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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Why did the by cme hme late?
    A. He watched a game.B. He studied at schl.C. He hung ut with his friends.
    2. What did the wman d yesterday?
    A. She went climbing.B. She went t a party.C. She went t a music club.
    3. Hw much will the man pay fr his clthes in ttal?
    A. $15.B. $30.C. $45.
    4. What might the girl be ding?
    A. Eating smething sweet.B. Cunting numbers.C. Preparing fr an event.
    5. What is the man cmplaining abut?
    A. He is heavy.B. He gets sick.C. He feels t ht.
    6. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She visited mst places in the city befre.
    B. She mved t the city tw years ag.
    C. She went t the z with her friend.
    7. What impressed the wman the mst?
    A. Swimming in the lake.B. Seeing an pera.C. Climbing muntains.
    8. What is the hardest part f learning French fr the man?
    A. Reading.B. Grammar.C. Writing.
    9. Which wrd shuld be female accrding t the man?
    A. Sun.B. Chair.C. Hair.
    10. Wh are the speakers?
    A. A dctr and a patient.
    B. A driver and a pedestrian.
    C. A plice fficer and a witness.
    11. Where is the damage n the wman’s car?
    A. On the frnt f the car.B. On the side f the car.C. On the back f the car.
    12. Hw des the wman seem in the cnversatin?
    A. Cnfused.B. Cntent.C. Cnsiderate.
    13. Where are the speakers nw?
    A. In a library.B. In a bkstre.C. In a reading center.
    14. What des the wman usually like t read abut?
    A. Children.B. The travel places.C. Strng female characters.
    15. Hw des the man describe Jane Austen’s bks?
    A. They are amusing.B. They are frightening.C. They are tuching.
    16. What will the man d next?
    A. Find sme humrus bks.
    B. Charge the wman fr the bks.
    C. Shw the wman sme bks fr kids.
    17. What is the speaker’s prbable prfessin?
    A. A dctr.B. A gym trainer.C. A health writer.
    18. What seems t be causing Mr. Tper’s prblem?
    A. He desn’t wear enugh warm clthes.
    B. He desn’t mve arund enugh.
    C. He desn’t get enugh sunlight.
    19. Hw ld is Mr. Tper?
    A. 50 years ld.B. 65 years ld.C. 70 years ld.
    20. When shuld Mr. Tper’s next appintment be?
    A. The next day.B. The next week.C. The next mnth.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The Fur Mst Extic Black Sand Beaches in the Wrld
    Papen Beach: Tahiti, French Plynesia
    Ppular with surfers, this remte black beach n Tahiti’s nrthern cast basts sme f the mst impressive waves in the wrld. Here yu will discver mre breathtaking natural beauty f the island, with its green muntains and picturesque scenery. Nt-t-be-missed sights include the spectacular waterfalls: Tpatari, Puraha and Vaiharuru falls.
    Lvina Beach: Indnesia
    A highlight f this beach destinatin is visiting Kalibukbuk, ne f the castal villages alng Lvina Beach, and the Kalibukbuk Buddhist temple n the beach. There is als an abundance f incredible marine and underwater life, s diving is a ppular relaxatin, but the main draw fr beachgers is sptting the playful bttle-nsed dlphins.
    Stkksnes Beach: Iceland
    One f Iceland’s mst dramatic landscapes is the muntain Vestrahrn n the Stkksnes peninsula in sutheast Iceland. The magical setting here was featured in the Bllywd mvie Dilwale. It’s a ppular destinatin fr phtgraphers but surprisingly nt a big turist spt; this privately wned land charges a small fee t visit. Yu can visit the Stkksnes beach n a grup Ring Rad tur r a self-driving circuit f the cuntry.
    Perissa Beach: Santrini, Greece
    Situated in sutheastern Santrini, this unique black beach basts crystal clear waters and the rcky Mesa Vun muntain. Fr mre active pursuits beynd sunbathing and swimming, visitrs can rent water sprts equipment fr ther fun activities like diving. Yu can als hike t the tp f Mesa Vun t visit the ancient ruins f the city f Thera.
