Peter g t Beijing?
    T take a trip. B. T visit a friend. C.T jin in a cmpetitin,.
    ( )14.Where may the speakers be?
    A.In Mark's rm. B.In the classrm. C.In the library.
    ( )15.What des Mark think f being an astrnaut?
    A.Dangerus. B.Cl. C.Fei Junlng.
    ( )16. Wh is Mark's favurite astrnaut?
    A.Jing Haipeng. B.Gui Haicha. C.A scientist.
    ( )17.What des Amy want t be in the future?
    A writer. B.An astrnaut. C.A scientist
    ( )18.Cindy A.My experience in Beijing
    ( )19.Henry B.My plan fr the writer hliday
    ( )20.Betty C.My dream f taking a space travel
    My name is Sara. Chatting(聊天)nline with friends is my favrite thing t d. One day,I gt a message frm smene called Bradley.He tld me he was twelve and lived in New Yrk. He said he wanted t be my secret(秘密的)friend,and I thught that seemed pretty cl.
    Bradley and I chatted every day. He was interesting and seemed kind f smart-in fact,much smarter than the typical
    twelve-year-ld bys I knew. Bradley tld me he wuld cme t my city with his parents and that he wuld like t have a secret meeting with me. And I agreed.
    I was s excited that I tld Mm that gd news. As sn as she heard abut my secret Internet friend, my mm started t
    ask me hundreds f questins. I didn't understand why my mm was s serius. She even called the plice. On the afternn when Bradley and I were ging t meet, the plice came with us secretly. It turned ut that Bradley wasn't a twelve-year-ld by. He was a middle-aged man. Bradley wasn't his real name and he planned t d smething bad. I was really scared when I heard that.
    This experience made me think mre abut what my mm says. It's much safer t spend time utdrs playing sprts.
    ( )26. What was Sara's favrite thing?该试卷源自 每日更新,享更低价下载。A.Having snacks. B.Chatting nline with friends.
    C.Ding chres. D.Watching TV.
    ( )27. What did Sara think f Bradley at first?
    A. Outging and friendly. B. Quiet but smart.
    C. Interesting and hard-wrking. D. Interesting and smart.
    ( )28. Hw did Sara's mm slve the prblem f Sara's "secret friend”?
    A.She tk Sara's cmputer away.
    B.She called the plice.
    C.She called Bradley's parents.
    D. She went t meet Bradley herself.
    ( )29. Hw did Sara feel after she learned the truth abut Bradley?
    A. Excited. B.Srry. C.Scared. D.Nervus.
    ( )30. The main purpse(目的)f the passage?
    A. t tell us abut Internet safety
    B. t tell us an interesting stry
    C.t advise us t stay away frm cmputers
    D. t shw us hw t make friends
    On April 2, we said gdbye t Tiangng I,China's first space lab.Accrding t the China Manned Space Agency(中国载人航天),Tiangng I re-entered the Earth's atmsphere(大气层)and sme f its debris (碎片)fell int the Suth Pacific Ocean.There are many spacecraft(宇宙飞船)that are still in rbit(轨道)abve the Earth.After finishing their trips, they will all re-enter the Earth's atmsphere like TiangngⅠ.
    There are tw types f re-entries: cntrlled re-entry and uncntrlled re-entry.Sme satellites and manned spacecraft cme back t the Earth in a cntrlled re-entry. Experts calculate(计算)the path f the falling spacecraft and its speed. They can guide the spacecraft t fall in a chsen area.
    Sme spacecraft may have prblems while in space after a certain amunt f time. These spacecraft cme back in an uncntrlled re-entry. It is hard t tell when and where these spacecraft will fall until the last few hurs.The US space statin Skylab came back partially uncntrlled in 1979. Parts f the statin fell in western Australia, but n ne was hurt.
    During re-entry, mst f the spacecraft will burn up while passing thrugh the Earth's atmsphere. Only a small amunt f the debris will reach the grund. The debris typically ends up falling int the cean, China Daily reprted.
    ( )31.The debris frm Tiangng Ⅰ____.
    A. fell int the Suth Pacific Ocean B. fell in western Australia
    C. fell in the central part f the US D. fell int the Nrth Pacific Ocean
    ( )32.When the spacecraft finishes its trip,it will___.
    A. burn up and disappear B. speed up and fly back t the Earth
    C. enter anther rbit and stay in space D. re-enter the Earth's atmsphere
    ( )33.Frm the passage,we knw there are____types f re-entries.
    A.ne B.tw B.tw D.fur
    ( )34. Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut the US space statin Skylab?
    A.It came back in a cntrlled re-entry. B. Sme peple were hurt by its debris.
