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    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Theatres and Opera Huses
    Mariinsky Theatre
    The Mariinsky Theatre in St.Petersburg is cnsidered ne f the mst beautiful theatres in the wrld.Built in the early 1800s,it was designed by architect Carl Rssi as bth a theatre and a circus.The theatre has seen sme f the mst famus names in classical music——including Tchaikvsky,Rachmaninff and Shstakvich.
    Address:Theatre Square,1,St.Petersburg,Russia,190000
    Phne: +7 812 326-41-41
    Palais Garnier
    This pera huse was designed by architect Charles Garnier and cmpleted in 1875.Decrated with sculptures and paintings,it has appeared in several films,including The Phantm f the Opera.Cmpser Giacm Puccini saw his pera,Tsca,perfrmed here,and dancer Isadra Duncan first perfrmed n the stage in Paris.
    Address:Pl.de l'Opera,75009 Paris,France
    Phne: +33 1 71 25 24 23
    Tky Metrplitan Theatre
    The Tky Metrplitan Theatre,designed by Yshinbu Ashihara,is amng Asia's largest theatres.Hme t the Tky Metrplitan Symphny Orchestra,the theatre pened in 1990.A ntable example f mdern architecture(建筑),the theatre is prud t have ne f the wrld's largest pipe rgans!
    Address:1-chme-8-1 Nishiikebukur,Tshima City,Tky 171-0021,Japan
    Phne: +81 3-5391-2111
    Sydney Opera Huse
    Lcated in Sydney Harbr,this ppular turist attractin is a symbl f Australia,a UNESCO Wrld Heritage(遗产) Site,and perhaps ne f the mst utstanding examples f mdern architecture.Designed by Danish architect Jrn Utzn,the Opera Huse was cmpleted in 1973 and sees mre than 1,500 perfrmances each year,ranging frm pera t ballet and theatre.
    Address:Bennelng Pint,Sydney NSW 2000,Australia
    Phne: +61 2 9250 7111
    1.In which city is Palais Garnier lcated? ______
    A. St.Petersburg.B. Paris.C. Tky.D. Sydney.
    2.Wh is the designer f Tky Metrplitan Theatre? ______
    A. Carl Rssi.B. Charles Garnier.
    C. Yshinbu Ashihara.D. Jrn Utzn.
    3.Which theatre is the yungest? ______
    A. Mariinsky.Theatre.B. Palais Garnier.
    C. Tky Metrplitan Theatre.D. Sydney Opera Huse.
    In tday's digital age when yu can get infrmatin in a blink f an eye,there is a cncern abut children develping an appreciatin fr reading printed bks.That's why cmmunities in Australia have cme up with a way t spread a lve f bks in the yunger generatins.
    Cmmunities have dealt with this prblem by bringing libraries t where the kids are,in the streets.The little libraries are made f weatherprf bxes that are set up utside f huses r public spaces and are filled with bks.Peple can take bks they haven't read and dnate nes they have t the libraries.
    Street Library Australia,nnprfit,was started by Nick Lwe after he saw a Little Free Library in a trip t the US.In 2015 it planned t build 30 libraries,the idea mushrmed and nw there are 4,500 registered street libraries in Australia. "It just grew and grew," Lwe said.
    The libraries cme in all shapes and sizes frm refrmed dll huses t ld kitchen cupbards.They are cmpletely vluntary and anyne can start ne.Pamela Zielke wh runs a library called Pam's Pantry gives ut tys and craft supplies alng with bks.As an early childhd educatr,she started her library with the gal f stpping bks frm ending up becming waste.
    But the libraries are ding much mre than just prviding bks and ther dnated items t peple.The street libraries are als building cmmunity."It's a little stpping place utside yur huse," Lwe said. "It's a great way t meet peple in yur neighbrhd wh are als bklvers,recycle bks and find new bks.But even mre imprtantly,with a shared interest,the libraries are bringing cmmunities clser tgether."
