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    牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Be sportybe healthy导学案及答案

    这是一份牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Be sportybe healthy导学案及答案,文件包含21WelcometotheunitReading教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第二册docx、21WelcometotheunitReading学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第二册docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    知识点01 目标词汇
    1. cngratulatin n.祝贺,恭喜;贺辞;恭贺
    原文:Yu want t start ding exercise? Cngratulatins! Yu have just taken yur first step twards a new and imprved yu!(教材P16)
    a letter f cngratulatin 贺信
    t ffer/send yur cngratulatins t sb 向某人致以祝贺
    cngratulate vt. 祝贺;恭喜;庆贺
    cngratulate sb. n/upn/fr (ding) sth 因(做某事祝贺某人)
    1. I sent a card f ____________(cngratulate) t the newly married cuple.
    2. He has received many letters______ cngratulatin f his birthday.
    3. She cngratulated him _______ the birth f his sn.
    4. ______________(cngratulate) n the success f yur experiment!
    2.assume vt.假定,认为;承担(责任),就(职);呈现,显露
    原文:Mst peple assume that regular exercise des wnders fr the bdy and the minds…. 大多数的人都认为经常锻炼对身心大有益处…。(教材P16)
    (1)assume v. 假定;设想;承担;假装
    assume sb./sth.(t be)+adj./n. 假定/认为某人/某事(为)…
    It is assumed that... 人们认为……
    assuming (that)... 假设……
    (2)assumptin n. 假定,假设
    n the assumptin that... 假定…
    make an assumptin 作出假设
    (2014安徽卷)S, let us assume that histrical buildings are bth attractive and imprtant t the majrity f peple. 所以,我们假设历史建筑对大多数人来说都是有吸引力和重要的。
    (2013江苏卷)When he started, he assumed that signs f the bends wuld be rarer in yunger fssils, reflecting their gradual evlutin f measures t deal with decmpressin. 当他开始研究时,他认为在较年轻的化石中,减压病的迹象会更罕见,这反映了它们应对减压措施的逐渐演变。
    1.His actins were based n a false _________ (assume).
    2._________(assume) he’s still alive, hw ld wuld he be nw?
    3.It is reasnable ____________(assume) that the ecnmy will cntinue t imprve.
    3. tend /tend/ vi.往往会;趋向vt. 照看
    原文:It has als been prven that active peple tend t have better immune systems. 有证据表明,经常锻炼的人往往免疫系统更好。 (教材P16)
    (1)tend t d sth 易于做某事
    tend t/twards sth 有……的趋势;倾向于……
    tend (t) sb./sth照顾/照看某人/某物
    (2)tendency n. 趋势;偏好;倾向
    have a tendency t d (fr) sth 倾向于做……
    (2021全国乙卷)Even sccer fans tend t have a seat each; gne are the days f thusands standing t watch the match. 即使是足球迷也有座位;成千上万的人站着观看比赛的日子一去不复返了。
    (2020浙江卷)Thse wh had held mentally stimulating (刺激), demanding jbs befre retirement tended t d the best n the tests. 那些精神上有激励、退休前要求工作的人往往在测试中表现最好。
    ①When we are under stress, ur bdies ___________ tense up.
    ②When I am tired, I tend_________(make) mistakes.
    ③I have a ____________(tend) t talk t much when I am nervus.
    4. reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/ vt.减少,缩小
    原文:Wrking ut can help yu reduce stress and get ver negative feelings. 锻炼身体能帮助你缓解心理压力,克服负面情绪。(教材P16)
    (1) be reduced/ increased t 减少/ 增加到…
    (2)be reduced/ increased by 减少/ 增加了…
    (3)be reduced t 沦落为
    (4)reductin n. 减少;下降;缩小
    (2021全国乙卷)Vn Wng hpes that his wrk will als help pressure big cmpanies t reduce their plastic ftprint. 冯·王希望他的作品能帮助给大公司施加压力以减少使用塑料。
    (2020天津卷)Fuel cnsumptin culd be reduced as the electric cmpnent is switched n at key parts f the jurney, especially n take-ff and landing. 在飞行的关键时候,特别是起飞和降落时,开启电子元件可以减少燃料消耗。
    ①They ________________ begging in the streets.
