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    Fllw this fur-day rute, and yuˈll lse yurself in the wizarding wrld f Harry Ptter.
    Day 1 Overview Edinburgh
    It was in Sctlandˈs capital city that J. K. Rwling started t plt the adventures f Harry and his pals. With stned streets, winding alleys and medieval (中世纪的) architecture, the city certainly has a few things in cmmn with the settings frm the bks and films. She wrte the early chapters in varius cafes arund the cityˈs Old Twns.
    Day 2 Overview travel t Frt William
    Travel by train frm Edinburgh t Glasgw. Frm there, yu can take the West Highland Line t Frt William. This is a great way t see sme famus spts frm the windw, including the mysterius Rannch Mr, the place where Death Eaters bard the train in the mvie Harry Ptter and The Deathly Hallws.
    Day 3 Overview all abard the Hgwarts Express
    Witness the sweeping cinematic scenery f the mvie Harry Ptter by bking a seat n the Jacbite Steam Train. Stp fr lunch in Mallaig and then make the return jurney t Frt William. Please be sure t bk the steam train in advance, as it is exceedingly ppular. By the way, it runs seasnally.
    Day 4 Overview lakes and glens (峡谷)
    In the films, mysterius, misty landscapes frame the backgrund f Harryˈs tale, s itˈs n surprise that the film prducers chse the Highlands fr many scenes. Spend a day wandering thrugh sme f these beautiful spts and feel the magical atmsphere.
    1.Where did J. K. Rwling create Harry Ptter at first?
    A. In Edinburgh.B. In Mallaig.
    C. In Glasgw.D. In Frt William.
    2.What shuld yu pay attentin t if taking the Jacbite Steam Train?
    A. Reviewing the mvie early.B. Bking tickets in advance.
    C. Bringing lunch ahead f time.D. Buying ne-way ticket specially.
    3.In which sectin f a newspaper will yu read the text?
    A. Current Affairs.B. Technlgy.
    C. Turs.D. Bigraphy.
    In 2016,inspired by a challenge called the"16 fr 16",where a mther gave her daughter ﹩1,600 when she turned 16 if 'she stayed ff scial media,Lrna Klefsaas decided t up the ante(赌注)t tw extra years and ﹩200 mre fr.her sn,Sivert Klefsaas.
    As a 12-year-ld;Sivert wasn't using scial media much.The nly app he had prir t the bet was Snapchat-which he deleted a day after trying it ut.S it wasn't t difficult t live withut scial media,and he didn't think abut it much during the six years. "I wuldn't say there was ever a time when I thught I was abut t break, "he said. "As it went n,it was mre f a pride thing. "
    Lrna never had t check fr any secretly dwnladed apps. "I gt t avid all the unnecessary drama that was n there.I had my friends t keep me up t date n the latest infrmatin r trends. "Sivert said. "It meant I had mre time t fcus n my grades and sprts instead. "
    On February 19,2022,Sivert claimed his prize.Nw ﹩1,800 richer,Sivert hasn't thught abut what t buy,but it'll likely be smething fr his drm rm at the University f St.Paul,which he'll attend in the fall.
    After Sivert's success,Lrna turned t Facebk t share the challenge.She said it was sme f the best mney she ever spent.Other parents seemed interested in trying it ut t. "We are certainly nt against scial media,but it's the healthy using f it, "
    Lrna nted. "It's abut nt letting yurself get weighed dwn by it,r addicted t it,r affected by things that peple pst. "
    Nw Sivert has a new perspective n staying ff scial media. "It was awesme.Ah,what abut 6 mre years?Thank yu,Mm. "
    4.Why did Lrna bet her sn? ______
    A. T challenge.B. T persuade.C. T punish.D. T imitate.
    5.Hw did Sivert respnd t the bet? ______
    A. He almst became brken dwn.
    B. He jumped at the idea and stuck t it.
    C. He tried ut his new app cntinuusly.
    D. He just dwnladed an app,Snapchat.
    6.Hw did Sivert get thrugh the six years withut scial media? ______
    A. By being supervised by his mther.
    B. By watching dramas in the theater.
    C. By aiming at his academic standards.
    D. By dreaming f his prize with eagerness.
    7.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the passage? ______
    A. A successful 18-fr-18 bet.
    B. A scial media campaign.
    C. Sivert,a by wh wn the bet.
    D. Lrna,a mther wh awarded her sn.
    A new device wrks like a slar panel,except it desn't harvest energy frm the sun.It captures energy frm the cld night sky.
