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    Nrth r suth,east r west,there's always smething wnderful at the best btanical (植物的) gardens in the wrld.The amazing variety f plants n shw ffers an escape fr nature lvers.Here are sme f the tp btanical gardens acrss the wrld.
    Cambridge University Btanic Garden
    The riginal Cambridge University Btanic Garden (CUBG) was funded in 1762 in the centre f the city,nw knwn as the New Museums Site.It hlds a cllectin f ver 8,000 plant species (物种) frm all ver the wrld t prmte teaching and research.
    It is pen every day thrughut the year except fr Christmas clsure—24 December t 1 January (included).Tickets can be bught using cash r card at the Gates upn arrival.Pre-bking is ptinal.
    Oxfrd Btanic Garden
    Funded in 1621,the Oxfrd Btanic Garden is cmmitted t educating peple abut the imprtance f plants,t help prtect plants that are frm arund the wrld,and t supprt teaching and research within the University and beynd.
    It is pen all year rund frm 10 6 is nly free fr under 16s with an accmpanying (陪同) paying adult.Unaccmpanied under 16s will require a student ticket fr entry.
    Ryal Btanic Garden Edinburgh
    The Ryal Btanic Garden Edinburgh is a highlight f any visit t the Scttish.This breathtaking living cllectin f plants is ver 350 years ld.
    The Garden is pen daily and clsed n 25 December and 1 January.Garden entry is free!
    Cheekwd,built in 1960,is a 55-acre btanical garden lcated n the histric Cheek estate (庄园).It welcmes ver 300,000 visitrs each year,making it ne f the city's tp cultural attractins.
    Cheekwd is pen every day thrughut the year,except 25 December.All guests must bk a timed-entry ticket nline befre visiting.N tickets will be sld n-site.
    1.Hw many days will CUBG be clsed t visitrs in a year? ______
    A. 7.B. 8.C. 9.D. 10.
    2.What is special abut Ryal Btanic Garden Edinburgh? ______
    A. There is n entrance fee.
    B. It is pen t visitrs all the year.
    C. It is t supprt teaching and research.
    D. It has the largest cllectin f plants.
    3.Which f the fllwing btanical gardens has the lngest histry? ______
    A. Cambridge University Btanic Garden.
    B. Oxfrd Btanic Garden.
    C. Ryal Btanic Garden Edinburgh.
    D. Cheekwd.
    Frm time t time,Ding Peng makes his way acrss the waves t Zhngtiedun,an island in Zhejiang Prvince.He has made a pint f cming back t visit it t greet and bserve the Chinese crested terns(中华凤头燕鸥)ver the past ten years.
    The medium-sized bird is 30—40 centimeters lng,with gray wings and a white bdy.It was first discvered in Indnesia by Plish in 1861.The birds were sptted in 1937 n islands arund Qingda,Shandng Prvince,and it was nt until 2000 that a bird phtgrapher sptted them n the Matsu Islands ff the cast f Fujian Prvince,which immediately caused a strm in internatinal rnithlgy(鸟类学) circles fr researchers assumed that the birds had already died ut.
    Brn in Lanzhu,Gansu Prvince,Ding grew up seeing barren(不毛的) muntains and sandstrms,and has an awareness f envirnmental prtectin at an early age.That was why,after graduating frm university in 2012,he readily tk a jb ffer frm the Jiushan Archipelag Natinal Nature Reserve(JANNR)in Zhejiang. "I lve the sea and my majr culd be f sme use in prtecting it, "he says.
    Lking back at his life n the islands,Ding admits that it was very tugh.There was n electricity t charge mbile phnes and n air cnditiner in ht summer,and drinking water was sent in by supply ships.The wrst was the lneliness,thugh things tk a turn fr the better in 2017,when mre vlunteers came t jin the bird prtectin team.
    Ding's cntributins were recgnized by the lcal authrities f Ningb this year,wh named him ne f the city's"mst beautiful peple". "Everything was wrth it,nw that mre peple are aware f the imprtance f prtecting the birds,and nw that the number f the birds is n the rise, "Ding says.
