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    这是一份2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区武威第九中学教研联片中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区武威第九中学教研联片中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区武威第九中学教研联片中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. Rick has ________ five punds because f eating t much in recent tw weeks.
    A. put awayB. put ffC. put nD. put up
    2. It has been abut tw mnths ________ she last heard frm her mther.
    A. frB. sinceC. unlessD. until
    3. —D yu like seeing a mvie n yur mbile phne?
    — N. I ______d that because it makes me uncmfrtable.
    A. seldmB. ften
    C. usuallyD. smetimes
    4. —I dn’t knw when ______ tmrrw.
    —I will call yu as sn as he ______.
    A. will he cme, arrivesB. he will cme, arrives
    C. he will cme, will arriveD. will he cme, will arrive
    5. The machine is used ________ keeping the air wet.
    A. asB. withC. frD. by
    6. —Teenagers find it hard t make their wn decisins.
    —Well, they have t chse ________ and be respnsible fr their actins.
    A. wiselyB. quietlyC. easilyD. ludly
    7. They g ut ________ their way t send granny t her daughter’s huse.
    A. frB. fC. tD. in
    8. He failed in the math tests and lked sad. Let's ________.
    A. put him upB. see him upC. cheer him upD. clean him up
    9. ―Why nt g fr a picnic this weekend?
    ―________ I lve getting clse t nature.
    A. I can’t agree mre.B. I’m afraid nt.C. I dn’t think sD. I hpe nt.
    10. Many peple are ________ building the factry in the city because it’s nt gd fr the envirnment.
    A. frB. withC. withutD. against
    11. Even if yu’re right, yu shuld nt ________ t yur teachers.
    A. talk tB. talk withC. talk abutD. talk back
    12. ―Which f the tw T-shirts will yu take?
    ―I’ll take ________ because I need a change when I have ne washed.
    A. eitherB. bthC. neitherD. all
    13. Neither f the tw students _______ the teacher wh is much t strict.
    A. likeB. likesC. likingD. liked
    14. There________ a meeting tmrrw afternn.
    A. will be ging tB. will ging t beC. is ging t beD. will g t be
    15. _________ will be clean until it is cleaned. Nthing will be bright until it is brightened.
    A. NthingB. SmethingC. EverythingD. Anything.
    16. In character-training f children, what really _________ is what their parents say and d.
    A. cnsidersB. caresC. mattersD. minds
    17. As a teacher, I lve being with my students. Yu can’t imagine hw much they ________ knwledge!
    A. are thirsty frB. are famus frC. are gd frD. are tired f
    18. I’m ging t graduate frm my schl sn, but I’ll ________ it frever.
    A. be friends withB. be thankful t
    C. keep away frmD. fall in lve with
    19. I’ve decided t g t Lndn next weekend. I was wndering __yu culd g with me.
    A. whereB. whenC. thatD. if
    20. —Culd yu tell me________?
    —At a rbt shp.
    A. where did Mr Jiang buy the rbtB. where Mr Jiang bught the rbt
    C. why Mr Jiang bught the rbtD. why did Mr Jiang buy the rbt
    21. —Andrew, what’s yur plan in July?
    A. Cngratulatins.B. Srry, I haven’t decided yet.C. Oh, I’d lve t.D. With pleasure.
    22. __________ frm the junir high schl means a lt t me.
    A. GraduateB. Graduating
    C. GraduatedD. Graduates
    23 I almst frget the wrst thing that _______ me last year.
    A. happenedB. happened tC. tk placeD. take place
    24. —A strm is n the way. Dn’t frget ________ the windw when yu g t sleep, Mike.
    —I wn’t, Mum.
    A. clseB. clsingC. t clseD. clsed
    25. The culture that he describes is s different frm ________ that I smetimes find it hard t understand.
    A. myB. meC. myselfD. mine
    In China, teachers are highly respected and hnred. As prviders f knwledge, they are seen as playing an imprtant ____26____ in the develpment f sciety(社会). In the US, teachers are suppsedly just as respected. Hwever, I believe salaries fr mst teachers are far t lw.
    In the US, mst teachers can expect t ____27____ less than $40, 000 (272, 400 yuan) a year when they enter the field(领域), accrding t Business Insider. This might ____28____ all right, but in sme parts f the US, it’s nt enugh t get by(勉强过活).
    In additin, teachers spend an average f(平均)$500 ut­ f­ pcket t buy classrm supplies(日常用品)every semester(学期). Sme teachers even have t take n a ____29____ jb at night t make a living. Teaching is a(n) ____30____ jb. It’s abut much mre than simply passing n knwledge. Teachers have t be caregivers, therapists(治疗师), nurses. In fact, nearly any ____31____ that a child might face might end up being slved by his r her teacher.
