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    这是一份2023-2024学年福建省五校协作高三上学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)含答案,文件包含福建省“宁化永安尤溪大田沙县一中”五校协作2023-2024学年高三上学期期中联考英语试题含听力原卷版docx、福建省“宁化永安尤溪大田沙县一中”五校协作2023-2024学年高三上学期期中联考英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:120分钟 总分:150 分
    第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分7. 5 分)
    听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When des the man prbably want t return the clthes?
    A. On Nvember 8th.B. On Nvember 15th.C. On Nvember 22nd.
    2. 此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des Ivan ften d?
    A. He tidies up the drmitry.
    B. He argues with his rmmates.
    C. He talks alud n the phne.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and emplyee.B. Dctr and patient.C. Husband and wife.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is Olivia ding at present?
    A. Answering a phne.B. Attending a cnference.C. Meeting a custmer.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the speakers d?
    A. Visit the museum.B. G t the mvie theater.C. D a science experiment.
    第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What kind f rm des the man want t reserve?
    A. A business suite.B. A duble rm.C. A single rm.
    7. When will the man leave the htel?
    A. On Octber 14th.B. On Octber 17th.C. On Octber 18th.
    8. Hw many years f sales experience des the man have?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Eight.
    9. What did the man d in Frest?
    A. He created a new department.
    B. He increased the sales in the sutheast area.
    C. He made a new sales recrd in three mnths.
    10. What is the mst imprtant fr a gd result accrding t the man?
    A. Others’ help.B. Hard wrk.C. Manners.
    11. What is the cnversatin mainly talking abut?
    A. Taking ntes.
    B. Chsing curses.
    C. Buying secnd-hand bks.
    12. Hw much will the wman pay in ttal?
    A. $14.B. $31.C. $40.
    13. Why des the wman buy Intrductin t Gurmet Cking?
    A. She buys it fr her friend.
    B. She likes cking very much.
    C. Her father is learning cking recently.
    14. When des the man need t hand in his applicatin?
    A. As sn as the term starts.
    B. In tw mnths after the term starts.
    C. In tw mnths befre the term starts.
    15. What can students use I-20 t apply fr?
    A. A schlarship.B. A visa.C. A bank lan.
    16. Hw can the man apply fr the prgram?
    A. By filling in the applicatin nline.
    B. By ging t the center.
    C. By calling the center.
    17. What shuld the man send t the center?
    A. His grades.
    B. A spnsrship frm.
    C. Infrmatin abut his backgrund.
    18. Hw many kids were there in the research?
    A. 10.B. 14.C. 400.
    19. Hw lng did mst kids spend n the screen every day in this study?
    A. Less than 5 hurs.B. Abut 5 hurs.C. Mre than 5 hurs.
    20. What des the speaker suggest in the end?
    A. Parents shuldn’t buy mbile phnes.
    B. Students shuld reduce their time n the screen.
    C Parents shuld cmmunicate with children frequently.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 37. 5 分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Vlunteer by supprting a lcal animal rescue center in Csta Rica!
    If yu like animals and are als interested in preserving the envirnment, yu will be perfect fr this prgram. Yu will be helping ut in and supprting a lcal animal shelter. Nt nly des this shelter take in hmeless animals, but als wild animals which are in bad cnditin.
    In additin t the caretaking f the animals, vlunteers help us welcme visitrs at the entrance and answer any questins that visitrs may have abut the shelter r its animals. As vlunteers spend mre days in the shelter, knwledge abut wildlife management will grw.
    *Yu need t be at least 15 years ld n the prgram start date at the high schl level r abve.
    *Speaking English is a basic requirement.
    *N restrictins n natinality. Helping hands bth in Csta Rica and beynd are welcme.
    *Yur helping hand will be required frm 09:00 t 15:00 n Mnday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
    Prgram fees
    *Bking payments (15%): The bking payment is simply t reserve yur vlunteer placement. Payment is made by PayPal. Yu can als pay using a credit card.
    *Final payments (85%): Yur final payment will be agreed with Vlunteer Nw Csta Rica during the applicatin prcess.
    21. What can a vlunteer d in the rescue center?
    A Cmmunicate with visitrs.B. Get trained t place animals.