    4.Why did the researchers feel surprised when a Chinese crested tern was fund in 2000? ______
    A. Because the event made them shameful.
    B. Because they were unable t catch it.
    C. Because they thught the birds were extinct.
    D. Because it was sptted by a phtgrapher instead f them.
    5.What was the main reasn why Ding decided t wrk fr JANNR? ______
    A. His majr.
    B. Gd salary.
    C. The beautiful scenery.
    D. Living experience at his hmetwn.
    6.Hw is Ding's life n the islands? ______
    A. Enjyable.B. Difficult.C. Inspiring.D. Adventurus.
    7.What des Ding think f his team's wrk? ______
    A. It's perfect.B. It's regrettable.
    C. It's pintless.D. It's fruitful.
    Experts ften tell students t centre their effrts n a narrw field t get a jb after schl.But recent research int Nbel Prize winners suggests that wider interests are imprtant.Michele Rt-Bernstein and Rbert Rt-Bernstein published their study in the Creativity Research Jurnal.
    They said Alexis Carrel wn his Nbel Prize in medicine in 1912 by using techniques he learned frm the clthing business.He realized that peple wh used thread(线) t make and fix clthing had a skill that culd be used in peratins t put new rgans int peple's bdies.
    In 1978,a prfessr frm Carnegie Melln University in Pennsylvania wn the Nbel Prize in ecnmics.His name was Herbert Simn.He wrked in many parts f the university during his career and supprted prjects in cmputer science,artificial intelligence,psychlgy,philsphy and ecnmics.Outside f wrk,he played the pian,wrte music,painted,made drawings and played chess.
    They fund that mst prfessinals are nt like the prize-winners.The prize-winners are special in that they regularly lk fr the chances t learn new things,even utside f their jbs.
    Dari F wn the Nbel Prize in Literature in 1997.He talked abut drawing and painting as a way t slve prblems that came up in his writing. "When I'm having difficulty with a play,I stp writing s I can draw ut the actin in pictures, "he said.
    The researchers say that,even amng peple wh d nt win big prizes,thse with many interests are ften successful.They pinted t a 2012 reprt abut students wh study tw majr fields in cllege.That study plan is called a "duble majr".Duble majrs are ften mre creative and mre interested in starting their wn businesses than thse wh centred n nly ne study area.
    Other researchers have fund that having an utside activity that makes yu think can help predict future success in a jb.Sme f thse activities include playing chess,perfrming music r creating art.
    8.Fr what did Alexis Carrel win the Nbel Prize? ______
    A. His wide range f knwledge.
    B. A majr breakthrugh in rgan transplant.
    C. The new effective medicine he invented.
    D. His achievements in the clthing industry.
    9.What des Herbert Simn's career mainly tell us? ______
    A. Practice makes perfect.B. Never t ld t learn.
    C. Knwledge is n burden(负担)D. The early bird catches the wrm.
    10.What advantages might students take duble majrs have? ______
    A. Their spare time life is clurful,
    B. They may be pen-minded and creative.
    C. They will win big prizes in the future.
    D. They stick t the same jb fr a lng time.
    11.What can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Gd Fundatin fr Yur Future Success
    B. Basic Quality f Creative Talents frm Nbel Winners
    C. Study:Future Students with One Prfessin and Many Capabilities
    D. Study:Nbel Prize Often Ges t Peple f Wide Interests
    Genetic researchers in Spain's wine cuntry believe grapevines(葡萄藤) that have lived fr mre than 35 years are better able t deal with high temperatures brught by climate change.
    Winemakers in the Rija area in nrthern Spain make sme f the best wine fr hundreds f years.But in recent years,winemakers there have been having truble prducing gd wine.They say the wine tasted better in the past,when temperatures were usually cler.
    Researchers like Pabl Carbnell think lder grapevines may be able t grw better in higher temperatures.Carbnell lks at rws f gray shapes n his cmputer screen.Amng them was a green rectangle(矩形). This,he said,represents a kind f grapevine that prduces grapes that take lnger t ripen(成熟),even in warmer cnditins.
    A lnger ripeness perid is what winemakers want.The current vines prduce grapes that are ready t pick t early.Such grapes d nt make wine that has the right clur and smell.The wine als has t much alchl(酒精).
    Peple wh wrk in the vineyards have lng crssed ld vines with new nes.Nw they are wrking with special labratries-like the ne where Carbnell wrks—t find a climate- resistant(耐气候的) vine.The scientists there are studying the genmes (基因组) f cmmnly used grapes in Spanish wine.
    The lab is wrking t keep the Spanish winemaking industry alive as temperatures rise.The scientists say the lder grapevines have a mre diverse genetic makeup.
    Spain is the third-largest winemaking cuntry in the wrld behind France and Italy.Spanish wine prductin is wrth clse t $5 billin in the cuntry's ecnmy each year.
