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    Whether yu're in high schl r cllege,there are many pprtunities at parks and ffices acrss the cuntry t dnate yur time and services.Fllwing are sme vlunteer pprtunities that yu culd take up.
    Interpretatin Language Translatr,Mandarin and Cantnese
    Address:Glden Gate Natinal Recreatin Area,San Francisc,Califrnia
    Descriptin:We are seeking the help f a native Chinese translatr/speaker t help translate signs at ur Pint Bnita lighthuse t traditinal Chinese fr Cantnese and Mandarin speaking visitrs t ur park.Vlunteers will be wrking frm a Ggle Dcument prvided by the vlunteer supervisr with the assciated English text.
    Qualificatins:Patience;Organized;Attentin t detail;Advanced written and spken prficiency in English,Mandarin,and Cantnese;Access t Cmputer and cmputer sftware.
    Mark Twain Lake Memrial Visitr Center Attendant
    Address:Mark Twain Lake,Highway J Mnre City,Missuri
    Descriptin:Lking fr utging individuals with prfessinal attitude t greet visitrs,prvide custmer service,answer phnes,issue Annual Passes and assist with a small bkstre/ nature stre tasks.
    Qualificatins:Outging persnality;prfessinal attitude;gd cmmunicatin skills;basic cmputer skills;willing t wrk with team.
    Wild Wednesday Assistant
    Time:6/ 1/2023-8/31/2023
    Address:Tamarac Natinal Wildlife Refuge,Cunty Highway 26,Rchert,Minnesta
    Descriptin:The purpse f the Wildlife Wednesday prgram is t enhance a yung child's visit t the refuge thrugh a ne hur hands-n nature explratin activity during the summer seasn.The activity cnsists f a stry,craft,hike r the mvement activity which may incrprate dance and music.
    Qualificatins:gd interpersnal cmmunicatin and cmputer skills;passinate abut cnnecting yung children t nature;basic knwledge and understanding f eclgy,wildlife and plants.
    Please click Vlunteer.gv t learn mre abut current pprtunities near yu.
    1.What d vlunteers at Mark Twain Lake need t d? ______
    A. Tell stries abut wildlife prtectin t children.
    B. Translate signs frm English t Chinese and Mandarin.
    C. Greet visitrs,prvide custmer service and answer phnes.
    D. Attend the mvement activity incrprating dance and music.
    2.What d the three vluntary jbs have in cmmn? ______
    A. Cmputer skills are needed.
    B. They are all lcated in Califrnia.
    C. Vlunteers can wrk frm April t Octber.
    D. Vlunteers ught t g t thse places in persn.
    3.Where can the text be fund? ______
    A. In a travel brchure.B. On the website.
    C. In a magazine.D. In an advertisement.
    Richard Brwning has been attracted by flight ever since his father tk him int the hills t fly gliders (滑翔机).He has certainly been an adventurer.Richard tk it upn himself t develp his wn jet suit and began t experiment with sme f his friends.He made quick prgress.In 2017,he felt cnfident enugh t start a cmpany called Gravity Industries that culd make jet suits.It tk 15 mnths t develp the very first ne.
    Five very small jet engines are built int the jet suit.These are pwered by kersene(煤油).Tw engines are lcated n the pilt's arms and ne is placed n the back.Each engine weighs less than tw kils and can prduce 22 kils f thrust(推力).
    The pilt is able t cntrl the directin and speed f the flight.He des this by small mvements f the arms which require hurs f practice.One wrng mve and yu culd end up falling t the grund.Richard is nt nly in charge f his cmpany;he is als the chief test pilt.He has spent hurs and hurs perfecting the crrect mves t create a perfect flight.He was able t enter the Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds in 2017 when he became the fastest man in a jet suit and flew at 51 kilmetres per hur.Since then,he has presented his jet suit at 60 events in 20 different cuntries arund the wrld.Mre recently,he flew alngside Brightn Pier n the suth cast f England at 136 kilmetres per hur!
    The bjective f Richard's cmpany has been t build a suit which members f the public can buy.The first went n sale in a department stre in 2018 fr £340,000.If yu want t jet arund yur wn hmetwn,it's time t start saving—r t wrk fr Richard Brwning.