    A prttype(雏形)f the device prduced enugh electricity at night t pwer a small light bulb.A bigger versin might ne day light rms r charge phnes.It als culd pwer the electrnics in remte r lw resurce areas that lack electricity.
    The device makes use f the temperature difference between Earth and uter space.It then uses that difference t create electricity.As lng as ne side f it is cler than the ther,the generatr (发电机) can prduce electricity.The cler side faces the sky and is attached t an aluminum plate.That plate is sealed beneath a transparent cver and surrunded with insulatin (隔热材料) t keep ut heat.The bttm f the generatr is attached t an expsed aluminum plate.That plate is warmed by the lcal air.At night,the tp plate can get a cuple f degrees Celsius cler than the bttm f the generatr.
    Researchers tested a 20-centimeter prttype in Stanfrd,Califrnia at a clear December night.The generatr prduced up t abut 25 mill watts f pwer per square meter f a device.That was enugh pwer t light a small light emitting dide,r LED bulb.Further imprvement might increase its prductin t at least 500 mill watts per square meter.T d that,the system might need mre insulatin arund the cl tp plate.
    The device als culd help pwer remte weather statins r ther envirnmental devices,says A swath Raman.He is a materials scientist wh wrked n the device at the University f Califrnia,Ls Angeles. "This may be useful in plar regins that dn't see sunlight fr mnths at a time," Raman says. "If yu have sme lw pwer lads and yu need t pwer them thrugh three mnths f darkness,this might be a way."
    8.What d we knw abut the new device? ______
    A. It gains energy frm the sun.
    B. Its been widely used in life.
    C. It is cler than a slar panel.
    D. It might be ppular in special areas.
    9.What des the authr mainly talk abut in paragraph 3? ______
    A. Applicatin fields f the device.
    B. Significant effects f the device.
    C. The wrking principle f the device.
    D. The develping prcess f the device.
    10.Hw can the device prduce mre electricity? ______
    A. By putting mre insulatin arund the cl tp plate.
    B. By cvering the tp plate with a transparent lid.
    C. By using it n extremely cld and clear nights.
    D. By attaching the bttm plate t a warm plate.
    11.What can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. A device using the cld night sky t prduce electricity
    B. A device bringing new hpe t peple n the cld night
    C. The difference between a slar panel and a new device
    D. The temperature difference between Earth and uter space
    An all-girl team f university students frm the Philippines has wn a hackathn marking UNESCO's Wrld Engineering fr Sustainable Develpment Day n 4 March.Ghia Luwalhati,Nicle Elizabeth Tan and Reaner Jacqueline Bl frm the WONDERPETS team frm Batangas State University in the Philippines used Metal Organic Framewrks,which are nvel adsrbents(新型吸附剂),t turn recycled plastic bttles int a type f spnge(海绵)that is extremely prus (透水的),making it an effective means f remving pllutants frm water.Better still,the spnge can be used again and again.
    Organized by the Wrld Federatin f Engineering Organizatins with UNESCO supprt,the hackathn shws the inventiveness f yung engineers when it cmes t slving real-life prblems.Sme 125 teams frm 23 cuntries arund the wrld cmpeted in the hackathn,with nine teams frm six cuntries making it thrugh t the finals.These cuntries are Australia,Canada,China,India,Kenya and the Philippines.Sme 92% f participants were engineering students.
    During the first rund f the hackathn,the teams were given 13 days t cme up with a sustainable engineering slutin t ne f three challenges.These slutins display the resurcefulness f future engineers.
    All nine finalists have prduced shrt vides t be shwn during a 24-hur live streaming event n 4 March,Wrld Engineering Day.The live streaming will begin in Sydney,Australia,at midday lcal time n 4 March and cnclude 24 hurs later at 7 pm lcal time n 4 March in San Jsé,Csta Rica.
    The cmpetitin was judged by 40 engineers frm 16 cuntries in the rund and,in the final rund,by six judges frm UNESCO,Engineers Withut Brders,the Internatinal Federatin f Engineering Educatin Scieties,the Internatinal Netwrk f Wmen Engineers and Scientists,the Glbal Engineering Deans Cuncil and the Internatinal Engineering Alliance.