    In additin t the genetic research,scientists are als wrking n different planting methds.A winery called RODA is planting vines in a curve(曲线) instead f a straight line.The hpe is that plants will take in mre water this way.The new vineyard is made up f vines that were ver 100 years ld and mved frm anther place.
    12.What causes the difficulty in wine making in Rija? ______
    A. The lw temperature.
    B. The age f grapevines.
    C. The glbal warming.
    D. The traditinal prductin prcess.
    13.What des the underlined "This" in Paragraph 3 refer t? ______
    A. The cmputer screen.B. All kinds f grapevines.
    C. Rws f gray shapes.D. A green rectangle.
    14.What can we learn frm the text? ______
    A. Italy is currently the largest wine prducer.
    B. High quality wine needs grapes with shrt grwth perid.
    C. The current gal f the labratry is t renew the lder grapevines.
    D. Early grape picking wuld make the wine fail t meet the due standards.
    15.Why d scientist plant the vines in a curve? ______
    A. T get mre water.
    B. T enlarge planting area.
    C. T reduce experiment cst.
    D. T change the gene structure f grape.
    What d Gladys,Ruby and Lgan all have in cmmn?(1) ______ But hw d strms get their names?Here's everything yu need t knw.
    ( 2) ______
    There's quite a reasnable explanatin fr naming a strm.It's simply t make peple mre aware when severe weather is n the way,with the idea being yu'll hear the name and yu'll knw serius wind,rain r snw is cming.(3) ______
    When is a strm named?
    ( 4) ______ In weather-speak,named strms mean red warnings and have destructive pwer.These warnings are issued fr things like rain,wind,snw,ice,fg and extreme heat.S scientists believe that naming strms helps raise awareness f the impacts f severe weather and ensures clarity(清晰) fr the public when they need it mst.
    Hw are the names chsen?
    The Met.Office(气象部门)usually asks the public t suggest pssible names fr strms,and a new list is published every year.(5) ______ Bad news is if yur name begins with Q,U,X,Y r Z,yu're never ging t get a strm named after yu.The practice is t avid a cnflict with US hurricane naming traditins.In the US,hurricanes are ften given clear and simple names,alphabetically(按字母顺序的) as well.
    A.What is a strm?
    B.Why are strms named?
    C.Well,they are all names f strms.
    D.A name is given when a strm is expected t cause medium r high impacts.
    E.That way,peple are better placed t keep themselves and their belngings safe.
    F.When a strm arrives,frecasters will pick the next name frm the list.
    G.The lists are alphabetical,with names changing between male and female.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Early in my teaching career,I heard cuntless excuses fr why students didn't have their (1) ______ . "The dg ate it" was ne f them.As time passed,I grew tired f hearing and quit accepting any(2) ______ .
    When I was transferred(转移) t anther schl,I tk my straightfrward(3) ______ with me. "N excuses,n exceptins!" When a student didn't have the hmewrk,I never asked why.Instead,I sighed ludly,shk my head unhappily and(4) ______ a zer.
    One afternn,shrtly after the dismissal bell (下课铃) rang,Anne apprached me. "Culd I talk t yu fr a minute?" she asked(5) ______ . "I knw what yu said abut ur hmewrk,but I dn't want yu t think I'm a(6) ______ girl because I cme t schl withut mine s ften. "
    Anne lked up at me,and I culd see that her lwer lip was shaking. "Um . . . ,my dad mved ut,and my mum wrks at night,s I have t(7) ______ my little brthers.Smetimes they cry a lt,which makes it(8) ______ t cncentrate. ""Wuld it(9) ______ if yu stayed here after schl and wrked n it?"I asked.She ndded.
    The next day,I(10) ______ t all my students that I'd be ffering an after-schl study hall.Anne was the first t shw up.Several days later,Terrell(11) ______ her,fllwed by twins Sandy and Randy.(12) ______ ,I had a rm full f eighth graders t wrk n their lessns.
