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    这是一份2024年广东省广州市增城区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年广东省广州市增城区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年广东省广州市增城区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名;并用2B铅笔在“考生号”处填涂考生号,正确方法是:。
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    Fr 16-year-ld Ma Yifei, the vilin shw f the Beijing 2022 Olympic theme sng, Snwflake, was her best shw fr Paralympians all ver the wrld. “I’m als disabled and I want t d smething fr them with ___1___ music,” said Ma.
    Ma became blind at the age f tw because f ___2___ illness. She began t shw great interest in music when she was yung. She ___3___ t learn the pian at five and the vilin at nine, experiencing the “clrful” music thrugh sund and feelings.
    Ma’s mther Ha Chunyan ___4___ is a music teacher helped her remember the music scre (乐谱). Ma ___5___ see the keys and always played the wrng ntes. It tk her ___6___ tries t play a piece crrectly.
    Fr Ma, learning the vilin ___7___ mre difficult. She felt the teacher’s hands and arms t learn the mvements, and listened t the strings (弦) at the same time ___8___ the muscles herself.
    “She tried again and again. ___9___ three years f learning, she still culd nt make any ___10___ sund except terrible nises,” said Ha. And she suggested her daughter giving up the vilin. But Ma said, “I wn’t give up ___11___ it is my favurite. I believe I will make it if I keep ___12___.”
    Finally, Ma played much ___13___ and expected t play it n a large stage. In 2018, Ma ___14___ gt a chance t fllw tw famus musicians. ___15___ there wuld be many challenges ahead, she still left hme t fllw her musical dream. Ma said excitedly “I have wrked s hard that I can stand n this big stage tday. All my hard wrk has paid ff.”
    A. IB. myC. meD. mine
    A. aB. anC. theD. /
    A. advisesB. advisedC. is advisedD. was advised
    A. whB. whmC. whatD. which
    A. culdn’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. shuldn’t
    A. thusandB. thusandsC. thusand fD. thusands f
    A. isB. areC. wasD. were
    A. feltB. feelsC. t feelD. feeling
    A. AfterB. BefreC. AmngD. Between
    A. therB. thersC. antherD. the ther
    A. sB. rC. ifD. because
    A. practiseB. practisingC. t practiseD. practised
    A. gdB. wellC. betterD. best
    A. successB. succeedC. successfulD. successfully
    A. AndB. ButC. ThughD. When
    【答案】1 B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C
    advises一般现在时;advised一般过去时;is advised一般现在时的被动语态;was advised一般过去时的被动语态。根据“She…t learn the pian at five and the vilin at nine”可知,主语是动作的承受者,动作发生在过去,此处用一般过去时的被动语态。故选D。
    wh指人,作主语或宾语;whm指人,作宾语;what不引导定语从句;which指物,作主语或宾语。此处是定语从句,先行词Ma’s mther Ha Chunyan指人,引导词在从句中作主语,故选A。
    thusand千,名词单数;thusands千,名词复数;thusand f表述错误;thusands f数千。根据“It tk her…tries t play a piece crrectly.”可知,她试了几千次才弹好一首曲子。故选D。
    is一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数;are一般现在时,主语是第二人称或复数;was一般过去时,主语是第三人称单数;were一般过去时,主语是第二人称或复数。本句时态是一般过去时,主语是“learning the vilin”,故选C。
    felt过去式;feels动词三单;t feel动词不定式;feeling动名词/现在分词。本句时态是一般过去时,与“listened”并列,故选A。
    After在……之后;Befre在……之前;Amng在……当中;Between在……中间。根据“ years f learning”可知,经过三年的学习后,故选A。
    ther其他的;thers其他人;anther三者及以上的另一个;the ther两者中的另一个。根据“she still culd nt make any…sund except terrible nises”可知,此处是any ther“任何其他的”,故选A。
    s因此;r或者;if如果;because因为。“it is my favurite”是“I wn’t give up”的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故选D。
    practise动词原形; practising动名词/现在分词;t practise动词不定式;practised过去式/过去分词。keep ding sth“继续做某事”,故选B。
    Every day after lunch, my new neighbr Snia will play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with her 3 kids. S I am ften wken up by them at nn. Smetimes, I will watch curiusly.
