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    这是一份2024年山东省德州市禹城市武城县联考中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省德州市禹城市武城县联考中考一模英语试题含听力原卷版docx、2024年山东省德州市禹城市武城县联考中考一模英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (满分150分 时间120分钟) 2024.4
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
    2. 请将选择题答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡指定题号里;将非选择题的答案用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效。
    3. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Take care!B. Pretty gd!C. Hurry up!
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Here yu are.B. Yes, please.C. Dn’t mentin it.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. I dn’t agree.B. It’s kind f yu.C. Srry, I wn’t.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Thanks fr reminding me.B. It’s a big deal!C. I’m afraid nt.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. That’s great.B. It desn’t matter.C. I dn’t agree.
    6. 录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相对应的图片。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    ________ ________ ________
    【答案】 ①. B ②. A ③. C
    (三)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(5分)
    7. Where is the wman frm? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. China.B. Japan.C. England.
    8. Wh has a rund face? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Lily.B. Sarah.C. Nancy.
    9. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. In a classrm.B. In a bkshp.C. In a restaurant.
    10. What kind f music des the man like? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Rck music.B. Pp music.C. Classical music.
    11. What is Jim ding? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Cllecting rubbish.B. Ding his hmewrk.C. Driving a car.
    12. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Schl life.B. Weekend plans.C. Persnal hbbies.
    13. What will the man d first n Saturday mrning?
    A Practise painting.B. Check his emails.C. D his hmewrk.
    14. What will the wman d n Saturday afternn?
    A. G t a cncert.B. Have a picnic.C. Have a pian lessn.
    15. Where will the speakers and Lucy meet n Sunday?
    A. At the schl gate.B. At the twn library.C. In the park.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. B
    【答案】16. C 17. B
    18. A
    【答案】19. ftball
    20. Health 21. 5##five
    22. culture
    23. England
    24. What d students d n the secnd flr f the library?
    A. Brrw and return bks.B. Study with classmates.
    C. Organize a shrt meeting.D. Have schl leavers’ parties.
    25. If Mrs. Wang wants t hld a parents’ meeting fr all the students in the schl, which rms culd she use?
    A. Grup Study Rms.B. Meeting Rms.
    C. Discussin Rms.D. Cnference Center.
    26. Hw many bks can students brrw at a time fr class reading activity?
    A. 5B. 4C. 3D. 2
    27. What des the rule abut Damaged r Lst Bks want t tell us?
    A. Try t repair the damaged bk.
    B. Pay full price fr damaged bks.
    C. Dn’t brrw bks n rainy days.
    D. Prtect the bks yu’ve brrwed.
    28. Where can yu read this article?
    A. On a student guide.B. On a histry research.
    C. On a fashin bk.D. On a travel magazine.
    【答案】24. B 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. A
    细节理解题。根据“Students and teachers can use these rms fr grup study and discussin. Students are advised t use unlcked rms. Remember t keep yur vice dwn when talking with thers.”可知学生和教师可以使用这些房间进行小组学习和讨论。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Cnference Center (4F)的“It can hld frm 200 peple t 1,000 peple.”可知她可以用这间可以容纳最多人的会议中心,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Fur bks can be brrwed nly fr class reading activities and schl research.”可知四本书只能外借用于课堂阅读活动和学校研究。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Take care f bks, s thers can use it again.”可知是告诉我们保管好书,这样别人就可以再次使用它。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“A Guide t the Schl Library”可知本文是学校图书馆的信息介绍,因此在学生指南上。故选A。
    “Yu lk gd tday. Shall we review the text tgether?”After greeting her student Hei Hei, K Cheuk Kiu, dressed a light blue unifrm, turns n her tablet cmputer and begins t teach at the bedside. There are n schl bells ringing r students running arund the playgrund at the schl where K wrks. K is a teacher at the Hng Kng Red Crss Hspital Schls, the nly schl in Hng Kng that prvides educatin services fr sick children. She first heard abut the Hspital Schls frm a newspaper reprt in 2009 when she had just finished her Master in Languages.
    Teachers at Hspital Schl have t teach their students and help them t vercme (克服) the difficulties f returning t their wn schl after the treatment. The first thing K des every mrning is t check n each student t see if they are well enugh t have classes. Her students cme frm different backgrunds and even speak different languages. She needs t teach bth primary and secndary schl aged students, s K is always ready t teach students frm different levels. She teaches in small grups r ne-n-ne bedside teaching, and each lessn lasts abut 30 minutes, depending n the students’ levels.