    4.What d we knw abut Richard? ______
    A. He was absrbed in flight.
    B. He is n stranger t misfrtune.
    C. He is slw in making up his mind.
    D. He started his cmpany with his father.
    5.What can be inferred abut Richard's jet suit? ______
    A. It is easy t cntrl.B. It is quite lightweight.
    C. It cnsists f tw engines.D. It leads the wrld in its field.
    6.What des Richard expect f the jet suit accrding t the last paragraph? ______
    A. It'll be much faster.
    B. It'll save mre energy.
    C. It'll reach rdinary custmers sn.
    D. It'll ease his hmetwn's heavy traffic.
    7.What can we learn frm Richard's stry? ______
    A. Being gd is different frm being great.
    B. He wh makes n mistakes makes nthing.
    C. One cannt succeed withut time and practice.
    D. Luck,talent and friendship help t achieve success.
    Tday, different nline exercise prgrams are challenging the cncept f traditinal fitness mdels. Gyms and health clubs are n lnger limited t "the fur walls". Digital extensins f traditinal fitness are appearing, and t reach as many peple as pssible, the fitness industry is expanding its bundaries thrugh virtual(虚拟的) fitness and accepting the latest scientific findings and technlgical advancements in health technlgy.
    Exergames(运动游戏) are a cmbinatin f physical exercise and digital games. Nw, fun and fitness are cmbined in varius digital gaming prducts, like Wii Fit Plus, Fitness Evlved, and Kinect Sprts. What's mre, health technlgy is ften built using principles f neurscience, a science fcused n studying the brain. Fitness Evlved, fr example, fcuses n stress and hw yu react t different stressrs. This prgram helps yu feel less threatened by targeting yur specific stressrs and then adjusting based n yur interactin with the app.
    Nw there are a lt f smart exergames, ne f which is BunAlng. This nline vide platfrm cmbines the advantages f having a human instructr with the perks f practicing in the cmfrt f yur wn hme. The platfrm lets users cnnect with whever makes them feel mst mtivated—their favrite gym instructrs r friends wh might be living n the ppsite side f the cuntry. A wide variety f prgrams are ffered thrugh the platfrm, as well as different effrt levels, s everyne can find smething that suits their level f fitness.
    Anther example is Zwift, an nline multiplayer vide game based n indr cycling. It allws yu t jin an nline cycling grup that includes members frm ver 150 cuntries. BitGym is als a smart virtual fitness app. As yu train, yu're given beautiful virtual scenery t lk at, cmplete with natural sunds and lcatin-specific facts. Fr this app, all yu need t d is place yur smartphne r tablet n yur sprts machine.
    8.What is the purpse f mentining Fitness Evlved in Paragraph 2?
    A. T shw hw health technlgy is built.
    B. T explain what exergames actually are.
    C. T prve the ppularity f digital prducts.
    D. T give a skill f managing stress in sprts.
    9.What des the underlined wrd "perks" in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Ways.B. Benefits.C. Chances.D. Prblems.
    10.In which exergame are yu expsed t virtual natural beauty?
    A. Kinect Sprts.B. BurnAlng.C. Zwift.D. BitGym.
    11.What des the authr think f exergame prducts?
    A. They are the best in imprving health.
    B. They cst users a great deal f mney.
    C. They bring certain cnvenience t users.
    D. They suit peple f varius age grups.
    It is presently harvest (收获) seasn fr Christian Nacht Wey,wh perates an apple farm,r rchard,in the western German twn f Gelsdrf.Besides apples,Nacht Wey's farm als prduces a secnd harvest:electricity.Many f the farm's trees grw under slar panels (太阳能电池板) that have been prducing pwer during this year's unusually sunny summer.Putting slar equipment n the same land as crps is becming increasingly ppular in Eurpe and Nrth America.Farmers are finding that this methd can make the mst f their land,while creating a secnd way t earn mney.
    But getting the right mix f crp and slar is difficult.Mst fruit requires specific grwing cnditins.Even small changes in the envirnment can harm crps and cause mney lsses.Even if the fruit survives (幸存),it might turn the wrng clr r be less sweet and may be difficult t sell.
    Fr these reasns,Nacht Wey is wrking with researchers t test which kinds f apples d well under a slar cver.Fr testing purpses,Nacht Wey cvered sme f his trees with a traditinal netting material.It is nrmally used t prtect sensitive (敏感的) crps frm serius weather events.
    Juergen Zimmer is an expert with the area's agricultural services department.He tld the AP that apples grwn under the slar cvers were a little less sweet this year than thse under the nets.But almst n slar-shaded apples gt damaged (损害) in the strng sunlight that hit the area n July 24.In the nn-shaded grup,abut 18 percent f apples suffered sun damage that day,Zimmer said.Researchers hpe the tests will shw that fruit crps perfrm well under slar panels.This culd help prevent renewable energy prductin frm cmpeting fr valuable agricultural land.That cmpetitin has becme an increasing questin as the need fr renewable energy increases t fight climate change and rising fd prices.
