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    这是一份湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试题无答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the wman likely t d first?
    A. Eat smething sweet.B. Attend a meeting.C. Check her bld sugar levels.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where will the wman eat breakfast?
    A. At the schl cafe.B. At the library.C. At hme.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Windy.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man think f the twn?
    A. Quiet.B. Incnvenient.C. Pleasant.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw much shuld the man pay fr a dzen red rses nw?
    A. 15 dllars.B. 17 dllars.C. 20 dllars.
    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What des the man dislike abut the huse?
    A. Its garden.B. Its furniture.C. Its lcatin.
    7. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Grw sme flwers.B. Visit anther huse.C. Pick up the children.
    8. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a restaurant.B. In an ffice.C. At hme.
    9. What will the speakers d tmrrw?
    A. Decrate a huse.B. G t a party.C. Make a vacatin plan.
    10. Wh is the wman speaker ging t call this evening?
    A. Jane.B. Betty’s husband.C. Betty.
    11. Which city will the man visit next week?
    A. Cape Twn.B. Pretria.C. Blemfntein.
    12. What has the man always expected t d?
    A. Climb Table Muntain.B. Watch African penguins.C. Crss the Atlantic Ocean.
    13. Hw lng will the man stay in Suth Africa?
    A. Tw days.B. Three days.C. Fur days.
    14. Hw des the wman sund at first?
    A. Cncerned.B. Unhappy.C. Amazed.
    15. What des the wman suggest Bill d?
    A Aplgize fr his mistake.
    B. Wrk in anther industry.
    C. Enrich his knwledge first.
    16. What did the wman majr in?
    A Educatin.B. Ecnmics.C. Cmputer science.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Prfessr and student.B. Dctr and patient.C. Friends.
    18. Hw many kids were there in the research?
    A. 10.B. 14.C. 400.
    19. Hw lng d mst kids spend n the screen every day in this study?
    A. Less than 3 hurs.B. Abut 5 hurs.C. Mre than 6 hurs.
    20. What des the speaker suggest in the end?
    A. Students shuld reduce their time n the screen.
    B. Parents shuldn’t buy mbile phnes fr their children.
    C. Parents shuld cmmunicate with their children mre frequently.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Writing Cmpetitins fr High Schl Students in 2024
    Ocean Awareness Writing Cntest
    Ocean Awareness Writing Cntest prvides a platfrm fr yung peple t understand envirnmental issues thrugh artistic creatin and creative thughts, explre their relatinship with the changing wrld, and becme advcates f psitive change.
    Cmpetitin time: The deadline fr submissin is June 10, 2024. Students can uplad their submissins starting frm December 24, 2023.
    Suitable fr students: The cntest is an internatinal cmpetitin, which is pen t any student aged 11—18 in middle r high schl.
    ·Junir Divisin: 11—14 years ld
    ·Senir Divisin: 15—18 years ld
    Yung Authrs Writing Cmpetitin
    Yung Authrs Writing Cmpetitin is spnsred by the English and Creative Writing Department at Clumbia Cllege Chicag. The cmpetitin has grwn int a yearly internatinal cn test f high schl writers. Yu may enter up t tw wrks (in separate files) in either f the categries: Creative Nnfictin and Creative Fictin. In the Petry categry, yu may enter up t tw files, but each can have 1—5 pems.
    Cmpetitin time: The deadline is July 31, 2024.
    Suitable fr students: Open t students in grades 9—12 wrldwide
    Lenard L. Milberg’ 53 High Schl Petry Prize
    Lenard L. Milberg’ 53 High Schl Petry Prize recgnizes utstanding wrks by student writers in the 11th grade in the U. S. r abrad. Cntest judges are pets n the Princetn University Creative Writing faculty.
    Cmpetitin date: March 26, 2024
    Suitable fr students: Students in the 11th grade in the U. S. r arund the wrld
    The New Yrk Times Annual Student Review Cntest
    The New Yrk Times invites students t play critics and write an riginal review fr their New Yrk Times Student Review Cntest. Students can review anything that fits int a categry f creative expressin that The New Yrk Times cvers—frm architecture t music.