    21. Which f the fllwing landscapes is a must fr turists in Papen Beach?
    A. Waves.B. Valleys.C. Muntains.D. Waterfalls.
    22. Which place best suits peple wh enjy taking pictures?
    A. Papen Beach.B. Lvina Beach.
    C. Stkksnes Beach.D. Perissa Beach.
    23. What d Lvina Beach and Perissa Beach have in cmmn?
    A. They are gd places t hike.
    B. Visitrs can g diving fr relaxatin.
    C. Bth are rich in underwater life.
    D. Turists can visit ancient castal villages.
    Three cute brwn bear cubs wh gt lst after getting separated frm their mther gripped the hearts f netizens.
    The fuzzy cubs were sptted by Gelek Gyats, an eclgical prtectin fficer, when he was patrlling a riverbed at an altitude f nearly 4,500 meters in Qumarleb cunty, Yushu, Qinghai prvince.
    The little cubs eagerly ran tward the ranger (护林人) n the snw-cvered riverbed, then stpped shrt at a safe distance t stare at him curiusly. After realizing that the man was nt their mther, the bear cubs turned arund and ran alng the river calling fr mm.
    This was Gelek Gyats’s first encunter with bear cubs separated frm their mther. With his knwledge f wild animals, he drve the cubs twards an area near their cave in the hpe f a safe reunin. Thankfully, later that day, ther patrl fficers fund that the mther bear had reunited with her cubs and that the family was happy and healthy.
    This year marks Gelek Gyats’s tenth year as an eclgical prtectin fficer. He patrls the area every day, diligently recrds the animals he sees, carefully checks n the vegetatin, and helps clean up litter.
    Over the decade, Gelek Gyats has witnessed great changes in the eclgical envirnment f his hmetwn. There has been an increase in the number f wild animals, and everyne is participating in the prtectin f these species, making cexistence between humans and animals mre harmnius.
    He als reminds peple that if they encunter wild animals in the wild, they shuld keep their distance, nt disturbing r feeding them, and that if they find an animal that needs t be rescued, they shuld call the fire r frest department in time.
    24. What happened t the three bear cubs?
    A. Lsing track f the mther bear.B. Fllwing Gelek with curisity.
    C. Mistaking a man fr their mther.D. Being trapped in the cld riverbed.
    25. Which f the fllwing best describes Gelek?
    A. Ambitius.B. Rmantic.C. Devted.D. Innvative.
    26. Accrding t Gelek, what shuld peple d t live in harmny with wildlife?
    A. Changing their living surrundings.
    B. Feeding and sheltering wild animals.
    C. Getting invlved in saving endangered species.
    D. Seeking prfessinal help t rescue animals in need.
    27. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. A Prject f Wildlife CnservatinB. A Jurney f Friendship Cnnectin
    C. A Knwledgeable Eclgical OfficerD. An Encunter Leading t a Safe Reunin
    A wrldwide shift frm fssil fuel-pwered cars t electric vehicles culd significantly reduce the amunt f carbn dixide that humans emit t the atmsphere. But current strategies fr vehicle electrificatin (电气化) can als shift sme pllutin t cmmunities already suffering under higher ecnmic, health and envirnmental burdens, researchers warn.
    Califrnia, which leads the United States by a mile when it cmes t EV (electric vehicle) adptin, ffers a windw int this evlving prblem. The state is aggressively seeking t reduce its carbn ftprint and has made substantial increases in wind and slar pwer generatin as well as in the prmtin f electric vehicle purchases. One tl the state has used is the Califrnia Clean Vehicle Rebate Prject, r CVRP, which kicked ff in 2010 and ffers cnsumers mney back fr the purchase f new EVs.
    “Nw, an analysis f the CVRP’s impact n the state’s air quality frm 2010 t 2021 reveals bth gd and bad news,” researchers reprted May 3 in PLOS Climate.