    Wrld Engineering Day was first celebrated in 2020.This annual UNESCO celebratin was established t raise awareness f the basic rle that engineering plays in cutting dwn the impact f climate change and advancing sustainable develpment.
    12.What has made a great cntributin t the WONDERPETS team's success? ______
    A. They are f great creativity.
    B. They are all wmen students.
    C. They cme frm the same university.
    D. They remve a type f used spnges.
    13.What d we knw abut the participants? ______
    A. They fund many real-life prblems.
    B. Mst f them entered the final rund.
    C. Mst f them majred in engineering.
    D. They were required t play shrt vides.
    14.What des the underlined wrd "preliminary" in Paragraph 5 prbably mean? ______
    A. fllwing.B. pening.C. latest.D. present.
    15.What is the purpse f hlding the cmpetitin? ______
    A. T call n girls t learn engineering.
    B. T research glbal climate change.
    C. T explre the value f resurcefulness.
    D. T stress the imprtance f engineering.
    There was a time when I was very cncerned abut what ther peple thught f me, especially when I was misunderstd and labeled incrrectly.(1) ______ Of curse, yu need t d smething t let g f that mental suffering if yu are stuck in such a similar situatin.
    ● Identify and understand why yu care. What makes what ther peple think f yu s imprtant?If ther peple's pinins cause yu t wrry,chances are that yu have a tendency t be pleased. Being favred might be a winning frmula fr yu in the past.(2) ______ But if it desn't cme as expected,just be yurself.
    ● Understand yu can't cntrl thers. The reality is that yu cannt cntrl what anther persn thinks f yu. What mst peple dn't understand is that we ften frm pinins f thers based n assciatins we had in the past. And the bttm line is that it's nne f yur business what anther persn thinks f yu.(3) ______
    ● Practice daily self-lve and acceptance. Yur situatin may cme frm a cncept that we are nt as wrthy as anther persn and ur needs are nt as imprtant as theirs. Recgnize yu are equal t every ther persn.(4) ______ We all have different rles but that des nt make anyne mre valuable as a human being.
    ● Live a life that pleases yu. Cnstant wrry abut what thers think f yu must create cnsiderable stress and will impact yur relatinships, yur health, and yur peace f mind.
    ●( 5) ______ Yu will nt need t be cncerned with the few peple wh just dn't seem t understand yu. Yu can live yur fulfilling life and they can live theirs.
    A. That's his r her private views.
    B. Dn't take yur rle t yur heart.
    C. Everyne deserves respect and admiratin.
    D. Stay true t yur values and d yur wn thing.
    E. That's t say, there is n ne abve r belw yu.
    F. Certainly, there are advantages t having smene's high regard.
    G. Caring t much abut their views was energy-cnsuming and unnecessary.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    I have been vlunteering fr Tri-Cunty Wildlife Care (TCWC) fr 7 years. The jb is emtinally demanding, and even mre (21) fr a migraines(偏头痛) sufferer. S why d I thrw myself int it? Because at the mst difficult time in my (22) , saving wildlife saved me t.
    I have had migraines fr as lng as I can remember. Smetimes it was a(n) (23) t attend schl. I wuld have t put my head (24) my desk t reduce the pain. S I chse t study at hme. But being discnnected frm the rest f the wrld made me feel (25) .
    "I can't (26) this anymre!" When Mum came t get me frm the clinic, I nearly (27) .
    Then n ur way back hme, I (28) a fallen nest. Tw baby birds lay n the grund. Were they still alive? I (29) clser. Thankfully they were (30) ! "Yu're ging t be kay," I said t the birds. "I prmise."
    The next day Mum and I (31) tk them t a wildlife care center. Fr the first time in a lng time, I felt helpful instead f helpless. It was as if the baby birds' (32) fr me was strnger than my pain. I did find smething (33) t d.
    Then I began vlunteering fr TCWC. Every time I hld a bird in my hands, I feel a sense f (34) because it brings me s much (35) t help these hmeless animals.
