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    Embrace Diversity: 2024 Internatinal Cultural Festival
    Welcme t the 2024 Internatinal Cultural Festival, a celebratin f diversity, unity, and glbal harmny! This year’s festival prmises t be a spectacular shwcase f cultures frm arund the wrld, bringing peple tgether t appreciate the richness and uniqueness f each heritage.
    Cultural Extravaganza:
    Jin us fr a mesmerizing jurney thrugh the diverse cultures represented at the festival. Frm captivating dance perfrmances t tantalizing culinary delights, the Internatinal Cultural Festival is a feast fr the senses. Immerse yurself in the vibrant clrs, enchanting music, and the spirit f camaraderie that transcends brders.
    Interactive Wrkshps:
    Engage in hands-n activities and wrkshps that ffer a deeper understanding f varius cultures. Frm traditinal art and craft demnstratins t language tasters, these interactive sessins prvide a unique pprtunity t learn and appreciate the slight differences that make each culture special.
    Glbal Marketplace:
    Explre the Glbal Marketplace, where yu can shp fr unique handicrafts, traditinal clthing, and extic spices. This is a chance t supprt lcal artisans and take hme a piece f the wrld’s cultural tapestry.
    Educatinal Frums:
    Research n deeply thught-prvking discussins and presentatins n the imprtance f cultural diversity in tday’s intercnnected wrld. Learn hw embracing different perspectives can fster understanding and tlerance, and ultimately cntribute t glbal peace.
    The 2024 Internatinal Cultural Festival is nt just an event; it’s a celebratin f the shared humanity that unites us all. Mark yur calendars and jin us in prmting harmny thrugh cultural diversity. Let’s make this festival a memrable testament t the beauty f ur glbal tapestry.
    1.What is the main fcus f the 2024 Internatinal Cultural Festival?
    A. Sprts cmpetitin.B. Cultural diversity celebratin.
    C. Technlgical advancements.D. Plitical sympsium.
    2.What can visitrs experience in the Interactive Wrkshps sectin?
    A. Cking cmpetitins.B. Scientific experiments.
    C. Virtual reality games.D. Practical cultural activities.
    3.Why are Educatinal Frums included in the festival?
    A. T emphasize the significance f cultural diversity.
    B. T discuss glbal ecnmic plicies.
    C. T prmte traditinal Chinese culture.
    D. T rganize cultural cmpetitins.
    Brian Petersn had just mved t Califrnia. Outside his apartment, a hmeless man was ften shuting n the street crner, smetimes keeping him awake at night. Petersn wuld pass the guy n his way t wrk, but they never spke.
    One day, Petersn was reading the bk Lve Des when he was disturbed by the hmeless man. Inspired by the bk’s cmpassinate (有同情心的) message, Petersn made an unexpected decisin: He was ging t g utside and intrduce himself. The hmeless man was Matt Faris. He’d mved t Califrnia t pursue a career in music, but he ended up living n the street.
    “It was the strangest thing t me,” Petersn recalled. “I saw beauty n the face f a man wh hadn’t shaved r taken a shwer in prbably a year. But his stry inspired me.” And even thugh Petersn, an art schl graduate, hadn’t painted in abut eight years, he asked if he culd paint Faris’s prtrait (肖像). Faris said yes.
    This experience led Petersn t frm Faces f Santa Ana, a nn-prfit rganizatin fcused n befriending and painting prtraits f unhused peple. Petersn sells the prtraits, putting the incme int what he calls a “lve accunt” fr his mdel. He then helps peple use the mney t get back n their feet.
    Many f Petersn’s new friends use the dnatins t secure immediate necessities — medical care, htel rms, and fd. Faris used the funds frm his prtrait t recrd an album (专辑), realizing his musical dreams. Anther subject, Sndval, wh had never been able t financially supprt her daughter, used the mney t pay her daughter’s rent.
    Since Faces f Santa Ana was established, Petersn has painted 41 f all the prtraits. But there’s mre t the finished prducts than the mney they bring t smene wh’s dwn and ut. He’s discvered that the buyers tend t cnnect t the stry f the persn in the painting, finding similarities and ften friendship with smene they might have therwise steretyped (持固有观念) r verlked. “Peple ften tell me, ‘I was the ne that wuld crss the street. But I see hmeless peple differently nw,’” Petersn says. “I didn’t knw that wuld happen.”
    4.Hw did Petersn feel abut the hmeless man after reading the bk?
    A. Annyed.B. Amazed.C. Cncerned.D. Cnfused.
    5.After talking with Faris, Petersn decided t______.
    A. pay fr his rentB. recrd an album
    C. g t an art schlD. paint his prtrait
    6.Hw did Petersn help the hmeless?