    The gd news is that the CVRP is respnsible fr making a dent in the state’s verall CO2 emissins, reducing them by abut 280,000 metric tns per year n average. The bad news is that the mst disadvantaged cmmunities in the state didn’t see the same verall imprvement in air quality. Thse cmmunities in fact saw an increase in ne type f air pllutin, tiny particulates knwn as PM2.5. That increase may be indirectly related t putting mre EVs n the rad. Althugh electric vehicles themselves dn’t prduce PM2.5 frm their tailpipes, increased electricity generatin, if it’s nt fssil fuel-free, can. Renewable resurces, including rftp slar cells, supplied abut half f Califrnia’s electricity in 2022. But natural gas-fired pwer plants still prvide a large part f the state’s pwer.
    “Electric vehicles are ften incrrectly referred t as ‘zer-emissin vehicles’, but they’re nly as clean as the underlying electric grid (电网) frm which the energy is surced,” Mejía-Duwan says. The mst disadvantaged 25 percent f the state’s cmmunities als cntain 50 percent f the pwer plants, the team fund.
    28. What d we knw frm Paragraph 2?
    A. Califrnia takes the lead in envirnmental prtectin.
    B. Electricity frm wind and slar pwer has dminated Califrnia.
    C. Califrnia’s carbn ftprint has been reduced as planned.
    D. The launch f CVRP is intended t prmte electric vehicle purchases.
    29. What des the underlined “dent” mean in Paragraph 4?
    A. adjustmentB. shiftC. reductinD. increase
    30. What is the direct cause f an increase in PM2.5?
    A. Putting mre EVs n the rad.B. Increased electricity generatin.C. Warming climate.D. Increased rftp slar cells.
    31. What will Mejía-Duwan prbably agree with?
    A. Zer emissin fr EVs can’t be ensured nwadays.
    B. ‘Zer emissin’ isn’t gd enugh t describe EVs.
    C. EVs, with n zer emissin, shuldn’t be advcated.
    D. EVs have a prmising future as zer emissin vehicles.
    Keeping a busy scial life amng lts f friends may keep peple thinner than spending hurs ding sme exercises, accrding t scientists. They say that scializing and meeting with friends help increase levels f brwn fat in the bdy which burns calries t prduce heat.
    Living in an exciting scial envirnment was fund t reduce fat in mice’s belly by half ver fur weeks, even if they ate mre. US researchers say that scial excitement aids weight lss by turning white fat int brwn. White fat stres calries and makes us fatter, while brwn burns energy t prduce heat. Turning white fat int brwn is extremely difficult, nrmally requiring lng-term stay in cld cnditins r exciting part f the bdy’s nervus system.
    Hwever, scientists frm Ohi State University nw think that having a busy scial life is an even mre effective way f changing white fat int brwn. The team came up with their thery by studying the effects f varius living envirnments n mice. Thse, wh lived alngside a greater number f mice, had mre space and tys t excite themselves and then lst far mre weight ver the curse f the study than their “cuch ptat” fellws.
    Study authr, Dr Matthew During, whse team’s findings appear in the jurnal Cell Metablism, said, “I’m still amazed at the degree f fat lss that ccurs.” Explaining hw new technlgy had threatened face-t-face scialising, he added, “It’s nt just a sedentary (久坐的) lifestyle and high-calrie fds, but an increasing lack f scial activities.” C-authr Dr Lei Ca said, “Lneliness is a ptential factr fr cancer and death; it’s equal t cigarette smking t a certain extent. Scial activities are very vital.”
    32. What infrmatin can we get frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. Brwn fat stres calries and makes us fatter.
