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    The fllwing jbs are expected t be in high demand in 2023.Clicking n the "Find jbs" link will take yu t the list f current jb pstings and help yu make career chices.
    Nurse Practitiner
    Average hurly wage: ﹩ 56.00
    Nurse practitiners can perfrm many f the tasks that dctrs d,such as creating treatment plans fr patients and managing medical recrds.The big difference is that nurse practitiners cannt prescribe medicatins in mst states.T becme a nurse practitiner,yu will need a graduate degree in nursing alng with the apprpriate licenses fr the states in which yu wrk.
    Data Scientist
    Average hurly wage: ﹩ 52.00
    Frm car rental cmpanies t telecmmunicatin businesses,data scientists analyze the infrmatin t figure ut the best ways fr their businesses t be mre successful.The jb duties include identifying what types f business and custmer data are wrth gathering,then checking whether the infrmatin is accurate.It's a big jb that generally requires eight wrking hurs a day and prfessinal skills in mathematics.
    Web Develper
    Average hurly wage: ﹩ 38.00
    Mst peple rely n the Internet t stay infrmed and cnnected with ur cmmunities.Web develpers make sure thse sites functin prperly while als updating them t include new functins that make them easier t use.Mst f the wrk can be dne remtely,which is favred by yung peple.
    Average hurly wage: ﹩ 20.00
    Maybe it's the ppularity f viral dance vides n TikTk that brings abut the increasing demand in recent years.In additin t instructing trainees and perfrming n the stage and in the film,they wrk n smaller events such as weddings and ther family gatherings.N degree is necessary t wrk in this field,but yu will need sme training and rhythm.
    1.Hw much will a data scientist get per day n average? ______
    A. ﹩ 52.B. ﹩ 56.C. ﹩ 416.D. ﹩ 448.
    2.Which ne is suitable fr thse wh prefer t wrk frm hme? ______
    A. Data scientist.B. Web develper.
    C. Chregrapher.D. Nurse practitiner.
    3.What d we knw abut chregraphers? ______
    A. They can earn at least ﹩ 20 per hur.
    B. They need t get a degree befre wrk.
    C. They make mney by making dance vides.
    D. They are gaining ppularity wing t scial media.
    "Why?" It's a simple questin that peple ask Angela Madeline frequently.After all,she began a jurney that very few peple wuld ever attempt:walk arund the wrld alne.
    The thught f Madeline's jurney did nt start frm a place f lss r persnal crisis.She said, "I was searching fr a deeper interactin with nature and peple."Walking wuld minimize her carbn ftprint,plus the slw pace meant that she culd fully immerse herself in nature,and gain insights int ther cultures in a unique way.
    She left her hmetwn f Bend,Oregn,n 2 May 2016 and headed int an adventure.Alng the way,Madeline wuld suffer frm heatstrke(中暑) in the Australian desert and hear gunshts while camping in Turkey. "Still,"she said,"I didn't stp because I was mre afraid f nt fllwing my heart than I was f lsing everything I wned and lved."
    Apart frm that,her slw pace allwed her t be drawn deeply int ther cultures.She wandered the tiny sea side villages alng Italy Tyrthenian Sea,enjying the lively atmsphere.In Vietnam,she was invited and ffered fd by an elderly wman t rest in her wden shack at the peak fr the night.She chse an experience f uncertainty and curisity,in search f smething she culd never be certain t find:a sense f fulfillment and a deeper cnnectin.
    On 16 December 2022,Madeline's pilgrimage (朝圣之旅) ended right where it started.Fr nw,she's wrking n a bk,planning future jurneys and creating mre effective ways fr wmen t find and express curage in their lives.
    Whether a walk leads halfway arund the wrld r just dwn the rad,Madeline has shwn the true wrth f slwing dwn and giving mre than we receive alng the way.