    Snia put a twel arund the lder girl Amy’s eyes, calling, “Jerry, Mike, have yu hidden yurselves?”
    The bys replied, “We are ___16___.”
    Snia pushed Amy gently frward and said, “G, ___17___ them nw!”
    Amy stepped carefully, reached ut her hands, and walked frward carefully.
    “Amy, mind yur feet and dn’t fall dwn! Brthers are a little behind yu.” said Snia.
    Amy ___18___ arund and caught them. Great laughter wuld break ut in the yard.
    Being trubled, I visited Snia and expressed if she culd take the children t the ___19___ every nn. I wuld pay fr the ___20___. Then I saw the yard full f line: three children playing in the strange lines. “Oh, kids, Uncle Jack wants t ___21___ yu t the mvies.” Snia called. But she winked (使眼色) at me aside t speak. She said she had taken the three children frm the rphanage (孤儿院). And the kids were learning hw t live in the neighbrhd and hw t g t schl ___22___. Then I realized that the yard line was a ___23___ f the cmmunity.
    “Nw Amy is able t g t Hyde Schl by herself.” Snia said with great pride.
    “Hyde? The schl fr the blind? Amy is blind?” I was surprised.
    Snia ndded, adding “Nt nly her, but Jerry and Mike are als sn ging t Hyde Schl.”
    Then the children asked. “Mm, is watching mvies mre fun?”
    Snia smiled at me. I said ludly, “Of curse n, what can be mre fun than hide-and-seek?”
    Walking ut, I asked Snia, “SORRY, but why d yu still ___24___ the children’s eyes during hide-and-seek?”
    Snia said seriusly, “In my eyes, they are like ___25___ peple, they can see everything!”
    A. busyB. freeC. readyD. left
    A. seeB. beatC. hideD. catch
    A. ranB. satC. turnedD. lked
    A. gymB. cinemaC. cncertD. playgrund
    A. ticketsB. mealsC. clthesD. classes
    A. trickB. driveC. inviteD. fllw
    A. livelyB. warmlyC. happilyD. independently
    A. mapB. designC. directinD. culture
    A. seeB. cverC. tuchD. watch
    A. blindB. specialC. friendlyD. rdinary
    【答案】16. C 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. D
    busy忙碌的;free自由的;ready准备好的;left剩余的。根据“Jerry, Mike, have yu hidden yurselves?”可知,此处应是回答已经藏好了,也就是准备好了,故选C。
    see看见;beat打败;hide隐藏;catch抓住。根据“G, nw!”可知,在玩捉迷藏,所以是抓他们。故选D。
    ran跑;sat坐;turned转向;lked看。根据“Brthers are a little behind yu.”可知,提醒他们在后面,所以是转身抓住了他们。故选C。
    gym体育馆;cinema电影院;cncert音乐会;playgrund操场。根据“t the mvies”可知,是去看电影,故选B。
    tickets票;meals餐食;clthes衣服;classes班级。根据“I wuld pay fr the...”可知,看电影要买票,故选A。
    trick哄骗;drive驾驶;invite邀请;fllw跟随。根据“Uncle Jack wants t the mvies.”可知,杰克叔叔邀请孩子们去看电影。故选C。
    lively活泼的;warmly温暖地;happily开心地;independently独立地。根据“And the kids were learning hw t live in the neighbrhd and hw t g t schl...”可知,学习如何独立上学。故选D。
    map地图;design设计;directin方向;culture文化。根据“Then I realized that the yard line was the cmmunity.”可知,码线是社区的地图。故选A。
    see看见;cver遮盖;tuch触摸;watch观看。根据“but why d yu children’s eyes during hide-and-seek?”可知,孩子们是盲人,但是捉迷藏的时候还是蒙住孩子的眼睛,故选B。
    blind盲的;special特殊的;friendly友好的;rdinary普通的。根据“In my eyes, they are , they can see everything!”可知,他们和普通人一样,故选D。
    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    26. Wh is prbably the Green Schl Prject fr?
