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    这是一份2024年广东省广州市海珠区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年广东省广州市海珠区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年广东省广州市海珠区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷共四大题,9页,满分 90分;考试时间100分钟
    一、语法选择(共 15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15 各题所给的 A、B、C 和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Ana was excited. Her family was ging t an African restaurant. The wner was a naturalist wh cllected animal shells and bnes. Ana fund beautiful shells and feathers n the walls. But then she saw a lin head ___1___ in the middle f the wall. The wner, Mr. Ted, came ver.
    “Did yu kill that lin?” Ana asked. “I thught yu were ___2___ naturalist.”
    “I am,” he laughed. “I lve studying animals. I didn’t kill it. ___3___ I did buy it. A lt f peple buy lin bjects here. D yu like it?”
    Ana didn’t say ___4___.
    “I’m srry that yu’re sad,” he said. “Please eat in ne f ___5___ rms.”
    That night, Ana went t her cmputer and read a lt ___6___ lins fr a lng time. Then she made a pster by ___7___.
    The pster ___8___ t Mr. Ted. She went back t the restaurant with her family ___9___ days later.
    “Ana,” said Mr. Ted ___10___. “I gt yur pster. I’m srry, but I dn’t want t take dwn the lin because my custmers lve it!”
    Ana stared at him. “But lins might be endangered. May I put up the pster ___11___ I sent yu?”
    “OK.” He smiled. “Yu ___12___ put up yur pster here.”
    The next week, Ana went back t the restaurant and saw Mr. Ted.
    “Hell, Ana! I’m glad t see yu again. My custmers ___13___ since they read yur pster, and they are talking abut it. Nw they dn’t want my African lin n the wall. I’ve decided ___14___ it dwn. D yu knw ___15___ I want t d? I want t get my mney back and give it t that cnservatin rganizatin (保护组织) n yur pster!”
    A. hangB. t hangC. hangingD. hanged
    A aB. anC. theD. /
    A. SB. AndC. BecauseD. But
    A. smethingB. anythingC. nthingD. everything
    A. the therB. thersC. the thersD. anther
    A. abutB. inC. fD. with
    A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself
    A. sentB. was sendingC. was sentD. were sent
    A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few
    A. regretB. regretfulC. mre regretfulD. regretfully
    A. whatB. whichC. whD. where
    A. mustB. canC. shuldD. need
    A. changeB. changedC. will changeD. have changed
    A. takingB. t takeC. takeD. tk
    A. whatB. hwC. whyD. which
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16~25 各题所给的A、B、C 和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Kevin stepped ff the bus, hlding a package in his hands. He wrked as a mail carrier fr a big cmpany. All he needed t d was deliver a package t an ffice in New Yrk City; the ____16____ wuld take him there.
    When he barded, he fund lts f passengers arund. As Kevin walked t his rm, he saw the first-class sectin. Everybdy inside was wearing ____17____ clthes. He wuld like t scialize with the wealthy peple inside, but it seemed a bit hard. Instead, he went t his rm. It smelled ____18____, and the flrbards were wet and brken in sme areas. He culd als hear the sund f the engine. ____19____, smething fearful came up t his mind, but he wasn’t sure why.
    He put n a thick sweater and tk a shrt walk n the deck (甲板), but he still felt ____20____. That night, he culdn’t fall sleep. He went back n deck. It was ____21____ and dark utside. He lked arund, but it seemed that everything was all right. “Just g back inside,” he thught. Then Kevin saw it. A giant iceberg appeared n the surface f the cean in the distance!
    “Help!” He cried.
    Peple lked at him as if he was crazy, but he cntinued t ____22____ until he saw the captain.
    “There’s an iceberg ut there,” Kevin said t him. “Mve away, r we’re sure t ____23____,” he said, pinting tward the iceberg.
    The captain saw it and immediately instructed the sailrs t change the ____24____. “Withut yur help we wuld have hit the iceberg. That wuld have been a terrible ____25____!” he said t Kevin.
    Kevin felt prud f saving s many peple. Nw he knew t always trust his natural sense.
    A. shipB. trainC. planeD. undergrund
    A cmmnB. creativeC. niceD. funny
    A. freshB. sweetC. burntD. bad
    A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. SurprisedlyD. Finally
    A. tiredB. excitedC. strangeD. sad
    A. warmB. htC. rainyD. cld
    A. shutB. waitC. playD. talk
    A. failB. crashC. leaveD. freeze
    A. directinB. decisinC. cnditinD. actin
    A. fldB. snwstrmC. disasterD. adventure
    第一节 阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    River Raft Adventure!