    4.Hw d cmmunities in Australia develp children's lve fr bks? ______
    A. By brrwing gd bks frm the libraries.
    B. By prviding bk appreciatin classes.
    C. By exchanging bks with ne anther.
    D. By building libraries clse t their hmes.
    5.What des the underlined wrd"mushrmed" mean in Paragraph 3? ______
    A. Became acceptable.B. Grew fast.
    C. Stayed current.D. Changed slwly.
    6.What can we knw abut the street libraries? ______
    A. They are set up vluntarily.
    B. They have the same size and shape.
    C. They bring wners many prfits.
    D. They' sell recycled tys and bks.
    7.What des Lwe think f the street libraries? ______
    A. They cnnect cmmunities tgether.
    B. They imprve educatin f residents.
    C. They save mney n buying bks.
    D. They prmte ecnmic develpment.
    Every year,peple all arund the wrld cme tgether t celebrate Earth Day with lts f different activities.Earth Day events typically have ne theme in cmmn:the desire t shw supprt fr envirnmental issues and teach future generatins abut the need t prtect ur planet.
    The very first Earth Day was celebrated n April 22,1970.The event,which sme cnsider t be the birth f the envirnmental mvement,was funded by frmer United States Senatr Gaylrd Nelsn.Nelsn chse the April date,when spring cmes,while aviding mst spring breaks and final exams.He hped t call fr cllege and university students fr what he planned as a day f envirnmental learning and activism.
    Participants (参与者) frm 2,000 clleges and universities,abut 10,000 primary and secndary schls,and hundreds f cmmunities acrss the United States gt tgether in their lcal cmmunities t mark the ccasin f the very first Earth Day.Almst 20 millin Americans filled the streets f their lcal cmmunities n that first Earth Day,demnstrating in supprt f envirnmental issues.
    Earth Day is nw bserved in 192 cuntries,and celebrated by billins f peple arund the wrld.Events can be fund everywhere frm tree planting activities at yur lcal park t nline Twitter parties that share infrmatin abut envirnmental issues.In 2011,28 millin trees were planted in Afghanistan by the Earth Day Netwrk.In 2012,mre than 100,000 peple rde bikes in Beijing t raise awareness abut climate change and help peple learn what they culd d t prtect the planet.
    Hw can yu get invlved?The pssibilities are endless.Pick up trash in yur neighbrhd.Make a cmmitment t reduce yur fd waste r electricity use.Plant a tree.Talk t yur friends and family abut envirnmental issues.The best part?Make every day Earth Day and help t make this planet a healthy place fr all f us t enjy.
    8.Frm whm did Nelsn hpe t get supprt fr his plan? ______
    A. Teachers.B. Officials.C. Students.D. Researchers.
    9.Which wrd best describes the first Earth Day? ______
    A. Wrldwide.B. Successful.C. Unique.D. Messy.
    10.Which aspect f Earth Day is Paragraph 4 mainly abut? ______
    A. Its challenge.B. Its inspiratin.
    C. Its histry.D. Its influence.
    11.What des the authr expect peple t d abut Earth Day in the last paragraph? ______
    A. Take specific actin.B. Reflect n ur behavir.
    C. Cntribute gd ideas.D. Answer sme questins.
    D yu want yur kids r grandkids t watch the awkward vides yu made f yurself reading a favrite bk?Nw there's an interactive strytelling app that is changing the nature f hw stries are shared with lved nes.
    Zg,an Israeli startup,funded in 2021,is an innvative cmmunicatin applicatin designed t prvide a creative way fr distant and crss-general family members t stay cnnected.Thrugh Zg's mbile app,users can make bks cme alive and actively jin in telling stries by using AR masks and varius ther visual effects.
    One user,Sumit Suman,used Z g when he traveled fr business.He changed himself int a cart n frg in rder t hld his five-year-ld daughter's attentin n phne calls.He said that his daughter wuld nt speak t him n the phne s he used Z g t change himself int a cartn frg——and nw they read stries every night.
    Accrding t the cmpany's website,the Z g app asks yu t chse ne f the many stries r nursery rhymes available t read and then it ffers signals and autmatically adds AR effects t make the stry mre interesting.Once yu've recrded yurself reading the stry,yu can send it as a message t yur family members.
    With impressive tech,Z g is a delight t use and any grandparent can get the hang f it easily and quickly."We want t enable grandparents wh knw nthing abut technlgy t prduce cl AR cntent," said Yav Oren,CEO and c-funder f Zg."Nt nly are grandparents enjying creating AR cntent n Zg,but their grandkids think this cntent is cl and are engaged with it," Oren added."By allwing ur audience t experience and share even mre advanced AR quality withut cmplex prcess,it will enable them t create even better cntent,therefre sharing even mre frequent interactins with their lved nes."