    Over the years, K has received a lt f cards frm parents and students, such as, “Miss K, thank yu fr yur patience.” and “Wishing yu a gd start in the New Year.” That really makes her happy and tuched.
    It can be challenging t teach sick students, but K sees the experience as an educatin that leads her t a deeper understanding f life.
    29. What can we learn frm the first paragraph?
    A. K is a dctr frm a hspital schl.
    B. K teaches children in a hspital schl.
    C. K helps the dctrs treat sick children.
    D. K teaches language in a university.
    30. Why des K check the health cnditin f students befre classes?
    A. T give them better treatment.B. T check their language levels.
    C T see if they can have classes.D. T learn abut their backgrunds.
    31. Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A. There are many hspital schls in Hng Kng t teach children.
    B. The sicked children are interested in learning different languages.
    C. The sicked children can get abut 30-minute class a day.
    D. Many parents and students sends cards t give thanks t K.
    32. Hw des K feel abut her jb?
    A. Hard but happy.B. Bred and terrible.
    C. Afraid and wrried.D. Excited but tired.
    33. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw t Wrk at HspitalB. A Difficult Jb at Hspital
    C. Special Treatment at HspitalD. A Special Teacher at Hspital
    【答案】29. B 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. D
    【导语】本文主要讲述了K Cheuk Kiu在香港红十字会医院学校给遭受疾病的学生上课的经历。
    细节理解题。根据“K is a teacher at the Hng Kng Red Crss Hspital Schls, the nly schl in Hng Kng that prvides educatin services fr sick children.”可知K在一所医院学校教孩子们。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The first thing K des every mrning is t check n each student t see if they are well enugh t have classes”可知是为了检查每个学生是否能够上课,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“Over the years, K has received a lt f cards frm parents and students, such as, ‘Miss K, thank yu fr yur patience.’ and ‘Wishing yu a gd start in the Ne’”可知许多家长和学生寄贺卡向K致谢。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“That really makes her happy and tuched.”以及“It can be challenging t teach sick students, but K sees the experience as an educatin that leads her t a deeper understanding f life.”可知觉得艰难但很开心,故选A。
    最佳标题题。本文主要讲述了K Cheuk Kiu在香港红十字会医院学校给遭受疾病的学生上课的经历。因此最佳标题是“医院的一名特殊教师”,故选D。
    Cnfucianism (儒家思想), the way f life develped by Cnfucius, has been fllwed by Chinese peple fr mre than tw thusand years.
    Five Cnstants (五常)——ren, yi, li, zhi, xin——is part f Cnfucianism and they help peple understand hw t behave twards thers. They are general virtues (美德) arund the wrld. The mst imprtant tw are ren and li.
    Ren is the feeling f care and lve we shuld have fr thers. Cnfucius explained ren culd best be understd as lving thers. He is famus fr teaching peple “What yu d nt want dne t yurself, d nt d t thers”. It is quite similar t what is knwn in the West as the Glden Rule (treat thers as yu wish t be treated).
    While the meaning f ren is easy t understand, li is a little harder t express. It can be thught f as duty r even respect. Generally, li is the way we shuld cnnect with peple in ur everyday life. In Cnfucian writings, discussins abut li include the prper way t drink tea and hw t remember ancestrs (祖先). While ren is mstly abut ur pinins and feelings, li is abut hw we express ur pinins and feelings twards thers and twards the wrld arund us.
    Althugh Xia isn’t ne f Five Cnstants, it’s the basic Cnfucian virtue. Xia means lving, respecting, beying and taking care f ne’s parents in their ld age. In Cnfucianism, xia is imprtant fr a harmnius (和谐的) sciety: Withut it, the whle wrld wuld fall int a mess.
    34. Which are the mst imprtant f the Five Cnstants?
    A. Ren and yi.B. Ren and li.C. Li and xin.D. Yi and zhi.
    35. What is the best Chinese fr the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?
    A. 博学于文,约之以礼。B. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
    C. 己所不欲,勿施于人。D. 君子和而不同,小人同而不和。
    36. Which f the fllwing is an example f li?
    A. Building a peaceful sciety.B. Taking care f ne’s children.
    C. Learning all thrugh ne’s life.D. Obeying rules fr drinking tea.
    37. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. Five cnstants mainly teach us hw t lve urselves.
