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    The Hanging Gardens f Babyln, ne f the Seven Wnders f the Ancient Wrld, is perhaps the earliest and mst famus example f btanical gardens. Over decades and centuries, many incredible btanical gardens have been established. Here is a list f them.
    Ort Btanic di Padva
    The Ort Btanic di Padva in Padua, nrth-eastern Italy, is the ldest academic btanical garden still in its riginal lcatin. It was funded in 1545 by the Venetian Republic. It is spread acrss an area f 22,000 square meters. It is particularly knwn fr its histrical architecture, as well as the cllectin f 6000 kinds f plants. The astnishing btanical garden is a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site.
    Kirstenbsch Natinal Btanical Garden
    The Kirstenbsch Natinal btanical Garden is lcated at the ft f Table Muntain in. Cape Twn, Suth Africa. It is ne f Suth Africa's nine natinal btanical gardens, which cvers five ut f six bimes(生物群落),and the first f its kind in the wrld. It is famus fr exhibiting native plants frm different regins.
    Btanical Garden and Btanical Museum
    The Berlin-Dahlem Btanical Garden and Btanical Museum is lcated in Berlin, Germany. It has 22,000 different plant species. Amng its different plants is a giant bamb. This astnishing garden has a large scientific library attached t it. The cmplex has buildings and glasshuses.
    Singapre Btanic Garden
    The 74 hectare (公顷)Singapre Btanic Garden in Singapre is the nly btanic garden that stays pen frm 5 am t 12 midnight, every day. Its attractins include Rainfrest, Btany Centre,Tanglin Gate,Jacb Ballas Children's Garden and ther gardens. It has the Tembusu tree, seen n the Singaprean five-dllar bill.
    1.What is the special part f Ort Btanic di Padva? ______
    A. It is in Eurpe.B. It has the mst plants.
    C. It has a library.D. It has sme ancient items.
    2.Where shuld yu g if yu want t enjy the native plants in diverse areas? ______
    A. Btanical Garden and Btanical Museum.
    B. Kirstenbsch Natinal Btanical Garden.
    C. Singapre Btanic Garden.
    D. Ort Btanic di Padva.
    3.In which cntinent can yu see the Tembusu tree? ______
    A. Asia.B. Eurpe.C. America.D. Africa.
    Gd things will ccur if parents always supprt their children and their natural talents.When 9-year-ld Je Whale's parents encuraged their sn t keep drawing,that's what exactly they thught,even thugh he gt int truble fr ddling (涂鸦) during class.
    Je's artistic abilities were quickly nticed by thse arund him after he was sent t an after-schl art class.In fact,Je was invited t decrate the dining rm f the "Number 4" restaurant in Shrewsbury,England.Nw,Je is knwn as The Ddle By and has his wn website,as well as scial media pages shwing ff his awesme art.
    Accrding t Greg,Je's dad,his sn has always lved drawing and "was added t the Gifted register in primary schl aged 4".Greg als mentined hw lng it tk Je t finish his drawings n the dining rm walls in the restaurant. "Je spent abut 12 hurs painting the wall."
    What's mre,Greg had sme advice fr parents wh want t encurage their kids t develp their talents: "I wuld advise parents t encurage their children t always fllw their passin and dreams and they shuld be there and ffer help whenever their children need them."
    Je's teacher recgnized his talent and psted his wrk n Instagram.Then his drawings caught the eye f the "Number 4" restaurant which asked him t cme ver and decrate their walls with his ddles.Nw,his dad drives him there s he can draw his heart ut.Wh knew that drawing in an after-class prgram wuld lead Je t get his first jb at barely 9 years ld?
    4.What did Je d in his class? ______
    A. He learned hw t ddle.B. He drew pictures in the class.
    C. He decrated the dining rm.D. He slved truble by ddling.
    5.What des Greg advise parents t d? ______
    A. T send children t the art class.
    B. T set up websites fr their kids.
    C. T ffer enugh supprt fr the children's dreams.
    D. T frce the children t put all the effrt in their dream.
    6.Hw did the "Number 4" restaurant find Je? ______
    A. Je was a famus figure in the cmmunity.
    B. Je's teacher recmmended Je t the restaurant.
    C. Je's wrk n scial media caught the eye f the restaurant.
    D. The restaurant learned abut Je's ability thrugh the art class.
    7.Wh is the text intended fr? ______
    A. Parents.B. Children.
    C. Teachers.D. Restaurant wners.
    As fr the chice f jbs,girls and bys as yung as seven have preference with gender (性别) differences in a new study.Girls chse jbs based n care and lve,while bys chse jbs based n mney and pwer.
