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    这是一份2023-2024学年浙江省杭州市高二上册期中考试英语测试卷(附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 30 分), 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9.15.
    1. What has happened t the man?
    A. He has been sent t the hspital.
    B. He has been in a car accident.
    C. He has injured himself while cking.
    2. Where is the man prbably ging?
    A. T a café.B. T a supermarket.C. T a restaurant.
    3. What is the surce f the smell?
    A. A factry.B. A bakery.C. A fruit shp.
    4. Why is the man wrking frm hme tday?
    A. He has smething urgent t deal with.
    B. The air quality is very pr.
    C. His ffice is clsed.
    5. Hw d the speakers feel?
    A. Cnfused.B. Amused.C. Delighted.
    6. When will the field trip take place?
    A. On Friday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.
    7. Why desn’t the man allw the wman t g n the field trip?
    A. He desn’t like her friends.
    B. He wants her t finish her hmewrk.
    C. He is cncerned abut her safety.
    8. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a htel.
    B. In an airprt.
    C. In a schl drmitry.
    9. Hw much will the man pay?
    A. $15. B. $40.C. $80.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Artist and art lver.
    B. Gallery wner and client.
    C. Charity wner and supprter.
    11. Where did the wman first meet Rhna?
    A. In Glasgw.B. In Paris.C. In Oxfrd.
    12. What d we knw abut the Glasgw Schl f Art?
    A. One f its buildings burned dwn.
    B. It wn a design award.
    C. The wman redesigned it.
    13. Wh might the man be?
    A. A pilt.B. A tur guide.C. A reprter.
    14. Where des the wman wrk?
    A. At a travel agency.B. On an airplane.C. In a htel.
    15. What des the wman lve mst abut her jb?
    A. Getting free flights.
    B. Staying at nice htels.
    C. Helping ther peple reach their destinatin.
    16. What des the wman d first after she has finished wrk?
    A. She exercises.
    B. She has a shwer.
    C. She ges straight t bed.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Envirnmental prtectin.
    B. Valuable cmpanies.
    C. Educatin investment.
    18. Hw much has Amazn prmised t dnate in the US?
    A. $10 billin.B. $25 billin.C. $1 trillin.
    19. What des the speaker think was the best thing Bill Gates did t help thers?
    A. Helping fight disease.
    B. Helping supprt educatin.
    C. Helping prtect the envirnment.
    20. What des the speaker believe abut business?
    A. Big cmpanies shuld supprt cllege students financially.
    B. Online marketplaces will be mre ppular than physical stres.
    C. Anyne wh is brilliant and mtivated can succeed in business.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The magical wrld f The Little Prince brught t life!
    Abut the exhibitin
    French visual artist Arnaud Nazare-Aga has wrked with Antine de Saint-Exupéry Yuth Fundatin, and tgether they have designed a unique turing art exhibitin f sculptures inspired by the riginal waterclr illustratins f Antine de Saint-Exupéry’s bk, The Little Prince, as well as phts, manuscripts (手稿) and drawings.
    The exhibitin will be presented fr the very first time in Auckland frm 1st June t 25th June, 2023 t celebrate the 80th anniversary f the publicatin f The Little Prince.
    Entitled “The Little Prince in the Dark”, the exhibitin attempts t bring Saint-Exupéry’s illustratins t life in a different way. The artist has created 13 all-white sculptures with relief (浮雕). They are displayed in the dark t be discvered by the senses f tuch and hearing. All the magic, dreams and petry f Saint-Exupéry’s belved bk will thus be revealed in a new way never imagined befre.
    What t d
    First, start ff frm the entrance n the first flr t see histrical phtgraphy describing the great adventure f the pineering pilt Latécère. Then, mve up t the secnd flr, where yu can find rare riginal manuscripts and drawings by Antine de Saint-Exupéry. After that, climb up t the third flr t experience the sculptures. Finally, dn’t frget t stp ff n yur way ut at the gift shp right next t the entrance and pick up sme Little Prince memrabilia t remember yur visit.
    The exhibitin is free fr everyne!
    Opening Times
    Tuesday t Sunday, 10 a.m. t 4 p.m.