    B. The Glden Rule in the west has a lt in cmmn with Ren.
    C. Ren is abut the way we shw ur feelings and pinins.
    D. The meaning f xia is respecting ur harmnius sciety.
    38. What des the passage mainly tell us abut Cnfucianism?
    A. Its general virtues.B. Its lng histry.
    C. Its new challenges.D. Its glden rules.
    【答案】34. B 35. C 36. D 37. B 38. A
    细节理解题。根据“The mst imprtant tw are ren and li.”可知,“五常”中最重要的是仁和礼,故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据“It is quite similar t what is knwn in the West as the Glden Rule (treat thers as yu wish t be treated).”可知,这与西方的黄金法则(己所不欲,勿施于人)非常相似。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“In Cnfucian writings, discussins abut li include the prper way t drink tea and hw t remember ancestrs”可知,在儒家著作中,关于礼的讨论包括正确的喝茶方式和如何记住祖先。因此要遵守饮茶规则是关于礼的例子,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“Ren is the feeling f care and lve we shuld have fr thers…It is quite similar t what is knwn in the West as the Glden Rule (treat thers as yu wish t be treated).”可知,西方的金科玉律与仁有很多共同之处。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据“Five Cnstants (五常)——ren, yi, li, zhi, xin——is part f Cnfucianism and they help peple understand hw t behave twards thers. They are general virtues (美德) arund the wrld.”可知本文主要介绍了儒学的美德:仁、义、礼、智、信,故选A。
    Many students tday learn prgramming (编程). But sme are nt sure if they shuld chse t learn it. What’s prgramming educatin like? What d students think f it?
    Types f Prgramming Educatin
    There are tw types f prgramming educatin: sftware (软件) prgramming and hardware (硬件) prgramming. Sftware prgramming is abut writing instructins t slve a prblem, while hardware prgramming uses prgramming languages t cntrl hardware.
    Types f Prgramming Languages Scratch
    Scratch allws beginners t create games with pictures. It nly requires basic math and English knwledge. Scratch can help develp yur interest in prgramming.
    Pythn is very easy t learn. Reading a gd Pythn prgramme feels like reading English paragraphs. Usually, students can start learning Pythn in the higher grades f primary schl. After learning Pythn, yu can develp games and things like a calculatr (计算器).
    C++ is the nly prgramming language fr NOIP (全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛), which can help if a student wants t g t the tp universities.
    What d students think abut learning prgramming?
    Helen: I studied C++ fr several years when I was at primary schl. It requires a high level f math. Nw I have changed t learn MO (数学奥林匹克竞赛) prblems. I find ut that what I’ve learned in prgramming helps me a lt when dealing with MO prblems. It can als help me with maths at schl.
    Steve: I have friends wh cntinue learning prgramming, and it takes a lt f time. There is a chance and it helps with the gaka. If yu want t study IT and engineering majrs in university, it’s certainly wrth learning. Hwever, I think learning withut a certain intentin (目的) is better. It’s fun and a way f relaxing fr me nw. As far as I can see, prgramming is nt fr everyne. If yu find it t hard at sme pint, there is n need t push yurself.
    39. Hw many kinds f prgramming educatin des the article intrduce?
    A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4
    40. If a student wants t take part in NOIP, what shuld he learn?
    A. Scratch.B. English.C. Pythn.D. C++.
    41. What des the underlined it refer t?
    A. Learning MO prblems.B. Learning high math skill.
    C. Learning prgramming.D. Learning math prblem.
    42. What des Steve think f learning prgramming?
    A. It’s necessary fr everyne t learn prgramming.
    B. It’s useful fr students t study IT in university.
    C. It’s easy t learn and a way f relaxing fr students.
    D. It’s helpful fr students wh want t imprve maths.
    43. In which clumn wuld yu find this article in a newspaper?
    A. Educatin.B. Sprts.C. Science.D. Business.
    【答案】39. B 40. D 41. C 42. B 43. A
    细节理解题。根据“There are tw types f prgramming educatin”可知介绍了两种,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“C++ is the nly prgramming language fr NOIP (全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛), which can help if a student wants t g t the tp universities.”可知他需要学习C++,故选D。
    词句猜测题根据“I find ut that what I’ve learned in prgramming helps me a lt when dealing with MO prblems. It can als help me with maths at schl.”可知it指代学习编程,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“If yu want t study IT and engineering majrs in university, it’s certainly wrth learning.”可知对于学生来说,要在大学里学习信息技术是很有用的。故选B。
    During the hliday, many peple want t search fr dazi (搭子) r activity partners n Xiahngshu r Weib fr travelling. ____44____. Everyne has his r her wn pinin. In sme ways, finding dazi is a new frm f scial cntact (社交) fr yung peple.
