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    Unit 2 Period 7 Workbook 课件 人教版高中英语必修三
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues精品ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues精品ppt课件,共40页。

    P67 Ex 1 Write dwn the new wrds frm the unit based n the definitins.
    1. The relatinship between tw peple wh are married Marriage 婚姻2. A perid f ten years Decade 十年3. A schl fr children aged tw t five Kindergarten 幼儿园4. An amunt f mney that yu have nt spent Savings 积蓄5. A mral rule r a strng belief that influences yur actins Principle 原则
    6. Having a lt f energy r determinatin Energetic 精力充沛的7. Twelve ’clck at night Midnight 半夜8. The upper part f yur legs when yu are sitting dwn Lap 大腿9. T say smething very quietly, using yur breath rather than yur vice Whisper 低语/耳语10. The mst nrthern r mst suthern pint n a planet Ple 极地
    P67 Ex 2 Match the wrds n the left t the wrds n the right t make phrases.
    1. tuitin2. health3. precius4. heart5. island6. maple7. resident8. curt9. cffee10. flexible
    4.heart peratin 心脏手术5.island chain 岛链1.tuitin fees 学费2.health insurance 健康保险3.precius stne 宝石10.flexible incme 弹性收入6.maple tree 枫树7.resident physician 住院医师8.curt case 诉讼案件9.cffee pt 咖啡壶
    P67 Ex 3 Cmpare each pair f wrds and chse the crrect ne t cmplete each sentence.
    majrity / mst1. The survey says that the _________ f citizens are satisfied with the gvernment’s effrts t reduce smg.2. When he came ut f his ffice, it was already midnight and ______ f the restaurants were clsed.illustrate / describe3. This picture __________ hw water can be reused and recycled.4. Can yu _________ what yur hmetwn was like when yu were yung?reject / refuse5. Yu might nt believe this, but even sme famus authrs’ bks were _________ many times befre being accepted and published.6. He ffered her mre cffee, but she ________ plitely.
    harm / damage7. There is n ______ in letting the child read mre bks.8. The wrst ever Ebla埃博拉病毒utbreak caused huge ________ t West African ecnmies.tend / intend9. D yu think many parents ______ t pressure their children t get stable jbs instead f letting them pursue their wn interests?10. I didn’t _______ t scare her away. I was just playing a jke.per / every11. Kenya annunced that it wuld exprt much mre crude il原油 _____ day the next year.12. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help yu stay energetic ______ day.
    Ex 4 Fill in the blanks with the wrds in the bx and translate the sentences int Chinese. (elsewhere, majrity, might, chains, principle, precius, cmplain, reject)
    1. Of all pssessins a friend is the mst _________ . --- Herdtus 朋友是最宝贵的财富。 --- 希罗多德 (希腊历史学家)2. The strngest __________ f grwth lies in human chice. --- Gerge Elit 成长过程中,最强的原则在于人的选择。 --- 乔治. 艾略特 (美国作家)3. Whenever yu find yurself n the side f the _________, it is time t pause and reflect. --- Mark Twain 每当你发现自己和大多数人站在一边的时候, 你就该停下来反思一下。--- 马克.吐温 (美国作家)4. The highest frm f ignrance is when yu _______ sth yu dn’t knw anything abut. --- Wayne Dyer 最高形式的无知是拒绝你完全不了解的东西。 --- 韦恩.戴尔 (美国作家)
    5. Anyne wh des nt knw hw t make the mst f his luck has n right t __________ if it passes by him. ---Miguel de Cervanter 任何不懂得充分利用自身幸运的人,当幸运擦身而过的时候,他无权抱怨。 --- 米格尔.德.塞万提斯 (西班牙作家)6. Man was brn free, and everywhere he is in _______. --- Jean-Jacques Russeau 人生而自由,却处处受到束缚。 --- 让.雅克.卢梭 (法国哲学家)7. Whatever yu d, d with all yur ________. --- Marcus Tullius Cicer 无论做何事,都要全力以赴。--- 马库斯.图留斯.西塞罗 (古罗马政治家)8. When we are unable t find tranquility宁静 within urselves, it is useless t seek it ___________. --- Francis de La Rchefucauld 如果我们在自己内心找不到宁静, 到别处去找是徒劳的。--- 法兰索瓦.德.拉罗什富科 (法国作家)
    1. 赢得奖学金 之后,他感到缴学费的压力减轻了许多。(win a schlarship, fee) After _____________________, he felt less pressure abut paying tuitin fees.2. 他拥有敏锐的视觉,能很快辨认出两个双胞胎的不 同。(sharp eyes) He has sharp eyes and can quickly _________________________ the twins.3. 搬入新家前,母亲让人把房子重新装修了一番,把地板都换了(redecrate, replace) Befre __________ (mve) ur new hme, my mther ________________________ (redecrate) and the flrs replaced.4. 为了节省时间和避免更多的麻烦,他们为这一案件聘请了一位律师。(hire a lawyer)They hired a lawyer fr the curt case _______________ time and avid mre truble.5. 在山间远足时,他的腿被一条蛇咬了一口。(bite) While _____________________ (hike), he was bitten n the leg by a snake.