    Teachers spend years ­and lts f mney­ earning an ____32____ f their wn that will prepare them t becme educatrs themselves.
    It’s nt ____33____ t raise their salaries, either. Cuntries like Switzerland, Suth Krea, and Ireland pay their teachers mre than the US des. The US is the richest cuntry in the wrld ­____34____ mney can’t buy knwledge. If salaries stay lw, fewer peple will want t g int teaching ­and sciety will suffer(遭受损失) ____35____ it .
    26. A. rleB. ballC. sng
    27. A. prduceB. lseC. earn
    28. A. lkB. sundC. taste
    29. A. firstB. secndC. third
    30. A. hardB. easyC. interesting
    31. A. questinB. prblemC. prject
    32. A. mneyB. respectC. educatin
    33. A. unnecessaryB. unimprtantC. impssible
    34. A. butB. andC. s
    35. A. instead fB. because fC. thanks t
    On March 14, math and science lvers arund the wrld celebrated a special day: Pi Day. Pi is equal t abut 3.14, but the number ges n endlessly. It is smetimes written in Greek, π. With the help f cmputers, mathematicians have been able t calculate pi ut t ver a trillin decimal (小数) places, but there is still n end t the number. This makes pi puzzling, even fr the mst famus scientists and mathematicians. Pi Day is celebrated arund the wrld n March 14, since hw we write this date, 3/14, lks just like the number pi.
    Fr sme peple, the appeal (吸引力) f Pi Day ges far beynd math and science. Pi shws up thrughut ppular culture. Yu can see it in mvies, cmics, music and mre. “In mdern mvies, any time the filmmaker wants t evke (唤起) a sense f mystery, ften the symbl pi is used,” said David Blatner, a Jewish-American writer f The Jy f Pi.
    ★ and cmpeting against thers t see wh can remember the mst. Mst teachers hld class cntests t see hw many numbers their students can memrize. The Guinness Wrld Recrd fr reciting the mst digits f pi is held by Lyu Cha f China, wh successfully recited pi ut t nearly 67,890 decimal places.
    Abve all, Pi Day is abut having fun with the number. Peple celebrate Pi Day by eating r thrwing pic and with fun pi-related games and activities. In 2016, Princetn, New Jersey, held a birthday party fr Albert Einstein whse birthday als falls n March 14. There was als a “Walk a Pi Event” where peple walked 3.14 miles tgether. Just like the number itself, the pssibilities fr Pi Day are truly endless.
    36. Which descriptin f pi is NOT crrect?
    A. The number f pi is endless.B. Pi Day falls n March 14.
    C. Pi was first fund in Greece.D. Peple usually write pi as π.
    37. Which f the fllwing can be put in ________?
    A. There is n pint memrizing decimal places f pi
    B. Peple like using pi in mathematical peratins
    C. Peple als lve trying t memrize the digits f pi
    D. Students think reciting pi ut is interesting
    38. In mdern mvies, the symbl pi is ften used t ________.
    A. remind us f mvies and cmicsB. stand fr maths and science
    C. shw great understanding f the wrldD. shw smething mysterius
    39. Peple shw interest in pi by ________.
    a. calculating it ut t ver a trillin decimal places
    b. reciting as many digits f pi as pssible
    c. naming many inventins after pi
    d. including pi in many frms f creative wrk
    A. abcB. abdC. acdD. bcd
    40. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Fun activities t celebrate Pi Day.B. The imprtance f pi t math.
    C. Peple’s expectatin f pi.D. The stry between Albert Einstein and pi.
    Dng Yuhui, a 30-year-ld live streaming hst fr East Buy (东方甄选), fund himself in an nline cntrversy (争议) that began n Dec.5.
    East Buy, a subsidiary f the New Oriental educatin, said that many f the things Dng said in his live streams were written by the East Buy team, nt by himself. The then-CEO, Sun Dngxu, criticized Dng and the team, which made Dng’s fans upset.
    Surprisingly, this cntrversy made Dng even mre ppular. In just ne week, his Duyin fllwers increased by ver 3 millin, while East Buy lst mre than 2 millin fllwers. Sun was n lnger the CEO, and Dng became vice president f New Oriental’s cultural and turism business.
    Despite his rising fame, Dng remains humble. “I am nt gd-lking r tall; I dn’t knw why I have s many supprters,” he said.
    Hwever, Xu Hanze, an assciate prfessr (副教授) at Nanjing University f Aernautics and Astrnauts, believes that Dng gt mre attentin because f his talent and intelligence, thanks t his habit f reading extensively.
    In the age f cnsumerism, Dng des nt trick cnsumers int buying unnecessary prducts, but encurages them t be ratinal (理智的) when shpping nline. He als puts mre effrt int educatinal activities and events t help farmers.