    C. Give lectures abut animals.D. Search fr hmeless animals.
    22. Wh can vlunteer in the prgram?
    A. A French-speaking adult.B. A primary schlchild.
    C. A cllege student frm America.D. A lcal persn free n Fridays.
    23. Hw much shuld a vlunteer pay at least t make a reservatin?
    A. $52.5.B. $105.C. $297.5.D. $350.
    Visinary architects design buildings which speak fr themselves. Frm twering cncrete pillars t sculptural mdernist dmes (穹顶), the wrk f Balkrishna Vithaldas Dshi defined Indian architecture fr the latter half f the 20th century. Knwn as B. V. Dshi, he was a versatile mdernist architect — he designed everything frm accessible husing prjects t the Indian Institute f Management in Bangalre. Sadly, the great architect died n January 24, 2023, at the age f 95, leaving behind a fascinating legacy.
    Brn n August 26, 1927, in Pune, sutheast f Mumbai, Dshi grew up with his father and grandfather, a furniture maker. As a child he came t appreciate hw their huse grew and changed. In 1947, shrtly befre Indian independence, he began architecture schl. Hwever, he never finished, a fact which he’d later pint t in life as an advantage. He married his wife Kamala Parikh in 1955. When she passed away, Dshi lived in a huse he designed and named fr his belved wife.
    Dshi was influenced by the famus Swiss-French architect knwn as Le Crbusier. Dshi studied with him in Paris and then returned t India t supervise the architect’s wrk in Ahmedabad. In 1956, Dshi funded his wn firm called Vastushilpa. He traveled the wrld lecturing at universities, wrked with ther famus architects, and even funded the Center fr Envirnmental Planning and Technlgy (nw CEPT University) fcusing n understanding, designing, planning, cnstructing and managing human habitats.
    “We did nt want t imitate smene else’s apprach,” he tld the Luisiana Museum f Mdern Art in 2018. “We wanted t find ur wn identity.” He drew frm his pride in Indian culture t create a style distinct frm Western designs. “I think f my buildings as my friends, my family,” he said. “I have a cnversatin with them, and that’s hw I create niches and staircases and penings and gardens…my buildings are nt nly pure and clear but designed t anticipate changes.”
    Aside frm his mdern wrks, Dshi was devted t creating wrks t benefit the pr. He designed the Aranya Lw Cst Husing Prject in Indre. The phtgrapher Iwan Baan, wh phtgraphed sme f Dshi’s wrks, described the artist as “the mst apprachable architect I knw. Even very pr peple in his public husing prjects knew him, which is exceptinal.”
    24. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “versatile” in paragraph 1?
    A. ppularB. mdestC. frward-lkingD. well-runded
    25. What d we knw abut Dshi’s life?
    A. He had a miserable childhd.
    B. He regretted leaving schl early.
    C. He made a cntributin t higher educatin in architecture.
    D. He set up his cmpany under the guidance f Le Crbusier.
    26. What des the authr want t illustrate by quting Dshi’s wrds?
    A. The public supprt fr Dshi.
    B. The riginality f Dshi’s wrks.
    C. Dshi’s pen mind n Indian culture.
    D. Dshi’s lve f architectural design.
    27. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T define India’s mdern architecture.
    B. T encurage peple t visit Dshi’s wrks.
    C. T advertise Dshi’s architectural philsphy.
    D. T give a brief accunt f India’s great architect Dshi.
    PFAS are fund in nnstick pans, water-prf fabrics and fd packaging. They’re called frever chemicals because f their ability t stick arund and nt break dwn. Nw, using a bit f heat and tw relatively cmmn cmpunds, researchers have degraded (降解) the chemical in the lab.
    While sme scientists have fund relatively simple ways f breaking dwn select PFAS, mst degradatin methds require harsh prcesses using intense pressure — in sme cases ver 22 mega-pascals — r extremely high temperatures — smetimes upwards f 1,000℃ — t break the chemical bnds.
    William Dichtel, frm Nrthwestern University in Evanstn, and his team experimented with tw substances fund in nearly every chemistry lab; sdium hydrxide (氢氧化钠), als knwn as lye, and a slvent (溶剂) called DMSO. The team wrked specifically n a grup f frever chemicals which cntain a large percentage f PFAS.