    4.Why did Madeline decide t start her jurney? ______
    A. T get clser t the wrld.B. T reduce carbn ftprint.
    C. T get rid f persnal crisis.D. T slw dwn the pace f life.
    5.What can we knw abut Madeline during the jurney? ______
    A. She was abut t give up.
    B. She was helped by Italian lcals.
    C. She experienced varius cultures.
    D. She enjyed Australian castal scenery.
    6.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Madeline? ______
    A. Cautius and gentle.B. Tugh and adventurus.
    C. Ambitius and generus.D. Open-minded and humrus.
    7.What's this text mainly abut? ______
    A. A new way t slw dwn life.
    B. A clser cnnectin with the wild.
    C. An unfrgettable memry f a trip.
    D. A wman walking arund the wrld.
    Accents are a sign f belnging and smething that separates cmmunities.Yet we can prbably think f peple wh seem t have lst their accent and f thers whse accent stays firmly in place.Given the persnal and scial imprtance f hw smene speaks,why wuld anyne's accent change?
    A cnscius r subcnscius desire t fit in can influence the way yu speak.If smene mves frm Australia t America t wrk,fr example,they will prbably at least change their accent in rder t get a better sense f belnging. This may be ut f a need r desire t be mre clearly understd and t be accepted in a new cmmunity.They might als want t avid ridicule fr the way they speak.
    Fr peple whse accent s d shift,the way they speak may be less imprtant t their sense f identity,r their identity with a scial r prfessinal grup may be mre pressing.Even befre we are brn,we are expsed t the speech patterns f thse arund us.We prgress thrugh varius stages f speech develpment that result in us having speech patterns similar t thse arund us.
    Fr thers whse accent des nt seem t change,it culd be because they feel safe in their identity,and their accent is much part f that identity—— r that keeping the difference is valuable t them.
    Meanwhile,brain damage may result in freign accent syndrme (FAS),which results frm physical changes that are nt under the speaker's cntrl.Suffering frm FAS,speakers may lse the ability t speak at all r experience strange changes in the way they prnunce.In sme cases,listeners might lk dwn upn a persn with FAS as they believe them t be freigners.It's n wnder many peple uncnsciusly prtect themselves by adapting their speech t thse arund them.
    8.What des the underlined wrd"This"in Paragraph 2 refer t? ______
    A. The desire t fit in.B. The change f career.
    C. The adjustment f accents.D. The influence n language.
    9.What makes peple chse t change their accents? ______
    A. The result f brain damage.
    B. Their strng sense f identity.
    C. Their desire t learn abut lcals.
    D. The need t adapt t new envirnment.
    10.What can we knw abut the peple suffering frm FAS? ______
    A. They may be taken as freigners.
    B. They can nt help making a sund.
    C. They suffer frm emtinal changes.
    D. They may change accents t gain respect.
    11.What's the authr's purpse in writing this text? ______
    A. T explain the lss f accents.
    B. T intrduce the histry f accents.
    C. T analyze why accents are lst r kept.
    D. T shw the significance f accent changes.
    Sme big scientific discveries aren't actually discvered but brrwed.That's what happened when scientists discvered prteins frm an unlikely lender:green algae(绿藻),whse cells are decrated with prteins that can sense light.
    The light-sensing prtein prmised the pwer t cntrl neurns(神经元) by prviding a way t turn them n and ff.Such ability,first nticed in 2002,quickly caught the attentin f brain scientists:Nerve cells which were genetically engineered t prduce such prteins becme light-cntrlled.A flash f light culd cause a quiet neurn t send signals r frce an active neurn t fall silent. "This is the light sensr that we needed," says Zhu-Hua Pan,a scientist searching fr a way t cntrl visin cells in mice's eyes.The methd is nw called ptgenetics(光遗传学).
    In Pan's lab,light-respnsive prtein s restred visin in mice with damaged eyesight,a finding that has nw led t a medical test n peple.Optgenetics' prmise wasn't clear in early days,as scientists were first learning hw t use these prtein s in neurns. "At that time,n ne expected that this ptgenetic wrk wuld have such a huge impact,"Pan says.
    The algae's light sensrs have been adpted fr use in cuntless brain research fields.Talia,anther scientist,uses ptgenetics t study cnnectins between cells in the muse brain.The methd allws her t cmb the relatinships between cells that prduce and respnd t dpamine(多巴胺),which might help uncver details abut mtivatin and learning.
    S far,ptgenetics research has taken place mstly in mice.But findings int mre cmplex brains like human brain may sn be cnfirmed. "We are definitely n the tip f uncvering sme fascinating principles f the human brain,such as hw the brain transfrms signals frm the eyes int perceptins, " says Yasmine f Clumbia University.