    Prfessr Laura Schles and Dr Sarah McDnald surveyed 332 Year 3 students frm 14 Australian schls.They fund that the tp prfessins fr bys included sprts and STEM (science,technlgy,engineering and mathematics) related jbs,while girls,n the ther hand,wanted t be teachers r nurses.
    Prfessr Schles said the influence f gender steretypes (刻板印象) n such chices begins in early childhd. "Bright pink tys fr girls and blue tys fr bys are sld n stre shelves arund the wrld. " she said, "In the bys' sectin,yu'll find science,cnstructin and warfare tys — perhaps a rbt r a telescpe.In the girls' sectin,yu'll see tys related t cleaning,dlls,kitchens,makeup,jewellery and crafts. "
    "This results in lwer numbers f girls taking STEM subjects at schl.In turn,this means fewer wmen are ging t wrk in the sciences. " Prfessr Schles's cmments came as wmen make up nly 2 percent f the STEM wrkfrce,with the biggest gap in the highest-paid jbs f cmputer science and engineering.
    In Australia,sme brands (品牌) are n lnger targeting bys r girls with their tys.Danish ty giant Leg last week annunced that they wuld remve gender steretypes frm their tys,after a glbal study fund that 71 percent f bys feared being made fun f fr playing with tys marketed at girls.Leg said its prducts were mainly used by bys,but it prmised t wrk t remve gender preference frm its tys and instead market them fr bth genders.
    8.Which f the fllwing jbs d the girls nt tend t chse? ______
    A. Teachers.B. Prgrammers.C. DressersD. Nurses.
    9.What causes fewer girls t chse STEM subjects accrding t Prfessr Schles? ______
    A. The effect f gender steretypes.
    B. Their desire t be teachers r nurses.
    C. Their hbbies based n care and lve.
    D. Lw-paid jbs cncerned with sciences.
    10.What can we learn frm Paragraph 5? ______
    A. Sme brands advertise their prducts fr bys.
    B. Sme brands use gender steretypes frm their tys.
    C. Sme brands advertise their prducts fr bth genders.
    D. Sme brands target bys r girls with their prducts.
    11.What is the Leg's attitude twards remving gender difference frm the tys? ______
    A. Supprtive.B. Wrried.C. Dubtful.D. Negative.
    It is cmmn that children spend a great deal f time n the screen.As a new tl,an Australian app appears t help parents in the battle ver screen time.It asks kids t slve ne math r English prblem befre they can unlck their phnes.
    Sydney entrepreneurs(企业家) Issac and Ann EInckave turned their smart idea int an app called 1 Qucstin and tried it n their 16-year-ld daughter Alyssa.
    Alyssa said, "At first I wasn't sure abut it.I didn't want my friends t blame me if their parents used it t cntrl their screen time.But nce I started using it,I realized it desn't take s lng t answer a questin and it's actually fabulus."
    Research shws almst 50% f children aged 6 t 16 cither have a mbile phne r have access t ne.The majrity play games r use apps like YuTube fr abut five hurs a day n average. "The 1 Questin app creates micr learning mments, "Mrs.Elnekave said. "We created a slutin that cmbines screen time with study. "
    With $2.99 a mnth,parents can dwnlad the app nt their child's phne,select their grade and curriculum subjects,then cntrl each time their child crrectly answers a questin t pen a game r app such as YuTube.
    "We designed the user experience t be really simple,but under it is ur extremely intelligent AI engine, "Mr.Elnekave said. "As yur child learns,s des the AI,which wrks ut each child's areas f strength and weakness and creates a suitable path fr their learning. "
    The app has a base f 12,000 questins develped by teachers using the Australian,British and American curriculums designed fr primary schl children.