    B. It desn’t take lng t turn white fat int brwn.
    C. Scial excitement helps gain mre weight.
    D. Brwn fat can burn energy t prduce heat.
    33. Which f the fllwing statement des the text supprt?
    A. Levels f brwn fat can be increased by scialising.
    B. The mice lacking scial life lse mre weight.
    C. The research findings haven’t been published s far.
    D. Dr Matthew During wasn’t cnvinced f the result.
    34. We can cnclude frm the text that ________.
    A. the fat in mice’s belly was reduced because f the relaxing envirnment
    B. a sedentary lifestyle and high-calrie fds influence peple’s scial life
    C. surfing the Internet may influence peple’s face-t-face cmmunicatin
    D. cancer and death are mainly caused fr lack f scial life
    35. What’s the main idea f the text?
    A. Brwn fat is beneficial t peple’s health.
    B. Scialising is unnecessarily imprtant in peple’s daily life.
    C. White fat can be changed int brwn fat.
    D. Scialising cntributes t peple’s lsing weight.
    When the British pet Alfred Lrd Tennysn described nature as “red in tth and claw”, he was telling us that the natural wrld can be cruel as well as beautiful. 36
    Mst peple living in urban areas rarely encunter wild animals in their natural surrundings. 37 And they are willing t get clse t them. But fr wild animals, it is “eat r be eaten”, and they can’t distinguish between humans and ther animals.
    38 In Canadian wds lives a dg-like animal, cyte, which is a little bigger than a fx, but smaller than a wlf. They usually avid humans, but the ccasinal attacks can be deadly. Every year, ne r tw peple end up getting killed by cytes.
    Earlier this year, a herd f elephants in Yunnan left their hme in the Xishuangbanna Natinal Nature Reserve and went n a meandering (曲折的) jurney thrugh the prvince. They destryed crps and buildings alng the way. Villages in their path had t be evacuated (疏散的) because f the ptential danger they psed t villagers. Animal experts haven’t determined why the elephants went n their jurney. 39 The wild animals we lve are in a cnstant struggle fr survival. Our expanding int the natural habitats f wild animals can be dangerus fr the animals and then us humans as well.
    Maybe we shuld try t stay away frm them. 40 Their lives—red in tth and claw—are difficult enugh withut us causing them any mre prblems than they already have.
    A. A walk in the wds can be dangerus.
    B. It is a way t prtect the wild animals, and it’s als ur respnsibility.
    C. In Canada, peple have a mre realistic attitude twards wild animals.
    D. In simple terms, we shuld try t keep prper distance frm wild animals.
    E. Hence they misunderstand that wild animals are just as friendly as Disney characters.
    F. Thanks t active envirnmental cnservatin, the number f the elephants grew larger.
    G. A reasnable pssibility is that they prbably needed mre rm and mre fd t survive.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was a classic night. The nisy Mexic City, 41 calmed dwn. The main stadium f Olympic track and field cmpetitin was envelped (笼罩) in the 42 . After he finished taking phts f the marathn winners 43 the victry, Greenspan, a wrld-famus news prducer, fund the stadium 44 . He was abut t leave 45 he suddenly saw a man with his right leg sptted with the bld ran int the stadium. This man ran lamely (跛脚地) ut f breath, but he didn’t stp. After he ran alng the track fr a 46 and gt t the finishing line, he 47 the grund.
    Greenspan guessed this was a marathn athlete. 48 he went ver and ask why the athlete wanted t run t the 49 with such a difficulty.
    The yung man, called Kwari frm Tanzania, replied in a 50 but firm vice, “That my cuntry sent me here frm ver 20,000 kilmeters is nt t let me get ff the track in the cmpetitin, but t make me: 51 the game. I’ve fallen behind all ther runners. I have a sacred (神圣的) gal like them. 52 the audience wn’t 53 me any mre, my mther-land is watching me frm behind...” Tears welled up in Greenspan’s eyes. Sn, he spread the mst 54 scene in the histry f the Olympic Games t every cmer f the wrld.
    Life shuld have a dream f reaching the peak. It is nt whether we can reach the tp but whether we’ve made the greatest 55 that cunts. T reach the gal in the mind is als a success.