    12.What des the authr try t tell us in paragraph 2? ______
    A. The methd f the test.
    B. The disadvantage f slar panels.
    C. The difficulty f grwing crps.
    D. Sme reasns fr the test in the farm.
    13.What are netting materials usually used t d? ______
    A. Test what apples are suitable fr a slar cver.
    B. Examine why sme crps are sensitive t heat.
    C. Keep sme crps frm being damaged by terrible weather.
    D. Speed up the grwth f apples.
    14.What is Juergen Zimmer's attitude t using the slar cvers? ______
    A. Dubtful.B. Supprtive.C. Unclear.D. Uncaring.
    15.What can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. German Farmer Grws Fruit under Slar Pwer Equipment
    B. Researchers Find Out New Way t Prduce Renewable Energy
    C. Slar Energy Culd Play Big Part in Valuable Agricultural Land
    D. Increasingly Ppular Way f Operating Orchard Amng German Farmers
    It's estimated that families in the UK create mre than six millin tnnes f fd waste each year.With fd prices rising,it's a gd time t becme a fd-waste fighter.Nt nly will it save mney,it is gd fr the envirnment.After all,grwing,packaging and transprting fd uses a lt f Earth's resurces such as energy and water.(1) ______
    First,it's a gd idea t find ut just hw much fd ges int yur rubbish can.Keep a diary and nte dwn the fds that get thrwn mst ften,and why.
    Planning meals fr the week can save time and mney.(2) ______ .Bananas that are brwn and sft can be baked int banana bread at the weekend.Ptates and carrts last a lng time if kept in a cl,dark place.
    Cking the crrect size helps t.Weigh ut pasta r nice yu need befre yu ck it.Befre yu pile yur plate,check hw hungry yu are.(3) ______
    It's hard t keep track f fd that's gne t the back f the fridge.Yu culd label a shelf an"Eat me first'' spt fr anything that has been there fr a while.(4) ______ .Yu can freeze leftvers in a sealed cntainer fr anther day.But heat any leftvers put in a fridge thrughly befre eating.
    ( 5) ______ .Sme UK supermarkets have taken "best befre" dates ff fruit and vegetables.This can encurage peple t use their nse and eyes t wrk ut if smething is still fine t eat.Dn't frget t update yur diary t see hw much change yu can make.
    A.Finally,use yur senses.
    B.At last,ask an adult t help.
    C.Yur freezer is anther way t save fd.
    D.Meat frm a Sunday rast culd g int sandwiches n Mnday.
    E.This may prevent yu frm leaving fd because yu're t full.
    F.Read the instructin carefully t make sure that yu use it prperly.
    G.Here are sme simple tips that can help yu becme fd-waste fighters.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    When my sister Diane began playing the vilin,she was seven.Hw did she sund?Terrible.But she didn't (1) ______ .At twelve,she asked ur parents if she culd(2) ______ a full-time music schl.They said n.Actually,everyne agreed that my sister(3) ______ talent.
    I was better at my(4) ______ .My teacher had tld my parents that I had great(5) ______ .S my parents fund the best pian teacher in the area t(6) ______ me.But the nly time he was(7) ______ was Saturday afternns at 3 then,I was(8) ______ abut the British TV shw The Avengers,which was(9) ______ every Saturday at 3 p.m.I let nthing take up my The Avengers hur.S I(10) ______ this amazing pprtunity.Tday,I dn't even have a(11) ______ in my huse.
    My sister became an engineer,but she(12) ______ stpped making music.When she was in her 40s,she switched(13) ______ .She went back t cllege,gt a(n)(14) ______ in music educatin,and became a music teacher.She starts kids ff n their first instrument and gives them all the encuragement and supprt she never(15) ______ .
    Recently,she and a pianist pal put n a recital.A big crwd f friends and families(16) ______ fr her.As she played,I lked arund at the(17) ______ .Everyne was(18) ______ enjying the music.It ccurred t me that I was the nly persn wh remembered that 7-year-ld kid making thse(19) ______ sunds and knew hw far she had cme,despite everything.
    Talent is imprtant.But(20) ______ is even mre imprtant.