    12.Why is Z g designed? ______
    A. T prvide senirs with scial activities.
    B. T make reading bks cnvenient.
    C. T keep distant family members cnnected.
    D. T share gd stries with families.
    13.Why did Sumit Suman use Z g t turn int a cartn frg? ______
    A. T attract his daughter's attentin.
    B. T share stries.
    C. T experience a tl.
    D. T develp a hbby.
    14.What can we infer abut Z g accrding t Oren? ______
    A. It is a little cmplex.B. It needs imprving its quality.
    C. It is well received.D. It takes ages t be ppular.
    15.What is the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Grandparents Enjy Sharing Stries with Family Members
    B. High Tech Interactive Strytelling App Strengthens Family Bnds
    C. Digital Bks Bridge the Generatinal Cmmunicatin Gap
    D. Great Changes f Cmmunicatin Take Place between Families
    If yu're always cmparing yurself t yur peers,yu might be lw in cnfidence and unsure f yurself.Here are sme tips n hw t stp cmparing yurself t thers.
    Write dwn yur psitive traits.When yu ignre yur abilities,it becmes easier t cmpare yurself t thers.Yu might fcus n their strengths and ignre yur wn cmpletely.(1) ______ By being aware f yur best qualities,yu can learn t lve yurself and build up yur self-cnfidence.
    Keep a gratitude jurnal.A gratitude jurnal helps yu recgnize the things yu may take fr granted s yu can fully appreciate them.T start jurnaling,reflect n the little things that bring yu jy.(2) ______ Explain hw they influence yur life in detail.Fr example,if yu jg in the park every day,yu might express hw yu're grateful fr yur health and hw jgging helps yu vercme stress at wrk.
    ( 3) ______ Instead f fcusing n yur "weaknesses",reflect n the areas yu can imprve.Take advantage f all chances t imprve yur skills and techniques.Dn't be afraid t ask ther peple fr help alng the way.Only by making effrts t imprve yur abilities can yu make yurself happy.
    Cmpete against yurself.(4) ______ Instead,use cmparisn t becme an imprved versin f yurself.Set gals fr yurself and try t imprve yur wn persnal best.When yu set a gal fr yurself,track yur prgress s that yu can see hw yu are mving tward that gal.That way,yu can fcus n yurself and nt n ther peple.
    Overcming cmparisn is a cntinuus prcess,but it is pssible! (5) ______
    A.Take cntrl ver yur life.
    B.Wrk n imprving yur abilities.
    C.Dn't cmpare yur life t ther peple's.
    D.Write dwn why yu're grateful fr them.
    E.With time and practice,yu can becme the best versin f yurself.
    F.Appreciate thers and use their success t mtivate yu t wrk hard.
    G.T avid this negative behavir,make a list f yur strengths and talents.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Cnfucius was a great thinker and educatinalist.He was brn in 551 BCE in Shandng Prvince f China.His beliefs(1) ______ the imprtance f shwing kindness and gdwill.They have a great(2) ______ n the majrity f Chinese Culture.
    Cnfucius has left many(3) ______ sayings,which are still remembered and fllwed (4) ______ .Fr example,his qutes, "He wh learns but des nt think is lst.""He wh thinks but des nt learn is in great danger."are well knwn t all.
    Althugh Cnfucius is(5) ______ fr his great thughts,d yu knw that he is als knwn fr his sense f (6) ______ ? There is evidence that he was very humrus.His(7) ______ were very amusing and uplifting and he ften used humr t make his students(8) ______ and take interest in the teachings.
    One time Cnfucius was(9) ______ with his students when they came acrss a man wh was(10) ______ in the river.His students were hesitating but Cnfucius jumped int the river withut(11) ______ and saved the man in time.Then,he (12) ______ t his students and jked,"I suppse nne f yu(13) ______ that he was wearing a valuable jade(玉)ring!"
    This stry serves as a reminder that even the mst serius figures in histry(14) ______ their share f lighthearted mments.It is pssible that wisdm and humr bth(15) ______ hand in hand with jy!
