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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Hw many bks can the man brrw in a mnth at mst?
    A. 8. B. 12. C. 18.
    2. What is the wman ding?
    A. Reading a newspaper.
    B. Cllecting plastic bttles.
    C. Watching a ftball game.
    3. Why des the man decide t bk in advance?
    A. He is cming with a big grup.
    B. He knws it can be busy n weekends.
    C. He is ging t celebrate a special ccasin.
    4. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Salesman and custmer. B. Bss and emplyee. C. Husband and wife.
    5. What will the speakers see first?
    A. A rbtics shw.B. A newly released film.C. An engineering exhibitin.
    6. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the man’s huse. B. In a charity shp. C. In a restaurant.
    7. Why des the man agree t dnate t the charity?
    A. He is encuraged by his friends.
    B. He wants his neighbrs t admire him.
    C. He has experienced hmelessness himself.
    8. Where did the wman prbably g n Saturday?
    A. A high schl. B. An art museum. C. The man’s ffice.
    9. What will Ivy d in September?
    A. G t high schl.
    B. Start wrking as a dctr.
    C. Cntinue t study fr a medical degree.
    10. What des Vick think f Ivy?
    A. She’s clever. B. She’s careless. C. She’s annying.
    11. When will the wman prbably return?
    A. On Mnday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Saturday.
    12. Why des the wman g n the trip?
    A. T visit her family. B. T g sightseeing. C. T wrk.
    13. Which cuntry will the wman prbably visit n her trip?
    A. Canada. B. Japan. C. China.
    14. What is mst imprtant t the man abut his new car?
    A. Its speed.
    B. Its appearance.
    C. Its envirnmental effects China.
    15. Hw des the man usually g n hliday?
    A. By train. B. By car. C. By air.
    16. What clr is the Seal the speakers are lking at?
    A. Red. B. Silver. C. White.
    17. What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Lk at sme ther car mdels.
    B. Learn the rules f rad safety.
    C. Take the car fr a test drive.
    18. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Reasns t jin a speaking club.
    B. Ways t imprve public speaking skills.
    C. Rules fr speaking club members t fllw.
    19. What was the reasn the speaker jined the club?
    A. She wanted t make new friends.
    B. Her new jb required public speaking.
    C. She wanted t imprve her prnunciatin.
    20. Hw des the speaker sund in the end?
    A. Anxius. B. Humrus. C. Encuraging.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Hw t yum cha in Hng Kng
    Fr Hng Kngers, a quality restaurant culd becme a family haunt that’s visited fr generatins t cme. Here are sme f the best places fr chwing dwn n these steam-basket gdies.
    Funded by a legendary abalne(鲍鱼) master, this three Michelin-star restaurant serves classic Cantnese dim sum with an attentin t detail that can nly be described as impeccable(无瑕疵的). If yu want t knw what perfect dim sum tastes like, head t Frum.
    Sun Hing
    As the chefs begin kneading(捏) dugh and wrapping buns in the middle f the night, neighbrs slwly fill the seats and wait fr its freshly made dumplings and stir-fried milk puffs. There is n menu r rdering sheet here. Diners chse their dim sum frm the display twers lcated at the cunter.
    Glden Valley
    Glden Valley ffers tw styles f Chinese cuisine – Cantnese and Sichuanese – n ne dim sum menu. Glden Valley’s dumplings are a refreshing and sumptuus(豪华的) pcket f shrimp, mushrms, prk and water chestnuts, while its Sichuanese dan dan ndles are flavrfully spicy.
    Veggie Kingdm
    Veggie Kingdm basts a pretty impressive meatless dim sum experience that even nn-vegetarians wuldn’t feel lacking. Helmed by a veteran dim sum chef, Veggie Kingdm makes fresh vegan dishes using traditinal cking techniques. Specially-treated vegetable il is used t replace lard(猪油) and butter. Mushrms are added t replace the usual prk fillings.