    He believes that peple shuld nt wish t be the next Dng Yuhui. “I want t tell ther yung live streamers that they d nt need t be me, as each stry is mving in its wn way.” He went n t say that peple are nt prducts made n manufacturing lines, and that diversity (不同) what makes peple special.
    41. What caused the cntrversy?
    A. East Buy cheated the custmers.
    B. Sun Dngxu criticized the team in alive streaming.
    C. Dng was implite while hsting live streaming.
    D. East Buy said Dng’s success was due t team effrts.
    42. What happened t Dng because f the cntrversy?
    A. He was kicked ut f the cmpany.
    B. He gt even mre Duyin fllwers.
    C. He tk the place f Sun Dngxu.
    D. He became the CEO f East Buy.
    43 What made Dng standut amng s many live streaming hsts?
    A. His being well-read and talents.
    B. His different prmtin methds.
    C His encuraging f shpping nline.
    D. His marketing ability.
    44. What did Dng express in the interview?
    A. Peple shuld be ratinal when facing cntrversy.
    B. Diversity is the key t make live streamers stand ut.
    C Cpying his way f selling prducts is unnecessary.
    D. Nt everyne can be a gd salespersn.
    45. Which wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Rising fameB. Making peple special
    C. Shpping nline ratinallyD. Winning hearts ver a cntrversy
    Planting trees can cut dwn CO2 in the air, but just ding this isn’t enugh t deal with climate change. Nw ne way discussed widely is carbn capture (碳捕获). It refers t the technlgy that can prtect the earth against climate change by cutting dwn CO2 in the air.
    Carbn capture technlgy is used t cllect CO2 that is given ff by factries. Fr example, it can be fitted t cal-burning pwer statins and factries t capture the CO2 befre it is given ff by factries. The captured CO2 can then be liquefied (液化) and stred undergrund. Besides, the technlgy can als be used t cllect the CO2 that has already gne int the air.
    Then hw can we deal with the CO2 we capture? Prper utilizatin is truly imprtant. It can nt nly help create markets fr this new technlgy, but als make it cheaper fr cmpanies t use. Nwadays, CO2 is used in greenhuses t grw vegetables. CO2 can even be used t make useful prducts, such as plastics, building materials, and paints.
    Carbn capture is cnsidered t be quite helpful. Hwever, there are many prblems n the way. There’s 50 billin tns f carbn ging ut t the air frm cars and factries every year. But even a great number f carbn capture machines nw can capture nly a few dzens f tns f it. The thickness f CO2, in the pen air is abut 300 times less than that in the pwer statins r factries, making it much less efficient t capture CO2. Because f this, carbn capture machines are very expensive tday. S, it’s hard t make a real difference in fighting climate change nw. But it will be imprved quickly and will becme cheaper and mre efficient. It is like the mbile phnes which were expensive and difficult t use 20 years ag. But nw mbile phnes have been greatly imprved.
    46. What can carbn capture technlgy be used fr?
    A. Helping prtect trees.B. Cutting dwn CO2 in the air.
    C. Studying the cnditin f the air.D. Checking signs f climate change.
    47. What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut?
    A. The ways in which the technlgy wrks.
    B. The advantage f the technlgy.
    C. Th secrets behind the technlgy.
    D. The develpment f the technlgy
    48. What des the underlined wrd “utilizatin” refer t?
    A. String CO2.B. Cllecting CO2.C. Using CO2.D. Prducing CO2.
    49. What can we knw frm the passage?
    A. The market fr CO2 prducts is grwing fast.
    B. Carbn capture technlgy hasn’t been widely used.
    C. The cst f fixing the carbn capture machines is high.
    D. There is mre CO2 in the pen air than that in factries.
    50. Why des the writer mentin the example f mbile phnes?
    A. T express the persnal interest in mbile phnes.
    B. T shw carbn capture technlgy will be imprved.
    C. T raise a new tpic f hw technlgy influences ur life.
    D. T advise readers t take an interest in the develpment f technlgy.
    After a lng, cld and dry winter, life and clrs are starting t return. Flwers are blming (开花), birds are singing and peple are ___51___ kites. Weifang in Shandng Prvince has a lng histry f making kites. ___52___ , they were ften used by the military (军队) fr measuring distance and cmmunicatin purpses. During the Ming Dynasty (1368—1644), kites started t be ___53___ amng rdinary peple as entertainment (娱乐).
    Yang Hngwei was brn int a kite-making family. She ften saw kites with bright clrs and different ___54___ in her grandfather’s wrkshp. She ___55___ t make kites frm her grandfather at the age f 16. “Many places arund the wrld have a ___56___ f flying kites,” Yang said. “But I think the ___57___ infrmatin behind ur kites is special.” On Yang’s kites, peple can see nt nly cmmn patterns like butterflies and birds, ___58___ sme prints telling Chinese histry. Yang added, “___59___ I explain the stries n the kites t freign custmers, I feel ___60___ great achievement.”