    A. Experts.B. Parents.C. Teachers.D. Students.
    27. What will yu learn after yu jin in the prject?
    A. Learn t plant grass with sil.B. Get a strng sense f teamwrk.
    C. Turn t an experienced parent fr help.D. Knw mre details by giving lessns.
    28. If Jim lks after trees every day but they get sick, hw many pints will he get?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.D. Five.
    【答案】26. D 27. B 28. D
    细节理解题。根据“HOME>STUDENTS> PROJECT SHARING”可知,绿色学校计划的对象是学生,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Knw hw t wrk with classmates.”可知,加入这个项目后会有很强的团队合作意识。故选B。
    My friend helped me celebrate my 31st birthday in a basement (地下室), where I lived. Then, I finally climbed int bed at 1:20 in the mrning.
    Earlier in the day, I was preparing fr the pssible fld. We were living near the Ahr River. It went n raining heavily that week and the gvernment sent ut a fld warning, althugh it was nt fr where I was. Hwever, I put sand bags n the flr utside my garden dr. “Silly brther!” My friends laughed at me fr ding that. But I thught, why take a chance?
    As I was sleeping, I was wken by the sund f rushing water. It sunded like lying beside a waterfall. When I gt ff the bed, I was shcked that cld water was rising fast. In darkness, I picked up my cellphne and turned n the flashlight. When I gt ut f the bedrm, I saw water shting thrugh the bttm f the dr.
    I began t feel afraid. I knew I had t get ut-fast! Withut shes, I started t make my way t the nly escape: the dr that led upstairs t the main flr. Finally I made it t the dr and tried several times t pull it pen even just a little bit, but the rushing water shut it again. I lked arund fr anything I culd use t keep it pen. There was a stick in the crner. I tk it and, nce again, pened the dr, thrwing it between the dr and the frame (门框) t keep the dr pen. Finally, I managed t g thrugh and make it int the living rm.
    I jumped nt the stairs and ran utside. I std there in the darkness, wet thrugh. The street was nce lvely full f peple and cars, but nw it was like a water pl with flating things. The river had drwned the neighburhd!
    I culdn’t help thinking: What wuld happen if I hadn’t dne any preparatins? I might have lst my life! Never take a chance and always be prepared!
    29. Why did the writer’s friends laugh at him?
    A. Because he lived in a basement.B. Because he prepared fr the fld.
    C. Because he was afraid f the heavy rain.D. Because he was warned by the gvernment.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “it” refer t in paragraph 4?
    A. The dr.B. The crner.C. The stick.D. The frame.
    31. Which shws the crrect steps f hw the authr saved himself?
    a. I gt t the dr but failed t pen it.
    b. I fund the street was like a water pl.
    c. I learned abut the gvernment’s warning.
    d. I wke up and fund there was a fld.
    e. I managed t g t the living rm with a stick.
    A. d-c-b-a-eB. d-c-e-b-aC. c-d-a-b-eD. c-d-a-e-b
    32. What can we infer frm the 5th paragraph?
    A. The sun came ut after the fld.B. The writer felt sad and shcked.
    C. Nbdy was alive except the writer.D. Peple and cars were flating in a water pl.
    【答案】29. B 30. C 31. D 32. B
    细节理解题。根据“Earlier in the day, I was preparing fr the pssible fld.”和“Hwever, I put sand bags n the flr utside my garden dr. ‘Silly brther!’ My friends laughed at me fr ding that. but I thught, why take a chance?”可知,因为作者为洪水做了准备,所以朋友们嘲笑他。故选B。
    代词指代题。根据“There was a stick in the crner. I tk it and, nce again, pened the dr, thrwing it between the dr and the frame (门框) t keep the dr pen.”可知,角落里有一根棍子。我拿起它,再一次打开了门,把它扔在门和门框之间,让门一直开着。此处It指的是“棍子”,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“It went n raining heavily that week and the gvernment sent ut a fld warning”,“As I was sleeping, I was wken by the sund f rushing water.”,“Finally I made it t the dr and tried several times t pull it pen even just a little bit, but the rushing water shut it again.”,“There was a stick in the crner. I tk it and, nce again, pened the dr, thrwing it between the dr and the frame (门框) t keep the dr pen. Finally, I managed t g thrugh and make it int the living rm.”和“The street was nce lvely full f peple and cars, but nw it was like a water pl with flating things. The river had drwned the neighburhd!”可知,正确的顺序是c-d-a-e-b,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“I jumped nt the stairs and ran utside. I std there in the darkness, wet thrugh. The street was nce lvely full f peple and cars, but nw it was like a water pl with flating things. The river had drwned the neighburhd!”可知,作者浑身湿透,站在黑暗中,看到曾经充满了可爱的人和汽车的街道被洪水淹没,所以作者应该是伤心且震惊的,故选B。
    A cmpany called OpenAI has recently annunced a new versin (版本) f its AI artist, DALL-E 2. Given just a shrt sentence describing a picture, the tl can create different pictures in many different styles.