    Ex 5 Translate the sentences int English, using the wrds and phrases in brackets.
    winning a schlarship
    tell the differences between
    had the huse redecrated
    (in rder) t save
    hiking in the muntain
    Bk 3 Unit 2 WB: Using Structures (P68-69)
    P68 Ex 1 Cmplete the cnversatins using the crrect frms f the wrds in brackets.
    1. A: Yu lk really ______ (tire). Yu shuld g hme and have a rest. B: Yes, well, a five-hur peratin is pretty _______ (tire).2 A: Did yu hear that Susan and Bb gt married? B: Really? That’s the mst __________ (shck) news I have heard tday.3. A: Harry, yu frgt t return my phne call last night! B: Oh, I’m very srry I went t sleep __________ (listen) t music.4. A: Hw can yu sit inside ________ (play) games all day? Isn’t there anything mre imprtant yu can d with yur time? B: Cme n, Mum. It’s a hliday.5. A: The museum was ___________ (interest), wasn’t it? B: It was great. I was quite ___________ (interest) in thse ancient pieces f jade. 6. A: Are yu sure this is the man yu saw that night? B: That’s right. Frm my windw, I saw him ________ (cme) int the building. A: Did yu hear a gunsht after that? B: N, but I heard peple _________ (shut) dwnstairs. A: What did yu see when yu came dwn? B: I saw an injured man ______ (lie) n the flr.
    P69 Ex 2 Rewrite the fllwing sentences using the –ing frm r the past participle as the adverbial.
    1. As she was frightened by the nise, Amy turned n all lights in the huse.= ____________ (frighten) by the nise, Amy turned n all lights in the huse.2. While they were driving alng the freeway, they nticed a kangar standing in the middle f the rad.=While ________ (drive) alng the freeway, they nticed a kangar standing in the middle f the rad.3. After we watched the mvie fr ten minutes, we felt s bred that we decided t leave.=After _________ (watch) the mvie fr ten minutes, we felt s bred that we decided t leave.4. As I came ut f my huse, I saw the vlcan erupting.=_________ (cme) ut f my huse, I saw the vlcan erupting.
    5. After she turned fifteen, she became interested in travelling.=After ________ (turn) fifteen, she became interested in travelling.6. Because she didn’t want t be late, Sally ran t the subway statin.=Nt _________ (want) t be late, Sally ran t the subway statin.7. Tim was feeling tired, s he went t bed as sn as he gt hme.=________ (feel) tired, Tim went t bed as sn as he gt hme.8. After he gathered all his curage, he ran back int the burning huse t rescue the child.=After __________ (gather) all his curage, he ran back int the burning huse t rescue the child.
    P69 Ex 3 Cmplete the passage using the -ing frm r the past participle f the verbs in the bx. (hld get walk hear sing excite dance admire)
    After ________ that I was ging t be my aunt’s bridesmaid, I felt s ________ that I didn’t sleep very well the night befre her wedding day. Althugh I was tired, I didn’t mind ________ up early the next mrning t g t my aunt’s huse t get dressed up. I put n my blue dress and my aunt, f curse, wre a white silk dress. When my aunt finally appeared at the back f the church, ________ a bunch f flwers, everybdy lked at her with _________ smiles. After the wedding, I left the church, ________ slwly behind my aunt and her husband. In the evening, we had a celebratin party. Everybdy was very happy, ________ and _________ until midnight.
    Bk 3 Unit 2 WB: Reading and Writing (P70)
    The Taxi Ride I’ll Never Frget 永生难忘的出租车之旅 Twenty years ag, I drve a taxi. One time, I was called at midnight t pick smene up. When I arrived, the building was cmpletely dark except fr ne light in a windw. I walked t the dr and kncked. After a lng wait, the dr pened. A small wman in her 80s std befre me. By her side was a small suitcase. “Wuld yu carry my bag ut t the car?” she said. I tk her suitcase and gave her my arm. We walked slwly t the street. She kept thanking me fr my kindness.
    1. Wh are the tw main characters in the stry?--The writer --- A taxi driver--The passenger --- an ld wman
    “It’s nthing,” I tld her. “I try t treat my passengers hw I want my mther treated.” “Yu’re such a gd by,” she said. When we gt in the taxi, she gave me an address. Then she asked, “Culd yu drive thrugh the dwntwn?” “It’s nt the shrtest way,” I answered. “I dn’t mind,” she said. “I’m in n hurry. I’m n my way t a hspice [ˈhɒspɪs] 临终安养院.” I saw her eyes shining with tears.