    21.A. advanceB. quitC. reflectD. listen
    22.A. inspectB. penC. attendD. visit
    23.A. lackedB. spttedC. pssessedD. admired
    24.A. majrB. prjectC. cmpsitinD. instrument
    25.A. patienceB. wisdmC. ptentialD. ambitin
    26.A. trainB. examineC. crrectD. challenge
    27.A. successfulB. skillfulC. ccupiedD. available
    28.A. sensitiveB. crazyC. seriusD. particular
    29.A. filmedB. designedC. bradcastD. cmmented
    30.A. jumped atB. turned dwnC. waited frD. pened up
    31.A. tutrB. vilinC. musicianD. pian
    32.A. neverB. nceC. alreadyD. even
    33.A. attitudesB. careersC. plansD. psitins
    34.A. schlarshipB. vlunteerC. degreeD. assistant
    35.A. prvidedB. imaginedC. receivedD. expected
    36.A. picked upB. tk upC. stayed upD. turned up
    37.A. studentsB. audienceC. sceneD. platfrm
    38.A. bviuslyB. desperatelyC. apprpriatelyD. anxiusly
    39.A. amazingB. pleasingC. awfulD. pwerful
    40.A. enthusiasmB. creativityC. curisityD. intelligence
    41.Ec-anxiety refers t anxiety r wrry abut the eclgical threats facing the earth.Ec-anxiety is nt cnsidered t be a mental health cncern.Rather,it(1) ______ (see) as a typical reactin t the grwing awareness f the prblems(2) ______ (result)-frm climate change and ther glbal threats.
    Anxiety is a nrmal human experience and mst peple experience anxiety(3) ______ sme degree.Ec-anxiety is ne frm f anxiety,but it is generally cnsidered nrmal(4) ______ (have) fears abut the future f the wrld,(5) ______ (particular)in light f mre recent research revealing the damaging effects f climate change.
    As with all types f anxiety,self-care can be(6) ______ effective tl fr managing ec- anxiety .Self-care invlves getting adequate rest,keeping a nutritius diet,and engaging in regular physical activity.Thse experiencing ec-anxiety may als fine it(7) ______ (help) t take breaks frm technlgy in rder t pursue varius nature- riented and relaxing(8) ______ (hbby)such as yga and gardening.
    Besides,spending time in nature and ding prjects t imprve the planet's utcme,t the extent f ne's(9) ______ (able) t help,may als prvide significant benefit.Starting recycling prjects in the hme r cmmunity,learning hw t make wrm gardens,and picking up trash in the neighbrhd are als(10) ______ can make a difference.
    42.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Last Sunday ur schl rganized muntain climbing activity,whse purpse was t inspire us students t taking mre utdr exercise.Hundreds f students tk part in it.Having gathered at the Xiangshan Park at 8 :00,they set ut fr the tp in high spirits.Alng the way we enjy the beautiful scenery,chatting with each ther happy.If sme peple fell behind,thers wuld cme and lent them a hand,such as carrying their bags r making them feel encuraging.After abut tw and a half hur,we all reached the tp,where we jumped and cheered with jy.The activity benefited t us a lt.Nt nly did we get sme exercise,and als we prmted the friendship.
    参考词汇:现场手工比赛an n-site craft cmpetitin 创新的innvative