    When the team cmbined chemicals with the lye and DMSO at 120℃ and with n extra pressure needed, the carblic acid (羧酸) fell ff the chemicals and became carbn dixide. “What happened next was unexpected, ” Dichtel said. The lss f the acid helped degrade the chemicals int fluride ins (氟离子) and smaller carbn-cntaining prducts, leaving behind n harmful by-prducts.
    “It’s a neat methd; it’s different frm thers that have been tried,” says Chris Sales, an envirnmental engineer at Drexel University in Philadelphia wh was nt invlved in the study. “The biggest questin is hw this culd be adapted and scaled up. Understanding this mechanism is just ne step in unding frever chemicals,” Sales said.
    This prcess wuldn’t wrk t deal with PFAS in the envirnment, because it requires a cncentrated amunt f the chemicals, but it culd ne day be used in wastewater treatment plants, where the pllutants culd be filtered ut f the water, cncentrated and then brken dwn.
    28. What can we learn abut the previus ways t break dwn PFAS?
    A. They’re ec-friendly.B. They’ve been widely used.
    C. They’re difficult t perate.D. They’re regarded as useless.
    29. What did the team d in their experiment?
    A. They experimented with different slvents.
    B. They tried tw very cmmn substances.
    C. They tested every grup f frever chemicals,
    D. They expsed chemicals t extreme temperatures.
    30. What made the researchers mst surprised in their experiment?
    A. Envirnmentally-friendly reactins ccurred.
    B. The carbxylic acid became carbn dixide.
    C. N extra pressure was needed fr the trial.
    D. The lye and DMSO culd wrk at 120℃,
    31. What can we infer frm Chris Sales’ wrds?
    A. It is difficult t deal with PFAS in the envirnment.
    B. This mechanism will sn be used in the envirnment.
    C. The methd will be applied t different kinds f chemicals.
    D. Mre research is needed befre the methd is widely used.
    The idea that the nrmal human bdy temperature is abut 37℃ was first presented by the German physician Carl Reinhld August Wunderlich in 1851. Since then, it’s becme s widely accepted that it serves as a tuchstne fr health—a diagnstic tl used by physicians and parents as a basic indicatr f whether smene is sick r well. Hwever, it turns ut that this well-established fact isn’t, in fact, crrect—r, t put it mre accurately, human beings have been getting cler ver the years.
    Recent studies have shwn that temperature recrds f grups f peple have tended t run lw cmpared t the accepted nrm (标准), s the Stanfrd team, led by Julie Par-snnet,MD, prfessr f medicine and f health research and plicy, decided t d a mre in-depth study t cmpare mdern measurements with histrical recrds t try t identify bdy temperature trends and, perhaps, uncver the reasn why this cling is happening.
    Fr their research, the Stanfrd team lked at three distinct data sets frm tw histrical perids. After ging thrugh 677,423 temperature measurements, the team fund that men brn in the 21st century had an average bdy temperature f 0.6℃ lwer than that f thse brn in the early 19th century while mdern wmen shwed an average decrease f 0.03℃ cmpared t thse brn in the 1890s.
    As t why this is happening, the researchers say that the mst likely mechanism is a reductin in the human metablic rate (代谢率) due t envirnmental factrs: One pssibility is that imprvements in public health ver 200 years have reduced the incidence f inflammatins (炎症),which prmte metablism. This cmbined with peple living mre cmfrtable lives in mre stable envirnments means that the bdy desn’t have t wrk as hard t stay warm, s the average temperature falls.
    ”The envirnment that we’re living in has changed, including the temperature in ur hmes, ur cntact with micrrganisms (微生物) and the fd that we have access t. All these things mean that althugh we cnsider human beings as the same fr all f human evlutin, we’re nt the same. We’re actually changing physilgically,” Parsnnet said.