    41. A. actuallyB. fficiallyC. graduallyD. extremely
    42. A. mrningB. darknessC. flashD. view
    43. A. admiringB. explringC. celebratingD. designing
    44. A. busyB. crwdedC. emptyD. nisy
    45. A. befreB. whenC. whileD. nce
    46. A. circleB. minuteC. mileD. secnd
    47. A. signed upB. relied nC. made upD. lay n
    48. A. CuriuslyB. CnfidentlyC. ObviuslyD. Anxiusly
    49. A. galB. campusC. siteD. track
    50. A. prudB. excitedC. madD. weak
    51. A. imprveB. cmpleteC. appreciateD. challenge
    52. A. TherefreB. ThughC. OtherwiseD. Besides
    53. A. attractB. annyC. cheerD. recgnize
    54. A. frighteningB. excitingC. cnfusingD. tuching
    55. A. effrtsB. changesC. prgressD. achievements
    Built arund 605 in China’s Sui Dynasty (581-618), Zhazhu Bridge is the ldest 56 (exist) bridge in China. It stretches acrss the Xia River, 2500 meters frm the suthern gate f Zha Cunty (县), Hebei prvince. Li Chun, a Sui Dynasty architect, presided (主持) ver its 57 (cnstruct).
    In the Sui Dynasty, Zhazhu Bridge cnnected nrth and suth as 58 majr transprtatin centre. With the Xia River 59 (break) the suth-nrth traffic, building a bridge was 60 (bad) needed. Given that the river dried up in spring and winter 61 flded in summer and autumn, the bridge had t be designed t withstand severe hydrlgic (水文的) cnditins.
    The Zhazhu Bridge bears tw pairs f small arches (拱门) at each side f the central arch. All f the arches are circular and built f stne. 62 (cmpare) with a filled spandrel (拱肩) arch, this single-span pen-spandrel arch minimized water blckage and increased the flw area by 16.5%, especially when the Xia River was flded. Besides, as the bridge was single span, the weight f the whle bridge and its traffic lad 63 (shulder) by tw arch feet, causing great pressure n the abutments (桥墩) 64 help t transfer the lad n the large arches by mre than 500 tns and save mre than 200 cubic meters f stne. Zhazhu Bridge is the wrld’s earliest pen-spandrel arched bridge, 700 years earlier 65 its Eurpean cunterparts.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    向阳高级中学近期进行了一项高中生观看短视频(Shrt Vides)的情况调查。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文给你校英文周刊投稿,内容包括:1. 短视频使用情况描述;2. 简单评论;3. 你的建议。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加内容,以使行文连贯。
    That day, I was ging t skate a clean freestyle prgram fr the first time in a year. I determined t land the axel (前外一周半跳) in cmpetitin.
    “I can make it!” I thught as I skated t the center ice. When my music sunded, I started my prgram with a circular step and a bright smile, fllwed by a beautiful cmbinatin spin. Flying camel, sit spin, layback spin. Perfectin. The jump! The axel!
    I culd d it when I practiced ff-ice, but I’d nly landed it apprximately furteen times in my entire life n-ice. S I was a little nervus. I’d leave it ut if I culd, but my Olympic dreams depended n it. My cach, Geena, put it early in my prgram s I culd d it while my legs were nt tired. Taking a deep breath, “I can succeed!” I thught.
    I was n the right back utside edge f my skate blade (冰刀), ready t turn frward and launch int the axel. My nerves were back, wrking against me. “I can d this!” I thught. I stepped int takeff and I did... a waltz jump (半周跳). It is a jump I’d been ding since I was pretty yung. It is nly ne-half a rtatin (旋转) instead f the ne and ne-half that I need fr the axel.
    I glimpsed Cach Geena’s questining eyebrw as I glided past the dr and imagined the disappinted lks n my parents’ faces. “It’s nt ver,” I thught t myself, glancing int the bleachers (露天座位). “I’d just replace the next jump with the axel.”