    21. What is Sun Hing’s feature?
    A. It was funded by a famed master. B. It ffers special kinds f ndles.
    C. It ffers dim sum t night wls. D. It ffers menus t rder fd.
    22. Which restaurant best suits visitrs wh dislike meat?
    A. Glden Valley B. Veggie Kingdm
    C. Frum D. Sun Hing
    23. In which sectin f a magazine can the text be fund?
    A. Business B. Travel C. Entertainment D. Health
    A new study estimates mre than 1 billin peple wrldwide are currently living with besity. Peple with besity are cnsidered medically verweight. The study, published in the medical publicatin The Lancet, said that ne in eight peple are bese. Researchers said arund 43 percent f adults were verweight in 2022. Obesity amng adults has mre than dubled since 1990. Amng yung peple aged 5 t 19, the besity rate increased by fur times during the same perid.
    “A staggering number f peple are living with besity, and severe besity is strngly linked t a lng list f health prblems and an early death.” declared the lead writer f the study, Majid Ezzati, a prfessr at Imperial Cllege Lndn.
    The WHO nted that at the Wrld Health Assembly in 2022, member states agreed t an agency plan t fight besity. S far, 31 gvernments “are nw leading the way” t reduce besity by carrying ut gals f the plan.
    These include gvernment measures t enact new rules n “harmful” marketing f unhealthy fd and drinks t children. In additin, gvernments are aiming t imprve schl and nutritin plicies. They are als seeking price reductins fr healthy fds, t increase public awareness abut healthy diets and exercise and t strengthen requirements fr physical activity in schls.
    Imperial Cllege’s Ezzati said that besity rates are nt rising in many wealthier natins. But they are quickly increasing in ther cuntries. He nted that sme cuntries have many underweight peple, meaning the natins are facing what he called a “duble burden” f nutritin prblems.
    Branca is head f nutritin at the WHO. He tld reprters, “In the past, we have been thinking f besity as a prblem f the rich, but besity is a prblem f the wrld. Althugh new besity drugs – such as Ozempic and Wegvy – culd be helpful tls in reducing besity, they nted that the cst and availability f the drugs might increase inequality.”
    24. What des the underlined wrd “staggering” mean?
    A. Satisfying B. Amazing C. Astnishing D. Puzzling
    25. What is included in the plan led by 31 gvernments?
    A. Setting laws t ban the sale f unhealthy fd.
    B. Increasing the cst fr peple t cnsume healthy fd.
    C. Attaching imprtance t physical activities.
    D. Offering lwer-priced besity drugs t peple.
    26. What des the authr mean by mentining “duble burden”?
    A. Sme cuntries are suffering bth pverty and besity.
    B. Sme cuntries are suffering bth pr nutritin and besity.
    C. Obesity is cmmn in bth pr and wealthy cuntries.
    D. Obesity is a heavy burden fr sme cuntries.
    27. What is Branca’s attitude t besity prblem?
    A. Negative B. Indifferent C. Ambiguus D. Optimistic
    Sra, a new AI mdel develped by the cmpany OpenAI — creatr f chatbt ChatGPT—has recently becme a glbal fcus. The text-t-vide artificial intelligence technlgy has the ptential t make a revlutin in vide industries.
    Sra can generate vides up t a minute lng while maintaining visual quality and respnd t user prmpts, OpenAI said. It is able t generate cmplex scenes with multiple characters, specific types f mtin, and accurate details f the subject and backgrund.
    Liu Xingliang, directr f the Beijing-based Data Center f China Internet, said Sra is undubtedly a majr breakthrugh fr AI. "It nt nly demnstrates AI's advanced ability t understand and create cmplex visual cntent, but als brings abut pprtunities and challenges fr vide cntent creatin, entertainment, film and televisin prductin industries. The vide-generatin mdel will help vide cntent creatrs t turn their ideas int reality at a faster speed and at a lwer cst, and ffer audiences richer and mre diverse visual experiences," Liu said, adding that AI is expected t play a mre imprtant rle in all aspects f human lives in the future.
    Meanwhile, the use f text-t-vide AI mdels raises cncerns abut ethics, prtectin, persnal privacy and data security, experts said. Hw t ensure the authenticity and transparency f the cntent has becme an imprtant issue, and mre effrts are needed t frmulate rules and regulatins t ensure the healthy develpment f such technlgy.
    Zhu Hngyi, funder f Chinese cmpany 360 Security Grup, said: “Sra might bring a huge disruptin t the advertising industry, mvie trailers and shrt vide industry, but it may nt necessarily beat TikTk quickly. It is mre likely t becme a creative tl fr TikTk.”