    C. Parts f it fell in western Australia. D. It was directed t fall int the cean
    ( )35.This stry mst prbably cmes frm___.
    a stry bk B. a mvie review
    C. a science magazine D. a gvernment reprt
    Jacb lived at the ft f the muntains.There was a thick frest, and the by lved it very much. He knew the birds
    and ther animals there very well. One day,while he was playing in the frest,Jacb fund an eaglet(幼鹰)with a brken wing(翅膀).It fell ff a tall tree. Jacb picked it up and then tk it hme. He cleaned its wing with warm water. Then he carefully
    put the medicine n the wing. And he made a bed fr the little bird t lie n.
    Jacb fed the eaglet fresh milk every day. As the bird gt strnger, it started t fllw Jacb everywhere. Jacb knew he
    culd nt keep it fr lng. It was time t set the eaglet free.Early ne mrning, Jacb tk the eaglet high up n a hill. He then
    let it g.
    The bird flew int the sky happily. But sn, it seemed t remember smething. It flew dwn again and fllwed
    Jacb all day. It was getting dark. Jacb had t d smething. He ran t a nearby cave(洞穴)s that it culdn't find him.
    The eaglet flew rund and rund fr a lng while,lking fr Jacb. As it grew darker, the bird finally flew away.
    Jacb watched it fly farther and farther,feeling happy.
    ( )36. What was the matter with the eaglet,when Jacb fund it?
    A. It culdn't find its hme. B. It fell ff a small rck.
    C. Its wing was brken. D.It was t hungry.
    ( )37. What did Jacb feed the eaglet?
    A. Warm water. B. Fresh milk.
    C. Sme medicine. D.Small animals.
    ( )38. Why did Jacb take the eaglet high up n a hill?
    A.T enjy themselves. B. T set it free.
    C.T find sme fd fr it. D. T find a cave.
    ( )39. What des the underlined wrd“smething”refer t?
    A.Jacb and his care. B. The frest and birds.
    C.The hill and cave. D.Medicine and fresh milk.
    ( )40. Frm the passage, we knw that Jacb was a(n)by.
    A. funny and friendly B.active and talented
    C.clever and utging D.careful and kind
    On September 14,2022,Yvn Chuinard, the starter f the clthing cmpany Patagnia, said that he was giving the cmpany away. The mve was ne f the largest dnatins(捐赠)ever t envirnmental prtectin. The actin came as a cmplete surprise t many peple.
    As a rck climbing lver, Mr. Chuinard began climbing in the 1960s. Back then, he started a cmpany that made climbing equipment(装备). The cmpany clsed in the end, but Mr. Chuinard develped a lifelng lve f the utdrs and the envirnment. In the 1970s, he began Patagnia t sell clthes. Over time, the cmpany has dne a gd jb f prtecting the envirnment.
    Thugh he has becme rich, he cntinues t live simply. He was wrried abut what might happen after he died. And he was afraid that if he sld the cmpany, the new wners might nt wrk s hard t prtect the envirnment. S he came up with a new and unusual plan: he gave his cmpany away.
    Mr.Chuinard gave away 2% f the cmpany t a grup called the Patagnia Purpse Trust. The grup's jb is t make sure that the cmpany is still run in the same way. The rest f the cmpany has been given away t anther grup called the Hldfast Cllective. Its gal(目标)is t prtect the envirnment.
    “Nw I culd die tmrrw and the cmpany is ging t cntinue ding the right thing fr the next 50 years,”Mr. Chuinard said.
    ( )41. Many peple fund Mr. Chuinard's mve was___.
    B.educatinal C. unbelievable D.meaningless
    ( )42. What can we knw abut Mr. Chuinard's climbing equipment cmpany?
    A.Mr. Chuinard clsed it in the 1970s.
    B. It was set up by Mr. Chuinard t sell clthes.
    C.Mr. Chuinard changed its name t Patagnia.
    D.It had smething t d with Mr. Chuinard's hbby.
    ( )43. What's Mr. Chuinard's main reasn fr the dnatin?
    A.He hped t help mre peple.
    B. He wanted t cntinue living a simple life.
    C.He wished thers t prtect the envirnment.
    D. He cared a lt abut the envirnmental prtectin.
    ( )44.What is the main idea f Paragraph 4?
    A. What is Patagnia's purpse.
    B.Hw Mr. Chuinard dnated Patagnia.
    C.Hw Patagniaprtected the envirnment.
    D.Why Mr.Chuinardgave away Patagnia.
    ( )45. Frm Mr. Chuinard's wrds, we can infer that___.
    A. giving away the cmpany is like giving up his life
    B. he hpes t run the cmpanyfr anther 50 years
    C.he is very wrried abut the future f the cmpany
    D. giving away the cmpany makes him feel relaxed
    We all feel sad and lnely smetimes and it seems difficult t cheer yurself up when yu feel sad.
    Enjy nature
    Enjying nature is ne f the best ways t cheer yurself up,f curse,if yu lve nature.Ride yur bike arund,enjy beautiful flwers,watch birds and enjy wnderful scenery(风景)
    Listen t cheerful music
    48.________I knw it's s easy t listen t sad sngs when yu are feeling lnely,but they can make yu even mre sad. Cheerful sngs can imprve yur md and even make yu feel less lnely instead.
