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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 6 At one with nature背景图ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 6 At one with nature背景图ppt课件,共38页。

    Develping ideas
    1 Cmplete the quiz t see hw much yu knw abut British gardens. Try t guess if yu are nt sure f the crrect answers.
    Quiz1 The earliest British gardens were planted in     . a the 5th century BC b the 1st century AD c the 6th century AD2 By 2020,abut     f British hmes are likely t have a garden. a 80% b 85% c 90%3 It is estimated that     species f insects can be fund in a British garden. a ver 800 b ver 8,000 c ver 80,000
    Lk at the title f the passage and the picture. Tick what yu think is mentined in the passage. □ different kinds f plants □ famus gardens □ gardening cmpetitins □ greening f cities □ air quality □ cuntry life Nw read the passage and check yur answer.
    3 Chse the tpic sentences and write them n the lines t cmplete the passage. a As well as being gd fr the envirnment,gardening is als gd fr the sul. b But in cities,limited space has led t peple lking fr new slutins. c Fr many peple in the UK,their garden is their wn private wrld. d This is what started the British lve f gardening! 1—d 2—c 3—b 4—a
    Learning t learnA tpic sentence is a sentence that states r suggests the main idea r tpic f a paragraph. Often,a tpic sentence cmes at the beginning f a paragraph;smetimes,it appears in the middle r at the end.
    Think & Share1 What d yu think the sentence “Where yu tend a rse... A thistle cannt grw” means?2 What are the benefits f gardening?3 In what ways d peple bring nature int their lives?4 D yu knw anyne wh lves gardening? Tell the class abut him/her.
    1 When there are beautiful and psitive ideas in ur minds,we will feel fulfilled, and wn’t be easily influenced by negative thughts and ideas.2 It’s gd fr the envirnment and peple’s sul.
    4 Wrk in pairs. Act ut an interview abut gardening in Britain. 1 Read the passage again and find ut imprtant infrmatin. 2 Prepare questins fr the interview. Use the infrmatin frm the passage. 3 Decide the rles f interviewer and interviewee. Act ut the interview. Interview questins ·Hw many British peple lve gardening? ·________________________________________________________________ ·________________________________________________________________ ·________________________________________________________________ ·________________________________________________________________
    When did hmes with gardens start t be built?
    Hw d sme Brits like t spend their Sunday?
    What will thse withut utside space d if they want t grw things?
    Hw many peple in Lndn are waiting fr small pieces f land t grw things?
    Writing a summary5 Read the passage and underline the tpic sentence f each paragraph.
    Tpic sentence f each paragraphParagraph 1:British peple lve t make tea with fruit and herbs.Paragraph 2:Hwever,recent years have seen mre and mre unusual flavurs cme nt the market.Paragraph 3:Herbal tea has varius health benefits.
    Writing a summaryNw make ntes under the headings. Fruit and herbal teas Their ppularity______________________________________________________ Unusual flavurs_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Health benefits_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
    Many peple grw their very wn tea gardens with easy-t-grw herbs.
    Fruit teas nw include mang,strawberry,apple and pear. Herbal teas include blackberry leaf and dandelin
    Sme teas have a psitive effect n energy levels. Sme teas can help peple relax. Ginger tea can give yur immune system a helping hand. Mint tea is gd fr digestin.
    Write a summary f the passage. Use the ntes in Activity 5 t help yu.7 Share yur summary with the class.
    Learning t learn When writing a summary,dn’t just cmbine all the tpic sentences. Instead,recnstruct the key infrmatin t make the paragraph cherent,cncise and natural.
    Fruit and herbal teas British peple lve t make tea with fruit and herbs. Such a habit is s ppular that many peple plant easy-t-grw herbs in their wn tea gardens. There are many flavurs f fruit and herbal teas,including traditinal lemn and ginger,as well as many unusual flavurs such as mang,strawberry,apple,pear,blackberry leaf and dandelin. Aside frm the variety f flavurs,herbal tea als has varius health benefits. Sme can help peple relax,and sme,like ginger tea,are gd fr the immune system,while thers,such as mint tea,are beneficial fr digestin.
    Presenting ideas
    1 Wrk in grups. Lk at the pictures and decide in which place yu wuld mst like t live.
    n a trpical island
    in the muntains
    in a jungle
    ut in the grasslands
    2 Think abut why yu want t live there and make ntes. ·benefits f living there ·disadvantages f living there ·things yu need t bring ·hw yu deal with the lcal envirnment  Prepare a talk abut yur chsen place. Use the ntes in Activity 2 and the expressins in the bx t help yu.