    Cmpetitin date: April 6, 2024
    Suitable fr students: Students ages 11—19 anywhere in the wrld attending middle r high schl can participate.
    21. Hw many categries are included in Yung Authrs Writing Cmpetitin?
    A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.
    22. In which cmpetitin are participants gruped by age?
    A. Ocean Awareness Writing Cntest.
    B. Yung Authrs Writing Cmpetitin.
    C Lenard L. Milberg’ 53 High Schl Petry Prize.
    D. The New Yrk Times Annual Student Review Cntest.
    23. What d the fur writing cmpetitins have in cmmn?
    A. They are internatinal cntests.B. They are rganized by clleges.
    C. They are intended fr all students.D. They are pen t different categries f wrks.
    Omar Vazquez grew up in pverty n Mexic’s Yucatan peninsula. He watched his single mther struggle t put fd n the table, and tday the memry inspires him t help thse in need. When an invasive (入侵的) seaweed called sargassum shwed up n Mexic’s Caribbean beaches, Omar lked past the matter f it all and saw an pprtunity t help thers.
    Sargassum is nt dangerus, but it has an unpleasant smell and can becme s thick that it keeps peple frm entering the water. Mexic has experienced recrd-setting amunts f the seaweed in recent years, and it has made its way t Flrida’s beaches as well. Experts say there culd be as much as 100 tns f sargassum blcking Mexican shrelines in 2023.
    With turism dllars at risk, fficials and lcals alike were eager t remve the seaweed, but nly Omar saw its true ptential. The prfessinal gardener rganized a beach cleanup that prvided jbs fr abut 300 lcal families, but he knew there was mre t d. Since peple’s attitude twards the seaweed reminded him f his wn life experiences, he decided t becme an agent (推动者) fr change.
    When sargassum started arriving, everyne was cmplaining. “I wanted t make smething gd ut f smething everyne saw as bad,” Omar explained.
    In 2018, Omar fund a way t turn sargassum int building blcks that he calls Sargablck. He creates these blcks by mixing 40% sargassum with ther materials like clay, then putting them in a blck-frming machine and baking them in the sun fr days. The end result is an rganic, sustainable, and eclgically friendly building material that experts say culd last fr 120 years.
    T date, Omar’s cmpany, Bluegreen Mexic, has used 700 tns f sargassum t build lw-incme husing fr thse in need. Omar said he wuld take n mre prjects, and dnate mre huses t single mthers like his wn mm.
    24. What can be learned frm paragraph 1?
    A. Omar’s family ften assisted peple in need.
    B. Sargassum riginated n the Caribbean beaches.
    C. Omar’s experience in childhd has influenced him much.
    D. Omar has met a lt f generus peple since he was yung.
    25 Hw did mst peple react t the increasing sargassum?
    A. They didn’t take it seriusly.B. They were anxius t clear it up.
    C. They viewed it as new materials.D. They were excited t see a grand scene.
    26. Which wrds can best describe Omar?
    A. Hnest and ambitius.B. Strng-willed and cnfident.
    C. Quick-thinking and humrus.D. Sympathetic and innvative.
    27. What des the authr mainly want t tell us thrugh Omar’s success?
    A. It’s never t ld t learn.B. Lve shines every dark crner.
    C. Slutins can be btained frm prblems.D. Heres arise frm humble beginnings.
    With artificial intelligence (AI) and rbtic technlgy imprving at impressive rates, there are sme wh wrry that there’s a risk f artistic and creative peple being replaced. A new study by the Krean Institute f Industrial Technlgy, hwever, is shwing exactly why that can’t and shuldn’t happen. It all started when the Suth Krean cmpany psed this questin: Can rbts replace cnductrs?
    Over a year ag, wrk t develp autmatn (自动化) began. At first, it was designed like a machine, and didn’t live up t expectatins. Then the cmpany sught ways t imprve it. In the end, it was given tw arms with jints t cpy wrists and elbws, allwing it t mve a stick similarly t hw a human cnductr wuld mve it. It was named the EverR 6 rbt, and stands at 1.8 meters. It was finally time t figure ut hw it culd fllw thrugh n its musical rle.