    21.A. puzzlingB. cmfrtingC. challengingD. interesting
    22.A. trainingB. wrkC. studyD. life
    23.A. hnurB. adventureC. struggleD. cmmitment
    24.A. intB. againstC. abveD. ver
    25.A. uselessB. clumsyC. shallwD. fearless
    26.A. standB. wnC. fllwD. supprt
    27.A. threw upB. brke dwnC. set utD. turned back
    28.A. tkB. caughtC. destryedD. sptted
    29.A. jumpedB. drveC. walkedD. flew
    30.A. singingB. breathingC. recveringD. waiting
    31.A. gratefullyB. carefullyC. mdestlyD. frequently
    32.A. needB. lackC. searchD. lve
    33.A. necessaryB. creativeC. nrmalD. meaningful
    34.A. victryB. regretC. gratitudeD. guilt
    35.A. trustB. justiceC. imaginatinD. jy
    36. A drama series(连续剧) named "Medal f the Republic"《功勋》 has arused (1) (enthusiasm) discussin n Chinese scial media. The series tells heart-warming stries abut the first grup f eight recipients f the Medal f the Republic, the cuntry's (2) (high) hnr fr thse wh have made great cntributins (3) the develpment f the Peple's Republic f China.
    Accrding t the series' chief directr Zheng Xialng, (4) (cmpare) t mst bipic(传记片) prductins that tend t dcument the whle life f the featured individual, this series fcuses (5) (specific) n the individuals' mst shining mments.
    The episde(集) n Li Yannian, a sldier f Chinese Peple's Vlunteer Army(中国人民军), fcuses n the battlefield during the War t Resist US Aggressin and Aid Krea(抗美援朝战争). With his (6) (brave) and wisdm, Li and his fellw sldiers retk a strategic highland(战略高地) and fulfilled their missin(完成使命).
    In the episde n nuclear physicist Yu Min, (7) is regarded as the "father f China's hydrgen bmb(氢弹)," viewers can see hw he vercame difficulties (8) made breakthrughs in hydrgen bmb research after several mnths f undertaking cmplex calculatins.
    In the episde n Nbel Prize winner Tu Yuyu, yu can learn abut her effrts t develp a medicine which (9) (use) t treat malaria(疟疾). Her breakthrugh has saved millins f lives, especially in develping (10) (cuntry).
    参考词汇:孔子学院the Cnfucius Institute
    A MOTHER'S DAY SURPRISE The twins were filled with excitement as they thught f the surprise they were planning fr Mther's Day.Hw pleased and prud Mther wuld be when they brught her breakfast in bed.They planned t make French tast and chicken prridge.They had watched their mther in the kitchen.There was nthing t it.Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what t d.
    The big day came at last.The alarm rang at 6 pair went dwn the stairs quietly t the kitchen.They decided t bil the prridge first.They put sme rice int a pt f water and left it t bil while they made the French tast.Jeff brke tw eggs int a plate and added in sme milk.Jenna fund the bread and put tw slices int the egg mixture.Next,Jeff turned n the secnd stve burner t heat up the trying pan.Everything was ging smthly until Jeff.
    As the twins lked arund them in disappintment.______
    The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and wke their mther up.______