    12.What d we knw abut the 1 Questin app? ______
    A. It wn't charge users any mney and can be used n cmputers.
    B. It cntains questins nt suitable fr primary schl students.
    C. It is f help fr children t learn smething useful during their screen time.
    D. Mre than ne questin needs answering crrectly t unlck children's phnes.
    13.What des the underlined wrd " fabulus" in Paragraph 3 prbably mean? ______
    A. Imprtant.B. Smart.C. Flexible.D. Amazing.
    14.Which can be a suitable title fr the text? ______
    A. Addictin t Mbile Phnes
    B. Applicatin f 1 Questin App
    C. Disadvantages f Mbile Phnes
    D. An app cmbining playing and studying
    15.In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear? ______
    A. Health.B. Science.C. Finance.D. Entertainment.
    D yu feel like yu are nt living the life yu want?It's yur life,s why des it seem like yu are nt in cntrl?Belw are sme imprtant lessns fr life.
    ( 1) ______ As Mark Twain said,cmparisn is the death f jy.It will mstly cntribute t making yu feel mre painful,because it prduces a lt f bad emtins.Cmparing yurself t thers is pintless,because we all have ur wn unique paths t fllw. (2) ______ This will help yu grw and cnstantly imprve yurself.
    Yu are afraid f change.Why are mst peple afraid f change?Mstly because we fear the unknwn,and anything that threatens ur serenity(平静) is seen as challenging.But it des nt have t be this way. (3) ______ It teaches us t adapt t situatins we never knew we culd.It helps us discver urselves.Accepting change als helps us t be mre adaptable in life.This will affrd yu mre pssibilities and pprtunities in yur life.
    Yu are wasting time n things yu cannt cntrl. (4) ______ The sner yu realize that fact,the clser yu get t living the life yu want.Hw d yu stp wasting time n things that are ut f yur cntrl?Start by finding ut what is within yur cntrl,such as yur attitude,gals and decisins.Then think abut what yu cannt cntrl,such as ther peple's values and behavirs. (5) ______
    Putting these imprtant lessns fr life int practice will surely imprve yur life.
    A.Yu are always cmparing yurself t thers.
    B.In fact,being able t accept change has many benefits.
    C.Spend mre time n the things that are within yur cntrl.
    D.Change must happen,s yu might as well learn t enjy it.
    E.A better apprach wuld be t cmpare yur present self t yur future self.
    F.The painful truth is that there are many things that yu cannt cntrl in yur life.
    G.The infrmatin yu are using as a basis fr yur judgement (评价) is likely incrrect.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    I dn't usually keep huseplants.But after my diagnsis (诊断) f a brain cancer,I(1) ______ the idea f having smething new and green arund.
    My friend gave me a lucky bamb plant.I started t care fr it,which gave me a sense f (2) ______ when I smetimes felt useless.My illness (3) ______ my ability t walk,and the treatment left me tired,making it(4) ______ fr me t finish everyday tasks.As a family physician,I was used t being the ne wh prvided care,nt the ne wh(5) ______ it.Althugh watering the plant was a (6) ______ act,it taught me I culd still be a(7) ______ .
    Over the next few mnths,I(8) ______ the first rund f treatment.I increased my walking distance and finally returned t wrk.I cntinued t(9) ______ the plant.Sn it dubled in height with shiny leaves.
    Then,mysteriusly,it began t shw,(10) ______ f stress.N matter what I did,the leaves(11) ______ brwning (发黄) and drpping.I grew (12) ______ that it might signal the recurrence (复发) f my brain cancer.
    Then I realized I had wrngly (13) ______ my caring fr the plant with my wn survival.As my anxiety reduced,I turned t a(n)(14) ______ expert fr help and transplanted the tree t a larger pt as (15) ______ .We bth began t thrive (旺盛) again.