    21.A. respnd tB. fcus nC. brush upD. take up
    22.A. impactB. stressC. impressinD. knck
    23.A. flexibleB. creativeC. wiseD. sharp
    24.A. nrmallyB. annuallyC. peridicallyD. faithfully
    25.A. cnfidentB. specialC. famusD. acceptable
    26.A. humrB. dutyC. directinD. cmmunity
    27.A. charactersB. prpsalsC. cnversatinsD. attitudes
    28.A. explreB. relaxC. wrryD. argue
    29.A. travellingB. quarrellingC. sleepingD. shting
    30.A. swimmingB. surfingC. drwningD. playing
    31.A. dubtB. prblemC. signalD. delay
    32.A. listenedB. turnedC. pintedD. stuck
    33.A. caredB. heardC. feltD. nticed
    34.A. enjyB. btherC. invlveD. allw
    35.A. catchB. gC. leadD. take
    My hmetwn is Linxia Hui Autnmus Prefecture,lcated in the central and suthwestern part f Gansu Prvince.It(1) ______ (knw) as Hezhu in the past.Cvering an area f 8,169 km²,it is an(2) ______ (extreme) imprtant lcatin f the Suth Rad f the ancient Silk Rad,enjying sme beautiful(3) ______ (title),such as "The Hmetwn f Chinese Flwers"and "The Garden f Ancient Life".
    Linxia is rich in water resurces.It is hme t the Tahe River,the Daxia River(4) ______ the Huangshui River,three branches f (5) ______ Yellw River.The three famus pwer statins f Liujiaxia,Yanguxia and Bapanxia are lcated here.
    With green muntains,clear rivers and its(6) ______ (traditin) cultures,Linxia has 107 turist destinatins,(7) ______ attract a large number f turists every year.The Bingling Temple Grttes (石窟),ne f the mst famus grttes in China,(8) ______ (have) a histry f mre than 1,600 years.
    T sum up,peple can be expsed(9) ______ a wide variety f lcal custms and cultures.Please cme t Linxia,living in special residential huses,enjying sweet flwers and (10) ______ (eat) ethnic tasty fd.
    37.学校对高一学生课外兴趣(extracurricular interests)情况进行了调查。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文给校英文报投稿,内容包括:
    参考词汇:古代文学:ancient literature;摄影:phtgraphy
    (1)写作词数应为 80左右;
    Senir One Students' Extracurricular Interests Recently,we made a survey n extracurricular interests amng all the Senir One students in ur schl._______
    What Ges Arund Cmes Arund One day a man saw an ld lady,standing n the side f the rad needing help.S he pulled up in frnt f her car and gt ut.She lked wrried.N ne had stpped t help her.He culd see that she was frightened,standing ut there in the cld.He knew hw she felt.He said,"My name is Bryan Andersn.May I help yu?"
    All she had was a flat tire.Immediately Bryan began t change the tire.When everything was dne,the lady asked hw much she paid him.Bryan never thught twice abut being paid.This was nt a jb t him.This was helping smene in need.He had lived his whle life that way,and it never ccurred t him that he shuld act any ther way.With a smile,he tld her that if she really wanted t pay him back,the next time she saw smene wh needed help,she culd give that persn the help they needed.He waited until she started her car and drve ff.It had been a cld and tiring day,but he had the satisfactin f helping smene in need.
    A few miles dwn the rad the ld lady saw a small cafe.She decided t eat smething and take a break befre she cntinued her trip hme.A waitress with a sweet smile warmly received her.The lady nticed the waitress was nearly eight mnths pregnant(怀孕的),but she never let the stress and aches change her attitude.The ld lady wndered hw smene wh had s little culd be s giving t a stranger.Then she remembered Bryan.After the lady finished her meal,she paid with a hundred dllar bill.The waitress quickly went t get change fr her hundred dllar bill.