    N matter what happens next in this swiftly mving field,ne thing is certain:Brain scientists will be frever in the algae's debt.
    12.What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut? ______
    A. The rigin f neurns.B. The discvery f green algae.
    C. The varieties f neurns.D. The inspiratin frm green algae.
    13.What can we learn frm Pan's research? ______
    A. Damaged eyesight is likely t be restred.
    B. The findings are used t cure brain diseases.
    C. Relatinships between cells have been fund.
    D. The light-sensing prtein is the key t the brain.
    14.What's Yasmine's attitude twards the future f her research? ______
    A. Cautius.B. Cnfident.C. Critical.D. Unclear.
    15.Which sectin is this text mst prbably taken frm? ______
    A. Health.B. Btany.C. Figure.D. Inventin.
    Hw d yu express gratitude in yur everyday life?Fr me,it smetimes feels wrrying:hand-writing hundreds f thank yu cards after an anniversary,r making sure t eat every last bite n my plate s my grandma wuldn't think I was ungrateful fr the meal.(1) ______ Here are sme tips abut hw t be better at shwing gratitude.
    Start a gratitude jurnal r write a letter.Make it a habit t put dwn the things that yu're thankful fr.(2) ______ There's als sme evidence that it culd lwer yur risk f heart disease and symptms f depressin fr sme peple.Think f smene in yur life wh yu have nt had the chance t thank.Think f a specific instance when they helped yu.Then,it's a gd idea t send them a letter.(3) ______
    ( 4) ______ Lk arund in yur immediate space,and take ntice f everything that makes up yur envirnment:the sky,the cl wind,the warmth f yur sweater.The act f simply nticing and naming things is a great way t stretch yur gratitude muscle as well as btain sme clarity n the strength f all the unique cnnectins in yur life.
    Bear in mind the difference between saying"thanks t"and"thanks fr".Being grateful "fr" smething can be a little unclear r general.(5) ______ It encurages specificity and reminds yu f yur cnnectin with and respnsibility t that persn r thing.
    A.Stretch yur gratitude muscle.
    B.Ntice the wrld surrunding yu.
    C.Better still,deliver it in persn and read it t them.
    D.A habitual gratitude jurnal will certainly benefit us.
    E.But experts say it desn't have t be that cmplicated.
    F.In fact,this habit reduces materialism and enhances genersity.
    G.Being grateful "t"smething r smene implies a direct relatinship.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    When Kellie Barker welcmed her third child int the wrld,she nticed he behaved differently.Baby Oscar wuldn't wave r say"mama",and he'd(1) ______ hurt himself.
    Then at the age f tw,Oscar was diagnsed with autism (自闭症) and later extreme anxiety and ADHD(多动症).But that didn't(2) ______ the parents' lve fr him.(3) ______ ,they just regard being parents f an autistic child as"the mst challenging but(4) ______ jb".
    "Oscar is severely autistic and strngly(5) ______ by his nerve system.He can be in a very anxius state when he wakes up fr n reasn,and he prefers t see peple in(6) ______ mds," Kellie explained.T create a better(7) ______ fr Oscar,Kellie and Brendan always have t(8) ______ jyfully.They ften sing t each ther t prve they are happy and when there is(9) ______ ,they even quarrel in a high-pitched sing-sng vice.
    "Oscar(10) ______ us every day.He has a(11) ______ fr languages and he can nw speak Spanish,Russian and Krean, "Kellie said.
    But strangers haven't always been s(12) ______ — when Oscar was yung,ne man saw him and said, "I'd give him a(13) ______ if he were my child."
    ( 14) ______ by the negative feedback,Kellie(15) ______ her wn clthing cmpany,which prduces T-shirts printed with slgans like "be kind,I have autism" t(16) ______ peple that the kids need(17) ______ .The clthes are nw ppular amng thusands f families with autistic children.
    "Autism is a beautiful thing.Our little by wakes up mst days(18) ______ like it's Christmas mrning.I believe we are heading twards a(19) ______ in perspective(看法) and we still need t wrk tgether twards a cmmn gal f greater(20) ______ and understanding,"Kellie said.