    1. 根据Day1 Overview Edinburgh部分中的It was in Sctland's capital city that J. K.Rwling started t plt the adventures f Harry and his pals.(正是在苏格兰的首都,J. K. Rwling开始策划哈利和他的伙伴们的冒险故事)可知,J. K. Rwling最初是在爱丁堡创作的《哈利波特》。故选A。
    2. 根据Day 3 Overview all abard the Hgwarts Express部分中的Please be sure t bk the steam train in advance, as it is very ppular.(请务必提前预订蒸汽火车,因为它很受欢迎)可知,乘坐Jacbite蒸汽火车务必提前订票。故选B。
    3. 根据第一段内容“沿着这条为期四天的路线,你将迷失在哈利波特的魔法世界中。”可知,本文主要介绍了一条为期四天的旅游线路,所以本文可能来自报纸的旅游版块。故选C。
    【解析】(1)A.推理判断题。根据第一段In 2016,inspired by a challenge called the"16 fr 16",where a mther gave her daughter $1,600 when she turned 16 if she stayed ff scial media,Lrna Klefsaas decided t up the ante (赌注) t tw extra years and S200 mre fr her sn,Sivert Klefsas.(2016年,一个叫做"16对16"的挑战中,妈妈承诺,如果她的女儿在16岁时远离社交媒体,妈妈将奖励她1600美元。受到这一挑战启发,Lrma Klefsaas决定提高200美元赌注以及额外的两年与她的儿子Sivert Klefsaas进行挑战。)可知,Lma与儿子打赌是为了挑战不使用社交媒体。故选A。
    (2)B.细节理解题。根据第二段As a 12-year-ld,Sivert wasn't using scial media much.The nly app he had prir t the bet was Snapchat - - which he deleted a day after trying it ut.S it wasn't t difficult t live withut scial media,and he didn't think abut it much during the six years(12岁时,西弗特不怎么使用社交媒体。在打赌之前,他唯一使用的应用程序是snapchat,在试用后他删除了它。所以,没有社交媒体的生活并不难,在这6年里,他也没有想太多。)可知,Sivert接受了挑战并坚持6年不使用社交媒体。故选B。
    (3)C.细节理解题。根据第三段Sivert said."It meant I had mre time t fcus n my grades and sprts instead."(Sivert说这意味着我有更多的时间专注于我的成绩和体育。")可知,Sivert不使用社交媒体,而是专注于自己的学业及体育。故选C。
    (4)A.标题归纳题。根据第一段In 2016,inspired by a challenge called the"16 fr 16",where a mther gave her daughter $1,600 when she turned 16 if she stayed ff scial media,Lrna Klefsaas decided t up the ante (赌注)注) t tw extra years and $200 mre fr her sn,Sivert Klefsas(2016年,一个叫做"16对16"的挑战中,妈妈承诺,如果她的女儿在16岁时远离社交媒体,妈妈将奖励她1600美元。受到这一挑战启发,Lrna Klefsaas决定提高200美元赌注以及额外的两年与她的儿子Sivert Klefsaas进行挑战。)以及第四段中的On February 19,2022,Sivert claimed his prize.Nw $S1,800 richer,Sivert hasn't thught abut what t buy(2022年2月19日,Sivert 宣布获奖。现在Sivert多了 1800美元,但还没想过要买什么。)可知,Lrma 与Sivert的赌注是1800美元,并且Sivert赢得了赌注。由此可知,A successful 18-fr- 18 bet(一次成功的"18对18"打赌)适合作本文标题。故选A。
    【解析】(1)D.细节理解题。根据第二段中It als culd pwer electrnics in remte r lw-resurce areas that lack electricity.(它还可以为缺乏电力的偏远地区或资源匮乏地区的电子设备提供电力。)可知,这个新装置在一些特殊的地方会很受欢迎。故选D。
    (2)C.段落大意题。根据第三段The device makes use f the temperature difference between Earth and uter space.It then uses that difference t create electricity.As lng as ne side f it is cler than the ther,the generatr can prduce electricity.The cler side faces the sky and is attached t an aluminum plate.That plate is sealed beneath a transparent cver and surrunded with insulatin t keep ut heat.The bttm f the generatr is attached t an expsed aluminum plate.That plate is warmed by the lcal air.At night,the tp plate can get a cuple f degrees Celsius cler than the bttm f the generatr.(该装置利用地球和外太空的温差。然后,它利用这种差异来发电。只要它的一边比另一边冷,发电机就能发电。较冷的一面面向天空,并连接在一块铝板上。那块板被密封在一个透明的盖子下面,周围有隔热层以防止热量流失。发电机的底部连接到一个暴露的铝板。铝板被当地的空气加热了。在晚上,发电机的顶部可以比底部的温度低几摄氏度。)可知,第三段主要讲了该设备的工作原理。故选C。