    The name “DALL-E” mixes the name f the rbt in the mvie WALL-E, and the name f the famus Spanish artist Salvadr Dalí. He painted amazing but impssible pictures. Like Dalí, DALL-E 2 can create pictures that are unbelievable, fr example, Teddy bears ding crazy experiments as scientists.
    OpenAI has already changed the wrld nce with its AI writing tl, GPT-3. GPT-3 was trained n a great deal f writing in many different styles. When it came ut in 2020, it surprised peple by quickly creating cmplete and well-written articles in different styles. It is s pwerful that OpenAI has tried t be prudent when it cmes t hw it allws peple t use the tl, t make sure that it isn’t used fr harmful purpses.
    DALL-E actually grew ut f an effrt t make full use f GPT-3 t pictures. OpenAI released the first versin f DALL-E in 2021. DALL-E 2 is even mre pwerful. DALL-E 2 has been trained n huge numbers f pictures with matching descriptins, which means it “knws” a lt abut hw different things lk, even when they’re shwn in different styles, such as a pht, a painting r even a cartn.
    Des DALL-E 2 have anything new? The user can select an area f an image and ask DALL-E 2 t put smething int the picture, r take it ut. Sme artists are wrried that it will take their place if a cmputer system can create such high-quality pictures s cnveniently. OpenAI says the tl will allw artists t be creative in new ways.
    T make sure the tl is prperly used, OpenAI already has strict rules abut the types f pictures that can be created with DALL-E. One f thse rules avids DALL-E t create realistic pictures f actual peple. By nw, the cmpany hasn’t released DALL-E 2. Instead, it is allwing a small number f peple t wrk with the tl t learn mre abut what wrks well, and t discver pssible prblems.
    33. Where des the name “DALL-E” cme frm?
    A. Frm a film and a rbt.B. Frm a ty and a rbt.
    C. Frm an artist and a rbt.D. Frm a cmpany and a mvie.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “prudent” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. carefulB. cnfidentC. patientD. hard-wrking
    35. Hw is DALL-E 2 different frm DALL-E 1?
    A. It applies GPT-3 t pictures.
    B. It writes in many different styles.
    C It can tell the different appearances f things.
    D. It sets n rules abut the types f pictures that can be created.
    36. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw DALL-E 2 Makes Use f GPT-3B. Why OpenAI Develps Its DALL-E2
    C. DALL-E 2 HelpsOffer Artists New JbsD. Frm Wrds, DALL-E 2 Creates Pictures
    【答案】33. C 34. A 35. C 36. D
    【导语】本文主要介绍了OpenAI公司最近宣布了其人工智能艺术家DALL-E 2的新版本,只需一句描述图片的短句,该工具就可以创建多种不同风格的不同图片。
    细节理解题。根据“The name ‘DALL-E’ mixes the name f the rbt in the mvie WALL-E, and the name f the famus Spanish artist Salvadr Dalí.”可知,这个名字混合了电影《WALL-E》中机器人的名字和西班牙著名艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利的名字。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据“It is s pwerful that OpenAI has tried t be prudent when it cmes t hw it allws peple t use the tl, t make sure that it isn’t used fr harmful purpses.”可知,它是如此强大,以至于OpenAI在如何允许人们使用该工具时试图保持谨慎,以确保它不会被用于有害目的,故此处划线部分和careful意义相近。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“Given just a shrt sentence describing a picture, the tl can create different pictures in many different styles.”可知,只要给出描述图片的简短句子,该工具就可以创建许多不同风格的不同图片。故选C。
    最佳标题题。本文主要介绍了OpenAI公司最近宣布了其人工智能艺术家DALL-E 2的新版本,只需一句描述图片的短句,该工具就可以创建多种不同风格的不同图片,选项D“从文字,DALL-E 2创造图片”为标题最合适。故选D。
    Yu culdn’t deeply experience Chengdu if yu dn’t prepare t d nthing. Sit n a bamb chair, spread yur feet ut and let the afternn slw away. Listen t ht water pured int tea cups. Taste meln seeds (瓜子) r biled peanuts. And tea huses are the right places fr yu and shuld always be n yur must-g list.