    The things I learned weren't taught in cllege.I discvered nt all kids cme frm(13) ______ that are safe and warm.Nt all kids have a(14) ______ bedrm with a desk and study light,and sme kids d g t bed hungrily.Mst imprtantly,I learned that "I'll listen"(15) ______ better than "N excuses"
    21.A. equipmentB. hmewrkC. adviceD. prgress
    22.A. wealthB. pvertyC. excuseD. knwledge
    23.A. attitudeB. angerC. balanceD. cash
    24.A. infrmedB. requestedC. refusedD. recrded
    25.A. nervuslyB. directlyC. happilyD. entirely
    26.A. merryB. creativeC. lazyD. lucky
    27.A. make up frB. lk afterC. get rid fD. act as
    28.A. hardB. simpleC. curiusD. amazing
    29.A. prtestB. surviveC. helpD. matter
    30.A. discveredB. annuncedC. expldedD. argued
    31.A. admittedB. changedC. lcatedD. jined
    32.A. Befre lngB. By accidentC. At largeD. Abve all
    33.A. schlsB. hmesC. classesD. cuntries
    34.A. beautifulB. largeC. quietD. warm
    35.A. impactsB. crashesC. sundsD. wrks
    36.Nt having breakfast culd raise yur risk f heart disease by 87 percent,accrding t (1) ______ scientific study.
    Researchers analysed 18 years f data n 6,550 peple ver frty wh had n histry f heart disease.Respndents(被调查者) were given regular surveys,(2) ______ included the questin:Hw ften d yu eat breakfast?Mst (59 percent) ate breakfast every day,but 5.1 percent never did.10.9 percent rarely did,and 25 percent wuld skip a few (3) ______ ( day).
    The team fund a clear link (4) ______ breakfast habits and the risk f heart disease.Thse wh didn't eat in the mrning (5) ______ ( be) up t 87 percent mre likely t develp heart disease.
    "Breakfast (6) ______ ( believe)t be an imprtant meal f the day,but there has been an increase f ging withut breakfast ver the past 50 years,with as many (7) ______ 23.8 percent f yung peple skipping breakfast every day, " the authrs write.
    The team pinted ut a few bad effects f nt having breakfast.First,thse wh dn't eat breakfast may end up (8) ______ ( snack)unhealthily.Secnd,ging withut breakfast may lead t high bld (9) ______ ( press).The findings (10) ______ ( publish)n the American Cllege f Cardilgy,came days after a similar study shwing peple wh skip breakfast are less likely t survive a heart attack.
    37.假定你是李华,你的美国好友 Alice因超重落选啦啦队(cheerleading team)而感到烦恼,请给她写一封邮件。内容包括:
    Dear Alice,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    The nly real jb I'd ever had was as manager f a lcal cafe.That was a rich experience,but I will never frget ne thing.
    Our family has a traditin f running cafes.When I was a kid,I had the dream f running a cffee shp independently.The third year after I graduated frm cllege,the pprtunity came.
    My father tk ver a café shp in the central city,far frm hme.Maybe there was n suitable persn t manage.My father did ffer me full respnsibility frm decratin t business.Winter cming after fall,I was busy,painful and happy.
    S tired as I was,I bthered myself t pen up my café shp n the freezing mrning.With many custmers streaming in,I knew anther lng business day began.And I had t serve far int the night.
    As I rushed amng the tables,suddenly,a vice asked if I culd mind a child.I was quite angry but I culd tell the man was quite desperate (绝望的).S I had t make a deal with him that if he wanted his sn t stay and wait fr him,he had t buy smething in the shp.
    This was quite hard fr the man t d.I culd tell he was quite pr by the way he was dressed.It lked as if he had tried t cme in his best clthes.But they still lked a bit ld and wrn ut as if he had ften wrn them,just t make himself lk best.Lking dwn I culd see his shes were als a bit trn and the heels (鞋后跟) were in a terrible state.I thught he was ging fr a jb interview.In the end he bught a small bx f ckies fr his little sn and seated him dwn in the crner.I culd tell the by was feeling dwn and nly culd d with a bit f cheering up.