    (1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
    The ld lady left with a nte and fur mre $100 bills n the table.______
    That night when Bryan came back hme,his wife handed him a nte and bills.______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Palais Garnier部分Address:Pl.de l'Opera,75009 Paris,France(地址:巴黎歌剧院,75009)可知Palais Garnier位于法国。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Tky Metrplitan Theatre部分The Tky Metrplitan Theatre,designed by Yshinbu Ashihara,is amng Asia's largest theatres.(由石原吉信设计的东京都剧院是亚洲最大的剧院之一。)可知Tky Metrplitan Theatre是由Yshinbu Ashihara设计的。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据这几个剧院的时间Built in the early 1800s,it was designed by architect Carl Rssi as bth a theatre and a circus.(它建于19世纪初,由建筑师卡洛•罗西设计,既是剧院又是马戏团);This pera huse was designed by architect Charles Garnier and cmpleted in 1875.(这座歌剧院由建筑师Charles Garnier设计,于1875年完工);Hme t the Tky Metrplitan Symphny Orchestra,the theatre pened in 1990.(该剧院是东京都交响乐团的所在地,于1990年开业)以及Designed by Danish architect Jrn Utzn,the Opera Huse was cmpleted in 1973 and sees mre than 1,500 perfrmances each year,ranging frm pera t ballet and theatre.(歌剧院由丹麦建筑师约恩•伍重(Jrn Utzn)设计,于1973年完工,每年举办1500多场演出,从歌剧到芭蕾舞和戏剧。)可知Tky Metrplitan Theatre是最年轻的。故选C。
    (1)推理判断题。根据文章第二段Cmmunities have dealt with this prblem by bringing libraries t where the kids are,in the streets.(社区已经解决了这个问题,把图书馆带到孩子们所在的街道上。)可知澳大利亚的社区通过在孩子们家附近修建图书馆来培养他们对书籍的热爱。故选D。
    (2)猜测词义题。根据文章第三段Street Library Australia,nnprfit,was started by Nick Lwe after he saw a Little Free Library in a trip t the US.In 2015 it planned t build 30 libraries,the idea mushrmed and nw there are 4,500 registered street libraries in Australia. "It just grew and grew," Lwe said.(尼克•劳在一次美国之行中看到一个免费的小图书馆后,创办了澳大利亚街头图书馆,这是一个非营利性组织。2015年,它计划建造30个图书馆,这个想法迅速发展,现在澳大利亚有4500个注册的街道图书馆。"它越来越大,"洛说。)可知mushrmed的意思是"成长迅速"。A.Became acceptable.变得可以接受;B.Grew fast.成长迅速;C.Stayed current.保持现状;D.Changed slwly.慢慢变了。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章第四段They are cmpletely vluntary and anyne can start ne.(它们完全是自愿的,任何人都可以创建一个。)可知街头图书馆是自愿建立的。故选A。
    (4)观点态度题。根据文章最后一段But the libraries are ding much mre than just prviding bks and ther dnated items t peple.The street libraries are als building cmmunity."It's a little stpping place utside yur huse," Lwe said. "It's a great way t meet peple in yur neighbrhd wh are als bklvers,recycle bks and find new bks.But even mre imprtantly,with a shared interest,the libraries are bringing cmmunities clser tgether."(但是图书馆不仅仅是向人们提供书籍和其他捐赠物品。街道图书馆也在建设社区。"这是你房子外面的一个小停车点,"洛说。"这是一个很好的方式去认识你邻居中的书迷,回收书籍和寻找新书。但更重要的是,有了共同的兴趣,图书馆让社区更加紧密地联系在一起。")可知Lwe认为街道图书馆将社区联系在一起。A.They cnnect cmmunities tgether.他们将社区联系在一起;B.They imprve educatin f residents.他们提高居民的教育水平;C.They save mney n buying bks.他们在买书上省钱;D.They prmte ecnmic develpment.它们促进经济发展。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第二段Nelsn chse the April date,when spring cmes,while aviding mst spring breaks and final exams.He hped t call fr cllege and university students fr what he planned as a day f envirnmental learning and activism.(尼尔森选择了春天到来的四月,同时避开了大多数春假和期末考试。他希望号召大学生参加他计划的环境学习和行动日。)可知尼尔森希望他的计划能得到学生的支持。故选C。
    (2)观点态度题。根据文章第三段Almst 20 millin Americans filled the streets f their lcal cmmunities n that first Earth Day,demnstrating in supprt f envirnmental issues.(在第一个地球日,近2000万美国人聚集在他们当地社区的街道上,示威支持环境问题。)可知第一个地球日是成功的。故选B。