    Sichuan is ne f China’s majr tea-prducing regins. Chengdu was famus fr its tea huses as early as the Tang dynasty. Fr centuries, tea huses were places fr fun and tea. There, custmers can enjy strytelling, music, and especially Sichuan Opera. That is nt a ppular art these days, but Yuelai Teahuse beside Jinjiang Theater still arranges peras every Saturday afternn.
    Yu will find mst f Chengdu’s traditinal tea huses in parks. Heming Teahuse in Renmin Park attracts lunchtime ffice wrkers and afternn visitrs. When nise gets t much because f mre visitrs, mve n t Shacheng Teahuse in the same park. Visitrs are lder and quieter. They bring sngbirds, hanging their cages in trees and have fun. Hwever, new-style tea huses have been pened t attract the yunger generatin. They want t have a taste fr traditinal teas in a mre mdern style. The mst famus ne f them is Mi Xun Teahuse in Taik Li, which is right in the city’s mst fashinable shpping area.
    As in all tea huses, the tea cmes in separate packets which can be kept warm. Mafeng green tea frm Munt Emei, suth f Chengdu, is the traditinal favrite. Shake the leaves int yur cup. Dn’t let the water in yur cup get t lw, since any bad taste frm the leaves is n the bttm. Yu can enjy yur tea all afternn and rder nthing else.
    In Chengdu tea huses, peple relax themselves by staying away frm busy wrk and life. The capital f Sichuan is develping fast t, but has managed t keep its slwer style that has been lst in many ther Chinese cities.
    37. The first paragraph leads t the tpic by ________.
    A. telling striesB. creating a scene
    C. giving reasnsD. asking questins
    38. What’s the main idea f paragraph 3?
    A. The main types f tea huses.B. The address f tea huses.
    C. Different visitrs f tea huses.D. Sme activities in tea huses.
    39. Why shuld yu NOT let the water in yur cup get t lw when drinking tea?
    A. Because it may make the tea t ht.B. Because it may make the leaves flat.
    C. Because it may make the tea nt tasty.D. Because it may make the tea t bitter.
    40. Which is the best way t divide the passage?
    A. B. C. D.
    【答案】37. B 38. A 39. C 40. A
    段落大意题。根据“Yu will find mst f Chengdu’s traditinal tea huses in parks.”和“Hwever, new-style tea huses have been pened t attract the yunger generatin.”可知,分别介绍了传统的和现在的茶馆,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“Dn’t let the water in yur cup get t lw, since any bad taste frm the leaves is n the bttm.”可知,不要让杯子里的水位太低,因为叶子的味道都在底部。所以如果水位太低,茶的味道会没那么好喝。故选C。
    第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    Grwth mindset (成长型思维) is an idea that has gt s much attentin in psychlgy (心理学) and educatin. It is based n the belief that intelligence and abilities are nt fixed, but can be develped and imprved thrugh effrt.
    There are plenty f advantages f having a grwth mindset. Peple with a grwth mindset are mre likely t take risks and be creative. ____42____
    What’s mre, they regard mistakes as learning pprtunities. When peple believe that their abilities can be better, they can set gals and wrk twards them.