    32. What is Carl Reinhld August Wunderlich’s achievement?
    A. He set up standards fr human health services.
    B. He predicted trends in human bdy temperature.
    C. He first used bdy temperature as a health indicatr.
    D. He prpsed the standard human bdy temperature.
    33. What can we learn abut the Stanfrd team’s study?
    A. It shws wmen have a lwer bdy temperature than men.
    B. It prves human bdy temperature has drpped at a faster rate.
    C. It cmpared histrical and current human bdy temperature data.
    D. It suggested updating the definitin f the average bdy temperature.
    34. Which f the fllwing is thught t cause the decrease in human bdy temperature?
    A. The imprved living cnditins.
    B. The cntact with ther creatures.
    C. The decline in physically demanding wrk.
    D. The adaptatin f humans t climate change.
    35. Which ne culd be the best title fr the text?
    A. What exactly is nrmal human bdy temperature?
    B. Why des human bdy temperature need measuring?
    C. Human bdy temperature has decreased ver the years
    D. Human bdy temperature changes with the envirnment
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)
    Yu will be leaving this schl at the end f this year and the unavidable questin many peple will ask yu is, “S, what d yu want t be?” ____36____ But many f yu still dn’t have a clue! Here are sme things yu might want t cnsider.
    First, des the career yu are cnsidering have staying pwer? Will it be in demand in 20 years? Rapid technlgical change is disruptive (破坏性的). ____37____ While many ccupatins are being taken ver by new technlgy, jbs that require high-level f critical thinking, emtinal intelligence and human interactin, remain in high demand. These jbs are mre adaptable and nt easily replaced by machines r technlgy.
    Secnd, chse a career that interests yu. Sme peple might think this is unimprtant, but if yu are truly passinate abut yur jb then ging t wrk every day wn’t seem a chre. It’s als likely that yu will stay and grw in this career. Befre making a chice, yu shuld examine yur values, skills and persnality type. ____38____
    Third, f curse yu will want t cnsider yur chsen prfessin’s earning pwer! Althugh high pay plays a part, yu shuld knw that a jb with a big salary will likely require mre time t get t the tp, much mre effrt and a higher level f stress. ____39____ If yu have interests utside f wrk, r are struggling with ther demands in yur life, yu might want t chse a less taxing line f wrk.
    ____40____ Let me leave yu with an ld saying: “Chse a jb yu lve, and yu will never have t wrk a day in yur life. “
    A. We need t be frward-lking at ur future prspects.
    B. Sme f yu may have already decided n a career path.
    C. Trying different wrk can help yu find ut yur favrite jb.
    D. This can help yu decide if a career path is a gd fit fr yu.
    E. Only the truly mtivated will likely be able t meet these challenges.
    F. Peple’s wages are lwer in industries with slw technlgical change.
    G. Thinking abut a life-lng career at this stage in yur life is surely challenging.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    It was his father’s dream t see ne f his kids grw up t be a dctr. When he was in grade 12, his father tld the yungest sn that he wanted him t study bilgy and pass medical exams. His sister, wh___41___in bilgy, had earlier tried fr Medical Degrees but failed even thugh she was very___42___. In August, he asked his sister t teach him bilgy. The___43___started t give lessns but sn she realized that the guy was nt___44___fr it. She tried t tell the father that the sn was n gd at bilgy and that he shuld___45___his dream f making ne f his kids a dctr. The father called the guy and in a___46___way, he tld him t try up t his capacity. The guy___47___his father and gave it his best sht. The result was___48___in June the next year but he didn’t pass it in that___49___.
    Just 20 days later the family faced a serius____50____when the father died suddenly due t a heart attack. The guy was nt even 18 and thse were____51____hard times.
    He remembered his father’s dream and decided t wrk n that. Fr a(n)____52____guy, medicine isn’t a child’s play. With great____53____, he studied day and night t fulfill his father’s dream which became his wn dream, t.
    He____54____fr the medical exam again and this time, he made it. He finally____55____the tp medical cllege in the state.