    21.A. rejectedB. lvedC. stppedD. changed
    22.A. belngingB. emptinessC. achievementD. safety
    23.A. limitedB. develpedC. testedD. destryed
    24.A. safeB. imprtantC. tughD. necessary
    25.A. earnedB. receivedC. sharedD. avided
    26.A. creativeB. specialC. infrmalD. small
    27.A. care giverB. bread winnerC. hme wnerD. nature lver
    28.A. designedB. accessedC. cmpletedD. ffered
    29.A. lk frB. depend nC. tend tD. check ut
    30.A. ideasB. signsC. causesD. benefits
    31.A. stppedB. keptC. slwedD. escaped
    32.A. relievedB. satisfiedC. curiusD. fearful
    33.A. cnnectedB. changedC. balancedD. impressed
    34.A. careerB. scienceC. healthD. gardening
    35.A. tldB. appintedC. prmisedD. scheduled
    36.In 1909,hundreds f teahuses (1) ______ ( find) in the city f Chengdu.Hwever,tea shps are less ppular in peple's lives these days as peple are turning t different mdern (2) ______ (drink).In spite f this,sme yung tea lvers are trying t revive (复苏) the traditinal ten-drinking culture in China.
    Le Liu,( 3) ______ was brn in Yunnan Prvince,the birthplace f tea,( 4) ______ ( grw) up surrunded by tea.When in cllege,he began t learn t appreciate its rich culture.After graduatin,Liu pened teahuse in an attempt (5) ______ ( carry) frward tea-drinking culture and spread his lve f tea wrldwide.Chengdu was the lcatin that he chse,due t the city's tea culture.
    Apart frm (6) ______ ( intrduce) different types f tea t his custmers,Liu hsts a variety f events t prmte the drink.One ppular event is mainly abut dian cha in the Sng Dynasty,( 7) ______ ld tea preparatin methd.Liu believes that by experiencing such tea custms first hand,mre and mre yuth will eventually learn t appreciate tea
    "(8) ______ is natural fr yuth t be attracted t fashinable drinks such as cffee r milk tea.But even milk tea can be a gateway t falling in lve (9) ______ tea," says Liu. "We dn't need t push it.Interest cmes (10) ______ ( gradual) with time."
    37.假定你是李华,你校国际部将举办以 Appreciate the Charm f China为主题的讲座。请你给负责人 Chris 写信,向他推荐中国传统文化,信件内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    38.A GIFT FOR GRANDPA Summer vacatin was cming.Jack and his brther Berlin were filled with excitement as they thught f visiting their grandparents again.
    The big day came at last.After the happy family gt ready,they set ut fr the grandparents' eagerly.On the way,the brthers were excitedly talking abut the fun they had with grandparents.
    A little blue huse with a tall white chimney finally appeared.Behind the prperty was the frest carrying their gd memries with Grandpa.They arrived at the driveway,at the end f which Grandma was waiting fr them jyfully.
    Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept t the living rm,shuting excitedly "Grandpa,we are back!"
    Seeing his grandsns,Grandpa was wild with jy and tried t get up with all his strength frm the chair but in vain.A helpless expressin flashed n his face.Grandma explained that his health was declining rapidly and maybe culdn't stand up n his wn frever.But Grandpa declared stubbrnly(倔强地), "I can! " Certainly,he was stuck in his byish way.Mum and grandparents were happy t meet again after a lng time.They sat tgether and chatted abut what happened recently.
    The brthers were sn bred with adult cnversatin,went ut and wandered int the frest.Tall trees stretched up t the heavens with large branches crssing each ther,while yung nes rse straight like sldiers.Grandpa was nce a great explrer full f wisdm.He culd tell where the birds came frm nly by their calls and sngs.The trees,birds,lizards,lts f many merry mments they spent with Grandpa in the kingdm!
    But nw Grandpa culdn't get up,which made them wrried. "We'd think ut a way t cheer him up." Jack said. "Grandpa is a bird lver,and we can catch him a bird." Berlin suggested. "But he hates birds being caged!" Jack shk his head.
    Then a bright idea came t Jack's mind. "Why nt make a cane(拐杖)ut f a yung tree!"
    【解析】(1)D.细节理解题。根据Ort Btanic di Padva中前两句The Ort Btanic di Padva in Padua, nrth-eastern Iltaly, is the ldest academic btanical garden still in its riginal lcatin. It was funded in 1545 by the Venetian Republic. (位于意大利东北部帕多瓦的Ort Btanic di Padva是现存最古老的学术植物园。它于1545年由威尼斯共和国建立。)和第四句lt is particularly knwn fr its histrical architecture, as well as the cllectin f 6000 kinds f plants. (它尤其以其历史建筑,以及6000种植物的收藏而闻名。)可知, Ort Btanic di Padva的特别的部分是里面有一些古老的物品。 故选D.