    21.A. evenB. stillC. neverD. again
    22.A. strengthenB. changeC. shwD. return
    23.A. InsteadB. BesidesC. TherefreD. Hwever
    24.A. attractiveB. rewardingC. flexibleD. thrilling
    25.A. mtivatedB. discuragedC. affectedD. scared
    26.A. psitiveB. cnfidentC. seriusD. strange
    27.A. chanceB. methdC. atmsphereD. scene
    28.A. wrkB. perfrmC. behaveD. play
    29.A. dubtB. regretC. bredmD. disagreement
    30.A. amazesB. annysC. entertainsD. tricks
    31.A. tasteB. giftC. memryD. use
    32.A. surprisedB. curiusC. pickyD. kind
    33.A. hugB. handC. respnseD. lessn
    34.A. DefeatedB. GuidedC. InspiredD. Impressed
    35.A. tk verB. handed dwnC. set upD. gave away
    36.A. teachB. remindC. prmiseD. warn
    37.A. treatmentB. trustC. cmmunicatinD. care
    38.A. cnfusedB. cncernedC. relaxedD. excited
    39.A. cnclusinB. shiftC. differenceD. mistake
    40.A. acceptanceB. cmpanyC. cmpetitinD. cperatin
    41.This year has seen many events in Chinese film industry.Hwever,the launch f the Yuku nn-barrier cinema is f special(1) ______ (significant).Accrding t reprts,anyne with a visual disability can register and enjy all the nn-barrier films in the nline cinema euvre(全部作品).
    It shuld be nted that there are ver 17 millin peple(2) ______ (suffer) frm visual disabilities in China alne.It's really hard fr us t imagine the disappintment(3) ______ the visually disabled peple wh knw there is a new film but can't watch it.
    That's why barrier-free films(4) ______ (appear),namely bradcasting the riginal film in a hall,(5) ______ a speaker explains its stryline t the visually disabled audience at the same time.Hwever,it's always(6) ______ (easy) said than dne.Funds are needed t rent a hall big enugh(7) ______ (supprt) audiences and wrk needs t be dne t infrm the targeted audiences.Therefre,mst dmestic barrier-free film studis are nn-prfitable.
    ( 8) ______ new media technlgies have made it pssible fr peple with visual disabilities t enjy the shw,a barrier-free cinema hall culd nly supprt abut 300 audiences at the mst.But a barrier-free film nline culd(9) ______ (hear) by maybe 3 millin.That enables mre f the visually disabled cmmunity t enjy films and enrich their(10) ______ (day) lives.
    删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。
    Like ther natural disaster,hurricanes can strike in many places.Thus,n matter where yu live in,yu may be at risk.As a matter f fact,whether it's first time yu've weathered a strm,r yu've grwn up in a hurricane area,knw hw t prepare fr a hurricane is quite imprtant.It usually mean the difference between majr destructin r minr wind damage.T stay safely during hurricanes,yu'd better planned ahead.Fr example,yu can sign up fr fld insurance,check the rf,putting away the utdr items and s n.The hurricane-prep tips will give them peace f mind when the disaster strikes.
    43.假定你是李华,你的外国笔友 Frank想要提高中文写作水平,向你寻求建议。请给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
    (1)词数 100左右;