    ____43____ At first, it is imprtant t fcus n the prcess, rather than the utcme. This means that they shuld fcus n the effrt, rather than the results. ____44____ At last, it is imprtant t celebrate successes, n matter hw small they are.
    Abve all, develping a grwth mindset is necessary fr students. ____45____ By facing challenges and slving prblems with an pen mind, students with a grwth mindset can achieve their gals all arund.
    A. Hw can students develp a grwth mindset?
    B. Let’s get t knw smething abut grwth mindset.
    C. It can be a valuable tl fr them t achieve success in life.
    D. Furthermre, they shuld accept different pinins and suggestins.
    E. They are als mre likely t stick t their gals in the face f difficulties.
    【答案】41. B 42. E 43. A 44. D 45. C
    根据“Grwth mindset (成长型思维) is an idea that has gt s much attentin in psychlgy (心理学) and educatin.”可知,本段总体介绍什么是成长型思维。选项B“让我们来了解一下成长型思维。”符合语境。故选B。
    根据“Peple with a grwth mindset are mre likely t take risks and be creative.”可知,此处介绍具有成长型思维的人具有什么品质和能力。选项E“他们也更有可能在困难面前坚持自己的目标。”符合语境。故选E。
    根据“At first, it is imprtant t fcus n the prcess...”可知,本段介绍如何培养成长型思维。选项A“学生如何培养成长型思维?”符合语境。故选A。
    根据“At first, it is imprtant t fcus n the prcess... At last, it is imprtant t celebrate successes, n matter hw small they are.”可知,此处介绍培养成长型思维的具体方法。选项D“此外,他们应该接受不同的意见和建议。”符合语境。故选D。
    根据“Abve all, develping a grwth mindset is necessary fr students.”可知,此处介绍学生们培养成长型思维的好处。选项C“它可以成为他们在生活中取得成功的宝贵工具。”符合语境。故选C。
    第一节 语篇填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    The il-paper umbrella has a histry f ver 1, 000 years in China. There are different ____46____ abut it. The mst ppular ne is abut Lu Ban.
    When Lu Ban and his yunger sister visited the West Lake, it started raining suddenly. They agreed t have a cmpetitin. They shuld i____47____ smething fr peple t g ut n rainy days.
    Lu Ban spent the whle night building ten pavilins (凉亭) near the lake. The next mrning, hwever, when Lu Ban was p____48____ f his achievements, his sister held smething unusual in her hand. It culd be pened int a rund shape. It was light and beautiful, s peple culd carry it e____49____ wherever they went.
    Lu Ban said, “Yu’ve slved the prblem wisely, s yu w____50____ the cmpetitin.” Then the umbrella was made and it received a lt f praise frm peple.
    Later, peple used much cheaper paper instead f silk, cutting the cst f umbrellas. Peple als brushed tung il (桐油) acrss the surface t make them strng.
    【答案】46. stries
    47. (i)nvent
    48. (p)rud
    49. (e)asily
    50. (w)in
    句意:关于它有不同的故事。根据“There are it.”可知,关于油纸伞有很多故事,stry“故事”,different修饰可数名词复数,故填stries。
    句意:他们应该发明一些东西让人们在雨天外出。根据“They shuld... smething fr peple t g ut n rainy days.”可知,应该发明让人们在雨天外出的都东西,invent “发明”,情态动词后用动词原形。故填(i)nvent。
    句意:第二天早晨,鲁班正骄傲的时候,妹妹手里拿着一件不同寻常的东西。根据“when Lu Ban was... f his achievements”可知,此处是be prud f短语,意为“为……感到骄傲”,故填(p)rud。
    句意:它又轻又漂亮,所以人们可以很容易地随身携带。根据“It was light and beautiful, s peple culd carry it ... wherever they went.”可知,可以很容易地随身携带,easily“容易地”,在句中修饰动词。故填(e)asily。
    句意:你聪明地解决了这个问题,所以赢得了比赛。根据“Yu’ve slved the prblem wisely, s yu ... the cmpetitin.”可知,妹妹赢得了比赛,win“赢”,符合语境。故填(w)in。
    第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    51. 直到老师介绍,我才了解南国书香节。
    I ________ ________ ________ the Suth China Bk Festival ________ my teacher tld me.