    Huse f Minima, 26 Greek Street, Auckland
    21. Why is the exhibitin presented?
    A. T intrduce a special city tur. B. T hnur the prductin f a bk.
    C. T prmte a French art fundatin. D. T celebrate the birthday f a writer.
    22. What is special abut the exhibitin?
    A. It presents dark sculptures in a different way.
    B. It can be explred with hands and ears.
    C. It ffers a unique night-time experience.
    D. It displays sculptures f the little prince.
    23. On which flr(s) can visitrs buy gifts?
    A. The first flr.B. The secnd flr.
    C. The third flr.D. All flrs.
    Fergal Keane is a well-knwn BBC war reprter. His reprting helped his televisin audiences make sense f the hrrrs f war, but underneath there were mre persnal scars attracting him t the frntline.
    Fergal had seen vilence ever since the early days f his wrk cvering the fighting in Belfast. Having reprted wars all ver the wrld, in 1994, he was sent t cver the civil war in Rwanda. But what Fergal saw there shcked him like nthing befre, as he tld BBC Wrld Service prgramme, Lives Less Ordinary. “I began t have terrible dreams f Rwanda. And f curse, at that stage, it was clear that I was mentally hurt. Did I g t the experts in hspital? N, I didn’t.”
    Instead, Fergal turned t drinking alchl and he had anther addictin t deal with—the need t keep returning t war. Fergal knew it wasn’t healthy, but he culdn’t stp.
    Arund the year 2001, it seemed that war was everywhere, and Fergal kept n reprting in Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebann. But the nightmares didn’t stp, and his mental health gt wrse and wrse. Yu might expect Fergal t call it a day at this pint, but that’s nt hw addictin wrks. He just kept getting pulled back in. He reached a pint where he culdn’t carry that anymre, and it’s nt dramatic, it’s a slw, steady ruin. Fergal had a nervus breakdwn—a perid f dangerus mental illness, leaving him unable t face his life. At last, he was admitted int hspital, and this time diagnsed with pst-traumatic stress disrder, PTSD—a mental illness experienced after vilent r shcking events.
    After his diagnsis f PTSD, he gt supprt and was finally able t stay away frm alchl and war. In his new bk, The Madness: A Memir f War, Fear and PTSD, Fergal discusses his hrrible life living with PTSD.
    24. What caused Fergal’s illness?
    A. The fighting he cvered in Belfast.B. The vilence he saw in Rwanda.
    C. The terrible dreams he had in Rwanda.D. The wars he reprted all ver the wrld.
    25. Hw did he deal with his illness?
    A. He went t the hspital t seek help.
    B. He talked t the experts abut his illness.
    C. He tld the audiences thrugh BBC.
    D. He abandned himself t alchl and the frntline.
    26. What des the underlined phrase in Paragraph 4 pssibly mean?
    A. T call fr help.B. T call smene ne day.
    C. T cry all day.D. T put a stp t it.
    27. Which can be inferred frm Fergal’s experience?
    A. Overwrk can make a persn mad.B. Every experience ends in a bk.
    C. Wars are cruel and damaging.D. Devtin t ne’s jb is respectable.
    Mst f Texas has recently brken a heat-related recrd in ne way r anther. Dallas reached a recrd high f 110 degrees Fahrenheit amid weeks f cntinuing 100 r near 100 degrees days. S did Austin with mre than 100 degrees and Hustn 109 degrees.
    Heat and drught are slw disasters, nes we dn’t jump t respnd t, like we d fr a hurricane r a trnad. But the destructin is piecemeal—a buckled rad here, a brken water main there, water tables that aren’t filling as fast as we drain them. Wrse still, we tend t underestimate its damage t ur health, infrastructure, water, husing and ther basics we need t survive.
    While heat is nrmal in Texas, what it des shuldn’t be nrmalized. We’ve been asked t reduce ur electrical use and ur water use. We’re rightfully fined if ur sprinklers(喷洒器) run n the wrng days. When my handyman texts me, asking t pstpne wrk arund my huse because his day jb is utside and he is literally burned ut, I see hw life at this temperature is stressful, harmful and terrifying.
    Is there plitical will arund heat? Jesse Keenan, wh studies climate change and infrastructure at Tulane University, tld me yes. And n. Sme f the fixes are alarmingly simple, like painting buildings white r making rads lighter when we rebuild them s they reflect heat. But thers, like updating water lines, are expensive and time-cnsuming, he explained. And csts fr things like water are ging t skyrcket sn. Infrastructure desn’t energize the electrate(全体选民), he added. But if Texas is ging t be livable fr ur kids and grandkids, and if the suthern half f the U.S. in general is ging t survive, infrastructure is ging t have t becme Real Husewives–level gripping.