    Unlike friendship, the idea f dazi is simple—peple with the same interests cme tgether t jin an activity. ____45____. It helps peple find smene with the same hbbies and desn’t take them t much time. With ne r a few dazi, peple have mre fun in the activities.
    A girl called Mu Qing, a high schl student frm Hangzhu, enjys talking with her meal dazi when she is having lunch. “We lve t share ur ideas abut the fd and find ther fine fd,” said the girl, “____46____.”
    Als, dazi smetimes may give yu sme big surprises. “Once, my game dazi and I did smething wrng when playing the game. ____47____. We were bth very happy. By playing the game tgether, I find I d better in cmmunicating and wrking with thers nw,” said anther girl.
    ____48____. Peple may lie n the Internet. Fr example, a yung and beautiful girl n the Internet may be an ld, shrt and heavy man in real life. Therefre, think twice befre finding dazi.
    A. But we wrked tgether and finally wn the game
    B. Dazi can appear in many different ways in daily life
    C. Dazi is usually helpful, but it can be dangerus smetimes
    D. This has brught heated discussins amng yung peple
    E. If my meal dazi desn’t cme t schl ne day, I will be upset
    F. Mre than 60% yung peple find it hard t talk with peple
    【答案】44. D 45. B 46. E 47. A 48. C
    根据“Everyne has his r her wn pinin.”可知,每个人都有自己的看法,因此是引起了讨论,选项D“这在年轻人中引起了激烈的讨论”符合,故选D。
    根据“It helps peple find smene with the same hbbies and desn’t take them t much time.”可知,它可以帮助人们找到有相同爱好的人,而且不会花他们太多时间。此处在介绍找搭子是简单容易的。选项B“搭子可以在日常生活中以多种不同的方式出现”符合,故选B。
    根据“We lve t share ur ideas abut the fd and find ther fine fd”可知,此处是这个女孩在介绍她的饭搭子。选项E“如果有一天我的饭搭子不来学校,我会不高兴的”符合,故选E。
    根据“Once, my game dazi and I did smething wrng when playing the game.”可知,此处介绍的是游戏搭子,选项A“但我们一起努力,最终赢得了比赛”符合,故选A。
    根据“Peple may lie n the Internet.”可知,此处在介绍找搭子不好的一面,选项C“搭子通常是有帮助的,但有时也很危险”符合,故选C。
    In Mianning, Liangshan, the village dctr Ma Li is at the health center by ____49____. On the dr is her phne number. She is ____50____ n call as lng as the villagers fall ill. When Ma Li arrived at the village fr the ____51____ time, she was cmpletely shcked. As a dctr, she felt sad t learn that wmen ften died ____52____ getting medical care in time when they gave birth t children. It was just because n hspital was nearby. S she made a ____53____ t help them.
    Many years have passed. Ma Li is still sticking t her wrk. Every day she gets up early and wrks hard. She sees at ____54____ 10 patients, smetimes even 30 r 40. It may be many hurs’ walk t a patient’s hme. It’s ____55____ t walk n these muntain rads. It is nt easy fr a wman. Peple ften ask ____56____ she is afraid r nt. Ma Li says she is a daughter f the muntains, s she has been used t living here. And she says there are abut 1.3 millin dctrs like her in China.
    Since a targeted pverty relief prject (精准扶贫) was intrduced t the village, the gvernment has made effrts t develp the village. There are lts f ____57____—a new health statin is being built in the village, a bridge acrss the river is standing ver the river…
    As a daughter f the muntains, Ma Li is happy t see these changes. She is like a beautiful flwer which grew ____58____ in the muntain. She will cntinue t be a village dctr in the muntains and never leave.