    Everyne lves rafting! Just ask any f the rafting guides at River Raft Adventures (RRA). RRA has been guiding trips since 1993. We are the best rafting cmpany in the West. All f ur guides are highly trained and ready t share the excitement f river rafting with yu.
    If yu have been rafting befre and are lking fr a challenge, we have just the right trip fr yu. If yu are ready t “test the waters” with yur first-white water run, take a trip with us.
    ●A guide rides n each raft. Our guides are the friendliest in the business.
    ●Every passenger is part f the team and helps t paddle under the guide’s directin.
    ●We have trips lasting frm 1 t 5 days.
    ●We prvide all meals and they are delicius.
    ●There are cmfrtable rms fr vernight trips.
    ●All trips have beautiful views.

    “I have been a rafting guide fr 20 years. Rafting is relaxing and als exciting. Chse the trip that yu like best. Yu will have a wnderful time!”
    Mac Summers, guide
    “I lved my rafting trip It was challenging and fun. The team was great. They wrked with the help f ur guide. It was peaceful and beautiful alng the river. I have recmmended the trip t many f my friends.”
    Karen Ch, custmer

    Call r e-mail RRA tday. RRA will answer yur questins by phne r e-mail. Let us help yu plan yur next adventure.
    telephne: 296-8496★★★ e-mail: tmasin@riverraftadventure.net
    26. Which is a fact but nt an pinin in the advertisement?
    A. Everyne lves rafting.
    B. A guide rides n each raft.
    C. The trip was challenging and fun.
    D. They prvide delicius meals.
    27. Wh might be mst interested in this advertisement?
    A. Experienced guides.B. Adventure planners.
    C. Water-sprts lvers.D. Swimming learners.
    28. What d yu knw abut the River Raft Adventures (RRA)?
    A. It’s been guiding trips fr 20 years.
    B. Its rafting trips last mre than 5 days.
    C. N tls are required n the rafts during the trip.
    D. Yur questins will be answered by phne r e-mail.
    Brian lked at the ugly gray walls f his bedrm. Sn the hated walls wuld be cvered, but nt with paint as he had first planned. Brian had been disappinted t learn that the huse wner wuld nt allw painting. Fr weeks he was unable t understand: withut using paint, hw culd he cver the walls? But, as Grandmther always said, “Necessity is the mther f inventin.” S Brian did sme thinking, and with a little help frm his mther, he came up with a great plan.
    This mrning, Mm had needed t stp at the mall t buy a bk and Brian went alng. There, Brian nticed a large pster f Harry Ptter and the Hgwarts Schl n the wall. Next t it was a pster shwing the cver f N Arm in Left Field, a baseball nvel that Brian had read several times. “This is it,” Brian thught excitedly. “I’ll cver the walls with psters!”
    When he left the mall, Brian had an armful f psters and a bx f tacks (大头钉). At hme, he headed straight t his rm. First he tk ut the psters and spread them ut n his bed, his desk, and mst f the flr. Next he fund ut the size f each pster, and then the walls. He wanted t cver as much f thse ugly walls as pssible! It tk all afternn t wrk ut the best preparatin. He drew it n paper, making changes until it was just right. When Dad came hme at dinnertime, Brian was ready t tack up the psters.
    “Cme see my rm, Dad,” called Brian. “It’s ging t be great!” But when Dad came int the bedrm, he lked wrried. “The huse wner said we culd nt put any hles in the walls. Yu can’t use tacks, Brian. I am srry.”
    Brian’s jy slwly disappeared. He wuld stay with the bring gray walls frever. Maybe there was n way t slve this prblem after all. Hw culd yu hang psters withut using tacks? After all, psters wuld nt stick t the walls by themselves!
    “What wuld stick t the walls?” Brian wndered. Then he smiled. Tape, that’s what! Brian tk a piece f tape and made it int a circle. He made sure the sticky part f the tape was n the utside. This wuld wrk, fr sure!
    29. In this stry, what is Brian’s main prblem?
    A. Being tld nt t use tacks.
    B. Getting permissin t paint the rm.
    C. Wrking ut a gd preparatin fr his psters.
    D. Finding a prper way t cver his bedrm walls.
    30. Which wrd can best describe Brian?
    A. Hard-wrking.B. Kind.C. Smart.D. Brave.
    31. In what rder did the fllwing happen in the stry?
    a. Dad came back and warned Brain nt t use tacks.
    b. Brian spent a whle afternn getting ready.
    c. The rm tk a cmpletely new lk.
    d. Brian bught lts f psters and tacks.
    e. Brian was nt allwed t paint the walls.
    A. e-d-b-a-cB. a-e-d-b-c
    C. e-a-c-b-dD. a-b-d-c-e
    32. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. We shuld never put hles in ur walls.