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Mark Twain Lake Memrial Visitr Center Attendant中句子Descriptin:Lking fr utging individuals with prfessinal attitude t greet visitrs,prvide custmer service,answer phnes,issue Annual Passes and assist with a small bkstre/ nature stre tasks. (工作描述:寻找性格外向、态度专业的人员迎接访客,提供客户服务,接听电话,发放年卡,并协助完成小型书店/自然商店的任务。)可知,马克吐温湖的志愿者需要迎接访客,提供客户服务和接听电话。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Interpretatin Language Translatr,Mandarin and Cantnese中句子Access t Cmputer and cmputer sftware. (使用计算机和计算机软件。)Mark Twain Lake Memrial Visitr Center Attendant中的"basic cmputer skills(基本的计算机操作技能。)和Wild Wednesday Assistant中句子gd interpersnal cmmunicatin and cmputer skills.(良好的人际沟通能力和计算机操作能力。)可知,这三种志愿工作共同之处在于都需要计算机技能。故选A。
    (3)文章出处题。根据最后一段Please click Vlunteer.gv t learn mre abut current pprtunities near yu. (请点击Vlunteer.gv了解更多你身边的机会。)可推断,在网站上可以找到这篇文章。A.In a travel brchure在旅游手册中;B.On the website在网站上;C.In a magazine在杂志中;D.In an advertisement在广告中。故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Richard Brwning has been attracted by flight ever since his father tk him int the hills t fly gliders (滑翔机).He has certainly been an adventurer.Richard tk it upn himself t develp his wn jet suit and began t experiment with sme f his friends.(自从理查德•布朗宁的父亲带他到山上驾驶滑翔机以来,他就被飞行所吸引。他无疑是个冒险家。理查德亲自开发了他自己的飞行服,并开始和他的一些朋友一起试验。)可知理查德专注于飞行。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段He was able t enter the Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds in 2017 when he became the fastest man in a jet suit and flew at 51 kilmetres per hur.Since then,he has presented his jet suit at 60 events in 20 different cuntries arund the wrld.(2017年,他以每小时51公里的速度飞行,成为世界上最快的喷气式飞机驾驶员,从而进入了吉尼斯世界纪录。从那时起,他已经在全球20个不同国家的60个活动中展示了他的喷气服。)可知理查德的飞行服在该领域处于世界领先地位。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段The bjective f Richard's cmpany has been t build a suit which members f the public can buy.(理查德公司的目标是制造一种公众可以购买的服装。)可知根据最后一段,理查德对喷气服的期望是普通顾客很快就能买到。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据第一段Richard Brwning has been attracted by flight ever since his father tk him int the hills t fly gliders (滑翔机).He has certainly been an adventurer.Richard tk it upn himself t develp his wn jet suit and began t experiment with sme f his friends.(自从理查德•布朗宁的父亲带他到山上驾驶滑翔机以来,他就被飞行所吸引。他无疑是个冒险家。理查德亲自开发了他自己的飞行服,并开始和他的一些朋友一起试验。)以及根据第三段The pilt is able t cntrl the directin and speed f the flight.He des this by small mvements f the arms which require hurs f practice.One wrng mve and yu culd end up falling t the grund.Richard is nt nly in charge f his cmpany;he is als the chief test pilt.He has spent hurs and hurs perfecting the crrect mves t create a perfect flight.(飞行员能够控制飞行的方向和速度。他通过手臂的微小运动来做到这一点,这需要几个小时的练习。走错一步,你就有可能摔倒在地。理查德不仅负责他的公司,他还是首席试飞员。他花了好几个小时来完善正确的动作,以创造一个完美的飞行)可知我们能从理查德的故事中学到没有时间和实践,一个人不可能成功。故选C。
    本文主要介绍了Richard Brwning的飞行冒险经历以及他开发喷气背包的过程。Richard Brwning在2017年成立了Gravity Industries公司,该公司可以制造喷气背包。喷气背包内置了五个小型喷气发动机,由煤油提供动力。飞行员可以通过手臂的微小动作来控制飞行的方向和速度。Richard Brwning不仅是公司的负责人,还是首席试飞员,他花了很多时间来完善正确的动作。他曾以每小时51公里的速度飞行,进入了吉尼斯世界纪录。他的公司的目标是建造一款公众可以购买的喷气背包。第一款喷气背包于2018年在一家百货商店以34万英镑的价格上市。
    1. 根据第二段health technlgy is ften built using principles f neurscience, a science fcused n studying the brain可知,提到Fitness Evlved的目的是展示健康技术是如何建立的。故选A。
    2. 根据该单词所在句的practicing in the cmfrt f yur wn hme可知,此处指在自己家里舒适练习的“好处”。故选B。
    3. 根据最后一段BitGym is als a smart virtual fitness app. As yu train, yu're given beautiful virtual scenery t lk at可知,能够接触到了虚拟的自然美是BitGym这款运动游戏。故选D。
    4. 根据倒数第二段中A wide variety f prgrams are ffered thrugh the platfrm, as well as different effrt levels, s everyne can find smething that suits their level f fitness. (该平台提供了各种各样的项目,以及不同的努力水平,因此每个人都可以找到适合自己健康水平的东西)可知,作者认为运动游戏的产生给用户带来了一定的便利。故选C。