    Hwever, it didn’t wrk ut the way I’d hped. I fell, and I kept falling. Never ne t give up, I replaced every jump in my prgram with the axel, but I didn’t land ne. I spent s much time n the ice that it’s like I was making sure the ice was clean fr the next skater. The tw minutes, fifteen secnds f my prgram felt like an age. By the time I was dne, my dress was saked (湿透) thrugh and I was seven secnds behind my music, s I finished skating t silence.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    As I skated tward the exit, I felt everyne was lking at me with pity. _________________________________
    The perfrmance ging n, I rse up frm the bleachers, determined t g hme but my parents held me up.
    1—5 ABBAC 6—10 CABCB 11—15 CABCA 16—20 CABBC
    21. D细节理解题。根据Papen Beach: Tahiti, French Plynesia中“Nt-t-be-missed sights include the spectacular waterfalls: Tpatari, Puraha and Vaiharuru falls.”可知,瀑布景观是游客在帕皮努海滩必看的。
    22. C细节理解题。根据Stkksnes Beach: Iceland中“It’s a ppular destinatin fr phtgraphers but surprisingly nt a big turist spt”可知,Stkksnes Beach最适合喜欢拍照的人。
    23. B细节理解题。根据Lvina Beach: Indnesia中“There is als an abundance f incredible marine and underwater life, s diving is a ppular relaxatin”以及Perissa Beach: Santrini, Greece中“Fr mre active pursuits beynd sunbathing and swimming, visitrs can rent water sprts equipment fr ther fun activities like diving.”可知,Lvina Beach和Perissa Beach的共同之处是游客可以去潜水放松。
    24. A细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Three cute brwn bear cubs wh gt lst after getting separated frm their mther gripped the hearts f netizens.”可知,这三只可爱的棕熊幼崽和熊妈妈走失了。
    25. C推理判断题。根据文章第五段“This year marks Gelek Gyats’s tenth year as an eclgical prtectin fficer. He patrls the area every day, diligently recrds the animals he sees, carefully checks n the vegetatin, and helps clean up litter.”以及Gelek Gyats帮助三只小熊和妈妈团聚的故事可知,Gelek Gyats是个对工作认真负责的人。
    26. D细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“He als reminds peple that if they encunter wild animals in the wild, they shuld keep their distance, nt disturbing r feeding them, and that if they find an animal that needs t be rescued, they shuld call the fire r frest department in time.”可知,Gelek Gyats建议人们如果发现需要救援的动物,要及时给消防或森林部门打电话。也就是遇到需要救援的动物,应该向专业人士求助。
    27. D主旨大意题。根据文章第四段“This was Gelek Gyats’s first encunter with bear cubs separated frm their mther. With his knwledge f wild animals,... that the family was happy and healthy.”以及全文内容可知,文章主要讲述的是Gelek Gyats与三只棕熊幼崽的相遇使熊妈妈和她的孩子们团聚。
    28. D细节理解题。根据第二段“The state is aggressively seeking t reduce its carbn ftprint and has made substantial increases in wind... and ffers cnsumers mney back fr the purchase f new EVs.”可知,CVRP项目的推出是为了促进电动汽车的购买。
    29. C词句猜测题。根据第四段“The gd news is that the CVRP is respnsible fr making a dent in the state’s verall C2 emissins, reducing them by abut 280,000 metric tns per year n average.”可知,平均每年减少约28万公吨二氧化碳,由此可知,CVP使该州的总体二氧化碳排放量减少。故猜测划线单词表示“减少”,与reductin同义。
    30. B细节理解题,根据第四段“That increase may be indirectly related t putting mre EVs n the rad. Althugh electric vehicles themselves dn’t prduce PM2.5 frm their tailpipes, increased electricity generatin, if it’s nt fssil fuel-free, can.”可知,PM2.5增加的直接原因是发电量的增加。