    A. He funded a nn-prfit rganizatin.
    B. He bught immediate necessities fr them.
    C. He dnated mney t related rganizatins.
    D. He taught them hw t realize their dreams.
    7.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Prejudice blcks dreams.B. Wealth can make peple wise.
    C. Sympathy can break steretypes.D. Actins speak luder than wrds.
    Antarctica, the suthernmst cntinent n Earth and a frzen cntinent, remains an mysterius and riginal land, buried in ice and surrunded by a vast, inhspitable cean, which ften shruded (隐藏) in mystery and intrigue. It hlds a wealth f scientific wnders waiting t be explred. With the aid f cutting-edge technlgy, researchers have delved int its icy depths, uncvering the secrets f this remte and pristine (原始的) wilderness.
    At the frefrnt f Antarctic explratin are advanced satellite imaging systems. These rbiting wnders prvide detailed maps f the cntinent’s surface, allwing scientists t mnitr changes in ice cverage and track the mvements f glaciers with unprecedented accuracy. Such data is crucial fr understanding the impacts f climate change n Antarctica’s delicate ecsystem and predicting future sea-level rise.
    In additin t satellites, autnmus underwater vehicles (AUVs) play a key rle in Antarctic research. These rbtic submarines are equipped with an array f sensrs and cameras, enabling them t navigate beneath the ice shelves and explre previusly inaccessible regins. By cllecting data n water temperature, salinity, and marine life, AUVs ffer invaluable insights int the dynamics f Antarctic Ocean currents and the habitats f its unique marine species.
    Furthermre, drnes have revlutinized scientific fieldwrk in Antarctica. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are utilized fr cnducting aerial surveys f vast ice sheets and capturing high-reslutin imagery f remte lcatins. By prviding researchers with real-time data and imagery, drnes facilitate rapid assessments f envirnmental changes and aid in the study f wildlife ppulatins, frm penguins t seals.
    Despite the remarkable advancements in technlgy, cnducting research in Antarctica remains a huge challenge due t its extreme weather cnditins and remte lcatin. Hwever, thrugh cperative effrts and innvative appraches, scientists cntinue t push the bundaries f explratin, uncvering the mysteries f Antarctica and advancing ur understanding f the Earth’s climate system.
    8.What technlgy is primarily used fr mnitring changes in ice cverage in Antarctica?
    A. Drnes.
    B. Submersible rbts.
    C. Satellite imaging systems.
    D. Autnmus underwater vehicles (AUVs).
    9.What can be inferred frm the furth paragraph?
    A. Explring and research n Antarctica is an easy task.
    B. Scientific fieldwrk in Antarctica is hard t cntinue.
    C. Drnes play a significant part in scientific fieldwrk in Antarctica.
    D. Drnes capture high-reslutin imagery f remte lcatins.
    10.What’s the authr’s attitude twards the research in Antarctica?
    A. Objective.B. Subjective.C. Suspicius.D. Indifference.
    11.What wuld be the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Challenges f Antarctic Explratin
    B. Traditinal Methds f Antarctic Research
    C. The Envirnmental Impact f Satellite Imaging
    D. The Technlgical Wnders f Explring Antarctica
    Many industries are facing a shrtage f labur. Warehusing has grwn rapidly. And rbts are nw indispensable, picking items ff shelves and helping peple pack an expnentially rising numbers f bxes. They are even beginning t walk slwly alng sme pavements, delivering gds r fd right t peple’s drs. Having mre rbts t bst prductivity wuld be a gd thing.
    And yet many peple fear that rbts will destry jbs. A paper in 2013 by ecnmists at Oxfrd University was widely misinterpreted as meaning that 47% f American jbs were at risk f being autmated.
    In fact, cncerns abut mass unemplyment because f rbts are verblwn. The evidence suggests rbts will be ultimately beneficial fr labur markets. A Yale University study fund that an increase f ne rbt unit per 1, 000 wrkers bsted a cmpany’s emplyment in Japan. Anther study, by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy and clleagues elsewhere, lked at Finnish firms and cncluded that their use f advanced technlgies led t increases in hiring.
    Fr all that, the march f the rbts will bring big changes t wrkplaces. The skills and firms that are rewarded will shift, t. But that need nt be the disaster many fear. One suppsed example f “bad autmatin” is self-service checkuts in supermarkets because they displace human wrkers. Checkut staff wh retrain t help custmers pick items frm aisles may well find that dealing with peple in need is mre rewarding than spending all day scanning barcdes.
    Certainly, sme peple will be n the lsing end f change even as the rbts make sciety as a whle better ff. One lessn frm the freewheeling glbalizatin f the 1990s and 2000s is that the grwth in trade that was verwhelmingly beneficial cntributed t a plitical backlash (强烈抵制) because the lsers felt left behind. That’s ne mre reasn why firms and gvernments wuld d well t recgnize the value f retraining and lifelng learning. As jbs change, wrkers shuld be helped t acquire new skills, including hw t wrk with and manage the rbts that will increasingly be their clleagues.