    “We gt invlved in this prject t see hw far rbts can g in mre creative fields like the arts, and what the challenges are,” Dng-w k Lee, a senir researcher at the Krean Institute f Industrial Technlgy said.
    In rder t pull this ff, Dng-wk Lee cperated with the Busan Philharmnic Orchestra. The 12-minute piece they planned t perfrm, “Feel” by Il-hn Sn, was created specifically fr this event. It was created with the strengths f bth EverR 6 and the human cnductr, S-yel Chi, in mind.
    T pull ff this impressive perfrmance, the rbt was preprgrammed t cnduct thrugh 30 cycles f beat patterns. Meanwhile, it was up t the human cnductr t lead the rchestra in creating an imprvisatinal (即兴的) scre, adding depth t the therwise planned piece.
    Tgether, they pulled ff a masterful perfrmance that the audience seemed mre than happy t have had the pprtunity t witness it firsthand!
    With the cncert having gne s well, this is nly the start f EverR 6. Still, n matter the imprvements they’re able t make t this Andrid rbt, the human cnductr isn’t cncerned abut being replaced.
    “Let’s leave the accuracy t the rbts,” S-yel Chi said, “but the musical and artistic aspects t a human cnductr.”
    28. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The functin f the EverR 6 rbt.
    B. The develpment f the EverR 6 rbt.
    C. The EverR 6 rbt’s rle as a cnductr.
    D. The difficulty in designing the EverR 6 rbt.
    29. What can be learned abut “Feel”?
    A. It is a piece familiar t the audience.
    B. It is a piece shwing the human-rbt cperatin.
    C. It is the nly piece that EverR 6 will perfrm.
    D. It is a piece requiring great ability t cnduct.
    30. What rle did S-yel Chi play in the perfrmance?
    A. He crrected the rbt’s mistakes.
    B. He prgrammed the EverR 6 rbt.
    C. He led the imprvisatinal sectin f the perfrmance.
    D. He was the main cnductr f the Busan Philharmnic Orchestra.
    31. What is S-yel Chi’s attitude twards EverR 6?
    A. Unclear.B. Uncaring.C. Supprtive.D. Dubtful.
    “What beautiful music!”I shut ludly as my 9-year-ld sn practices playing the vilin. He’s used t this praise; I give rewards like that mst days. But every nce in a while, I skip it, and when I d, I can see the disappintment n his face when he’s finished.
    Am I a bad mm? Cnventinal wisdm says that cnsistency is key t parenting since it enables yur child t predict hw yu’ll react, leading t gd behavir. And it’s true that children need sme level f predictability in their lives, particularly when it cmes t discipline.
    But research suggests that incnsistent gifts and praise can have a greater effect n mtivatin. While we all like t live in a predictable wrld, we ften respnd mre strngly t unpredictable rewards.
    In ne experiment, my clleagues and I tld participants they’d be paid if they culd drink abut ne-and-a-half quarts f water in tw minutes r less. In ne cnditin, we ffered peple a $2 fixed reward. In anther, there was an uncertain reward f either $2 r $1. The certain reward was a better deal, yet many mre peple successfully met the challenge when assigned an uncertain reward. Reslving the uncertainty—whether they wuld win $1 r $2—was significantly mre mtivating than winning $2 fr sure.
    Here is ne f the reasns why uncertainty is mtivating. What scientists call “intermittent (间歇性) reinfrcement” —rewarding behavir n sme but nt all ccasins—makes it mre arduus t knw when rewards will shw up. If yu very ften, but dn’t always, praise yur child fr cmpleting their chres, they’ll keep up the gd behavir in the hpe f receiving praise the next time.
    S dn’t assume that if kids are always praised fr finishing their hmewrk, they’ll be mre likely t d it. D praise yung peple fr a jb well dne, just nt every time. And pick rewards ut f a hat when they cmplete chres—the surprise prize might keep everyne mtivated t get things dne.