    Seeing that the kid sat there,I was a bit wrried.___________
    At clsing time,the nly persn left was the little by.___________
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Cambridge University Btanic Garden部分的It is pen every day thrughut the year except fr Christmas clsure—24 December t 1 January.(它全年每天开放,除了圣诞节,12月24日至1月1日)可知,剑桥大学植物园一年有9天是闭园的。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Ryal Btanic Garden Edinburgh部分的Garden entry is free!(进入花园是免费的!)可知,爱丁堡皇家植物园的特别之处是游客不收入场费。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据文中四个植物园的建园时间可知,Cambridge University Btanic Garden成立于1762年;Oxfrd Btanic Garden成立于1621年;Ryal Btanic Garden Edinburgh距今有350年历史,大约成立于17世纪60年代;Cheekwd成立于1960年。可知,四个植物园中历史最悠久的是Oxfrd Btanic Garden。故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第二段and it was nt until 2000 that a bird phtgrapher sptted them n the Matsu Islands ff the cast f Fujian Prvince,which immediately caused a strm in internatinal rnithlgy(鸟类学) circles fr researchers assumed that the birds had already died ut.(直到2000年,一位鸟类摄影师才在福建省沿海的 Matsu Islands 发现了它们,这立即在国际鸟类学界引发了一场风暴,因为研究人员认为这些鸟类已经灭绝了。)可知,一位摄影师在2000年发现了一只中华凤头燕鸥,推翻了研究人员之前的推测——中华凤头燕鸥在地球上已经绝迹了。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据文章第三段Brn in Lanzhu,Gansu Prvince,Ding grew up seeing barren(不毛的) muntains and sandstrms,and has an awareness f envirnmental prtectin at an early age.That was why,after graduating frm university in 2012,he readily tk a jb ffer frm the Jiushan Archipelag Natinal Nature Reserve(JANNR)in Zhejiang. (丁先生出生于甘肃兰州,在贫瘠的山区和沙尘暴中长大,从小就有环保意识。这就是为什么2012年大学毕业后,他欣然接受了浙江九山群岛国家级自然保护区(JANNR)的工作邀请。)可知,丁鹏早年在家乡生活的经历使其认识到保护环境的重要性,在大学毕业后毅然选择从事环保这一行。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章第四段Lking back at his life n the islands,Ding admits that it was very tugh.There was n electricity t charge mbile phnes and n air cnditiner in ht summer,and drinking water was sent in by supply ships.The wrst was the lneliness,thugh things tk a turn fr the better in 2017,when mre vlunteers came t jin the bird prtectin team.(回顾他在岛上的生活,丁承认那是非常艰难的。在炎热的夏天,没有电给手机充电,也没有空调,饮用水是由补给船送进来的。最糟糕的是孤独感,尽管2017年情况有所好转,更多的志愿者加入了鸟类保护团队。)可知,丁鹏在岛上的生活相当艰难。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Everything was wrth it,nw that mre peple are aware f the imprtance f prtecting the birds,and nw that the number f the birds is n the rise, "Ding says.(所有的一切都是值得的,现在更多的人意识到保护鸟类的重要性,现在鸟类的数量正在上升,"丁说。)可知,丁鹏对于其与队友们的工作是认可的,他们的工作是富有成效的。故选D。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段中They said Alexis Carrel wn his Nbel Prize in medicine in 1912 by using techniques he learned frm the clthing business.He realized that peple wh used thread(线) t make and fix clthing had a skill that culd be used in peratins t put new rgans int peple's bdies.(他们说阿莱克西斯•卡莱耳利用从服装业学到的技术获得了1912年的诺贝尔医学奖。他意识到用线制作和缝制衣服的人有一种技能,可以用在向人体植入新器官的手术中。)可知阿莱克西斯•卡莱耳因在器官移植方面的重大突破获得诺贝尔奖。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段He wrked in many parts f the university during his career and supprted prjects in cmputer science,artificial intelligence,psychlgy,philsphy and ecnmics.Outside f wrk,he played the pian,wrte music,painted,made drawings and played chess.(在他的职业生涯中,他在大学的许多部门工作,并支持计算机科学、人工智能、心理学、哲学和经济学方面的项目。工作之余,他弹钢琴、作曲、绘画、素描和下棋。)