    B. We can slve prblems in a creative way.
    C. Kids shuld be allwed t paint their rms.
    D. It’s fun t have a lt f psters in ur bedrm.
    Gianni Glfera is in frnt f a grup f peple. His eyes are cvered, but he can still shw these peple smething that’s amazing. First, the peple chse sixty numbers as they like. After that, a helper reads the numbers t Gianni. Then, after hearing them just a single time, Gianni repeats the numbers in the crrect rder frm memry. Then, he des it again—backwards!
    Gianni has a very special kind f memry. He explains in his wn wrds, “It’s a kind f memry that is cnnected t what I see. It means that every idea I learn, everything I read, becmes a part f me.”
    Memry is very difficult t understand. Scientists dn’t really knw hw it wrks, yet. The Glfera family genes (基因) may hld imprtant infrmatin abut Gianni’s memry. A scientist called Antnic Malgarli plans t cmpare the Glfera family’s genes with the genes f mre frgetful families. “The questin,” says Dr. Malgarli. “is hw much it’s really because f the Glfera family genes, and hw much cmes frm his practice.”
    Researchers are nw studying hw memry and learning change the brain. They are als trying t match thse changes t genes. Sme research already shws that a great memry may nt depend n the right DNA nly. Accrding t Dr. Malgarli, “If yu really need t use yur brain t stre sme kind f infrmatin, yu have this ability. It’s just a matter f exercise.” That is, practice and exercising the brain can imprve the memry!
    The same idea is true fr Gianni. His genes are nly part f the stry. Since the age f 11, he’s been training his brain t remember mre and mre. He practices cntinuusly t imprve the pwer f his memry. Gianni thinks abut memry, and wrks n it, all the time. Hwever, Gianni’s life is nt all abut science. He has a nrmal life, just like ther peple. S, researchers think Gianni’s memry is mainly because f his very hard wrk. Gianni agrees.
    Gianni believes if there is a memry gene, he prbably has it. But the success f Gianni may be mre abut practice and hard wrk than DNA. At the same time, he might just be shwing scientists that a great memry can be made and nt just brn!
    33. Why des the writer describe Gianni’s memry test in Paragraph 1?
    A. T cnnect his talent t his jb.
    B. T shw his ability t memrize.
    C. T explain his amazing family genes.
    D. T intrduce a way f cunting numbers.
    34. What des the writer prbably think f having a great memry?
    A. Practice helps imprve memry.
    B. Anyne can d it with a little wrk.
    C. Memry depends n family’s genes.
    D. Frgetful peple dn’t have gd genes.
    35. What des “it” refer t in the last paragraph?
    A. A great memry.B. Success.
    C. A memry gene.D. Hard wrk.
    36. Which can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. The imprtance f memry.B. The amazing genes.
    C. The research f brains.D. The memry man.

    The wrld’s ldest knwn musical instruments are mre than 40,000 years ld. Fr tens f thusands f years, humans have been making music fr pleasure and t express themselves. Recently, there has been a rise in the use f artificial intelligence (AI) t create music. Sme AI music has becme s ppular nline. The technlgy has been used by lts f musicians. Sme peple think that using AI t prduce music isn’t creative enugh because it just makes sngs ut f ld music. What d yu think? Is AI bad fr new music?
    Yes—AI music is nt creative, says Peter
    Using AI might be cheaper than paying a musician. If cmpanies can use AI t prduce ppular music that makes lts f mney frm peple buying and listening t it, it culd put musicians like me ut f wrk. If musicians can’t earn mney frm music, there will be far fewer f them creating new sngs. Anyway, listening t music that was made by a cmputer isn’t the same experience as listening t human-made music.
    When I create sngs, I put different feelings and real experiences int my wrk, creating sngs that cnnect with peple at a deep level. Sngs prduced by AI aren’t riginal because the cmputer just makes music frm the ld ne. AI music isn’t cmpletely creative.
    N—AI can prduce new ideas, says Mary
    I’m a music lver. When I turn n my radi r headphnes and a great new sng cmes n, it makes me feel gd. Wnderful music brings peple tgether t sing and dance. If peple are enjying music, des it matter whether it was made by a human r a machine?
    I think music makers can use cmputers, which help t perfect sund and mix different layers f a sng. Fr them, AI is just anther new technlgy, a tl that they can use t express ideas. It wn’t replace musicians but they can wrk with it. Building n AI music culd save them time. It culd allw much mre music t be prduced and it culd lead t new and special style s f music. AI culd create exciting music that humans culd never have dreamed f.

    Nw that yu’ve read a bit mre abut it, tell us what yu think at We’ll publish the result next week.
    37. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T suggest what humans can d with the help f AI.