    【解析】(1)段落大意题。由文章第二段But getting the right mix f crp and slar is difficult.Mst fruit requires specific grwing cnditins.Even small changes in the envirnment can harm crps and cause mney lsses.Even if the fruit survives,it might turn the wrng clr r be less sweet and may be difficult t sell.(但是要把农作物和太阳能正确地结合起来是很困难的。大多数水果都需要特定的生长环境。即使环境的微小变化也会损害作物并造成经济损失。即使水果存活下来,它也可能会变成错误的颜色或不那么甜,可能很难出售。)以及第三段的Fr these reasns,Nacht Wey is wrking with researchers t test which kinds f apples d well under a slar cver.(出于这些原因,Nacht Wey正在与研究人员合作,测试哪种苹果在太阳能罩下生长得更好。)可知作者在第二段想告诉我们在农场进行测试的一些原因。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。由文章第三段的Fr testing purpses,Nacht Wey cvered sme f his trees with a traditinal netting material.It is nrmally used t prtect sensitive (敏感的) crps frm serius weather events.(为了测试目的,Nacht Wey用传统的网状材料覆盖了他的一些树木。它通常用于保护敏感作物免受恶劣天气事件的影响。)可知网状材料通常用来防止一些农作物被恶劣天气破坏。故选C。
    (3)观点态度题。由文章最后一段的He tld the AP that apples grwn under the slar cvers were a little less sweet this year than thse under the nets.But almst n slar-shaded apples gt damaged in the strng sunlight that hit the area n July 24.In the nn-shaded grup,abut 18 percent f apples suffered sun damage that day,Zimmer said.Researchers hpe the tests will shw that fruit crps perfrm well under slar panels.(他告诉美联社,今年在太阳罩下种植的苹果比在网下种植的要甜一点。但在7月24日袭击该地区的强烈阳光下,几乎没有被太阳遮蔽的苹果受损。Zimmer说,在没有遮阳的那一组中,大约18%的苹果当天受到了阳光的伤害。研究人员希望这些测试将表明水果作物在太阳能电池板下表现良好。)可知在太阳罩下种植苹果对苹果有好处,Juergen Zimmer对使用太阳能罩的态度是支持的。故选B。
    (4)标题判断题。由文章大意以及第一段中It is presently harvest seasn fr Christian Nacht Wey,wh perates an apple farm,r rchard,in the western German twn f Gelsdrf.Besides apples,Nacht Wey's farm als prduces a secnd harvest:electricity.Many f the farm's trees grw under slar panels that have been prducing pwer during this year's unusually sunny summer.(对于克里斯蒂安•纳赫特•韦来说,现在是收获的季节,他在德国西部的盖尔斯多夫镇经营着一家苹果农场。除了苹果,纳赫特•韦的农场还收获了第二种东西:电力。农场的许多树木都生长在太阳能电池板下,在今年异常晴朗的夏天,太阳能电池板一直在发电。)可知,文章主要讲的是在太阳能设备下种植农作物。所以以A.German Farmer Grws Fruit under Slar Pwer Equipment(德国农民在太阳能设备下种植水果),作为题目最合适。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前文 It's estimated that families in the UK create mre than six millin tnnes f fd waste each year.With fd prices rising,it's a gd time t becme a fd-waste fighter.Nt nly will it save mney,it is gd fr the envirnment.After all,grwing,packaging and transprting fd uses a lt f Earth's resurces such as energy and water(据估计,英国家庭每年产生超过600万吨的食物浪费。随着食品价格的上涨,现在是成为一名食物浪费斗士的好时机。这不仅可以节省资金,而且对环境有益。毕竟,种植、包装和运输食物需要大量地球资源,如能源和水),以及后文介绍的减少食物浪费的方法,可知表示"以下是一些简单的技巧,可以帮助你成为食物浪费斗士"的选项G可以承接前文食物浪费的话题,引出后文介绍的减少食物浪费的方法,故选G。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句Planning meals fr the week can save time and mney(为一周计划膳食可以节省时间和金钱),可知表示"星期天烤肉剩下的肉,在星期一可以做成三明治"的选项D可以承接前文,举例说明为一周计划膳食的具体做法,故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据前句Befre yu pile yur plate,check hw hungry yu are(在你把盘子堆起来之前,检查一下你有多饿),可知表示"这可能会防止你因为你太饱而剩下一些食物"的选项E可以承接前文,构成因果关系,因为提前设置好食物的量,所以不会剩下食物,故选E。
    (4)推理判断题。根据后句Yu can freeze leftvers in a sealed cntainer fr anther day(你可以把剩菜放在密封容器里冷冻一天),可知表示"你的冰箱是另一种节省食物的方法"的选项C符合语境,后句具体介绍用冰箱节省食物的做法,故选C。