    1. Hw did the driver use t treat his passengers?He treated them hw his mther was treated.2. What did the ld wman ask the driver t d befre taking her t her destinatin?She asked the driver t g thrugh the dwntwn.3. What was the final destinatin the ld wman wanted t g t?A hspice.
    “I dn’t have any family left,” she cntinued. “The dctr says I dn’t have very lng.” I quietly turned ff the meter 计程器. “What rad d yu want me t take?” I asked. Fr hurs, we drve thrugh the city. She shwed me the building where she had nce wrked. We drve thrugh the neighbrhd where she and her husband had lived. Smetimes she asked me t just slw dwn while she sat staring int the darkness, saying nthing. As the sun was cming up, she suddenly said, “I’m tired. Let’s g nw.”
    1. What did the dctr say abut the ld wman?She didn’t have very lng t live.2. What places did the ld wman shw the driver?--The building where she had nce wrked.--The neighbrhd where she and her husband had lived.
    We drve in silence t the hspice. As we pulled up, tw nurses were waiting fr us. They helped her int a wheelchair. “Hw much d I we yu?” she asked me, reaching fr her purse. “Nthing,” I said. Withut thinking, I leaned dwn and gave her a hug. She hugged me tightly. “Yu gave an ld wman a little mment f jy,” she said. “Thank yu.” I squeezed紧握 her hand and then walked back t my taxi. Fr the rest f that day, I culd hardly talk. I believe I have never dne anything mre imprtant in my life. We usually think that ur lives are defined 决定 by great mments. But I nw realize that great mments catch us by surprise使人出其不意, because they ften seem quite small.
    1. Hw much did the driver charge fr his service?Nne.2. What did the driver d t the ld wman when they reached the hspice?He gave her a hug.3. Hw did the ld wman feel abut the driver’s behavir?Grateful / thankful4. What did the writer think f his behavir that day?It was the mst imprtant thing he had ever dne.5. What did the writer learn fr this experience?Great mments ften seem quite small and catch us by surprise.
    补充练习: 单句语法填空1. I was called at midnight t pick (pick) smene up. 2. When I arrived, the building was cmpletely dark except fr ne light in a windw.3. She kept thanking (thank) me fr my kindness.4. I try t treat my passengers hw I want my mther treated (treat).”5. She shwed me the building where she had nce wrked.6. Smetimes she asked me t just slw dwn while she sat staring (stare) int the darkness, saying nthing.7. We drve in silence t the hspice. 8. But I nw realize that great mments catch us by surprise, because they ften seem quite small.
    Expanding yur wrld (P72)
    BenevlenceLk at thers with lve, cmpassin, and kindness, s as t stay in harmny with all peple.亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物。——孟子Mencius: Men f virtue lve and care fr their lved nes, they are therefre kind t ther peple. When they are kind t peple, they treasure everything n earth.
    RighteusnessAlways act accrding t what yu knw is right, s as t preserve yur wn integrity.子曰:君子喻于义,小人喻于利。The Master said, “A gentleman takes as much truble t discver what is right as lesser men take t discver what will pay.”
    PrprietyAlways behave respectfully twards thers.子曰:非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。The Master said, “T lk at nthing in defiance f ritual, t listen t nthing in defiance f ritual, t speak f nthing in defiance f ritual, and never t stir hand r ft in defiance f ritual.”
    WisdmLearn as much as pssible s that yu can judge what is right frm what is wrng, and what is gd frm what is evil.子曰:我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。The Master said, “I fr my part am nt ne f thse wh have innate knwledge. I am simply ne wh lves the past and wh is diligent in investigating it.”
    FidelityBe true t yurself: be sure that what yu d is true t what yu say, and what yu say is true t what yu think.子曰:人而无信,不知其可也。The Master said, “I d nt see what use a man can be put t, whse wrd cannt be trusted.”
    Cnfucius and RenThe teachings f Cnfucius, ne f the mst respected teachers f ancient China, are still knwn and studied arund the wrld tday. Cnfucius identified the cncept ren as the mst imprtant principle in life, a principle which is still relevant in mdern sciety.
    1. The teachings f Cnfucius have been an imprtant part f Chinese culture fr mre than _________ years.2. His teachings are all abut the mst basic ________ f life.3. Cnfucius thught that _________ was the mst imprtant mral principle.4. Accrding t Cnfucius, this highest principle begins with lve fr __________.5. Cnfucius said, “Whatever yu dn’t like dne t yurself, dn’t
    Cmplete each sentence with yur best guess.
