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    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件 人教版高中英语必修三
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三01
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三02
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三03
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三04
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三05
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三06
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三07
    Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件   人教版高中英语必修三08
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money优秀课件ppt

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money优秀课件ppt,共31页。PPT课件主要包含了can,cannot,car,house,clothes,food,book,microwave,towel,soap等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    What des the title mean? What d yu think the theme f this unit is?
    The Value f Mney
    What d yu think the man is hlding in his hand? What d yu think may happen t it? What des the stry have t d with the theme f this unit?
    In this unit, we willread excerpts (节选) frm the script f The Millin Pund Bank Nte.listen t a news reprt and watch a film clip abut peple’s attitudes twards mney.write a scene fr a play.read mre abut hw peple feel abut mney and its impact.
    1. T discuss and share yur view n mney.2. T listen t news reprts abut the lst mney.3. T arrive at a reasnable judgement n the value f mney. 
    What can peple buy with mney?What can peple nt buy with mney?
    What can peple buy with mney?
    digital camera
    What can peple nt buy with mney?
    carhuseclthesfdbkmicr wavedigital cameratwelsap... ...
    lvehealthrespectfamilyknwledgefriendship... ...
    material needs
    spiritual needs
    Is mney the basis f a happy life? Why r why nt?
    Mney is a gd servant and a bad master. — Francis Bacn
    If yu suddenly gt a large amunt f mney, what wuld yu d with it?
    Watch a shrt vide t learn a girl’s stry.
    1. What happened t the girl? 2. What were her friends’ suggestins and what did she d? 3.What’s the lady’s attitude twards mney?
    1. What happened t the girl ? She received a statement frm the _______and fund that there were _________________ in her accunt.2. What were her friends’ suggestins and what did she d? They suggested keeping it r spending it. Hwever, Phebe went t the bank t return it.
    500 extra dllars
    3. What’s the lady’s attitude twards mney?
    She shuldn’t keep the mney because she _____________.If she kept it, it wuld be like ________.
    didn’t earn it
    We shuld get mney thrugh _________________________.
    ur wn effrts/hard wrk
    Recently, a cleaner by the name f Chen Liyan has made the headlines fr her generus and hnest act.
    Accrding t the news lead, what d yu think the news will talk abut?
    What is her generus and hnest act?When and where did this happen?Why did she d such an act?
    1. Listen t the news reprt and match the peple with the crrect infrmatin.
    1. Chen Liyan 2. Wang Zheng 3. Ma Dngba 4. Liu Xia
    A. the wner f the lst mneyB. a cleaner at Taiyuan railway statinC. a plice fficer living in Chen’s apartment buildingD. Chen’s 16-year-ld daughter
    Last Tuesday mrning
    Taiyuan Railway Statin
    She fund a small plastic bag with ______________ inside when she was __________________.
    100, 000 yuan
    sweeping the flr
    ____ Chen Liyan fund Wang Zheng’s mney and returned it t him.____ Chen gave an interview t the lcal newspaper.____ Wang built a website t help raise funds fr Liu Xia.____ Ma Dngba shared Chen’s stry with Wang.____ Chen spent all her savings and tk ut a large lan.____ Wang ffered Chen 5,000 yuan.
    2. Listen again and put these events in the crrect rder.
    Listening tip
    While taking ntes, set dwn:Nuns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs
    3. Listen again and decide if the fllwing statements are true (T) r false (F).
    1. It was the first time Chen Liyan's stry was reprted.2. Chen fund 10,000 yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railway statin.3. Wang Zheng aplgized t Chen because he culdn’t ffer her mre mney.4. Chen tk ut a large lan t cure her daughter.5. Wang set up a fundraising website fr Chen’s daughter after Chen tld him abut her situatin.
    The stry was first reprted by the lcal paper.
    100,000 yuan
    fr the incnvenience
    4. Listen again and fill in the blanks .
    (1) Chen Liyan fund a small plastic bag and discvered yuan inside and it was finally returned t its , Wang Zheng, in the nearest . (2) Chen gave an t the lcal newspaper.(3) Wang ffered Chen yuan as a reward.(4) Chen refused and believed it wuld be t accept mney that she had nt earned.(5) Chen had already spent the last f her and has als taken ut a large lan t cure her daughter.(6) Wang was tld abut Chen’s situatin by Ma and then he set up a fundraising fr Liu Xia.
    plice statin
    Recently, a cleaner by the name f Chen Liyan has made the headlines fr her generus and hnest act.The 45-year-ld Chen was sweeping the flr at Taiyuan Railway Statin early last Tuesday mrning when she fund a small plastic bag near a chair and discvered 100,000 yuan inside. Chen was shcked but she was determined t return the mney t its wner. When interviewed by the lcal paper yesterday, Chen said, “I wuld have felt bad if I had kept the mney. After all, the wner might have needed it badly.”While wrking, Chen watched carefully fr anyne wh might have been the wner. She waited fr ver tw hurs,but having n luck, she went t the nearest plice statin t turn the mney in. There, it was finally returned t its wner. Wang Zheng.Wang thanked Chen repeatedly and aplgised fr the incnvenience, even ffering her 5,000 yuan as a reward. T his surprise, hwever, Chen refused, believing that it wuld be wrng t accept mney that she had nt earned.But what is even mre surprising, perhaps, is that Chen’s daughter, 16-year-ld Liu Xia is currently seriusly ill. Chen had already spent the last f her savings n the nging treatments and has als taken ut a large lan.Frtunately, Ma Dngba, wh wrks at the plice statin, stepped in. Living in the same apartment building as Chen’s family, Ma was well aware f Chen’s difficulties. When Wang was tld abut Chen’s situatin, he decided t set up a fundraising website t pay fr Liu’s hspital bills.Chen Liyan’s example shws a different way f thinking abut mney. Mney is imprtant, but t peple like Chen, it definitely isn’t everything. And that’s a great attitude t take.Nw, in ther news, ne city in …[Fade ut.]