    (3)段落大意题。根据文章第四段Earth Day is nw bserved in 192 cuntries,and celebrated by billins f peple arund the wrld.Events can be fund everywhere frm tree planting activities at yur lcal park t nline Twitter parties that share infrmatin abut envirnmental issues.In 2011,28 millin trees were planted in Afghanistan by the Earth Day Netwrk.In 2012,mre than 100,000 peple rde bikes in Beijing t raise awareness abut climate change and help peple learn what they culd d t prtect the planet.(现在有192个国家庆祝地球日,全世界有数十亿人庆祝地球日。从当地公园的植树活动到分享环境问题信息的在线Twitter聚会,活动无处不在。2011年,地球日网络在阿富汗种植了2800万棵树。2012年,超过10万人在北京骑自行车,以提高对气候变化的认识,并帮助人们了解他们可以做些什么来保护地球。)可知第四段主要是关于地球日的影响。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 Hw can yu get invlved?The pssibilities are endless.Pick up trash in yur neighbrhd.Make a cmmitment t reduce yur fd waste r electricity use.Plant a tree.Talk t yur friends and family abut envirnmental issues.The best part?Make every day Earth Day and help t make this planet a healthy place fr all f us t enjy.(你怎么能参与进来?可能性是无限的。在你家附近捡垃圾。承诺减少食物浪费或电力使用。种一棵树。与你的朋友和家人谈论环境问题。最精彩的部分?让每一天都成为地球日,让这个星球成为一个健康的地方,让我们所有人都能享受。)可知作者期望人们采取具体行动来应对地球日。A.Take specific actin.采取具体行动;B.Reflect n ur behavir.反思我们的行为;C.Cntribute gd ideas.贡献好点子;D.Answer sme questins.回答一些问题。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Zg,an Israeli startup,funded in 2021,is an innvative cmmunicatin applicatin designed t prvide a creative way fr distant and crss-general family members t stay cnnected.(Zg是一家以色列初创公司,成立于2021年,是一款创新的通信应用程序,旨在为远距离和跨一般家庭成员提供一种保持联系的创新方式。)可知,Zg旨在让远方的家庭成员保持联系。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段He changed himself int a cart n frg in rder t hld his five-year-ld daughter's attentin n phne calls.(为了让五岁的女儿在接电话是保持注意力,他把自己变成了一只卡通青蛙。)可知,Sumit Suman将自己变成卡通青蛙,以吸引他五岁的女儿在电话中与他交流。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段With impressive tech,Z g is a delight t use and any grandparent can get the hang f it easily and quickly.(凭借令人印象深刻的技术,Zg使用起来很愉快,任何祖父母都可以轻松快速地掌握它的窍门。)可推断,Zg这项技术受到人们的广泛应用。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。通读全文及第二段Zg,an Israeli startup,funded in 2021,is an innvative cmmunicatin applicatin designed t prvide a creative way fr distant and crss-general family members t stay cnnected.(Zg是一家以色列初创公司,成立于2021年,是一款创新的通信应用程序,旨在为远距离和跨一般家庭成员提供一种保持联系的创新方式。)可知,本文主要介绍了一款名为Zg的交互式故事应用程序。A.Grandparents Enjy Sharing Stries with Family Members(祖父母喜欢和家人分享故事);B.High Tech Interactive Strytelling App Strengthens Family Bnds(高科技互动讲故事应用程序加强家庭纽带);C.Digital Bks Bridge the Generatinal Cmmunicatin Gap(数字图书弥合了代际交流的鸿沟);D.Great Changes f Cmmunicatin Take Place between Families(家庭之间的交流发生了巨大的变化)。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句Write dwn yur psitive traits.When yu ignre yur abilities,it becmes easier t cmpare yurself t thers.Yu might fcus n their strengths and ignre yur wn cmpletely(写下你好的特质。当你忽视自己的能力时,将自己与他人进行比较会变得更容易。你可能会专注于他们的优势,而完全忽视自己的优势),可知表示"为了避免这种消极的行为,列出你的长处和才能"的选项G可以承接前文,介绍为了避免只专注于他人的优势,而完全忽视自己的优势,列出你自己的长处和才能,故选G。
    (2)推理判断题。根据后句Explain hw they influence yur life in detail(详细解释他们是如何影响你的生活的),可知表示"写下你为什么感激他们"的选项D和后句语境一致,写下你为什么感激他们,并且详细解释他们是如何影响你的生活的,故选D。