    28. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe heat?
    A. Slw and preventable
    B. Destructive and underestimated.
    C. Nticeable and intensive.
    D. Slw and widespread.
    29. Why des the authr say “what it des shuldn’t be nrmalized”?
    A. We have been asked t reduce electrical use and water use because f heat.
    B. My handyman texts me t pstpne wrk because he is almst burned ut.
    C. The heat has brken recrds and certainly it was nt a nrmal phenmenn.
    D. The heat has caused extreme stress and terrifying harm t peple’s life.
    30. What is mst likely the authr’s attitude tward the heat in Texas?
    A. cncerned B. hpeful C. deired D. indifferent
    31. Which f the fllwing statements is NOT true accrding t the passage?
    A. Painting buildings white helps slve the prblem f heat by reflecting heat.
    B. It is necessary t imprve infrastructure fr the sake f generatins t cme.
    C. The gvernment is willing t take whatever it csts t deal with heat.
    D. Jesse thinks the gvernment needs t place mre emphasis n infrastructure.
    While sme bservers wrry abut ptential dangers in AI, thers are fcusing n the ptential rewards and believe that AI can turbcharge science and lead t a glden age f discvery.
    Such claims are wrth examining. The mechanism by which AI will suppsedly slve the wrld’s prblems has a strng histrical basis because there have been perids when new appraches and new tls did indeed help bring abut wrld-changing scientific innvatin. In the 1700s micrscpes and telescpes pened up new visin f discvery and scientific jurnals helped share and publicise researchers’ findings. In the late 1900s, research labratries that brught tgether ideas, peple and materials n an industrial scale, gave rise t further innvatins, such as the transistr. Frm the 1950s, cmputers made the design f weapns and aircraft and weather frecasting a reality. Tday AI is being emplyed in new ways such as identifying new antibitics(抗生素) and sptting reginal accents in wlves.
    All this is t be welcmed. But the jurnal and the labratry went further: they altered scientific practice and unlcked mre pwerful means f making discveries, by allwing peple and ideas t mingle in new ways n a larger scale. AI, t, has the ptential t set ff such a transfrmatin.
    Tw areas in particular lk prmising. The first is “literature-based discvery” (LBD), which invlves analysing existing scientific literature, using ChatGPT-style language analysis, t lk fr new hyptheses, cnnectins r ideas that humans may have missed. LBD is shwing prmise in identifying new experiments t try. This culd stimulate interdisciplinary wrk and fster innvatin.
    The secnd area is “rbt scientists”, als knwn as “self-driving labs”. These are rbtic systems that use AI t frm new hyptheses, based n existing data and literature, and then test thse hyptheses by perfrming cuntless experiments. Unlike human scientists, rbts are less attached t previus results, less driven by bias—and, crucially, easy t replicate. They culd scale up experimental research, develp unexpected theries and explre avenues that researchers might nt have cnsidered.
    32. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The reasn why AI is likely t revlutinize science.
    B. The wide spread f AI in tday’s wrld
    C. Hw AI has develped thrughut the histry
    D. The imprtance f AI in scientific revlutin
    33. Accrding t the passage, hw can AI start a revlutin in science?
    A. by analyzing existing data and literature
    B. by frming new hyptheses
    C. by develping unexpected theries
    D. by cmbining peple and ideas
    34. What is the advantage f AI ver human scientists?
    A. AI can perfrm hundreds f thusands f experiments.
    B. AI is mre likely t make new discveries.
    C. AI is mre independent and is easy t replicate.
    D. AI takes many mre methds int cnsideratin.
    35. Which f the fllwing is the title fr the passage?
    A. Hw Artificial Intelligence can revlutinize science
    B. What Artificial Intelligence has brught t ur mdern sciety
    C. Whether it is pssible fr Artificial Intelligence t change science
    D. Why unexpected innvatin results frm Artificial Intelligence
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分; 满分12.5分)
    Anxiety is ften viewed as a negative feeling but this emtin can be used t help us manage uncertainty, stay safe and prepared.
    A grwing number f psychlgists and neurscientists are arguing that anxiety and ther negative feelings have a rle t play in ur lives. Psychlgist Tdd Kashdan, directr f the Well-Being Lab at Gerge Masn University, ntes that smetimes it’s right t wrry. 36
    Anxiety is an adaptive strategy in human evlutin. 37 Anxiety prmpts us t seek slutins t unknwns by planning, imagining and pltting ut pssible scenaris. Frm an evlutinary pint f view, anxiety is the best emtin t help us manage uncertainty because it frces us t run thse ‘what-if' simulatins.