    Dear Frank,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】(1)数字计算题。根据原文Data Scientist部分中的关键句Average hurly wage: ﹩ 52.00(平均时薪:﹩ 52),和最后一句It's a big jb that generally requires eight wrking hurs a day and prfessinal skills in mathematics.(这是一项大工作,通常需要每天八个小时的工作时间和数学专业技能。)可知一个数据科学家平均每天能得到52*8=416美元。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据原文Web Develper部分中的Mst f the wrk can be dne remtely,which is favred by yung peple.(大部分工作都可以远程完成,这受到了年轻人的青睐。)可知Web develper适合那些喜欢在家工作的人。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据原文Chregrapher(编舞师)部分中的Maybe it's the ppularity f viral dance vides n TikTk that brings abut the increasing demand in recent years.(也许是TikTk上病毒式舞蹈视频的流行带来了近年来日益增长的需求。)可知由于社交媒体,编舞师越来越受欢迎。故选D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文章第二段She said, "I was searching fr a deeper interactin with nature and peple."Walking wuld minimize her carbn ftprint,plus the slw pace meant that she culd fully immerse herself in nature,and gain insights int ther cultures in a unique way.(她说,"我在寻找与自然和人类更深层次的互动。"步行可以最大限度地减少她的碳足迹,加上缓慢的节奏意味着她可以完全沉浸在大自然中,并以独特的方式了解其他文化。)可知玛德琳决定开始她的旅程,以更接近世界。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章第四段Apart frm that,her slw pace allwed her t be drawn deeply int ther cultures(除此之外,她缓慢的步伐让她深深地被其他文化所吸引)可知梅德琳在旅途中体验了各种文化。故选C。
    (3)观点态度题。根据文章第三段she said,"I didn't stp because I was mre afraid f nt fllwing my heart than I was f lsing everything I wned and lved."(她说,"我没有停下来,因为我更害怕的是不跟随自己的内心,而不是失去我所拥有和热爱的一切。")可知玛德琳坚韧而富有冒险精神。A.Cautius and gentle.谨慎又温柔的;B.Tugh and adventurus.坚韧而富有冒险精神的;C.Ambitius and generus.雄心勃勃,慷慨大方的;D.Open-minded and humrus.豁达幽默的。故选B。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据文章第一段 "Why?" It's a simple questin that peple ask Angela Madeline frequently.After all,she began a jurney that very few peple wuld ever attempt:walk arund the wrld alne.("为什么?"这是人们经常问安吉拉•玛德琳的一个简单问题。毕竟,她开始了一段很少有人会尝试的旅程:独自环游世界。)可知短文主要讲述了一个女性独自环游世界的故事。因此本文的主旨大意是D.A wman walking arund the wrld.(一个环游世界的女人)。故选D。
    【解析】(1)代词指代题。根据文章第二段If smene mves frm Australia t America t wrk,fr example,they will prbably at least change their accent in rder t get a better sense f belnging. This may be ut f a need r desire t be mre clearly understd and t be accepted in a new cmmunity.(例如,如果有人从澳大利亚搬到美国工作,为了获得更好的归属感,他们可能至少会改变自己的口音。这可能是出于在新的社区中被更清楚地理解和接受的需要或愿望。)可知this代指的是"口音的调整"。A.The desire t fit in.融入的欲望;B.The change f career.职业的转变;C.The adjustment f accents.口音的调整;D.The influence n language.对语言的影响。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据文章第二段A cnscius r subcnscius desire t fit in can influence the way yu speak(有意或无意的合群愿望会影响你说话的方式)可知适应新环境的需要使得人们选择改变他们的口音。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段In sme cases,listeners might lk dwn upn a persn with FAS as they believe them t be freigners(在某些情况下,听众可能会瞧不起患有FAS的人,因为他们认为他们是外国人。)可知患有FAS的人可以被视为外国人。故选A。
    (4)目的意图题。根据文章第一段Accents are a sign f belnging and smething that separates cmmunities.Yet we can prbably think f peple wh seem t have lst their accent and f thers whse accent stays firmly in place.Given the persnal and scial imprtance f hw smene speaks,why wuld anyne's accent change?(口音是归属感的标志,也是区分社区的东西。然而,我们可能会想到那些似乎失去了口音的人,以及那些口音还在的人。考虑到一个人说话方式对个人和社会的重要性,为什么会有人改变口音呢?)可知本文主要讲述了口音的变化原因。因此A.T explain the lss f accents.(解释口音的消失)是本文的写作目的。故选A。