    【答案】49. herself
    50. always 51. first
    52. withut
    53. decisin
    54 least 55. dangerus
    56. whether
    57. changes
    58. deeply
    句意:凉山冕宁,村医马丽一个人在卫生院。根据“the village dctr Ma Li is at the health center by”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指村医马丽一个人在卫生院。by neself“独自”,此处是指代“她”she,因此是herself“她自己”,故填herself。
    句意:只要村民们生病,她总是随叫随到。 根据“On the dr is her phne number. She is…n call as lng as the villagers fall ill.”可知,马丽总是随叫随到,always“总是”,在句中作状语,故填always。
    句意:当马丽第一次来到村子时,她完全惊呆了。根据“When Ma Li arrived at the village fr the…time, she was cmpletely shcked.”可知,第一次来时惊呆了,fr the first time“第一次”,故填first。
    句意:作为一名医生,了解到妇女经常在分娩时没有得到及时的医疗护理而死亡,她感到非常难过。根据“wmen ften died…getting medical care in time”可知,由于没有得到及时的医疗护理,很多妇女分娩时死亡,withut“没有”符合语境,故填withut。
    句意:因此她决定帮助她们。根据“help them”可知是指她决定帮助他们。made a decisin“做决定”,故填decisin。
    句意:她至少看了10个病人,有时甚至是30或40个。at least“至少”,故填least。
    句意:在这些山路上行走是危险的。根据“she is afraid r nt”可知是指在这些山路上行走是危险的。形容词dangerus“危险的”作表语,故填dangerus。
    句意:人们经常问她是否害怕。根据“Peple ften ask…she is afraid r nt”可知,人们问她是否害怕,whether…r nt“是否”,故填whether。
    句意:有很多变化——村里正在修建一座新的卫生站,一座横跨河流的大桥正矗立在河流上……根据“a new health statin is being built in the village, a bridge acrss the river is standing ver the river”可知是指有很多变化,空前有lts f修饰,用change“改变”的复数形式。故填changes。
    句意:她就像一朵美丽的花,深深地生长在大山中。根据“She is like a beautiful flwer which grew…in the muntain.”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指她就像一朵美丽的花,深深地生长在大山中。副词deeply“深地”修饰动词,故填deeply。
    My name is Rebeca and I’m 11 years ld. I’m frm beautiful Brazil! But my family lives in a pr area, and life isn’t easy. My father ____59____ s hard that my brther and I can g t schl. And we always cme straight hme after schl t help with the husewrk. But I have a dream—ftball! And I want t tell yu hw ftball has changed my life. My dad wanted my big brther t be a ftball player, but he didn’t like ____60____ ftball. I lved ftball and when I played, I felt happy and frgt abut everything arund me. My mum said,“Ftball isn’t fr girls.” The bys at schl didn’t want t play with a girl either, but when they saw I was gd, they gave me the chance ____61____ the team.
    One day, I ____62____ by my teacher that there was an all-girl ftball team and the cach ____63____ the best players at that mment. I really wanted t be part f the team and I decided t try my best.
    When my dad and brther knew that, they ____64____ very happy. My mum still didn’t like the idea. “It isn’t ging t be easy fr yu because ftball is a by’s sprt. But yu ____65____ yur heart.” she said. But she said nthing after that, and my dad and brther trained with me every day fr seven mnths. Finally, in February the cach shwed us wh was in the team. When I heard my name, I ____66____ in the air.
    Our team traveled t Ri de Janeir in March and we wn the cmpetitin—it was amazing! Since then, we ____67____ a lt f matches. My biggest dream in life is t be a great ftball player. I believe that I ____68____ my dream when I grw up. Mre imprtantly, I’ve becme much mre cnfident abut myself.