    (2)B.细节理解题。根据Kirstenbsch Natinal Btanical Garden中最后一句It is famus fr exhibiting native plants frm different regins.(它以展示来自不同地区的本地植物而闻名。)可知,如果你想欣赏不同地区的本土植物,可以去Kirstenbsch Natinal Btanical Garden。故选B.
    (3)A.细节理解题。根据Singapre Btanic Garden中It has the Tembusu tree, seen n the Singaprean five-dllar bill.(新加坡五元钞票上有香灰莉木。)可知,在新加坡可以看到香灰莉木。新加坡属于亚洲,所以在亚洲大陆可以看到香灰莉木。故选 A.
    这是一篇应用文。 文章介绍了四个著名的植物园。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段When 9-year-ld Je Whale's parents encuraged their sn t keep drawing,that's what exactly they thught,even thugh he gt int truble fr ddling (涂鸦) during class.(当9岁的乔•威尔的父母鼓励他们的儿子继续画画时,他们确实是这么想的,尽管他因为在课堂上涂鸦而惹了麻烦)可知,乔在课堂上画画。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第四段I wuld advise parents t encurage their children t always fllw their passin and dreams and they shuld be there and ffer help whenever their children need them.(我会建议父母鼓励他们的孩子永远追随他们的激情和梦想,当孩子需要他们的时候,他们应该在那里提供帮助。)可知,格雷格建议家长们为孩子们的梦想提供足够的支持。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第五段Je's teacher recgnized his talent and psted his wrk n Instagram.Then his drawings caught the eye f the "Number 4" restaurant which asked him t cme ver and decrate their walls with his ddles.(乔的老师发现了他的才华,并把他的作品发到了Instagram上。后来,他的画引起了"四号"餐厅的注意,这家餐厅邀请他来用他的涂鸦装饰他们的墙壁)可知,"四号"餐厅通过乔在社交媒体上的作品发现了他。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据第一段Gd things will ccur if parents always supprt their children and their natural talents.(如果父母总是支持他们的孩子和他们的天赋,好事就会发生)可知,这篇文章是为了鼓励父母为孩子们的激情和梦想提供足够的支持。由此推知,文章的目标读者是父母。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句They fund that the tp prfessins fr bys included sprts and STEM (science,technlgy,engineering and mathematics) related jbs,while girls,n the ther hand,wanted t be teachers r nurses. (他们发现,最受男孩欢迎的职业包括体育和STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)相关的工作,而另一方面,女孩则想成为教师或护士。)以及第三段She said, "In the bys' sectin,yu'll find science,cnstructin and warfare tys — perhaps a rbt r a telescpe.In the girls' sectin,yu'll see tys related t cleaning,dlls,kitchens,makeup,jewellery and crafts. " (她说,"在男孩区,你会发现科学、建筑和战争玩具——也许是机器人或望远镜。在女孩区,你会看到与清洁、娃娃、厨房、化妆品、珠宝和工艺品相关的玩具。")可知,女孩主要从事教师或护士或者与清洁、娃娃、厨房、化妆品、珠宝和工艺品相关的工作。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Prfessr Schles said the influence f gender steretypes (刻板印象) n such chices begins in early childhd. "Bright pink tys fr girls and blue tys fr bys are sld n stre shelves arund the wrld. " (斯科尔斯教授表示,性别刻板印象对这些选择的影响始于童年早期。"世界各地的商店货架上都有亮粉色的女孩玩具和蓝色的男孩玩具。")可知,根据斯科尔斯教授所说,性别刻板印象对职业的选择会有影响。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第五段In Australia,sme brands (品牌) are n lnger targeting bys r girls with their tys. (在澳大利亚,一些品牌的玩具不再针对男孩或女孩。)可知,一些品牌的玩具不再针对男孩或女孩,说明还有一些品牌在玩具中仍然使用性别刻板印象。A.Sme brands advertise their prducts fr bys.有些品牌为男孩做广告;B.Sme brands use gender steretypes frm their tys.一些品牌在玩具中使用性别刻板印象;C.Sme brands advertise their prducts fr bth genders.一些品牌为男女都做广告;D.Sme brands target bys r girls with their prducts.一些品牌的产品针对的是男孩或女孩。故选B。