    【解析】(1)段落大意题。根据文章第二段Nerve cells which were genetically engineered t prduce such prteins becme light-cntrlled.A flash f light culd cause a quiet neurn t send signals r frce an active neurn t fall silent. "This is the light sensr that we needed," says Zhu-Hua Pan(通过基因工程产生这种蛋白质的神经细胞变成了光控的。一道闪光可以让一个安静的神经元发出信号,或者迫使一个活跃的神经元陷入沉默。"这就是我们需要的光传感器,"潘卓华说)可知第二段主要讲绿藻的启发。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章第三段 In Pan's lab,light-respnsive prtein s restred visin in mice with damaged eyesight,a finding that has nw led t a medical test n peple.(在潘的实验室中,光响应蛋白质恢复了视力受损小鼠的视力,这一发现现已导致在人身上进行医学试验。)可知根据潘的研究,受损的视力有可能得到恢复。故选A。
    (3)观点态度题。根据文章倒数第二段"We are definitely n the tip f uncvering sme fascinating principles f the human brain,such as hw the brain transfrms signals frm the eyes int perceptins, " says Yasmine f Clumbia University.(哥伦比亚大学的亚斯敏说:"我们无疑即将揭示人类大脑的一些令人着迷的原理,例如大脑如何将来自眼睛的信号转化为感知。")可知雅斯敏对她研究的未来充满信心。A.Cautius.谨慎的;B.Cnfident.自信的;C.Critical.批评的;D.Unclear.不清楚的。故选B。
    (4)文章出处题。根据文章最后一段N matter what happens next in this swiftly mving field,ne thing is certain:Brain scientists will be frever in the algae's debt.(无论这个快速发展的领域接下来会发生什么,有一件事是肯定的:大脑科学家将永远欠海藻的债。)可知短文主要讲述了科学家们如何从绿藻中发现了能感知光的蛋白质,并利用这些蛋白质进行神经元的控制。说明本文是关于发明创造的。A.Health.健康;B.Btany.植物学;C.Figure.人物;D.Inventin.发明。故选D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句Hw d yu express gratitude in yur everyday life?Fr me,it smetimes feels wrrying:hand-writing hundreds f thank yu cards after an anniversary,r making sure t eat every last bite n my p late s my grandma wuldn't think I was ungrateful fr the meal(你在日常生活中如何表达感激之情?对我来说,这有时会让我感到担忧:在一周年纪念日后亲手写上数百张感谢卡,或者确保晚餐时候吃完我盘子里的最后一口食物,这样我奶奶就不会认为我对这顿饭不感恩了);以及后句Here are sme tips abut hw t be better at shwing gratitude(以下是一些关于如何更好地表达感激之情的提示),可知表示"但专家表示,事情不必那么复杂"的选项E可以承接前文介绍自己表达感恩方式,引出后文介绍更为简单的感恩方式,故选E。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句Start a gratitude jurnal r write a letter.Make it a habit t put dwn the things that yu're thankful fr(写一本感恩日记或写一封信。养成把你感激的事情写下来的习惯),可知表示"一本习惯性的感恩日记肯定会对我们有益"的选项D可以承接前文写一本感恩日记的话题,介绍写一本感恩日记的好处,故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据前句Think f smene in yur life wh yu have nt had the chance t thank.Think f a specific instance when they helped yu.Then,it's a gd idea t send them a letter(想想你生活中没有机会感谢的人。想想他们帮助你的具体例子。然后,给他们写信是个好主意),可知表示"更好的做法是,亲自交给他们,并读给他们听"的选项C可以承接前文给要感谢的人写信的建议,构成递进关系---亲自交给他们,并读给他们听,故选C。
    (4)主题判断题。根据后句Lk arund in yur immediate space,and take ntice f everything that makes up yur envirnment:the sky,the cl wind,the warmth f yur sweater(环顾你的周围空间,注意构成你周围环境的一切:天空、凉爽的风、毛衣的温暖),可知表示"注意你周围的世界"的选项B可以作为本段的主题---注意周围的世界,故选B。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句Bear in mind the difference between saying"thanks t"and"thanks fr".Being grateful "fr" smething can be a little unclear r general(请记住说"对说谢谢"和"因为说谢谢"之间的区别。对某事表示感激可能有点不清楚或笼统),可知表示"对某事或某人心存感激意味着一种直接的关系"的选项G可以承接前文"thanks t"and"thanks fr"的介绍,和fr呼应,这里介绍t,故选G。