    The ptential gains frm the rbt revlutin have just started. It wn’t be the plt in sme films where the rbts fight against their human masters and cause mass unemplyment.
    12.What des the underlined wrd “indispensable” mean in Paragraph 1?
    A. Essential.B. Spare.C. Detective.D. Cmplicated.
    13.Why des the authr mentin the example f “bad autmatin” in Paragraph 4?
    A. T prve that rbts will nt be a disaster.
    B. T remind us f the big changes at wrkplaces.
    C. T illustrate checkut staff will scan barcdes slwly.
    D. T tell firms the value f retraining and lifelng learning.
    14.Accrding t the authr, what will happen in the future?
    A. It will push lsers t leave behind.
    B. Rbts may lead t mass unemplyment.
    C. Peple will help rbts t gain new skills.
    D. Rbts and peple may becme c-wrkers.
    15.What des the authr may agree in the text?
    A. Jbs will be at risk due t rbts.
    B. N evidence shws that rbts will destry jbs.
    C. Lifelng learning will quickly bst mass emplyment.
    D. Peple have benefited a lt frm the rbt revlutin.
    16.Cral reefs are the rainfrests f the cean. They exist n vast scales and are equally imprtant havens(避风港)f bidiversity. Reefs ccupy 0.1% f the ceans. ①
    ② Withut the prtectin which reefs affrd frm crashing waves, lw-lying islands such as the Maldives wuld have flded lng ag, and a billin peple wuld lse fd r incme. Hwever, reefs are under threat frm rising sea temperatures. Heat causes the algae(海藻)with which crals are living tgether t generate txins(毒素)that frce thse cral t leave. This can cause a cral’s death.
    Research grups arund the wrld are cming up with plans f actin t see if that will help, such as identifying naturally heat-resistant crals and crss-breeding such crals t create a new type. ③ Withut carbn reductin and decline in lcal, cral-killing pllutin, even resistant crals will nt survive the century.
    Dubters dubt humanity will get its act tgether in time t make much difference.
    ④ Carbn targets are being set and cean pllutin is being dealt with. Cuntries that share respnsibilities fr reefs are starting t act tgether. Scientific wrkarunds can als be fund. Natural currents can be applied t facilitate mass breeding. Sites f the greatest eclgical and ecnmical imprtance can be identified t maximize bang fr buck.
    This mix f natural activity and human interventin is imprtant. ⑤ Hard-cregreens-thse wh think that all habitats shuld be kept unspiled-may nt apprve. But when entire ecsystems are facing destructin, the cst f ding nthing is t great t bear.
    A. Crals are useful t peple.
    B. But there are grunds fr ptimism.
    C. And they hst a quarter f marine species.
    D. It culd serve as a blueprint fr ther ecsystems.
    E. Cral’s glbal ecsystem services are wrth up t $10trn a year.
    F. This research can als be brught t bear n trying t save entire ecsystems.
    G. Hwever, the assisted evlutin f crals des nt meet with universal enthusiasm.
    I used t hate being called upn in class mainly because I didn’t like attentin drawn t myself. And unless therwise 1 a seat by the teacher, I always chse t sit at the back f the classrm.
    All this 2 after I jined a sprts team. It began when a teacher suggested I 3 the basketball team. At first I thught it was a crazy 4 because I didn’t have a gd sense f balance, nr did I have the ability t keep pace with the thers n the team and they wuld tease me. But fr the teacher wh kept insisting n my “ 5 fr it”, I wuldn’t have decided t give a try.
    Getting up the curage t g t the tryuts was nly the half f it! When I first started 6 the practice sessins, I didn’t even knw the rules f the game, much wrse what I was ding. Smetimes I’d get 7 and take a sht at the wrng directin, which made me feel really stupid. 8 I wasn’t the nly ne "new” at the game, s I decided t fcus n learning the game, d my best at each practice sessin, and nt be t hard n myself fr the things I didn’t 9 “just yet”.
    I practiced and practiced. Sn I knew the rules and the “mves”. Being part f a team was fun and mtivating. Very sn the cmpetitive 10 in me was winning ver my lack f 11 .
    With time, I learned hw t play and made friends in the prcess-friends wh respected my effrts t wrk hard and be a team player. I never had s much 12 !
    With my imprved self-cnfidence cmes mre 13 frm teachers and classmates. I have-gne frm “ 14 ” in the back f the classrm and nt wanting t call attentin t myself, t raising my hand-even when I smetimes wasn’t and nt 100 percent 15 I had the right answer. Nw I have mre self-cnfidence in myself.