    【答案】 ①. didn’t ②. learn ③. abut ④. until
    【详解】“直到……才”,时态是一般过去时,助动词用didn’t;learn abut“了解”。故填didn’t;learn;abut;until。
    52. 南国书香节每年都举行。
    The Suth China Bk Festival ________ ________ every year.
    【答案】 ①. is ②. held
    【详解】对比所给中英文可知,设空处为“举行”;hld“举行”,动词;分析句子结构可知,句子主语与谓语之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态;根据空后的“every year”可知,句子时态为一般现在时,主语为“The Suth China Bk Festival”,所以此处应填is held。故填is;held。
    53. 现在越来越多的人对南国书香节感兴趣。
    Nw, mre and mre peple ________ ________ ________ the Festival.
    【答案】 ①. are ②. interested ③. in
    【详解】be interested in“对……感兴趣”,时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,be动词用are。故填are;interested;in。
    54. 在南国书香节中,通过和读书爱好者交流,我们会知道要读什么。
    We can knw ________ ________ ________ by cmmunicating with sme reading lvers in it.
    【答案】 ①. what ②. t ③. read
    【详解】what t read“读什么”,“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语,故填what;t;read。
    55. 南国书香节多有益啊!
    ________ ________ the Suth China Bk Festival is!
    【答案】 ①. Hw ②. useful##helpful
    第三节 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)
    56. 学校英语报以“Imprtant Skills fr the Future”为题向学生征稿,想了解对于未来的青少年,你认为哪些技能是至关重要的?请根据以下思维导图的内容提示写一篇短文投稿,分享你的想法并给出掌握此技能的好处。
    1. 可在思维导图提示的基础上适当拓展信息。
    2. 80词左右(短文的开头已经给出,不计入词数)。
    3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
    4. 参考词汇:skill能力/技能;challenging具有挑战性的。
    Imprtant Skills fr the Future
    Our future life is hpeful but challenging. As teenagers, what imprtant skills shuld we develp in the future?
    Imprtant Skills fr the Future
    Our future life is hpeful but challenging. As teenagers, what imprtant skills shuld we develp in the future? The fllwing are sme imprtant skills.
    First, cmmunicatin skills are necessary because they help t cmmunicate better and leave a gd impressin n thers. Secnd, learning skills are significant in ur study and wrk. We can use learning skills t learn knwledge at schl and they are the basis fr us t learn ther skills. Third, the skills f ding husewrk are useful because they help t live mre independently and help reduce the stress f parents.
    Let’s equip urselves with different skills and face the future with mre cnfidence.
    ①leave a gd impressin n thers 给别人留下好印象
    ②reduce the stress f... 减轻……的压力
    ③equip urselves with different skills 用不同的技能装备自己
    ①First, cmmunicatin skills are necessary because they help t cmmunicate better and leave a gd impressin n thers.(原因状语从句)
    ②We can use learning skills t learn knwledge at schl and they are the basis fr us t learn ther skills.(并列句)HOME>STUDENTS> PROJECT SHARING
    Green Schl Prject
    actin t make ur schl greener and mre beautiful
    start ut small and make a difference
    cme and jin in ur activity
    Knw hw imprtant trees are.
    Knw hw t plant trees prperly.
    Knw hw t wrk with classmates.
    Attend lessns
    Knw the steps f tree planting with yur grup members. Wrk clse with each ther t make the jb perfect.
    Chse a tree expert
    Dr. Smith r Dr. Jnes wh are bth full f knwledge f plants can give yu advice.
    Decide the planting area and the trees
    Stay gas lines away frm the area and make sure the sil is gd fr planting.
    Cnsider the kinds and the number f trees t plant.
    Plant and lk after the trees
    Wrk in a grup f fur and take necessary tls fr planting. Remember t take gd care f trees r else they may get sick r die.
    Water prperly and clear grass arund the trees. Nt t much r t little water.
    Imprtant Skills fr the Future
    Imprtant Skills
    ... with (peple)
    ... knwledge …
    ding husewrk

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