    【解析】(1)考查副词及语境理解。A.even甚至;B.still仍然;C.never绝不;D.again再次。根据上句Baby Oscar wuldn't wave r say"mama"可知小奥斯卡不会挥手或说"妈妈",他甚至会伤到自己。故答案为A。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.strengthen加强;B.change改变;C.shw展示;D.return回来。根据后文They ften sing t each ther t prve they are happy and when there is(9),they even quarrel in a high-pitched sing-sng vice.可知他们经常互相唱歌来证明他们是幸福的,当有分歧时,他们甚至会用高亢的歌声争吵。说明这并没有改变父母对他的爱。故答案为B。
    (3)考查副词及语境理解。A.Instead相反;B.Besides除了;C.Therefre因此;D.Hwever然而。根据上句Then at the age f tw,Oscar was diagnsed with autism (自闭症) and later extreme anxiety and ADHD(两岁时,奥斯卡被诊断患有自闭症,后来又患有极度焦虑和多动症)和下句they just regard being parents f an autistic child as"the mst challenging but(4)jb(他们只是认为作为自闭症儿童的父母是"最具挑战性但却有回报的工作"。)可知前后句是相反的。故答案为A。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.mtivated激励;B.discuraged使气馁;C.affected影响;D.scared吓唬。根据上句Oscar is severely autistic可知奥斯卡患有严重的自闭症,并受到他的神经系统的强烈影响。故答案为C。
    (6)考查形容词及语境理解。A.psitive积极的;B.cnfident自信的;C.serius严重的;D.strange奇怪的。根据下句T create a better(7)fr Oscar,Kellie and Brendan always have t(8)jyfully.可知为了给奥斯卡创造一个更好的氛围,凯利和布伦丹总是要表现得很开心。。说明他更喜欢看到人们情绪积极。故答案为A。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.chance机会;B.methd方法;C.atmsphere气氛;D.scene场景。根据下句Kellie and Brendan always have t(8)jyfully.可知凯利和布伦丹总是要表现得很开心。说明是为了给奥斯卡创造一个更好的氛围,故答案为C。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.wrk工作;B.perfrm表现;C.behave举止;D.play玩。根据下句They ften sing t each ther t prve they are happy可知他们经常互相唱歌来证明他们是幸福的。说明凯利和布伦丹总是要表现得很开心。故答案为C。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.dubt怀疑;B.regret后悔;C.bredm乏味;D.disagreement不同意。根据下句they even quarrel in a high-pitched sing-sng vice.可知他们甚至会用高亢的歌声争吵。说明他们有分歧。故答案为D。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.amazes使惊讶;B.annys使生气;C.entertains娱乐;D.tricks欺骗。根据下句He has a(11)fr languages and he can nw speak Spanish,Russian and Krean可知他有语言天赋,现在能说西班牙语、俄语和韩语。说明他使我们非常惊讶。故答案为A。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.taste口味;B.gift天赋;C.memry记忆;D.use使用。根据空后fr languages and he can nw speak Spanish,Russian and Krean可知他有语言天赋,现在能说西班牙语、俄语和韩语。故答案为B。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.surprised惊讶的;B.curius好奇的;C.picky挑剔的;D.kind善良的。根据下句when Oscar was yung,ne man saw him and said, "I'd give him a(13)if he were my child."可知当奥斯卡年轻的时候,一个男人看到他,说:"如果他是我的孩子,我会给他一个教训。"说明陌生人并不总是这么友好。故答案为D。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.hug拥抱;B.hand手;C.respnse回复;D.lessn课。根据前文Then at the age f tw,Oscar was diagnsed with autism (自闭症) and later extreme anxiety and ADHD可知两岁时,奥斯卡被诊断患有自闭症,后来又患有极度焦虑和多动症。说明如果他是我的孩子,我会给他一个教训。故答案为D。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.Defeated打败;B.Guided指导;C.Inspired鼓励;D.Impressed留下印象。根据下句The clthes are nw ppular amng thusands f families with autistic children.可知这种衣服现在在成千上万有自闭症儿童的家庭中很受欢迎。说明受到负面反馈的启发,凯利建立了她自己的服装公司生产印有"善待他人故答案为C。
    (15)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.tk ver接管;B.handed dwn传下来;C.set up建立;D.gave away赠与。根据空后her wn clthing cmpany,which prduces T-shirts printed with slgans like "be kind可知凯利建立了她自己的服装公司生产印有"善待他人,故答案为C。
    (16)考查动词及语境理解。A.teach教;B.remind提醒;C.prmise许诺;D.warn警告。根据空后the kids need(17)可知凯利建立了她自己的服装公司生产印有"善待他人,我有自闭症"等标语的t恤,以提醒人们孩子们需要关爱。故答案为B。
    (17)考查名词及语境理解。A.treatment治疗;B.trust信任;C.cmmunicatin交流;D.care关心。根据下句The clthes are nw ppular amng thusands f families with autistic children.可知这种衣服现在在成千上万有自闭症儿童的家庭中很受欢迎。说明自闭症的孩子们需要关爱。故答案为D。