和第四段They fund that mst prfessinals are nt like the prize-winners.The prize-winners are special in that they regularly lk fr the chances t learn new things,even utside f their jbs.(他们发现大多数专业人士不像获奖者。获奖者很特别,因为他们经常寻找学习新东西的机会,甚至是在工作之外。)可知希尔伯特•西蒙的职业生涯主要告诉我们艺多不压身。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Duble majrs are ften mre creative and mre interested in starting their wn businesses than thse wh centred n nly ne study area. (与那些只专注于一个学习领域的学生相比,双学位学生通常更有创造力,对创业更感兴趣。)可知修双学位的学生有这样的优势他们可能思想开放,富有创造力。故选B。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据文章第一段Experts ften tell students t centre their effrts n a narrw field t get a jb after schl.But recent research int Nbel Prize winners suggests that wider interests are imprtant.Michele Rt-Bernstein and Rbert Rt-Bernstein published their study in the Creativity Research Jurnal.(专家经常告诉学生集中精力在一个狭窄的领域,以便在毕业后找到工作。但最近对诺贝尔奖获得者的研究表明,更广泛的兴趣是重要的。米歇尔•鲁特-伯恩斯坦和罗伯特•鲁特-伯恩斯坦在《创造力研究杂志》上发表了他们的研究。)可知本文主要讲述了专家们经常告诉学生,为了在毕业后找到工作,要把精力集中在一个狭窄的领域。但最近对诺贝尔奖得主的研究表明,更广泛的兴趣是重要的。因此本文的最佳标题是D.Study:Nbel Prize Often Ges t Peple f Wide Interests(研究:诺贝尔奖经常颁给兴趣广泛的人)。故选D。
    【解析】 (1)细节理解题。根据文章第二段Winemakers in the Rija area in nrthern Spain make sme f the best wine fr hundreds f years.But in recent years,winemakers there have been having truble prducing gd wine.They say the wine tasted better in the past,when temperatures were usually cler.(西班牙北部里奥哈地区的酿酒师酿造了一些数百年来最好的葡萄酒。但近年来,那里的酿酒商在生产好酒方面遇到了困难。他们说,在过去气温通常较低的时候,这种酒味道更好。)可知全球变暖导致里奥哈葡萄酒酿造困难。故选C。
    (2)代词指代题。根据文章第三段Carbnell lks at rws f gray shapes n his cmputer screen.Amng them was a green rectangle(矩形). This,he said,represents a kind f grapevine that prduces grapes that take lnger t ripen(成熟),even in warmer cnditins.(卡波内尔看着电脑屏幕上一排排灰色的图形。其中有一个绿色的长方形。他说,这代表了一种葡萄藤,即使在温暖的条件下,这种葡萄藤也需要更长的时间才能成熟。)可知This代指的是"绿色的长方形"。A.The cmputer screen.电脑屏幕;B.All kinds f grapevines.各种葡萄藤;C.Rws f gray shapes.一排排灰色的形状;D.A green rectangle.绿色的长方形。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章第四段A lnger ripeness perid is what winemakers want.The current vines prduce grapes that are ready t pick t early.Such grapes d nt make wine that has the right clur and smell.The wine als has t much alchl(酒精).(酿酒师想要更长的成熟期。现在的葡萄树生产的葡萄过早就可以采摘了。这样的葡萄不能酿造出具有合适颜色和气味的葡萄酒。酒也有太多的酒精。)可知过早采摘葡萄会使葡萄酒达不到应有的标准。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段A winery called RODA is planting vines in a curve(曲线) instead f a straight line.The hpe is that plants will take in mre water this way.(一家名为RODA的酿酒厂种植的葡萄藤是曲线而不是直线。希望植物能通过这种方式吸收更多的水分。)可知科学家种植弯曲的葡萄藤来获得更多的水分。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句What d Gladys,Ruby and Lgan all have in cmmn(格拉迪斯、鲁比和洛根有什么共同点);以及后句But hw d strms get their names(但是风暴的名字是怎么来的),可知C项"它们都是风暴的名称"可以承接前句列举的名称,引出后句的提问。故选C。
    (2)主题判断题。根据后句There's quite a reasnable explanatin fr naming a strm(命名风暴有一个相当合理的解释),以及后面小标题的形式,可知B项"为什么命名风暴"可以作为本段的主题---给风暴命名的缘由。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据前句It's simply t make peple mre aware when severe weather is n the way,with the idea being yu'll hear the name and yu'll knw serius wind,rain r snw is cming(这只是为了让人们更多地意识到恶劣天气即将到来,因为你会听到这个名字,你就会知道严重的风、雨或雪即将来临),可知E项"那样,人们就会做好准备,以保全自己和所有的财产免受不必要的损失"可以承接前句,构成因果关系,因为人们知道有风暴将要来临,所以会警觉,故选E。