    ②The gvernment is aiming at a 50% ________________ in unemplyment.
    range /reɪndʒ/ n.(变动或浮动的)范围,界限,区间;一系列
    原文: … and imprve yur bdy’s range f mvement. …增大肢体活动的幅度。 (教材P17)
    (1)in/ within range f 在… 范围内
    ut f range f 超出…的范围
    a range f 一系列的
    beynd ne’s range f 超出…的范围
    (2)range frm… t… 从…到… 变化
    range between … and … 在… 范围内变动
    (2021全国乙卷)69 Activities (activity) there range frm whale watching t hiking (远足) and accmmdatins aim 70 t have (have) a lw impact n the natural envirnment. 那里的活动包括观鲸、徒步旅行以及住宿安排,其目的是对自然环境的影响较小。
    (2014湖南卷)The FREE squad sessins will include intrductins t a wide range f writing styles, frm petry t play writing and lyrics (抒情诗)t flash fictin, t supprt the develpment f yung writers. 自由队的课程将包括介绍广泛的写作风格,从诗歌到剧本写作,从抒情诗到闪写小说,以支持年轻作家的发展。
    ①The jb encmpasses _________________________.
    ②This was _____________________ his experience.
    energy /ˈenədʒi/ n.能,能量;精力;能源
    原文:Like cars that run n petrl, yur bdy burns carbhydrates fr energy.(教材P17)
    (1)full f energy精力充沛;充满活力
    creative/destructive energies 创造╱毁灭力
    slar/nuclear energy 太阳能;核能
    (2)energetic adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的
    (2020全国卷I)Since lighting is ften far remved frm the pwer surce(电源)--such as the distance frm a pwer plant t street lamps n a remte highway--a lt f energy is lst during transmissin(传输).Glwing plants culd reduce this distance and therefre help save energy. 由于照明通常离电源很远——比如从发电厂到偏远公路上的路灯的距离——在传输过程中会损失很多能量。 发光植物可以缩短这段距离,因此有助于节约能源。
    (2020天津卷)A battery, even a lithium ne, nly prvides 250 watt-hurs per kilgram; cmpare this t liquid fuel, which has a specific energy f 11, 890 watt-hurs per kilgram. 一块电池,即使是锂电池,每公斤只能提供250瓦时;与液体燃料相比,液体燃料的比能是11,890瓦特时每公斤。
    7. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ n.平均水平,一般水平 adj.平均的;典型的
    原文:In general, yu shuld have yur meal an average f 105 t 2.5 hurs befre exercising. 一般情况下,应该在锻炼之前一个半到两个半小时进食。(教材P17)
    an average f 平均是…
    n (the/an) average 平均;普通,通常
    abve the average 在一般水平(或平均数)以上
    belw the average 在一般水平(或平均数)
    (2021浙江卷)Tday’s children spend an average f fur and a half hurs a day lking at screens, split between watching televisin and using the Internet. 现在的孩子平均每天花四个半小时看屏幕,一半时间看电视,一半时间上网。
    (2020江苏卷)Then, n tw separate mrning visits t the scientists’ lab, each man walked fr an hur at an average speed that, in thery, shuld allw his bdy t rely mainly n fat fr fuel. 然后,在科学家实验室的两次早晨访问中,每个人都以平均速度走了一个小时,从理论上讲,这种速度可以让他的身体依靠脂肪提供能量。
    ①The bats remain at sea fr _______________ ten days at a time.
    ②What des _______________ sitting in the auditrium lk like?
    ③________________, snw falls n Helvellyn 67 days per year.
    8.make up fr弥补,补偿
    原文:Remember t drink thrughut exercise t make up fr water lst fr sweat. 锻炼过程中别忘了喝水,以弥补出汗消耗的水分。(教材P17)
    ①Dctrs battled thrughut the night t save the patient’s life. 医生们奋战了整个晚上来抢救病人的生命。
    ②China exprts its prducts t markets thrughut the wrld. 中国把产品出口到世界各地的市场。
    ③After all the delays, we were anxius t make up fr lst time. 耽搁了这么久,我们急着想弥补失去的时间。
    ①Muslims ___________ 55% f the ppulatin.
    ②All these pinins ____________, and cnsequently it is hard t chse the best f them.
    ③I ____________ the wds!
    ④This is especially imprtant as it will _____________ the value f slving the prblems.
    9.prevent /prɪˈvent/ vt.阻止,阻碍
    原文:T prevent sft tissue injury…. 为避免软组织受伤…。(教材P17)
    (1)prevent (ding) sth 阻止(做)某事
    prevent sb/ sth (frm) ding sth 阻止某人/ 某物做某事
    (2)preventin n. 预防;阻止
    (2020新高考I卷)Fllw all rules carefully t prevent disqualificatin. 遵守所有规则,以免被取消资格。
    ①We hpe t ________________________ happening.