    Liu Xia(Chen’s )
    Ma Dngba(a )
    Chen Liyan(a )
    plice fficer
    spent all her andtk ut a fr her
    tld him abut situatin
    set up a fundraising _ fr her
    1. Retell the relatinships between the characters belw.
    Wang Zheng (the f lst mney)
    fund Wang’s and returned it t him in the , but the reward
    1. What kind f persn d yu think Chen Liyan is? 2. Did Chen return the mney because she didn’t need it ? 3. Is it cmmn fr peple t d what Chen did ? 4. Hw did Wang Zheng feel abut the return f his mney ? 5. Why did Ma Dngba tell Wang abut Chen’s family ?6. Hw did the news reprter feel abut Chen’s actins. The reprter feel Chen Liyan’s example shws different thinking abut mney.
    She is hnest and determined.
    N, she didn’t. Because her daughter had a serius illness.
    Yes, it is.
    Because he was mved by Chen’s actin.
    2. Discuss yur answers t the questins with yur partners and explain yur reasning.
    Make inferences Smetimes things are nt said directly. Hwever, yu can make lgical guesses n the basis f what the speakers say. T draw a cnclusin, yu need t understand the given infrmatin and use yur backgrund knwledge. Als, while listening, dn’t ignre the speakers’ tne and intnatin-these can be imprtance clues, t.
    Can yu answer these questins nw?
    Chen Liyan, a cleaner, fund a small plastic bag with 100,000 yuan inside during wrk at Taiyuan Railway statin last Tuesday mrning. She returned the lst mney t its wner because she thught the wner might have needed it badly and it was wrng t take the mney that’s nt earned by herself.
    It wuld be wrng _______________________________.
    Mney is _________, but it ______________.
    What can we learn frm Chen Liyan?
    t accept mney we had nt earned
    isn't everything
    What’s yur attitude twards mney?
    1. D yu agree with Chen Liyan? What wuld yu d if yu were in her situatin?2. When we help smene, shuld we expect t get smething in return?3. What d yu think is the best way t get mney?4. Shuld we judge peple based n hw much mney they have?
    Wrk in grups f fur. Discuss the fllwing questins.
    Sample CnversatinA: I think that Chen Liyan did the right thing by returning the mney and refusing t take a single cent frm Wang Zheng.B: Well, I think that Chen Liyan was crrect in returning the mney, but she shuld have accepted the mney Wang ffered. C: But peple shuldn’t expect payment fr ding what is right! B: She wasn’t expecting payment, thugh. At the same time, she needed the mney t help her daughter. She shuld have taken it. A: I disagree. Hnesty shuld be its wn reward. Besides, there are ther ways t get mney.B: Fr example?C: Well, like in the news stry, there is fundraising.B: S we disagree. There is ne thing I think all f us can agree n, hwever.C: What?B: That we shuldn’t lk dwn n peple because they are pr.A: That’s right!
    语调即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。世界上没有一种语言是用单一的声调说出的,以英语为例,英语有五种基本语调:升调( )、降调( )、升降调( )、降升调( )以及平调( )。 一句话除了词汇意义还有语调意义。所谓词汇意义就是话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完全的意义。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同,有时甚至会相差千里。
    1. Listen t the shrt cnversatin and mark the intnatin with , r . Then discuss with a partner what they intend t cnvey by using different intnatin.
    Owner: Yu knw what? It’s a millin-pund bank nte.Waiter 1: Really?Waiter 2: Really!Waiter 3: Really?!
    He is suspicius abut the fact.
    He is astnished by the fact.
    He is suspicius at first and then astnished by the fact.
    Henry: Well, t be hnest, I have nne.Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brther, what luck!Henry: Well, it may seem lucky t yu but nt t me! If this is yur idea f sme kind f jke, I dn’t think it’s very funny. Nw if yu’ll excuse me, I ught t be n my way.Rderick: Please dn’t g …
    2. Listen t the cnversatins. Underline the parts that are stressed and mark the intnatin.
    Henry: Well, that’s very kind f yu.Owner: Kind, sir? N, it’s kind f yu. Yu must cme whenever yu want and have whatever yu like. Just having yu sit here is a great hnur!
    Henry: Well, t be hnest, I have nne.Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brther, what luck!Henry: Well, it may seem lucky t yu but nt t me! If this is yur idea f sme kind f jke, I dn’t think it’s very funny. Nw if yu’ll excuse me, I ught t be n my way.Rderick: Please dn’t g …
    Henry: It’s a nice suit.Owner: Oh, it’s perfect!
    Nw let’s check yur answers!
    Suppse yu wn a lttery(彩票)and gt 1 millin pund, what wuld yu d with all the mney? Please write dwn sme sentences s that we may share in the next lessn.

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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues完整版课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002240_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 2 Morals and Virtues完整版课件ppt</a>,共27页。PPT课件主要包含了Friendship,Hope,Giving,Caring,Kindness,Trust,Honest,Union,Generosity,more等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件 人教版高中英语必修三
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