    (3)A.细节理解题。根据第四段中Further imprvements might increase its prductin t at least 500 milliwatts per square meter.T d that,the system might need mre insulatin arund the cl tp plate.(进一步的改进可能会使其产量至少增加到每平方米500毫瓦。要做到这一点,该系统可能需要在冷却顶板周围安装更多的绝缘材料。)可知,通过在顶板周围放置更多的绝缘材料,该设备可以产生更多的电力。故选A。
    (4)A.标题归纳题。根据第一段A new device wrks like a slar panel,except that it desn't harvest energy frm the sun.It absrbs energy frm the cld night sky.(一种新型装置的工作原理就像太阳能电池板,只不过它不是从太阳获取能量。它从寒冷的夜空中吸收能量。)结合文章主要介绍了一种新型装置,可以利用寒冷夜空发电。介绍了该装置的工作原理,以及可以应用到哪些地方。可知,A选项"利用寒冷夜空发电的装置"最符合文章标题。故选A。
    【解析】(1)A.推理判断题。根据第一段Ghia Luwalhati,Nicle Elizabeth Tan and Reaner Jacqueline Bl frm the WONDERPETS team frm Batangas State University in the Philippines used Metal Organic Framewrks,which are nvel adsrbents(新型吸附剂),t turn recycled plastic bttles int a type f spnge (海绵)that is extremely prus (透水的),making it an effective means f remving pllutants frm water.Better still,the spnge can be used again and again. (来自菲律宾Batangas州立大学WONDERPETS团队的Ghia Luwalhati,Nicle Elizabeth Tan和Reaner Jacqueline Bl使用金属有机框架,这是一种新型吸附剂,将回收的塑料瓶变成一种透水的海绵,使其成为从水中去除污染物的有效手段。更好的是,这种海绵可以一次又一次地被使用。)可知,WONDERPETS团队创新地使用金属有机框架,将回收的塑料瓶变成一种透水的海绵。故推知是极大的创造力使WONDERPETS团队取得成功,故选A。
    (2)C.细节理解题。根据第二段Sme 92% f participants were engineering students. (92%的参赛者是工程学专业的学生。)可知,大多数的参赛者主修工程学,故选C。
    (3)B.词句猜测题。根据第五段in the final rund,by six judges frm UNESCO,Engineers Withut Brders,the Internatinal Federatin f Engineering Educatin Scieties,the Internatinal Netwrk f Wmen Engineers and Scientists,the Glbal Engineering Deans Cuncil and the Internatinal Engineering Alliance. (最后一轮由来自联合国教科文组织、无国界工程师协会、国际工程教育协会联合会、国际女工程师和科学家国际网络、全球工程院长理事会和国际工程联盟的六名评委评判。)及and可知,and表示并列,所以比赛一共分两轮:预赛和决赛。故推知preliminary意为"开始的,预备性的",A.fllwing.接着的;B.pening.开始的,预备性的;C.latest最近的;D.present.目前的。故选B。
    (4)D.目的意图题。根据最后一段This annual UNESCO celebratin was established t raise awareness f the basic rle that engineering plays in cutting dwn the impact f climate change and advancing sustainable develpment. (联合国教科文组织一年一度的庆祝活动旨在提高人们对工程学在减少气候变化影响和促进可持续发展方面所发挥的基本作用的认识。)可知,这个活动提高人们对工程学作用的认识,故推知举行这次比赛是为了突出强调工程学的重要性,故选D。
    【解析】(1)G.细节理解题。根据前句There was a time when I was very cncerned abut what ther peple thught f me, especially when I was misunderstd and labeled incrrectly表示"曾经有一段时间,我非常关心别人对我的看法,特别是当我被误解和贴错标签的时候",可知表示"过多地关心他们的观点是耗费精力和不必要的"的选项G符合前后的语境, what ther peple thught f me和their views是关联词,故选G.
    (2)F.细节理解题。根据后句But if it desn't cme as expected,just be yurself表示"但是如果它没有如预期的那样到来,那就做你自己吧",可知表示"当然,得到某人的高度尊重是有好处的"的选项F符合前后的语境,it代指smene's high regard,故选F.
    (3)A.细节理解题。根据前句And the bttm line is that it's nne f yur business what anther persn thinks f yu表示"底线是别人对你的看法与你无关",可知表示"那是他或她的私人观点"的选项A符合前后的语境, what anther persn thinks f yu和his r her private views是关联词,故选A.
    (4)E.细节理解题。根据前句Recgnize yu are equal t every ther persn表示"认识到你和其他人是平等的",可知表示"也就是说,没有人比你高,也没有人比你低"的选项E符合前后的语境,equal和n ne abve r belw yu是关联词,故选E.
    (5)D.主旨判断题。根据后句Yu will nt need t be cncerned with the few peple wh just dn't seem t understand yu. Yu can live yur fulfilling life and they can live theirs表示"不需要关心那些似乎不了解你的少数人。你可以过你充实的生活,他们也可以过他们的生活",可知表示"坚持你的价值观,做你自己的事"的选项D符合本段的主题,yur values和yur wn thing是关键词,故选D.