    【答案】59. wrks
    60. playing
    61. t jin
    62. was tld
    63. picked 64. were
    65. fllw 66. jumped
    67. have wn
    68. will achieve
    句意:我的父亲努力工作,所以我和我的哥哥可以去上学。根据“s hard that my brther and I can g t schl”可知是指我的父亲努力工作,wrk“工作”,时态是一般现在时,主语是My father,动词用三单,故填wrks。
    句意:我爸爸想让我哥哥成为一名足球运动员,但他不喜欢踢足球。根据“but he didn’t like…ftball”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指他不喜欢踢足球。like ding sth.“喜欢做某事”,play ftball“踢足球”,故填playing。
    句意:学校里的男孩们也不想和女孩一起玩,但当他们看到我很棒时,他们给了我机会加入团队。根据“they gave me the chance…the team”可知,此处指给了我机会加入团队,jin“加入”,give sb the chance t d“给某人机会做某事”,故填t jin。
    句意:有一天,我的老师告诉我,有一支全女子足球队,教练当时在选最好的运动员。根据“I…by my teacher that there was an all-girl ftball team”可知是指我的老师告诉我,tell“告诉”,本句主语I是动作的承受者,时态是一般过去时,用一般过去时的被动语态,即was dne。故填was tld。
    句意:有一天,我的老师告诉我,有一支全女子足球队,教练当时在选最好的运动员。根据“the cach…the best players at that mment.”可知是指教练当时在选最好的运动员。pick“挑选”,描述过去的事,用动词过去式。故填picked。
    句意:但你要跟随你的心。根据“But yu…yur heart.”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指要跟随你的心。fllw“跟随”,主语是yu,时态为一般现在时,动词用原形。故填fllw。
    句意:当我听到我的名字时,我跳了起来。根据“When I heard my name, I…in the air.”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指我跳了起来。jump“跳”,此处时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填jumped。
    句意:从那时起,我们赢得了很多比赛。根据“we…a lt f matches”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指我们赢得了很多比赛,win“赢得”,结合since then,可知时态用现在完成时,主语是we,结构即have dne。故填have wn。
    句意:我相信当我长大后,我会实现我的梦想。根据“my dream when I grw up”可知是指我会实现我的梦想。achieve“实现”,此处应用一般将来时,will+动词原形的结构。故填will achieve。
    Hw much pcket mney d yu get frm yur parents every mnth? What d yu ften d with yur mney?
    We asked three British middle schl students fr their pinins n pcket mney.
    Ruth Sawyers:
    I get 5 punds every week frm my parents. I usually save 1.5 punds and spend the rest.
    The tw things I usually like t buy with my pcket mney are stry bks and Leg Blcks (乐高). I dn’t really think abut getting mre pcket mney. And I even dn’t talk abut pcket mney with my friends at schl. If sme peple’s parents give them t much pcket mney, ther children might get jealus (嫉妒). It’s imprtant nt t shw ff what yu’ve gt.
    Maya Varsani:
    I get 6 punds frm my mum and 8 punds frm my dad every mnth. I try t save and buy presents fr my family. Last year, I bught my mum a lipstick (口红) fr Mther’s Day, which cst 9.5 punds.
    Jimmy Segalw:
    My mum gives me 10 punds a week. She says I can either spend it in the schl canteen (餐厅) r she will make me a packed lunch, then I can spend the 10 punds n whatever I want.
    I like Nike trainers. If they cst 50 punds and I nly have 40 punds, my mum might give me an extra (额外的) 10 punds. But I have t d sme husewrk instead.
    I knw that sme parents can’t affrd t give their children much pcket mney. S I try nt t talk abut my pcket mney at schl.
    69. Hw much pcket mney des Ruth Sawyers spend every week?
    70. What des Maya Varsani usually d with her pcket mney?
    71. What shuld Jimmy Segalw d t get the extra mney?
    72. What d Segalw and Sawyers have in cmmn?
    73. D yu think parents shuld give their children pcket mney? Why?
    【答案】69. 3.5 punds.
    70. Maya Varsani usually saves and buys presents fr family.
    71. Jimmy Segalw shuld d sme husewrk.
    72. They dn’t talk abut pcket mney at schl.
    73. 答案合理即可。I think parents shuld give their children pcket mney, because it can develp children’s abilities f managing mney.
    根据“I get 5 punds every week frm my parents. I usually save 1.5 punds and spend the rest.”可知会花掉3.5英镑。故填3.5 punds.
    根据“I try t save and buy presents fr my family.”可知是存起来为家人买礼物。故填Maya Varsani usually saves and buys presents fr family.
    根据“my mum might give me an extra (额外的) 10 punds. But I have t d sme husewrk instead”可知需要做家务,故填Jimmy Segalw shuld d sme husewrk.
    根据“If sme peple’s parents give them t much pcket mney, ther children might get jealus (嫉妒). It’s imprtant nt t shw ff what yu’ve gt.”以及“I knw that sme parents can’t affrd t give their children much pcket mney. S I try nt t talk abut my pcket mney at schl.”可知两人的共同点是不会在学校谈论自己的零花钱,故填They dn’t talk abut pcket mney at schl.