    Useful expressins·We think the best place t live in wuld be...·Althugh we like...,we prefer...·The prblem with... is that...·The gd thing abut... is...·If we lived in...,we wuld miss...·I wuld lve t have...
    Language pints
    教材原句p.68 These wrds cme frm the authr f the bk The Secret Garden , first published in 1911. 《秘密花园》的作者这样说。这本书 1911 年首次出版。1 publish v. 出版;刊登;公布 His new bk is t be published next week.他的新书将于下周出版。 We haven’t yet had an accurate schedule t publish these bks. 我们还没有准确的时间表出版这些书。 [词汇复现]The names f the winners f the cmpetitin will be published in June. 竞赛优胜者名单将于 6 月份公布。
    【词语辨析】publish 与 cme utpublish 是及物动词,可用于被动语态。cme ut 是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] His first nvel      (publish)next mnth is based n a true stry.(2) He wrte many children’s bks,nearly half f which      (publish)in the 1990s.完成句子(3) [词 汇 复 现] He is an expert n wildlife. He           (发表了这篇文章)after bserving a variety f wild animals.
    t be published
    were published
    published this article
    教材原句 p.68 Expert gardeners knw just the right crner fr rses ... 专业的园丁对于花园里哪个角落最适合种玫瑰都了如指掌……2 expert adj. 内行的,专家的 n. 专家,行家搭配be expert at/in(ding) sth. 在(做)某事方面在行seek expert advice/an expert pinin 征求专家意见an expert at/n/in 在……方面的专家 / 行家
    The plice are expert at handling situatins like this. 警察处理这类事情很在行。 We need sme expert help. 我们需要一些内行的帮助。 a medical/technical/financial expert 医学 / 技术 / 金融专家 The experts are debating hw t slve the mystery. 专家们正在讨论如何解开这个谜。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) Linda is expert     finding useful infrmatin abut study.(2) He is expert     cmputer sftware.完成句子(3) It is said that the ld man         (在……方面很在行)repairing all kinds f cars.(4) [词 汇 复 现] The centre prvides        (专家咨询)fr peple with financialprblems.
    is expert in/at
    expert advice
    教材原句 p.69 Thse withut utside space can rent small pieces f land n which t grw things . 那些房屋外部没有空间的居民可以租用小块土地种植作物。3 rent v. 租用,租借;出租 n. 租金搭配 rent sth. frm sb. 从某人那里租用某物 rent sth.(ut)t sb. 把某物出租给某人 a high/lw/fair rent 高的 / 低的 / 合理的租金 fr rent(尤用于告示)出租,招租She rents a huse with three ther girls. 她和其他 3 个女孩合租一套房子。She rents ut tw rms t students. 她把两个房间出租给学生。a mnth’s rent in advance 预付的月租金
    【词语辨析】rent,emply 与 hire
    选词填空(rent/emply/hire)(1) [词汇复现] The fur f us     a flat tgether t save ur rent.(2) We     tw wrkers t decrate ur huse.(3) We      bth male and female wrkers.(4) They     an ffice in the city with the purpse f running a business,which turned ut t be a great success.完成句子(5) The man has been ut f wrk fr a year,s he desn’t have mney t        (付租金).(6) The landlrd has          (提高房租)by £20 a mnth.(7) My dad has a cttage which he         (向…… 出租)turists.
    pay the rent
    put up the rent
    教材原句p.69 And if yu ’re in any dubt abut this ...如果你对此有任何疑问……4 be in dubt(abut) (对……)不确定,拿不准I’m rather in dubt abut his explanatin f this questin. 他对这个问题的解释我颇有怀疑。 [词汇复现] When I am in dubt abut the way,I lk at a map.我不确定路时,我就看看地图。【归纳拓展】There is n dubt abut/that... 毫无疑问……There is sme dubt abut/whether... 对……有疑问。I dn’t dubt that... 我确信……I dubt whether/if... 我怀疑……withut/beynd dubt 无疑,确实n dubt 无疑,很可能
    【误区警示】(1)肯定句中:dubt(n.)+ whether 引导的同位语从句(不用 if)dubt(v.)+ whether/ if 引导的宾语从句(2)否定句、疑问句中:dubt + that 引导的同位语从句或宾语从句
    单句语法填空(1) If yu are     any dubt abut whether yu shuld d these exercises,cnsult(咨询)yur dctr.(2) [词汇复现] There is still sme dubt     he will survive the crisis.(3) I dn’t dubt     the wrk will be finished in less than ne week.(4) There is n dubt     the wden chair is much strnger than the plastic ne yu bught yesterday.完成句子(5) I           (确信)peple have suffered a lt because the tw cuntries have been at war fr many years.(6) [词 汇 复 现]              (对……是否有些疑问)he can recverfrm the peratin.