    (4)推理判断题。根据小标题When is a strm named(风暴何时被命名),可知D项"当风暴有可能要造成中等或严重影响时,这个风暴就将会被赋予一个名字"与本段标题契合,说明风暴被命名的时机。故选D。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句The Met.Office usually asks the public t suggest pssible names fr strms,and a new list is published every year(气象部门通常会要求公众提出风暴的可能名称,每年都会公布一份新的名单);以及后句Bad news is if yur name begins with Q,U,X,Y r Z,yu're never ging t get a strm named after yu(坏消息是,如果你的名字以Q、U、X、Y或Z开头,你就永远不会有风暴以你的名字命名),可知G项"名单是按照字母顺序编排的,在男性名字和女性名字间交替选取"可以承接前文的名单,和后句一起介绍风暴命名的规则,故选G。
    【解析】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.equipment设备;B.hmewrk家庭作业;C.advice建议;D.prgress进步。句意:在我的教学生涯早期,我听到过无数学生没有做家庭作业的借口。根据下文""The dg ate it" was ne f them."以及下一段中"When a student didn't have the hmewrk"可知,学生们不写作业有很多的理由,被狗吃了就是其中一个。下文中的单词hmewrk是该空处的复现。故选B。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.wealth财富;B.pverty贫困;C.excuse借口;D.knwledge知识。句意:随着时间的推移,我听厌了,不再接受任何借口。根据上文"Early in my teaching career,I heard cuntless excuses fr why students didn't have their(1). "可知,随着时间的推移,作者有了经验,所以当她听到这些借口时感到非常的厌烦。空处是上文中单词excuses的复现。故选C。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.infrmed通知;B.requested请求;C.refused拒绝;D.recrded登记。句意:相反,我大声叹了口气,不高兴地摇了摇头,录了一个零。根据句中的"sighed ludly,shk my head unhappily"以及空后的zer可知,对于不写作业的学生们,作者不接受任何借口,而且会感到很不高兴,直接登记为零分。故选D。
    (5)考查副词及语境理解。A.nervusly紧张地;B.directly直接;C.happily快乐地;D.entirely完全。句意:"我能和你聊一会儿吗?"?她紧张地问道。根据上文"One afternn,shrtly after the dismissal bell rang,Anne apprached me."可知,Anne是作者的一个学生,由此可推断,当学生和老师说话时,肯定会感到很紧张。故选A。
    (6)考查形容词及语境理解。A.merry快乐的;B.creative创造性的;C.lazy懒惰的;D.lucky有好运的。句意:我知道你怎么要求我们的作业,但我不想让你认为我是个懒惰的女孩,因为我来学校时经常不带作业。根据下文" because I cme t schl withut mine s ften. "可知,Anne经常不写作业,她肯定觉得老师认为她是一个很懒惰的人。所以她和老师谈话的目的就是告诉老师她不写作业的真实理由。故选C。
    (7)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.make up fr弥补;B.lk after照顾;C.get rid f除掉;D.act as充当。句意:嗯,我爸爸离开了我们,妈妈晚上工作,所以我必须照顾我的小弟弟。根据上文"my dad mved ut,and my mum wrks at night"可知,Anne的爸爸离开了他们,妈妈晚上得工作,所以她必须要要照顾她的小弟弟。故选B。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.hard困难的;B.simple简单的;C .curius好奇的;D.amazing令人惊奇的。句意:有时他们哭得很厉害,很难集中注意力。根据上文"Smetimes they cry a lt"可知,家里的环境很不好,小弟弟经常哭,所以对于Anne来说很难完成作业。故选A。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.prtest抗议;B.survive存活;C.help帮助;D.matter重要。句意:"如果你放学后留在这里做作业,会有帮助吗?"我问道。根据空后"if yu stayed here after schl and wrked n it"以及下一段中"The next day,I(10)t all my students that I'd be ffering an after-schl study hall. "可知,听到Anne的经历后,作者想要帮助她。此处作者是在询问Anne"如果留在学校写作业会对她有帮助吗"。故选C。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.discvered发现;B.annunced宣布;C.explded爆炸;D.argued争辩。句意:第二天,我向所有学生宣布,我将提供一个课后自习室。根据下文"Anne was the first t shw up.Several days later,Terrell(11)her,fllwed by twins Sandy and Randy. "可知,作者是在班里宣布她要给学生们提供一个课后自习室。故选B。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.admitted承认;B.changed改变;C.lcated位于;D.jined加入。句意:几天后,特雷尔加入了她的行列,双胞胎桑迪和兰迪紧随其后。根据"I had a rm full f eighth graders t wrk n their lessns."可知,在作者宣布完她要给学生们提供一个课后自习室后,Anne先出现在了自习室中,紧跟着就是Terrell加入了自习室。故选D。
    (12)考查介词短语及语境理解。A.Befre lng不久;B.By accident偶然;C .At large普遍;D.Abve all首先。句意:不久,我有一屋子八年级的学生在做作业。根据上文"Anne was the first t shw up.Several days later,Terrell(11)her,fllwed by twins Sandy and Randy. "可知,孩子们一个接一个的加入了自习室,没过多久,很多八年级的孩子们都加入到了这个自习室中。故选A。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.beautiful美丽的;B.large大的;C.quiet安静的;D.warm温暖的。句意:并不是所有的孩子都有一间安静的卧室,里面有桌子和学习灯,有些孩子确实饿着肚子上床睡觉。根据上文"Smetimes they cry a lt,which makes it(8)t cncentrate."可知,不是所有的孩子们都有一个安静的学习环境。故选C。