    28. Accrding t the text, what is the pssible functin f Sra?
    A. writing an essay B. drawing an image
    C. generating a mvie D. cmpsing a sng
    29. Hw des Sra bring pprtunities t vide cntent industries?
    A. By reducing the time f making a vide.
    B. By adding the cst f making a vide.
    C. By ffering audiences a single visual experience.
    D. By helping the creatrs cpy ther’s ideas.
    30. What is the main idea f paragraph 4?
    A. the significance f Sra B. the ptential risks f Sra
    C. the wrking principles f Sra D. the functins f Sra
    31. Which statement des Zhu Hngyi agree with?
    A. Sra is imprtant in all aspects f human lives.
    B. Sra will replace the traditinal vide industry.
    C. Sra pses huge risks t TikTk.
    D. Sra is a duble-edged swrd.
    Djukic is a bilgy and chemistry student at Jhn Carrll University. She never thught that ne day she wuld be in a classrm where an English teacher asked her t play a bard game in rder t learn abut climate change.
    Debra Rsenthal is the prfessr f the class. At first, Djukic said she was uncertain abut Rsenthal’s bard game idea. “I was just like: ‘this is interesting, but hw much are we actually ging t take away frm it?”
    Rsenthal thught her students wuld gain a greater understanding abut hw their wn ideas and experiences affect climate change. Students d nt cmpete against each ther. They wrk tgether t chse the best plan f actin. The game is different frm bard games such as Mnply, where the gal is t win. Rsenthal said she hped the games wuld give students a chance t talk abut climate change in a new way.
    “By playing the games, it’s a way t be scial, t engage in cnversatin. There has t be a lt f energy arund the table. It’s very cllabrative. And in the game that I chse t play, they really were able t wrk tgether and try t cme up with a slutin s that the planet was nt destryed.”
    During the class, she said, students laughed, disagreed and had t call fr vtes as a way t decide hw t mve frward in the game. Djukic said it was a “way t have als learning abut such a serius subject.”
    The games are glbal, Djukic said. That is because she and her classmates said they were able t see hw ne player’s decisin abut agriculture affected anther player n the ther side f the wrld.
    She said the games shwed her that “in the game f climate change and the climate crisis, n individual wins.” “It’s either we all suffer frm this, r we all smehw cllabrate t wrk ur way ut f this and turn the clck back n climate change.”
    32. What is the purpse f Rsenthal’s class arrangement?
    A. T inspire the cmpetitin amng students.
    B. T entertain the students with the bard game.
    C. T stress the damage caused by climate change.
    D. T encurage student’s viewpints abut climate change.
    33. Which best describes the bard game accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. Cperative B. Cmpetitive C. Creative D. Exclusive
    34. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Agriculture is f vital imprtance t the wrld.
    B. The wrld is a cmmunity f shared future.
    C. Man with strng will can cnquer nature.
    D. Climate change is a tugh prblem t slve.
    35. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Climate change calls fr teamwrk.
    B. Climate change leads t glbal impact.
    C. A bard game helps students understand climate issues.
    D. A gd teacher gives students lifelng benefits.
    第二节 七选五阅读(满分12.5分,共5题,每题2.5分)
    Mst f us have been there: Families can be very difficult, and family prblems are very painful. 36 Life is t shrt t waste time bgged dwn with negativity twards the peple yu lve. Hw yu apprach the family member and what yu say can make a big difference.
    Identify the real prblem. 37 Perhaps yu are struggling with health prblems r persnal prblems that yu have been hiding frm yur family. Or maybe yu are all grieving ver a lved ne wh has passed away. Cnsider the real issue at hand, as this will allw yu t then better address it.
    Wait until yu’re nt angry t discuss this prblem. Family prblems can be very painful, especially arund family-centered times, like hlidays. 38 Waiting allws yu t apprach the issue lgically, rather than emtinally.
    39 Keep yur language psitive when yu talk t yur family. Avid using language that puts blame n any f yur family members r that feels negative. Negativity is a vicius cycle.