    In her spare time, she als travels t different cuntries t tell the stries f Chinese kites and the traditinal ways f making kites.
    (Anna and Zha Juan are talking n the way hme frm schl. Anna=A Zha Juan=Z)
    A: Excuse me, Zha Juan. ____61____
    Z: Yes, I’d lve t. What’s up, Anna?
    A: One f my Chinese friends invited me t her huse. ____62____ Can yu help me?
    Z: Sure. When are yu suppsed t get there?
    A: ____63____
    Z: Well, the first thing is that yu shuld get there n time. Or they will wrry abut yu.
    A: All right. ____64____
    Z: Yu shuld greet everyne in her family n matter whether yu knw them r nt.
    A: OK. Oh, what abut the gift? ____65____
    Z: Yu shuld take sme flwers r fruit.
    A: Thanks a lt fr yur help.
    Z: Yu’re welcme.
    A. At 10:00 a.m.
    B. What shuld I take?
    C. Shuld I take sme gifts?
    D. Wuld yu like t help me?
    E. They’re suppsed t shake hands.
    F. But I dn’t knw much abut the custms.
    G. What am I suppsed t d when I meet her family?
    Brn in 701, Li Bai was ne f the ____66____ (great) pets f the Tang Dynasty. At the age f 24, he left hme and started t travel a____67____ China. Thrughut his life, he wrte mre than ne ____68____ /ˈθaʊznd/ pems abut natural wrld, friendship and many ther wnderful things.
    “T Wang Lun” was ne f Li Bai’s ____69____ (pem), which was abut his friendship with Wang Lun, an imprtant persn t him. It is said that Wang Lun respected Li Bai fr his talent and dreamt f seeing him. ____70____ he heard that Li Bai was travelling t a place nearby, he wrte a letter t Li Bai and invited him ____71____ (visit) his hmetwn. In the letter, Wang Lun pictured his hmetwn as having peach flwers extending ten li and ten thusand wine huses.
    Li Bai c____72____ find the scenes described by Wang Lun when he arrived. Wang Lun explained that “peach flwers” was the name f a pl f water and Wan was the family name f the wine huse wner. Li Bai laughed abut Wang Lun’s little trick. He understd that Wang Lun really wanted t see him and the tw became gd friends.
    It is knwn that Li Bai and the ther pets f the Tang Dynasty ____73____ (leave) many great pems t us. Tgether they ____74____ (success) created the “glden age” f classical Chinese petry and they will always ____75____ (remember) by Chinese peple.
    Michael Jacksn is a great singer. He was b___76___ in 1958. He began singing with his fur brthers. They called the grup “The Jacksn Five”. In 1970 the grup made their first recrd “I Want Yu Back”. It was very p___77___. One f their hit recrds was “Never Say Gdbye”. Michael’s dance mves and mn walking left a deep i___78___ n the public. Many peple imitated him. In 1978, he made a recrd n his wn. Michael set up Heal The Wrld Fundatin as a charitable ___79___. He died n June 25th, 2009, at the age f 50, but he wuld live in ur heart f___80___.
    81. My painting lessn cst me 800 yuan. My pian lessn cst me 800 yuan, t. (合并为一句)
    My painting lessn cst ________________ as my pian lessn
    82. Mum wakes me up at 6:00 every mrning. (改为被动语态)
    I ________________ up at 6:00 every mrning.
    83. He has already finished his hmewrk. (改为否定句)
    He ________ finished his hmewrk ________.
    84. The rm n the tp flr has a better view f the Huangpu River.(对划线部分提问)
    _________ _________ has a better view f the Huangpu River?
    85. “Will yu take part in the drama shw next mnth?” Tina asked me.(改为间接引语)
    Tina asked me __________ I __________ take part in the drama shw the next mnth.
    86. 成长是生命的主旋律。在你的生命中一定出现过一个对你帮助很大、影响很深的人。这个人可能是你的父母、你的老师或你的朋友……请用英语写出你和他(她)的故事以及你的感悟。(题目自拟)
    1. Wh helped /influenced yu a lt?
    2. What did he /she d?
    3. Hw have yu changed?
    4. …
    shape, fly, traditin, but als, cultural, a sense f, ppular, at first, learn, when

    甘肃省武威市凉州区武威第五中学教研联片2023-2024学年八年级下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份甘肃省武威市凉州区武威第五中学教研联片2023-2024学年八年级下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含甘肃省武威市凉州区武威第五中学教研联片2023-2024学年八年级下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、甘肃省武威市凉州区武威第五中学教研联片2023-2024学年八年级下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区二十一中学教研联片中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区二十一中学教研联片中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区二十一中学教研联片中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区二十一中学教研联片中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

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