    ②___________________ had t be given mre prminence.
    10. lack /læk/ n.缺乏,匮乏,短缺 vt. & vi.没有,缺乏,不足,短缺
    原文:…their lack f exercise during weekdays. … 他们在工作日缺乏锻炼。(教材P19)
    (1)lack sth 缺乏某物
    lack fr sth 需要某物
    (2) fr lack f sth因为缺乏某物
    a lack f 缺乏某物
    (3)lacking adj. 缺乏的,不足的;缺失的
    be lacking in sth缺乏某物
    (2020天津卷)I have never knwn an utstanding man wh lacked either. And I have never knwn an average man wh had bth.
    (2014福建卷)Strange as it may seem, if yu’re unsatisfied, the issue is nt a lack f means t meet yur desires but a lack f desires—nt that yu cannt satisfy yur tastes but that yu dn’t have enugh tastes.
    ①The nly thing we __________________ is time.
    ②The prject had t be abandned due t _________________ gvernment funding.
    知识点02 重点句型
    1. 原文: the first thing t cnsider is what yu expect t imprve…. 首先要考虑的是你想要提升哪方面。 (教材P17)
    本句中 “the first”是序数词,修饰“thing”,当中心词是序数词或被序数词、形容词最高级,the next, the nly, the last等修饰时,常用不定式作后置定语。
    ①I'll be the first ne t admit it: I dn't like wrking hard.
    ②He was amng the last t leave.
    (1)In my family,my mther is always the first ne (get up).
    (2)He is always the first staff (g) t the ffice and the last (leave),which I think is why he is prmted s quickly.
    (3)Jhn is said t be the nly yung teacher (prmte) t prfessr in yur university this year.据说约翰是今年你们大学唯一已经晋级教授的年轻教师。
    题组A 基础过关练
    1.N ____ (惊奇) Albert Einstein is an utstanding and respectable scientist!
    2.Later that mnth it was________ (宣称) that natinal and state-level electins wuld be held in Punjab in mid-June.
    3.He cut ff the electricity quickly, which __________(阻止) an accident.
    4.In the very middle f the schl yard stands the teaching building that ____ (延伸) fr ne hundred and fifty meters.
    5.The new rad will________ (减少)traffic thrugh the twn by 30%.
    6.We shuld always keep it in mind that it is everyne's respnsibility t ____ (维持) the image f ur mtherland.
    7.The schl has just________ (更新)all its cmputer equipment.
    8.Old tree ____ (根) are the best place t lean n and rest.
    9.There will be an increase in the ____ (范围) f 0 t 3 percent.
    10.Many bdy ____ (运动) can represent actins like pening a dr, r rwing a bat.
    11.Try talking t different cmmunity members, ________ (range) frm yuths t senirs.
    12.Fllwers feel________ (energy), cnfident, and never mre alive.
    13.The envirnmental________ (mve)has been trying t preserve ur natural resurces.
    14.Once yu have it prepared, yu must stick ________it and fllw it faithfully.
    15.The cld weather has prevented residents________(g)ut, causing the decline in the number f custmers at the shpping mall.
    16.________average, each f the eight mst expensive vilins that Hannah tested cst mre than $8,000.
    17.It's wrrying t see the________(reduce)in the number f the wildlife in my hmetwn with the develpment f ecnmy.
    18.Take it easy. Peple tend________(make)mistakes when ding things in a hurry.
    19.This is the best running equipment because it can nt nly make running mre cmfrtable but als prevent________(injure).
    20.We planned a weekend trip t enjy the lveliness f the fall based n the________(assume) that the weather was gd.
    21.The real truble lies in their lack________ cnfidence in their abilities.
    22.Althugh________(lack)the supprt f the banks, Mike managed t save his cmpany with the help f his friends.
    23.Different English prgrams ranging________ dancing________ musicals were displayed.
    24.There is a widespread________(tend) that mre and mre yung peple chse nline shpping rather than g t real stres t buy what they like.
    25.He sent her a nte f________(cngratulate)n her electin victry.
    题组B 能力提升练
    Last night was the last game fr my eight-year-ld sn's sccer team. It was the quarter final. The scre was tw t ne, my sn's team in the lead. Parents surrunded the playgrund, ffering encuragement.