    31. A推理判断题,根据最后一段“‘Electric vehicles are ften incrrectly referred t as ‘zer-emissin vehicles’, but they’re nly as clean as the underlying electric grid frm which the energy is surced,’ Mejía-Duwan says.”可知,Mejía-Duwan可能认为现在无法确保电动汽车的零排放。
    32. D推理判断题。根据文章第一段“They say that scializing and meeting with friends help increase levels f brwn fat in the bdy which burns calries t prduce heat.”以及第二段“US researchers say that scial excitement aids weight lss by turning white fat int brwn.”可知,棕色脂肪能消耗卡路里来产生热量。
    33. A推理判断题。根据文章第一段“They say that scializing and meeting with friends help increase levels f brwn fat”可知,社交和与朋友见面能够帮助提高棕色脂肪的水平。
    34. C推理判断题。根据最后一段“Explaining hw new technlgy had threatened face-t-face scializing”可知,新科技正在威胁着面对面的社交,由此推断出,上网可能会影响人们面对面的交流。
    35. D主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“scializing and meeting with friends help increase levels f brwn fat in the bdy which burns calries t prduce heat.”和第二段“Living in an exciting scial envirnment was fund t reduce fat”以及文章第三段“having a busy scial life is an even mre effective way f changing white fat int brwn”可知,社交有助于人们减肥。
    36. D设空处位于段末,应具有总结前文的作用。上文“When the British pet Alfred Lrd Tennysn described nature as ‘red in tth and claw’, he was telling us that the natural wrld can be cruel as well as beautiful.”提到了英国诗人的话,他认为自然界可残酷可美丽,但此处尚未表明作者自己的观点,由此可推知,设空处是作者在总结前文并表明自己的观点。D项“In simple terms, we shuld try t keep prper distance frm wild animals.”恰好能总结前文内容,又表达了作者自己的观点,符合语境。
    37. E上文“Mst peple living in urban areas rarely encunter wild animals in their natural surrundings.”提到了大多数生活在城市的人很少遇到野生动物;下文“And they are willing t get clse t them. But fr wild animals, it is ‘eat r be eaten’, and they can’t distinguish between humans and ther animals.”提到了人们愿意接近这些野生动物,但野生动物只有“要么吃,要么被吃”的概念,无法区分人类和其他动物;由此可推知,人们接近这些野生动物,是因为没有正确的认知。E项“Hence they misunderstand that wild animals are just as friendly as Disney characters.”与下文“And they are willing t get clse t them.”构成因果关系。
    38. A设空处位于段首,应具有概述下文的作用。下文“In Canadian wds lives a dg-like animal, cyte, which is a little bigger than a fx, but smaller than a wlf. They usually avid humans, but the ccasinal attacks can be deadly. Every year, ne r tw peple end up getting killed by cytes.”提到了加拿大森林里有一种土狼,有时会把人咬死。由此可推知,此处段首提及的内容与森林有关。A项“A walk in the wds can be dangerus.”提到了在森林里散步可能很危险,恰好与下文提及的加拿大森林对应;而下文内容正是本句话的原因支撑。
    39. G上文“Animal experts haven’t determined why the elephants went n their jurney.”提到了动物专家也还没确定这些大象迁徙的原因是什么,下文“The wild animals we lve are in a cnstant struggle fr survival.”提到了这些野生动物一直在为生存而苦苦挣扎;由此可推知,设空处可能是在谈这些大象迁徙的潜在原因,G项“A reasnable pssibility is that they prbably needed mre rm and mre fd t survive.”提到了其中一个合理的可能性是它们需要更多的生存空间和食物,恰好与下文的“in a cnstant struggle fr survival”对应。
    40. B上文“Maybe we shuld try t stay away frm them.”提议人类应尽量远离野生动物,下文“Their lives—red in tth and claw—are difficult enugh withut us causing them any mre prblems than they already have.”提到了“我们应该尽量远离野生动物”的原因。由此可推知设空处是在进一步解释为什么需要远离野生动物,B项“It is a way t prtect the wild animals, and it’s als ur respnsibility.”恰好与上下文对应。