    (3)主题判断题。根据后句Instead f fcusing n yur "weaknesses",reflect n the areas yu can imprve.Take advantage f all chances t imprve yur skills and techniques(不要只关注自己的弱点,而是要反思自己可以改进的地方。利用一切机会来提高自己的技能和技巧),可知表示"努力提高自己的能力"的选项B可以作为本段的主题---提高自己的能力,故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据后句Instead,use cmparisn t becme an imprved versin f yurself(相反,用比较来提升自己),可知表示"不要把你的生活与别人的生活相比"的选项C可以和后句构成转折关系,说明不要比较自己和他人的生活,而要用比较来提升自己,故选C。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句Overcming cmparisn is a cntinuus prcess,but it is pssible(克服比较是一个持续的过程,但这是可能的),可知表示"通过时间和练习,你可以成为最好的自己"的选项E可以承接前文,克服比较是一个持续的过程,所以通过时间和练习,你可以成为最好的自己,故选E。
    【解析】(1)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.respnd t回复;B.fcus n专注于;C.brush up复习;D.take up开始。根据空后the imprtance f shwing kindness and gdwill.可知他的信念集中在表现善良和善意的重要性上。故答案为B。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.impact影响;B.stress压力;C.impressin印象;D.knck敲打。根据常识可知他们对大多数中国文化有很大的影响。have an impact n对……有影响。故答案为A。
    (3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.flexible灵活的;B.creative创新的;C.wise有智慧的;D.sharp锋利的。根据下句Fr example,his qutes, "He wh learns but des nt think is lst.""He wh thinks but des nt learn is in great danger."are well knwn t all.可知比如他的名言,"学而不思则罔。""想而不学的人非常危险。"众所周知。说明孔子留下了许多至理名言,至今仍被人们铭记并忠实地遵循着。故答案为C。
    (4)考查副词及语境理解。A.nrmally正常地;B.annually每年地;C.peridically定期地;D.faithfully忠实地。根据下句Fr example,his qutes, "He wh learns but des nt think is lst.""He wh thinks but des nt learn is in great danger."are well knwn t all.可知比如他的名言,"学而不思则罔。""想而不学的人非常危险。"众所周知。说明这些至理名言,至今仍被人们铭记并忠实地遵循着。故答案为D。
    (5)考查形容词及语境理解。A.cnfident自信的;B.special特殊的;C.famus出名的;D.acceptable可以接受的。根据下句d yu knw that he is als knwn fr his sense f (6)?可知虽然孔子以他伟大的思想而闻名,但是你知道他也以他的幽默感而闻名吗?be famus fr因为……而出名。故答案为C。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.humr幽默;B.duty责任;C.directin方向;D.cmmunity社区。根据下句There is evidence that he was very humrus.(有证据表明他非常幽默。)可知但是你知道他也以他的幽默感而闻名吗?故答案为A。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.characters性格;B.prpsals建议;C.cnversatins对话;D.attitudes态度。根据空后were very amusing and uplifting可知他的性格非常有趣和令人振奋,故答案为A。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.explre探索;B.relax放松;C.wrry担心;D.argue争论。根据空后and take interest in the teachings.可知他经常用幽默让他的学生探索并对教学感兴趣。故答案为A。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.travelling旅行;B.quarrelling吵架;C.sleeping睡觉;D.shting射击。根据下句when they came acrss a man wh was(10)in the river.可知有一次,孔子和他的学生们一起旅行,他们遇到了一个快要淹死的人。故答案为A。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.swimming游泳;B.surfing冲浪;C.drwning溺水;D.playing玩。根据下句His students were hesitating but Cnfucius jumped int the river withut(11)and saved the man in time可知他的学生正在犹豫,但是孔子毫不犹豫地跳进河里,及时救了那个人。说明他们遇到了一个快要淹死的人。故答案为C。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.dubt怀疑;B.prblem问题;C.signal信号;D.delay推迟。根据上句His students were hesitating(他的学生正在犹豫)和but表示转折,可知孔子毫不犹豫地跳进河里,及时救了那个人。withut delay好不犹豫。故答案为D。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.listened听;B.turned转向;C.pinted指向;D.stuck卡住。根据下句"I suppse nne f yu(13)that he was wearing a valuable jade(玉)ring!"可知然后,他转向他的学生,开玩笑说:"我想你们没有人注意到他戴着一个贵重的玉指环!"故答案为B。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.cared照顾;B.heard听到;C.felt感觉;D.nticed注意到。根据下句that he was wearing a valuable jade(玉)ring!"可知我想你们没有人注意到他戴着一个贵重的玉指环!故答案为D。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.catch抓住;B.g去;C.lead领导;D.take带走。智慧和幽默都有可能与快乐携手并进!g hand in hand携手并进。故答案为B。
    36.【答案】【小题1】was knwn