    17.A. assignedB. ccupiedC. pssessedD. established
    18.A. cntinuedB. changedC. settledD. started
    19.A. reach ut frB. try ut frC. cme up withD. make up fr
    20.A. ideaB. planC. beliefD. saying
    21.A. gingB. lkingC. cheeringD. applying
    22.A. enjyingB. preparingC. attendingD. watching
    23.A. cmmittedB. mtivatedC. embarrassedD. cnfused
    24.A. InterestinglyB. FrtunatelyC. ObviuslyD. Hpefully
    25.A. wantB. dC. supprtD. knw
    26.A. rlesB. partC. mindD. value
    27.A. satisfactinB. determinatinC. cnfidenceD. devtin
    28.A. cncernB. frightC. srrwD. fun
    29.A. praiseB. blameC. cmfrtD. envy
    30.A. dreamingB. playingC. relaxingD. hiding
    31.A. luckyB. happyC. sureD. satisfied
    32.A Warring States Perid Qintripd-shaped brnze lamp① (unearth) in 1974 in Pingliang, Gansu prvince, ② imprtant part f the Silk Rad. The lamp is nw n display in the Gansu Prvincial Museum because f its unique scientific and ③ (histry) value.
    The lamp has a diameter f 11.3 cm and a height f 16.7 cm when ④ (clse). It is in the shape f a tripd with three legs at the bttm, tw duck-head-like ears ⑤ (face) each ther n either side f the cap, keys n the tps f the ears, and an irn pillar in the middle.
    ⑥ (pen) the lamp, first turn the cap s ⑦ the tw duck heads n the tp cver face away frm the duble keys, then clse the tps f the duble keys, and ⑧ (use) a “herringbne” shaped bracket t supprt the rund tripd cver. The lamp panel will becme a cpper fuel lamp with a height f 30.2 cm.
    When nt ⑨ use, press dwn the duble keys, rtate the duble duck head between the lids t lck them tightly, and clse the tripd lid. Due t the exquisite design and craftsmanship nce clsed, the seal is tight and the lamp il stred in the tripd bdy will nt leak ut. It is rare that there is still muddy lamp il in the tripd f a brnze lamp that is mre than 2, 000 years ld.
    This ⑩ (seem) simple lamp nt nly has practical value, but als prvides clues fr histrians t study the Silk Rad. With digitizatin empwering museums, visitrs can nw interact with this treasure thrugh an electrnic tuch screen.
    33.假定你是校报英语版总编李华,你邀请到了美国环保专家White教授作主题为“Livingin Harmny with Nature”的讲座。请你在讲座前简要发言,内容包括:
    1. 相关介绍;2. 注意事项。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Dear fellw students,
    It was a beautiful sunny mrning in early summer, when the wrld seemed full f sunlight and new green leaves. I was in a gd md as my parents had just given me $300 fr my daily expenses during the week that they wuld be away in Mexic t visit my mther’s sick grandfather. I was extremely verjyed, thinking hard abut the things I culd d with the mney. If I survived n bread and butter the whle week, I wuld have an unexpected windfall f $ 200 t buy the latest Kbe Bryant basketball shes! What a terrific idea!
    As usual, the physical educatin class was thrilling. I felt mst at case n the basketball curt. After playing several fierce games, I culd hardly catch my breath as I headed back twards the classrm, sweaty and exhausted. When I entered, I fund my classmates gathered arund Steven’s desk as he searched thrugh his bks and sme ther persnal items anxiusly. Steven had always been ppular. Nt nly was he intelligent and well-mannered, but he als came frm a well-ff family. And he shared everything he had with us.
    Right away, I learned Steven had lst the mney he wuld dnate t a children’s welfare institute that afternn. Then I infrmed Miss Jnes, the class teacher. She rushed ver immediately and rganized a search arund the classrm. We std by ur desks and emptied the cntents f ur schlbags nt the desk fr inspectin.
    It was my turn. As Miss Jnes tk ut the $ 300 frm my wallet, the class fell int a shck. I didn’t knw the amunt lst was exactly $ 300 until then. I kept prving my inncence, but in vain. Miss Jnes cnfiscated (没收) the $ 300 and decided I was getting kicked ut f the schl. I stayed hme alne the whle week, living nly n bread. I felt wrnged, angry, and lss f self-esteem.
    Finally, my parents returned hme and talked with me.