    38 But if we simply apprach anxiety as smething t avid, we nt nly dn’t slve the prblem it’s warning us t, but actually miss an pprtunity t leverage(利用) the generative pwer f anxiety. When we’re in an anxius state, the amunt f dpamine in ur brains increases, which prmpts us t take actin. In evlutinary terms, millins f years ag that might have meant lking fr shelter t evade predatry animals. 39
    Interestingly enugh, thanks t the emtin we d nt miss an pprtunity t get things prepared. 40 Case in pint: hiding unpened envelpes frm the HMRC in a drawer—even if they culd be just the rutine updates that sme self-emplyed peple receive—culd result in missing a changed deadline.
    A. It helps us t prepare fr the uncertain future.
    B. We have every reasn t be cautius and aware f the harm anxiety brings.
    C. Anxiety cntinually pushes us t take respnsibility and cmplete must-d tasks.
    D. Hwever, by nt facing ur anxiety, we lse its benefits, and can make things wrse.
    E. Fr example, the fear f heights keeps us frm falling ff a cliff while taking a selfie.
    F. Neurscientist Wendy Suzuki believes that anxiety actually serves us by sending ut a warning.
    G.Tday, it might mean leaving a jb because f a predatry bss.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Last night was the last game fr my eight-year-ld sn’s sccer team. It was the final 41 . The scre was tw t ne, my sn’s team 42 . Parents encircled the field, ffering encuragement.
    With less than ten secnds 43 , the ball rlled in frnt f my sn’s teammate, ne Mikey O’Dnnel. With shuts f “Kick it!” 44 acrss the field, Mikey reared back and gave it 45 he had. All rund me the crwd 46 . O’Dnnel had scred!
    Then there was 47 . Mikey had scred all right, but in the 48 gal, ending the game in a 49 . Fr a mment there was ttal hush. Yu see, Mikey has Dwn’s syndrme and fr him there is n such thing as a wrng gal. All gals were 50 by a jyus hug frm Mikey. He had even been knwn t hug the ppsing players when they scred.
    The silence was finally 51 when Mikey, his face filled with 52 , grabbed my sn, hugged him and yelled, “I scred! I scred. Everybdy wn! Everybdy wn!” Fr a mment I held my breath, nt sure hw my sn wuld 53 . I need nt have wrried. I watched, thrugh 54 , as my sn threw up his hand in the classic high-five salute and started chanting, “Way t g Mikey! Way t g Mikey!” Within mments bth teams 55 Mikey, jining in the chant and cngratulating him n his gal.
    Later that night, when my daughter asked wh had wn, I smiled as I replied, “It was a tie. Everybdy wn.”
    41. A. quarterB. secndC. curt D. gal
    42. A. in the frntB. in the leadC. in the behindD. in the back
    43. A. leavingB. missingC. remainingD. ging
    44. A. repeatingB. shutingC. yellingD. eching
    45. A. anythingB. everythingC. nthingD. smething
    46. A. biledB. brkeC. eruptedD. quieted
    47. A. silenceB. C. whisperD. applause
    48. A. right B. final C. weakD. wrng
    49. A. lssB. disaster C. failureD. tie
    50. A. praisedB. celebratedC. cngratulatedD. applauded
    51. A. brken B. ended C. stppedD. heard
    52. A. fearB. wnder C. jyD. victry
    53. A. actB. replyC. reactD. behave
    54. A. cheersB. tearsC. scres D. crwds
    55. A. admiredB. heldC. encuragedD. surrunded
    The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhu pened n Saturday. Hangzhu has 56 (previus) hsted a number f internatinal sprts events, including the 2018 FINA Wrld Swimming Champinships, FINA Wrld Aquatics Cnventin, 57 cntributes t the city's reputatin 58 an internatinal sprts hub.
    Majr internatinal sprts events have becme an imprtant surce f revenue fr the hst cities and cuntries, with the revenue being generated bth in the shrt and lng term.
    Internatinal sprts events require hst cuntries 59 (make) huge investments in infrastructure. And the revenue(收入) fr hst cities and cuntries 60 (cme) frm TV rights, licensing and ticketing, as well as the turism and hspitality industries. Internatinal sprts events invlve 61 _(natin) and internatinal sprts bdies, with the hst cities and cuntries 62 (require) t cmply t their demands.