    B. T shw hw AI helps musicians prduce new ideas.
    C. T share ideas n whether AI is suitable fr new music.
    D. T explain the reasns why mre peple like AI music.
    38. Which f the fllwing des Mary mst prbably agree with?
    A. AI helps musicians make mre mney.B. AI music will take the place f musicians.
    C. Human-made music is better than AI music.D. AI is a new tl t help musicians express ideas.
    39. What des the underlined wrd “riginal” mean?
    A. New and interesting.B. Similar and real.
    C. Private and ppular.D. Usual and exciting.
    40. Which sectin is mst likely t be part f the magazine next week?
    A. .B. C. D.
    第二节 阅读填空 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    阅读短文及文后A~E 选项,选出可以填入41~45 各题空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    A taste f the wrld’s clest fd
    Every summer arund the wrld, peple wait in lines utside ice cream shps as they lk fr a tasty way t cl themselves dwn r cheer themselves up. ____41____
    N ne is really sure wh invented ice cream. ____42____ In the 154 century AD, the Rman emperr enjyed ice with hney and nuts, althugh this was mre like a frzen mixture f water, sugar and fruit juice. One f the first examples f ice made with milk can date back t the Tang Dynasty in China. Ice cream arrived in Eurpe in the 16th century and quickly became ppular in Italy and France.
    ____43____ If yu g t Germany, yu can buy “spaghetti” ice cream which lks like ndles with strawberry sauce and white chclate n the tp. ____44____ All the things are quickly mixed in and the ice cream is dne. There is a special ice cream named Matai ice cream in China. It chses fresh milk and add with abut 2% f 53℃ Feitian Matai.
    Ice cream is getting mre ppular acrss the wrld. Custmers want new, exciting taste, and lts f peple are turning t healthier ice cream withut dairy milk and cream. ____45____
    A. In Thailand, i-tim-pad is made by puring mixture nt a freezing plate.
    B. Next time yu taste ice cream, yu’re enjying fd that is thusands f years ld.
    C. Let’s find ut the stry behind this delicius taste.
    D. Hwever there are recrds f peple making iced fd in 200 BC in China.
    E. Nwadays, there are mre chices than ever arund the wrld.
    第一节 语篇填词 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    Harbin is the capital f Heilngjiang, the mst nrthern prvince in China. Over 2024 New Year hliday, China’s Ice and Snw Festival was held in a park in Harbin. Sme Chinese-style buildings, bridges and fairy-tale castles were built arund the park. It a___46___ ver five times mre turists than a year ag. Mst f them came frm the suth f China. Sme netizens prvided h___47___ suggestins fr these sutherners. They helped them pay attentin t the need fr clthing that prtects them frm the freezing utdr temperatures. Sn, the name f “Suthern Little Ptates” became ppular and was w___48___ used n scial media.
    The ice and snw seasn in Harbin lasted fr abut 2 mnths. The htel rms bked ut during February. Many “Suthern Little Ptates” s___49___ the Spring Festival with their families in Harbin this year. They went skiing and enjyed wnderful ice views arund the park.
    “I cme frm Guangzhu. It’s my first experience with real snw. I lve this amazing c___50___.” Lng Ping, a 19-year-ld cllege student said, “I wish I culd have anther wnderful hliday here again.”
    第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每题2分,满分10分)
    51. 你能告诉我们怎样去熊猫馆吗?
    Can yu tell us ______ ______ ______ ______ the Giant Panda Huse?
    52. 如果我看到熊猫,我会跟它们拍照。
    ______ I see pandas, I ______ ______ ______ with them.
    53. 多么可爱的熊猫呀!
    ________ ________ ________ they are!
    54. 游客不允许带自己的食物去喂动物。
    Visitrs ______ ______ ______ t feed animals with their wn fd.
    55. 对我们来说保护动物很重要。
    ______ ______ fr us ______ ______ animals.
    第三节 书面表达(共1小题;满分15分)
    56. 假设广州新文化馆 ( Guangzhu Cultural & Art Center)将开展主题(theme)为“岭南文化”的活动,现征集新一期岭南文化展的设计方案。请你根据右边的内容写一份电子邮件,向文化馆提出你的建议。

    (2)词数 80 词左右(邮件的开头已给出,不计入词数);
    Dear sir,
    I am excited t knw yu are cllecting designs fr the Lingnan Culture Exhibitin. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2024年广东省广州市番禺区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年广东省广州市番禺区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年广东省广州市番禺区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年广东省广州市番禺区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年广东省广州市白云区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年广东省广州市白云区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年广东省广州市白云区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年广东省广州市白云区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年广东省广州市南沙区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年广东省广州市南沙区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年广东省广州市南沙区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年广东省广州市南沙区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。







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