    2)从词汇上锁定线索做保持对一些线索词的敏感是非常重要的,要好好关注空白前后的名词和动词,然后在选项中查找它们的近义词、反义词、同义词、同类词等。其次是一些专有名词,比如说数词、代词、时间、年代、地点 /名称等。尤其是在读不懂句子的情况下,利用这样的线索词寻找答案是很有效的方法。
    1. 句意:这项工作对情绪要求很高,对偏头痛患者来说更具挑战性。A.puzzling令人困感的;B.cmfrting安慰的;C.challenging具有挑战的;D.interesting有趣的。根据The jb is emtinally demanding可知,动物保护组织志愿者工作对偏头痛患者来说更具挑战性。故选C。
    2. 句意:因为在我生命中最困难的时候,拯救野生动物也拯救了我。A.training培训;B.wrk工作;C.study学习;D.life生命。根据下文saving wildlife saved me t可知,作者这么做是因为作者在生命中最困难的时候,拯救了自己。故选D。
    3. 句意:有时上学是一件困难的事。A.hnur荣誉;B.adventure冒险;C.struggle奋斗,难事;D.cmmitment承诺。根据下文 I wuld have t put my head (4) my desk t reduce the pain. S I chse t study at hme.可知,作者因为偏头痛厉害,所以上学对作者来说是一件难的事。故选C。
    4. 句意:我得把头靠在桌子上才能减轻疼痛。A.int进入;B.against依靠;C.abve超过;D.ver遍及。根据下文t reduce the pain.可知,作者不得不把头靠在桌子上来缓解头痛。故选B。
    5. 句意:但与世界隔绝让我觉得自己一无是处。A.useless无用的;B.clumsy笨拙的;C.shallw浅的;D.fearless无畏的。根据上文S I chse t study at hme.和下文Fr the first time in a lng time, I felt helpful instead f helpless.可知,作者因为在家学习与世界隔绝,所以作者觉得自己一无是处。故选A。
    6. 句意:“我再也受不了了!”妈妈来接我离开诊所时,我几乎要崩溃了。 A.stand容忍;B.wn拥有;C.fllw跟随;D.supprt支持。根据下文When Mum came t get me frm the clinic, I nearly (7) .可知,作者因为头痛忍受不了了。故选A。
    7. 句意:“我再也受不了了!”妈妈来接我离开诊所时,我几乎要崩溃了。A.threw up呕吐;B.brke dwn崩溃;C.set ut出发;D.turned back折回,返回。根据上文I can't (6) this anymre!可知,作者因为头痛几乎要崩溃。故选B。
    8. 句意:然后在回家的路上,我发现了一个倒下的巢穴。A.tk带走;B.caught抓住;C.destryed摧毁;D.sptted认出,发现。根据下文Tw baby birds lay n the grund.可知,作者在回家路上发现鸟巢。故选D。
    9. 句意:我走得更近。A.jumped跳;B.drve驾驶;C.walked行走;D.flew飞。根据上文Were they still alive?可知,作者感到好奇,所以走近去看。故选C。
    10. 句意:谢天谢地,它们还在呼吸!A.singing唱歌;B.breathing呼吸;C.recvering恢复;D.waiting等待。根据上文Were they still alive? 和下文Yu're ging t be kay," I said t the birds. "I prmise." 可知,小鸟还活着,所以还在呼吸。故选B。
    11. 句意:第二天,我和妈妈小心翼翼地把它们带到一个野生动物保护中心。 A.gratefully感激的;B.carefully小心地;C.mdestly谦虚地;D.frequently频繁地。根据上文Tw baby birds lay n the grund.可知,因为鸟儿还小,所以是小心翼翼地带到野生动物保护中心。故选B。
    12. 句意:就好像幼鸟对我的需要比我的痛苦更强烈。A.need需要;B.lack缺少;C.search寻找;D.lve爱。根据上文Fr the first time in a lng time, I felt helpful instead f helpless.可知,作者感受到幼鸟对作者的需要。故选A。
    13. 句意:我确实找到了一些有意义的事。A.necessary必要的;B.creative创造性的;C.nrmal正常的;D.meaningful有意义的。根据上文 Fr the first time in a lng time, I felt helpful instead f helpless.可知,作者找到有意义的事情。故选D。
    14. 句意:每一次我把一只鸟握在手中,我都有一种感激之情,因为帮助这些无家可归的动物给我带来了如此多的快乐。A.victry胜利;B.regret遗憾;C.gratitude感激;D.guilt内疚。根据下文because it brings me s much (15) t help these hmeless animals.可知,因为做动物保护组织志愿者给作者带来快乐,所以作者有一种感激之情。故选C。
    15. 句意同上。A.trust信任;B.justice公平;C.imaginatin想象;D.jy欢乐。根据空后的t help these hmeless animals可知,作者帮助无家可归的动物给自己带来了快乐。故选D。
    is used
    【解析】1. 句意:一部名为《功勋》的电视剧在中国社交媒体上引起了热烈讨论。此处用形容词作定语修饰名词discussin,故填enthusiastic。
    2. 句意:这部电视剧讲述了首批8位共和国勋章获得者的感人故事。共和国勋章是国家授予那些为中华人民共和国的发展做出巨大贡献的人的最高荣誉。结合句意可知,此处表示“最高荣誉”,故用最高级,故填highest。
    3. 句意同上。make cntributins t表示“对……做出贡献”,故填t。