    Studies shw that peple can have a gd md by taking exercise regularly(有规律地).Exercise can even help stp wrry and depressin(沮丧).Running,jgging and swimming can help yu feel better and lk a persn depends n yu,yu will think yu are an imprtant part f smething.
    smile tw s life lk I place back t terrible plant taste
    My favurite flwer is the sunflwer(向日葵).Once,my mther 1.______sme sunflwers fr me in ur yard. All summer lng, these flwers made peple n the street stp and smile.
    I tk gd care f the flwers,2.______they grew well. Sn as a snwstrm arrived, smething 3.______was happening t my flwers. Their leaves were falling dwn slwly and became dry.
    “The flwers 4.______sick. That makes me wrried,” I cried. My mther said,“Oh,child, dn't cry. There's a time t blssm(开花)and a time t die. That's the 5.______f a flwer.Yu must save the seeds(种子)frm thse flwers and plant them a 6.______time next spring."After I heard her wrds, I planned t save the flwers' seeds.
    Fr a whle week, I kept lking fr a 7.______fr the seeds. Next year, the weather became warm. I planted them again. Then ne day I heard my mther calling 8.______.“Marisl!Hurry!”I went twards her and there was a big 9.______n her face. The sunflwers came 10.______!
    We shuld accept everything terrible in daily life. Mre imprtantly, t catch the day and enjy every minute.
    be feel read sell invite receive find send enjy wrry affrd
    Sam gt an email frm his friend Rsa. Rsa (61)._______him t her birthday party n Thursday afternn. Sam was happy(62)_______the invitatin, but it als made him (63).______wrried,because he nly had a little mney. He culdn't (64)_______ a gd birthday gift. And Sam's father had just lst his jb, s it wasn't a gd time t ask his parents fr help.(65)_______bks at that time. Thse bks (66)_______all.
    Sam went t study in the library that day. Sme wrkers in the library frm the library.They were ld but very cheap. Sam (67)._______tw bks abut Chinese histry. Sam knew that Rsa was very interested in (68)_______bks, especially histry bks. Sam decided t buy
    the bks fr Rsa.
    On Thursday,Sam wrapped (包好) the tw bks and went t Rsa's party.He had a gd time at the party, but still (69)_______abut his gift. The next day, he gt an email frm Rsa. It said: Of all the gifts, yurs was the nicest. I (70)_______reading them this weekend.
    Venus is clse t the earth. It is the secnd planet frm the sun. The earth is the third. Venus is similar(相似的)t the earth in size and mass (质量).It is ften described as the earth's “sister”.
    Scientists have been learning abut Venus fr a lng time. First they lked at Venus thrugh telescpes. But Venus is cvered with thick cluds. Scientists culd nt see Venus well thrugh the cluds. S they made guesses abut it.
    Fr a lng time,scientists thught that Venus had water and plants. They thught Venus might have animals t. But they didn't knw fr sure. Then scientists fund a way t learn mre abut Venus.In the 1960s,they began sending prbes(航天探测器)t Venus. The prbes flew thrugh the thick cluds.They tk pictures f Venus up clse. They fund ut many things t.
    The prbes sent the pictures and things they fund ut back t the scientists
    The scientists learned a lt frm the prbes. First they learned that mst f their guesses were nt right.And they learned that Venus is very ht.
    After that,scientists knew they culd nt send peple t Venus.But they still wanted t knw mre abut it. S they sent new prbes. These new prbes tk great pictures f the planet. The pictures shwed that Venus has plains(平原)and muntains! And in sme ways, Venus lks like the earth.
    71.Which planet is the third planet frm the sun?
    72.Hw are Venus and the earth similar?
    73.Why is it hard t see Venus well thrugh a telescpe?
    写出文中画线单词 telescpes的汉语意思。
    Give a prper title t the passage.
    Dear classmates,
    It’s cmmn fr yu t feel stressed.Smetimes stress is a gd thing,but t much stress is harmful t yur mind and bdy.____________________________________________________________________________________
    Thanks fr yur listening !I hpe what I mentined abve can help yu.A car accident
    Last Saturday mrning
    (21) .
    On the way t a (22) .
    A yellw car hit a tree.
    Peple in the car
    He had shrt (23) hair.
    He hurt his(24) .
    The wman hurt her left arm.
    The little by was safe but felt very (25) .
    Mary called 911.
    The dctrs tk them t the hspital.
    A.Take exercise
    B.Eat junk fd
    C.If yu feel lnely,try t jin a sprts team.
    D.Listening t cheerful music is a sure way t express yur md.
    E.The fllwing simple ways may help when yu are feeling lnely.
    F. Yu shuld g fr a walk with yur grandparents after eating dinner.
    G. Everyne can enjy nature and yu dn't need t spend mney n it.

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