    答案合理即可。故填I think parents shuld give their children pcket mney, because it can develp children’s abilities f managing mney.
    74. 劳动教育是青少年全面发展的重要组成部分,因此每个青少年都应该积极参加劳动。Teens开展了以“Take Part in Labr Activities”为题的征文活动。请你根据表格内容,写一篇英语短文投稿。
    Take Part in Labr Activities
    Labr educatin is very necessary and it’s gd fr students’ develpment. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Take Part in Labr Activities
    Labr educatin is very necessary and it’s gd fr students’ develpment.
    As fr me, I actively take part in labr activities. At schl, my classmates and I clean the classrm every week. Thrugh this experience, I have learnt the imprtance f teamwrk. At hme, I help my parents with chres which have taught me life skills. Besides, I als visit the nursing hmes and help take care f the elderly in the cmmunity. I have learnt t be mre respnsible.
    In a wrd, I believe that labr educatin is imprtant fr ur develpment and I encurage all my classmates t take part in labr activities.
    ③提示:要求以“Take Part in Labr Activities”为题,根据提示内容进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
    ①As fr至于
    ②the imprtance f……的重要性
    ③take care f照顾
    ④take part in参加
    ①At hme, I help my parents with chres which have taught me life skills.(which引导的定语从句)
    ②In a wrd, I believe that labr educatin is imprtant fr ur develpment and I encurage all my classmates t take part in labr activities.(that引导的宾语从句;并列句)___16___ Helen
    ___17___ Amy
    ___18___ Vicky
    A. buy many bks abut hw t lk after animals
    B. g t the British Museum during May Day hliday
    C. like the sng Take Me Hme, Cuntry Rad
    Schl News frm Xinhua Middle Schl
    Sprts News
    Class 6, Grade 9 wn first place in the ___19___ match.
    Time: last week
    ___20___ News
    A speech n hw t prtect urselves while ding exercise
    Time: ___21___ p. m. this Tuesday afternn
    After-class activities
    Students will have a discussin abut Chinese traditinal ___22___ in the English Crner.
    Time: this Wednesday afternn
    Inter-schl activities
    A grup f students frm ___23___ are visiting ur schl.
    Time: this Friday
    A Guide t the Schl Library
    T make the mst f the schl library, please read the fllwing infrmatin.
    Intrductin t each flr f the library
    Lending and Returning Desk (1F)
    Students can brrw and return bks with their student library card.
    Grup Study Rms & Discussin Rms (2F)
    Students and teachers can use these rms fr grup study and discussin. Students are advised t use unlcked rms. Remember t keep yur vice dwn when talking with thers.
    Meeting Rms (3F)
    These rms can be used by teachers and students fr meetings r speeches, but remember t bk the rm ne day befre yu use it. There are 40 seats in each rm.
    Cnference Center (4F)
    This flr is designed fr cncerts, theatre perfrmances, schl leavers’ parties and meetings. There are 3 rms f different sizes. It can hld frm 200 peple t 1,000 peple. Students can chse it accrding t the number f peple. It must be bked a mnth befre yu use it.
    Open time:
    Tuesday t Sunday, frm 7 a. m. t 10 p. m.
    *Each student can brrw tw bks at a time. If n ne is waiting fr the bk, yu can renew (续借) the bk nce.
    *Fur bks can be brrwed nly fr class reading activities and schl research.
    Bks brrwed frm the library can be kept fr tw weeks. The bks must be returned befre the last day.
    Damaged (受损的) r Lst Bks:
    *When a bk is returned in a damaged cnditin, yu will have t pay three dllars fr the damage. Full price must be paid if a bk is lst.
    *Take care f bks, s thers can use it again. We advise students t carry their library bks in plastic bags t prtect them frm rainy weather.
    Yu can lk thrugh the schl website fr mre infrmatin.
    withut, whether, deep, change, she, little, ne, mney, always, decisin, danger
    jin, be, achieve, wrk, pick, like, play, tell, fllw, jump, win
    What d yu usually d?
    What have yu learnt?
    At schl
    clean the classrm
    ▷imprve life skills
    At hme

    In the cmmunity


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