    (18)考查形容词及语境理解。A.cnfused困惑的;B.cncerned关心的;C.relaxed放松的;D.excited兴奋的。根据空后like it's Christmas mrning可知我们的小男孩大部分时间都兴奋地醒来,就像圣诞节的早晨一样。故答案为D。
    (19)考查名词及语境理解。A.cnclusin总结;B.shift切换,转变;C.difference不同;D.mistake错误。根据下句we still need t wrk tgether twards a cmmn gal f greater(20)and understanding可知我们仍然需要为更大的接受和理解这一共同目标而共同努力。说明我相信我们正朝着观念的转变前进,故答案为B。
    (20)考查名词及语境理解。A.acceptance接受;B.cmpany公司;C.cmpetitin比赛;D.cperatin合作。根据下句The clthes are nw ppular amng thusands f families with autistic children.可知这种衣服现在在成千上万有自闭症儿童的家庭中很受欢迎。说明我们仍然需要为更大的接受和理解这一共同目标而共同努力。故答案为A。
    本文是一篇记叙文。短文主要讲述了Kellie Barker的儿子Oscar被诊断出患有自闭症、极度焦虑和多动症,但父母对他的爱没有改变。
    【小题7】t supprt
    【小题9】be heard
    (3)考查介词。句意:我们真的很难想象那些知道有新电影但却看不下去的视障人士的失望。结合句意可知,the disappintment与the visually disabled peple之间是所属关系,故此处用介词f,故填f。
    (7)考查动词不定式。句意:需要资金来租用一个足够大的大厅来支持观众,还需要为目标观众提供信息。enugh t d表示"足够做某事",故填t supprt。
    (9)考查语态。句意:但一部无障碍的在线电影可能会有300万人观看。结合句意可知,主语a barrier-free film nline与hear之间是被动关系,且空前有can,故填be heard。
    42.【答案】Like ther natural disaster,hurricanes can strike in many places.Thus,n matter where yu live in,yu may be at risk.As a matter f fact,whether it's ∧ first time yu've weathered a strm,r yu've grwn up in a hurricane area, knw hw t prepare fr a hurricane is quite imprtant.It usually mean the difference between majr destructin r minr wind damage.T stay safely during hurricanes,yu'd better planned ahead.Fr example,yu can sign up fr fld insurance,check the rf, putting away the utdr items and s n.The hurricane-prep tips will give them peace f mind when the disaster strikes.
    (4)考查动名词。句意:事实上,无论是你第一次经历风暴,还是你在飓风区长大,知道如何为飓风做准备是非常重要的。句中缺少主语,要用动名词短语knwing hw t prepare fr a hurricane作主语。故knw改为knwing。
    (6)考查固定搭配。句意:它通常意味着严重破坏和轻微风害的区别。between ..."在……与……之间",是固定搭配。故r改为and。
    (8)考查动词原形。句意:为了在飓风期间保持安全,你最好提前计划。had better"最好",后接动词原形。故planned改为plan。
    (9)考查谓语动词。句意:例如,你可以报名参加洪水保险,检查屋顶,收起户外物品等等。sign up fr fld insurance,check the rf,put away the utdr items是并列谓语,在情态动词can后都用动词原形。故putting改为put。
    43.【答案】Dear Frank,
    I'm srry t hear that yu're having truble imprving yur Chinese writing.I'm mre than glad t ffer yu sme suggestins.(写信目的)
    T begin with,a gd way t imprve wiring is t read ther peple's articles.If yu read plenty f gd Chinese articles,yu will learn hw skillful writers use Chinese t express themselves and present infrmatin in an excellent way.【高分句型一】Thus,yu can imprve yur ability t use the language.Additinally,yu shuld imprve yur writing by practicing.Keeping a diary is a wise chice.It is natural that the beginners make mistakes while writing. 【高分句型二】But dn't wrry.Finding ut why yu made the mistakes will help yu avid the same mistakes and enable yu t write better.(提出建议)
    I hpe that/Hpefully,the advice wuld be helpful t yu.(表达祝愿)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:If yu read plenty f gd Chinese articles,yu will learn hw skillful writers use Chinese t express themselves and present infrmatin in an excellent way.
    高分句型二:It is natural that the beginners make mistakes while writing.

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