    Accept everyne’s faults, including yur wn. They say that bld is thicker than water, and that yu can chse yur friends, but nt yur family. 40
    A. Avid the blame game.
    B. Accept blame when yu deserve it.
    C. Try t figure ut what is indeed ging n.
    D. That means aviding judgment wrds r name calling f the family member.
    E. Hwever, there are ways t slve family prblems and restre peace t the dynamic.
    F. Yu might be able t cut peple ut, but it culd cause yu mre pain dwn the rad.
    G. Yu shuld take a step back and give yurself sme time t think befre dealing with them.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was a sunny weekend. I had planned t g muntain climbing in the suburbs with Daniel. Hwever, a sudden heavy rain that mrning disrupted my plan. Lking ut f the windw, I culdn’t help feeling a little 41 as the rain pured dwn.
    Hwever, Daniel 42 , “Since we can’t g muntain climbing, why dn’t we g t an ld 43 in the city? I heard there are many interesting shps and delicius fd there.” I thught it was a gd idea and 44 . We braved the heavy rain and arrived at the ld neighbrhd. Althugh the sky was still 45 , the ld buildings and unique atmsphere f the neighbrhd attracted us.
    We walked thrugh the narrw streets and admired the 46 shps n bth sides. A retr-style cffee shp caught ur attentin and we decided t g in and rest. In the cffee shp, we tasted the delicius cffee and talked abut ur daily lives. 47 , a strange figure walked int the cffee shp. He lked 48 and lst. His eyes fell n us casually and seemed t be lking fr smething. Out f 49 , we tk the 50 t talk t him. It turned ut that he was a phtgrapher and he had just lst an imprtant memry card which cntained his wrks f many years. He had been searching fr it in the neighbrhd fr a lng time, but still culdn’t find it.
    After hearing 51 his trubles, we decided t help him search fr it. We searched arund the neighbrhd and asked many peple, but culdn’t find the memry card. Just when we were abut t give up, a little kid 52 t us with a memry card and said he had fund it by the radside. We excitedly tk the memry card and after checking it was 53 , we gave it back t the phtgrapher. The phtgrapher lked at us gratefully with tears in his eyes. He said, “Thank yu very much. This memry card means a lt t me.” We felt happy that we culd help him and it added mre meaning 54 this unexpected trip.
    This experience made me realize that life always has unexpected surprises and twists. Smetimes, 55 yur plan is nt a bad thing and it may bring yu a mre wnderful experience.
    41. A. disabled B. disappinted C. disgraceful D. disturbed
    42. A. suggested B. claimed C. answered D. demanded
    43. A. museum B. cmmunity C. street D. neighbrhd
    44. A. admired B. agreed C. jumped D. permitted
    45. A. sunny B. chilly C. glmy D. clear
    46. A. ancient B. crwded C. spacius D. varius
    47. A. Gradually B. Slwly C. Suddenly D. Quickly
    48. A. tired B. angry C. energetic D. relieved
    49. A. questin B. curisity C. cntrl D. danger
    50. A. actin B. measures C. respnsibility D. initiative
    51. A. abut B. frm C. ut D. int
    52. A. listened B. talked C. came D. pinted
    53. A. cmplete B. crrect C. full D. useful
    54. A. with B. up C. in D. t
    55. A. changing B. scheduling C. making D. fllwing
    第二节 语篇型语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    When Zha Shuxian started wrking at an art and craft factry in 1973, the then 19-year-ld was given the jb f 56 (master) the time-hnred craft f making “velvet” flwers frm silk. His gal was t be prmted t the designer’s wrkshp 57 he wuld be able t make whatever he wanted, and earn a 58 (gd) living. Tday, Zha is recgnized as ne f the few seasned 59 (make) f this rnament(装饰).
    The practice f wearing velvet flwers 60 (believe) t date back t the Tang Dynasty (618-907). They were sent t palaces during the reign f Wu Zetian, 61 they became a ppular hair embellishment(点缀)fr wmen serving at the curt.
    “It was cmmn fr curt ladies 62 (decrate) their hair with flwers,” Zha says. “But fresh flwers are nt available all year arund, s 63 (gradual) fabric flwers became a substitute.” Velvet flwers are called rnghua in Mandarin, a hmphne fr the characters meaning “prsperity”. Wearing them as 64 blessing became ppular at wedding ceremnies, Lunar New Year, and Mid-Autumn Festival. Tday, Zha's custmers, wh cme frm all ver the wrld, wear his flwers bth as an everyday item and 65 special ccasins.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    The smell f defeat filled the air n a warm Octber evening. In the schl parking lt std Cach McDnald and me, a lser in the 160-pund weight class.