    (4)观点态度题。根据末段Leg said its prducts were mainly used by bys,but it prmised t wrk t remve gender preference frm its tys and instead market them fr bth genders. (乐高表示,其产品主要由男孩使用,但它承诺将努力消除玩具中的性别偏好,转而面向两性销售。)可知,乐高对消除玩具性别差异的态度是很支持的。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段As a new tl,an Australian app appears t help parents in the battle ver screen time.It asks kids t slve ne math r English prblem befre they can unlck their phnes.(作为一种新工具,澳大利亚的一款应用程序似乎可以帮助父母对抗屏幕时间。它要求孩子们在解锁手机之前先解决一道数学或英语问题。)可知,1-Questin应用程序可以帮助孩子们在屏幕时间学习有用的东西。故选C。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据划线词上文At first I wasn't sure abut it.I didn't want my friends t blame me if their parents used it t cntrl their screen time.But nce I started using it,I realized it desn't take s lng t answer a questin and it's actually中but表示转折,可知,一开始Alyssa不太确定。如果父母用它来控制他们的屏幕时间,Alyssa不想让朋友责怪自己。但是当Alyssa开始使用它的时候,Alyssa意识到它不会花很长时间来回答一个问题,而且它真的很棒。故划线词意思是"很棒的"。A.Imprtant(重要的);B.Smart(聪明的);C.Flexible(灵活的);D.Amazing(了不起的)。故选D。
    (3)标题归纳题。根据第一段It is cmmn that children spend a great deal f time n the screen.As a new tl,an Australian app appears t help parents in the battle ver screen time.It asks kids t slve ne math r English prblem befre they can unlck their phnes.(孩子们在屏幕上花费大量时间是很常见的。作为一种新工具,澳大利亚的一款应用程序似乎可以帮助父母对抗屏幕时间。它要求孩子们在解锁手机之前先解决一道数学或英语问题)结合文章主要介绍了澳大利亚的一款应用,它要求孩子们在解锁手机前先解决一道题,这可以帮助孩子们学习有用的东西。A.Addictin t Mbile Phnes(手机成瘾);B.Applicatin f 1 Questin App(1-Questin应用程序的应用);C.Disadvantages f Mbile Phnes(手机的缺点);D.An app cmbining playing and studying(一个结合了游戏和学习的应用程序)。故选D。
    【解析】(1)主题判断题。根据后句As Mark Twain said,cmparisn is the death f jy.It will mstly cntribute t making yu feel mre painful,because it prduces a lt f bad emtins(正如马克•吐温所说,攀比是快乐的死亡。它会让你感到更痛苦,因为它会产生很多不良情绪),可知选项A"你总是拿自己和他人攀比"可以作为本段的主题---攀比。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句Cmparing yurself t thers is pintless,because we all have ur wn unique paths t fllw(将自己与他人进行比较是毫无意义的,因为我们都有自己独特的道路要走);以及后句This will help yu grw and cnstantly imprve yurself(这将帮助你成长并不断提高自己),可知选项E"一个更好的方法是将现在的自己与未来的自己进行比较"可以和前句构成转折关系---不要和他人比,要和自己比;后句解释将现在的自己与未来的自己进行比较的好处,故选E。
    (3)推理判断题。根据后句It teaches us t adapt t situatins we never knew we culd.It helps us discver urselves(它教会我们适应我们从来不知道自己能适应的情况。它帮助我们发现自己),可知选项B"事实上,接受改变有很多好处"可以引出后文,后文具体介绍接受改变能带来好处,故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据前句Yu are wasting time n things yu cannt cntrl(你在把时间浪费在你无法控制的事情上);以及后句The sner yu realize that fact,the clser yu get t living the life yu want(你越早意识到这个事实,你离你想要的生活就越近),可知选项F"让人痛苦的事实是,在你的生活中有很多事情是你无法控制的"可以承接前句无法控制的事情的话题;引出后句,即意识到生活中有很多事情是你无法控制的之后,我们将变得更好,故选F。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句Then think abut what yu cannt cntrl,such as ther peple's values and behavirs(想想你无法控制的东西,比如别人的价值观和行为),可知选项C"把更多的时间花在你能控制的事情上"可以承接前句,既然别人的价值观和行为是无法控制的,那就把更多的时间花在自己能控制的事情上,故选C。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.rejected拒绝;B.lved爱;C.stpped停止;D.changed改变。根据上文"I dn't usually keep huseplants."和表示转折意义的but可知,患病之后作者爱上了有绿色新环境的想法。故选B。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.belnging所有物;B.emptiness空虚;C.achievement成就;D.safety安全。根据后半句"when I smetimes felt useless."推知,当作者因为自己的病觉得对家庭没有贡献时,照顾富贵竹给了她一种成就感。故选C。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.limited限制;B.develped发展,培养;C.tested测试;D.destryed破坏。根据上文"my diagnsis f a brain cancer"和常识可知,脑癌会限制作者的行走能力。且下文"I increased my walking distance"也是提示。故选A。