    (5)主题判断题。根据后文Sme UK supermarkets have taken "best befre" dates ff fruit and vegetables.This can encurage peple t use their nse and eyes t wrk ut if smething is still fine t eat.Dn't frget t update yur diary t see hw much change yu can make(一些英国超市已经取消了水果和蔬菜的"最佳食用日期"。这可以鼓励人们用鼻子和眼睛来判断一些东西是否还可以吃。别忘了更新你的日记,看看你能做多少改变),可知表示"最后,运用你的感官"的选项A可以作为本段的主题,建议用鼻子和眼睛来判断一些东西是否还可以吃,故选A。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.advance前进;B.quit放弃;C.reflect反思;D.listen听。句意:但她没有放弃。根据上文"Hw did she sund?Terrible"可知她弹得糟糕,but表示转折,即她不放弃,故选B。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.inspect检查,视察,参加;B.pen开办;C.attend上学;D.visit拜访。句意:12岁时,她问我们的父母她是否可以上一所全日制的音乐学校。根据下文"a full-time music schl"可知她想上全日制的音乐学校,故选C。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.lacked缺乏;B.sptted看见;C.pssessed掌握,拥有;D.admired钦佩。句意:他们说不行。事实上,大家都认为我妹妹缺乏天赋。根据上文"Hw did she sund?Terrible."可知她小提琴拉得很糟糕。可推知,她缺乏天赋。故选A。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.majr主修科目;B.prject工程;C.cmpsitin作品;D.instrument乐器。句意:我更擅长演奏乐器。根据下文"S my parents fund the best pian teacher in the area t"可知父母给我请钢琴老师,说明我在我的乐器方面做得更好,故选D。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.patience耐心;B.wisdm智慧;C.ptential潜能;D.ambitin野心。句意:我的老师告诉我的父母我很有潜力。根据下文"S my parents fund the best pian teacher in the area"可推知,老师说我有潜能,故选C。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.train训练;B.examine检查;C.crrect纠正;D.challenge挑战。句意:所以我的父母找到了当地最好的钢琴老师来训练我。根据上文"S my parents fund the best pian teacher in the area"可知父母找老师培训我,故选A。
    (7)考查形容词及语境理解。A.successful成功的;B.skillful熟练的;C.ccupied已占用的,无空闲的;D.available可获得的,可用的。句意:但他唯一有空的时间是周六下午3点。结合常识和下文"was Saturday afternns at 3 pm"可知老师唯一的可用的时间使下午3点。故选D。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.sensitive敏感的;B.crazy着迷的;C.serius 严肃的;D.particular特别的。句意:那时候,我对每周六下午3点播出的英国电视剧《复仇者联盟》很着迷。这部电视剧的时间是每个周六的下午三点。根据下文"I let nthing take up my"Avengers"hur"可知我对节目很着迷。故选B。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.filmed拍摄;B.designed设计;C.bradcast播出;D.cmmented评论。句意:那时候,我对每周六下午3点播出的英国电视剧《复仇者联盟》很着迷。这部电视剧的时间是每个周六的下午三点。根据上下文可知复仇者是每周六下午3 点播出,故选C。
    (10)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.jumped at跳跃;B.turned dwn拒绝;C.waited fr等待;D.pened up打开。句意:所以我拒绝了这个绝佳的机会。根据上文"I let nthing take up my "Avengers" hur"可知,我不让任何事情占据我的电视时间,故我应是拒绝了这个很棒的机会,故选B。
    (12)考查副词及语境理解。A.never从不;B.nce曾经;C.already已经;D.even甚至。句意:我妹妹成为了一名工程师,但她从未停止过创作音乐。根据下文"in music educatin,and became a music teacher"可知她从未停止演奏音乐,故选A。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.attitudes态度;B.careers事业;C.plans计划;D.psitins位置。句意:在她40多岁时,她改变了自己的职业。根据下文"and became a music teacher"可知她由工程师转变成音乐老师,改变了职业,故选B。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.schlarship奖学金;B.vlunteer志愿者;C.degree学位;D.assistant助手。句意:她回到了大学,获得了音乐教育学位,成为了一名音乐教师。根据下文"became a music teacher"可知,她变成了一个音乐老师,应是在大学得到一个学位,故选C。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.prvided提供;B.imagined想象;C.received收到;D.expected期待。句意:她让孩子们开始学习他们的第一种乐器,并给予他们所有她从未得到过的鼓励和支持。根据上文"They said n.Actually,everyne agreed that my sister (3)talent."可知她从来没得到鼓励和支持,故选C。
    (16)考查动词及动词短语及语境理解。A.picked up拾起;B.tk up占据;C.stayed up熬夜;D.turned up出现。句意:一大群朋友和家人来找她。根据上文"she and a pianist pal put n a recital"可知,很多朋友家人出席为她捧场,故选D。
    (17)17考查名词及语境理解。A.students学生;B.audience观众;C.scene场景;D.platfrm平台。句意:她演奏时,我环顾了一下观众。根据上文"As she played"可知当她演奏时周围看到是听众,故选B。
    (18)考查副词及语境理解。A.bviusly明显地;B.desperately绝望地;C.apprpriately适当地;D.anxiusly不安地。句意:显然,每个人都在享受音乐。根据下文"enjying the music"可知每一个人明显地是正在享受音乐,故选A。