    With less than ten secnds remaining, the ball suddenly rlled in frnt f my sn's teammate Mickey O"Dnnel. With shuts f "Kick it!" eching acrss the playgrund, Mickey turned arund and gave it everything he had. All arund me the crwd erupted (突然发出). He had scred!
    Then there was silence. Mickey had scred all right, but in the wrng gal, ending the game in a tie. Fr a mment there was a deathly hush. Yu see, Mickey has Dwn syndrme (唐氏综合征)and fr him there is n such thing as a wrng gal. All gals were celebrated by a jyus hug frm Mickey. He had even been knwn t hug the ppsing players when they scred.
    The silence was finally brken when Mickey, his face filled with jy, hugged my sn tightly and shuted, "I scred! I scred! Everybdy wn! Everybdy wn!" Fr a mment I held my breath, nt sure hw my sn wuld react. I need nt have wrried. I watched, thrugh tears, as my sn threw up his hand in the classic high-five salute and started chanting, "Way t g Mickey! Way t g Mickey!" Within mments bth teams surrunded Mickey, jined in the chant and cngratulated him n his gal.
    Later that night, when my daughter asked wh had wn, I smiled as I replied, "It was a tie. Everybdy wn."
    26.What des the underlined wrd "hush" in Paragraph 3 mean?
    27.What did the authr wrry abut when Mickey scred and hugged his sn?
    A.The result wuld disappint his sn.
    B.His sn wuld shut at Mickey fr his gal.
    C.Mickey wuld again hug the ppsing players.
    D.The ppsite team wuld laugh at Mickey's gal.
    28.What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A.Bth teams liked and respected Mickey.
    B.Bth teams were thankful fr Mickey's gal.
    C.Mickey didn't mind whether his gal was wrng.
    D.Mickey was a kind-hearted by and hped everybdy wn.
    29.What is the authr's purpse f this passage?
    A.T tell a jke t make readers laugh.
    B.T suggest we shuld nt mind lsing.
    C.T shw enjying a game is mre imprtant than winning a game.
    D.T present his sn's fine quality f understanding thers.
    If it really is what’s n the inside that cunts, then a lt f thin peple might be in truble.
    Sme dctrs nw think that the internal fat surrunding imprtant rgans like the heart r liver culd be as dangerus as the external fat which can be nticed mre easily.
    “Being thin desn’t surely mean yu are nt fat”, said Dr. Jimmy Bell at Imperial Cllege.
    Since 1994, Bell and his team have scanned nearly 800 peple with MRI machines t create “fat maps” shwing where peple stre fat.
    Accrding t the result, peple wh keep their weight thrugh diet rather than exercise are likely t have majr depsits f internal fat, even if they are slim.
    Even peple with nrmal Bdy Mass Index scres can have surprising levels f fat depsits inside. Of the wmen, as many as 45 percent f thse with nrmal BMI scres (20 t 25) actually had t high levels f internal fat. Amng men, the percentage was nearly 60 percent.
    Accrding t Bell, peple wh are fat n the inside are actually n the edge f being fat. They eat t many fatty and sugary fds, but they are nt eating enugh t be fat. Scientists believe we naturally stre fat arund the belly first, but at sme pint, the bdy may start string it elsewhere.
    Dctrs are unsure abut the exact dangers f internal fat, but sme think it has smething t d with heart disease and diabetes (糖尿病). They want t prve that internal fat damages the bdy’s cmmunicatin systems.
    The gd news is that internal fat can be easily burned ff thrugh exercise r even by imprving yur diet. “If yu want t be healthy, there is n shrtcut. Exercise has t be an imprtant part f yur lifestyle, ” Bell said.
    30.What is this passage mainly abut?
    A.Thin peple may be fat inside.
    B.Internal fat is f n imprtance.
    C.Internal fat leads t many diseases.
    D.Thin peple dn’t have diabetes.
    31.Dctrs have fund ________.
    A.the exact dangers f internal fat
    B.being slim is nt dangerus at all
    C.internal fat is the cause f heart disease
    D.being slim desn’t mean yu are nt fat inside
    32.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A.Internal fat leading t disease has been prved.
    B.Thin peple usually have internal fat even if they are slim.
    C.It is easier t burn ff internal fat than external fat.
    D.Exercise plays an imprtant rle in peple’s life fr keeping healthy.
    33.What des the underlined wrd “shrtcut” in the last paragraph mean?
    A.A lng rad.
    B.A gd diet.
    C.A clear difference.