    dn’t dubt that
    There’s sme dubt whether
    教材原句p.70 But in cities , limited space has led t peple lking fr new slutins . 但在城市里,有限的空间促使人们寻找新的解决方案。5 limited adj. 有限的limited resurces/time 有限的资源 / 时间 limited number/amunt 有限的数量 be f limited use/value 作用有限 / 价值有限 My life is limited,but learning is limitless.吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。【单词积累】limit n. 界限;限度 v. 限制,限定set a limit t/n 设定……的限度within limits 在合理限度内
    There is n/a limit t... ……是无限的 / 有限的。 把……限定在……be limited t 限定在……There is n limit t what yu can d if yu are hard-wrking. 你如果努力的话,成就不可限量。The teaching f histry shuld nt be limited t dates and figures. 教授历史不应该局限于讲年代和人物。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] The research team rented an apartment and began t study the structure f the valley. After all,they had     (limit)resurces.(2) My knwledge f running a restaurant is    (limit).(3) There is a limit     what we can d t help.完成句子(4) I’ll pay fr what yu need —        (有一定限度).(5) The damage         (限于)the rf.(6) We shuld          (设定……的限度)what ur children can d.(7) We must     the cmpsitin    (把……限制在)1,000 wrds.
    within limits
    was limited t
    set a limit t/n
    教材原句p.70What are the benefits f gardening ?园艺的好处是什么?6 benefit n. 好处,益处 v. 使受益;得益于搭配 fr the benefit f... 为了……的利益 benefit sb. /sth. 对某人 / 某物有益 benefit frm/by... 得益于……,从……中受益 be f benefit t...(=be beneficial t...)对……有益We aim t get the maximum benefit with the minimum effrt. 我们力求用最小的努力获得最大的收益。 [词汇复现]
    This prject will be f great benefit t the regin as a whle. 这个项目整体来看对该地区将大有裨益。 [词汇复现]Yu will benefit frm reading sner r later. 你迟早会从读书中受益的。【单词积累】beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的,有帮助的
    单句语法填空(1) It is said that yga is f great benefit    human health. In ther wrds,we can benefit ____________ yga.(2) Music educatin is      (benefit)and imprtant t all the students.完成句子(3) Taking plenty f exercise can            (对……非常有好处)yur health.(4) China has been pushing the refrm f public hspitals          (为了……的利益)all its citizens.
    be f great benefit t
    fr the benefit f
    教材原句p.71 Many peple enjy herbal tea because it can have a psitive effect n energy levels . 很多人喜欢香草茶,因为它对能量水平有积极的影响。7 energy n. 力量,活力;能量搭配 full f energy 精力充沛;富含能量 have the energy t d sth. 有精力做某事 This was a time when peple devted all their energy t wrk. 这是一个人们把全部精力用于工作的时期。
    Time and energy spent wrrying are wasted. 担忧浪费时间,也浪费精力。 Perhaps we ught t cmbine ur ideas and prvide a balanced menu with fd full f energy and fibre. 也许我们应该把我们的想法结合起来,提供一份富含能量和纤维的均衡菜谱。 [词汇复现]【单词积累】energetic adj. 精力充沛的
    完成句子(1) Yu are always         (精力充沛的). Can yu tell me the secret?(2) He wrks s hard that he desn’t              (有精力锻炼).(3) As lng as the sun shines,the earth will nt         (耗尽能量).单句语法填空(4) The fact is that a balanced diet can keep us    (energy).
    full f energy
    have the energy t exercise
    run ut f energy
    重点句式教材原句 p.68 And while many Brits like nthing better than spending their Sunday cutting the grass ... 尽管许多英国人最喜欢的事情莫过于在星期天修剪草坪……“ 否定词 + 比较级 ” 表达最高级的含义(1)构成:否定词 + 形容词或副词的比较级(+than)(2)常用的否定词:nt,n,never,nthing,nbdy,hardly 等(3)意义:再没有更……的了,再……不过了I have never seen a mre energetic man than him. 我从未见过比他精力更充沛的人。 Nthing is mre precius than health. 健康是最宝贵的。The news culdn’t have cme at a better time. 这消息来得再及时不过了。
    单句语法填空(1) There is nthing      (tiring)than nt succeeding.(2) As a student,I can tell yu that there is nthing     (gd)than being praised by my teacher befre my classmates.完成句子(3) 我非常同意你的意见。  __________________________________               (4) 我认为没有什么比读书更令人愉快的了。 _______________________________________________               
    I culdn’t agree with yu mre. 
    I think nthing is mre pleasant than reading.

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