    (19)考查形容词及语境理解。A.amazing令人惊异的;B.pleasing高兴的;C.awful坏的,糟糕的;D.pwerful强大的。句意:我突然想到,我是唯一一个记得那个7岁的孩子发出那些糟糕透顶的声音的人,我知道她已经走了多远,尽管发生了一切。根据上文"When my sister Diane began playing the vilin,she was seven.Hw did she sund?Terrible "可知她七岁时演奏的是完全糟糕的声音,故选C。
    (20)考查名词及语境理解。A.enthusiasm热情;B.creativity 创新;C.curisity 好奇;D.intelligence智力。句意:天分很重要,热情更重要。故选A。
    41.【答案】【小题1】is seen
    【小题4】t have
    【解析】(1)考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:相反,它被视为对气候变化和其他全球威胁造成的问题日益意识的典型反应。通篇时态是一般现在时,动词see与主语it之间为动宾关系,故此处用一般现在时的被动语态,主语it是第三人称单数,be动词用is,故填is seen。
    (3)考查介词。句意:焦虑是一种正常的人类体验,大多数人都在某种程度上经历过焦虑。t sme degree"达到某种程度",为固定搭配,故填t。
    (4)考查动词不定式。句意:生态焦虑是焦虑的一种形式,但人们普遍认为,对世界的未来感到担忧是正常的,特别是考虑到最近的研究揭示了气候变化的破坏性影响。此处是"it is+形容词+t d sth"句型,此句型中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,因此空格处是不定式t have,故填t have。
    (5)考查副词。句意:生态焦虑是焦虑的一种形式,但人们普遍认为,对世界的未来感到担忧是正常的,特别是考虑到最近的研究揭示了气候变化的破坏性影响。此处应用所给词的副词形式修饰介词短语in light f,particular的副词是particularly,意为"特别是",故填particularly。
    (7)考查形容词。句意:那些经历生态焦虑的人可能也会发现,为了追求更自然、更放松的爱好,比如瑜伽和园艺,远离科技产品是有帮助的。动词find后面接复合宾语,此处应用形容词helpful"有帮助的"作宾语补足语,"find it+形容词+t d"是固定结构,意为"发现做某事是...的",这里表示"发现远离科技产品是有帮助的",故填helpful。
    (8)考查可数名词复数。句意:那些经历生态焦虑的人可能也会发现,为了追求更自然、更放松的爱好,比如瑜伽和园艺,远离科技产品是有帮助的。hbby"爱好"为可数名词,根据空后的such as yga and gardening可知,爱好不止一个,此处应用复数形式hbbies。故填hbbies。
    42.【答案】【小题1】Last Sunday ur schl rganized∧ muntain climbing activity,whse purpse was t inspire us students t mre utdr exercise.Hundreds f students tk part in it.Having gathered at the Xiangshan Park at 8 :00, set ut fr the tp in high spirits.Alng the way we the beautiful scenery,chatting with each ther .If sme peple fell behind,thers wuld cme and them a hand,such as carrying their bags r making them feel .After abut tw and a half ,we all reached the tp,where we jumped and cheered with jy.The activity benefited t us a lt.Nt nly did we get sme exercise, als we prmted the friendship.
    2.考查动词不定式。句意:上周日,我们学校组织了一次登山活动,其目的是激励我们学生多做户外运动。根据inspire sb.t d sth."激励某人做某事"可知,此处应用动词原形。故taking改为take。
    8.考查可数名词复数。句意:大约两个半小时后,我们都到达了山顶,在那里我们高兴地跳起来欢呼。hur"小时"是可数名词,根据修饰词tw and a half可知,此处应用其复数形式。故hur改为hurs。
    10.考查连词。句意:我们不仅锻炼了身体,而且增进了友谊。nt als..."不仅……,而且……",固定搭配。故and改为but。
    43.【答案】【小题1】An n-site craft cmpetitin was held in ur schl library last Saturday,which was aimed at develping students' innvative spirit and labr skills. 【高分句型一】(比赛目的)
    The participants selected frm ur classes were required t create a craft in the given time.After an hur,a variety f awesme wrks were presented,including vivid wden carvings and lifelike clay animals.Finally,the cmpleted wrks were judged,ten f which received awards. (比赛过程和结果)
    The cmpetitin was a success.Nt nly did it prvide the students with a platfrm t shw their talents,but als it arused their interest in explring their creativity. 【高分句型二】(比赛意义)
    An n-site craft cmpetitin was held in ur schl library last Saturday,which was aimed at develping students' innvative spirit and labr skills.
    Nt nly did it prvide the students with a platfrm t shw their talents,but als it arused their interest in explring their creativity.
    分析:句子里,否定词Nt nly位于句首,句子did it prvide the students with a platfrm t shw their talents用部分倒装。

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    2022-2023学年四川省宜宾市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年四川省宜宾市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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