    Fr the Olympic Games, the incme frm TV 63 (right) and tp spnsrs helps fund the rganizatinal csts 64 pay the Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee and the dmestic Olympic bdy. Nwadays, Olympic hst cities and cuntries als earn revenue frm multimedia and streaming rights. Majr sprts events als bst turism and generate turism revenue.
    The 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Milan Crtina (Italy) will likely be an example f the Winter Games 65 (spread) acrss cities.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是高二学生李华, 你们学校刚刚组织一次主题公园的秋游活动。请你为此活动写一篇报道,要点包括:
    (注意: 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    It was arund 7 p. m. n ne f the httest days f the summer. I'd just pured myself a tall glass f lemnade when my phne rang. "Mm, yu have t cme," said my 14-year-ld daughter, Alliana. “I fund a hurt bunny n the rad.”
    What a cincidence! When I was eight, I fund a baby rabbit t—utside ur Brnx apartment building. A rabbit is ne f the least likely things yu'd find in the Brnx and my sister and I marveled at ur gd frtune. My parents scped the rabbit int the car and we sped ff t the Z, prud t have fund him a gd hme. Nw Alliana had stumbled acrss a bunny, and I figured that rescuing rabbits was sme srt f a rite f passage(成人礼). Except my bunny had been healthy; Alliana's had tw seriusly brken hind legs.
    "I'm srry, hney, but there's nt much we can d," I said as I std in the middle f the rad redirecting traffic arund the rabbit. On the sidewalk, tired and verheated neighbrs heading hme frm the train statin didn't seem eager t stp t think ver rescue ptins.
    I called my husband, Martin, wh tk the Darwinian view. "Tell Alliana it's the circle f life," he said, nt unkindly. "Sme animals aren't meant t survive." Still, Alliana std firm, s I called the plice, wh tld me t call the humane sciety—which gave me a number fr a wildlife htline. "Whatever yu d, dn’t leave the bunny utside vernight-the raccns (浣熊) will rip ff his skin and eat him alive." As the wman at the htline said that, Alliana burst int tears.
    Mments later, I flagged dwn a passing plice car. The pliceman pulled n a pair f rubber glves as I grabbed a wastepaper basket ut f a neighbr's recycling bin. He swped up the rabbit and placed him in the basket. Then, alng with my daughter, I walked dwn the blck t ur huse with the tiny creature curled up in the basket.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    At hme, Alliana fed it sme rganic carrts. _______________________________
    By the secnd day I was still n clser t a slutin. ___________________________
    1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A
    6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A
    11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C
    16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C
    二. 阅读理解答案:21-23 BBA 24-27 BDDC 28-31 BDAC 32-35 ADCA
    三. 七选五:EAFGD
    四. 完型:41-45 ABCDB 46-50 CADDB 51-55 ACCBD
    五. 语法填空:56 previusly 57. which 58 as 59. t make 60 cmes
    61 natinal 62 required 63 rights 64 and 65 being spread
    Text 1
    M: Can yu drive me t the hspital? I have accidentally hurt the tp f my finger while preparing dinner. (1)
    W: That lks painful! Unfrtunately, I was in a car accident s my car’s getting fixed. I’ll rder a taxi fr yu.
    Text 2
    M: I’m leaving nw. What d yu want me t get?
    W: Pick up sme chclate and ice cream, please. Oh, and dn’t frget t get a bag f instant cffee. (2) We dn’t have much left at hme.
    M: OK.
    Text 3
    M: Can yu smell that? There’s a sweet smell in the air, like strawberries.
    W: Yes, it’s frm the candle factry acrss the rad. (3) It makes candles that smell like fruit.
    Text 4
    M: The smg is terrible tday. (4) I think I will wrk frm hme tday. I hpe yu dn’t mind.
    W: N, nt at all. I think that’s a gd idea cnsidering yur breathing difficulties. Yu shuld let yur ffice knw as sn as pssible.
    Text 5
    W: What n earth des this mean? I’ve gt a letter saying sme bricks are ging t be delivered. I didn’t rder any bricks. Did yu?
    M: Bricks? What wuld I want with bricks? N, I dn’t knw anything abut that. (5)
    Text 6
    M: I have already tld yu last Friday, yu cannt g t yur seventh-grade field trip. (6) (7)
    W: But why? All my friends are ging. I’ve already tld them I’ll be there this Saturday! (6) We have all been lking frward t it fr s lng. We’ve been talking abut it since last Sunday.