    41. C根据下文“After he finished taking phts f the marathn winners ________ the victry. Greenspan, a wrld-famus news prducer, fund the stadium ________”以及全文内容可知,空处指的是喧闹的墨西哥城逐渐安静了下来。
    42. B根据常识可知,比赛结束后,人群逐渐散去,而根据上文“It was a classic night.”可知,这是一个夜晚,所以体育馆笼罩在黑暗中。
    43. C根据空后的“the victry”以及空前的“the marathn winners”可知,冠军是在庆祝自己的胜利。
    44. C根据上文可知,体育馆逐渐安静,笼罩在黑暗中,由此可知,体育馆已经空无一人了。
    45. Bbe abut t …,意为“当……发生时,某人正要……”,符合本句句意。
    46. A根据下文“gt t the finishing line”可知,该运动员跑了一图,跑到了终点线。
    47. D根据空后的“the grund”以及上文“This man ran lamely ut f breath”可知,这个运动员此时体力不支,由此可知,到了终点后,他躺在了地上。
    48. A根据下文“ask why the athlete wanted t run t the ________ with such a difficulty.”可知,这名记者是感到好奇才上前询问情况。
    49. A根据上文“gt t the finishing line”可知,这名运动员坚持跑到了终点。
    50. D根据上文“This man ran lamely ut f breath, but he didn’t stp.”可知,这名运动员此刻很虚弱,所以声音是微弱的。
    51. B根据上文“That my cuntry sent me here frm ver 20,000 kilmeters is nt t let me get ff the track in the cmpetitin”以及这名运动员努力跑完全程可知,他说的是祖国让他完成比赛。
    52. B考查让步性状语从句的连接词,意为“虽然”,用“thugh”引导。
    53. C根据常理可知,观众是为运动员欢呼。
    54. D根据上文内容以及“Tears welled up in Greenspan’s eyes.”可知,记者认为这是非常感人的一幕。
    55. A根据下文“T reach the gal in the mind is als a success.”以及全文内容可知,作者指的是努力才是最重要的。
    56. existing 57. cnstructin 58. a 59. breaking 60. badly 61. but
    62. Cmpared 63. was shuldered 64. which/that 65. than
    One pssible versin:
    With shrt vides catching n, a survey abut it was cnducted recently by Xiangyang high schl amng high schl students.
    As the chart reveals, 49%f students watch vides n their studies, 33%entertainment and leisure, 13% living skills and 5% tpics apart frm the abve. There is n dubt that the majrity f students attach imprtance t learning. Additinally, it is clear ver ne third f respndents are fnd f recreatinal prgrammes.
    Given the statistics, it is sensible, in my pinin, t set up clubs beneficial t students’ academic as well as mental health, which diversifies students’ extra-curricular learning and ease their pressure f study.
    One pssible versin:
    As I skated tward the exit, I felt everyne was lking at me with pity. Hw I wished the flr wuld pen up and swallw me! Offstage, Cach Geena handed me a twel and I thanked her with a heavy heart. Then I climbed upstairs and seated myself between my parents. Dad placed a cmfrting hand n my shulder and Mm gave me a tight squeeze. “Darling, it’s OK.” I ndded, my eyes watering. As I turned my gaze t the ice center, I happened t catch sight f a perfect axel the next skater landed. There came clapping and cheering. My heart grew heavier.
    The perfrmance ging n, I rse up frm the bleachers, determined t g hme but my parents held me up. “It’s pr sprtsmanship t leave befre the results are psted.” Hesitating fr a mment, I sat back. Time dragging, I was absent-minded. Hwever, when I saw a skater fall dwn and then gracefully stand up, I watched the perfrmance with full attentin. When the cmpetitin ended, I gave my parents a big hug and determined t pursue my Olympic dream n matter hw many difficulties I wuld face.

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