    Cach McDnald’s hands firmly grasped my shulders, his eyes lking thrugh my uncertainty. “Billy,” his vice cut thrugh the uneasy quiet. “The ptential fr yu t becme an excellent wrestler exists. It takes time,” he argued.
    “Dn’t yu see? I lst... again. Ten matches. Never wn.” Frustratin struck me as I stepped away frm Cach McDnald. Pulling my cell phne frm my equipment bag, I said definitively, “I need t call my mm. She’ll pick me up.” I just wanted t get away as sn as pssible and flung myself int Mm’s arms. She had always been my best friend and supprter.
    While waiting fr her t answer my call, the thught f quitting the sprt rumbled in my mind. I was s frustrated at that time that I ignred the jy and satisfactin wrestling had brught t me.
    Cach McDnald clsed in. “Billy, lk at me,” he said. “Pund fr pund, yu’re the strngest and mst flexible (灵活的) kid n the team. That’s a winning cmbinatin. Master the techniques in practice, and victry will be yurs, I prmise.”
    I cughed and pulled my sweaty shirt ff my chest. “When, Cach?”
    With a knwing lk, Cach said, “D yu knw hw lng it tk me t win my first match?” He std up straight, squinting (斜视) like he was recalling a tugh time. “During my first year, I lst every match. I ended the seasn 0-11. I didn’t lse at all in the fllwing tw years, including tw state champinships. Billy, that can be yu smeday. But it’ll never happen if yu quit.”
    In that silent mment, I felt a slight pain within me, but it was weak, nt strng enugh t change my mind. Cach cleared his thrat, glancing at his watch. “Well, I’m hungry.”
    “And my mm’s here,” I said. Then I jumped int her car.
    In the car, I tld her I lst again and I was hesitating abut quitting the team.
    The next day, I walked int the training field again.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1-5 BACCA 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 BCBCC 16-20 ACBBC
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    21~25 CBBCC 26~30 BACAB 31~35 DDABC
    36~40 ECGAF
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41~45 BADBC 46~50 DCABD 51~55 ACBDA
    56. mastering 57.where 58.better 59. makers 60.is believed
    61.and 62. t decrate 63.gradually 64.a 65.n
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear friends,
    With a grwing number f turists chse t travel during the hlidays, the inapprpriate behavir f turism is increasing---visitrs free climbing, taking pictures with “n pht” sign, randm graffiti in spts, and littering everywhere.
    Uncivilized phenmena in turism are leaving a severe impact n the places f interest. In rder t save the images f turists and leave a perfect landscape t the fllwing travellers, we have a variety f things t pay attentin t.
    At the very beginning, turists shuld imprve their quality such as nt ding sme damage t the spts and timely reminding f the inapprpriate behavir f thers. Furthermre, the media shuld increase the degree f expsure, s that peple gradually will realize the uncivilized travel. Last but nt least, the gvernment shuld implement sme punitive measures by imprving the relevant laws and regulatins.
    I believe that these prblems will be slved step by step, and a beautiful tmrrw is waiting fr us. Let' jint tgether t make a better future!
    In the car, I tld her I lst again and I was hesitating abut quitting the team. Mm remained silent fr a full minute, her grip n the steering wheel tightening. Finally, she spke with a measured tne that brke the silence. “Billy, quitting is nt a sign f weakness. Winning r lsing desn't define yu. What matters is whether yu're pursuing smething that brings yu jy.” Her wrds cleared up the self-dubt that had cluded my decisin and reignited a spark f curage within me. I recalled why I had learned t wrestle in the first place. “Thanks, Mm. I knw what I shuld d.”
    The next day, I walked int the training field again. Cach McDnald was already there, setting up training fr the team. He smiled when he saw me with a knwing lk in his eyes. “Back fr mre, Billy?” he said, clapping me n the back. I ndded, making up my mind t give it anther sht. As I tied my shes and prepared fr practice, I felt a surge f determinatin washing ver me. Maybe Cach was right. Maybe I d have what it takes t be a champin. And if nt, at least I am pursuing smething that brings me jy and a sense f purpse.

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