    32. Why des the authr mentin her kid’s stry in the first paragraph?
    A. T display the cnclusin f her research.
    B. T shw that her kid is very smart.
    C. T explain that she is a gd mm.
    D. T lead in the tpic.
    33. Why did mre participants chse an uncertain reward in the experiment?
    A. It was mre inspiring.B. It was mre demanding.
    C. It was fair t all participants.D. It was easy t get mre rewards.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “arduus” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Cnvenient.B. Ppular.C. Flexible.D. Difficult.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Why Cnsistency Is Critical t Parenting
    B. Why Reslving Uncertainty Is Rewarding
    C. Hw Incnsistent Praise Affects Mtivatin
    D. Hw Parents’ Behavirs Affect Their Children
    Cheerfulness is a pwerful way t deal with a wrld that will always be tugh and unjust in ne way r anther. It is a sign f strength in the face f difficulties. Different frm fear, jy, r anger, cheerfulness isn’t smething that vercmes yu. ____36____ As such, yu can include it int yur life nce yu make the right mental switch. Here are fur ways t d s.
    ◎Acknwledge the difficulties.
    Cheerfulness is an hnest emtin because yu’re nt hiding frm reality. ____37____ Instead, it’s extremely imprtant t be hnest with yurself abut the prblems yu’re facing. Only by first acknwledging that things are tugh will yu be able t find ways t cpe.
    ◎Dn’t fcus n the negative.
    Whether in yur persnal life r in sciety, it’s easy t fcus n what’s ging wrng. But whatever yu fcus n, it grws. If yu decide t fcus n what’s ging wrng, thse prblems will grw in yur mind until they cnsume yu. ____38____
    ◎Be grateful fr what yu have.
    ____39____ Usually, they’re the things we take fr granted until they’re n lnger there, such as gd health, a lving family, r even smething as simple as a beautiful sunrise. Being grateful will shift yur perspective and make it easier t see the silver linings f yur prblems.
    N cheerfulness withut laughter. S yu can watch cmedies, brwse memes, r jke arund with friends. Laughter strengthens yur immune system, bsts yur md, makes yu feel less pain, and prtects yu frm stress. Laughter is cathartic (精神宣泄的) and infectius. Laugh and brighten the rm.
    A. Find yur sense f humr.
    B. Deal with difficulties seriusly.
    C. Fcus n the gd things yu have.
    D. T a large degree, cheerfulness is a chice.
    E. Yu’re nt cvering yur eyes and lking away.
    F. Acknwledge the prblems, but dn’t give them t much attentin.
    G. Being cheerful will make yu see the wrld and yur wn life in a different way.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was the end f the schl day, and I was tired. I grabbed a pile f abut 130 exam papers t ____41____ n the train ride hme. I’d bring them back the next mrning.
    My principal (校长) pushed her head int my classrm and said, “Friendly ____42____! Yu need t make sure yur wrd wall is ____43____ by tmrrw mrning.” She then mved n t the next classrm t ____44____ the message. I sighed and thught, “Are yu making a(n)____45____? What a waste f my time!”
    My principal was ____46____ abut making ur schl beautiful, while my gal was t get my students t pass the Algebra Regents Exam. She wanted every classrm t have a wrd wall, where student’s wrks n creative prjects wuld be ____47____. She brught in beautiful planters (花盆) that ____48____ the hallways with greenery. Hwever, I assume that schl and classrm ____49____ aren’t imprtant when it cmes t learning. T me, spending time and mney making ur schl and classrms beautiful was just a distractin (使人分心的事). Thse things dn’t _____50_____ my students with math.
    Hwever, after three years f teaching, I went t graduate schl in part t study hw resurces _____51_____ teachers and students. What my research fund _____52_____ me: When teachers _____53_____ their classrm envirnment resurces, their students did better n standardized tests. My principal was _____54_____. She was creating mre than just a beautiful _____55_____—she was building a welcming and psitive envirnment fr students t learn and teachers t wrk.