    Miss Jnes had just accepted my parents’ advice when Steven came.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段Welcme t the 2024 Internatinal Cultural Festival, a celebratin f diversity, unity, and glbal harmny!(欢迎来到2024年国际文化节,这是一场多样性、团结性和全球和谐的庆典!)可知,2024年国际文化节主要是庆祝文化多样性。故选 B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Interactive Wrkshps: 下文中Engage in hands-n activities and wrkshps that ffer a deeper understanding f varius cultures.(参与实践活动和研讨会,加深对各种文化的理解。)可知,看出游客可以在Interactive Wrkshps里参与一些能够对各种文化提供更深刻理解的实践活动。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据Educatinal Frums: 下文中的Research n deeply thught-prvking discussins and presentatins n the imprtance f cultural diversity in tday's intercnnected wrld.(关于文化多样性在当今 相互关联的世界中的重要性的深入而发人深省的讨论和介绍的研究。)可知,举行教育论坛活动是为了强调文化多样性的重要性。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段"One day, Petersn was reading the bk Lve Des when he was disturbed by the hmeless man. Inspired by the bk's cmpassinate(有同情心的) message, Petersn made an unexpected decisin: He was ging t g utside and intrduce himself.(一天,Petersn正在读《爱的力量》,这时他被一个流浪汉打扰了。受到书中富有同情心的信息的启发, Petersn做了一个意想不到的决定:他要出去介绍自己) "可知,Petersn之前一直对流浪汉的存在感到困扰,而读完这本书,他受到了书中同情心理念的影响,决定走出去向流浪汉介绍自己,并最终帮助了流浪汉。由此可知,当Petersn读完书后,他对流浪汉充满担忧。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段" "It was the strangest thing t me," Petersn recalled. "I saw beauty n the face f a man wh hadn't shaved r taken a shwer in prbably a year. But his stry inspired me." And even thugh Petersn, an art schl graduate, hadn't painted in abut eight years, he asked if he culd paint Faris's prtrait(肖像). Faris said yes("这对我来说是最奇怪的事情,"Petersn回忆说。"我在一个大概一年都没刮胡子、没洗澡的男人脸上看到了美。但他的故事激励了我。"尽管毕业于艺术学院的Petersn已 经有八年没有画过画了,但他还是问能不能画一下Faris的肖像。Faris答应了) "可知,Petersn和Faris交流之后,决定为他画一幅肖像画。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段"This experience led Petersn t frm Faces f Santa Ana, a nn-prfit rganizatin fcused n befriending and painting prtraits f unhused peple.(这段经历促使Petersn成立了"Faces f Santa Ana",这是一个非营利组织,致力于帮助无家可归的人,并为他们画肖像)"可知,为了帮助无家可归的人,Petersn成立了一个非营利组织。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段"He's discvered that the buyers tend t cnnect t the stry f the persn in the painting, finding similarities and ften friendship with smene they might have therwise steretyped (持固有观念) r verlked.(他发现,买 家倾向于与画中人物的故事联系起来,找到相似之处,往往与他们原本可能刻板印象或忽视的人建立友谊) "以及全文内容可知,通过画肖像,Petersn帮助无家可归的人打破了人们的固有观念,让他们感到被尊重和欣赏。由此推知,这所有的一切都是 源于Petersn最初对流浪汉的同情心。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段"At the frefrnt f Antarctic explratin are advanced satellite imaging systems. These rbiting wnders prvide detailed maps f the cntinent's surface, allwing scientists t mnitr changes in ice cverage and track the mvements f glaciers with unprecedented accuracy.(在南极探索的最前沿的是先进的卫星成像系统。这些绕轨道运行的奇迹提供 了南极洲大陆表面的详细地图,使科学家们能够以前所未有的准确性监测冰层覆盖范围的变化,并跟踪冰川的运动)"可知,卫星成像系统为科学家提供了详细的南极大陆表面地图,以便他们监测冰盖变化并跟踪冰川的运动。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段"Furthermre, drnes have revlutinized scientific fieldwrk in Antarctica. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are utilized fr cnducting aerial surveys f vast ice sheets and capturing high-reslutin imagery f remte lcatins. By prviding researchers with real-time data and imagery, drnes facilitate rapid assessments f envirnmental changes and aid in the study f wildlife ppulatins, frm penguins t seals.(此外,无人机已经彻底改变了南极洲的科学实地考察。这些无人驾驶飞 行器(uav)用于对巨大的冰盖进行空中调查,并捕获偏远地区的高分辨率图像。通过向研究人员提供实时数据和图像,无人机促进了对环境变化的快速评估,并有助于研究从企鹅到海豹等野生动物种群) "可推知,无人机在南极洲科考工作中起着非常重大 的作用。