    D.A shrt distance.
    题组C 培优拔尖练
    D yu want t start exercising? 34. (cngratulatin)! Yu are sure t benefit a lt 35. it. T start with, physical activity 36. (increase) the efficiency f yur heart and lungs. In additin, it has been prven that active peple tend t have better immune systems and are at 37. (lw) risk f diseases. Mrever, 38. (wrk)ut can help yu reduce stress, get ver negative feelings, and imprve certain brain functins. T help yu exercise 39. (prper), there are several tips. First, make sure 40. yu expect t imprve: heart and lung efficiency, muscle 41.(strng) r flexibility. Then stick with activities yu enjy. Secnd, eat right fd t meet different needs f yur bdy. When 42.(eat) is als f great imprtance. Dn't frget t drink thrughut exercise. Last but nt least, wear prper clthes and equipment when exercising t prevent injury. Warming up befre exercising and stretching at the end f yur wrkut 43.(be) gd ways t avid getting hurt.
    1. __________ n. 祝贺,恭喜;贺词;恭贺 __________vt. 祝贺;恭喜;庆贺
    2. __________vt. 假定,认为;承担责任;就职;呈现;显露 __________n. 假定;设想;担任;采取 __________cnj. 假设
    3. __________ vi. 往往会;趋向 vt. 照看 __________n. 倾向,趋势;癖好
    4. __________ n.病;疾病
    5. __________ adv. 此外;而且
    6. __________ vt. 减少;缩小 __________n. 减少;下降;缩小 __________ v./ n. 增加;提高
    7. __________ n. 常规;惯例 adj. 常规的;例行的;乏味的
    8. __________ n. 肌肉;肌
    9. __________ n. 体操;体操训练 __________n. 健身房;体育;体育馆 __________adj. 体操的,体育的
    10. __________ vt. & vi. 伸展,舒展;拉长;伸出;(使)延伸
    11. __________ n. 范围,界限;区间;一系列
    12. __________ n. 活动,转动;移动,运动
    13. __________ n. 能,能量;精力;能源 __________adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的
    14. __________ n. 蛋白质
    15. __________ n. 平均水平;一般水平 adj. 平均的;典型的
    16. __________ prep. 自始至终,各处,遍及
    17. __________ n. 汗水 v. 流汗
    18. __________ n. 伤害;损伤 __________vt. 伤害,损害 __________adj. 受伤的;受损害的
    19. __________vt. 阻止,阻碍 __________n. 预防;阻止;妨碍 __________adj. 可预防的;可阻止的;可防止的
    20. __________ n.设备;配备;装备 __________vt. 装备,配备
    21. __________n. 缺乏,不足v. 缺乏,不足,没有;短缺 __________adj. 缺乏的,不足的;缺失的,有缺陷的
    22. __________vt. 维持;维护;保养 __________adj. 可维持的 __________n. 维护,维修;保持
    1.______________________ 在… 有共同之处
    2. ______________________ 强身健体
    3. ______________________ 阻止某人做某事
    4. ______________________ 创造奇迹;产生神奇作用
    5. ______________________ 长期
    6. ______________________ 倾向,往往会
    7. ______________________ 克服消极情绪
    8. ______________________ 某人有可能做某事
    9. ______________________ 持续,坚持
    10. _____________________ 非常重要
    11. _____________________ 弥补;补偿
    1.序数词修饰名词+t d 作后置定语
    make sure 确信;证实
    make up 弥补;组成;化妆;整理
    make full/gd use f 充分利用
    make the mst f充分利用
    make a difference 有影响,有关系
    make ut 理解;辨认出;说明;填写;设法应付
    make fr 导致;有助于;走向
    make it获得成功
    make sense 讲得通 ; 有意义 ; 有道理 ; 言之有理
    make clear 澄清 ; 弄清楚 ; 表明 ; 说明

    英语必修 第二册Unit 3 Festivals and customs学案设计: 这是一份英语必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4008509_t4/?tag_id=42" target="_blank">Unit 3 Festivals and customs学案设计</a>,文件包含31WelcometotheunitReading教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第二册docx、31WelcometotheunitReading学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第二册docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    高中英语牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第二册Unit 1 Lightscameraaction!学案: 这是一份高中英语牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4008507_t4/?tag_id=42" target="_blank">Unit 1 Lightscameraaction!学案</a>,文件包含11WelcometotheunitReading教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第二册docx、11WelcometotheunitReading学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第二册docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

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