    (4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.safe安全的;B.imprtant重要的;C.tugh艰难的;D.necessary必要的。根据上文"my diagnsis f a brain cancer"和常识可知,脑癌让作者完成日常工作变得困难。故选C。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.earned赚得;B.received收到;C.shared分享;D.avided避免,避开。根据上文"I was used t being the ne wh prvided care"可知,作者认为自己不应该是接受护理(被照顾)的人。故选B。
    (6)考查形容词及语境理解。A.creative有创造力的;B.special特别的;C.infrmal非正式的;D.small小的。根据上文"watering the plant"可知,给植物浇水是一件小事。故选D。
    (7)考查名词词组及语境理解。A.care giver护理者;B.bread winner养家糊口的人;C.hme wner房屋所有者;D.nature lver自然爱好者。根据上文"watering the plant"和下文"my caring fr the plant"可知,作者给绿植浇水,因此她成为了看护人。故选A。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.designed设计;B.accessed访问;C.cmpleted完成;D.ffered提议。根据下文"I increased my walking distance and finally returned t wrk."可知,作者完成了第一轮治疗,才能增加了步行距离。故选C。
    (9)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.lk fr寻找;B.depend n依靠;C.tend t照顾;D.check ut退房。根据下文"Sn it dubled in height with shiny leaves."推知,作者回去上班后,仍然照顾富贵竹。故选C。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.ideas想法;B.signs标志,迹象;C.causes原因;D.benefits好处。根据下文"brwning and drpping"可知,富贵竹长势不好,表现了有压力的迹象。故选B。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.stpped停止;B.kept保持;C.slwed减慢;D.escaped逃走。根据上文"N matter what I did"和下文"brwning and drpping"推知,不论作者做什么,富贵竹的叶子不断地变褐和掉落。keep ding sth.表示"一直做某事,不断做某事"符合题意。故选B。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.relieved感到宽慰的,放心的;B.satisfied满足的;C.curius好奇的;D.fearful害怕的,担心的。根据下文"it might signal the recurrence (复发) f my brain cancer."可知,作者越来越担心。故选D。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.cnnected连接;B.changed改变;C.balanced平衡;D.impressed使印象深刻。根据上文"N matter what I did,the leaves ____(11)____ brwning and drpping.I grew ____(12)____ that it might signal the recurrence (复发) f my brain cancer."可知,作者把自己的病和富贵竹联系在一起。故选A。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.career事业;B.science科学;C.health健康;D.gardening园艺。根据后文"transplanted the tree t a larger pt"可知,给出建议的是园艺专家。故选D。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.tld告诉;B.appinted指派,任命;C.prmised承诺;D.scheduled安排。根据上文"I turned t a gardening expert"推知,作者按照专家所告知的那样将富贵竹移植到更大花盆。故选A。
    36.【答案】【小题1】were fund
    【小题5】t carry
    【解析】(1)考查动词时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:1909年,数百家茶馆在成都被发现。设空处为谓语,主语和谓语之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,根据时间状语In 1909,应用一般过去时,主语hundreds f teahuses,谓语用复数形式,故填were fund。
    (3)考查非限制性定语从句。句意:Le Liu出生在茶的发源地云南省,在茶的包围中长大。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Le Liu,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,应用关系代词wh引导。故填wh。
    (4)考查动词时态。句意:Le Liu出生在茶的发源地云南省,在茶的包围中长大。设空处为主句谓语,描述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故填grew。
    (5)考查动词不定式。句意:毕业后,他开了一家茶馆,试图在世界范围内弘扬饮茶文化,传播他对茶的热爱。短语in an attempt t d,意为"试图做某事"。故填t carry。
    (8)考查代词。句意:年轻人被咖啡或奶茶等时尚饮料所吸引是很自然的。it is+adj.+fr sb.t d sth."对于某人来说做某事是……的"是固定句型,动词不定式作真正主语,设空处用it作形式主语,句首单词首字母大写,故填It。