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段"Despite the remarkable advancements in technlgy. cnducting research in Antarctica remains a frmidable challenge due t its extreme weather cnditins and remte lcatin.(尽管在技术上取得了显著的进步,但由于 南极洲的极端天气条件和偏远的地理位置,在南极洲进行研究仍然是一个艰巨的挑战)"可推知,作者对在南极进行研究持有客 观的态度。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段"With the aid f cutting-edge technlgy, researchers have delved int its icy depths, unraveling the secrets f this remte and pristine wilderness.(在尖端技术的帮助下,研究人员深入到冰封的深处,揭开了这片遥远 而原始的荒野的秘密)"以及全文内容可知,文章中介绍了南极探险中使用的先进技术。由此可知,D项"The Technlgical Wnders f Explring Antarctica.(探索南极的技术奇迹)"适合作本文最佳标题。故选D。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线词上文"Warehusing has grwn rapidly.(仓储业发展迅速)"以及下文"picking items ff shelves and helping peple pack an expnentially rising numbers f bnes.(它可以从货架上挑选物品,并帮助人们打包数量呈指数级增长的盒 子) "可推知,机器人现在是必不可少。由此可知,划线词indispensable与essential"必不可少的"意思一致。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段"Fr all that, the march f the rbts will bring big changes t wrkplaces. The skills and firms that are rewarded will shift, t. But that need nt be the disaster many feat. One suppsed example f "bad autmatin" is self-service checkuts in supermarkets because they displace human wrkers.(尽管如此,机器人的发展将给工作场所带来巨大的变化。技能和 得到回报的公司也将发生变化。但这未必是许多人担心的灾难。一个被认为是"糟糕的自动化"的例子是超市的自助结账,因为它们取代了人工)"可推知,提到"糟糕的自动化"是要证明机器人并不意味着灾难。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"As jbs change, wrkers shuld be helped t acquire new skills, including hw t wrk with and manage the rbts that will increasingly be their clleagues.(随着工作的变化,应该帮助工人获得新的技能,包括如何与机器人 合作和管理机器人,这些机器人将越来越多地成为他们的同事) "可推知,作者认为机器人和人可能会成为同事。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段"The ptential gains frm the rbt revlutin have just started. It wn't be the plt in sme films where the rbts fight against their human masters, and cause mass unemplyment.(机器人革命的潜在收益才刚刚妍开始。这不会是一些电影中机器人与人类主人战斗井并导致大规模失业的情节)"可推知,作者认为没有证据表明机器人会造成人类大面积失 业。故选B。
    解析:①联系上文题。根据前文Cral reefs are the rainfrests f the cean. They exist n vast scales and are equally imprtant havens f bidiversity(珊瑚礁是海洋中的热带雨林。它们规模庞大,同样是生物多样性的重要避风港)可知,C项"它们是四分之一海洋物种的家园"同样描述前文语境,介绍珊瑚礁是多种海洋生物的家园。故选 C。
    ②主题判断题。根据后文Withut the prtectin which reefs affrd frm crashing waves, lw-lying islands such as the Maldives wuld have flded lng ag, and a billin peple wuld lse fd r incme (如果没有珊瑚礁所提供的保护,像马尔代夫这样地势低洼的岛 屿很久以前就会被洪水淹没,10亿人将失去食物和收入)可知,A项"珊瑚对人类很有用"该项提到珊瑚对于人类的用处,起到引出后文的作用,可以作为本段的主题句。故选A。
    ③联系下文题。根据后文Withut carbn reductin and decline in lcal, cral-killing pllutin, even resistant crals will nt survive the century (如果不减少碳排放,不减少对当地珊瑚造成伤害的污染,即使是有抵抗力的珊瑚也无法 在本世纪存活)可知,G项"然而,珊瑚的辅助进化并没有受到普遍的支持"可以引出后文,介绍珊瑚 的辅助进化没有受到支持的后果。故选G。
    ④联系上文题。根据后文Carbn targets are being set and cean pllutin is being dealt with. Cuntries that share respnsibilities fr reefs are starting t act tgether(碳排放目标正在制定,海洋污染正在处理。对珊瑚礁负有共同责 任的国家开始共同行动)可知,此处是指情况也有好的趋势,B项"但我们有理由感到乐观"该项提到各国开始采取行动,说明事情在往好的方面发展。 该项切合文意,起到承上启下的作用。故选B。
    ⑤联系上文题。根据前文This mix f natural activity and human interventin is imprtant (这种自然活动和人类干预的混合是很重要的)可知,D项"它可以作为其他生态系统的蓝图"符合语境,It代指这种自然活动和人类干预混合的做法,表明这种做法可以用于其他的生态系统。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.assigned分配; B.ccupied占据;C.pssessed拥有; D.established建立。句意:除非老师另行安排座位,否则我总是选择坐在教室的后面。根据空后"a seat by the teacher, I always chse t sit at the back f the classrm."可知,除非被老师安排一个座位,作者喜欢坐在教室的后排。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cntinued继续; B.changed改变;C.settled解决;D.started开始。句意:我加入运动队后,一切都变了。