    【解析】(1)考查冠词。句意:一项科学研究表明,不吃早餐会使患心脏病的风险增加87%。根据句意以及空后scientific study为单数名词可知,此处为表示泛指"一项科学研究"为泛指概念,结合scientific为首音节辅音单词,所以为不定冠词a的填入。故填a。
    (3)考查可数名词的复数。句意:59%的人每天吃早餐,5.1%的人从来不吃,10.9%的人很少吃,25%的人会跳过几天。由空前"a few"可知,此处为应填名词复数形式。故填days。
    (4)考查介词。句意:研究小组发现,吃早餐的习惯与患心脏病的风险之间存在一个明显的联系。分析句子结构和句意可知,此处缺介词,连接两个名词短语。构成between . . .and. . .表示"在……之间"。故填between。
    (6)考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:作者写道:"早餐被认为是一天中的重要一餐,但在过去50年里,不吃早餐的人数在增加,多达23.8%的年轻人每天都不吃早餐。"分析句子结构可知,此处主语为Breakfast第三人称单数,Breakfast和动词believe为被动关系,时态为一般现在时态,所以为一般现在时的被动语态结构。故填is believed。
    (7)考查连词。句意:作者写道:"早餐被认为是一天中的重要一餐,但在过去50年里,不吃早餐的人数在增加,多达23.8%的年轻人每天都不吃早餐。分析句子可知,此处为as. . .as. . .为固定短语,表示"和……一样多",满足句意要求。故填as。
    (8)考查动名词。句意:首先,那些不吃早餐的人可能会不健康地吃零食。分析句子结构和句意可知,此处应填非谓语动词,end up ding sth. (最终成为,最后处于)为固定用法,所以此处为动名词形式。故填snacking。
    (9)考查不可数名词。句意:其次,不吃早餐可能会导致高血压。由空前lead t"导致"可知,这里用名词形式,构成名词短语high bld pressure"高血压"作lead t的宾语。故填pressure。
    37.【答案】Dear Alice,
    I'm srry t hear that yu failed t get int yur schl cheerleading team because f yur weight.(表示安慰)
    I understand quite well hw yu feel.【高分句型一】Actually,things will imprve if yu fllw the suggestins belw.【高分句型二】Fr a start,it is highly recmmended that yu make it a regular part f yur life t d sme exercise n a daily basis.At the same time,a balanced diet is als helpful.Eating mre vegetables and fruit will be f great benefit t yu.Pay mre attentin t yur inner beauty rather than yur appearance.(为她提出几点建议)
    I hpe that my recmmendatins will wrk ut and I d believe yu will be successful next time.(你的期盼)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:I understand quite well hw yu feel.
    高分句型二:Actually,things will imprve if yu fllw the suggestins belw.
    38.【答案】Seeing that the kid sat there,I was a bit wrried.Prbably because he seldm went ut,the by sat n a seat in the crner nervusly,lking dwn at the ckie n the table.Whenever smene came in at the dr,he lked anxiusly,hping it was his father.【高分句型一】I tried t chat with him several times,but he didn't say a wrd.Finally,he even ignred me.The regular custmers wh came and went lked at this strange little custmer.Several children wanted t play with him,but he als firmly refused.I was hping his father wuld hurry up.(作者观察到的孩子局促焦急的状态,作者希望孩子的父亲快点回来接孩子)
    At clsing time,the nly persn left was the little by.After a while,the father finally came in with a tiresme lk.I guessed he didn't get any jb.As they were leaving,I ffered the kid a little cake.【高分句型二】He didn't eat the cake until his father ndded.I saw tears welling up in the father's eyes and smewhere in my heart became sft.Yu never knew hw yur little act f kindness might find its way int smene else's heart.I thught I had fund a better way t run a cafe. (孩子父亲回来接孩子,作者给了孩子一块蛋糕,小善举感动了孩子父亲,作者也因此找到了更好的经营咖啡馆的方法)
    高分句型一:Whenever smene came in at the dr,he lked anxiusly,hping it was his father.
    分析:这句话使用了whenever引导的时间状语从句,现在分词短语hping it was his father作状语。
    高分句型二:As they were leaving,I ffered the kid a little cake.

    2022-2023学年广西玉林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年广西玉林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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