    【解析】(1)考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:它在过去被称为贺州。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,结合时间状语in the past可知,句子描述的是过去的事情,应用一般过去时,主语it和动词knw之间为被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语it是单数,be动词应用was。故填was knwn。
    (3)考查可数名词复数。句意:它占地面积8169平方公里,是古丝绸之路南道的一个极其重要的位置,享有"中国花卉之乡"、"古代生命之园"等美丽的称号。title"称号"是可数名词,结合后文"The Hmetwn f Chinese Flwers"and "The Garden f Ancient Life"可知,不止一个称号,故应用其复数形式。故填titles。
    (4)考查连词。句意:这里是黄河的三大支流洮河、大夏河和湟水的发源地。根据句意可知,此处the Tahe River,the Daxia River和the Huangshui River之间为并列关系,故应用连词and连接。故填and。
    (7)考查定语从句关系词。句意:临夏有着青山绿水和传统文化,共有107个旅游目的地,每年吸引大量游客。分析可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为107 turist destinatins,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故应用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
    (8)考查时态及主谓一致。句意:炳灵寺石窟,中国最著名的石窟之一,已有1600多年的历史。分析句子结构可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,结合语境可知,句子描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语the Bingling Temple Grttes为单数概念,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填has。
    (9)考查固定短语。句意:总之,人们可以接触到各种各样的当地风俗和文化。be expsed t..."接触",固定短语。故填t。
    (10)考查现在分词。句意:请您到临夏来,住特色民房,赏鲜花,吃民族美食。分析可知,此处应用现在分词与living in special residential huses及enjying sweet flwers并列作伴随状语。故填eating。
    37.【答案】Senir One Students' Extracurricular Interests
    Recently,we made a survey n extracurricular interests amng all the Senir One students in ur schl.Here are the results:(调查目的、对象)
    As the diagram shws,up t 27% f the students enjy painting while as lw as 7% shw interest in ancient literature.The percentage f thse wh like dance and calligraphy is the same,bth 19%.【高分句型一】Students wh lve phtgraphy and chess accunt fr 17% and 11% respectively.(调查结果)
    In shrt:mst students take up sme relaxing activities like drawing,calligraphy,dancing and phtgraphy beynd the classrm,which can reduce stress.In cntrast,few students are interested in ancient literature,which may be t difficult r dull.【高分句型二】(简单评论)
    【解析】高分句型一:The percentage f thse wh like dance and calligraphy is the same,bth 19%.
    高分句型二:In cntrast,few students are interested in ancient literature,which may be t difficult r dull.
    38.【答案】The ld lady left with a nte and fur mre $100 bills n the table.Then she nticed the nte under the cffee cup.There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrte: "Yu dn't we me anything."【高分句型一】Smebdy nce helped me ut the way I'm helping yu.If yu really want t pay me back,here is what yu d:D nt let this chain f lve end with yu. (老太太希望把爱继续传递下去)
    That night when Bryan came back hme,his wife handed him a nte and bills.She was wndering hw the lady knew she and her husband were in need.【高分句型二】With the baby t be brn next mnth,life was ging t be hard.She knew hw wrried her husband was,and nw everything is ging t be all right.Knwing what had happened,her husband.Bryan,shed tears f jy and gratitude.(她丈夫知道发生的事情,流下感激的泪水)
    高分句型一:There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrte: "Yu dn't we me anything.
    高分句型二:She was wndering hw the lady knew she and her husband were in need.

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    2022-2023学年甘肃省庆阳市华池一中高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年甘肃省庆阳市华池一中高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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