根据下文"Nw I have mre self-cnfidence in myself."可知,作者有了自信心是从他加入篮球队 开始。所以此处指作者加入篮球队后,一切事情都 改变了。故选B。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.reach ut fr 伸手去拿;B.try ut fr参加……的选拔;C.cme up with想出;D.make up fr弥补。句意:事情开始于一位老师建议我参加篮球队的选拔赛。根据下文"Getting up the curage t g t the tryuts was nly the half f it!"可知,作者的老师建议他 去参加篮球队的选拔。故选B。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.idea想法;B.plan计 划;C.belief信念;D.saying说法。句意:起初, 我觉得这是一个疯狂的想法,因为我没有很好的平衡感,也没有能力跟上团队中其他人的步伐,他们会取笑我。根据上文"It began when a teacher suggested I ______ the basketball team."可知,老 师建议作者去参加篮球队的选拔。作者觉得这是一个疯狂的想法。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.ging去; B.lking看起来;C.cheering欢呼;D.applying应 用。句意:如果不是那位老师一直坚持让我去尝 试,我不会决定试一试。根据下文"I wuldn't have decided t give a try"可知,老师一直让作者去尝 试一下,所以他决定试试。g fr it"试一试"故选 A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.enjying享受; B.preparing准备;C.attending参加;D.watching 观看。句意:当我刚开始参加练习时,我甚至不知 道比赛规则,更糟糕的是不知道在做什么。根据空后的"the practice sessin"可知,刚开始时,作者 参加了练习的环节。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.cmmitted坚定 的;B.mtivated有积极性的;C.embarrassed尴尬的;D.cnfused困惑的。句意:有时我会感到困 惑,朝着错误的方向投篮,这让我觉得自己真的很愚蠢。根据上文"I didn't even knw the rules f the game, much wrse what I was ding"以及下文"I didn't even knw the rules f the game, much wrse what I was ding"可知,作者刚开始练习篮球时不知道比赛规则,不知道自己 要做什么。所以有时他非常困惑。故选D。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.Interestingly有趣的 是;B.Frtunately幸运的是; C.Obviusly显然; D.Hpefully有希望地。句意:幸运的是,我并不是唯一一个"新"参加比赛的人,所以我决定专注于学习比赛,在每次练习中都尽我所能,不要因为“还 不知道"的事情而对自己太苛刻。根据下文"I wasn't the nly ne "new" at the game, s I decided t fcus n learning the game, d my best at each practice sessin"可知,幸运的是, 作者意识到他不是唯一一个"新"参加比赛的人,所 以他决定专注于学习比赛,并没有因为遇到困难而放弃。故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.want想要;B.d 做; C.supprt支持;D.knw知道。句意:幸运的是,我并不是唯一一个"新"参加比赛的人,所以我 决定专注于学习比赛,在每次练习中都尽我所能,不要因为"还不知道"的事情而对自己太苛刻。根据上文"I didn't even knw the rules f the game, much wrse what I was ding"可知,作 者觉得不要因为自己还不知道的事情而对自己太苛 刻。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.rles角色;B.part 部分;C.mind心智;D.value价值。句意:很快,我的好胜心战胜了我缺乏的自信心。根据上文"Sn I knew the rules and the "mves". Being part f a team was fun and mtivating."可知, 作者了解了篮球的规则,觉得成为团队的一员非常 有趣,所以好胜心战胜了他缺乏的自信心。此处"cmpetitive part in me"指作者的"好胜心"。故 选B。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.satisfactin满意; B.determinatin决定;C.cnfidence自信; D.devtin挚爱。句意:很快,我的好胜心战胜了 我缺乏的自信心。根据下文"With my imprved self-cnfidence"可知,作者的好胜心战胜了他缺 乏的信心。故选C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.cncern关注点; B.fright惊吓;C.srrw悲伤;D.fun乐趣。句意: 我从来没有这么开心过!根据上文"With time, I learned hw t play and made friends in the prcess-friends wh respected my effrts t wrk hard and be a team player."可知,随着时 间的推移,作者学会了如何打球,结交了很多的朋友,所以他感觉从来没有这么开心过。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.praise表扬; B.blame责怪;C.cmfrt舒适度;D.envy嫉妒。 句意:随着我自信心的提高,老师和同学对我的表 扬也越来越多。根据上文"With my imprved self-cnfidence"可知,作者越来越自信,受到了来自同学和老师的表扬。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.dreaming做梦; B.playing玩;C.relaxing放松;D.hiding躲藏。句 意:我已经从"躲"在教室后面,不想引起别人的注 意,变成了举手一即使有时我不是百分百确定我 有正确的答案。根据上文"Il used t hate being called upn in class mainly because I didn't like attentin drawn t myself."以及"I always chse t sit at the back f the classrm"可知,作者 刚开始是缺乏自信心的,所以他总是选择坐在后 排。所以此处指他从"躲"在教室后面,变得越来越 自信,愿意举手回答问题。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.lucky幸运的; B.happy快乐的;C.sure确定的;D.satisfhed满意 的。句意:我已经从"躲"在教室后面,不想引起别 人的注意,变成了举手—即使有时我不是百分百 确定我有正确的答案。根据上文"when I smetimes wasn't and nt 100 percent"以及下文"Nw I have mre self-cnfidence in myself."可知,作者现在越来越自信了,所以他即 使不确定答案是否正确,也敢于举手回答问题。故选C。