    41. A. distributeB. previewC. gradeD. write
    42. A. reminderB. warningC. trickD. cmment
    43. A. advancedB. frmalC. hiddenD. available
    44. A. cpyB. explainC. repeatD. cllect
    45. A. excuseB. prmiseC. requestD. jke
    46. A. upsetB. curiusC. passinateD. uncertain
    47. A. displayedB. assessedC. exchangedD. plished
    48. A. cnnectedB. blckedC. linedD. cvered
    49. A. lcatinsB. activitiesC. rulesD. appearances
    50. A. impressB. assistC. cnfuseD. challenge
    51. A. affectedB. prtectedC. reflectedD. united
    52. A. annyedB. surprisedC. disappintedD. amused
    53. A. made use fB. set asideC. lked dwn upnD. shwed ff
    54 A. kindB. rightC. patientD. humble
    55. A. bndB. spaceC. sampleD. future
    A wdblck print art exhibitin kicked ff in Guangzhu-based Ji’nan University in the prvincial capital n Nvember 16, ____56____ (prvide) yung students in the Guangdng-Hng Kng-Maca Greater Bay Area with an pprtunity t understand ____57____ great traditinal Chinese art f wdblck watermarks.
    Mre than 220 precius wdblck print artwrks and dzens f histrical ____58____ (dcument) frm the natinal intangible cultural heritage inheritance base f Shizhuzhai, Zhejiang Prvince, will be ____59____ display during the ne-year-lng shw titled “Wdblck Print: The Scenery f Spring and Autumn, Watermark Heavenly Fragrance”, demnstrating Chinese histry and culture.
    Shizhuzhai (Ten Bamb Studi) is an art museum in the Zhejiang prvincial capital f Hangzhu, which was ____60____ (hnrable) added t the Natinal List f Intangible Cultural Heritage f China in 2014.
    Watermark wdblck prints have a histry f mre than 1,200 years. Since their appearance, they ____61____ (regard) as utstanding Chinese artistic treasures ____62____ cmbine technlgy, art, painting and aesthetics, representing the wisdm and ____63____ (creative) f the Chinese peple.
    Lin Rupeng, Party secretary f Ji’nan University, said the exhibitin rganized by the university aims ____64____ (carry) frward traditinal Chinese culture, as well as demnstrate the university’s firm belief in enhancing Chinese culture’s influence.
    “Ji’nan University integrates much _____65_____ (excellence) traditinal Chinese culture int teaching while sparing n effrt t nurture (培养) high-level mdern talents,” he said.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 上周你校组织学生去四川卧龙大熊猫自然保护区参观,请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    1. 活动过程;
    2. 收获与感想。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A Visit t Wlng Giant Panda Nature Reserve
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “N!” screamed Asha as she saw a huge pimple (粉刺) n her nse. She didn’t have time t cver the pimple as she was running late t schl. She ate her breakfast fast, grabbed her bag and caught her schl bus just in time. As sn as she gt n the bus, kids started laughing. Nbdy was willing t let her sit beside them. Even Anita, her best friend, acted a bit differently, which made her mre upset.
    Asha was lst in thught. A new thught ppped in her mind every secnd. Once she thught “Great! I have t wrry abut my pimple as if hmewrk and exams were nt enugh.” The next minute anther thught ppped in her mind.“I am tired f using this face wash. I still wnder hw I agreed t use that thing!” Then suddenly, Mr. Shetty, the bus driver, said, “Asha, d yu want t miss the class?” Asha was s lst in her thught that she did nt even ntice that everybdy had gt ff the bus except her.
    She did nt want t step int the schl campus. She thught, “What will my teachers think? What will my friends think?” After sme time, she gathered curage and entered her class, expecting that she wuld be laughed at. While entering the class, she heard students cmmenting n her pimple. A child laughed, “Lk, smene’s cherry is n her nse! Get it fr me.” She heard sme bys murmuring, “She wuld definitely be chsen as the jker in the dance.”
    It was a very hard day at schl fr her. As sn as she gt hme, she hugged her mther tightly, with tears welling up in her eyes.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Asha tld her mther what she had experienced in the day.
    Asha pened the dr and in came her friend Anita with a bunch f flwers.

    湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试题Word版含解析docx、湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届湖南省衡阳市高三二模英语试题: 这是一份2024届湖南省衡阳市高三二模英语试题,文件包含湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试题docx、英语-湖南高三二模听力文件mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。






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