    (9)考查固定短语。句意:但即使是奶茶也可以成为爱上茶的门户。短语fall in lve with,意为"爱上",符合文意,故填with。
    本文是说明文。文章以Le Liu为例介绍了一些年轻的饮茶爱好者正试图复兴中国传统的饮茶文化。
    37.【答案】Dear Chris,
    Knwing abut the lecture with the theme f Appreciating the Charm f China will be held in yur schl,I'm mre than pleased t recmmend sme ppular traditinal Chinese culture.【高分句型一】(阐明写信事由)
    There is s much t explre and admire,but intrductin f traditinal Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festival must be included.I believe that the time-hnred stries and traditins behind them will certainly ffer mre abut China.Additinally,yu can fcus n diverse ethnic minrity cultures including distinctive buildings and clthing.With a mix f traditinal cultures,a vivid and clrful China will be shwn.(你推荐的内容)
    I sincerely hpe that it is a cmplete success.Please let me knw if there is anything else I can d t help!【高分句型二】(表达祝愿)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Knwing abut the lecture with the theme f Appreciating the Charm f China will be held in yur schl,I'm mre than pleased t recmmend sme ppular traditinal Chinese culture.
    分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语Knwing abut the lecture with the theme f Appreciating the Charm f China will be held in yur schl作状语。
    高分句型二:Please let me knw if there is anything else I can d t help!
    38.【答案】Berlin thught it was a gd idea.When the tw brthers reached an agreement,they quickly ran back t their grandfather's huse,gt the tls they needed t make the cane,and ran back t the wds. 【高分句型一】Jack said,"What kind f tree shuld we pick fr the walking stick?" Berlin thught fr a mment and said,"I think we shuld chse a straight tree,s n knts will scratch grandpa' s hands." Jack ndded his head in agreement.They fund a straight tree and set t wrk.They cut the tree dwn,and with a knife they tk the bark ff.It was a wnderful tree,which was smth and was just f the right size. 【高分句型二】They thught grandpa wuld lve it.(兄弟俩怎么做手杖)
    Jack and Berlin handed the cane t Grandpa.When grandpa t the cane,his hands shk with jy,thinking,"This is made by my grandsns themselves.Hw precius it is!" Jack said,"Grandpa,we hpe this cane will help yu stand up and cme with us t explre the wds." Grandpa smiled and decided t give it a try s as nt t make his grandchildren disappinted.He held the cane in his right hand and the arm f his chair in his left hand.He std up with strength n his legs.Everyne was surprised and excited t see grandpa stand up.At that mment,Jack nticed a tear cming frm the crner f his grandfather's eye.(爷爷拿到手杖后的反应)
    高分句型一:When the tw brthers reached an agreement,they quickly ran back t their grandfather's huse,gt the tls they needed t make the cane,and ran back t the wds.
    高分句型二:It was a wnderful tee,which was smth and was just f the right size.
    在确定了思路和内容之后,最关键的就是结合提示语或者文中画线的关键词拟写草稿。拟写时,注意句子结构的多样性,语言的丰富性,并通过句与句之间连接词的正确使用,使上下文连贯。Berlin thught it was a gd idea.______
    Jack and Berlin handed the cane t Grandpa.______

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