    M: Yu shuld have asked me first. I think it is nt safe fr yu t g. Yur mther and I have already decided. (7)
    W: Is there any way I can cnvince yu? I’ll d all the wrk arund the huse fr the next mnth if yu want! I will als d all my hmewrk mre regularly frm nw n.
    M: Well, let’s talk abut it later.
    Text 7 (第8题为推断题)
    M: Excuse me, I want t bk a rm fr tw nights. (9)
    W: Are yu traveling by yurself?
    M: Yes.
    W: Well, there is ne single rm left. It’s $40 a night. (9)
    M: D yu have anything cheaper? I’m n a budget.
    W: Yes, I can give yu a bed in the drmitry. It’s $15 a night.
    M: Hw many beds are there in the drmitry?
    W: Twelve in ttal, but it’s pretty empty at the mment. There are nly three ther guests in there s it shuld be quiet.
    M: On secnd thught, I’ll take the single rm. (9) I need sme rest befre I head t the airprt n Friday.
    W: N prblem. Here’s the key. It cmes with free breakfast in the restaurant frm 7:00 a.m. t 10:00 a.m.
    Text 8
    M: Are yu the artist f that piece ver there? (10)
    W: Yes, (10) it is my latest wrk.
    M: I just wanted t say that it spke t me. Is it fr sale? (10)
    W: Yes. All the art wrk in the gallery is fr sale. I’m dnating the prfits t an animal charity.
    M: That’s very generus f yu.
    W: I help ut there nce a week.
    M: S d yu regularly shw wrk here in this gallery?
    W: Yes. Rhna is the gallery wner. She and I went t university tgether.
    M: What university was that?
    W: Well, I met Rhna when I studied at Oxfrd. (11) Hwever, after that I received a secnd degree at the Glasgw Schl f Art.
    M: That’s a lvely place fr artists.
    W: Yes, I’d say it has a better art scene than Paris r Lndn.
    M: It was a shame that the Glasgw Schl f Art caught fire. (12)
    W: Yes. It has happened twice nw. S much wrk was lst, and the building itself is cmpletely destryed. (12)
    Text 9 (第13题为推断题)
    M: What is it like wrking fr an airline? (14)
    W: Well, it can be very stressful, but als very rewarding.
    M: What d yu lve mst abut yur jb? (15)
    W: Helping peple get t where they need t be. It’s s nice t see peple recnnect with their lved nes in the airprt. (15)
    M: Are there any benefits frm yur rle?
    W: Yes, I get free flights fr myself and my family, s it means we can g t lts f places n hliday.
    M: When yu fly t ther cuntries, d yu stay in htels?
    W: Yes, the flight crew including the pilts stays at the same htel. (14)
    M: D yu visit sme places during yur wrk?
    W: It depends n hw much time we have until ur next flight. We usually stay at an airprt htel far away frm the city.
    M: I can imagine yu are pretty tired after spending 10 hurs n a plane. (14) (16)
    W: Exactly. I usually just crash int my bed nce I’ve had a shwer. (16) Then I’ll get up early and hit the htel gym r pl if it has ne.
    M: Well, thanks fr spending time with us tday.
    W: My pleasure.
    Text 10 (第17题为总结题)
    Sme f the wrld’s mst valuable cmpanies have started frm small peratins t creating sme f the richest peple n the planet. The cmpany Amazn started as an nline bkstre. (18) It is nw ne f the mst valuable cmpanies in the wrld. The wner Jeff Bezs passed Bill Gates in 2017 as the wealthiest persn in the wrld. Since then, Bezs has cmmitted t dnating $10 billin t help the envirnment and supprt hmeless peple in the US. (18) Bill Gates is the creatr f the cmpany Micrsft, the largest sftware cmpany in the wrld. Althugh the cmpany is wrth ver a trillin dllars, Gates has sld almst all f his wnership f the cmpany and currently just wns 1% f the cmpany. Bill Gates is nw fcused n perating the wrld’s largest private charity. He has supprted thusands f students with university educatin. But his mst impressive charity wrk has been stpping the spread f illnesses arund the wrld. (19) The cmpanies mentined abve were started with teams f less than 20 peple. These stries shw us that anyne with a brilliant idea and enugh mtivatin can create the next Micrsft r Amazn. (20)

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