    32.答案:was unearthed;an;histric;clsed;facing;T pen;that;use;in;seemingly
    解析:①考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:战国 时期泰三脚架形青铜灯于1974年在甘肃平凉出土, 甘肃平凉是丝绸之路的重要组成部分。unearth是 及物动词,它和lamp为被动关系,再由时间状 语"in 1974"可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语lamp是名词单数,所以be动词为was,故 填was unearthed。
    ②考查冠词。句意:战国时期泰三脚架形青铜灯于1974年在甘肃平凉出土,甘肃平凉是丝绸之路 的重要组成部分。part为可数名词,所以用不定冠词表示泛指,imprtant是以元音音素开头的单词,故填an。
    ③考查形容词。句意:由于其独特的科学和历史价值,青铜灯现陈列在甘肃省博物馆。设空处应 用形容词作定语修饰名词value,需要的词义为"有历史意义的",即histric,故填histric。
    ④考查状语从句的省略。句意:当灯关闭时,该灯的直径为11.3厘米,高度为16.7厘米。when引 导状语从句,其完整结构是"when it is clsed", 该句省略了"it is", it指"the lamp",它和clse为被动关系,用过去分词,故填clsed。
    ⑤考查现在分词。句意:它的形状是一个三脚 架,底部有三条腿,在帽子的两侧有两个鸭头状相对的耳朵,钥匙在耳朵的顶部,中间有一根铁柱。ears跟face在逻辑上为主动关系,应用现在分词作后置定语,故填facing。
    ⑥考查动词不定式。句意:要打开灯,首先转 动盖子,以便灯盖上的两个鸭头远离双键,然后关 闭双键的顶部,使用一个"人字形"支架来支撑圆形 三脚架盖。设空处应用动词不定式作目的状语,表示"为了打开",句首单词首字母大写,故填T pen。
    ⑦考查连词。句意:要打开灯,首先转动盖 子,以便灯盖上的两个鸭头远离双键,然后关闭双 键的顶部,使用一个"人字形"支架来支撑圆形三脚 架盖。设空处后面的"the tw duck heads n the tp cver face away frm the duble keys"为目 的状语从句,则填that构成"s that"来引导目的状语从句,意为"以便",故填that。
    ⑧考查祈使句。句意:要打开灯,首先转动盖 子,以便灯盖上的两个鸭头远离双键,然后关闭双 键的顶部,使用一个"人字形"支架来支撑圆形三脚架盖。设空处所在部分为"祈使句",应用动词原形 开头,它与前面的face和clse并列,故填use。
    ⑨考查介词。句意:当不使用时,按下双键,在盖子之间旋转双鸭盖以锁紧它们,并关闭三脚架盖。此处为介词短语in use在使用中,in为介词,故填in。
    Dear fellw students.
    S privileged are we that tday Prfessr White will deliver a lecture themed Living in Harmny with Nature fr us. Therefre, please allw me t represent us students t express ur heartfelt gratitude and warm welcme t him. During this lecture, nt nly will Prfessr White share with us hw t cause less pllutin t the wrld, but he will als lead us t live a greener life. Mst imprtantly, while enjying this lecture, we will undubtedly have a brand-new understanding f ur earth.
    What’s mre, everyne attending this lecture is required t listen carefully, take ntes if necessary and psitively fllw his instructins as requested. Hpefully, we will have a pleasant time tgether.
    That’s all. Thank yu!
    34.答案: Finally, my parents returned hme and talked with me. They patiently listened t my side f the stry, their understanding and supprt helping t bst my hurt feelings and self-esteem. I tld the whle stry f what happened, including the expensive misunderstanding, and the relief f sharing my tugh experience was clear in the rm. It was during this emtinal cnversatin that I heard abut Steven’s admissin, which wuld change the situatin.
    Miss Jnes had just accepted my parents’ advice when Steven came. He genuinely lked srry, with a hint f regret in his eyes. T everyne’s relief, he cnfessed that he had fund the lst mney in his backpack. The immense relief and jy I felt were hard t put int wrds, shwing hw misunderstandings and hasty judgments can lead t serius prblems. Steven’s sincere aplgy and ur cllective understanding brught us clser as classmates, restring the warmth f ur friendship.
    ①回家:return hme/g back hme
    ①耐心:patiently/with patience
    [高分句型1] They patiently listened t my side f the stry, their understanding and supprt helping t bst my hurt feelings and self-esteem.(独立主格结构)
    [高分句型2] It was during this emtinal cnversatin that I heard abut Steven’s admissin, which wuld change the situatin.(强调句型和由关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型3] T everyne’s relief, he cnfessed that he had fund the lst mney in his backpack.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句)

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