    4. 句意:据该系列的首席导演郑晓龙说,与大多数倾向于记录人物一生的传记片相比,该系列特别关注人物最闪亮的时刻。分析句子可知,此处为非谓语动词作状语,this series与cmpare之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,故填cmpared。
    5. 句意同上。此处用副词作状语修饰动词fcuses,故填specifically。
    6. 句意:凭借他的勇敢和智慧,李和他的战友们重新登上了战略高地,完成了他们的使命。结合句意和his可知,此处用不可数名词作with的宾语,故填bravery。
    7. 句意:在关于被誉为“中国氢弹之父”的核物理学家于敏的剧集中,观众可以看到他如何克服困难,经过几个月的复杂计算,在氢弹研究方面取得突破。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Yu Min,指人,引导词在从句中作主语,故填wh。
    8. 句意同上。结合句意可知,前后为递进关系,故填and。
    9. 句意:在关于诺贝尔奖获得者屠呦呦的剧集中,你可以了解到她为开发一种治疗疟疾的药物所做的努力。结合句意可知,此处在讲述客观事实,句子用一般现在时,主语which指代先行词medicine,为单数形式,且与use之间是被动关系,故填is used。
    10. 句意:她的这项突破拯救了数百万人的生命,尤其是在发展中国家。结合句意可知,此处用名词的复数形式表示泛指,故填cuntries。
    37.【答案】Dear Steve,
    I'm delighted t learn that yu've been admitted int the Cnfucius Institute.Cngratulatins! Here, I'd like t share hw t get prepared fr the cming study there.(表示祝贺)
    First, yu need t enlarge yur Chinese vcabulary, thus ptentially helping yu better fit int the class.(高分句型一) Als, sme knwledge f Cnfucius will surely help yu catch a glimpse f his thughts and ideas, which are deeply rted in the Chinese culture but quite different frm what yu hld.(高分句型二)(你的建议)
    1 hpe yu'll harvest a lt in the Cnfucius Institute and hpefully be a man with a glbal visin. May everything g well with yu!(表达祝愿)
    Li Hua
    【解析】First, yu need t enlarge yur Chinese vcabulary, thus ptentially helping yu better fit int the class.(高分句型一)句中helping yu better fit int the class为现在分词短语作状语
    Als, sme knwledge f Cnfucius will surely help yu catch a glimpse f his thughts and ideas, which are deeply rted in the Chinese culture but quite different frm what yu hld.(高分句型二)句中which are deeply rted in the Chinese culture but quite different frm what yu hld为非限制性定语从句
    38.【答案】 As the twins lked arund them in disappintment,their father appeared.Father's appearing was like a savir t the tw children.Under the guidance f their father,they tk psitive actins and started all ver again.They made the bread and then went n cking prridge.Father helped them adjust the fire,which was the key t success.【高分句型一】It was all right this time.Delicius breakfast was ready.Hw happy they were!(描写在爸爸的指导下,Jenna和Jeff成功做好了早餐)
    The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and wke their mther up.When their mther saw the delicius and perfect breakfast laid ut befre her,she was very surprised.She was tuched nt nly by the gifts,but als by the lve f her children.The tw children culd finish cking a breakfast,which she didn't expect.【高分句型二】The children said ludly, "Happy Mther's Day!" Mther hugged them tightly and kissed them again and again.(描写妈妈看到早餐后的反应)
    高分句型一:Father helped them adjust the fire,which was the key t success.
    高分句型二:The tw children culd finish cking a breakfast,which she didn't expect.

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