    41. A. majredB. participatedC. invlvedD. brught
    42. A. braveB. sharpC. attentiveD. cnsiderate
    43. A. directrB. applierC. expertD. tutr
    44. A. gratefulB. cncernedC. suitableD. respnsible
    45. A. put ffB. accunt frC. give upD. carry n
    46. A. gentleB. rudeC. srrwfulD. hnest
    47. A. declinedB. understdC. hatedD. acknwledged
    48. A. inspiredB. judgedC. declaredD. discvered
    49. A. attemptB. fieldC. scheduleD. adventure
    50. A. threatB. shckC. infectinD. misunderstanding
    51. A. mentallyB. accidentallyC. cnstantlyD. extremely
    52. A. averageB. frustratedC. cmmittedD. awesme
    53. A. talentB. satisfactinC. enthusiasmD. pleasure
    54. A. preparedB. satC. ranD. answered
    55. A. tuchedB. prmtedC. finishedD. entered
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分)
    The year 1970 witnessed the establishment f the Wrld Earth Day. Over 50 years later, ____56____ started as a grassrts mvement has explded int an internatinal day f attentin and campaigns ____57____ (cmmit) t preserving the envirnment. Accrding t the Earth Day Netwrk, ne f the largest activist rganizatins hlding Earth Day events, many a ____58____ (participate) acrss the glbe celebrate Earth Day in a different way.
    Rachel Carsn’s bk Silent Spring published in 1962 was amng a series f critical envirnmental issues ____59____ (help) give birth t the envirnmental mvement. The bk brught ____60____ t light that the use f a pesticide called DDT was plluting rivers and destrying the eggs f birds like bald eagles. The number f the latter declined ____61____ (dramatic). Then, in 1969, a large il leak near the Santa Barbara Cunty cast ____62____ (drive) the then Senatr Gaylrd Nelsn t put Earth Day n the natinal stage.
    In the past years since the first Earth Day, there ____63____ (be) a large number f majr envirnment wins. Prtectin has been put in place n everything ____64____ clean water t endangered species.
    The theme f Earth Day 2023 is “Earth fr All”, the cncept f ____65____ emphasizes human beings must respect nature, fllw its ways and prtect it.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假设你是李华,你校上周举办了一年一度的校运会。请你根据以下信息,写一篇英文报道:
    1. 校运会时间、地点、目的
    2. 校运会活动开展情况(准备、积极参加、比赛项目、展示体育精神等)
    3. 学生感受
    Sprts Meet Fired Our Passin
    第二节(满分25 分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A Fur-legged Guardian Angel
    Snw had just melted ff the grund that April day at ur huse in Regina Beach. I had just cleaned up the pl in preparatin fr selling the huse. The year befre, I had lst my jb, and nw ur financial situatin was depressing. Finally, I had put the hme n the market. Even wrse, I wuld have t give up my belved Great Dane (大丹犬), Brigitte, because I culd n lnger affrd the cst f feeding it. The thught f lsing the dg and ur beautiful hme was almst mre than I culd bear.
    Deep in discuragement, I sat typing up my applicatin letters. Out f the crner f my eye I culd see my thirteen-mnth-ld sn, Frrest, as he lay n the carpet, playing near ur big, gentle Brigitte. It seemed as if Brigitte was always meant t be in this family and she turned ut t be a perfect cmpanin.
    Brigitte came t ur huse n Christmas eve when the drbell rang and I was sure sme f my Christmas packages had arrived. I ran t the dr but n ne was there. I sensed smething and lked dwn, nly t find a beautiful Great Dane sitting there, lking up at me with big, intelligent eyes. Perhaps, smene had fund the puppy smewhere and left her there, and then rang the drbell and ran away. They accurately guessed I wuld welcme an additinal family member and take care f her.
    Thinking f these, I culdn’t help sighing and went straight back t wrk. Hwever, I hadn’t typed mre than tw sentences when Brigitte began barking and running back and frth t the sliding glass dr verlking ur pl.
    I raced t see what was happening and nticed that the sliding dr was slightly pen. Suddenly, I realized Frrest was nwhere t be seen. In panic, I pened the dr and ran utside.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
    There I was surprised t see Brigitte, wh was terrified f water, dive int the pl.
    Finally, the dctr said Frrest was all right and culd be released frm hspital.

    2023-2024学年福建省莆田市五校联盟高三上学期期中考试英语试题+听力含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年福建省莆田市五校联盟高三上学期期中考试英语试题+听力含答案,文件包含2023-2024学年秋季五校联盟高三英语期中考试试卷docx、2023-2024学年上学期五校联盟高三年期中考英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共23页, 欢迎下载使用。

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