    1. The teachings f Cnfucius have been an imprtant part f Chinese culture fr mre than _________ years.2. His teachings are all abut the mst basic ________ f life.3. Cnfucius thught that _________ was the mst imprtant mral principle.4. Accrding t Cnfucius, this highest principle begins with lve fr __________.5. Cnfucius said, “Whatever yu dn’t like dne t yurself, dn’t _________________.
    1. Check yur answers in Befre Yu Watch.
    d it t thers
    1. Cnfucian thught is still greatly valued in China and in ther East/Sutheast Asian cuntries.2. If students really understd Cnfucian ideas, it culd change sciety/their lives.3. In English, nly a few/many different wrds can be used t translate Cnfucius’s highest mral principle.4. Mencius/Zigng explained this principle as “lving ne’s parents, lving peple, lving everything in the wrld”.5. Cnfucius taught Zigng that the ne single cncept t take as a guide fr all actins in life is happiness/fairness.
    2. Circle the crrect wrds t cmplete the sentences belw.
    1. In what ways d yu think Cnfucian thught still influences educatin and sciety in China?2. D yu think that yur life wuld change if yu understd and practised ren every day?3. Hw wuld the Cnfucian idea f fairness change sciety arund yu if everybdy started practising fairness in everything?
    Wrk in grups. Discuss the questins.
    1. In what ways d yu think Cnfucian thught still influences educatin and sciety in China? Cnfucian thught has a great thught has a great influence n Chinese educatin, because it teaches peple t shw great respect fr teachers and the thinkers f the past. In Chinese sciety, Cnfucian thught has kept the family and respect fr parents as a fcal pint.2. D yu think that yur life wuld change if yu understd and practised ren every day? I have been trying t practise the principle f ren, but I'm nt sure that my life wuld change that much.3. Hw wuld the Cnfucian idea f fairness change sciety arund yu if everybdy started practising fairness in everything? It wuld result in a mre egalitarian sciety, where peple treated everyne with kindness and respect regardless f status.
    Listen again and read listening material alud.Practise an ral presentatin with yur partner abut “What shuld we d when facing the mral dilemmas”
    Bk 3 Unit 2 WB: Expanding Yur Wrld (P72)
    The Five Virtues --- Benevlence [bə'nevələns]仁慈Lk at thers with lve, cmpassin (同情), and kindness, s as t stay in harmny with all peple. 亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物。--- 孟子Mencius (孟子): Men f virtue (有德之人) lve and care fr their lved nes, they are therefre kind t ther peple. When they are kind t peple, they treasure everything n earth.
    The Five Virtues --- Righteusness ['raɪtʃəsnəs] 正义Always act accrding t what yu knw is right, s as t preserve yur wn integrity [ɪnˈteɡrəti] (诚实正直). (洁身自好) 子曰: 君子喻于义, 小人喻于利。The Master said: A gentleman takes as much truble (不辞辛劳) t discver what is right as lesser men (小人) take t discver what will pay. (一心计较得失)
    The Five Virtues --- Prpriety [prəˈpraɪəti] 礼节Always behave respectfully twards thers. 子曰: 非礼勿视, 非礼勿听, 非礼勿言, 非礼勿动。The Master said: T lk at nthing in defiance [dɪˈfaɪəns] f (无视不顾) ritual (礼节), t listen t nthing in defiance f ritual, t speak f nthing in defiance f ritual, and never t stir hand r ft (帮忙/尽举手之劳) in defiance f ritual.
    The Five Virtues --- Wisdm智慧Learn as much as pssible s that yu can judge what is right frm what is wrng, and what is gd frm what is evil. 子曰: 我非生而知之者, 好古, 敏以求之者也。The Master said: I fr my part (就我而言) am nt ne f thse wh have innate天生的 knwledge. I am simply ne wh lves the past and wh is diligent in (勤于) investigating it.
    The Five Virtues --- Fidelity 忠诚Be sure t yurself: be sure that what yu d is true t what yu say, and what yu say is true t what yu think. 子曰: 人而无信, 不知其可也。The Master said: I d nt see what use a man can be put t (利用), whse wrd cannt be trusted.
    补充练习: 单句语法填空1. Lk at thers with lve and kindness (kind), s as t stay in harmny with all peple. 2. Men f virtue lve and care fr their lved (lve) nes.3. Always act accrding t what yu knw is right.4. Always behave respectfully (respectful) twards thers.5. I am simply ne wh lves (lve) the past and investigate it.6. Be sure that what yu d is true t what yu say.7. I dn’t knw what use the ld furniture can be put t.8. A persn whse wrds can’t be trusted is an individual f n value.

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